<p> Training Manager – Job Description, Person Specification & Competencies</p><p>Name of Employee Date of Issue Department/Location Worthing with travelling across CWSX Mind sites Reporting Line Chief Executive Grade Grades 4 – 6 DBS – Level Required Yes – Working with peer trainers </p><p>Job Description - A summary of the role and key tasks needed to perform the role.</p><p>Job Summary Alongside the provision of support to people with mental health problems CWSX Mind’s strategic aims and objects are to increase understanding of mental health problems and mental health by working to raise awareness, promote understanding and challenge stigma and discrimination. CWSX Mind , therefore, undertakes a range of activities and provides services which aim to achieve these things including training staff working in a range of services and organisations across West Sussex to raise awareness, increase understanding and also to help increase resilience The role of Training Manager is: • To lead and manage the development and delivery of CWSX Mind staff and volunteer training activities which aim to raise awareness, promote understanding, increase resilience and combat stigma and discrimination. • As a member of the Management Team, to take responsibility for contributing to the management and development of the organisation, and to take responsibility for delegated areas of work. This may include from time to time developing and managing wider projects which aim to raise awareness and understanding within organisations and the community. • To lead on building and maintaining local relationships and partnerships to support the above </p><p>Scope & Accountabilities </p><p>This role is responsible for the management of training co-ordinators, training administrative staff and external trainers and also managing contracts for the provision of services where we are working in partnership and have sub-contracted activities. The role also supports peer trainers who have lived experience of mental health problems and are using our metal health services to contribute to the delivery of our training services. </p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 1 Key Tasks </p><p>1. To work with the CEO to provide leadership around the direction and development of all training activities undertaken by CWSX Mind including the development of strategy and policy and development of strategic partnerships </p><p>2. To lead and manage the delivery of CWSX Mind training activities including the management of staff and management of contracts relating to this </p><p>3. To design and deliver training programmes and activities and to also support and develop the contribution of CWSX Mind staff around the design and delivery of these. </p><p>4. Where CWSX Mind is contracted to provided training activities to ensure that grant and contract requirements are met and that monitoring reports and returns are made as required </p><p>5. To provide advice, information and support to Business Manager and Deputy CEO around staff learning, development and training issues as required </p><p>6. To work with the peer mentoring lead and user involvement lead roles to oversee the involvement of individuals with lived experience in training activities as required. </p><p>7. To over-see and ensure quality standards around training activities undertaken by Coastal West Sussex Mind. </p><p>8. To look at and develop opportunities to generate income and fund-raise in relation to training functions of Coastal West Sussex Mind including bidding for grant & contract funding and also selling training products on a commercial basis where opportunities arise and to support CEO around tendering work if this arises. </p><p>9. To ensure training activities undertaken by Coastal West Sussex Mind are well organised, run and effectively publicised overseeing the work undertaken by administrative staff and volunteers contributing to training functions. </p><p>10. To network, work in partnership and develop relationships with relevant individuals in other public and community and private sector organisations including training/HR leads. </p><p>11. To keep up to date with local and national developments around training work in mental health field . </p><p>12. To ensure that all training functions are effectively evaluated and that learning from evaluation is fed back into improving the quality of what is </p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 2 delivered. </p><p>13. To ensure all aspects of training and learning functions delivered follow Coastal West Sussex Mind policies and procedures. </p><p>14. To oversee the recruitment of staff working in and delivering training activities ensuring that CWSX Mind recruitment policies are followed.</p><p>15. To ensure all reporting requirements are met, both for internal performance monitoring and to meet the information requirements of funders.</p><p>16. To ensure that activities and services are managed within allocated budgets and to monitor and manage the training budgets. </p><p>17. To respond to any complaints about services and activities as per the Complaints Policy and also to support Deputy CEO and CEO in dealing with such complaints. </p><p>18. To work as part of CWSX Mind management team to support the development of the organisation and to take responsibility for delegated areas of work across the organisation as required including from time to time wider projects which aim to raise awareness in organisations and communities </p><p>19. To be aware of Health & Safety regulations, particularly related to work surroundings. </p><p>20. Adhere to CWSX Mind policies and procedures.</p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 3 Person Specification - The specific skills, knowledge and abilities required of an individual to be able to effectively perform the role.</p><p>Essential Qualifications </p><p> A recognised qualification relevant to the delivery of training, learning or education Strong evidence of previous training or learning (formal or informal) which relates to providing learning or development around and or promoting positive messages around mental health Previous training or learning (formal or informal) which relates to managing services or staff </p><p>Preferred Qualifications </p><p> Relevant health, social care, management or related professional qualification.</p><p>Essential Professional & Technical Knowledge, Skills and Abilities </p><p>1. A highly proficient manager with proven knowledge, skills and abilities as a manager, ideally in mental health organisation and / or learning and development setting including skills around managing staff/teams and managing budgets 2. Knowledge and skills around working with people with mental health needs and/or carers, and or learning and development and health promotion around mental health 3. Knowledge and skills around running a training business function including around planning & delivering training programmes and activities and also evaluating and reporting on programmes and activities 4. Significant skills and abilities around developing and maintaining effective internal and external partnerships to support the delivery of the business 5. Committed to user led services and equal opportunities 6. Highly organised with excellent written and verbal communication skills and ability to use IT and social media effectively to support the development and delivery of training services 7. Highly motivated and able to learn, willing to seek advice appropriately and accept supervision and training as required, to take responsibility for their own personal development.</p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 4 Competencies – Level 4: Core, Skilled, Supervisory & Management - All staff are required to meet the competencies and indicators in the CWSX Mind Competency Framework at the appropriate level for their role. Below are the competencies and indicators relevant for this role:</p><p>1. Demonstrating Personal Qualities</p><p>Core Skilled Supervisory Management 1.1 Developing Recognises and articulates their own values Identifies their own Identifies their own emotions and Models and leads self- self-awareness and principles, understanding how these strengths and limitations, prejudices and understand how awareness and reflective may differ from those of other individuals the impact of their these can affect their judgment and practices across the and groups behaviour on others, and behaviour. organisation at all levels the effect of stress on their Is open to and responds positively to own behaviour and Uses effective methods to achieve constructive feedback from colleagues and identifies effective ways to emotional intelligence (defined as managers manage this the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically)</p><p>Challenges perceptions and inbuilt prejudices of others positively 1.2 Managing Undertakes their workload and activities to Uses creativity, initiative Acts decisively, confidently, Inspires others to believe in and yourself a high standard, fulfilling work requirements and good judgement positively and confronts and to act upon CWSX Mind values and commitments, without constant throughout their work resolves issues in a timely manner by providing a vision and being supervision a role model in all areas of work Upholds personal and Actively involved in promoting high Able to communicate in good time any professional ethics, in-line levels of service and expected Role models exemplary positive concerns regarding their work/workload with the values and culture behaviour across CWSX Mind by work attitude, time with their manager/team, to achieve of CWSX Mind being a positive role model management and work–life effective time management and minimise balance principles stress in order to maintain good physical and mental health</p><p>Able to model what they are promoting, including good physical and mental health, straightforward communication, demonstrating hope and belief in new </p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 5 opportunities and positive outcomes</p><p>1.3 Continuing Positively changes their behaviour in the Acknowledges mistakes Actively seeks opportunities and Models and leads continuous personal light of feedback and reflection and treats them as challenges for personal personal development across development learning opportunities and professional learning the organisation at all levels Completes training and learning and development opportunities where appropriate and Participates in various available continuing professional development activities (e.g. meetings, training, reading relevant literature)</p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 6 1.4 Acting with Values, respects and promotes equality and Where appropriate, Upholds personal and professional Takes appropriate action if integrity diversity in work in-line with CWSX Mind’s challenges other people’s ethics and ethics and values are Equalities Policy views if they are not in- values, taking into account the compromised line with appropriate values of CWSX Mind and Is able to vary work methods and conduct or CWSX Mind’s respecting the culture, beliefs and approaches to meet diverse needs of service Equalities Policy abilities of individuals users Communicates effectively Values differences in other people with individuals, appreciating their social, cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds and their age, gender and abilities </p><p>2. Partnerships and Working with Others</p><p>Core Skilled Supervisory Management 2.1 Creating Proactively works with service users in order Develops effective Identifies and leads opportunities Acts as a role model to all staff Partnerships with to provide the best service they, and CWSX partnerships with for service user involvement and at CWSX Mind in creating and Service Users Mind, can deliver service users which ways to learn from their experience promoting partnership working support person centred and feedback with service users Actively involves and values service users as practice and self part of the team efficacy </p><p>Able to maintain solid professional boundaries with service users </p><p>Able to promote and work diligently to support service users’ autonomy</p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 7 2.2 Developing Has and seeks positive links with colleagues, Promotes the sharing of Identifies and discusses potential Represents CWSX Mind Networks service users and people working in partner information and resources opportunities where working in externally and internally, agencies with team members and collaboration with others, internally creating relevant networks and managers/supervisors and externally, enhances their work relationships, to drive CWSX Mind forward Pro-actively develops links Creates opportunities to bring and networks with external individuals and groups together to partner agencies which can achieve goals, including service support their work users</p><p>2.3 Building and Gains and maintains the trust, support and Communicates effectively Ensures contacts are spread Provides powerful and maintaining respect of colleagues and service users by with individuals and throughout the organisation which compelling arguments which relationships using sound interpersonal skills groups, represent CWSM as a whole clearly address the issue and and acts as a positive role are developed logically from Able to demonstrate patience and actively model Gains and maintains the the facts listens and empathises with others trust and support of recognising different perspectives and points Able to use excellent external networks Works to achieve consensus, of view written and verbal rather communication skills in than force their own direction Manages positions of power appropriately order to present a positive image of “self” and the service, when communicating with service users and other agencies and uses tact and diplomacy</p><p>2.4 Encouraging Respects, values and acknowledges Actively contributes to Encourages people to engage in Employs strategies to contribution the roles, contributions and creating a respectful decision-making and to manage conflict of expertise of others working constructively challenge interests and environment which differences of Confident in suggesting their own ideas values contributions from Looks for ways to constructively opinion all solve problems & disagreements Actively considers other people’s suggestions</p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 8 Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 9 2.5 Working Recognises the common purpose of the team Aligns team and individual Willing to lead the team in an Encourages open, honest and within teams and respects team decisions, contributions objectives, to enable the engaging, encompassing constructive behaviour that and compromises team to be efficient, and creative manner helps CWSX Mind to achieve effective and creative Actively participates in the team in order to Expresses ideas lucidly and presents Can inspire a team, involving generate ideas and to adopt a team arguments and messages to team the right people at the right approach members both verbally and in time writing in a logical and clear manner Has a clear sense of their role, Speaks persuasively and with responsibilities and purpose within conviction and gains the the team complete attention to those they are addressing</p><p>Selects the most appropriate means of communication</p><p>3. Managing Work</p><p>Core Skilled Supervisory Management 3.1 Planning Uses appropriate tools (i.e. to do lists, Considers how their own Appraises options in terms of Makes a significant contribution calendars) to plan workload and prioritise expertise can contribute to benefits and risks to CWSX Mind’s strategic effectively planning for themselves, planning the team and the Presents proposals which are logical, Uses communication effectively to assist organisation as a whole practical and persuasive Removes duplication and planning between managers, team members overlap of work effort and gives and service users Supports and promotes Monitors and controls clear accountability and plans for services that are implementation of plans to ensure resources to appropriate part of the strategy for that their objectives are achieved to functions/teams CWSX Mind specification, in time and within budget</p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 10 3.2 Managing Ensures services are Takes appropriate action Makes sensible contributions for Inspires others to be creative Resources delivered as efficiently as when resources are not budget setting in relation to and generate ideas in order to (staff, funding, possible, within available being used efficiently and constraints of resources utilise resources in the most buildings, resources and avoiding effectively effective manner for service materials etc..) unnecessary waste Reviews the performance/roles of users Suggests how resources resources to ensure that planned can be used more service outcomes are met Continuously monitors effectively and creatively, service and performance working collaboratively Motivates and makes staff feel levels, taking with service users valued swift corrective action when necessary</p><p>3.3 Work Ensures set job tasks are met, surpassing Whenever possible, uses Makes a significant contribution to Demonstrates an understanding Contribution minimum requirements initiative with their work the work output of critical issues and acts upon and is creative in order to them Assists colleagues where possible generate new ideas and Reaches clear conclusions based on solutions to problems understanding of underlying issues Communicates effectively with managers and colleagues if there are issues with their work Makes contingency plans and/or deadlines Has excellent verbal and written Uses sound communication skills (written communication skills and verbal) to maximise work contribution Can deliver administrative tasks Demonstrates proficient organisational skills efficiently and to a high standard. and the ability to undertake administrative tasks efficiently and to a reasonable standard</p><p>Has good IT skills and uses email and the internet appropriately in order to enhance their work</p><p>Is flexible and adaptable </p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 11 3.4 Managing Takes responsibility/accountability for work Analyses information from Assists and supports team Supports supervisors in Performance & performance and takes the opportunity to a range of sources, both members to respond managing and developing their Critically learn from past experiences positive and negative, positively to constructive staff Evaluating about their own criticism and to develop their Takes action to improve performance performance (i.e. self- roles and responsibilities Analyses and actively seeks reflection, colleagues, information from a range of Acknowledges and is proud of oneself and managers and service Encourages team members to take sources about performance colleagues when good work and outcomes users) and acts upon and joint responsibility for their across the whole organisation are achieved for service users makes positive changes achievements and to be proud of to their work performance these Supports staff and colleagues to evaluate and audit service user Takes responsibility for outcomes tackling difficult issues with staff members and their performance</p><p>4. Continually and Creatively Improving</p><p>Core Skilled Supervisory Management 4.1 Encouraging Thrives to be creative in their work and Is confident to make their Uses evidence from a range of Encourages dialogue and improvement, generate new ideas in order to assist the own suggestions and ideas sources, both positive and negative, debate with a wide range of creativity and best outcomes for service users for improvement and to identify options and solutions stakeholders of CWSX Mind innovation innovation to managers Obtains and acts on service user feedback and colleagues Appraises options, plans and takes Act as a positive role model for and experiences to develop new and existing action to implement and evaluate innovation and inspires others services Likewise, must be open to improvements to be creative in their approach other suggestions even if to their ideas and work at CWSX they conflict with their own Mind ideas</p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 12 4.2 Facilitating Understands the need for change and Questions the status quo in Acts as a positive role model for Develops creative solutions to transformation continually improving order to facilitate the innovation, creativity and change transform services organisation to continually Acts positively and confidently to propose grow and develop Articulates the need for innovation, Leads, inspires and motivates and make changes creativity and change and its impact the staff group to accomplish Considers change as an on people and services change and innovation in a opportunity and creative manner understands the Motivates and focuses a team to importance of change accomplish innovation, creativity and change Is open, supportive and flexible in their work as well as when presented with change 4.3 Making Acts in a manner consistent Uses information to Carries out analysis against Takes responsibility for making Decisions with the values and priorities of challenge existing practices an evidence-based criteria tough or unpopular decisions, CWSX Mind and processes set to make effective demonstrating the reasons has decisions to why these decisions have Contributes their unique been made in order to deliver perspective to team, department, better services system and organisational decisions Considers potential barriers to Where appropriate, be decisive decisions with methods in place after considering service users to overcome these views and feelings</p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 13 I have read and understood the Job Description, Person Specification and Competencies/Indicators required for my role and agree to fulfil the requirements of this role.</p><p>Signed: Date:</p><p>Staff member</p><p>Signed: Date:</p><p>Line Manager</p><p>Training manager JD, PS & Competencies May 2017 final for advertising 14</p>
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