Frank C. Sacco, Ph.D

Frank C. Sacco, Ph.D

<p> REVISED , October 2014</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Frank C. Sacco, Ph.D. Agawam, MA 01001 [email protected] CURRENT POSITION</p><p>1989-Present President of COMMUNITY SERVICES INSTITUTE, INC., a private mental health clinic serving approximately 1500 clients from two locations, West Roxbury and Springfield, Massachusetts </p><p>1995-Present Twemlow & Sacco Group, Consulting in School Violence Prevention, Workplace Violence, and Mediation. </p><p>PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE</p><p>1984-2005 Outreach Specialists, Inc., President & Program Developer of a Management and Development Company specializing in adapting home-based mental health therapy programs to clinics </p><p>1984-1989 Osborn Clinic, Clinic Psychologist, worked as a child psychologist under supervision in providing psychological testing, child and family therapy, and diagnostic assessments for children and families referred by DSS, DYS, and DPW </p><p>1984- 1994 Cross Cultural Seminars, Violence Prevention Interventionist, developed violence prevention programs for WOMEN, INC., in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Provided lectures, programs development, and direct consultation to the Jamaican Police Force & offered social work seminars in child abuse (April 1981-April 1984) KEY Program, Clinical Consultant to an intensive outreach and tracking program for delinquent and court-referred adolescents </p><p>1978-1984 Highland Counseling Associates, Child Clinical Psychology Associate. Worked under supervision providing child psychological services-psychological testing, play therapy, and family consultation- to a wide spectrum of children and adolescents referred from Franklin County Educational Collaborative, courts, and DSS (1973-1978) People’s Bridge Action, Program Developer during early years of de-institutionalization. Responsible for developing the prototypes for emergency shelter foster care, independent living apartments for chronically mentally ill adults, residential homes for DMR clients discharged from Belchertown State School, and a family therapy outreach project </p><p>1970-1973 Our House, Inc., Co-founder and Director of a 12 bed residential program for DYS youth released from state institutions for delinquents Frank C, Sacco, Ph.D. Page 2</p><p>SPECIAL CONSULTATION</p><p>1999 Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Critical Incident Response Group, Violence Expert and Panelist, Specializing in Social and Family Dynamics, “The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective”, Leesburg, Virginia. Contributor:</p><p>2000 Threat Assessment of School Shooters, O’Toole, M., Federal Bureau of Investigation, Special Report A listed Contributing Expert in Child and Family Mental Health to this monograph available in the public domain through the FBI.</p><p>2002 Research Consultant, Menninger Institute’s Child and Family Center, Topeka, Kansas. Currently working on a 3-year study of violence prevention in elementary schools,1995</p><p>2003 Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Critical Incident Response Group, Violence Expert, Specializing in Child and Family Mental Health in Multiple Problem Families, at a National Symposium on Family Violence</p><p>2004 Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Critical Incident Response Group, Violence Expert, Specializing in Child and Family Mental Health in Multiple Problem Families, June 6-10, , International Online Sexual Victimization Symposium </p><p>2006 CNN News Commentator on School Shootings, April, 2010 CNN Online Commentary, Bullying and What a parent can do.</p><p>2012, Scientific Advisory Committee to Northern Territory Aboriginal Congress, April,Melbourne, Australia. </p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1978 Ph.D. in Psychology, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, California </p><p>1970 B.S. in Psychology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst</p><p>Clinical Internships Frank C, Sacco, Ph.D. Page 3</p><p> 1974-1975 Pre-doctoral clinical internship in psychology ( special student status) at the Menninger School of Psychiatry, Topeka, Kansas </p><p> 1975-1978 Post-doctoral internship in Clinical Child Psychology at Franklin County Educational Collaborative, Greenfield, Massachusetts. Supervisor: Harriet B. O’Shea, Ph.D., </p><p>Teaching Experience</p><p> American International College, Springfield, Massachusetts, Adjunct Professor of Psychology, 1984-1990.</p><p> Cambridge College, Springfield, Massachusetts, Adjunct Professor of Psychology, 1994-1999.</p><p> Western New England College, Springfield, Massachusetts, Adjunct Professor of Psychology, 2002-Present</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>Books</p><p>Clark, T., Zalis, T., and Sacco, F. (1982), Outreach Family Therapy, Aronson, New York. </p><p>Sacco, F. (1995) Not Hitting Your Kid: A Therapy Guide, Self Published, 1995. Reviewed in the Boston Globe.</p><p>Twemlow, S & Sacco, F (2008) Why School Anti-Bullying Programs Don’t Work, Aronson, New York Twemlow, SW & Sacco, F (2012). Preventing bullying and school violence. American Psychiatric Press. New York.</p><p>Invited Chapters</p><p>Sacco, F. (1988) Cycles of Victimization, in Sexual Trafficking of Children, Campagna, D., Lexington Press.</p><p>Twemlow, S. and Sacco, F. (1996), The Violent Community, in, Lethal Violence 2000: A Sourcebook on Fatal Domestic, Acquaintance and Stranger Aggression, Edited by Harold V. Hall, Ph.D., Pacific Institute for the Study of Conflict and Aggression, Kamuela, Hawaii. Frank C, Sacco, Ph.D. Page 4</p><p>Twemlow, S., Sacco, F. (2001), Improving the Social and Intellectual Climate in Elementary Schools by Addressing Bully-Victim-Bystander Power Struggles., Gies, M., and Hess, D., in, Caring Classrooms/Intelligent Schools: The Social Emotional Education of Young Children, Cohen, J. (Ed.), Teacher’s College Press, Columbia University Press, New York,.(Outstanding Academic Book Award American Library Association, 2001.)</p><p>Twemlow, S. & Sacco, F. (1998), A Multi-Level Conceptual Framework For Understanding The Violent Community”, in, Collective Violence: Effective Strategies for Assessing and Interviewing in Fatal Group and Institutional Aggression, Hall, H.V. and Whitaker, L.C., (Eds.), CRC Press, London.</p><p>Twemlow, SW, Fonagy P, and Sacco, F, (2001), A Social Systems-Power Dynamic Approach for Preventing School Violence, in School Violence: Assessment, Management, Prevention, (Edited) Shaffi, M & Shaffi, SL, Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.</p><p>Twemlow, S. & Sacco, F. (2002) “Reflections on the Making of a Terrorist, in, War and Terrorism: Unconscious Dynamics of Mass Destruction, edited by C. Covington, P. Williams and, J. Arundale, London: Other /Karnac Press.</p><p>Twemlow S, Sacco F, (2007) The Prejudices of Everyday Life with Observations from Field Trials, The Future of Prejudice ; Applications of Psychoanalytic Understanding toward its Prevention, Rowman & Littlefield, , New York, Rowman & Littlefield</p><p>Twemlow S., Vernberg, E., Fonagy, P., Biggs, B., Nelson, J.M., Nelson, T.D., and Sacco, F., (2010). A School Climate Intervention that Reduces Bullying by a Focus on the Bystander Audience Rather than the Bully and Victim: The Peaceful Schools Project of the Menninger Clinic and Baylor College of Medicine in Handbook of Bullying in Schools: An International Perspective, Edited, Jimerson, S.R., Swearer, S.M., and Espelage, D.L., Routledge, New York and London</p><p>Twemlow, SW & Sacco F (2010). Creating and administering successful policy strategies for school anti-bullying programs, In Preventing and treating bullying and victimization, (Eds. Vernberg, EM & Biggs, BK). Oxford University Press. New York. </p><p>Twemlow S, Fonagy P, Sacco F. (2010,) A Developmental Approach to Violent Communities through the Peaceful Schools Experiment In Keeping Children in Mind: Mentalization-based Interventions with Children, Young People and their Families. Eds. Nick Midgley and Ioanna Vrouva, London, Routledge</p><p>Peer Reviewed Papers</p><p>Sacco, F. (1991), Family Preservation in Action, COMMON GROUND, New England Association of Child Welfare Commissioners, Vol. VIII, Number 4, Frank C, Sacco, Ph.D. Page 5</p><p>November, 1991.</p><p>Twemlow, S. and Sacco, F (1994), Psychodynamic Approach to Reduction of Violence in Montego Bay, PSYCHIATRIC TIMES, IX, (2), p.36. </p><p>Twemlow, S and Sacco, F. (1996), Peacekeeping and Peacemaking: The Conceptual Foundations of a Plan to Reduce Violence and Improve the Quality of Life in a Midsize Community in Jamaica., PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 59, May. </p><p>Twemlow, S. Sacco, F., and Williams, P. 1996), A clinical and interactionist perspective on the bully-victim-bystander relationship., BULLETIN OF THE MENNINGER CLINIC, Vol. 60, No. 3 (Summer). </p><p>Sacco, F. and Twemlow, S (1997), School Violence Reduction: A Model Jamaican Secondary School Program, COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH JOURNAL, Vol. 33, No. 3, June.</p><p>Twemlow, S and Sacco, F. (1998), The Use of Traditional Martial Arts in the Treatment of Violent Adolescents”, ADOLESCENCE, Vol. 33, No. 131, Fall.</p><p>Sacco, F. & Morini, R. (1998), “Hanpul”, Journal of Exotic Martial Arts, </p><p>Sacco, F. (1999), The Application of Psychoanalytic Thinking to Social Problems I: Community Violence, Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3.</p><p>Twemlow, SW, Fonagy, P., Sacco, F (2001), An Innovative Psychodynamically Influenced Psychiatric Intervention to Reduce School Violence, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 40:3, March.</p><p>Twemlow, SW, Fonagy, P., Sacco, F, Gies, M., Evans,R., Ewbank, R. (2000) “Creating a Peaceful School Learning Environment: A Controlled Study of an Elementary School Intervention to Reduce Violence”, American Journal of Psychiatry, 158:5, May.</p><p>Twemlow, S., Fonagy, P., Sacco, F., O’Toole, M., and Vernberg, E. (2002), Premeditated Mass Shootings in Schools: Threat Assessment, Journal of the Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 41:4, April.</p><p>Twemlow, SW, Fonagy, P, and Sacco, F. (2002), Feeling Safe at School, Smith College Studies in Social Work, 72(2).</p><p>Twemlow, S., Fonagy, P., Sacco, F., and Vernberg, E. (2002) Assessing Adolescents Who Threaten Homicide in Schools, The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 62, No. 3, September.</p><p>Twemlow, SW, Fonagy, P, Sacco, F. (2003) Modifying Social Aggression in Schools, Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies.: 5(2):,pp. 211 – 222. Frank C, Sacco, Ph.D. Page 6</p><p>Sacco, F. and Larsen, R. (2003 ), “Threat assessment: a critique of an ongoing assessment”, Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies,: 5(2):pp 171-188 </p><p>Twemlow, SW, Sacco, F “The Management of Power in Municipalities: Psychoanalytically Informed Negotiation. Negotiation Journal, 2003, 19 : (4), 369- 388. </p><p>Twemlow SW, Sacco F, Hough, G. (2003) A Socio-Psychoanalytic Perspective on Group Dynamics, Cults and Terrorism II: A Note on Possible Antidotes. Socio-Analysis, (5), 79-87.</p><p>Twemlow SW, Sacco, F, Hough G. (2003) A Socio-Psychoanalytic Perspective on Group dynamics, Cults and Terrorism I: the Context of Terrorism. Socio-Analysis, (5): 57-78.</p><p>Twemlow, SW, Fonagy, P, Sacco, F. (2003) Modifying Social Aggression in Schools, Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. 5(2): 211 – 222.</p><p>Twemlow S, Fonagy P, Sacco F, Brethour J, (2005)Teachers Who Bully Students : A Hidden Trauma. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, Vol52(3). Pp 187-198.</p><p>Twemlow, S., Fonagy, P., and Sacco, F. (2004). A developmental approach to mentalizing communities: I a model for change. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, Vol. 69, No. 4.</p><p>Fonagy, P, Twemlow, SW, Vernberg, E, Sacco, F, and Little, TD. Creating a Peaceful School Learning Environment: Impact of an Anti-bullying Program on Educational Attainment in Elementary Schools, Medical Science Monitor, 2005, 11(7): 317-325. Twemlow S, Fonagy P, Sacco F (2005) A Developmental Approach to Mentalizing Communities II: A Model for Social Change. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 69, (4) 265-280.</p><p>Twemlow S, Fonagy P, Sacco F, (2005) A Developmental Approach to Mentalizing Communities I: The Peaceful Schools Experiment (), Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 69, (4), 281-303.</p><p>Twemlow SW, Fonagy P, Sacco F (2004) The Bystander Role of Teachers and Students in the Social Architecture of Bullying and Violence in Schools, Annals New York Academy of Sciences 1036, 215-232.</p><p>Sacco, F., Twemlow, S, and Fonagy, P. (2007) Secure attachment to family and community: a proposal for cost containment within higher user populations of multiple problem families, Smith College Studies in Social Work, Vol 77(4), 31-51. Twemlow, S, Sacco, F, and Fonagy, P (2008) Embodying the mind: movement as a container for destructive aggression, American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol 62, No 1. Frank C, Sacco, Ph.D. Page 7</p><p>Twmelow,S, Fonagy, P., Vernberg, E., Sacco, F., and Malcom, J. (2011). Reducing violence and prejudice in a Jamaican All Age school using attachment and mentalizing theory. Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 28, No. 4, 497-511.</p><p>Twemlow S, Sacco F. How & Why does Bystanding have such a Startling Impact on the Architecture of School Violence. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 2013, 10 :3</p><p>Sacco.F. and Twemlow, S. (2014) Population Segmentation and Behavioral Health Care Homes In Press International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, Vol. 11-2</p><p>Sacco, F., Campbell, E., and Ledoux (2014). Soul of an agency: psychodynamic principles in action in the world of community mental health. Int. J. of Appl. Psychoanal. Studies, Vol. 11-2</p><p>Sacco, F. (2014) Psychoanalysis in the inner city, Int. .J. of Appl. Psychoanal Studies, Vol. 11-2</p><p>Peer-Reviewed Journal Editing</p><p>2008-Present International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, Associate Editor</p><p>2012-Present Violence and Gender, Associate Editor </p><p>Published Multimedia</p><p> PERSONAL SAFETY FOR WOMEN, written, directed, and produced by Frank Sacco, Ph.D., a 30-minute television program produced for the Springfield Cable Endowment</p><p> PREVENTING TEEN SEXUAL HARASSMENT, written, directed, and produced by Frank C. Sacco, Ph.D., a 30 minute training curriculum for Middle School Students</p><p> GET HOME ALIVE, a 22 minute video about the proper use of pepper spray and other self-defense escapes, directed and produced by Frank C. Sacco, Ph.D.</p><p> BACK OFF BULLY , Frank C. Sacco, Ph.D. Executive Producer, Co- Director, and writer, July, 2000. Original Soundtrack, “Back Off Bully” composed by Newland, Sacco, Twemlow</p><p>Professional Affiliations Frank C, Sacco, Ph.D. Page 8</p><p> President, Massachusetts Association of Private Licensed Clinics, 1988- 1990  Board Member, Association for Behavioral Health, a state advocacy agency representing 90 mental health clinics in Massachusetts (1990- Present)</p><p> Board Member of the International Association of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, (2002-Present)</p><p>Licensure</p><p> Licensed as a Psychologist by the Board of Quality Medical Examiners, California, July, 1980. License Number PC 6498. Inactive</p><p> Currently practicing under the supervision of a Massachusetts licensed psychologist in a certified, licensed mental health clinic</p><p>Expert Witness Experience</p><p>Qualified as an expert witness in CHILD AND FAMILY MENTAL HEALTH, CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, ASSESSMENT OF PARENTAL FITNESS, FAMILY THERAPY, RISK ASSESSMENT AND PLAY THERAPY approximately 125 times in Springfield, Chicopee, Holyoke, Pittsfield, North Adams, Northampton, Greenfield, Suffolk County, Cambridge, Somerville, Malden, Worcester, Orange, and Lynn courts as well as in Federal Court in Springfield since 1978</p><p>Martial Arts</p><p>Black Belt Instructor in HAN-PUL, a Korean Martial Art. Honorary Black Belt in Kenpo Karate. </p><p>Awards</p><p>Federal Bureau of Investigation Award for “Exceptional Service in the Public Interest”, 1999.</p><p>1997 Appreciation Award from Massachusetts DSS for work with Foster Families, 1997</p><p>1998 Horizons of Hope, DSS Commissioner’s Award </p><p>2009 Robert Dorwart, MD Award for Innovation in Community Mental Health, Presented by the Massachusetts Association for Behavioral Health, October, Frank C, Sacco, Ph.D. Page 9</p><p>2013 International Research Award, International Association of Psychoanalysis, Prague </p>

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