<p> FLOYD COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 – 6:30 P.M. BETSY LAYNE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BETSY LAYNE, KENTUCKY</p><p>A G E N D A</p><p>1. CHAIR’S WELCOME/CALL TO ORDER</p><p>A. Roll Call/Welcome B. Reminder for a Request to Speak C. Moment of Individual Silent Reflection: “Why are we here?” D. The Adoption of the Agenda E. Election of Officers for 2010.</p><p>2. SPOTLIGHT ON STUDENT/STAFF/COMMUNITY ACHIEVEMENTS, REPORT ON STUDENT WORK BY BETSY LAYNE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS AND REPORT BY SBDM COUNCILS. </p><p>3. COMMUNITY COMMENTS TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION</p><p>A. Students B. Parents, PTA/O’s C. SBDM Councils D. Classified Employees E. Certified Employees/FCEA F. Principals’ Association G. Members of the Board of Education** H. Public Comment</p><p>4. ACTION OR SPECIAL REPORTS – STUDENT LEARNING</p><p>A. Receive Attendance/Enrollment and Health Aide Service Report. 5. ACTION OR SPECIAL REPORTS – STUDENT SUPPORT </p><p>A. Receive Report of the Superintendent. B. Receive Utility Report for Betsy Layne Elementary School. C. Receive Up-dated CDIP. D. Receive Report on Fall Assessment. E. Receive South Floyd High School Audit Report.</p><p>6. ACTION – BY CONSENT</p><p>A. Consider Approval of Minutes. B. Consider Payment of Bills and Claims. C. Superintendent’s Report on Personnel: 1. Actions Taken 2. Consider Requests for Leaves-of-Absence D. Consider Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan Record Keeping Agreement Amendments for FY 2010. E. Consider Memorandum of Understanding with Floyd County Health Department. F. Consider Commercial Carrier for Academic Team at Osborne Elementary to Gatlinburg, Tennessee on May 7-8, 2010. G. Consider Second Reading of Amendment to Board Policy 01.821 “Powers and Duties of the Board of Education” to Increase the Per Diem to Seventy-Five Dollars. H. Consider Second Reading of Revised Athletic Policies to Correspond With Handbook. I. Consider Purchase of One (1) 34 Shell Capacity Wheelchair Lift Bus. J. Consider Request of May Valley Elementary to Apply for VSA Arts of Kentucky (VSAK) Grant. K. Consider Amending Job Description for May Valley Elementary Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Tutor Positions. L. Consider Declaring Three (3) Vehicles Surplus School Property and Advertising for Sealed Bids. M. Consider Service Agreement With Innerspace Strategies, Inc. N. Consider Purchasing Three (3) Vehicles to be Utilized by Maintenance Department. O. Consider Best Offer on Vehicles Declared Surplus Property on May 18, 2009. P. Consider Retro-Active Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between Mountain Comprehensive Care and Floyd County Board of Education.</p><p>7. EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS (LITIGATION, PROPERTY, PERSONNEL AND EXPULSIONS) KRS 61.810.</p><p>8. ADJOURNMENT</p><p>Henry Webb, Superintendent Floyd County Schools</p><p>The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Mr. Jeff Stumbo, Board Chair. Let the record show that all board members were present, those being Mr. Jeff Stumbo, Ms. Linda Geaheart, Dr. Chandra Varia, and Ms. Rhonda Meade. Mr. Stumbo stated that Mr. Douglas Hopkins would not be present. Also present Mr. Henry Webb, Superintendent and Mr. Mike Schmitt, Board Attorney.</p><p>Mr. Stumbo welcomed everyone to the meeting, leading the group in a moment of silent reflection; “Why are we here?”</p><p>Mr. Webb read the Agenda into the record with no changes except tabling Item 6-F until additional information is received.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16571 Agenda</p><p>Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Dr. Varia seconded the motion to approve the Agenda as is with one change, tabling Item 6-F until additional information is received.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16572 Election of Board Chair (Item 1-E)</p><p>Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Dr. Varia seconded the motion to re-elect Mr. Jeff Stumbo as Board Chair for 2010.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried. ORDER NO. 16573 Election of Board Vice-Chair (Item 1-E)</p><p>Dr. Varia made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to re-elect Ms. Linda Gearheart as Board Vice-Chair for 2010.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>Presentation: Mr. John Kidd, Principal of Betsy Layne Elementary School, Linda Chaffins and Janie King had a power point presentation (See attached).</p><p>ORDER NO. 16574 Attendance/Enrollment (Item 4-A)</p><p>Dr. Varia made the motion and Ms. Gearheart seconded the motion to receive the Attendance/Enrollment and Health Aide Service Report.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>704 KAR 7:125, KRS 159.030. The End of Year (EOY) average daily attendance (ADA) will determine the district budget for 2010-2011. 5th month attendance for the district was up 1.7% from the 5th month of 2008-2009. as of February 9th, schools are 12 days into the 6th month. Infinite Campus is having technical problems and will not allow schools to enter and withdraw students or update school calendars, not allowing accurate numbers at the present time.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16575 Report of the Superintendent (Item 5-A)</p><p>Dr. Varia made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to receive the report of the Superintendent.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried. ORDER NO. 16576 Utility Report for Betsy Layne Elementary (Item 5-B)</p><p>Ms. Meade made the motion and Dr. Varia seconded the motion to receive the utility report for Betsy Layne Elementary School.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>Fiscal Budgetary Impact: 2007/2008 SY (July 07 - June 08) - $132,719.10 2008/2009 SY (July 08 – June 09) - $155,177.83</p><p>ORDER NO. 16577 Fall Assessment (Item 5-D)</p><p>Ms. Meade made the motion and Ms. Gearheart seconded the motion to receive the Report on Fall Assessment.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>KRS 160.90 – Power and Duties of the Board, Board Policies 1.111. In late September each year the 8th, 10th and 12th grades are assessed as a portion of the KCCT. The 8th and 10th grades are assessed on ACT-like tests and the 12th grade is tested in writing. These are the fall 2009 results. Due to SB 1, these scores to not currently impact accountability but will be include again in the accountability in the 2011-2012 school year.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16578 South Floyd High Audit Report (Item 5-E)</p><p>Ms. Meade made the motion and Dr. Varia seconded the motion to receive the South Floyd High School Audit Report.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>KRS 160.90 – Powers and Duties of the Board, Board Policies 1.111. due to NCLB results for SFHS the state sent a team to conduct a scholastic audit during the week of December 6, 2010. this audit reviewed 9 areas of successful schools and detailed descriptors are provided. A complete copy of the audit is included and representatives from the school will review the process and answer any questions.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16579 January 25, 2010 Minutes (Item 6-A)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the minutes for the January 25, 2010 regular board meeting held at May Valley Elementary School. There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16580 Bills and Claims (Item 6-B)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the payment of bills and claims.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>Warrant #013110 $3,688,251.48 Warrant #021210 $374,152.06 Warrant #021310 $46,932.47 Warrant #021410 $90,969.50 Warrant #021910 $312,090.77 Warrant #022010 $3,745.79 Warrant #022110 $5,691.40</p><p>EMPLOYEE REQUESTS FOR LEAVE</p><p>*The Superintendent recommends approval of the following requests for leave.</p><p>NAME TYPE OF LEAVE TYPE OF REQUESTED DATES EMPLOYEE Keith Smallwood Family Medical Leave 01/07/2010 - 02/11/2010 Classified Karen McPeek Family Medical Leave 12/14/2009 - 12/18/2009 Certified Doris Hunt Family Medical Leave 12/17/2009 - 04/16/2010 Classified ORDER NO. 16581 Report on Personnel (Item 6-C)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the Superintendent’s report on personnel.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>Superintendent Henry L. Webb is giving notice of personnel actions that have taken place since the last regular board meeting.</p><p>CERTIFIED HIRINGS: 1. Alesia Meade, Supplemental Education Services Tutor at May Valley Elementary School, effective January 29, 2010. CERTIFIED TRANSFERS: 1. Wendy Davis, from Mathematics Teacher to Primary Teacher at May Valley Elementary School, effective January 27, 2010. CERTIFIED RESIGNATIONS: 1. Christopher Kidd, Teacher at Stumbo Elementary School, effective January 6, 2010. CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTES: 1. Cheryl Frasure, Emergency, effective January 21, 2010. 2. Vivian McGarey, Certified, effective January 21, 2010. CLASSIFIED HIRINGS: 1. Justin Martin, Bus Driver at the Transportation Department, effective January 13, 2010. 2. Stephanie Keathley, Special Needs Assistant (PS) at Betsy Layne Elementary School, effective February 2, 2010. 3. Amber Stanley, Special Needs Assistant at Betsy Layne Elementary School, effective February 2, 2010. CLASSIFIED TRANSFERS: 1. Deanna Boyd, from Bus Driver for Bus # B04R to Bus Driver for Bus # B19HS for the Transportation Department, effective January 13, 2010. 2. Charlie Collins, from Bus Driver for Bus # A01R to Bus Driver for Bus # A05R for the Transportation Department, effective January 13, 2010. 3. Ricky Music, from Bus Driver for Bus # A19DW to Bus Driver for Bus # A09R for the Transportation Department, effective January 13, 2010. 4. Barbara Crisp, from Special Needs Assistant (PS) at Duff Elementary School to Lead Custodian at Allen Central High School, effective February 2, 2010. CLASSIFIED RESIGNATIONS: 1. Robert Goodman, Custodian at Central Office, effective January 18, 2010. 2. Ramona Dingus, Tutor at May Valley Elementary School, effective January 21, 2010. 3. Jessica Slone, Family Service Worker at Central Office, effective January 26, 2010. 4. James Rowland, Custodian at Prestonsburg Elementary School, effective January 27, 2010. 5. Jeffery Martin, Custodian at South Floyd Middle School, effective January 29, 2010. CLASSIFIED TERMINATIONS: 1. Brenda Carl, Special Needs Assistant at Betsy Layne Elementary School, effective February 5, 2010. CLASSIFIED SUBSTITUTES: 1. Brittany Spears, Aide, effective January 20, 2010. 2. Sharon Perkins, Aide, effective January 29, 2010.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16582 Section 125 FY 2010 (Item 6-D)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan Record Keeping Agreement amendments for FY 2010.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>BOE Policy 01.01. Periodically changes in the federal regulations that govern the district’s Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan require amendments/updates to the current plan.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16583 Floyd County Health Department (Item 6-E)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the memorandum of understanding with Floyd County Health Department.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>Public Health Emergency Management request that all agencies working together must have a current Memorandum of Understanding on file. ORDER NO. 16584 Per Diem Increase (Item 6-G)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the second reading of Amendment to Board Policy 01.821 “Powers and Duties of the Board of Education” to increase the Per Diem to Seventy-Fie Dollars.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>KRS 160.280. For several years our Board of Education members per diem has been forty dollars and was in line with KRS 160.280. a few years ago KRS 160.280 changed and currently the per diem allowed under this regulation is seventy five dollars. This action would bring our board members per diem more in line with the regulation and our surrounding districts.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16585 Athletic Policies (Item 6-H)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the second reading of revised Athletic Policies to correspond with Handbook.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>The committee met on the Superintendents request to review and approve revisions to the BOE District Athletic Handbook and to align BOE policies and the athletic handbook. The committee found items that will be recommended for revision or abolished. Some of those revisions will be required so the Board of Education policies will not be in contribution to the Athletic Handbook or the KHSAA Bylaws and requirements for KHSAA sponsored athletic teams. </p><p>ORDER NO. 16586 34 Shell Capacity Wheelchair Lift Bus(Item 6-I)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the purchase of one (1) 34 Shell capacity wheelchair lift bus.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>Board Policy 06.11 KRS 156.153. There will no impact for Floyd County Schools. The bus will be funded through IDEA Part B ARRA funds in the amount of $82,287. Funds became available to purchase a wheelchair equipped bus through IDEA. This bus will replace a 1996 wheelchair bus which is due to be replaced in the bus replacement cycle. ORDER NO. 16587 VSAK Grant (Item 6-J)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the request of May Valley Elementary to apply for VSA Arts of Kentucky (VSAK) Grant.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>Board Policy 1.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board Application for Grants. Up to twenty-five $1,200 awards will given out to schools across Kentucky for arts projects that include students of all abilities. This program is designed by VA arts of Kentucky to provide opportunities and experiences in the arts for children of all abilities in mainstream settings. This is opportunity for classroom teachers and artists to work together to plan a fully inclusionary arts project for a group as small as 25 children. The arts specialist actually comes to your school to work with students. The artist we have chosen is Jennifer Rose of Berea, Kentucky has lifelong training as a dance and musician, BA in vocal music from Berea College, and two decades of teaching experience through VSA.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16588 SES Tutor Positions (Item 6-K)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve amending the job description for May Valley Elementary Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Tutor positions.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>Policy 0.1.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board. May Valley Elementary submitted a grant to KDE and was approved as a Supplemental Educational Services (SES) provider for the state. SES providers offers tutoring services to students attending schools in Tier status and meet the requirements for the free/reduced lunch program. MVE tutors would provide on-site services at the Tier school. It is an honor and privilege for MVE to have been approved as a provider. Typically, this type of service is only provided by out-of-county agencies or online services. ORDER NO. 16589 Vehicles Declared Surplus (Item 6-L)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to declare three (3) vehicles surplus school property and advertising for sealed bids.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>Fiscal Management Chapter 04 04.8 AP.1 – Disposal of School Property. General Fund, Estimated cost of advertising is Seventy-Five ($75.00). 1993 Chevy Pick-Up Vin #1 GFC24K2PE122641 over 270,000 miles 1995 GMC Van Vin #1GTEG25H5SFS10811 over 220,000 miles 1995 GMC Van Vin #1GTEG25H7SF511104 </p><p>ORDER NO. 16590 Innerspace Strategies, Inc. (Item 6-M)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the service agreement with Innerspace Strategies, Inc.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>Chapter 01 – Powers and Duties 01.1 – Legal Statues of the Board. The cost for the annual service is $18,000.00 from February 2010 to February 2011. This system was installed in early 90’s. Any program of this type is critical in keeping the software and calibration of the components up-to-date. The agreement also allows the board to purchase needed parts at a discount to maintain the systems.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16591 Purchasing Vehicles for Maintenance (Item 6-N)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the purchasing of three (3) vehicles to be utilized by the Maintenance Department.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>General Powers and Duties of the Board 01.11. The total cost for the vehicles is $64,405.00 (General Fund). Staff recommends replacing vehicles with one (1) F-352 (Ford) which will be used for transporting blacktop sealing equipment and two (2) Cargo Vans to replace the 1995 GMC Vans. ORDER NO. 16592 Best Offer on Surplus (Item 6-O)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve accepting the best offer on vehicles declared surplus property on May 18, 2009.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>Fiscal Management Chapter 04 04.8 AP.1 – Disposal of School Property. Not to exceed Seventy-Five (R$75.00) from General Fund. Disposal could be several different methods, such as advertising again, eBay, auction, or posting flyers in school buildings/public.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16593 Mountain Comprehensive Care (Item 6-P)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the retro-active approval of memorandum of understanding between Mountain Comprehensive Care and Floyd County Board of Education.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>KRS 160.90 – Powers and Duties of the Board, Board Policies 1.111. There have been MOU’s between Floyd County Schools and MCCC for many years that outline the provision of services from MCCC staff to the district and our students. This MOU continues the relationship, provides description of services and allows MCCC to list FCBOE as a partner as grants are sought to support their programs.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16594 Notification of Allocations from March 1 to May 1 (Item 6-Q)</p><p>Mr. Stumbo made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve waiving the provisions of Board Policy 02.4242/02.4331 (Notification of allocations from March 1 to May 1) for 2010 only. There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>KRS 160.190 Duties and Powers of the Board – Board Policy 02.4242/02.4331. The Kentucky Board of Education has extended this year’s deadline for notifying school councils of 2010-2011 staffing allocations from March 1 to May 1. This approval will allow our district to have more definitive information from the state and federal level when completing allocations for our schools.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16595 Up-Dated CDIP (Item 5-C)</p><p>Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to receive the Up-Dated CDIP.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.</p><p>KRS 160.90 – Powers and Duties of the Board, Board Policy 1.111. There is no new impact, but the plan directs and describes the use of a variety of allocated funds. By regulation and policy the district must review or revise the comprehensive plan on a regular basies. This report indicates current status of improvement activity and includes some revisions to align the plan with the goals of the Floyd County Board of Education and to incorporate information acquired from assessment data. The plan further reports on a progress of benchmarks as progress is monitored throughout the year.</p><p>ORDER NO. 16596 Adjournment (Item 8)</p><p>Ms. Meade made the motion and Dr. Varia seconded the motion to adjournment the meeting.</p><p>There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried. The time being 8:15 P.M.</p><p>______CHAIR</p><p>______SECRETARY </p>
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