Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism

Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism

<p> Timothy Matovina Associate Professor of Theology William and Anna Jean Cushwa Director, Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism 1135 Flanner Hall University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 46556-5611 (574) 631-3841 FAX: (574) 631-8471 e-mail: ______</p><p>HIGHER EDUCATION</p><p>1993 PhD in religion and culture. Catholic University of America. Washington, D.C. </p><p>1983 Master of Divinity. Toronto School of Theology/University of St. Michael’s College.</p><p>1978 Bachelor of Secondary Education. Indiana University. Bloomington.</p><p>PREVIOUS POSITIONS</p><p>2002-present Director. Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism. University of Notre Dame.</p><p>2000-present Associate Professor of Theology. University of Notre Dame.</p><p>1995-2000 Assistant Professor of Theological Studies. Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles.</p><p>1993-1995 Associate Project Director, San Fernando Cathedral Study Project. Postdoctoral study funded by the Lilly Endowment and conducted through the Mexican American Cultural Center. San Antonio, Texas.</p><p>1 PUBLICATIONS</p><p>Books Guadalupe and Her Faithful: Latino Catholics in San Antonio, from Colonial Origins to the Present. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.</p><p>Reviewed by: Paula Kane, Religion and American Culture, Summer 2006 Anthony Quiroz, Journal of American History, September 2006</p><p>Tejano Religion and Ethnicity: San Antonio, 1821-1860. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995.</p><p>Reviewed by: Virgilio Elizondo, San Antonio Express News, 26 March 1995 Mary M. Fisher, Review of Texas Books, Fall 1995 Books of the Southwest, October 1995 J. Andrew, Choice, November 1995 Raúl A. Ramos, Western Historical Quarterly, Spring 1996 Andrés Tijerina, Southwestern Historical Quarterly, April 1996 Gilberto M. Hinojosa, Journal of American History, June 1996 Texas Journal of Ideas, History, and Culture, Spring/Summer 1996 Caroline Castillo Crimm, Journal of Southern History, November 1996 Tey Marianna Nunn, Catholic Southwest, (7) 1996 Patrick Foley, Church History, June 1998 Robert E. Wright, Catholic Historical Review, January 1999</p><p>The Alamo Remembered: Tejano Accounts and Perspectives. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995. </p><p>Reviewed by: Rudy Acuña, Texas Observer, 22 December 1995 Marie Beth Jones, Brazosport Facts, 28 January 1996 Mike Cox, Austin American Statesman, 1 March 1996; Lubbock Avalanche Journal, 3 March 1996; and Amarillo Sunday News-Globe, 17 March 1996 Judyth Rigler, Fort Worth Morning Star Telegram, 31 March 1996 James E. Crisp, Southwestern Historical Quarterly, July 1996 Mary M. Fisher, Review of Texas Books, Spring 1996 James Collins, East Texas Historical Journal, Fall 1996 David Chrisman, Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas, 1996 Adrian Anderson, Journal of the West, January 1998 Also featured in articles in the Houston Chronicle, 25 February 1996; San Antonio Express News, 2 March 1997</p><p>2 Co-Authored Books San Fernando Cathedral: Soul of the City. Virgilio Elizondo, co-author. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1998.</p><p>Reviewed by: Louisa D. Kirchner, Notebook, Spring 1999 Thomas S. Bremer, Koinonia, Spring 2000 John T. Ford, Amen, Fall/Winter 2000 José Roberto Juárez, Catholic Southwest, 2000 Eduardo C. Fernández, Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, May 2001 Also featured in articles in the San Antonio Express News, 17 January 1999; National Catholic Reporter, 9 April 1999</p><p>Mestizo Worship: A Pastoral Approach to Liturgical Ministry. Virgilio Elizondo, co- author. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1998.</p><p>Reviewed by: John T. Ford, Amen, Summer 1998 Mark R. Francis, Catholic Library Association, July 1999 Edward C. Zaragoza, Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, November 2002</p><p>Edited Volumes Beyond Borders: Writings of Virgilio Elizondo and Friends. Timothy Matovina, ed. With a foreword by Gustavo Gutiérrez. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2000.</p><p>Reviewed by: Gary MacEoin, National Catholic Reporter, 16 June 2000 Jan Kilby, Catholic News Service, August 2000 J. Mattam, Third Millennium: Indian Journal of Evangelization, April-June 2001 Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi, Missiology, July 2001 Daniel Groody, Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, August 2001 John T. Ford, Religious Studies Review, October 2001 Also featured in article in the San Antonio Express News, 19 June 2000</p><p>Co-Edited Volumes The Treasure of Guadalupe. Virgilio Elizondo and Allan Figueroa Deck, co-editors. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2006. </p><p>Horizons of the Sacred: Mexican Traditions in U.S. Catholicism. Gary Riebe-Estrella, co- editor. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2002.</p><p>Reviewed by: Allan Figueroa Deck, Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, November 2002 Yanick St. Jean, Catholic Books Review, 2003 John T. Ford, Religious Studies Review, January 2004 Brian R. Larkin, H-Net Reviews, February 2004</p><p>3 Raúl Gómez, Worship, March 2004 Kristy Nabhan-Warren, Journal of American Ethnic History, Summer 2004 Theresa Torres, New Theology Review, August 2004 Miguel A. Segovia, Spiritus, Fall 2004 Alan S. Newell, Western Historical Quarterly, Autumn 2004 Daniel Groody, Theological Studies, December 2004 Manuel J. Ortuño, Catholic Southwest, 2004 Also featured on the web site of Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, August 2002</p><p>Camino a Emaús: Compartiendo el ministerio de Jesús. Ada María Isasi-Díaz and Nina M.Torres-Vidal, co-editors. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress and Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2002.</p><p>Reviewed by: Miguel H. Díaz, Spiritus, Fall 2003 Alberto García, Missio Apostolica, November 2003</p><p>¡Presente! U.S. Latino Catholics from Colonial Origins to the Present. Gerald E. Poyo, co-editor. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2000.</p><p>Reviewed by: Multicultural Review, June 2001 John T. Ford, Religious Studies Review, October 2001 Robert Wright, Texas Catholic Historian, Winter 2001 Alberto Gutiérrez and Fidel González Fernández, Bibliographia missionaria, 2001 José Roberto Juárez, Catholic Southwest, 2002 Roger Schroeder, Missiology, April 2003 Also featured in article in the National Catholic Reporter, 20 December 2002</p><p>Defending Mexican Valor in Texas: José Antonio Navarro’s Historical Writings, 1853- 1857. David McDonald, co-editor. Austin, TX: State House Press, 1995.</p><p>Reviewed by: Armengol Guerra III, Laredos, February/March 1996 Donald E. Chipman, Texas Books in Review, Summer 1996 Margaret Swett Henson, Southwestern Historical Quarterly, July 1999 Also featured in article in the San Antonio Express News, 25 February 1996</p><p>Perspectivas: Hispanic Ministry. Yolanda Tarango, Allan Figueroa Deck, co-editors. Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, 1995.</p><p>Reviewed by: John T. Allen, Vanguard, November/December 1995 Yolanda S. Hernandez, Horizons, July/August 1996 Jane Morrissey, Catholic Library World, September 1996 John T. Ford, Religious Studies Review, April 1997</p><p>4 Under Contract Menchaca’s Memoirs: Narrating a Tejano Life. Justin Poché, co-author. University of Texas Press. </p><p>Refereed Articles “The Theology of Guadalupe: An Introduction for Preachers and Pastoral Ministers.” Worship 80 November 2006: pp. 485-499.</p><p>“Beyond the Missions: The Diocesan Church in the Hispanic Southwest.” American Catholic Studies 117 Fall 2006: pp. 1-15. </p><p>“Guadalupe at Calvary: Patristic Theology in Miguel Sánchez’s Imagen de la Virgen María (1648).” Theological Studies 64 December 2003: pp. 795-811.</p><p>“Religion and Ethnicity at San Antonio: Germans and Tejanos in the Wake of U.S. Annexation.” Catholic Southwest: A Journal of History and Culture 10 (1999): pp. 29- 49.</p><p>“San Fernando Cathedral and the Alamo: Sacred Place, Public Ritual, and Construction of Meaning.” Journal of Ritual Studies 12 Winter 1998: pp. 1-13. Earlier draft published in Proceedings of the North American Academy of Liturgy (1998): pp. 25-46. </p><p>“Hispanic Faith and Theology.” Theology Today 54 January 1998: pp. 507-511. Reprinted in Family Ministry: Empowering Through Faith 15 Fall 2001: pp. 10-15.</p><p>“New Frontiers of Guadalupanismo.” Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology 5 August 1997: pp. 20-36.</p><p>“Guadalupan Devotion in a Borderlands Community.” Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology 4 August 1996: pp. 6-26.</p><p>“Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebrations in San Antonio, Texas, 1840-41.” Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology 1 November 1993: pp. 77-96.</p><p>“Ministries and the Servant Community.” Worship 67 July 1993: pp. 351-360. Reprinted in Misa, Mesa y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church. Kenneth G. Davis, ed. Schiller Park, IL: World Library Publications, 1997, pp. 71-78.</p><p>“Liturgy and Popular Expressions of Faith: A Look at the Works of Virgil Elizondo.” Worship 65 September 1991: pp. 436-444.</p><p>“Liturgy, Popular Rites, and Popular Spirituality.” Worship 63 July 1989: pp. 351-361. </p><p>Refereed Article in Preparation for Submission</p><p>5 “Theologies of Guadalupe: From the Spanish Colonial Era to Pope John Paul II.” Delivered in October 2006 as the Msgr. John Tracy Ellis Lecture at The Catholic University of America. To be revised and submitted for reader review to Theological Studies. </p><p>Co-Edited Journal Issues Issue on Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Catholic Heritage: Parishes, Organizations, and Latina Leadership. Gerald E. Poyo, co-editor. U.S. Catholic Historian 21 Winter 2003.</p><p>Issue on Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Catholic Heritage: Transnationalism, Politics, and Identity. Gerald E. Poyo, co-editor. U.S. Catholic Historian 20 Fall 2002.</p><p>Issue on Our Lady of Guadalupe. Virgilio Elizondo, co-editor. Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology 5 August 1997.</p><p>Chapters “Conquest, Faith, and Resistance in the Southwest.” In Latino Religions and Civic Activism in the United States. Gastón Espinosa, Virgilio Elizondo, and Jesse Miranda, eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 19-33.</p><p>“Companion in Exile: Guadalupan Devotion at San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas, 1900-1940.” In Horizons of the Sacred: Mexican Traditions in U.S. Catholicism. Timothy Matovina and Gary Riebe-Estrella, eds. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2002, pp. 17-40.</p><p>“Ministerios y comunidades cristianas.” In Camino a Emaús: Compartiendo el ministerio de Jesús. Ada María Isasi-Díaz, Timothy Matovina, and Nina M.Torres-Vidal, co-editors. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress and Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2002, pp 53-62.</p><p>“Latino Catholics and American Public Life.” In Can Charitable Choice Work? Covering Religion’s Impact on Urban Affairs and Social Services. Andrew Walsh, ed. Hartford, CT: The Leonard E. Greenberg Center fore the Study of Religion in Public Life, 2001, pp. 56-77. </p><p>“A Whole Afternoon of Walking.” In The Just One Justices: The Role of Justice at the Heart of Catholic Higher Education. Mary K. McCullough, ed. Scranton, PA: University of Scranton Press, 2000, pp. 11-14.</p><p>“Representation and the Reconstruction of Power: The Rise of PADRES and Las Hermanas.” In What’s Left? Liberal American Catholics. Mary Jo Weaver, ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999, pp. 220-237.</p><p>“Between Two Worlds.” Tejano Journey, 1770-1850. Gerald E. Poyo, ed. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996, pp. 73-87.</p><p>6 “Las Hermanas.” Yolanda Tarango, co-author. Hispanics in the Church: Up from the Cellar. Philip E. Lampe, ed. San Francisco and London: Catholic Scholars Press, 1994, pp. 95-120. </p><p>Chapters Accepted for Publication “Latino Catholics in the Southwest.” Chapter for Columbia History of Roman Catholicism in America. James Fisher, ed. New York: Columbia University Press.</p><p>“Menchaca’s Memoirs: Narrating a Tejano Life.” Chapter for book on nineteenth-century Mexicans in Texas. Jesús F. de la Teja, ed. Austin: Texas State Historical Association. </p><p>Other Articles “Our History and Heritage: The Church in the U.S.” Liguorian 95 January 2007: pp. 8- 12. </p><p>“Following Yonder Star.” U.S. Catholic 71 December 2006: pp. 29-31. </p><p>“Our Lady of Guadalupe: Patroness of América.” America December 8, 2003: pp. 8-12.</p><p>“Religion in the 2004 Election: Hispanic Catholics.” Religion in the News 6 Fall 2003: special pullout supplement, pp. 4, 16.</p><p>“A Fundamental Gap: Conservatives, Progressives and Hispanic Catholicism.” America March 17, 2003: pp. 6-8.</p><p>“Hispanic Catholics: El futuro Is Here.” Commonweal September 14, 2001: pp. 19-21.</p><p>“The National Parish and Americanization.” U.S. Catholic Historian 17 Winter 1999: pp. 45-58.</p><p>“Sacred Place and Collective Memory: San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas.” U.S. Catholic Historian 15 Winter 1997: pp. 33-50.</p><p>“Marriage Celebrations in Mexican American Communities.” Liturgical Ministry 5 Winter 1996: pp. 22-26.</p><p>“Lay Initiatives in Worship on the Texas Frontera, 1830-1860.” U.S. Catholic Historian 12 Fall 1994: pp. 107-120.</p><p>“Tejano Accounts of the Alamo.” South Texas Studies 5 (1994): pp. 1-16.</p><p>“U.S. Hispanic Catholics and Liturgical Reform.” America November 6, 1993: pp. 18-19.</p><p>“The Italian ‘Problem’ and the Hispanic Opportunity.” America November 16, 1991: pp. 362-363.</p><p>7 “Hispanic Catholics in the United States: No Melting Pot in Sight.” America March 16, 1991: pp. 289-290.</p><p>INVITED LECTURES AND ADDRESSES</p><p>“The Theology of Guadalupe: From the Spanish Colonial Era to Pope John Paul II.” Msgr. John Tracy Ellis Lecture. The Catholic University of America. Washington, D.C. October 2006. </p><p>“Menchaca’s Memoirs: Narrating a Tejano Life.” Texas State University. San Marcos. October 2006. </p><p>“Guadalupe and Her Faithful.” St. Mary’s University. San Antonio. April 2006.</p><p>“Guadalupe: A History of Theological Interpretation.” Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles. April 2006.</p><p>“The Politics of Sacred Space.” Church Divinity School of the Pacific. Berkeley, California. January 2006. </p><p>“Guadalupe: Interpretation and Devotion.” University of Texas, Austin. January 2006.</p><p>“Guadalupe: History, Theology, and the Arts.” Augustana College. Rockford, IL. April 2005. </p><p>“Joseph P. Fitzpatrick, S.J.: Public Intellectual and Innovator in U.S. Latino Catholicism.” Fordham University. New York. October 2004.</p><p>“Guadalupe and the Crucified One: Hispanic Ways of Being Catholic.” Center for Spirituality, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN. September 2003.</p><p>“Hispanic Catholics and Electoral Politics.” Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut. September 2003.</p><p>“Guadalupe: Patroness of América?” University of Notre Dame, Department of Theology, Summer Lecture Series. June 2003.</p><p>“The Hispanic Religious Experience in the United States.” Religion Newswriters Foundation. Dallas. June 2003. </p><p>“Guadalupe: The Evolution of a Mexican Tradition in Texas.” Henry Luce III Fellows in Theology Conference. Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. Pittsburgh. November 2002.</p><p>“Latinos and the ‘Remapping’ of American Catholicism.” Cushwa Center for the Study </p><p>8 of American Catholicism. University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana. March 2001. </p><p>“Latino Catholics and American Public Life.” The Pew Program on Religion and the News Media. Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut. February 2001.</p><p>“Conquest, Faith, and Endurance in the Southwest.” Hispanic Churches in American Public Life Conference. University of California, Santa Barbara. September 2000.</p><p>“Companion in Exile: Guadalupan Devotion at San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas, 1900-1940.” Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism. University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana. March 2000. </p><p>“Studies in U.S. Latino/a Religion: Issues and Trends.” Catholic University of America. Washington, D.C. February 2000.</p><p>“The Gospel on Native Cloth: Explorations into Our Lady of Guadalupe.” Claremont School of Theology. Claremont, California. December 1999. </p><p>“San Fernando Cathedral and the Alamo: Sacred Place, Public Ritual, and Construction of Meaning.” North American Academy of Liturgy. San Antonio, Texas. January 1998. </p><p>“Tejano Alamo Accounts.” Kathryn Stoner O’Connor Lecture. Victoria College. Victoria, Texas. February 1994. </p><p>“Tejano Lay Initiatives in Worship, 1830-1860.” Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism. University of Notre Dame. October 1993.</p><p>“Guadalupe after the Alamo.” Religion in the Americas Lecture. Our Lady of the Lake University. San Antonio, Texas. April 1993.</p><p>“Between Two Worlds: San Antonio Tejanos during the Texas Republic.” St. Mary’s University. San Antonio, Texas. March 1993.</p><p>PAPERS PRESENTED</p><p>“Patron Saints and Divine Providence in Northern New Spain.” American Catholic Historical Association. Seattle. January 2005.</p><p>“Patron Saints and Divine Providence: The Origins of Guadalupan Devotion in San Antonio.” American Academy of Religion. San Antonio. November 2004.</p><p>“San Fernando Cathedral: Soul of the City.” Texas State Historical Association. Austin, Texas. March 2000. </p><p>9 “A Culture of Grace: The Public Witness of the San Fernando Cathedral Congregation.” Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS). Miami, Florida. June 1999.</p><p>“Public Ritual and Ethnoreligious Identity at San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas.” American Society of Church History. Tallahassee, Florida. April 1998.</p><p>“Sacred Space, Public Ritual, and Construction of Meaning.” American Academy of Religion. San Francisco, California. November 1997.</p><p>“The San Fernando Project: Public Witness, Public Ritual, and Popular Religion in a Latino Cathedral Congregation.” College Theology Society. San Diego, California. May 1997. </p><p>“Tejano Catholicism in the Mid-Nineteenth Century.” Comparative Frontier Studies Symposium. Trinity University. San Antonio, Texas. November 1995.</p><p>“Devoción guadalupana en una comunidad fronteriza.” Comisión para el Estudio de la Historia de la Iglesia en Latinoamerica (CEHILA). Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Querétaro, México. June 1995.</p><p>“Guadalupan Devotion at San Fernando Cathedral, 1840-1940.” Texas Catholic Historical Society and the Texas State Historical Association. San Antonio, Texas. March 1995.</p><p>“Lay Initiatives in Worship on the Texas Frontera, 1830-1860.” American Academy of Religion. Chicago, Illinois. November 1994.</p><p>“Remembering the Alamo: Tejano Accounts and Perspectives.” Southwestern Social Science Association. San Antonio, Texas. April 1994.</p><p>“U.S. Hispanic and Latin American Theologies: Critical Distinctions.” Catholic Theological Society of America. San Antonio, Texas. June 1993.</p><p>“Guadalupan Devotion, Communal Identity, and Social Change.” Southwest regional meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Dallas, Texas. March 1993.</p><p>“Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebrations in San Antonio, Texas, 1840-1841.” National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies. San Antonio, Texas. March 1992.</p><p>“Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebrations in San Antonio, Texas, 1840-1841.” Texas Catholic Historical Society and the Texas State Historical Association. Austin, Texas. February 1992. </p><p>SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS</p><p>10 Henry Luce III Fellow in Theology sabbatical grant. The Henry Luce Foundation and the Association of Theological Schools. 2001-2002.</p><p>Christian Faith and Life Sabbatical Grant. Louisville Institute. 2001-2002 (declined). </p><p>National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship Alternate. 2001-2002 (declined).</p><p>Hispanic Churches in American Public Life (HCAPL) essay and conference presentation award. Summer stipend granted for the HCAPL project funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts and conducted by the Alianza de Ministerios Evangélicos Nacionales (AMEN) and the Mexican American Cultural Center (MACC). 2000. </p><p>National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend Award. 1999. </p><p>American Academy of Religion Collaborative Research Assistance Grant. 1998.</p><p>Louisville Institute Summer Stipend Award. 1997.</p><p>Dissertation fellowship in the History of U.S. Hispanic Catholics. Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana. 1992- 1993.</p><p>EXTERNAL FUNDING</p><p>Our Sunday Visitor Institute grant for consultation entitled “Soy Catequista: The Dignity, Vocation, and Mission of the Catechist.” Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, University of Notre Dame. 2006. Grant writer and chair of event (November 2006).</p><p>Louisville Institute grant for conference entitled “Uncommon Faithfulness: The Witness of African American Catholics” (with Kathleen Sprows Cummings). Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, University of Notre Dame. 2002. Grant writer and conference organizer.</p><p>National Conferences on Undergraduate Research/Lancy Foundation joint grant to initiate Undergraduate Summer Research Grant Program at Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles, California. 1999. Grant writer and Project Consultant.</p><p>Lilly Endowment grant for the History of Twentieth-Century American Catholicism Project. Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, University of Notre Dame. 1997-2001. Member of core committee that prepared grant proposal and oversaw project activities. Wrote portion of grant that funded a collaborative study of Mexican religious traditions in twentieth-century U.S. Catholicism.</p><p>11 Lilly Endowment grant for the San Fernando Cathedral Study. San Antonio, Texas. 1995- 1999. Wrote proposals for phase II and phase III grants through the Mexican American Cultural Center and served as Project Consultant.</p><p>Lilly Endowment grant for the San Fernando Cathedral Study. San Antonio, Texas. 1993- 1995. Wrote grant proposal through the Mexican American Cultural Center and served as Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate Project Director.</p><p>Lilly Endowment planning grant for the San Fernando Cathedral Study. San Antonio, Texas. 1993. </p><p>PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS</p><p>Catholic Theological Society of America</p><p>College Theology Society</p><p>American Academy of Religion</p><p>Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS)</p><p>Program for the Analysis of Religion Among Latinos (PARAL)</p><p>Comisión para el Estudio de la Historia de la Iglesia en Latinoamerica (CEHILA)</p><p>National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies (NACCS)</p><p>American Historical Association</p><p>American Catholic Historical Association</p><p>Texas State Historical Association</p><p>Texas Catholic Historical Society</p><p>DISTINCTIONS, HONORS, AWARDS</p><p>Kaneb Teaching Award. University of Notre Dame. 2006.</p><p>Paul J. Foik, C.S.C. Award for the best 2005 book dealing with Catholic history in the Southwest. Awarded for Guadalupe and Her Faithful: Latino Catholics in San Antonio, from Colonial Origins to the Present. Texas Catholic Historical Society. March 2006.</p><p>12 Catholic Press Association Book Award for Horizons of the Sacred: Mexican Traditions in U.S. Catholicism. Gary Riebe-Estrella, co-editor. 2003.</p><p>Catholic Press Association Book Award for Camino a Emaús: Compartiendo el ministerio de Jesús. Ada María Isasi-Díaz and Nina M.Torres-Vidal, co-editors. 2003.</p><p>Paul J. Foik, C.S.C. Award for the best 2000 book dealing with Catholic history in the Southwest. Awarded for work co-authored with Gerald E. Poyo, ¡Presente! U.S. Latino Catholics from Colonial Origins to the Present. Texas Catholic Historical Society. March 2000.</p><p>Catholic Press Association Award for Best Article in Scholarly Journal category. Awarded for “Religion and Ethnicity at San Antonio: Germans and Tejanos in the Wake of U.S. Annexation.” 2000.</p><p>Catholic Press Association Book Award for San Fernando Cathedral: Soul of the City. Virgilio Elizondo, co-author. 1999.</p><p>Summerfield G. Roberts Award for the best 1995 book on the republic period of Texas history. Awarded for Tejano Religion and Ethnicity: San Antonio, 1821-1860. Sons of the Republic of Texas. April 1996.</p><p>Paul J. Foik, C.S.C. Award for the best 1995 book dealing with Texas Catholic history. Awarded for Tejano Religion and Ethnicity: San Antonio, 1821-1860. Texas Catholic Historical Society. March 1996.</p><p>Honorable mention, Latin American history paper award. Annual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association. San Antonio, Texas. April 1994.</p><p>Ph.D. dissertation defended “with distinction.” Catholic University of America. Washington, D.C. April 1993.</p><p>COURSES TAUGHT AT NOTRE DAME</p><p>Undergraduate Service Courses</p><p>Theology University Seminar</p><p>Foundations of Theology: Biblical/Historical</p><p>Latino Theology and the Christian Tradition</p><p>U.S. Latino Spirituality (with Virgilio Elizondo)</p><p>Know Your Catholic Faith: Mary</p><p>13 Theology Major/Masters Level Courses </p><p>Theology and Popular Piety in U.S. Catholicism</p><p>Latino Spirituality and Film (with Virgilio Elizondo)</p><p>Masters Level Courses</p><p>Latin American and U.S. Latino Theologies (with Matthew Ashley)</p><p>Doctoral Seminars</p><p>Guadalupe: Faith, Theology, and Tradition (with Virgilio Elizondo)</p><p>Graduate Level Reading Courses (1 or 2 students each)</p><p>U.S. Catholicism (3 different courses)</p><p>U.S. Black and Latino Theologies</p><p>U.S. Latino Theologies</p><p>Hispanic Faith Traditions of the Southwest</p><p>DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE</p><p>Advisor on Hispanic/Latino scholarships and fellowships, 2000-present. </p><p>Master of Theological Studies (MTS) Committee, 2002-present.</p><p>Departmental representative to the Hispanic Summer Program (HSP), a national program for theological studies. 2002- present.</p><p>Library Committee, 2000-2001.</p><p>Travel Committee, 2000-2001.</p><p>SELECT COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY SERVICE</p><p>Director, Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, 2002-present.</p><p>Arts and Letters College Council, 2003-present.</p><p>14 Various Faculty Committees and Fellow within the Institute for Latino Studies, 2000- present. </p><p>Hesburgh Lecture Series Presenter, 2003-present. </p><p>Faculty Team Member for Drafting Diversity: Enhancing Our Cultural Community (DDECC) student retreat program (formerly Let’s Talk about Race retreat). 2002-present.</p><p>Laetare Medal Committee, 2005-present. </p><p>University of Notre Dame Presidential Committee on Cultural Diversity, 2005-present.</p><p>“The Gospels and the Galilean Jesus.” Course offered for the Teachers as Scholars Program. May 2006.</p><p>SELECT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE</p><p>Book Review Editor. Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology. 1997-present.</p><p>Nearly 40 reviews in 17 different academic journals, including Theological Studies, Spiritus, the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, the Journal of Religion, the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Worship, the American Historical Review, and the Hispanic American Historical Review. </p><p>Peer review reader for more than 20 book and journal manuscript submissions to 15 different university presses and academic journals, including Rutgers University Press, the University of California Press, the University of North Carolina Press, the University of Texas Press, the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Spiritus, the Journal of Ecumenical Studies, and the Journal of Hispanic Latino/Theology. </p><p>Steering Committee. Catholic Studies Group of the American Academy of Religion. 2002-present.</p><p>Invited panelist for “On Faith,” an online feature of the Washington Post and Newsweek. 2006-present. </p><p>Associate Editor for Religion in America: An Encyclopedia. Peter Williams and Charles Lippy, General Editors. 2005-present.</p><p>Consulting Editor. U.S. Catholic Historian. 2004-present. </p><p>Passing on the Faith, Passing on the Church project. Curran Center for American Catholic Studies. Fordham University. 2004-present.</p><p>15 Consulting Editor. Catholic Southwest: A Journal of History and Culture. 1998-present.</p><p>Invited participant. Luce Consultation on Theological Scholarship. Pittsburgh. October 2005. </p><p>Nominations Committee. Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS). 2003.</p><p>American Catholics in the Public Square Project invited participant. Project of The Pew Charitable Trusts. 2001-2003.</p><p>Hispanic Theological Initiative faculty mentor. 2000-2001. </p><p>Awards Committee. Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS). 1999.</p><p>Member of Editorial Board. Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology. 1995-1997.</p><p>“Mapping” project on Catholicism in the United States since the Second Vatican Council. Project of the Lilly Endowment through Indiana University and the University of Notre Dame. Indianapolis, Indiana. 1995-1997.</p><p>SELECT RECENT COMMUNITY AND ECCLESIAL SERVICE, 2005-2006 ACADEMIC YEAR</p><p>Board of Directors, Mexican American Cultural Center, San Antonio.</p><p>Advisor for Guide for Faith Leaders Serving Latino Families project, National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Washington, D.C.</p><p>Research Advisory Board. Instituto Fe y Vida (national organization for Hispanic youth ministry). </p><p>Elected representative, Northeast Neighborhood Council, South Bend.</p><p>“Jesús de Galilea” Summer course taught with Virgilio Elizondo through the Department of Theology and in collaboration with the Instituo Cultural de Liderazgo en el Medioeste (ICLM). June 2006</p><p>“The Multicultural Church: A Challenge for Catechetical Ministry in the United States.” Keynote address for the annual meeting of the National Organization for Catechesis with Hispanics.” Chicago. April 2006. </p><p>“Mary in the Bible and in Catholic Faith.” Workshop given in English and Spanish to the Religious Education Congress. Archdiocese of Los Angeles. April 2006.</p><p>16 “The Road to Emmaus: Embracing Jesus’ Mission.” Workshop given in English and Spanish to the Diocesan Congress. Diocese of El Paso. March 2006.</p><p>“María en la Biblia y en la fe Católica” and “Guadalupe: Modelo de la evangelización.” Workshops given to the Catholic Festival of Faith. Archdiocese of Chicago. February 2006.</p><p>“Liturgy Evangelizing Life: Finding Christ in Our Culture and Prayer.” Keynote address for the Southwest Liturgical Conference Study Week. Austin. January 2006.</p><p>“María y la religiosidad popular.” Weekend course for Instituto Cultural del Liderazgo en el Medioeste (ICLM). Lafayette, Indiana. November 2005.</p><p>“Icons of the Sacred.” Keynote address given in English and Spanish to the Our Lady of the Angels Regional Congress. Archdiocese of Los Angeles. October 2005. </p><p>“Called to Serve.” Workshops given in the Archdiocese of Portland (Oregon). September 2005. </p><p>“Change and Continuity in Twentieth-Century U.S. Catholicism”; “Sacred Memories: The Treasure of Catholic Faith in the United States”; and “Hispanic Ministry and U.S. Catholicism in the Twenty-First Century.” Presentations to F. Gerald Martin Pastoral Ministry Conference. Archdiocese of Detroit. August 2005. </p><p>“Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of Multicultural America.” Presentation in English and Spanish to Ministry Formation Day, Diocese of Dallas. August 2005. </p><p>17 18</p>

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