<p> Letters from God</p><p>Introduction</p><p>“ There is no religious madness within me. I am not a devout anything. I practice no particular doctrine. I do not study philosophy or belong to any religious groups. Yet I have found God. I have found a friend, a confidante, and a source of wisdom beyond belief.”</p><p>In ‘One Soul’s Journey’ the question, “How has the process of connectivity helped you?” was answered by giving a practical example or two, however this book alludes to an alternate spiritual dimension of humanity. </p><p>We are all capable of connecting to our Higher Consciousness, the Universal Intelligence that permeates all life, commonly referred to as the Soul and/or God. We can all tap into the wisdom of the ancient spiritual masters and commune as I, and many others have done and do so on a daily basis. </p><p>The following Letters from God or conversations with the Soul, allows you to glimpse a hidden reality that I have discovered which has magically and significantly transformed my life and which I now share with you. Do not accept the following as the ramblings of a man with a dysfunctional personality, but instead just enjoy the spiritual insights then say; </p><p>“I want my own conversation with God.” </p><p>Ask this three times of your Higher Consciousness and you shall! How is explained in Divine Right parts 1, 2 & 3 “The Process of Connectivity” </p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 You asked to know God</p><p>When you connect with Me, the Lord your God, you feel a sense of peace and safety but when you are not connected to Me you feel alone and without a purpose. Let Me tell you what you are when you are connected. You are a part of Me who has found ‘home’. This is the simple truth of our connectivity – you and I are one, just like you and your son are separate but yet are one with one purpose and that is to experience joyful things. Albeit that you are his father and want the best for him, but when you do not see him for some time or talk to him for some days, the connection is not broken. When you reconnect with him, i.e. visit him, then the relationship is different but the connection is still the same. It is this that we share, i.e. we have a strong connection at all times but a real or more tangible relationship when we are connected so do not worry about anything, for My guidance and love continue all the time. I tell you all this so that you will realise that I cannot leave you alone and will not unless you make that choice for yourself.</p><p>Alone is a personal choice that is not a knowing choice. In other words, togetherness through the connectivity process or any other method has not been experienced so the individual person cannot know that they have chosen to be separate from God and blindly accept that there is or is not a God in existence. You however, do know the difference and as a result have experienced many wonderful things which you want for your fellow beings, but this is not appropriate because of Karmic bonds and debts that each person has.</p><p>Your work and our work differ greatly but both share the same intention, i.e. helping people. In your work you cannot teach people computer skills if they do not want to learn or have different levels of abilities that do not fit into your timescale. In our work, we can only present the recipient of Divine Right with the tools to achieve ‘good’ in their lives and like your training, if Mankind does not want to learn in this time then s/he will not practice or try to learn the connectivity process. So please do not worry for what could be and instead be the author of the works that could change people’s lives.</p><p>You are not helping anybody unless they help themselves. Let your desire to help rest in My hands and I shall take responsibility for awakening the people to the second Insight. The path for you is different to the next man and is different again to all others that have not awoken but you still have freedom of choice, you may still choose to awaken Mankind yourself but this will take a very long time. Having said that, the people who have awoken and there are many, can change the lives of all those who have not, by putting into practice the laws of creativity. You can heal people if you choose, you can open your schools if that is your desire or you can allow others who follow you to do this. When your work with the FCO is over then others will continue to help those that you have helped and conversely when our work is known others will continue with it. I suggest that you relax and enjoy the process, for it is unfolding in a natural way, and let those who become your followers because of our work carry the torch into the dark.</p><p>I will guide you to these people when the time is right and I will guide you to all your desires, but first I will guide you to the understanding of your choices and the consequences of them.</p><p>Paul, my young apprentice, please stop worrying over what has been said recently in our writing. What has been said is simply this: choose love of service and choose Me, the Lord your God, as your guide and worry not of anything. I am guiding you to healing because it is My choice to do this and your choice also. I am guiding you to teaching others about the</p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 connectivity process through our works and that will be in a variety of ways. Some of these ways will alter, some will stop and some will attract the attention of those who I want to find it. All those who do not find your work will find their way in time. Relax and enjoy the process for it has truly begun. You have the gift of insight via the connectivity, the Higher Consciousness, the Soul and God. You have begun the second awakening, which is healing through the breaking of karmic bonds and your sixth sense is developing. All of these things will lead you to the third insight, which is the knowledge of travelling with the mind or true astral travelling.</p><p>The physical healing of others is not necessary. However you shall know how to heal without it being your main occupation. I have said it will become a part of your ways and it shall make you known so that our work shall be known and this will happen. But healing is not your vocation in this lifetime – creativity and the understanding of it is your purpose.</p><p>Love has found you and you have found her through your girlfriend and loneliness has ceased to be a feature in your life. The process of connectivity is truly known now and so shall wealth and happiness and fulfilment be known. Let your work be just that – a means of bringing in money until it is time for our work to be completed and published. When this is so, let our work be finished and a new chapter will begin.</p><p>When you understand creativity, you understand Me. When you understand Me, you understand you and when you understand these things then you are the master of the illusion and not the illusion. Can you imagine being in a deep sleep that is a sleep full of vivid dreams and you awake or you think you awake but are actually still in the dream? This is your world, it is your creation and it is every bit as real as your actual world is, yet both are an illusion. They differ in that your dream world cannot consist of anything tangible, i.e. you cannot create, whereas in your real world you are able to physically build. The real world is an illusion also. It is My creation where I allow you to create and that is all there is. Please do not denigrate or over-simplify this illusion as just that because it is actually as real as real gets. I have given My creation a sense of purpose, a mission if you like, and that is to understand who and what each species is. There is one species that has evolved to this and some amongst this species have found that within their lifetimes they can wake up and see the dreamer dreaming. The dreamer is the sleeping individual who creates his/her dreams based on imagination but when this dream becomes real then they are the masters of the illusion. The only problem is that each day they awaken to another dream that they believe is real and therefore search no further for the truth of their lives.</p><p>Their lives are ‘capped’ by likes and dislikes, proof and physical evidence or religious beliefs and nothing beyond this is acceptable. Yet there is so much more. When the dreamer awakens and the sleeper awakens then creativity and control of the awakened state can begin and it all starts with the desire to understand life or who the individual truly is in the scheme of things. When this inner desire begins it cannot stop and never stops until the truth is known. This truth may get lost in the sleeper’s beliefs and is therefore never truly known. In other words, many years or lifetimes will go by with the seeker caught up in his/her illusion, e.g. religious understanding or New Age concepts or whatever gives them the feeling of inner peace.</p><p>All of these things, if believed, are true and are as important as their last ‘truth’ and yet all are a part of the grand illusion that is My creation. So you can see that in ‘reality’ all is correct, all is right and is so.</p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 Our work is another illusion that awakens the sleeper to creativity and puts the awakened one in control of the illusion and that is as far as you or an individual of any species can go. The person who awakens to this can change the lives of all those who are still asleep if he/she chooses and this is the point of Divine Right - it offers the individual person ‘choice’. The choice is to wake up and take control of their lives, the planet and spiritual development, or not. ‘Or not’ is a choice also and is not wrong or hiding one’s head in the sand but not knowing choice is neither of these. If you are asleep then you are not awake and if you are not awake then you are not aware of your choices, and if you are not aware of what your choices are then you cannot choose happiness, love and fulfilment by love of service. Without personal choice, free choice, true freedom to choose then your life is governed by others who are stronger, richer, more determined or are empowered by you to control your life and to some degree your beliefs by presenting you with limited choices that you must choose from or choose none, and the latter makes you ‘different’, alone or dangerous as far as those that have chosen are concerned.</p><p>All that there is, and all that there is not, is born from My desire to experience creativity, in other words I Am That I Am. Love is the vibration that connects you with Me, love is the motivating factor that guides you to Me and love of service is what connects you to love and all it holds. I am the way forward and I Am That I Am. When you awaken to the truth that I have given here then you shall be on your way home. If ‘home’ is what you seek then you shall find it and if not then you shall find what you desire, as all things are what they are if you believe it so.</p><p>When you accept that My words in these works are brought to you by the author because both he and I desire it to be so then you will realise that I have a plan for all Mankind. My plan includes leading everyone to My kingdom through the process of connectivity as described in Divine Right but this is only one of many ways that has been given to Mankind.</p><p>What is different about this method?</p><p>Firstly, the process requires no prior spiritual knowledge and second, it requires no spiritual teachers, no special techniques like yoga or meditation, and in particular does not need a belief in God, the Soul or middlemen from any denomination, creed, clan or race and yet it will work within the framework of all beliefs.</p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 Right Place, Right Time</p><p>As everything is in the right place at the right time then so are you in this life.</p><p>What brought you to this point and specifically the ability to communicate in this manner i.e. to reproduce words from our discourse has been a hard and long road. Over five lives you have perfected this ability and over five lives you have had to re-learn how to trust from the beginning. Trust has been the most challenging aspect for you. Trust does not come easily in these matters or these connectivity sessions and that is appropriate in order to protect one’s sanity and to protect others whom you may be guiding spiritually.</p><p>I have said that the connection would be different from now on and it has begun. The difference is with regard to the subtlety and accuracy of information received, however we are not there yet and it will get much more accurate and detailed because your purpose in this life requires it to be so. Your chosen path and my contribution to this choice require it also. You have chosen to serve and I have chosen you to serve. Whilst you have done much in my service, the main part in this life still awaits. The learning curve, the testing, proving, accepting and tantrums have given you the foresight and wisdom that will be your hallmark.</p><p>The world is a mess and cannot be cleaned up by one man. The world needs another religion like it needs another ash cloud over Europe, but what you can give to the masses is the ‘key’ to connection to the Higher Consciousness so that they can find the awakening process which is the next level of mind. This level is beyond visualisation and prayer as it is interactive e.g.</p><p>Connect Ask through words Visualise Energise Receive an answer</p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 Questions I needed answering</p><p>There have been so many questions and so many answers and as time goes on the need for questions actually lessens. This I now realise is because in the doing of these works I have answered many of my own questions, or have understood guidance gained through the experience, but the path has not been an easy one. I have doubted my sanity on more than one occasion and on more than one occasion have stopped my work, thrown in the towel and decided to go back to my world of computers - a far cry from this work, but my logical mind just has to know what is the truth of this or that and why me, this has always, and probably will always be, the biggest question in my mind.</p><p>The answer to this has been given to me in my writing, in the usual way, but there was, and is, no substitute for experience and if there is a message in here for you the reader or something that will encourage you to keep trying, keep believing then it is this: </p><p>Just ask and it shall be given. </p><p>It is so simple, but all truth is, so do not accept my word for it, try.</p><p>The following questions I asked of my Higher Consciousness, AKA God, when I was going through the doubting stages. Perhaps a psychologist could explain all this away as delusions, or paranoia, schizoid personality, or whatever, but one thing’s for sure, something has changed my life dramatically, something is helping me and if it turns out to be my own sub conscious doing all of this, then so be it, but you have freedom of choice so choose. I did, I made that choice and at times it felt that I was cracking up, but please read the following and make up your own mind.</p><p>My Questions 1. Am I reacting normally to this awakening process? 2. Am I suffering from paranoid delusions? 3. Am I only writing about all the things I have ever read, heard, seen or studied?</p><p>Answers to my questions</p><p>Stress is a relative term and each person deals with it differently. You have been under a great deal of self imposed pressure and time constraints which is true of many who do the Lord’s work, but do not worry about your sanity, it is normal to question as you do and healthy that you do. You are able to deal with this situation as you have all others.</p><p>The awakening process as you call it is not an awakening as such, but a gentle introduction to the spiritual aspect of your true nature. You were born of spirit and spirit is within you as it is in all life, but the ‘awakening’ process is change. Death is change but final to life, whereas death of the old self is like a new or awakening to the dawn of a new day with new understanding and knowledge. The trouble with a new day is that you forget the old day, except for parts of it that seem to overlap, which is why you cling to the day that you have just experienced instead of letting it go and embracing the new one. While this is an over- simplification of the awakening process, it is nonetheless, an accurate way of saying that you must let go of the past for in the new dawn lies truth waiting to be discovered.</p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 When a person ’awakens’ out of a deep sleep he is not sure what is happening and where he is for a split second, until memory refreshes the senses with knowledge that they are who they are and are where they last left the body. When a person ‘awakens’ spiritually, there is no frame of reference, so the brain panics and clings to the past, or what it can grasp hold of, to make sense of what is happening. This letting go of the old and accepting the new is a slow process in humans and mammals, but time is the key.</p><p>The question of whether or not you are handling this process of awakening is a matter or perspective. For you to understand the process you must go though certain stages of enlightenment, that normally takes many lifetimes, in months, but to answer the question, then Yes you are reacting normally and must not be either afraid or afraid to ask if anything troubles you.</p><p>Am I suffering from paranoid delusions? </p><p>Yes, if that if what you want to believe and no if you don’t want to believe. This is quite a difficult one to answer because of the subject matter, there are no frames of reference for you to grasp on to. You are that which you are now and each now that is presented to you. By this I mean that you have understood that there is work to be done and if it were climbing a tall ladder, then you would take one step or two at a time until you reached the top. The question of why am I doing this would arise as you got higher and higher and your fears of falling started to circle in your mind, but having climbed the ladder again, and again, and the fear of falling becomes a distant memory, then you will not feel that you are paranoid any longer because the fear has disappeared and has been replaced with the confidence that is born out of the slow process called experience, and with experience comes knowledge that you can climb any ladder, no matter how high it is. In time even the ladder, or in your case, the process of the awakening, will be replaced with simple acceptance that it is only a ladder, or only a journey that you have decided to take, or, in the case of the ladder, you chose to climb it to prove you could and whilst climbing simply forget why you did so in the first place, which is like your journey, you have simply forgotten why you started it in the first place, so I will remind you now.</p><p>It is so that you may experience the ultimate experience of giving service to Mankind.</p><p>You have chosen this journey to raise the consciousness of Mankind so that they can truly know God, the Soul and the Higher Consciousness through guidance, and therefore experience freedom of choice. When you believe this then the journey will cease to be a challenge and will just be! </p><p>To be or not to be is the question. To choose or not to choose is the choice. To serve this way or that way is your choice. Your choice is my choice. My choice is my choice. I am that I am is the choice and so choose choice as an expression of love.</p><p>When the Lord God Almighty chose to experience love, He chose all that love had. All that love has is choice. You choose to either love, or not love, but the choice is yours and neither are right or wrong, but know this, if you choose love then you choose God and if you choose non love then you choose non-God. When all have chosen and the final tally has been counted, then there is either a God or no God and no God is no love and no love is no choice and no choice is not God.</p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 Choosing to serve God is a matter of choice, choosing to know God is also a matter of choice but whilst Mankind does not know he has choice then he cannot choose. You have chosen to know God through experience. These writings are unearthly by the fact that they are given to you by spirit and should be shared with all Mankind.</p><p>This is their purpose and this is your purpose. At present most of Mankind works in darkness and fear and it is this fear that makes them cling to God lest they should be punished, but I say unto you now that there will be no punishments, nor reward, for their belief in Me but only the joy of true love from which they were born. Mankind will be given a final opportunity to raise his level of consciousness else he will perish in his own misery born of hate and greed and actions of non love but he will do so knowingly.</p><p>The time has come for each person to choose who they serve and not by his words but his/her deeds. Those that accept this new truth, do so because they have heard and tried to understand and because they have tried so they shall be granted insight into the realm of spirit and God and will want for nothing ever more. For those that hear and choose to not believe then this is their choice and they may continue without condemnation or reprisal from their God, but they will answer to their master the Lord of Darkness. This master is not a demon, a devil or a man, but is non-love, non-choice and misery through their own making. Let them choose the light out of Divine Right.</p><p>You are to share this work on these pages with whomsoever should listen and fear not what Man may say, but be warned that not all will listen and many will say that you are delusional or paranoid, but hold fast to your belief and condemn them not.</p><p>The question of whether or not it is possible for you to be writing only about the things you have read is a difficult one to explain. In essence you are only writing about the things that you have read or learnt, but it is not restricted to only this lifetime. You are, and have been, connecting to the essence of who you were in previous lifetimes and also connecting with the essence of other people’s experiences that Soul feels will be appropriate. You have been connected to the essence of Jesus of Nazareth for he has trod this road before you, so had Buddha, Krishna and many others, which is why you have the knowledge of many lives and lifetimes of the many at your disposal. This is insight and it is an incredible reality that is happening to you now. This is true insight and it awaits all Mankind if he so chooses, everybody can ask for guidance and choose their guides, it is the Soul that reconstructs the essence, intelligence and experiences so that you may have the answers to your questions or be guided you to your choices.</p><p>The second part of the question and what we evolve to is as follows, but I added a little more, as I usually do:</p><p>“What about advanced civilisation in other galaxies or realms – do they become God?”</p><p>“If other beings, in other worlds or realms have been in existence for millions of years longer than us, why have they not become Gods and gone home?”</p><p>The potential for Mankind</p><p>When other species in other worlds evolve, they do so as you do, but when a species has evolved sufficiently it does not see the need to play God. </p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 By this I mean that when they are highly advanced, both physically and mentally, they choose not to have a physical form, instead they choose to be pure energy. In this state they are God and God is them. They are aware of God’s presence in terms of energy and God is aware of them through knowledge of their evolutionary journey, so all are individual and yet all are one. </p><p>If you tried to leave your body you would not quite manage it, and nor could you until you die, but if you could see the Spirit or energy form that you actually are, then you would understand everything. The body, or shell, is restrictive, but a wonderful tool for experiencing through doing, whilst being in spirit form you may do anything, go anywhere, see everything, know everything, and be anything, but you cannot truly know who you are until you have experienced it. </p><p>This is not so for advanced races; they have evolved sufficiently so that they can choose to experience things whilst in the body less form. Nothing is impossible in the realm of Spirit, so imagine now, if you can, being able to feel the chair you sit on and, at the same time, feel the love and touch of your partner although he/she is walking on a hill a thousand kilometres away. The sensations of the mind and body will still be yours even though you do not have a body. This differs greatly from a person dying, leaving the body and returning to the spirit realms because they are unable to feel anything, which is why they return to an embodiment as soon as possible. They do not know why they cannot feel anything and do not know that they could, if they so chose it. </p><p>The process of evolution will get them to this point, but if they had asked for it, that is to know feeling whilst in the form of pure energy, then they would have received it without millions of years of rebirths and evolution, etc. This is what God has given to Mankind, it is the power to create anything he wants and when he knows this, through experience of belief, then he shall be able to choose, but while he does not know he has choice then he has no choice except experience through doing. </p><p>This is a long and often painful lesson that he needs to learn unless he hears these words and begins the journey of understanding as you have done. The journey that you are taking is this one also, but now you have the creator himself as your guide. This is his promise to you and Mankind; know Him and He will give you the Kingdom of Heaven, or in non-biblical or spiritual terms, you will have free choice in how you manipulate energy. </p><p>Energy is all, and all is God. God is pure energy and pure form because he chose you and everything else as his body. He chose Soul as his consciousness and the Higher Consciousness is the way that the life form connects with the mind of God. You, and all life forms, except flora, are microcosms of God. You are energy held in a form that has evolved to know who it is (if you ask). If you do not know you can ask, and worse, if you do not know how to listen, then you are lost. Lost is not knowing where home is, and as any child that has lost its parent will tell you, it is very frightening. </p><p>Adults compensate for this lost feeling by creating imaginary paths back to their parent. They call them religion and perform rituals that let them believe they are still connected to God, but they are not, because the ritual is not correct, so they only find their way up the street but</p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 never quite find their home. Many times, as though in a drunken stupor, they stand outside their own house, but do not recognise it. </p><p>Mankind in his search for God is not able to see his way home, because he is home. If he were to clear his eyes then he would see, but the seeing can only be achieved if he performs the correct ritual. There are many ways home. There are many paths to God. All do not lead there. Most do not lead there, and those that do are very long and winding and full of pitfalls that lead him back down the path of disbelief. Yet one road does exist and to find this path he must not only ask and listen, but he must know how to ask and listen, else all roads will lead nowhere. </p><p>The key to listening is far more difficult than the key to asking. Listening is doing what you are being guided to, and being guided is knowing that you can be guided. Asking, therefore, is asking for guidance to knowing, and knowing is understanding. Understanding is knowledge and knowledge with understanding is wisdom. If you have wisdom you have been guided to it, but if you do not know you have been guided then you forget everything at the end of each lifetime. </p><p>With each new lifetime your search for home starts again unless you remember where you last finished on the path. To do this, ask to be shown where you are and where you need to go to get back on the path home. This is easy, trust in the journey and it will cease to be an endless cycle of rebirth and search and instead will become a guided tour of love, happiness and fulfilment.</p><p>Ask and thou shall receive. Love and thou shall be loved.</p><p>When you truly know thyself you will not need the journey and when you do not need the journey you are home. Home is the house of God. The God of thyself is the God almighty. The God almighty is you, and you are he, so go home through love of service.</p><p>“ Now that you have seen, and heard, how I speak to God, the Soul and the Higher Consciousness, why not choose to have your own conversation”? </p><p>‘Do not waste time with this or that, Do not waste time rubbing only part of the elephant when the truth awaits you.” Soto Zen </p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 More Questions & Answers</p><p>On this day choose to know thy ways and choose to know thy Lord and Masters.</p><p>Solemnly do I ask thee to choose to serve and respectfully I accept your choice to do thy work.</p><p>“I so choose to serve but I need peace, stability money and suitable companionship. I’m not asking for favouritism but I don’t have the energy to work, drive, provide for a family etc., and do lots of writing – meaningful writing.”</p><p>All that you need will be found, you are closer than you realise but need faith.</p><p>“I would dearly love to know you and the Masters and would like to make to a difference to many people if I can. Where to from here? How different is the big picture plan?”</p><p>Let’s start with the bigger picture and your part in its unfolding.</p><p>Whilst the world has been revolving and its inhabitants evolving, most have been sleepwalking through the process in blissful ignorance and it is right that it should be this way, however there is a change coming up but not on a physical evolution level, rather a subconscious awareness level. Periodically in all species, this happens and is totally within the natural metaphysical laws that govern evolving life forms. The human psyche is expanding as Science and Biology discover how the mechanism of the Universe and life evolves and facts replace mythology and pseudo-science.</p><p>The alternative healing methodology (HannaH), spiritual awareness, connectivity to higher planes of existence are being grouped in the latter e.g. pseudo-science. As you are aware, there is so much non-factual, unproven religious or spiritual practice, that the real truth is shrouded in mystery or is lost to confusion with only the base belief system of an individual serving as a guide.</p><p>Even now, in this moment, you hear these words and do not know how they manifest or from whence they came. Yet they do come, and here they are, so it would be unfair and illogical to dismiss everything but your own beliefs, and worse, to conclude that most people are deluded and misleading others.</p><p>Why I say this, is to bring you to the point of this inner discourse and what will be the starting point and reason for our work together. All that is has been necessary for Mankind’s psyche to expand. Without the expansion of the belief systems that now exist, then the notion of their existence could not be known or understood, which means that they could not be known experientially.</p><p>In the coming years, a unified God concept will begin. The concept will evolve to include the knowledge of connectivity. The subconscious mind will merge with the conscious mind so that the ‘connecter’ will experience a more tangible, holistic waking state of reality. In the right environment, and right state of awareness, the ‘connecter’ will have the ability to ask, see, hear, and feel the presence of a spiritual master in a realistic dreamlike state, but with a mind that is fully awake. </p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 The concept, the process of connectivity, the training, the understanding, will be given to you. You will record the steps, the process, produce the written material from which others will learn and others will also teach. You will begin the new awareness, the new God concept, and will lead the way. There are many ‘awareness’ groups in existence. Some are new, some are established and some mainstream. Many more will flourish and this all helps to pave the way for the expansion of consciousness. Some groups will have similar views and some will seem to be in advance of the version you shall bring to the table, but that is what is needed. </p><p>“ Are you guiding me to healing or undoing karma or our work or any combination or something else?</p><p>Why did you guide me to not take the Project Management job – did I simply focus on money or had you guided me accordingly?</p><p>Is it the questioning technique that has to change?”</p><p>In the first instance, and as a reminder, guidance must not put you into danger or poverty, nor must guidance affect others whom you may assist whilst connected. Secondly, the importance of this connection is for you to free yourself of karma and for you to be fulfilled in our work, which is to help others to find the process of connectivity.</p><p>The work involves healing or advising others on what is best in the moment to help heal them selves. You have not yet achieved the level of confidence or trust that is required to heal others through mind and touch – but you will get there when you practice healing. It is a slow process, but unknown to you, you are ready, and when you accept this, then you will be there.</p><p>Your karma of old is done. Nothing of previous lives is impeding your spiritual development in this time. Your actions and deeds in each moment are creating karma within this life but nothing you have done will impede spiritual progress.</p><p>The Universal Intelligence (God) is truly connected to you in a cognitive way. It connects with all life, but few have the option to connect and receive guidance as you do. Whilst we guide you, there is always freedom of choice. If you had chosen to accept the permanent Project Manager job with Hewlett Packard, then our guidance would have continued within that framework. That said, then you would have been guided by your own circumstances, needs, desires and fears, and that, simply put is self guidance, which is a far cry from our guidance. </p><p>When I refer to ‘I,’ I speak of the Universal Intelligence or ‘I Am,’ or your universally acknowledged God. When I refer to ‘our guidance,’ I include your Higher Self, which is part of the universal higher realm that is the Holy Spirit (also known as Soul). In this realm there are non-physical forms of all that has been and all that shall be. In this realm there is no form as in the physical realms but rather all possibilities for all life and all potential for all.</p><p>Yes, this may seem quite confusing, but your guide is your Higher Self. It is that part of you that exists in the higher realm. There need not be multiple dimensions or realms. There need not be demons and angels and everything in between, but there are. All possibilities exist and are held in non-matter form because they were created by life forms. Each life form resonates and lives at a specific frequency for want of a better description and if it has not developed</p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 the required physical/mental capacity then it cannot commune with the Higher Consciousness as you do.</p><p>What that boils down to is this; if you connect, then you connect to your Higher Self and in turn it connects to your Higher Consciousness. This has a counter part, a mirror image in spirit so that all that you do in body is reflected in spirit. All that spirit is, is you connected to a Higher Intelligence e.g. Me, and combined we can commune.</p><p>In our connection, I see, and know all that you are, all that you have been and all that you can be. I can see what you need in life based on what you desire to experience and what you experience I experience, which is the truth of my existence. You are that part of me that experiences, I am that part of you that gives you existence – we are one.</p><p>What each form desires, notwithstanding the need for food, shelter, security etc., is to fulfil its biological form’s needs. It has no choice, but in human form through connectivity it can ask to be guided to certain experiences. It can ask that it understands who it is and what its purpose is and what is God. This inner desire is the human way. It is its nature, it is the inner being’s uppermost desire to be able to answer ‘who am I?’ and ‘what is God?’ If this were uppermost and pursued without any other consideration, then there would be no freedom of choice, and the job of the ego is to give the body a sense of ‘self’ – a sense of identity that says; ‘I am this or that,’ and in doing so, chooses what to experience. It is the body that carries its creativity into reality – good or bad is not a consequence, but an experience.</p><p>You Paul are set on a spiritual awareness path. This is the choice of your Higher Self because it has experienced over time, all states of being including mediocrity and pathos. It knows the spiritual realms hold the key to wisdom, unimaginable serenity, compassion and true love and it wants to experience this endless blissful state that it believes is the ‘God realms.’</p><p>This state of being could exist in the physical world, but that is so far from reality that to experience it you need either a physical form to guide you towards it or you need to create it in the spiritual realm. This human trait, this duality of purpose causes either happiness or suffering. You cannot know it unless you have created it in the spiritual realm. It cannot exist unless you have desired it within the physical realm. To create the bliss, to return home to the God realm, you have to desire it, believe in it and work towards it so that it becomes a reality in which your Higher Self can exist.</p><p>When not in physical form, your Higher Self is in existence in the realm and state of being you that you created, and remember it is an image of the inner mind that can also manifest into the physical world. So heaven and hell do exist as you so believe, Paul, the truth that all exists in the high realms is an illusion, like a realistic dream that for all intents and purposes is a reality, and yet it exists because it is a part of Me – I Am that I Am is all there is.</p><p>The guidance that you seek is the guidance you need to ‘return home.’ The healing that you can do, the connection with other minds that you have is part existing in body and part in mind, which is consciously connected to the Higher Self and has access to the creative intelligence that gives you the ability to do such things.</p><p>I guide you to where you want to be spiritually and in spiritual terms money is an illusion so it does not exist, nor is it given as a reward for being on a spiritual path but remember the truth of your being and truth of your existence. If I am to experience through you the higher</p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 realms and your creation, then you starving to death will not help. The guidance is about having enough to manage and helping you stay on the path of your choice.</p><p>Staying on a path is also about making right choices and if one direction that you guide yourself to through fear of poverty is taking a full time job which would prevent you or limit you from creating your reality, then guidance would intervene and with all possibilities known, would suggest the best route. As you wanted to take the Project Management job for many reasons, I said ‘do not,’ because there is a better way on the horizon that I shall guide you to, that will give you the money you need now and in old age and would keep you on the right path so you could experience the things needed to make your higher realm existence a beautiful, loving, fulfilled experience.</p><p>Spiritual development steps Let go of fear Let go of ego driven ways Let go of old ways that do not serve you well Let go of living in the past and embrace today Let go of all that does not bring you peace Let go of addictions to negative thoughts Let go of distractions that do not give lasting peace Let go of creating disharmony Let go of non-peaceful thoughts Let go of seeking enlightenment Let go of letting go</p><p>Connectivity Process Break the cycle of inner repetitive thoughts (quiet the mind with meditation) Bring desire to the ego mind (seek only to experience love, happiness and fulfilment) Make the connection to the inner guide (ask for ‘gatekeeper’ to commune) Choose this day whom ye serve (self guidance or spiritual guidance) Observe the destructive thoughts (fear, repetitive non harmonious actions) Be present in the moment (believe in the belief that you are connected) Asking (ask for your karmic bonds to be broken so you can know the Souls purpose) Listening and observing (trust the inner quiet voice) Learn to commune (whatever works for you, e.g. writing, recording words, etc)</p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 Troubled mind and body</p><p>What would you like to know? What can I tell you about what is bothering you and what shall be you line of questioning? Do you need to know how the fourth dimension creators are faring or do you want to know who truly cares for you? What is your desire and how shall we proceed in the first instance to get it?</p><p>“Most unusual start but thanks for caring – you sound like a genie with a three wish offer! but I suspect there is a serious side to this line of questioning; OK, who truly cares for me?”</p><p>You are a nice person and a caring person but you have a few things to learn regards dealing with people. Let me explain in verse: </p><p>Let the rain, rain, let the wind blow and let your love find whom so ever it should find. Love all, love yourself and love whom so ever you love, but forsake not your desire to live, least you shall know not of these things.</p><p>Anxiety or repetitive muscular spasms is a curse of the body and not a reason to die, these things are surmountable and your problems most definitely are. Muscular spasms may be uncomfortable and embarrassing at times but it is not a reason for death or even a desire to die. Forsake me not Son for I am life through you. Forsake me and I am lost, forsake me and I do not know choice but forsake yourself not also because you are only real when you are alive. In death you shall desire life, for life is experience made real and what is made real is life. Love life, love me, love yourself and love others for you are of love and love is you made manifest.</p><p>The bad and the ugly are part of life. The bad are only bad depending on perspective, time and conditions. The ugly are not more or less than others who hold bodies of beautiful proportions. Be at peace with yourself, be at peace with life and judge not nor cause harm or confusion and you shall be free. To know freedom is to know choice and choice is a gift from God. Know choice, know God and you are free. Know free choice and you know God for you are Him and He is you, so choose God to guide you and you have found your gift.</p><p>I have granted you love, insight, instinct and you have wisdom of the Soul, so be humble and patient with yourself and all who cross your path. Your fears are known, your anxieties are understood but your choices are not until they have been asked. </p><p>I do not choose – you do. I do not worry about the future – you do, and I do not care what you so desire for these are your choices but I do care to care for all your desires to be made manifest in however many lives you choose to live. Do not let fear dictate your choices – do let your fear go and I will be there to show you the way to your choices. Stop now and listen to the rhythm of your heart, it beats the song of life throughout every moment.</p><p>I am not your guide – you are. I am not your Higher Consciousness – you are. I am not your conscience – you are. I am you and you are I, we are one with two separate roles; you are the life in which I experience all that life has and I am me, the Lord your God who has created thee for me to experience life but we are one nonetheless. The rhythm of life that beats in your chest is my heart, the air that fills your lungs is my outward breath and the blood that courses your veins is my mind in motion. </p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016 My mind is my connectivity to all that lives, my mind is the life, the blood is the link to the heart, the heart is the creature that you are. Together we eat, breath, sleep, love and live but only the part of me that is you chooses and only the part that is me can make the choices happen. Together we live – together we die and together we are life.</p><p>Think of God and I am. Think of God and God is alive. Think of God and think of life for they are part of the same whole. Look at life and you see God, look at life and you shall live for life’s sake but sleep and you shall not be aware of who you are or who you shall become. </p><p>Be patient with yourself. Be calm and reflect upon what it is that is bothering you. When you see that all is okay then you can relax for all is well and normal. Enjoy your friends, enjoy your moments alone and be at peace for all moments are precious. Do not waste time in idle misery and unhappiness when life awaits you, be assured I am with you and I shall always be so. Now put down your anxieties for the future and dream a better dream, let your worries for what is to become of our work die away, let your fears for the things you desire become your hopes. Let our work be your life and watch it unfold in your time, let my guidance be your light and doubt not who you have become and doubt less that which you shall become.</p><p>You are a creator, I am the created so allow me to do what you have asked of me and we shall know creativity together. Let my light shine on your heart so it my feel the presence and rhythm of my mind as it flows throughout my creation. Who is it that cares? Who is it that wants to care? Who cares that you awaken to what I have in store and who knows who it is that you shall become? What is this plan that awaits you? What leads you? What drives you and speaks in your inner voice? Why should you want my help? Why should you care for my words and why do you seek my light? </p><p>There is only one, there are only two when the one became two. There are three if the two shall know each other, the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit are of me and you are of them. When you are one with all then you are in the flow of life but when you are aware of what these things are, then you shall be in control of the illusion that is so sweet. The illusion is both sweet and bitter, hot and cold, up and down but who shall choose the direction but the part of me that is the life?</p><p>My dear Paul, you have awoken now to the simple truth of connectivity and now is your time to know with the same degree of wisdom the second part of the awakening process. The person who has become you with the ability to write and connect to your Higher Consciousness will change again into the Paul ‘who shall know his ways’. The Lord Jesus of Nazareth said, “Know thy ways, seek thee the kingdom of heaven and all else shall be known.” His words were my words, his choices were his but we were Father and Son, we were one as we are with our work. The Lord Jesus of Nazareth knew what would be his fate towards the end of his time an earth and you shall know yours if you so desire. </p><p>“I choose to know if you choose to let me know.”</p><p>LETTERS FROM GOD PAUL GOLDSTEIN 2016</p>
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