<p> Name ______</p><p>Second Marking Period Review 1. Who established the Spanish Inquisition in 1478?</p><p>A. Queen Elizabeth B. Henry VIII C. Philip II D. Isabella and Ferdinand</p><p>2. During the Inquisition, Jews that became Christians were called what?</p><p>A. Moors B. Converso C. Moriscos D. Crusaders</p><p>3. During sentencing in the Inquisition, if someone received “relaxation to the secular arm”, this meant what?</p><p>A. Set free B. Set free, but still under suspicion C. Guilty and have to pay fines and confess D. Burnt at the stake</p><p>4. During the Inquisition, Muslims that converted to Christianity were known as what?</p><p>A. Moors B. Conversos C. Moriscos D. Crusaders</p><p>5. What century did the Inquisition officially end?</p><p>A. 15th century (1400’s) B. 17th century (1600’s) C. 19th century (1800’s) D. 20th century (1900’s)</p><p>6. What two countries can be found on the Iberian Peninsulas?</p><p>A. France and Switzerland B. Spain and England C. Portugal and France D. Spain and Portugal</p><p>1 7. What were indulgences?</p><p>A. When people paid to be forgiven for sins B. An excellent candy product in Medieval Europe C. A form of punishment D. A lethal weapon used during the Thirty Years War</p><p>8. Who invented the Printing Press?</p><p>A. Martin Luther B. Johann Gutenberg C. John Calvin D. Ulrich Zwingli</p><p>9. How did Luther think people earned salvation?</p><p>.A Good deeds .B No one, every one was doomed! .C Faith .D Payment of indulgences</p><p>10. What did Martin Luther post on a church door October 31st , 1517?</p><p> a. Flyers for the upcoming Hanson concert b. A wanted poster against the Pope c. 95 theses d. Nothing</p><p>11. What is the idea of “Predestination”</p><p> a. People are saved through faith b. Only certain individuals have been chosen by God for eternal salvation c. Ruler picks the religion d. Music is key to the survival of the Church</p><p>12. Who started the belief of Calvinism?</p><p> a. Martin Luther b. Ulrich Zwingli c. John Knox d. John Calvin</p><p>2 13. Why did Henry VIII rebel against the Pope?</p><p> a. The Pope called him a “silly-goose” b. The Pope wanted to invade England c. Henry VIII wanted to invade the Papal States d. The Pope would not grant Henry VIII a divorce from Catherine of Aragon</p><p>14. According to Henry VIII, who was the head of the newly-created Church of England?</p><p> a. The Pope b. Catherine of Aragon c. Henry VIII d. Parliament</p><p>15. What was the name of Henry VIII’s much anticipated son?</p><p> a. Edward VI b. Henry IX c. James I d. Mr. Nesensohn</p><p>16. What branch of Christianity did John Knox create?</p><p> a. Lutheranism b. Calvinism c. Presbyterianism d. Anabaptist</p><p>17. John Knox was from a Protestant reformer in what country?</p><p> a. England b. Ireland c. Scotland d. France</p><p>18. Which leader of England saw 283 Protestants burnt at the stake during his/her 5 year reign?</p><p> a. Henry VIII b. Mary I c. Elizabeth I d. Edward VI</p><p>3 19. Who wrote the “First Book of Discipline” in 1560?</p><p> a. John Knox b. John Calvin c. Ulrich Zwingli d. Henry VIII</p><p>20. The Swiss Confederation was made up of 13 city-states called what?</p><p> a. Countries b. States c. Cantons d. Territories</p><p>21. Ulrich Zwingli had a particular dislike for what instrument because it supposedly represented the corruption of the Catholic Church?</p><p> a. Organ b. Drums c. Violin d. Piano</p><p>22. How did Zwingli recommend to get rid of the instrument in #21?</p><p> a. Burn it b. Sell it and give the money to the poor c. Give it to Zwingli d. Recycle the material to make ships for the powerful Swiss navy</p><p>23. What happened to Zwingli during the Civil War?</p><p> a. He walked out onto the battlefield and surrendered b. He easily defeated the Catholics c. He lost and was fatally wounded in the battle d. He rode out on a glorious unicorn and galloped through the meadow</p><p>24. What shape/formation did the Spanish armada sail in?</p><p> a. Square b. V-formation c. Crescent d. No formation whatsoever</p><p>4 25. Which of the following was not a reason why Spain wanted to invade England?</p><p> a. Spain was Catholic, England was Protestant b. English ships were seizing Spanish ships c. England was supporting a revolt in the Spanish Netherlands against Spain d. England was attacking the Spanish coastline</p><p>26. What initially helped break the ranks of the Spanish Armada?</p><p> a. Storms b. English artillery c. English fire ships d. Icebergs</p><p>27. What weather event wreaked havoc on the Spanish Armada as it went around Scotland/Ireland?</p><p> a. Tsunami (tidal wave) b. Hurricane c. Freezing temperatures d. Bowling ball-sized hail</p><p>28. Part of the plan for the Spanish Armada was to pick up troops in what country to invade England with?</p><p> a. France b. Spanish Netherlands c. England d. Sweden</p><p>29. Of the 130 ships that started the Spanish Armada, how many returned to Spain?</p><p> a. 130 b. 104 c. 91 d. 67</p><p>30. Which Pope helped organize the Council of Trent?</p><p> a. Pope Pius IV b. Pope Clement VII c. Pope Sixtus VI d. Pope Paul III</p><p>5 31. Which of the following was not a purpose/result of the Council of Trent?</p><p> a. Salvation was achieved through faith and good deeds b. Priests were allowed to get married c. Indulgences were valid expressions of faith d. Latin was the universal language for worship</p><p>32. The Council of Trent was held in what modern day country?</p><p> a. England b. France c. Spain d. Italy</p><p>33. Which Pope ratified the decisions of the Council of Trent in 1564?</p><p> a. Pope Pius IV b. Pope Clement VII c. Pope Sixtus VI d. Pope Paul III</p><p>34. Where and when did the Baroque era begin?</p><p> a. Rome 1600 b. Florence 1745 c. Messina 1347 d. Venice 1425</p><p>35. Who in particular encouraged the Baroque era (it was part of the Counter- Reformation)?</p><p> a. Protestant officials b. Catholic officials c. No one, it just happened d. European rulers</p><p>36. Baroque sculptures had all of the following except:</p><p> a. Tended to show movement b. Included water fountains c. Made of gold d. Multiple viewing angles</p><p>6 37. Who was not a contributor to Baroque music?</p><p> a. Antonio Vivaldi b. Johann Sebastian Bach c. Aaron Copeland d. Claudio Monteverdi</p><p>38. What did the Peace of Augsburg (1555) say about religion?</p><p> a. No religion is allowed in Protestant countries b. The ruler picks the religion c. The people pick the religion d. None of the above</p><p>39. What is a “Defenestration”?</p><p> a. A campaign to save trees b. A public hanging c. Throwing guilty people out of windows d. Life-imprisonment</p><p>40. What document ended the 30 Years War?</p><p> a. Treaty of Paris b. Peace of London c. Treaty of Versailles d. Peace of Westphalia </p><p>41. What is self-determination?</p><p> a. A person gets to pick the religion b. The right to become and remain a country c. The right to remain silent d. The right to pick a ruler</p><p>42. Which of the following was not a weapon during the 30 Years War?</p><p> a. Gatling gun b. Wall gun c. Wheelock pistol d. Matchlock musket</p><p>7 43. What country left the 30 Years War the most powerful country in Europe?</p><p> a. England b. Spain c. France d. Sweden</p><p>44. What country gained independence from Spain during the 30 Years War?</p><p> a. Belgium b. Luxembourg c. Switzerland d. Netherlands</p><p>45. John Calvin set-up a religious community in what modern day country?</p><p> a. Switzerland b. Netherlands c. Slovenia d. Macedonia</p><p>46. What two Protestant reformers met at Marburg Castle in 1529?</p><p> a. John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli b. Ulrich Zwingli and John Knox c. Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli d. John Calvin and John Knox</p><p>47. Were Protestants invited to the Council of Trent?</p><p> a. Yes b. No</p><p>48. According to the Council of Trent, could common people get divorces?</p><p> a. Yes b. No</p><p>49. Which of the following religion(s) is/are Christian religions?</p><p> a. Lutheranism b. Calvinism c. Presbyterianism d. All of the above</p><p>8 50. Which of the following events took place first chronologically?</p><p> a. Reformation b. Baroque c. Renaissance d. Thirty Years War</p><p>51. Which of the following was not a ship Christopher Columbus used to sail to the New World in August 1492?</p><p>A. Santa Maria B. Beagle C. Nina D. Pinta</p><p>52. What treaty allowed Spain and Portugal to carve up newly discovered land</p><p>A. Treaty of Paris B. Treaty of Hidalgo C. Treaty of London D. Treaty of Tordesillas</p><p>53. Which of the following did not take place in the 16th century (1500’s)?</p><p>A. Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the globe B. Jamestown is established C. Hernan Cortes invades Mexico D. Francisco Pizzaro conquers the Inca Empire</p><p>54. Which of the following was not a leader of Russia?</p><p>A. Frederick the Great B. Ivan the Terrible C. Peter the Great D. Catherine the Great</p><p>55. What is the term for a leader whose power is not restricted by law or a constitution?</p><p> a. Democracy b. Czar c. Absolute monarchy d. Republic</p><p>9 56. Who was a member of the Hohenzollern Dynasty?</p><p>A. Frederick the Great B. Catherine the Great C. Peter the Great D. Joseph II</p><p>57.What did Prussia gain out of the war of Austrian Succession?</p><p>A. Poland B. Silesia C. Crimean Peninsula D. Iberian Peninsula</p><p>58. What is the definition for a government that has a single ruler, such as a king or queen?</p><p>A. Enlightened despotism B. Oligarchy C. Monarchy D. Aristocracy</p><p>59. What is the name of someone who rules in a monarch’s place?</p><p>A. Regent B. Autocrat C. Popular sovereignty D. Theocracy</p><p>60. What is the name of a government in which a god is the supreme ruler and power is in the hands of religious leaders?</p><p> a. Regent b. Autocrat c. Popular sovereignty d. Theocracy</p><p>61. What is it called when an absolute monarch uses his or her power to make beneficial political and social changes?</p><p>A.Oligarchy B. Totalitarian leader C. Enlightened despot D. Divine right</p><p>10 62. What language did Joseph II make the mandatory language?</p><p>E. French F. Spanish G. Italian H. German</p><p>63. Who was Joseph II’s brother and successor?</p><p> a. Leopold II b. Joseph III c. Peter the II d. Louis XIII</p><p>64. Henri IV was the king of what country?</p><p> a. Spain b. England c. Netherlands d. France</p><p>65. Who was Louis XIII Chief Foreign Minister for 18 years?</p><p> a. His mother b. His father c. Cardinal Richelieu d. Cardinal Mazarin </p><p>66. What was the chief goal of Cardinal Richelieu?</p><p> a. Overthrow the Pope b. Become Holy Roman emperor c. Check or weaken the power of the Habsburg Empire d. Create Versailles</p><p>67. When Cardinal Richelieu raised taxes, the majority of the taxes fell on who?</p><p> a. Clergy b. Poor c. Nobility d. The king</p><p>11 68. How long did Louis XIV rule France for?</p><p> a. 20 years b. 43 years c. 59 years d. 72 years</p><p>69. What nickname did Louis XIV have?</p><p> a. The happy king b. The silly king c. The sun king d. The angry king</p><p>70. Where is Versailles located?</p><p> a. 10 miles outside of Paris b. 100 miles outside of Paris c. 5 miles west of Calais d. 10 miles east of Caen</p><p>71. Which was not a reason why Versailles was built?</p><p> a. Away from diseased cities b. Allowed Louis XIV to keep friends and enemies nearby c. Built to commemorate the French victory in the War of Spanish Succession d. Away from rebellious masses</p><p>72. Throughout his entire reign, how many years was Louis XIV at war for?</p><p> a. 20 years b. 30 years c. 40 years d. 50 years</p><p>73. Did Louis XIV give freedom to Huguenots?</p><p> a. Yes b. No</p><p>12 74. Who were Huguenots?</p><p> a. French Protestants b. French Catholics c. French soldiers d. French serfs</p><p>75. James I translated the Bible into what religion?</p><p> a. German b. English c. French d. Italian</p><p>76. Under James I’s rule, who was united for the first time?</p><p> a. England and Ireland b. Scotland and Ireland c. England and Scotland d. Scotland and France</p><p>77. What eventually happened to Charles I?</p><p> a. Won the Civil War b. Lost the Civil War and was beheaded c. Won the Civil War and imprisoned Oliver Cromwell d. Lost the Civil War and was imprisoned for the rest of his life</p><p>78. What is it called when law is administered by military forces with the government’s approval?</p><p> a. Rebellion b. Revolution c. Martial law d. Court martial</p><p>13 79. What was Oliver Cromwell’s title?</p><p> a. King of England b. Tsar c. Emperor d. Lord Protector</p><p>80. Which was not a weapon used in the English Civil War?</p><p> a. Musket b. Cannon c. Pike d. Machine gun</p><p>81. During the English Civil War, what was the name of the king’s supporters that rode on horseback?</p><p> a. Roundheads b. Puritans c. Cavaliers d. Merchants</p><p>82. Charles II’s reign was called what?</p><p> a. Merry monarch b. Bloody monarch c. Rebellious monarch d. Religious monarch</p><p>83. What act allowed all officials to take part in communion services?</p><p> a. Treaty of Tordesillas b. Patriot Act c. Church Act d. Test Act</p><p>84. When William and Mary came to power, it was known as what?</p><p> a. Bloody Revolution b. Glorious Revolution c. Sudden Revolution d. Boston Tea party</p><p>14 85. What does “abdicate” mean?</p><p> a. To overthrow a monarch b. To execute someone c. To step off the throne d. To switch religions</p><p>86. When William and Mary came to power, there was very little ______.</p><p> a. Bloodshed b. Cooperation c. Freedom d. None of the above</p><p>87. What is the term for when no one can be arrested without being charged with a specific crime?</p><p> a. Abdicate b. Habeas corpus c. Martial law d. Heresy</p><p>88. Who created the idea that governments were formed because people allowed them to be formed?</p><p> a. Adam Smith b. Ben Franklin c. John Locke d. Thomas Hobbes</p><p>89. What did the Act of Settlement say?</p><p> a. No Protestant could be king of England b. No Catholic could be king of England c. There would be no more kings of England d. Mr. Nesensohn would determine if there would be kings</p><p>15 90. After the Act of Union of 1707, England, Scotland and Wales would eventually become known as what?</p><p> a. United Kingdom b. Great Britain c. United States of America d. England</p><p>91. Copernicus was born in what modern-day country?</p><p>A. Germany B. England C. Poland D. France</p><p>92. Which of the following people believed in the geocentric model?</p><p>A. Galileo Galilei B. Ptolemy C. Nicolaus Copernicus D. Isaac Newton</p><p>93. How did Copernicus believe planets moved?</p><p>A. In circular orbits B. In elliptical orbits C. In triangular orbits D. They did not orbit at all!</p><p>94. Galileo Galilei discovered three of what planets’ moons?</p><p>A. Earth B. Saturn C. Mercury D. Jupiter</p><p>95. What planet did Galileo Galilei discover (but he did not know it was a planet at the time)?</p><p>A. Pluto B. Mercury C. Saturn D. Neptune</p><p>16 96. What was Galileo Galilei’s punishment for continuing to promote the Heliocentric model?</p><p>A. No punishment B. Death by hanging C. House arrest D. Community service</p><p>97. Johannes Kepler said planets move in what kind of direction? A. Circular B. Elliptical C. Triangular D. They did not orbit!</p><p>98. Kepler wrote a boom called “Somnium”. What was it about?</p><p>A. A princess that is saved by King Henry B. The downfall of the British Empire C. His rivalry with Galileo D. A journey to the moon and inhabitants that lived on the moon</p><p>99. Isaac Newton was born in what modern day country?</p><p>A. Spain B. England C. France D. Vatican</p><p>100. What was so unique about Newton’s telescope?</p><p>A. It used mirrors instead of lens to make images more clear B. One had never been created before C. It was 20 feet long D. It was worthless</p><p>101. What is alchemy?</p><p>A. Accusing women of witchcraft B. Stealing from the king C. Turning basic metals into gold D. Mr. Nesensohn’s favorite cereal as a young skippy</p><p>17 102. What scientist will eventually revise some of Newton’s theories 200 years later? A. Copernicus B. Enrico Fermi C. Albert Einstein D. Ptolemy</p><p>103. What branch of mathematics did Newton develop to make more accurate records of planet movement? A. Geometry B. Algebra C. Subtraction D. Calculus</p><p>104. Newton wrote more on ______than he did on natural science.</p><p>A. History B. Religion C. War D. Politics</p><p>105. John Locke said sometimes revolutions were a(n) ______.</p><p>A. Mistake B. Challenge C. Obligation D. Nuissance</p><p>106. According to Locke, people cannot violate other peoples’ what?</p><p>A. Health B. Life C. Liberty D. All of the above</p><p>107. According to Locke, all humans are born ______</p><p>A. Wild B. Blank C. Silly D. Intelligent</p><p>18 108. Voltaire was a French philosopher. He went into exile in what country?</p><p>A. England B. Sweden C. Zimbabwe D. Spain</p><p>109. Where was Voltaire imprisoned?</p><p>A. Pantheon B. Bastille C. Louvre D. Versailles</p><p>110. Who invited Voltaire to Potsdam?</p><p>A. Frederick the Great B. Hitler C. Catherine the Great D. Joseph II</p><p>111. Which philosopher created the idea of checks and balances?</p><p>A. Adam Smith B. Rousseau C. Montesquieu D. Locke</p><p>112. Which philosopher said climate helps create the society?</p><p>A. Adam Smith B. Rousseau C. Montesquieu D. Locke</p><p>113. Which philosopher was born in Switzerland, but did most of his work in France?</p><p>A. Adam Smith B. Rousseau C. Montesquieu D. Locke</p><p>19 114. Which philosopher split France into three groups: monarchy, aristocracy and the commons?</p><p>A. Adam Smith B. Rousseau C. Montesquieu D. Locke</p><p>115. According to Rousseau, who should make the laws?</p><p>A. Magistrates B. King C. Lawyers D. The people</p><p>116. What is the Pantheon?</p><p>A. A prison B. A church that became a burial ground for famous French people C. Where the French President works today D. A weapon used during the Seven Years War</p><p>117. Who wrote “The Wealth of Nations”</p><p>A. Mr. Alzamora B. Locke C. Adam Smith D. Montesquieu</p><p>118. What does “Laissez Faire” mean?</p><p>A. It was a grand fair that took place in France B. The French way of saying Enlightenment C. The French way of saying “punishment” D. The French way of saying that the government should not intervene in the economy</p><p>20 119. According to Adam Smith, why is competition in the market a good thing?</p><p>A. It will keep prices low B. It keeps people busy C. Ensures that there will be “haves” and “have nots” D. None of the above</p><p>120. Adam Smith was an economist from which country?</p><p>A. England B. Scotland C. France D. Transylvania</p><p>21 22</p>
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