<p>/+ 2015</p><p>Indiana University Kokomo</p><p>By Stephanie N. Pratt, MSN, RN</p><p>[ASSESSMENT REPORT: RN TO BSN] The following report contains a summary of assessment data and recommendations. 2010 is the first full year for implementation of the new BSN Essentials as a guiding framework for curriculum development. ASSESSMENT REPORT: RN BSN TRACK: BACCALAUREATE OF SCIENCE IN NURSING 3</p><p>The Assessment Plan for the RN BSN Overview: 3</p><p>Portfolio for Evaluation 4</p><p>Evaluation Criteria for the Portfolio 10</p><p>CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RN BSN CLASS OF 2015 12</p><p>RESULTS 13</p><p>Part E: Executive Summary of Student Performance for Each Outcome with Faculty Interpretation 22</p><p>Section V: Dissemination of Results: 23 Assessment Report: RN BSN Track: Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing Program September, 2015</p><p>Brief Summary of the Assessment Plan for the BSN</p><p>Introduction: This summary provides an abbreviated overview of the RN TO BSN assessment plan, and also attempts to focus the reader on aspects of the plan that will be addressed in this report. Assessments are necessary to evaluate learning and to measure outcomes. The 2008 Essentials of Baccalaureate Education (AACN), were used as the framework for the BSN curriculum. A consortium curriculum committee consisting of representatives from all eight campuses within Indiana University was convened and led by Dr. Sue Hendricks and Professor Lynda Narwold to design the new RN to BSN curriculum. IU Kokomo adopted the on-line curriculum as the curriculum for IUK’s hybrid offering. This report includes only data for the RN to BSN hybrid completion option on-campus and at off-campus sites. The online consortium completion option is currently working on an independent evaluation process and will report results when available. </p><p>Summary of Past Data Collection:</p><p>Data was gathered for each RN to BSN cohort via a new portfolio model. This report serves both the IUK Assessment Council and the IUK School of Nursing Evaluation Committee, and therefore may contain elements that one or another group will not find useful. </p><p>Instructor Level of Course Assessment:</p><p>All courses are organized in a structure that includes the following in every syllabus: </p><p>IUK BSN: STUDENT S484 Course Learning activities Methods of Evaluation LEARNING Objectives OUTCOMES & Senior Level Competencies that Apply Directly</p><p>Faculty must articulate course objectives as they relate to the BSN Essentials and Program Student Learning Outcomes discussed later, what learning activities will occur to meet the objectives, and finally how will they evaluate learning. Students receive the syllabus on or before the first day of class and are aware of what they are to learn, activities that the instructor will plan and provide, and the method in which he/she will evaluate their learning. The Assistant Dean of the RN to BSN Track is responsible for assuring assessment of student learning outcomes and that these findings are effectively utilized to improve the curriculum. </p><p>The Assessment Plan for the RN BSN Track Overview: In the profession of nursing, guidelines for program goals and core competencies have been published by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice, 2008). The accrediting agency for the IU Kokomo School of Nursing BSN, the Commission for Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), requires use of a guiding framework, such as the Essentials. Use of such a framework ensures that entry level nurses are capable and prepared. By using such a framework, we prepare professional nurses to practice at the Baccalauraeate level (BSN), to practice in a variety of settings, and to address the professional development of nurses in North Central Indiana. One important way that professional development in our region is achieved is through the RN-BSN completion option. </p><p>Our curriculum through the Program Student Learning Outcomes ties to the Essentials in the following ways:</p><p>1. The BSN graduate is a critical thinker who demonstrates intellectual engagement and uses evidence as a basis for clinical reasoning and decision-making. 2. The BSN graduate is a culturally sensitive individual who provides holistic individual, family, community, and population-centered nursing care. 3. The BSN graduate is a knowledgeable care coordinator who facilitates access to resources across the continuum of health care environments in order to meet the evolving health care needs of individuals, families, communities, and populations. 4. The BSN graduate is an individual who understands and considers the impact of health care policy, finance, and regulatory environments on care delivery. 5. The BSN graduate is an individual who embodies the professional identity of the nurse and who translates the inherent values of the nursing profession into the ethical and legal practice of nursing. 6. The BSN graduate is an effective communicator who collaborates with interprofessional team members, patients, and their support systems for improved health outcomes. 7. The BSN graduate is a competent care provider who is prepared to practice to the full capacity of the professional nurse role in diverse health care environments. 8. The BSN graduate is an accountable leader and manager who applies principles of systems and organizational processes and who balances resources to promote quality care and patient safety. 9. The BSN graduate is an individual who embraces and employs innovations in information management and technology in the delivery of quality patient care. By using such a framework, we prepare professional nurses to practice at an entry level (BSN), to practice in a variety of settings, and to address the professional development of nurses in North Central Indiana. Portfolio for Evaluation</p><p>The portfolio is a mechanism used to validate that knowledge, skills meeting course and program outcomes, and course expectations have been acquired either through course related assignments or through methods occurring outside the classroom setting. Students are instructed to add to the portfolio every semester. The portfolio as a whole is evaluated in Pod 3. All portfolios are submitted electronically via a flash drive. A grading rubric is provided for overall evaluation of the portfolio, addressing appearance, completeness, and quality of the materials included and comparing them with the program outcomes. For grading purposes, every portfolio will be evaluated in terms of how well the student has demonstrated that he/she has met the BSN program outcomes. For program evaluation purposes, a random 20% sample will be used a as representative evaluation. Example copies of a few portfolios from each cohort may be requested to verify program outcome quality (retained as evidence). Student permission to retain a copy of the portfolio will be obtained. The following are instructions regarding the portfolio, along with the rubric for evaluation. </p><p>Program Student Learning Outcome #1 The BSN graduate is: A critical thinker who demonstrates intellectual curiosity and uses evidence Program Outcome 1 Total _____ as a basis for clinical reasoning and decision making. Maximum = 12</p><p>End of Program Outcome 1 Average ____ (3 measures)</p><p>A. Integrates theories and concepts from nursing and liberal education to apply nursing processes 4 3 2 1 and evaluate outcomes of care.</p><p>B. Utilizes research from nursing and multiple disciplines to select the best practice when caring for 4 3 2 1 individuals, families and communities. </p><p>C. Uses a systematic approach for clinical reasoning and decision making. 4 3 2 1</p><p>Program Student Learning Outcome #2 Program Outcome 2 Total______The BSN graduate is: A culturally sensitive person who provides holistic, patient centered nursing Maximum =8 care for individuals, families, and communities. End of Program Outcome 2 Average______(2 Measures)</p><p>A. Applies knowledge of social and cultural factors that affect nursing and health 4 3 2 1 care across multiple contexts.</p><p>B. Advocates for social justice, including commitment to the health of vulnerable 4 3 2 1 populations and the elimination of health disparities.</p><p>Program Student Learning Outcome 3 The BSN graduate is: A knowledgeable care coordinator who facilitates access to resources across Program Outcome 3 Total______the continuum of health care environments in order to meet the evolving health care needs of Maximum=8 individuals, families, communities, and populations. End of Program Outcome 3 Average______(2 Measures)</p><p>A. Assesses protective and predictive factors, including genetics, which influence the 4 3 2 1 health of individuals, families, communities, and populations.</p><p>B. Appropriately assesses, develops and evaluates intervention strategies for health, 4 3 2 1 healthcare and emergency preparedness needs of a defined population. Program Student Learning Outcome 4 The BSN graduate is: An individual who understands and considers the impact of health care Program Outcome 4 Total policy, finance, and regulatory environments on care delivery. Maximum=12 End of Program Outcome 4 Average______(3 Measures)</p><p>A. Examines professional nursing’s involvement and impact on local, state, national 4 3 2 1 and international health care policies.</p><p>B. Examines current professional organizations, political trends, and public opinion 4 3 2 1 that shape health care delivery.</p><p>Investigates policy changes that promote health for individuals, families and 4 3 2 1 communities. Program Student Learning Outcome 5 The BSN Graduate is: An individual who embodies the professional identity of the nurse and who Program Outcome 5 Total translates the inherent values of the nursing profession into the ethical and legal practice of nursing. Maximum=12 End of Program Outcome 5 Average______(3 Measures)</p><p>A. Demonstrates the professional standards of moral, ethical and legal conduct. 4 3 2 1</p><p>B. Advocates for individuals, families, and communities by acting to prevent 4 3 2 1 unsafe, illegal, or unethical care practices.</p><p>C. Articulates the value of pursuing practice excellence, lifelong learning, and 4 3 2 1 professional engagement to foster growth and development in all areas of the discipline of nursing. Program Student Learning Outcome 6 The BSN Graduate is: An effective communicator who collaborates with inter professional team Program Outcome 4 Total members, patients, and their support systems for improved health outcomes. Maximum=12 End of Program Outcome 6 Average______(3 Measures) A. A. Communicates effectively in a variety of written and spoken formats. 4 3 2 1</p><p>B. B. Demonstrates the use of appropriate therapeutic interpersonal communication 4 3 2 1 techniques.</p><p>Collaborates with other professionals and patients to provide spiritually and 4 3 2 1 culturally appropriate health promotion, disease, and injury prevention interventions. Program Student Learning Outcome 7 Program Outcome 7 Total The BSN Graduate is: A competent care provider who is prepared to practice in the full capacity of Maximum=12 the professional nurse role in diverse health care environments. End of Program Outcome 7 Average______(3 Measures)</p><p>A. Demonstrates mastery of basic nursing assessment techniques, intervention 4 3 2 1 prioritization, skills performance, and care evaluation. B. Provides appropriate patient teaching that reflects developmental stage, age, culture, spirituality, patient preferences, and health literacy considerations to foster patient 4 3 2 1 engagement in their care. C. Facilitates patient-family-centered transitions of care throughout wellness, illness, recovery, rehabilitation, or death. 4 3 2 1</p><p>Program Student Learning Outcome 8 Program Outcome 8 Total The BSN Graduate is: An accountable leader and manager who applies principles of systems and Maximum=12 organizational processes and who balances resources to promote quality care and patient safety. End of Program Outcome 8 Average______(3 Measures)</p><p>A. Applies leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high 4 3 2 1 quality nursing care, healthcare team coordination, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. B. Articulates the value of pursuing practice excellence, lifelong learning, and 4 3 2 1 professional engagement to foster growth and development in all areas of the discipline of nursing. C. Demonstrates knowledge of health care financial and business practices. 4 3 2 1 Program Student Learning Outcome 9 Program Outcome 9 Total The BSN Graduate is: An individual who embraces and employs innovations in information Maximum=8 management and technology in the delivery of quality patient care. End of Program Outcome 9 Average______(2 Measures)</p><p>A. Demonstrate skills in using patient care technologies, information systems and communication devices that support safe nursing practice. 4 3 2 1</p><p>B. Promotes achievement of safe and quality outcomes of care for diverse populations 4 3 2 1 though use of quality improvement data collection and analysis. Evaluation Criteria for the Portfolio</p><p>Please note: for evaluating the portfolio: Our benchmark is at “3 or more” That is, the mean of all ratings across RN – BSN students is 3 or more for each individual senior competency, and that the overall mean (of all the scores) for every individual student (100%) in the RN – BSN track is “3” or more. For Each Criteria, we will use the following rubric: </p><p>4=Excellence Evident in Meeting BSN Outcome Evaluator easily finds evidence that is presented professionally; and Evidence presented shows that student has mastered the competency in a manner that suggests the best practice/exemplary practice; or Demonstrates high level of integration of knowledge, unusually strong insight. </p><p>3=Satisfactory Performance Evident in Meeting BSN Outcome Evaluator easily finds evidence that is presented professionally; and Evidence presented shows that the student has mastered the competency in a complete manner; or Demonstrates good integration of knowledge, insight.</p><p>2=Just Below Satisfactory Performance Evident in Meeting BSN Outcome Evaluator finds evidence only after searching the portfolio; or Evaluator finds that evidence is not presented in a professional manner; or Evidence presented shows some areas that are lacking with regard to achievement of the competency. 1=Unsatisfactory Performance Evident in Meeting BSN Outcome Evaluator is unable to find evidence pertinent to the competency; or Evidence presented does not show that the student addressed the competency in a relevant/reasonable manner (lacks attention to basic aspects of competency); or Evidence presented is found to be unsafe, unethical, or fraudulent.</p><p>4=Excellence Evident 3=Satisfactory Performance 2=Just Below Satisfactory. 1=Unsatisfactory Performance Rater assigns a numeric value to each category: I. Graduate Survey: Near the close of the senior year, students complete a self report instrument in which they rate their own abilities in each of the student learning outcome areas. This scale includes several items per program goal, and is available on request. This is scaled a four point Likert scale, with 4=strongly agree, 3=agree, 2=disagree, and 1=strongly disagree. Since an important part of professional development is identifying one’s own strengths and weaknesses and since our students engage in self rating across the curriculum, this is an appropriate measure. However, being self report, there is an issue of validity. Therefore, when possible, this measure is considered with other measures. Currently our benchmarks are set at achievement of a Mean of 3.0 or more in all areas.</p><p>III. Alumni Survey: One year post graduation, RN BSN alumni are mailed a survey similar to the graduate survey though somewhat shorter, that includes self report items for every program goal. A similar Likert rating scale is used. Currently our benchmarks are set at achievement of a Mean of 2.0 or more in all areas. This survey is mailed yearly in August to previous graduates. Characteristics of the RN BSN Class of 2015</p><p>Graduate Exit Survey Results: This data was gathered just prior to completion of the program in August 2015.</p><p>On Campus: 33students started the RN-BSN track in the fall of 2014. Of that 33, three were male and thirty were female. 32 of the original 33 graduated with a BSN in August of 2015. The average age was 38 years old.</p><p>Healthcare experience and roles varied. The graduates worked in a variety of settings; the majority caring for patients in acute care facilities as staff nurses. </p><p>Off Campus: Logansport: 17 students started the RN-BSN track in the fall of 2014. Of that 17, two were male and fifteen were female. 17 of the original 17 graduated with a BSN in August of 2015. The average age was 41 years old. </p><p>Healthcare experience and roles varied. The graduates worked in a variety of settings; the majority caring for patients in acute care facilities as staff nurses. </p><p>.</p><p>Alumni Survey Results: The alumni surveys are gathered one year after graduation. The data reflected below is reflective of the RN BSN class of 2014. PORTFOLIO RESULTS FOR AUGUST 2015 GRADUATES</p><p>Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing Baccalaureate in Nursing: 2015 Assessment Results On Site Courses & Off Site (Logansport) OUTCOME PRIMARY TOOLS FOR WHEN IS THE BENCHMARKS AND DATA FROM GRADUATING CLASS ASSESSMENT PROGRAM MEASURE MEASUREMENT COMMENTS AREA EVALUATION* TAKEN? FOR EACH TOOL IN (ORGANIZED SR=SELF REPORT PROGRAM EVALUATION: BY STUDENT OR=OBSERVED LEARNING REPORT OUTCOME) P=PERFORMANCE ON TEST, PAPER, OR SKILL CHECK Program Grad Survey (SR) Month prior to Grad and Alum Survey: Grad Survey Outcome #1 grad All Surveys have values as follows: On Campus 3.65 1=strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, Off Campus: 3.35 The BSN 3=Agree, 4=strongly Agree. graduate is: A Benchmark: means at 3.00 or more critical Alum Survey: 1 year (SR) Mailed at 1 year on all three measures. Alumni Survey: thinker who post grad. On Campus 3.52 demonstrates Every August Online: 3.33 intellectual Portfolio (P) Pod 3 Portfolio: curiosity and Please note: for evaluating the Average for Program Outcome 1 uses evidence portfolio: Our benchmark is at On Campus: 4 as a basis for Off Campus Logansport:4 “3” or more: the mean of all Off Campus IU North:3.85 clinical ratings across RN – BSN reasoning and students is 3 or more for each decision individual senior competency, making and that the overall mean (of all the scores) for every individual student (100%) in the RN – BSN program is “3” or more. Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing Baccalaureate in Nursing: 2015 Assessment Results</p><p>OUTCOME PRIMARY TOOLS FOR WHEN IS BENCHMARKS AND DATA FROM GRADUATING CLASS ASSESSMENT PROGRAM EVALUATION* THE MEASUREMENT COMMENTS AREA SR=SELF REPORT MEASURE FOR EACH TOOL IN PROGRAM OR=OBSERVED REPORT TAKEN? EVALUATION: P=PERFORMANCE Program Grad Survey (SR) Month prior to Grad and Alum Survey: Grad Survey Outcome #2 grad All Surveys have values as follows: On Campus 3.57 1=strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, Off Campus: 3.47 The BSN 3=Agree, 4=strongly Agree. graduate is: A Benchmark: means at 3.00 or more culturally Alum Survey: 1 year (SR) Mailed at 1 on all three measures. Alumni Survey: sensitive year post grad. On Campus 3.52 person who Every August Online: 3.33 provides Portfolio (P) Pod 3 Portfolio: holistic, Please note: for evaluating the Average for Program Outcome 2 patient portfolio: Our benchmark is at On Campus: 4 centered Off Campus Logansport:4 “3” or more: the mean of all Off Campus IU North:3.93 nursing care ratings across RN – BSN for students is 3 or more for each individuals, individual senior competency, families, and and that the overall mean (of communities. all the scores) for every individual student (100%) in the RN – BSN program is “3” or more. </p><p>Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing Baccalaureate in Nursing: 2015 Assessment Results</p><p>OUTCOME PRIMARY TOOLS FOR WHEN IS BENCHMARKS AND DATA FROM GRADUATING CLASS ASSESSMENT PROGRAM EVALUATION* THE MEASUREMENT COMMENTS AREA SR=SELF REPORT MEASURE FOR EACH TOOL IN PROGRAM (ORGANIZED OR=OBSERVED REPORT TAKEN? EVALUATION: BY STUDENT P=PERFORMANCE ON LEARNING TEST, PAPER, OR SKILL OUTCOME) CHECK Program Grad Survey (SR) Month prior to Grad and Alum Survey: Grad Survey Outcome #3 grad All Surveys have values as follows: On Campus: 3.47 1=strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, Off Campus: 3.69 The BSN 3=Agree, 4=strongly Agree. graduate is: A Alum Survey: 1 year (SR) Benchmark: means at 3.00 or more knowledgeable Mailed at 1 on all three measures. Alumni Survey: care year post grad. On Campus 3.56 coordinator Every August Online: 3.33 who facilitates Portfolio (P) Pod 3 Portfolio: access to Please note: for evaluating the Average for Program Outcome resources portfolio: Our benchmark is at On Campus: 4 across the Off Campus Logansport:4 “3” or more: the mean of all Off Campus IU North:4 continuum of ratings across RN – BSN health care students is 3 or more for each environments individual senior competency, in order to and that the overall mean (of meet the all the scores) for every evolving individual student (100%) in health care the RN – BSN program is “3” needs of or more. individuals, families, communities, and populations.</p><p>Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing Baccalaureate in Nursing: 2015 Assessment Results OUTCOME PRIMARY TOOLS FOR WHEN IS BENCHMARKS AND DATA FROM GRADUATING CLASS ASSESSMENT PROGRAM EVALUATION* THE MEASUREMENT COMMENTS AREA SR=SELF REPORT MEASURE FOR EACH TOOL IN PROGRAM OR=OBSERVED REPORT TAKEN? EVALUATION: P=PERFORMANCE ON TEST, PAPER, OR SKILL CHECK Program Grad Survey (SR) Month prior to Grad and Alum Survey: Grad Survey Outcome 4 grad All Surveys have values as follows: On Campus: 3.69 1=strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, Off Campus:3.59 The BSN 3=Agree, 4=strongly Agree. graduate is: Benchmark: means at 3.00 or more An individual Alum Survey: 1 year (SR) Mailed at 1 on all three measures. Alumni Survey: who year post grad. On Campus 3.44 understands Every August Online: 3.33 and considers Portfolio (P) Pod 3 Portfolio: the impact of Please note: for evaluating the Average for Program Outcome 4 health care portfolio: Our benchmark is at On Campus: 4 policy, Off Campus Logansport:4 “3” or more: the mean of all Off Campus IU North:4 finance, and ratings across RN – BSN regulatory students is 3 or more for each environments individual senior competency, on care and that the overall mean (of delivery. all the scores) for every individual student (100%) in the RN – BSN program is “3” or more. Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing Baccalaureate in Nursing: 2015 Assessment Results</p><p>OUTCOME PRIMARY TOOLS FOR WHEN IS BENCHMARKS AND DATA FROM GRADUATING CLASS ASSESSMENT PROGRAM EVALUATION* THE MEASUREMENT COMMENTS AREA SR=SELF REPORT MEASURE FOR EACH TOOL IN PROGRAM OR=OBSERVED REPORT TAKEN? EVALUATION: P=PERFORMANCE Program Grad Survey (SR). Month prior to Grad and Alum Survey: Grad Survey Outcome 5 grad All Surveys have values as follows: On Campus: 3.69 1=strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, Off Campus: 3.53 The BSN 3=Agree, 4=strongly Agree. Graduate is: Alum Survey: 1 year (SR) Mailed at 1 Benchmark: means at 3.00 or more Alumni Survey: An individual year post grad. on all three measures. On Campus:3.56 who embodies Every August Off Campus:3.33 the professional Portfolio: identity of the Portfolio (P) Pod 3 Please note: for evaluating the Average for Program Outcome 5 nurse and who portfolio: Our benchmark is at On Campus: 4 translates the Off Campus Logansport:4 “3” or more: the mean of all Off Campus IU North:4 inherent ratings across RN – BSN values of the students is 3 or more for each nursing individual senior competency, profession and that the overall mean (of into the all the scores) for every ethical and individual student (100%) in legal practice the RN – BSN program is “3” of nursing. or more. Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing Baccalaureate in Nursing: 2015 Assessment Results</p><p>OUTCOME PRIMARY TOOLS FOR WHEN IS BENCHMARKS AND DATA FROM GRADUATING CLASS ASSESSMENT PROGRAM EVALUATION* THE MEASUREMENT COMMENTS AREA SR=SELF REPORT MEASURE FOR EACH TOOL IN PROGRAM OR=OBSERVED REPORT TAKEN? EVALUATION: P=PERFORMANCE Program Grad Survey (SR) Month prior to Grad and Alum Survey: Grad Survey Outcome 6 grad All Surveys have values as follows: On Campus: 3.69 1=strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, Off Campus: 3.65 The BSN 3=Agree, 4=strongly Agree. Graduate is: Benchmark: means at 3.00 or more An effective Alum Survey: 1 year (SR) Mailed at 1 on all three measures. Alumni Survey: communicator year post grad. On Campus: 3.59 who Every August Online: 3.33 collaborates Portfolio (P) Pod 3 Portfolio: with inter Please note: for evaluating the Average for Program Outcome 6 professional portfolio: Our benchmark is at On Campus: 4 team Off Campus Logansport:4 “3” or more: the mean of all Off Campus IU North:3.95 members, ratings across RN – BSN patients, and students is 3 or more for each their support individual senior competency, systems for and that the overall mean (of improved all the scores) for every health individual student (100%) in outcomes. the RN – BSN program is “3” or more. Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing Baccalaureate in Nursing: 2014Assessment Results</p><p>OUTCOME PRIMARY TOOLS FOR WHEN IS BENCHMARKS AND DATA FROM GRADUATING CLASS ASSESSMENT PROGRAM EVALUATION* THE MEASUREMENT COMMENTS AREA SR=SELF REPORT MEASURE FOR EACH TOOL IN PROGRAM OR=OBSERVED REPORT TAKEN? EVALUATION: P=PERFORMANCE Program Grad Survey (SR) Month prior to Grad and Alum Survey: Grad Survey Outcome 7 grad All Surveys have values as follows: On Campus: 3.77 1=strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, Off Campus: 3.59 The BSN Alum Survey: 1 year (SR) 3=Agree, 4=strongly Agree. Graduate is: Benchmark: means at 3.00 or more A competent Mailed at 1 on all three measures. Alumni Survey: care provider year post grad. On Campus 3.52 who is Portfolio (P) Every August Online: 3.33 prepared to Pod 3 Portfolio: practice in the Please note: for evaluating the Average for Program Outcome 7 full capacity portfolio: Our benchmark is at On Campus: 3.96 of the Off Campus Logansport:4 “3” or more: the mean of all Off Campus IU North:3.90 professional ratings across RN – BSN nurse role in students is 3 or more for each diverse health individual senior competency, care and that the overall mean (of environments. all the scores) for every individual student (100%) in the RN – BSN program is “3” or more. Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing Baccalaureate in Nursing: 2015 Assessment Results</p><p>OUTCOME PRIMARY TOOLS FOR WHEN IS BENCHMARKS AND DATA FROM GRADUATING CLASS ASSESSMENT PROGRAM EVALUATION* THE MEASUREMENT COMMENTS AREA SR=SELF REPORT MEASURE FOR EACH TOOL IN PROGRAM OR=OBSERVED REPORT TAKEN? EVALUATION: P=PERFORMANCE Program Grad Survey (SR) Month prior to Grad and Alum Survey: Grad Survey Outcome 8 grad All Surveys have values as follows: On Campus:3.47 1=strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, Off Campus:3.69 The BSN 3=Agree, 4=strongly Agree. Graduate is: Benchmark: means at 3.00 or An accountable Alum Survey: 1 year (SR) Mailed at 1 more on all three measures. Alumni Survey: leader and year post grad. On Campus:3.48 manager who Every August Off Campus:3.33 applies Portfolio (P) Pod 3 Portfolio: Average for Program Outcome 8 principles of Please note: for evaluating the On Campus: 4 systems and portfolio: Our benchmark is at Off Campus Logansport:4 organizational “3” or more: the mean of all Off Campus IU North:3.86 processes and ratings across RN – BSN who balances students is 3 or more for each resources to individual senior competency, promote and that the overall mean (of quality care all the scores) for every and patient individual student (100%) in safety. the RN – BSN program is “3” or more. Indiana University Kokomo School of Nursing Baccalaureate in Nursing: 2015 Assessment Results</p><p>OUTCOME PRIMARY TOOLS FOR WHEN IS BENCHMARKS AND DATA FROM GRADUATING CLASS ASSESSMENT PROGRAM EVALUATION* THE MEASUREMENT COMMENTS AREA SR=SELF REPORT MEASURE FOR EACH TOOL IN PROGRAM OR=OBSERVED REPORT TAKEN? EVALUATION: P=PERFORMANCE </p><p>Program Grad Survey (SR) Month prior to Grad and Alum Survey: Grad Survey Outcome 9 grad All Surveys have values as follows: On Campus: 3.73 1=strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, Off Campus:3.65 The BSN 3=Agree, 4=strongly Agree. Graduate is: Benchmark: means at 3.00 or more An individual Alum Survey: 1 year (SR) Mailed at 1 on all three measures. Alumni Survey: who embraces year post grad. On Campus 3.52 and employs Every August Online: 3.33 innovations in Portfolio (P) Pod 3 Portfolio: Average for Program Outcome 9 information Please note: for evaluating the On Campus: 4 management portfolio: Our benchmark is at Off Campus Logansport:4 and “3” or more: the mean of all Off Campus IU North:3.86 technology in ratings across RN – BSN the delivery of students is 3 or more for each quality patient individual senior competency, care. and that the overall mean (of all the scores) for every individual student (100%) in the RN – BSN program is “3” or more. Part E: Executive Summary of Student Performance for Each Outcome with Faculty Interpretation OUTCOMES OVERALL COMPARISON POTENTIAL AREAS FOR ACTION* WITH BENCHMARK: MET, EXCEEDED, OR AREA FOR IMPROVEMENT Program Outcome #1 EXCEEDED The BSN graduate is: A critical thinker who demonstrates intellectual curiosity and uses evidence as a basis for clinical reasoning and decision making Program Outcome #2 EXCEEDED The BSN graduate is: A culturally sensitive person who provides holistic, patient centered nursing care for individuals, families, and communities. Program Outcome #3 EXCEEDED The BSN graduate is: A knowledgeable care coordinator who facilitates access to resources across the continuum of health care environments in order to meet the evolving health care needs of individuals, families, communities, and populations. Program Outcome #4 EXCEEDED The BSN graduate is: An individual who understands and considers the impact of health care policy, finance, and regulatory environments on care delivery. Program Outcome #5 EXCEEDED The BSN Graduate is: An individual who embodies the professional identity of the nurse and who translates the inherent values of the nursing profession into the ethical and legal practice of nursing. Program Outcome #6 EXCEEDED The BSN Graduate is: An effective communicator who collaborates with inter professional team members, patients, and their support systems for improved health outcomes. Program Outcome #7 EXCEEDED The BSN Graduate is: A competent care provider who is prepared to practice in the full capacity of the professional nurse role in diverse health care environments. Program Outcome #8 EXCEEDED The BSN Graduate is: An accountable leader and manager who applies principles of systems and organizational processes and who balances resources to promote quality care and patient safety. Program Outcome #9 EXCEEDED The BSN Graduate is: An individual who embraces and employs innovations in information management and technology in the delivery of quality patient care.</p><p>Section IV: Using Assessment for Program Improvement for 2016 As evidenced by the portfolio results, all BSN Program Outcomes exceeded benchmark expectations; and as a result, show the new curriculum is effective and will be continued without revisions at this time. </p><p>Section V: Dissemination of Results: </p><p>This report will be distributed to all regular faculty members prior to our evaluation meeting to discuss findings (the meeting for this is October 5, 2015. In addition, we put a short version of the report on the website for Nursing. The report will need to be a brief synopsis of our performance because a long version is burdensome for the reader. There are further supporting documents available upon request. </p>
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