<p>Lecture 15</p><p>TROUBLE SHOOTING PROCEDURES.</p><p>Identification of Faults from Indications.</p><p>LINE SWITCH INDICATIONS( LS )</p><p>Line switch indication (LS) is very important which gives knowledge of well working of all motor coaches and hence full train. The indication in both the Driving cab and Motor coach.</p><p>1. No LS indication – problem with supply from wire No.3 2. LS indication & Stays – Problems with supply from wire no.2 3. LS indication comes and goes – Electrically normal 4. LS indication comes, goes, comes back and stays-Problem in HT Power circuit.</p><p>1. No LS Indication –</p><p> a) Normal movement – Train moves normal Cause 1) LED fuse 2) Open circuit of wire no.18</p><p> b) Train moves sluggish (sluggish movement) Cause – along with LED fuse or wire no.18 open circuit any other reason for individual motorcoach</p><p> c) No movement (train refuse to move) Cause 1) Wire no.16 supply is not to Master Controller 2) 30 Amps control MCB trip and no back feed. D jumper between 1st and Iind coach and no back feed 15 Amp control MCB trip on Driving Cab. Defective AWS interlock/central key/Master Controller C jumper dropped between 1st and 2nd coach Wire No.3 open before 2nd coach.</p><p>2. LS INDICATION COMES AND STAY (FAULT IN WIRE NO.2) A) No Movement B) Sluggish Movement</p><p> a) No Movement (Train refuse to Move) Cause:- Open circuit of wire no.2 before 2nd coach Low or No BP pressure Low or No MR pressure b) Sluggish movement ( Problem in one M/Coach/or one M/Comp. Running dead.) Cause:- Additional MCB for wire no,.2 tripped Reverser toggle switch is in Off position Defective Reverser HT door interlock not in proper position Defective control/equipment governor Defective NCR coil One of the Tr.Motor, CBAR, thermostat,ISR operated. Defective LS1 and LS2 coil</p><p>3. LS INDICATION NORMAL-</p><p>A) Normal movement B) Sluggish movement C) No movement</p><p> a) No movement - cause Full train brake binding Auto brake binding- Overcharging of BP EP brake binding</p><p> b) Sluggish movement – cause</p><p>MCC of 1 or 2 Motor Coach is off One of the HT door is completely open ( M/Coach) C jumper dropped somewhere after 2nd coach (Leading M/Coach) Partial brake binding/wheel locked/hot axle Additional MCB for wire no.3 trip in one of the Motor coach 4. LS INDICATION – Comes goes and come back and stays)flickers and stays.</p><p> a) No movement – cause No OHE supply All panto dropped</p><p>Sluggish movement – Cause b)</p><p>One of the panto in lowered condition One of the panto fuse blown (melt) One of the HT Power circuit open</p><p>LS INDICATION COMES AFTER 30 SECONDS</p><p>Cause – Incomplete sequence relay interlock opened</p><p>LS indication comes after 100 seconds</p><p>Cause - TCR interlock opend.</p><p>LS indication comes after some time</p><p>Cause - The Interlock of thermostat opened. </p><p>BRAKE BINDING</p><p>1. Brake Binding in first or last ‘C’ coach:-</p><p>A) Close EP and Auto cocks B) Pull the release valve till hissing noise stops C) Ensure on all wheel by leg weather the binding is released D) Open Auto cock E) Check the brake binding If brake binding is not found work the train normal on auto brakes.</p><p>If brakes binding is found again close auto cock</p><p> a) Pull the release valve till hissing noice stops b) Ensure that brake blocks are released c) Close the bogie cocks, if the coach is last coach inform guard d) There are no brakes in his coach and cancellation of train e) Work the train to clear the section at restricted speed (not more than 15 KMPH) upto first available platform, cancel the train. In case of 12 car rake, if the platform is of 9car use double halt prodcedure to detain the passengers. Work the train upto nearest stabling depot.</p><p>Entry in unit defect card (UD), UD chart and inform MI.</p><p>BRAKE BINDING IN THE BETWEEN COACHES.</p><p> a) Close EP and auto cocks b) Pull the release valve till hissing noise stop c) Ensure brake block are released d) Close the bogie cock of that coach e) Do the entry in UD card and UD chart and inform MI f) Work the train normal and rake the running brake test.</p><p>FULL TRAIN EP BINDING Cause:- a) Wire no,37 short circuited with same +_ wire b) Wire No. 37 and 38 short circuited with +ve wire directly</p><p>Indication:- a) Train refuse to move with normal LS indication b) MR and BP pressure is normal c) Brake cylinder guage showing reading.</p><p>Action:- a) Switch off EP MCB, EP Key, if brake binding gets released, wrok the train normal on auto brake .</p><p>If brake binding remains still. Isolate the AWS Switch ON the compressor governor by pass switch in driving cab and try to work. If brake binding still presists Drop B jumper between 5th and 6th coach, one side brake binding will automatically release with hisssing noise. On other side, close EP cocks and pull the release wire till binding gets released and hissing noise is stopped. </p><p>Work the train normally on auto brakes. Do the entry in UD card UD chart and inform MI</p><p>FULL TRAIN AUTO BRAKE BINDING:-</p><p>Cause:- BP under charging due to reducing valve.</p><p>Indication:- Brake cylinder guage shows brake cylinder pressure MR pressure is normal, BP pressure below 4.2 Kg/Cm2ON switching OFF ICS, the charging of BP is stopped and if the pressure remains constant means its indicate that it is due to reducing valve under charging. If BP pressure reduced it means it is due to BP leakage.</p><p>Action:- a) Charge the train by switching ON ICS from guard side. b) Inform the guard to cancellation of train at first available platform. i c) Cancel the train in case of 12 car rake, if the platform is of 9 car use double halt procedure to detain the passengers. d) Work the train to nearest stabling depot e) Do the entry in UD cards UD chart and inform MI</p><p>Cause:- BP Overcharging due to reducing valve:-</p><p>Indication :- a) Brake cylinder guage shows brake application pressure b) MR pressure is normal, BP pressure is normal c) This is due to reducing valve is overcharging the BP and reducing valve sets back and the BP is again charged normal pressure. Hence the Auxiliary reservoir will have more pressure than BP.</p><p>Action:- a) Make 4 to 5 time EP application so that auxiliary reservoir becomes normal. b) If the brake binding remains still, release the brake binding of each coach by releasing valve. c) The EP and auto cocks are not closed. d) Work the train normal. e) Entry in UD card , UD chart and inform MI.</p><p>LEAKAGES:-</p><p>Air lekages:- Three types air leakages which effects directly to the MR pipe.</p><p>A. MR Side Lekages:- a) Supplementary Reservoir ( 800 supplementary cocks) b) RPC reservoir c) Hooter reservoir d) EP cock e) Pipe line filter, MR side f) MR hose pipe (coupling cock)</p><p>B. BP side leakges:- a) Auto cock b) Deadmans cock c) Pipe line filter BP side d) Control governor (ICF) e) BP hose pipe/coupling cock.</p><p>C. Other A and B :- a) Compressor feeding side b) In and after brake unit c) Pilot valve d) Goveror e) Hooter f) Pantograph g) Wiper h) RPC i) Self lapping cylinder</p><p>Important step while arresting of air leakage:-</p><p>Indication and time,(ii) Place of leakge and arresting procedure,(iii) Complete isolation of M/Coach, (iv)Charging of BP from rake (v) Cancellation of train (vi) Releasing of brakes, (vii) working normal clear the section/speed, (viii) information/entry in UD card/written report. Time of starting of train;-</p><p>Leakage in MR Pipe:-</p><p>1) MR leakages in leading C coach (Brake controller is Westing House/Escort Knorr ). Probable reason :- Leakges from 1) Drain cock of pipe line filter, Hooter reservoir, supplementary reservoir (if sic is not provided,) from hooter, cock, BP cock , (if sic is not provided) MR coupling cock.</p><p>Indication:- Exhaust sound is heared, MR and BP guage showing less reading, brakes are applied train refuse to move, LS indication will come and stay.</p><p>Action:- Isolate the AWS and note the time Switch off the ICS in D/Cab and confirm the leakage in MR pipe. Locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR and BP coupling cock both between 1st and 2nd coach. Release the brake binding and after ensuring brake blocks release and isolate bogie. Go to Guard can switch ON the ICS in Guard can and charge the BP fully. Appraise the guard of BP, discontinuity cancellation of train at first available platform. To apply emergency brakes on receiving bell code(00-00-00) or in emergency. Switch Off the ICS in Guard can and check MR and BP are normal. Switch on the ICS with same handle in Driving cab and note time. Work the train on EP to clear the section at speed not more than KMPH upto first platform, Cancel the train. In case of 12 car rakeif platform is of 9 car rake use double halt procedure to detain passengers. Back the rake to nearest stabling depot.</p><p>Entry in UD card. UD chart and inform the MI.</p><p>Note:- There will be no hooter in cab (Driving) EP brake will apply in 8/11 coaches Auto brake will not work from D/Cab, During the parting emergency hand brakes to be applied for leading C coach.</p><p>2. MR LEAKAGE IN LEADING MOTOR COACH ( WESTING HOUSE BRAKE CONTROLLER.</p><p>Probable reasons:-</p><p>Leakage from 1) Drain cock from pipe line filters, Hooters, reservoirs, RPC reservoir, 2) Hootercock, screwdown cock, HRC of RPC, 3) MR coupling cock of B coach, MR plain cock.</p><p>Indication:- 1) ME and BP guages will show less reading, 2) Brakes are applied, 3) Train refuse to move, 4) LS indication may came and stay.</p><p>Action – 1) Isolate the AWS and note the time 2) Switch off the ICS in D/Cab and confirm the leak again MR pressure pipe 3) Locals the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR coupling cock and BP coupling cock both between 2nd and 3rd coach. 4) Isolate the Motor coach completely. 5) Release the brakes binding in 1st and 2nd coaches, and after ensuring the brakes blocks are released, isolate bogies. 6) Go to Guards cabin and switch on the ICS in Guard cabin and charge the BP. A) appraise the guard to BP discontinuity and cancellation of train at the firsts available platform and to apply emergency brakes on receiving prescribed bell code (00-00-00) or in emergency. 7) Switch off the ICS in Guard cab and check MR and BP pressure are normal. 8) Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab with the same handle and note the time. 9) Work the train on (EP)brakes, to clear the section and restricted speed. 10)Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform the MI</p><p>Note:- 1) EP brakes will apply in 7/10 coaches 1) During the train parting emergency hand brakes should be applied in D/Cab.</p><p>3. MR LEAKAGES IS IN LEADING B COACH (WITH ESCORT KNORR BRAKE CONTROLLER.</p><p>Probable reasons:- Leakage from a) Drain cock of pipe line filter, hooter, Reservoir, RPC reservoir, b) Hooter cock, screwdown cock, NRV of RPC, c)MR coupling cock of B coach, MR main cock.</p><p>Indication :- 1) MR and BP guage showing less reading 2) Brake are applied, 3) Train refuse to move, 4) LS indication came and stay. </p><p>Action:- 1) Isolate the AWS and note the time: ii 2) Switch off ICS in C/Cab and confirm the leakage is in MR pipe iii 3) Locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR coupling cock on iv the both side of the Motorcoach. 4) If the brake controller in D/Cab is also Escort Knorr only then close the BP coupling cock between 1st and 2nd coach, and if the brake controller in D/Cab is Westing House then BP coupling is not to be closed. 5) Isolate the Motor coach completely v 6) Release the brake binding in 1st C coach (If Escort Knorr Brake controller is provided in C coach 1st ) other wise in case of Westing House Br.Controller releasing of brake binding is not required. vi 7) Go to Guards cab and switch ON the ICS in Guards Can and charge the BP. </p><p>Appraise the guard of BP discontinuity and cancellation of train at the first available platform and to apply emergency brakes on receiving prescribed bell code (oo-oo-oo) or in emergency. Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab with the same handle in D/Cab and note the time, Switch off the ICS in guardscab and check MR and BP pressure are normal. Work the train on EP brakes to clear the section at the restricted speed ( not more than 15 KMPH) if hooter is not available then 8KMPH upto first available platform and cancel the train. In case of 12 car rakes, if the platform is of 9 car, use double halt procedure to detain the passengers. Back the rake to nearest stabling depot. Entry the UD card and UD chart and inform to EMU controller.</p><p>Note:- 1) Hooter may be available EP – 7/10 – auto not available during parting hand, brakes from D/Cab.</p><p>MR LEAKAGES IN THE MIDDLE B COACH ( WITH WESTING HOUSE BRAKE CONTROLLER ) Probable reasons:-</p><p>MR leakage from a) Drain cock of pipe line filter, hooter reservoir, RPC reservoir,b) Hooter cock, screw down cock, NRV of RPC, c) MR coupling cock of B coach, MR main cock.</p><p>Indication:- a) MR and BP guage will show less reading b)Train will run sluggish vii c)LS indication will come and stay viii d) Brakes are applied.</p><p>Action:- 1) Isolate the AWS and note the time 2)Switch off ICS in D/Cab and confirm the leakage in MR pressure. 2) Locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR and BP coupling on both side of the Master Controller. 3) Isolate the Motor coach completely. 4) Release the brake binding in the Motor coach and after ensuring the brakes are released, close bogie cock. 5) Go to the guards cab and switch ON the ICS and charge the BP. Appraise the guard of BP discontinuity and cancellation of train at first available platform and apply brakes on receiving prescribed bell code (00-00-00) or in emergency. 6) Switch OFF the ICS in Guard’s cabin and check BP and MR is normal is Guards Cab. 7) Come to D/Cab ensuring brakes are released in all coaches. 8) Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab with the same handle and note the time, check MR and BP pressure are normal in D/Cab. 10)Work the train on EP brakes, to clear the section at restricted speed upto first available platform ( Not more than 15 KMPH) cancel the train. In case of 12 car rake, if the platform of 9 car use double halt procedures to detain the passengers. 11)Back the rake to nearest stabling depot. ix 12)Entry in UD cards, UD chart and inform EMU controller, written report. x xi Note:- 1) Hooter available, EP 8/10 coaches, auto first 4 coaches for 9 car and for first 4 to 4 coaches in case of 12 car. 5.MR LEAKAGE IS IN MIDDLE B COACH ( WITH ESCORT KNORR BRAKE CONTROLLER) xii Probable reasons:- Leakage from a) Drain cock of pipe line filter, Hooter reservoir, RPC reservoir, b) Hooter cock,. Screwdown cock of NRV of RPC, xiii c)MR coupling cocks of B coach, MR Main cock.</p><p>Indication :- a) MR and BP guage will show less reading. b)Train will run sluggish c)LS indication come and stay.</p><p>Action :- I) Isolate the AWS and note the time</p><p>1) Switch off the ICS in D/Cab and confirm the leakage is in MR pressure.</p><p>2) Locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR coupling cock on both side of the Motorcoach.</p><p>3) Isolate the Motor coach completelely 4) Charging the brake pipe from rear is not required, came to D/Cab ensuring brakes are released in all coaches.</p><p>5) Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab and check MR and BP pressure are normal and note the time.</p><p>6) In case of 9 car work the train normal upto destination and cancel the train at destination and back the rake to nearest stabling yard.(Depot).</p><p>7) In case of 12 car work the train normal in either direction as one motor coach is permitted, Isolation.</p><p>8) Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform the EMU Controller.</p><p>Note:- Hooter available EP in 8/11 coaches, Auto brake 8/11 coaches, auto brakes 9/12 coaches.</p><p>6.MR LEAKAGES IN LAST B COACH ( WITH WESTING HOUSE BRAKE CONTROLLER.</p><p>Probable reasons:- Leakage from Drain coach of pipe line filter, Hooter reservoir, RPC reservoir, Hooter cock, screw down cock, NRV of RPC, MR main cock, MR coupling cock.</p><p>Indication :- MR and BP guage will show less reading, train will run sluggish, LS indication came and stay, Brakes may be applied.</p><p>Action:- 1. Isolate the AWS and note the time.</p><p>1. Switch off the ICS in D/Cab and confirm leakage in MR pressure. 2. Locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR and BP coupling cocks on both sides of the Motor coach. 3. Isolate the Motor coach completely 4. Release the brake binding of last two coaches and ensuring the brake blocks are released, close the bogie cock. 5. Charging of BP is not required from rear as no MR pressure. Appraise the guard of BP discontinuity and cancellation of train of first available platform and to apply brakes on receiving prescribed bell code or in emergency by hand brakes.</p><p>6. Came to D/Cab and switch ON ICS and check MR and BP pressure are normal and note the time.</p><p>7. Work the train On EP brakes to clear the section at restricted speed ( Not more than 15 KMPH) upto the first available platform, cancell the train. In case of 9 car rake in the platform, double hat procedure to detain the passengers.</p><p>8. Back the rake in nearest stabling depot.</p><p>9. Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform to EMU Controller.</p><p>Note:- Hooter available, EP – 7/10 coaches, auto brakes 7/10 coaches, Guard – No Guard emergency brakes, hand brakes is applied in emergency.</p><p>7, MR LEAKAGE IN LAST B COACH ( ESCORT KNORR BRAKE CONTROLLER.)</p><p>Probable reasons:- Reason and indication as in MR leakage in last B coach.</p><p>Action:- 1) Isolate the AWS and note the time. 2) Switch off the ICS in D/Cab and confirm the leakage in MR pressure. 3) Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab, locate and arrest the leakage by closing MR coupling cock on both side of the Motor coach, 4) Isolate the Motor coach completely. 5) Charging the BP from rear is not required, came to D/cab ensuring that the brakes are releases in all coaches. 6) Check the MR and BP pressure are normal, in D/Cab and note the time. 7) Work the train normal upto destination and cancel the train at destination. 8) Back the rake to nearest stabling depot. 9) Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform to EMU controller.</p><p>Note:- Hooter available, EP 8/10 coach, auto all coaches. Guard- Hooter not available, hand brake, and auto brakes in case of emergency.</p><p>1) MR LEAKAGE IN LAST C COACH (GUARD CAB)</p><p>Probable reasons:- Leakage from 1) Drain cock of pipe line filter, Hooter Reservoir, supplementary reservoir ( if SIC is not provided) Hooter cock, wiper cock, EP cock, (If SIC not provided) MR coupling cock,</p><p>Indication :- MR and BP guage will show less reading, Brakes are applied, Train refuse to move, LS indication will come and stay.</p><p>A. Last C Coach (WITH WESTING HOUSE BRAKE CONTROLLER)</p><p>Action:- a) Isolate the AWS and note the time. xiv b)Switch off the ICS in Driving Cab and confirm leakage in MR xv pressure. xvi c) Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab, locate the leakage and arrest the xvii leakage by closing MR and BP pipe cocks, before last C coach. xviii d) Release the brake binding in last c coaches and after ensuring brakes xix blocks released close the bogie cocks. xx e) No charging of BP from rear, appraise the Guard of BP discontinuity xxi cancellation of train at the first available platform and apply to hand xxii brakes in case of train parting. xxiii f) came to D/Cab ensuring brakes are released in all coaches. g)Check the MR and BP pressure are normal in D/Cab and note the time. j) Work the train to clear the section at restricted speed upto first Available platform and cancel the train. In case of 12 car rake if the platform is of 9 car use double halt procedure to detain the passengers. k) Back the rake to nearest stabling depot. l) Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform to EMU controller.</p><p>Note:- Hooter available EP- 8/11 coaches, auto- first 8/11 coaches</p><p>Guard –No Hooter and EP brakes, applied hand brakes in case of train parting.</p><p>LAST C COACH (WITH ESCORT KNORR BRAKE CONTROLLER)</p><p>Action:- 1) Isolate the AWS and note the time 2) Switch off the ICS in D/Cab and confirm leakage in MR pressure. 3) Switch ON ICS in Driving cab, locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR coupling cock, before last C coach. 4) No charging of BP from rear came to D/Cab and note the time. 5) Ensuring brakes are released. 6) Check BP and MR pressure are normal in D/Cab and note the time. 7) Work the train upto destination and cancel the train at destination and Cancel the train at destination. 8) Back the rake to nearest stabling yard (Depot) 9) Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform to EMU controller.</p><p>MR LEAKAGE IN ANY TRAILOR COACH OTHER THAN END COACH</p><p>Probable Reasons:- Leakage from Drain cocks of pipe line filter, supplementary reservoir, ((f sic not provided, EP cock (If sic not provided) MR coupling cock, supplementary isolating cock.</p><p>Indication:- MR and BP guage will show less reading, brakes are applied, train moves sluggish, LS indication comes and stay</p><p>Action:- 1) Isolate the AWS and note the time. 2) Switch off the ICS in D/Cab and confirm the leakage in MR pressure. 3) Switch ON the ICS in Driving cab and locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR coupling cock on both side of the coach. 4) Came to D/Cab ensuring brakes are released in all coaches. 5) Check the MR and BP pressure are normal in D/Cab and note the time. 6) Work the train normal. 7) Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform EMU controller.</p><p>MR HOSE PIPE LEAKAGE:-</p><p>MR Hose pipe brust between 1st and 2nd coach:-</p><p>Indication:- </p><p>1) MR and BP guage will show less reading 2) Brakes are applied. 3) Train refuse to move or moves sluggish, 4) LS indication comes and stay. 5) Exhaust sound is heared.</p><p>Action:-</p><p>Leading C coach with Westing House Brake controller.</p><p>1) Isolate the AWS and note the time. 2) Switch off the ICS and confirm leakage in MR pressure. 3) Switch On the ICS in D/Cab and locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR coupling cock on both sides of the MR hose pipe, 4) Switch OFF the ICS in Driving Cab. 5) Go to Guard cab and switch On the ICS in guards cab and charge the BP pressure. Appraise the guard of BP discontinuity, cancellation of train at first available platform and to apply brakes on receiving prescribed bell code (00-00-00) or in emergency. 6) Switch off the ICS in Guards cab and check MR and BP pressure are normal. 7) Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab with the same handle and note the time. 8) Work the train on EP brakes to clear the section at restricted speed. (15 or 8 KMPH) upto first available platform, cancel the train, in case of 12car rake, if the platfrom is of 9 car, use double halt procedure to detained the passengers. 9) Back the rake to nearest stabling depot. 10) Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform to EMU controller.</p><p>Note: Hooter is not available, EP 8/11 coaches, Auto not available. Use brake in case of Train parting. </p><p>LEADING C COACH ( WITH ESCORT KNORR BRAKE CONTROLLER)</p><p>1. Isolate the AWS and note the time. 2. Switch OFF the ICS and confirm the leakage in MR pressure. 3. Locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR coupling cocks on both sides of MR Hose pipe and close the BP coupling cock between 1st and 2nd coach. 4. Release the brake binding in leading C coach and after ensuring that brakes are released close bogie cocks. 5. Go to the Guards cab and switch ON the ICS in Guards cab and charge the BP. Appraise the Guard of BP discontinuity, cancellation of train at first available platform and to apply brakes on receiving bell code (00-00-00) or in emergency. 6. Switch OFF the ICS in Guards Cab and check the MR and BP pressure are normal. 7. Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab with the same handle and note the time. 8. Work the train on EP brakes to clear the section at restricted speed upto first available platform, cancel the train. In case of 12 car rake, if the platform is of 9 car use double halt procedure to detained the passengers. 9. Back the rake to nearest stabling depot. 10.Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform the EMU controller.</p><p>Note:- Hooter, auto not available, EP - 8/11 coaches, hand brae applied in Case of train parting.</p><p>MR HOSE PIPE BRUST BETWEEN LAST TWO COACH ( 7th and 8th for 9 CAR AND 11th and 12th CAR.</p><p>Action:- (Common for W.H. & E.K. BRAKE CONTROLLER )</p><p>1. Isolate the AWS and note the time. 2. Switch OFF the ICS and confirm the leakage in MR pressure. 3. Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab and locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR coupling cock on both sides of MR Hose pipe. 4. Come to D/Cab and ensuring the brakes are released in all coaches. 5. Check the MR and BP pressure are normal in D/Cab and note the time. 6. Work the train normal upto destination and cancel the train at destination. 7. Back the rake to nearest stabling depot. 8. Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform to EMU Controller.</p><p>Note:- Hooter available, EP- 8/11 auto – all coaches. MR HOSE PIPE BRUST (EXCLUDING ABOVE TWO CASES)</p><p>Action:- 1) Isolate the AWS and note the time. 2) Switch OFF the ICS in D/Cab and confirm the leakage in MR pressure. 3) Locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR coupling cock on both sides of MR hose pipe. 4) Came to D/Cab and switch ON the ICS and ensuring the brakes are released, Check MR & BP pressure are normal and note the time. 5) Work the train normal and back the rake to nearest stabling yard or depot at the end of the trip. 6) Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform the EMU Controller.</p><p>B.P. LEAKAGES. Brake pipe leakage in Leading C Coach:-</p><p>Probable reasons. Leakage from Auto cock, BP coupling cock, Deadman cock, Pipeline filter in BP side, equalising reservoir.</p><p>Indication:- Exhaust sound is heared, MR and BP guage showing less reading, brakes are applied, Train refuse to move, LS indication came and stay.</p><p>Action:- 1) Isolate the AWS and note the time. 2) Try to work if OK, entry in UD card, UD chart and inform the EMU Controller. 3) Switch ON the ICS and locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing MR and BP coupling cocks between 1st and 2nd coach. 4) Release the brakes binding of 1st C coach. 5) Switch OFF the ICS in D/Cab. 6) Go to the Guards cab and Switch ON the ICS and charge the BP.</p><p>Appraise the guard of BP discontinuity, cancellation of train at first -available platform and to apply brakes on receiving prescribed bell code (00-00-00) and or in emergency. 7) Switch OFF the ICS in Guards cab and check the MR and BP pressure are normal. 8) Came to the D/Cab and ensuring the brakes are released in all coaches. 9) Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab and note the time. 10) Work the train on EP brakes to clear the section at the restricted speed. ( 15KMPH or 8 KMPH) upto first available platform, and cancel the train. In case of 12 car rake, if the platform is of 9 car use the double halt procedure to detain the passengers. 11) Back the rake to nearest stabling depot. 12) Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform to EMU Controller.</p><p>Note:- Hooter may be available, EP – 8/11 coaches, hand brakes in D/Cab In case of train parting – Auto – Not available.</p><p>BP LEAKAGE IS IN ANY ONE COACH OTHER THAN END COACH. Probable reason:- Leakage from auto cock, BP coupling cock, the deadmans cock ( B Coaches). The control governor in B coach, (If Deadmans cock is not provided) Pipe line filter is BP side.</p><p>Indication:- Exhuast sound heared , MR and BP guage will showing less reading. Train refuse to move on brakes are applied, LS indication comes and stay.</p><p>Action:- 1) Isolate the AWS and note the time. 2) Switch OFF the ICS in D/Cab and confirm the leakage in BP pressure. 3) Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab and locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing BP coupling cock on both side of the defective coach. 4) Release the brake binding of the coach and ensuring the brakes are released and close the bogie cock. If B coach Switch OFF MCC. 5) Go the Driving Cab, switch off the ICS in D/Cab, check the MR and BP pressure are normal and brake cylinder guage is zero means brakes in all coaches upto defective coach are released. 6) Go the Guard cab and switch ON, the ICS and charge BP.</p><p>Appraise the Guard of BP discontinuity, cancellation of train at the first available platform and to apply brakes on receiving prescribed bell code (00-00-00) or in emergency. 7) Switch OFF the ICS in guards cab and check MR and BP pressure are normal. Brake cylinder guage is zero means brakes in all coaches upto defective coaches are released. 8) Came to D/Cab ensuring brakes are released in all coaches. 9) Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab with same handle, check the MR and BP pressure are normal and note the time.</p><p>10) Work the train on EP brakes to clear the section at the restricted speed ( Not more than 15 KMPH) upto first available platform. In case of 12 car rake, if the platform is of 9 car rake use double halt procedure to detained the passengers. 11) Back the rake in nearest stabling depot. 12) Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform EMU Controller. Note:- Hooter available, EP – 8/11 coaches, auto – first all coaches upto defective coach. </p><p>4. B.P. LEAKAGAE IN LAST ‘C ‘COACH</p><p>Probable Reasons:-</p><p>Leakage from – Auto cock, BP coupling cock Deadmans cock, pipe line filter in BP side, equals any reservoir.</p><p>Indication:- Exhaust sound heared, MR and BP guage will show less reading, Train refuse to move. Brakes are applied, LS indication comes and stay.</p><p>Action:- 1) Isolate the AWS and note the time. 2) Switch off the ICS in D/Cab and confirm the leakage in BP pressure. 3) Switch ON the ICS in D/Cab and locate the leakage and arrest the leakage by closing BP coupling cock before last C Coach. 4) Release the Brake binding is last C coach and after ensuring the brakes are released, close the Bogie cock. 5) Appraise the Guard of BP discontinuity, cancellation of train at the first available platform and to apply hand brakes in case of train parting. 6) Come to D/Cab ensuring brakes are released in all coaches. 7) Check the MR and BP pressure are normal in D/Cab and note the time. 8) Work the train on EP brakes to clear the section at the restricted speed upto first available platform, cancel the train. In case of 12 car rake, if the platform is of the 9 car rake, use double halt procedure to detain the passengers. 9) Back the rake the nearest stabling depot. 10) Entry in UD card, UD chart and inform to EMU Controller.</p><p>Note:- Hooter available, EP-8/11 coaches, auto-first, 8/11 coaches . Hand brakes in case of Train parting. BP LEAKAGE FROM BP HOSE PIPE</p><p>Indication:- MR and BP guage will show less reading, brakes are applied. Train refuse to move, Exhaust sound is heared . LS indication comes and stay.</p><p>Action:- 1) Isolate WHEELS</p><p>Wheels are necessary to roll a train. In EMU trailer and Motor Coaches wheels are provided with a composite design of consisting of following:-</p><p>1) Wheel Centre 2) Tyre 3) Glut ring. 4) Axle.</p><p>The tyre is shrunk fit on the wheel centre and also firmly secured with the help of four locking keys. Wheel is transferring the complete load of the coach to rail and restricts the movement of rolling stock within the permanent way by way of giving standard profile to the wheel tyre. It has also to negotiate curves, gradients while on run. The wheel type is also subjected to repeated heating and cooling on account of frequent application of brakes. In doing so, wear and tear takes place which changes the profile of the wheel. Therefore, in service, a variety of wheel defects are developed which are required to be kept under constant observation during various maintainence schedules failing this may result in serious disaster. The following are the various wheel defects:-</p><p>1) Sharp Flange – Whenever wear takes place on the wheel flange such that its flange developes a sharp edge on the tip of the flange, the wheel is said to have developed sharp flange. This defects is generally detected by feeling the top edge by thumb. This can be detected by wheel defect gauge, then the edge reaches a radius of 5 mm. This can also be checked by taking profile of the wheel tyre by lead strip. The same is superimposed on a profile of new wheel and now when thickness of the flange is measured at a distance of 5mm from the top of the flange, and if it measures 16.5mm thick as against the new thickness of 22mm, the wheel is said to be sharp flange. If such defective wheel is allowed in service it can open the facing point and the trains can take two routes resulting in derailment. This defect is more dangerous in nature and should never be allowed in service.</p><p>2) Thin Flange :- When there is a constant rubbing of the wheel flange with the inner side of the rail, flange is subjected to a rapid wear and takes a shape of thin flange is the course of time. This defect can be detected by wheel fits into the defect guage profile, meant to check thin flange. This can also be checked by lead profile.The thickness of the flange is measured from the top of the flange at a distance of 14.5 mm & when the measures 19m as against new thickness of 29 mm the wheel is said to have developed thin flange. If the wheel having this defect is allowed on this line, there is every possibility of wheel to ride over the rail resulting in derailment.</p><p>3) Deep Flange :- When there is more wear on the wheel tread, the wheel flange will project more than the original. The distance from top of the wheel flange to centre of the wheel tread is normally 28.5 mm when this increase to 35 mm the wheel is said to have developed deep flange. This is detacted either by wheel defect gauge or lead profile. If this defective wheel is allowed for service. The flange is liable to hit the distance blocks and fish plate s resulting in jumping of the wheel off the track in excessive speed of the train and cause derailment.</p><p>4) Less Root Radious ;- A new Wheel is having a radious of 16 mm at the roots of the flange. When this radious is reduced to 13 mm the wheel is said to have developed less root radious. Under such circumstances the friction between the Wheel and rail is increased which results in excessive wear. This is detacted by the wheel defect gauge. </p><p>5) Flat Tyre;- Whenever a wheel is dragged under locked condition the tread portion becomes flat. When this flat is of 50mm size the wheel us said to have developed flat wheel. This can be detected by the wheel defect gauge. On line when this locking if released automatically or manually, the wheel starts rotating giving an abnormal knocking sound. Hence such wheels can be detected by hearing the sound. If this defective wheel is permitted on line it may results in developing bogie solebar crack due to fatigue in the bogie members, rail fracture, uncomfort to the traveling passengers due to improper riding quality. </p><p>6) Loose Tyre;- When the tyre becomes slack on the wheel centre such wheels are known as loose tyre wheels. This can be detected by ringing test with the help of hammer, it produces non- metallic dull sound instead of a metallic ringing sound. This defect is prominently detected when a rake just arrives from service. If this wheel is allowed to remain in service and when subjected to brake application, the breaking force will not be relatively transferred to the wheel centre through tyre. This will further aggrevate the looseness of the tyre on the wheel centre and subsequently may get dislodged from wheel centre and cause a derailment.</p><p>7) Crack Tyre: In this type of defect the crack is developed on the tyre. Whe this wheel is subjected to a ringing test it gives non- metallic dull sound and also by visual inspection the crack can be detected on the tyre. If such wheel is retained in service, while brake application there is possibility of brake block getting entangled and opening the tyre further which may result in tyre to get dislodged from wheel centre and caused derailment.</p><p>8) Thermal Cracks on the wheel tyre :- This phenomenal defect is prominently observed in the rakes fitted with composite brake blocks. As we know that on brake application the heat is generated in tyre and brake block due to friction. The dissipation of this heat is faster in the rakes fitted with cast iron brake block i.e. metallic brake blocks where as in case of composite brakeblock this is not so on account of non-metallic composition of the block which results in developing hair line crack known as thermal cracks on the tread portion. These are detected by magnaflux test in position on the rake. During this test a mixture of kerosene and ferro magnetic ink is spread on the wheel tyre by spray bottle. Then tyre is subjected to a powerful magnet across the tyre portion. In this condition the cracks are seen either by a naked eye or with the help of magnifying glass. If the thermal crack wheel is not given any attention this may result in further penetration of superficial cracks and finally result in tyre fracture.</p><p>9) Groove Tyre :- This type of defect is generally found in the rakes fitted with cast iron brake blocks. The formation of groove in the tyre is either due to foreign material getting between brake block and wheel tyre during application of brakes or presence of any hard material in the brake block casting. If a proper attention is not paid to such wheel it may result in developing circumferential cracks. This defect is detected visually.</p><p>10) Thin Tyre:- This defect in the wheel starts on account of normal wear and tear. Also when wheel developers some defect and is not in the safe limits to run on line, tyre is reprofiled on pit wheel lathe M/C. In doing so the tyre thickness is getting reduced and it should be strictly seen that while profiling tyre do not reach its specified condemining limit. The diameter of the wheel is measured with the help of outside caliper. The new and condemning diameter of the wheel of different stock is tabulated as under :-</p><p>WHEEL - DIAMETER</p><p>______</p><p>Type of stock NEW Condemning Size Remark ______</p><p>51 MC 915 840 TC 915 845</p><p>MAN M/C 952 877 T/C 952 877 </p><p>60 MC 952 877 TC 952 877 63 MC 952 877 TC 952 857 69 MC 952 877 TC 952 857 ICF MC 952 877 TC 952 857</p><p>______</p><p>NOTE :- Some of the wheel defects such as sharp, thin, deep, flange, less root radious, flat tyre & thermal crack are eliminated from the wheel tyre by way of reprofiling on the pitwheel lathe machine subject to its condemning limit as indicated in the table.</p><p>Permissible difference in wheel diameters :- The permissible variation on the wheel diameter of trailer and motor coach bogies at different locations are summerised as under :-</p><p>1) Wheels on the same axle +_ 0.5 mm. 2) Wheels of the same bogie but different axles +- 5 mm. 3) Wheels of the different bogies under the same coach +- 13 mm.</p>
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