<p> GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS</p><p>LOK SABHA STARRED QUESTION NO.†*9 TO BE ANSWERED ON THE 21ST JULY, 2015/ASHADHA 30, 1937 (SAKA)</p><p>NAXAL AND TERRORIST ACTIVITIES</p><p>†*9. DR. SHRIKANT EKNATH SHINDE: SHRIMATI RAMA DEVI:</p><p>Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: </p><p>(a) whether the Government has reviewed the anti-naxal operations/policies and development programmes in the Left Wing Extremism affected regions and if so, the details thereof along with the funds spent under each of the said programmes during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise;</p><p>(b) the details of naxal, extremist and terrorist attacks and loss of life and damage to property reported during the said period, State-wise;</p><p>(c) the number of naxals and terrorists killed and arrested during the said period, State-wise;</p><p>(d) the efforts made by the Government to hold talks with the said extremist organisations and bring them back into the mainstream of the society; and</p><p>(e) the measures taken by the Government to root out separatism and extremism from the country?</p><p>ANSWER</p><p>MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI HARIBHAI PARATHIBHAI CHAUDHARY)</p><p>(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.</p><p>-2- STATEMENT REFFERED TO IN REPLY TO PARTS (a) TO (e) OF THE LOK SABHA STARRED QUESTION NO. *9 FOR 21.07.2015</p><p>(a): The Government has been regularly reviewing and monitoring the anti naxal operations/policies and development programmes in the LWE affected regions. The State-wise details of funds released during the last three years and the current year (as on 15.7.2015) under major security and developmental programmes such as Security Related Expenditure (SRE), Special Infrastructure Scheme (SIS), Scheme for construction/strengthening of Fortified Police Stations, Additional Central Assistance for LWE affected districts (ACA), Road Requirement Plan-I (RRP-I) are given at Annexures-I, II, III, IV and V, respectively.</p><p>(b) & (c): The State-wise details of LWE extremist and terrorist attacks in J&K & NE and in the hinterland of the country and loss of life in these incidents during the last three years and the current year (up to 30.6.2015) are given at Annexures-VI, VII and VIII respectively. While data on property damaged by the Left Wing Extremists groups and militants in NE States are not maintained by this Ministry, the same in respect of State of J & K is given in Annexure-VIII.</p><p>(d): The Government would welcome talks/negotiations with such groups which categorically abjure violence, lay down arms and come to talks within the framework of the Constitution of India. In order to bring them into the mainstream, the surrender and rehabilitation schemes are implemented.</p><p>(e): The Central Government has adopted an integrated approach in the areas of security, development, enforcing rights and entitlements of local communities and public perception management. The Government has also put in place a multipronged approach to prevent cross-border infiltration and terrorism, supplementing the efforts of the State Governments. Various measures such as deployment of Central Armed Police Forces, sharing of intelligence, financial assistance for strengthening of the local police forces and intelligence agencies are also undertaken.</p><p>******** Page 1 of 1 of Annexure-I L.S. S.Q. No. *9 FOR 21.7.2015</p><p>State-wise detail of funds released under the Security Related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme for LWE affected States during last three years and current year (as on 15.7.2015)</p><p>(Figures in Rs. lakh)</p><p>Funds released </p><p>States</p><p>2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16</p><p>Andhra Pradesh 1512.82 1798.02 1202.21 919.17</p><p>Bihar 786.83 1710.89 1898.79 1473.78</p><p>Chhattisgarh 5074.01 4214.41 4179.51 3356.29</p><p>Jharkhand 6754.94 4778.74 4801.23 4436.53</p><p>Madhya 65.05 55.75 140.07 Pradesh 150.82</p><p>Maharashtra 460.44 738.51 1758.21 1341.77</p><p>Odisha 1531.34 4813.30 4624.69 2171.99</p><p>Telangana ------509.56 485.43</p><p>Uttar Pradesh 550.11 533.28 316.02 281.38</p><p>West Bengal 1330.70 2065.10 1277.71 859.81</p><p>18066.24 20708.00 20708.00 15476.97</p><p>***** Page 1 of 1 of Annexure-II L.S. S.Q. No. *9 FOR 21.7.2015</p><p>State-wise detail of funds released under the Special Infrastructure Scheme for LWE affected States during last three years and current year (as on 15.7.2015)</p><p>(Rs. in crore)</p><p>2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 </p><p>States Funds released Funds released Funds released</p><p>Andhra Pradesh Nil 9.99 7.00 Bihar Nil 15.06 4.04 Chhattisgarh Nil 16.34 16.56 Jharkhand Nil 16.52 - Madhya Pradesh Nil - - Maharashtra Nil - - Odisha Nil 16.22 17.40 Telangana Nil - 3.00 Uttar Pradesh Nil - - West Bengal Nil - - Total Nil 74.13 48.00</p><p>Note: As a policy decision starting from the year 2015-16, it has been left to the States to continue with the Special Infrastructure Scheme out of their increased resources in consequence of the recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission.</p><p>***** Page 1 of 1 of Annexure-III L.S. S.Q. No. *9 FOR 21.7.2015</p><p>State-wise detail of funds released under the Scheme for Construction/ Strengthening of Fortified Police Stations during the last four years and the current year (as on 17.7.2015) </p><p>(Rs. in crore)</p><p>Sl. States No. of Funds released No. Police Stations (Centre share) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16</p><p>1. Andhra - 16 8.00 - - 14.40 Pradesh</p><p>2. Telangana 24 12.00 - - 21.60 -</p><p>3. Bihar 85 44.75 51.625 26.425 - -</p><p>4. Chhattisgarh 75 39.25 - 33.95 20.55 -</p><p>5. Jharkhand 75 39.25 39.375 16.875 19.40 -</p><p>6. Madhya - 12 5.60 6.30 6.30 - Pradesh</p><p>7. Maharashtra 10 5.50 - - 10.50 -</p><p>8. Odisha 70 37.50 43.25 30.25 - -</p><p>9. Uttar Pradesh 15 8.25 - - 12.55 -</p><p>10. West Bengal 18 9.90 9.45 5.85 - 3.50</p><p>Total 400 210.00 150.00 119.65 99.00 3.50</p><p>**** Page 1 of 1 of Annexure-IV L.S. S.Q. No. *9 FOR 21.7.2015</p><p>State-wise details of Physical and Financial Progress under the ACA/IAP (as on 15.07.2015) </p><p>Physical Progress Financial Progress</p><p>(in Rs. Crore)</p><p>S. State No No. of No. of No. of No. of Central Expendit % of Projects Projects projects projects Funds ure Expenditure sanctioned taken up completed in Released progress</p><p>1 Andhra 5,836 5,398 3,242 2,156 370.00 347.74 93.98 Pradesh</p><p>2 Bihar 15,533 15,053 10,821 4,232 1,013.38 928.62 91.64</p><p>3 Chhattisgarh 30,335 30,311 25,004 5,307 1,368.38 1,274.5 93.14 4</p><p>4 Jharkhand 25,799 24,043 21,962 2,351 1,894.19 1,805.0 95030 8</p><p>5 Madhya 15,101 15,067 11,818 3,249 1,088.38 987.48 90.73 Pradesh</p><p>6 Maharashtra 13,218 13,172 9,839 3,333 290.00 231.90 79.97</p><p>7 Odisha 44,806 41,957 35,308 6,649 2,037.57 1,999.5 98.13 2</p><p>8 Telangana 6,624 6,514 5,498 1,016 4,07.10 396.01 97.28</p><p>9 Uttar Pradesh 7,189 7,189 6,627 562 295.00 280.22 94.99</p><p>10 West Bengal 4,731 4,731 4,314 418 295.00 271.04 91.88</p><p>Grand Total 8 94.07 , 5 2 1,69,172 1,63,435 1,34,163 29,272 9,059.00 2 . 1 5</p><p>Note: As a policy decision starting from the year 2015-16, it has been left to the States to continue with the ACA/IAP out of their increased resources in consequence of the recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission. ***** Page 1 of 1 of Annexure-V L.S. S.Q. No. *9 FOR 21.7.2015</p><p>State-wise details of Financial and Physical Progress under the RRP-I (as on 30.06.2015) </p><p>Sl. State Expenditure (in Rs. Crore) Total Length (in Km) completed during No. length Upto 2014- 2015- Total In Km Upto 2014- 2015-2016 Tot 31.03.2014 2015 2016 31.03.2014 2015 upto al (upto 30.06.15 30.06.15) 1 Andhra 822 184 14 1020 620 528 37 6 571 Pradesh (Telangana) 2 Bihar 511 17 3 531 674 630 27 0 657</p><p>3 Chhattisgarh 839 245 93 1177 2019 691 201 85 977 4 Jharkhand 562 151 47 760 760 327 104 29 460</p><p>5 Madhya 97 63 4 164 237 107 68 15 190 Pradesh 6 Maharashtra 403 159 24 586 470 284 44 10 338 7 Odisha 540 191 20 751 615 297 167 26 490 8 Uttar 39 0 0 39 74 60 7 0 67 Pradesh Total 3813 1010 205 5028 5469 2924 655 171 3750</p><p>***** Page 1 of 1 of Annexure-VI L.S. S.Q. No. *9 FOR 21.7.2015</p><p>State-wise details of incidents of LWE violence, Civilians and Security Forces (SFs) Killed, LWE cadres (Naxals) killed and arrested during the last three years and the current year (up to 30.6.2015)</p><p>State 2012 2013 Inciden C SF N N I C SF N N ts i s a a n i s a a v kil x x ci v kill x x i le a a d i ed a a l d l l e l l l i s s n i s s a ts a n k a n k a s i r s i r l r l r k l e k l e i e s i e s l d t l d t l e l e e d e d d d Andhra 67 1 1 3 3 2 7 0 1 6 Pradesh 2 1 8 4 2 Bihar 166 3 1 5 4 1 4 27 0 3 4 0 2 7 2 1 6 7 2 Chhattisgar 370 6 4 3 4 3 6 44 3 3 h 3 6 8 0 5 7 8 8 4 5 7 Jharkhand 480 1 29 7 3 3 1 30 1 3 3 8 8 2 2 3 4 4 7 2 2 Madhya 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 2 Pradesh 1 Maharashtr 134 2 1 4 7 7 1 6 2 3 a 7 4 8 1 3 6 8 Odisha 171 3 1 1 1 1 2 7 2 1 1 4 0 8 0 8 3 2 7 1 9 Telangana 0 0 0 0 0 8 3 1 0 8 8 Uttar 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 4 Pradesh West 6 0 0 1 7 1 0 0 0 2 Bengal 6 1 Other 8 0 0 4 2 7 0 0 0 2 States 4 0 Total 1415 3 1 7 1 1 2 11 1 1 0 1 4 9 1 8 5 0 3 1 4 0 3 2 0 9 1 6 7 State 2014 2015 (up to 30.6.2015) Incident Civilian SFs Naxals Naxals Incident Civilian SFs Naxals Naxals s s killed kille killed arreste s s killed kille killed arreste d d d d Andhra 18 4 0 3 66 15 5 0 1 34 Pradesh Bihar 163 26 6 1 383 63 4 2 2 224 Chhattisgarh 328 52 59 35 687 256 25 33 17 146 Jharkhand 384 94 9 8 396 177 30 2 19 191 Madhya 3 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 5 Pradesh Maharashtra 70 16 12 10 18 27 6 2 0 15 Odisha 103 26 0 6 82 41 8 0 1 22 Telangana 14 4 1 0 32 4 1 0 0 39 Uttar 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pradesh West Bengal 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 Other States 8 0 0 0 14 3 0 0 0 17 Total 1091 222 87 63 1696 586 79 39 40 693</p><p>***** Page 1 of 1 of Annexure-VII L.S. S.Q. No. *9 FOR 21.7.2015</p><p>State-wise details of violence perpetrated by extremist/militant organizations operating in NE States including civilian killed, SFs personnel killed, extremists killed and arrested during the last three years and current year (upto 30.6.2015) in NE Region</p><p>Arunachal Pradesh Years Incidents Extremists arrested Extremists killed SFs killed Civilians killed 2012 54 66 14 - 05 2013 21 49 07 01 02 2014 33 86 09 - 02 2015(upto 12 22 02 03 - 30.06.2015) Assam Years Incidents Extremists arrested Extremists killed SFs killed Civilians killed 2012 169 412 59 05 27 2013 211 348 52 05 35 2014 246 319 102 04 168 2015(upto 46 414 24 - 04 30.06.2015) Manipur Years Incidents Extremists arrested Extremists killed SFs killed Civilians killed 2012 518 1286 65 08 21 2013 225 918 25 05 28 2014 278 1052 23 08 16 2015(upto 143 469 24 20 12 30.06.2015) Meghalaya Years Incidents Extremists arrested Extremists killed SFs killed Civilians killed 2012 127 92 16 01 36 2013 123 75 21 07 30 2014 179 173 35 06 24 2015(upto 68 72 16 04 07 30.06.2015) Mizoram Years Incidents Extremists arrested Extremists killed SFs killed Civilians killed 2012 - 02 - - - 2013 01 03 - - - 2014 03 - - - - 2015(upto 02 04 - 03 - 30.06.2015) Nagaland Years Incidents Extremists arrested Extremists killed SFs killed Civilians killed 2012 151 275 66 - 08 2013 145 309 33 - 11 2014 77 296 12 - 01 2015(upto 52 125 05 09 01 30.06.2015) Tripura Years Incidents Extremists arrested Extremists killed SFs killed Civilians killed 2012 06 12 02 - - 2013 06 10 - - 01 2014 08 08 - 02 01 2015(upto - 02 - - - 30.06.2015) ***** Page 1 of 1 of Annexure-VIII L.S. S.Q. No. *9 FOR 21.7.2015</p><p>Details of terror attacks in the hinterland of the Country </p><p>Sl. Incidents Persons Persons Investigating No. killed arrested Agency 2012 1. Blast in a car of Embassy of Israel Nil 1 Special Cell, Delhi (Delhi, 13.2.2012) Police 2. Serial Blast in Pune Nil 9 Anti Terrorist (Maharashtra, 1.8.2012) Squad (ATS), Maharashtra 2013 1. Twin Bomb blast in Hyderabad 18 4 National (Andhra Pradesh, 21.2.2013) Investigating Agency (NIA) 2. Bomb blast in Bengaluru Nil 15 Karnataka Police (Karnataka, 17.4.2013) 3. Bomb blast in Bodh Gaya Nil 8 NIA (Bihar, 7.7.2013) 4. Serial Bomb blasts in Patna 6 14 NIA (Bihar, 27.10.2013) 2014 1. Improvised Explosive Device (IED) 01 - CB CID, Tamil explosion at Chennai Central Railway Nadu Station in a stationary train (Tamil Nadu, 1.5.2014) 2. Bomb blast in Burdwan 2 7 NIA (West Bengal, 2.10.2014) 3. IED blast in Bengaluru 1 - Karnataka Police (Karnataka, 28.12.2014) 2015 – Nil (as on 15.7.2015)</p><p>Details of violence perpetrated by terrorists in the State of Jammu & Kashmir</p><p>Sl. Incidents 2012 2013 2014 2015 No. (up to 12.07.2015) 1. Terrorists incidents 220 170 222 83 2. Civilians Killed in terrorist 15 15 28 10 violence 3. Security Forces killed in 15 53 47 21 Terrorist violence 4. Militants killed 72 67 110 41 5. Militants / Suspects Arrested 150 86 70 36 6. Property damaged due to 2 1 1 0* terrorist violence *figure upto 30.6.2015</p><p>*****</p>
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