<p>PART I: Application Face Sheet</p><p>College Access and Student Success Programming</p><p>1. Funding Requested: Project Year 2009-2010 $ 8,000.00 2. School name sponsoring/administering the program: Alleghany High School 3. School County/District: Alleghany County 4. Approximate number of students who will be served by the program: #122 12 th Grade Students with focus of students interested be coming teachers through activities such as FTA Club and Teacher Cadet Class. 5. Contact Information (Program Coordinator): Mr. Ms. Dr. Name: Pam Hall Title: GEAR UP Coordinator Department/Division: Guidance School Address: 404 Trojan Avenue City: Sparta State: NC Zip Code: 28675 Phone: 336-372-4554 Fax:336-372-2680 E-mail [email protected] Home Address: 12668 Hwy 18 South City: Laurel Springs State: NC Zip Code: 28644 Phone: 336-359-2341 Fax: 336-359-2347 E-mail [email protected]</p><p>NUMBER OF HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ATTENDING HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS</p><p>Academic School Size of 9th # Enrolled Beginning # Graduating # Actually enrolled Year Grade Cohort* of Senior Year from High School in 2- or 4-yr. Institutions 72 Post Secondary Class of 2009 124 86 84 Intentions 97 Post Secondary Class of 2008 138 117 113 Intentions 81 Post Secondary Class of 2007 157 99 98 Intentions 90 84 81 Post Secondary Class of 2006 132 Intentions *Number of students who were enrolled during their ninth grade enrollment period. PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW DATA WAS COLLECTED. THIS WILL BE YOUR BASELINE SO IT SHOULD BE ACCURATE. This Data was collected through our SIMS/NC Wise Coordinator. The numbers for entering and exiting the high school is accurate. The actual number enrolled in 2 or 4 year institutions is not correct as we only have access to the students’ intentions of attending Post Secondary Schools. If we were awarded the grant, $400.00 would be requested to subscribe to Student’s Clearing House so we can follow our students more closely. We realize that the number of intentions is high especially for the NC two-year schools, but most of our students feel the need to put this down when they are really undecided and end up of attending neither of the post secondary schools. Request for Proposals</p><p>See inserted table below for more accurate breakdown of intentions: r s n a e e</p><p> t Post Secondary Intentions e a m Y u h d s a e r r F G t n e m l l o r n E Public; Public; Private; Private; 2 yr; NC 2 yr; OS Trade Military Work 4yr;NC 4yr;OS 4yr;NC 4yr;OS School Tot % Tot % Tot % Tot % Tot % Tot % Tot % Tot % Tot %</p><p>2006 132 84 14 16.7 2 2.4 4 4.8 0 0 51 60.6 0 0 0 0 5 6. 8 9.5 0 2007 157 98 16 16.3 0 0 6 6.1 1 1 56 57.1 1 1 4 4.1 1 1. 8 8.2 0 2008 130 113 21 18.5 6 5 5 4 4 3 56 49.5 4 3 1 1 4 3 9 7.9 20 124 87 13 14. 2 2.2 6 6. 1 1 48 55 1 1 1 1 5 5 3 3.</p><p>Remainder = Unknown</p><p>6. Certification and Signature: To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this application is accurate and I understand that our county/district is expected to provide a minimum $5000 match in dollars or in-kind service:</p><p>Name of Superintendent (print): Dr. Jeff Cox Signature of Superintendent/Date:</p><p>Request for Proposals</p><p>PART II. Abstract of the proposed project (1 page summary of the project and anticipated outcomes)</p><p>The Access and Success Grant will serve a minimum of 122 12th grade students and their parents with additional students being added as their interest and desire to become teachers for their careers arise and they show an interest by joining the Future Teachers of America Club and The Teacher Cadet Class. Our goals for the program would be to increase the number of students interested in attending college. We will also focus on the students interested in teaching careers and encourage them to join FTA (Future Teachers of America) Club and the current Teacher Cadet Class being offered at Alleghany High School. Seniors will be strongly encouraged to apply for the Teaching Fellows Scholarship. Key personnel working with this project will be Melissa Vestal- Teacher Cadet Staff, Linda Miller- Senior Guidance Advisor and Pam Hall- GEAR UP Coordinator.</p><p>Activities we would like to propose with the grant are:</p><p>College visits with emphases- but not limiting to teaching. Selection will be as the students complete CFNC Assessments to see which schools match their criteria. 1.Possibly taking a two-day tour of colleges with interested students for the colleges being seen. Allowing the students to stay on campus for the tour to get the real effects of college life. Approx. cost $150.00 / student @ 30 students = $4,500 Total depending on number of students taken on trip. 2. Day visits for College Visits: We would like to encourage parents and students to visit the college of their choice. We realize these days some of these parents are intimidated by the drive out of the county, being in a “foreign” place and all the other unfamiliar things they have for reasons and excuses not to go. We would like to again provide transportation and a staff member to help those in need of such a service. Approx. cost = $500.00 2. Community College visits- Day trips to local community colleges- Again, only taking the students interested in community colleges or specialized schools such as NASCAR Institute, Johnson & Wales University etc. Approx. Cost: Driver @ $100/day and gas @ .80 / mile= $400.00 for two different trip dates.</p><p>School visits: We would like for the Teacher Cadet and FTA Students to visit another school outside the county. We know as teachers how much we learn from these visitations and we want them to have a better insight about teaching from another system. A goal would be for them to attend a middle or elementary school and become a Teacher’s Assistant for a day- hopefully they could also “teach’ a mini lesson during the day to the students. Approx. Cost: Driver @ $100/day and gas @ .80 / mile= $200.00. Request for Proposals</p><p>Career Fair: We would like to expand our current operation of our career fair by including the students doing research of the education and colleges that provide that particular type of degree. We would also like to encourage parents to become a part of this and we want them to be more involved with their child in this important decision making process. Approx. Cost: Snacks and lunch for volunteers = $100.00.</p><p>Job Shadowing: With the support of the local merchants and town manager- we would like to propose that the students spend a day job shadowing a career they are truly interested in pursuing. No cost – just release time from the school and donated time from each of the career personnel within the county.</p><p>FAFSA Day: We have not held a day for parents to actually come in and get help with their financial aide paperwork for colleges. We would like to use this grant, as an opportunity to get the word out to the community and get volunteers such as CPA’s to help on a night for parents in February. Approx. Cost: Snacks for parents and volunteers= $50.00</p><p>Parent support Meetings: We realize parents have a lot of questions about college as well. We would like to bring college students back to our meetings to talk with parents and students about the “way it is” at their school. Topics such as – paying for meals, books and tuition, dorm life, classes, grading system, SAT’s, etc. We would also like for the business leaders come speak to the group and point out the importance of students getting a post secondary education for the students themselves and the key role it plays for the county as well. Approx. cost - $100.00 for 4 meetings throughout the year for snacks.</p><p>Monthly Newsletter: The Teacher Cadet Class will be responsible for creating a monthly newsletter or website to be added to our school web page. The site or newsletter will be updated with upcoming information and details of past activities, meetings and trips. Approx. cost= None- Just enthused students wanting to brag about what they are doing with the help or this grant.</p><p>Resource Library: With a our newly created Teacher Cadet Class – there is a need for video and other resources as requested by The NC Teacher Cadet Program. There are several videos and novels that she would like to purchase. Approx. cost = $1,400 will depend on amount left after grant has been awarded and the student and parent programs have been finalized. </p><p>College Application Week: We have already signed up (for the first time) for the CFNC College Application week at Alleghany High School. We believe just the buzz of this grant has greatly help boost the interest in getting our seniors the attention they deserve. The week for this is Nov. 16th – 20th. We would Request for Proposals</p><p> like this to be a great success, so we need volunteers and would like to provide snacks and lunch for the volunteers who help each day. Approx. Cost: $125.00</p><p>SAT Workshops: We would like for parents and students to understand the importance of the SAT/ACT’s. A workshop would be held with possible follow-up on preparing the students for SAT’s. Approx. cost= $25.00 snacks.</p><p>Staff Collaboration: We would like to encourage the importance of collaborating with post secondary staff. We want to bring what they have to share back to the classroom to our students and we would also like for them to visit us to understand the high school setting. Approx. cost: Subs to release staff to visit colleges = $600.00 = one teacher from each area of instruction.</p><p>PART III. Program Narrative (5-8 pages double-spaced, size 12 font)</p><p>A . Need: what is the need for this project? (10 points) Please describe the educational attainment levels, the poverty levels, the unemployment rates and the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) designation for the county. (See http://www.arc.gov/programs/distresd/discnlst.htm). Describe the needs of the designated school and any other factors that limit the educational opportunities of students in the designated school and/or community.</p><p>Alleghany County is a rural mountainous community isolated by the Blue Ridge Mountains and Eastern Continental Divide at its borders. It is located entirely within the Appalachian Mountain region of western North Carolina. Our community of 10,912 residents is primarily white (90.3%) with 7.9% of our residents of Hispanic or Latino origin, compared to the NC average of 6.4%. Only 1.5% of Alleghany County’s residents are black, with Asians at .3% and American Indians at .3%. The county’s percentage of Limited English proficient students has increased by almost 10% over the past three years.</p><p>The county’s December 2008 unemployment rate was 10.2%. The median household income is $29,244. The current county free and reduced lunch rate is 57%. The overall poverty rate is 15.7% (greater than the state’s rate of 12.3%) with 24% of all children age birth to 17 living in poverty – only six counties in North Carolina have a higher poverty rate. (Economic Research Service, USDA.)</p><p>Students to be served will have come from three Title I schools within Alleghany County. Thus, we as educators, feel the need to introduce our students to ways they can help themselves and that is by attending a post secondary school. </p><p>Alleghany County is characterized by low adult education, an aging population, high levels of poverty, and unusually slow growth, shown in the Census Bureau measures. Request for Proposals</p><p>The USDA’s Rural-Urban Continuum Code shows Alleghany County as one of only twelve out of North Carolina’s 100 counties to be rated as the most rural, exhibiting the highest demarcation of nine on the scale. Our population’s rural dispersion, combined with the above characteristics and the fact that 20.8% of our children are living in poverty (versus the NC average of 15.7%), make academic interventions even more important in Alleghany County. It is critical that our lowest achieving children be involved in meaningful academic and enrichment activities that also motivates them to value learning and education as relevant to their own lives and futures. Our poverty, and rural isolation make it essential that we be able to demonstrate the need for them to attend post secondary schools and guide them in choosing choose a career suited for them. JCPC data including violent and drug-related offenses shows an increase since 2005 in the number of students referred as undisciplined or delinquent. Of those referrals, intake officers considered 43 % of the parents unable to supervise. Percentages of recidivism are also showing increases. </p><p>REGIONAL DATA RESULTS Education - High School and College Completion Rates in Appalachia, 2000: North Carolina</p><p>Alleghany County</p><p>Population Adults 25 Years + 7,829 Persons with HS Diploma or Higher 5,326 Persons with College Degree or Higher 5,326 Percent Completed High School 914 Percent Completed 68.0% High School Completion, Percent of U.S. Average 84.6% College Completion Percent of U.S. Average 47.8%</p><p>With all the previous data, statements above and the additional information we have provided through our commitment letters, we feel Alleghany County should strongly be considered for the Access and Success Grant. In our hard copy that will follow, we have included a local newspaper article that details the falling rate of our graduates.</p><p>B. Goals and objectives: What goals and objectives will the project accomplish? (10 points) Please provide specific goals that are related to increasing the number of students enrolling in postsecondary education. #of students applying to college #of students completing college prep program of study #of students taking SAT/ACT #of students applying for financial aid #of students interested in teacher education #of students enrolling in college </p><p>Our goals for this grant are to focus on the senior class that is currently now at 122 students. But we are not limiting our focus to senior’s only- if others can attend meetings and activities we are holding – we certainly won’t turn them away. However the minimum number with focus is 122. Request for Proposals</p><p>The number of students applying to college will be targeted by continuing to sponsor a college fair in September of each year, which all juniors and seniors are currently invited to attend. AHS will participate in the college application week, allowing students to apply on-line for free to many colleges and universities. This is the first time we have ever participated in such a program and we feel due to the “talk” of this grant many staff members are on board and support the idea of helping these seniors with achieving their goals of attending port secondary schools. All seniors are given a college day to visit one prospective college. A newly developed guidance website will be kept updated on potential scholarships, deadlines for admission, financial aid, scholarship opportunities, etc. Guidance will utilize the EVAAS program to determine each student’s program of study, making necessary changes from CTP to CP. Information for SAT/ACT will be shared through the guidance website. Assistance will be given to any student needing it for completion of registration. Fee waivers will be distributed based on need. All 122 senior students will be encouraged during class meetings to take these tests. Alleghany High School students will be encouraged to participate in the financial aid workshop scheduled at the Alleghany Campus of Wilkes Community College. Guidance will sponsor a workshop for all seniors and their parents in January concerning financial aid applications and scholarship information. Guidance will continue to meet individually with each senior and discuss future plans. All 122 seniors will be encouraged to apply to at least one college. One college day is allowed per senior. For those without transportation, funding can be utilized to assist. Collaboration with Appalachian State University will be utilized for resources and information.</p><p>C. Plan of Operation: Please describe the services and activities that the Project will offer to students and families. (40 points) As you detail the services and activities, please address the following: Who are the personnel responsible for the services and activities and the amount of time each is committed to the project? Please include the resume of the person who will serve as the project coordinator. What is the timeline for accomplishing the services and activities? Explain how the proposed services and activities of the project are related to the goals and objectives. What efforts are currently in place to increase college enrollment? How will this project collaborate with and enhance other school efforts to increase the college-going rate? Please detail the services that are already being offered and indicate how these services improve or extend those services.</p><p>Key personnel working with this project will be Melissa Vestal- Teacher Cadet Staff, Linda Miller- Senior Guidance Advisor and Pam Hall- GEAR UP Coordinator. All three personal have agreed to take on this project with enthusiasm and bring other staff members and outside personnel on as needed as volunteers. Please see resume for Pam Hall next page. Request for Proposals</p><p>Pam Hall 404 Trojan Avenue, Sparta, NC 28675 336-372-4554 [email protected]</p><p>OBJECTIVE A position as a coordinator for the Access and Success Grant through ASU for year 2009-2010 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Coordinator for GEAR UP /ASU Partnership Grant 2005-current Alleghany County School System Write and implement work plan for the school year. Address all local paper work involved for getting staff and students to and from field trip. Address all required paper work for ASU and GEAR UP Grant reports. Make all contact required for successful college visit, field trip by pre arranging all activities and accessing the time allotment for each activity as well as planning for alternative plans in case of weather situations arise. Successfully complete all jobs by time requested. Coordinate tutors at school and complete required Data Base entry. Make contacts for meetings and agendas for such meetings. Contact parents and others outside school setting to inform them of up coming activities. Create Web Site for communication purposes. Conduct informational meetings for parents, students and staff about activities that support the grant. Complete all finical required paper work for grant as well as complete match.</p><p>North Carolina Teacher 1982- 2006 Alleghany County School System Active classroom teacher with all requirements of a teacher being met including test scores as required by NC EOG. Extra Curricular activities such as athletics boosters, PTA, field trips both day and multiple days for entire grade levels. Fund Raising and accounts for individuals for field trips. EDUCATION Appalachian State University East Carolina University Wilkes Community College Alleghany High School</p><p>Signature of Applicant: Request for Proposals</p><p>All activities will be conducted this school year of 2009 -2010. Therefore all progress reports will be available in June of 2010 with possible exceptions of exact number of students actually attending colleges, which won’t be available until August 2010. All Activities we would like to propose with the grant are directly related to the Access and Success Grant. They are as follows: College visits with emphases- but not limiting to teaching. Selection will be as the students complete CFNC Assessments to see which schools match their criteria. Our goal is to guide students in choosing a college that’s right for them. Hopefully, we can achieve this through the focus groups. 1.Possibly taking a two-day tour of colleges with interested students for the colleges being seen. Allowing the students to stay on campus for the tour to get the real effects of college life. Approx. cost $150.00 / student @ 30 students = $4,500 Total depending on number of students taken on trip. 2. Day visits for College Visits: We would like to encourage parents and students to visit the college of their choice. We realize these days some of these parents are intimidated by the drive out of the county, being in a “foreign” place and all the other unfamiliar things they have for reasons and excuses not to go. We would like to again provide transportation and a staff member to help those in need of such a service. Currently each senior is given a college day. Most take the day- but not all take the day to actually visit the college of their choice. We propose that the students come back with college material from their college and detailed information about what they learned. We believe that supporting the parents with their concerns will also encourage this program to become stronger. Approx. cost = $500.00 2. Community College visits- Day trips to local community colleges- Again, only taking the students interested in community colleges or specialized schools such as NASCAR Institute, Johnson & Wales University etc. Approx. Cost: Driver @ $100/day and gas @ .80 / mile= $400.00 for two different trip dates. School visits: We would like for the Teacher Cadet and FTA Students to visit another school outside the county. We know as teachers how much we learn from these visitations and we want them to have a better insight about teaching from another system. A goal would be for them to attend a middle or elementary school and become a Teacher’s Assistant for a day- hopefully they could also “teach’ a mini lesson during the day to the students. Approx. Cost: Driver @ $100/day and gas @ .80 / mile= $200.00. Funds are not currently in place for supporting our cadet program for neither field trips nor college visits. Career Fair: We would like to expand our current operation of our career fair by including the students doing research of the education and colleges that provide that particular type of degree. We would also like to encourage parents to become a part of this and we want them to be more involved with Request for Proposals</p><p> their child in this important decision making process. Approx. Cost: Snacks and lunch for volunteers = $100.00. Job Shadowing: With the support of the local merchants and town manager- we would like to propose that the students spend a day job shadowing a career they are truly interested in pursuing. No cost – just release time from the school and donated time from each of the career personnel within the county. Currently our 8th grade students do a job fair- but we feel that the students at a more mature age will take the job shadowing program more seriously particularly students who are undecided about their career. FAFSA Day: We have not held a day for parents to actually come in and get help with their financial aide paperwork for colleges. We would like to use this grant, as an opportunity to get the word out to the community and get volunteers such as CPA’s to help on a night for parents in February. We all agree that the FAFSA paperwork if intimidating and we want to help ease this through this process of having experienced professional on hand to help with the paper work and explain the finical process. Approx. Cost: Snacks for parents and volunteers= $25.00 Parent support Meetings: We realize parents have a lot of questions about college as well. We would like to bring college students back to our meetings to talk with parents and students about the “way it is” at their school. Topics such as – paying for meals, books and tuition, dorm life, classes, grading system, SAT’s, etc. We would also like for the business leaders come speak to the group and point out the importance of students getting a post secondary education for the students themselves and the key role it plays for the county as well. Approx. cost - $100.00 for 4 meetings throughout the year for snacks. Monthly Newsletter: The Teacher Cadet Class will be responsible for creating a monthly newsletter or website to be added to our school web page. The site or newsletter will be updated with upcoming information and details of past activities, meetings and trips. Approx. cost= None- Just enthused students wanting to brag about what they are doing with the help or this grant.</p><p>Resource Library: With a our newly created Teacher Cadet Class – there is a need for video and other resources as requested by The NC Teacher Cadet Program. There are several videos and novels that she would like to purchase. Approx. cost = $1,000 will depend on amount left after grant has been awarded and the student and parent programs have been finalized. College Application Week: We have already signed up (for the first time) for the CFNC College Application week at Alleghany High School. We believe just the buzz of this grant has greatly help boost the interest in getting our seniors the attention they deserve. The week for this is Nov. 16th – 20th. We would like this to be a great success, so we need volunteers and would like to provide snacks and lunch for the volunteers who help each day. We would also like to have an English Teacher on hand each day to help student with Essays for those that haven’t completed them before this date. Approx. Cost: $100.00 Lunch/snacks + $450.00 for substitute to release English teach to be available for essays. SAT Workshops: Request for Proposals</p><p>We would like for parents and students to understand the importance of the SAT/ACT’s. A workshop would be held with possible follow-up on preparing the students for SAT’s. Approx. cost= $25.00 snacks. Staff Collaboration: We would like to encourage the importance of collaborating with post secondary staff. We want to bring what they have to share back to the classroom to our students and we would also like for them to visit us to understand the high school setting. Approx. cost: Subs to release staff to visit colleges = $600.00 = one teacher from each area of instruction.</p><p>D. Evaluation plan: How will the effectiveness of the project be evaluated? (15 points) Please address the following questions: How will you accurately report the college-going rate for current and future graduating classes? How will you collect data on participation in project activities and evaluate the effectiveness of activities and services? How will you ensure that accurate and timely programmatic and financial reports are submitted? How will you address problems as they arise? How will you determine what corrective measures to take?</p><p>Each graduating senior file is updated with college attending and major intended. Those records are available for each year’s graduating class. The number of students attending each activity will be recorded and compared with prior events. Effectiveness will be determined by number of SAT/ACT registrations, number of college applications and applications for financial aid/scholarship. Any problems will all be handled by the program coordinator and addressed by the team with action taken following a meeting. It depends on the problem as to how we will handle. We have a strong support team when it comes to college access from the staff all the way to the Superintendent’s Office and Dr. Cox. We really don’t foresee any problems arising, as all involved are eagerly enthused about this project.</p><p>E. Continuation of the project after grant funding ceases: How will you develop a plan to continue the project after the grant period is finished? (10 points) Who will be involved in developing this plan? What existing structures are in place that will support the sustainability of the project?</p><p>We believe the goals of this grant once achieved will be a “kick off” to show the staff, parents and students what can be achieved. With this in place, all will be enthused to achieve more in the years to come as well as improve on the activities Request for Proposals</p><p> we did with the grant. Our hopes are that many staff members will volunteer for some of the services such as essay writing and conducting parent meetings for information on college applications and FASFA. We also hope, funds will come through for the Teacher Cadet Program as the state and federal funds are relaxed and are placed back into the school system. We also think that by getting the community leaders involved will help lead the way for sustainability. As stated before, we already have the Teacher Cadet Class; we just need a boost to get it off the ground with finical support to show these students, parents and staff the capabilities of such a class.</p><p>F. Budget and financial management plan: How will you use grant and matching funds to implement the proposed services and activities? (15 points) Please provide a brief narrative that explains the line items you have submitted in Part IV: Budget. Also describe how the grant funds will be managed and distributed, who will oversee the distribution of the funds, and how the matching funds (both in-kind and cash) will be documented.</p><p>Matching Funds: We have over and above exceeded the required match for this grant. We believe this shows the commitment and dedication from our staff to supports the goals of this grant. The main match will come from our high school senior guidance counselor – we will use 75% or her time for a total of $29,000 match. The second form will come from the teacher cadet teacher who is paid for with local funds-(not Federal) for a total of $3000, we have also committed to locally cover the costs of coping, printing and advertizing all activities connected to this grant for $100 bringing the total of match to $32,100.00.</p><p>All Activities we would like to propose with the grant are directly related to the Access and Success Grant. They are as follows:</p><p>College visits with emphases- but not limiting to teaching. Selection will be as the students complete CFNC Assessments to see which schools match their criteria. Our goal is to guide students in choosing a college that’s right for them. Hopefully, we can achieve this through the focus groups. 1.Possibly taking a two-day tour of colleges with interested students for the colleges being seen. Allowing the students to stay on campus for the tour to get the real effects of college life. Approx. cost $150.00 / student @ 30 students = $4,500 Total depending on number of students taken on trip. 2. Day visits for College Visits: We would like to encourage parents and students to visit the college of their choice. We realize these days some of these parents are intimidated by the drive out of the county, being in a “foreign” place and all the other unfamiliar things they have for reasons and excuses not to go. We would like to again provide transportation and a staff member to help those in need of such a service. Currently each senior is given a college day. Most take the day- but not all take the day to actually visit the college of their choice. We propose that the students come back with college material from their college and detailed information about what they learned. We believe that supporting the parents with their concerns will also encourage this program to become stronger. Approx. cost = $500.00 Request for Proposals</p><p>2. Community College visits- Day trips to local community colleges- Again, only taking the students interested in community colleges or specialized schools such as NASCAR Institute, Johnson & Wales University etc. Approx. Cost: Driver @ $100/day and gas @ .80 / mile= $400.00 for two different trip dates.</p><p>School visits: We would like for the Teacher Cadet and FTA Students to visit another school outside the county. We know as teachers how much we learn from these visitations and we want them to have a better insight about teaching from another system. A goal would be for them to attend a middle or elementary school and become a Teacher’s Assistant for a day- hopefully they could also “teach’ a mini lesson during the day to the students. Approx. Cost: Driver @ $100/day and gas @ .80 / mile= $200.00. Funds are not currently in place for supporting our cadet program for neither field trips nor college visits.</p><p>Career Fair: We would like to expand our current operation of our career fair by including the students doing research of the education and colleges that provide that particular type of degree. We would also like to encourage parents to become a part of this and we want them to be more involved with their child in this important decision making process. Approx. Cost: Snacks and lunch for volunteers = $100.00.</p><p>Job Shadowing: With the support of the local merchants and town manager- we would like to propose that the students spend a day job shadowing a career they are truly interested in pursuing. No cost – just release time from the school and donated time from each of the career personnel within the county. Currently our 8th grade students do a job fair- but we feel that the students at a more mature age will take the job shadowing program more seriously particularly students who are undecided about their career.</p><p>FAFSA Day: We have not held a day for parents to actually come in and get help with their financial aide paperwork for colleges. We would like to use this grant, as an opportunity to get the word out to the community and get volunteers such as CPA’s to help on a night for parents in February. We all agree that the FAFSA paperwork if intimidating and we want to help ease this through this process of having experienced professional on hand to help with the paper work and explain the finical process. Approx. Cost: Snacks for parents and volunteers= $25.00</p><p>Parent support Meetings: We realize parents have a lot of questions about college as well. We would like to bring college students back to our meetings to talk with parents and students about the “way it is” at their school. Topics such as – paying for meals, books and tuition, dorm life, classes, grading system, SAT’s, etc. We would also like for the business leaders come speak to the group and point out the importance of students getting a post secondary education for the students themselves and the Request for Proposals</p><p> key role it plays for the county as well. Approx. cost - $100.00 for 4 meetings throughout the year for snacks.</p><p>Monthly Newsletter: The Teacher Cadet Class will be responsible for creating a monthly newsletter or website to be added to our school web page. The site or newsletter will be updated with upcoming information and details of past activities, meetings and trips. Approx. cost= None- Just enthused students wanting to brag about what they are doing with the help or this grant. Resource Library: With a our newly created Teacher Cadet Class – there is a need for video and other resources as requested by The NC Teacher Cadet Program. There are several videos and novels that she would like to purchase. Approx. cost = $1,000 will depend on amount left after grant has been awarded and the student and parent programs have been finalized. </p><p>College Application Week: We have already signed up (for the first time) for the CFNC College Application week at Alleghany High School. We believe just the buzz of this grant has greatly help boost the interest in getting our seniors the attention they deserve. The week for this is Nov. 16th – 20th. We would like this to be a great success, so we need volunteers and would like to provide snacks and lunch for the volunteers who help each day. We would also like to have an English Teacher on hand each day to help student with Essays for those that haven’t completed them before this date. Approx. Cost: $100.00 Lunch/snacks + $450.00 for substitute to release English teach to be available for essays. </p><p>SAT Workshops: We would like for parents and students to understand the importance of the SAT/ACT’s. A workshop would be held with possible follow-up on preparing the students for SAT’s. Approx. cost= $25.00 snacks.</p><p>Staff Collaboration: We would like to encourage the importance of collaborating with post secondary staff. We want to bring what they have to share back to the classroom to our students and we would also like for them to visit us to understand the high school setting. Approx. cost: Subs to release staff to visit colleges = $600.00 = one teacher from each area of instruction. PART IV. Project budget (see attached guide)</p><p>PART V. Two letters of commitment: One from the school superintendent and principal. The second one from an educational partner - (examples include an institution of higher education, local business, Chamber of Commerce, another access program such as GEAR UP, Upward Bound, Talent Search, Communities in Schools, etc.) One letter of commitment with signatures of approval from both the school principal and county/district superintendent. The letter of commitment must address the following items: Abilities and percentage of time the coordinator will commit to the project. How the school or county/district will provide the $5000 match, either in dollars or in-kind services. (Please explain.) The understanding that monthly and annual reports of activities and expenditures are vital components of the program and must be submitted by designated deadlines. Why the school or county/district is interested in increasing the college- going rate. Request for Proposals</p><p>BUDGET SAMPLE – Please use this format Please note – these funds cannot pay salaries or equipment purchases. </p><p>Category Item Federal Funds Matching Funds Personnel High School - Senior $2,900 x 10 = Guidance (75%) $29,000 Teacher Cadet $300 x 10= (25%) $3000.00 Travel 2 college visits $5,400 1 2-day/ over night #30 @ $150.00 / student = $4,500 Day Visits @ $500 Community College visits 2 trips @ . 80 / mile + Subs = 400.00 Supplies Career Fair- $100.00 snacks/lunch for volunteers FAFSA Day- & SAT $75.00 Workshops - snacks Parent Support 100.00 Meetings / snacks and coping materials Monthly Newsletter- $100 Coping and printing costs Resource Library- $1,400 Materials/videos/DV D to support Teacher Cadet Class Request for Proposals</p><p>College Application $125.00 Week Snacks & lunch for volunteers. Subs for release time for English teachers during the week of Nov. 16 – 20th. Staff Collaboration – $600.00 Sub to release staff to visit ASU and other colleges Total $8000.00 $32,100.00 Request for Proposals</p><p>Board of Education Dr. Jeff A. Cox, Superintendent Clarence Crouse, Chairperson Betsy Dillon, Vice Chairperson Faron Atwood Steven Williams Brad Mabe</p><p>LETTER OF COMMITMENT ALLEGHANY COUNTY SCHOOLS</p><p>Western North Carolina Network for Access and Success Grant</p><p>September 10, 2009</p><p>To Whom It May Concern:</p><p>It is with great enthusiasm and excitement that we write this letter of commitment on behalf of Alleghany County Schools as a part of our request for proposal for the Western North Carolina Network for Access and Success Grant. This is an outstanding initiative that will support many of our school community goals as we look to provide outstanding educational opportunities for all students. Our goals through this initiative will be to increase:</p><p> The number of students enrolled in college prep curriculum High school graduation rates Post-secondary application rates The number of students taking SAT/ACT The number of students applying for financial aid for college The number of students enrolling in post-secondary education The number of students interested in pursuing teaching careers in North Carolina The number of students from diverse backgrounds enrolling in post-secondary institutions The opportunities for high school teachers and college/university faculty to collaborate on strategies that will increase college readiness of students from Northwest North Carolina</p><p>Specific area of commitment: Abilities and percentage of time the coordinator will commit to the project.</p><p>Our full time Alleghany High School GEAR UP Coordinator will coordinate this grant and project. With the assistance of a full time guidance counselor as well as the Alleghany County Teacher of the Year, we have three very talented and committed staff members to spear head this project. Our GEAR UP Coordinator can lend up to 40% of her time to the coordination of the program. Our Teacher Cadet Lead Teacher will assume a leadership role through planning, field trips, and parent programming. She will also be heavily involved in promoting the number of students in our Teacher Cadet classes who are interested in pursuing teaching careers in North Carolina. Our guidance counselor will commit to being a part of the many college related aspects including promoting college applications, SAT related needs and college/post secondary programs. Request for Proposals</p><p>Specific area of commitment: How the school or county/district will provide the $5000 match, either in dollars or in-kind services.</p><p>Our intention would be to use a percentage of our Guidance Counselor, our Teacher Cadet Lead Teacher, our Principal and our Assistant Principal’s salaries as a part of our match. We have been highly successful in match documentation in other grant funded projects and initiatives that we are a part of.</p><p>Specific area of commitment: The understanding that monthly and annual reports of activities and expenditures are vital components of the program and must be submitted by designated deadlines.</p><p>We acknowledge the importance of maintaining accurate and timely reports of activities and expenditures. We commit to meeting all necessary deadlines.</p><p>Specific area of commitment: Why the school or county/district is interested in increasing the college- going rate.</p><p>Alleghany County Schools has been a part of the Gear-Up initiative for several years both on the state and federal level. We have had an excellent partnership with Appalachian State University for several years as well as nearby counties in the cohort. The Gear-Up program and the Western North Carolina Network for Access and Success Grant initiative represent practices and goals that our school community envisions for our schools:</p><p>(1.) Promoting college access for all students and parents in our county (2.) Increasing the academic performance and preparation for post-secondary education of all students (3.) Increasing the rate of high school graduation and participation in post-secondary education and (4.) Increasing students’ and their families’ knowledge of post-secondary education options, preparation and financing</p><p>We sincerely hope that Alleghany County Schools will be given strong consideration for this grant. We are looking forward to the partnerships and opportunities that this grant can provide students in Alleghany County.</p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>Dr. Jeff A. Cox Mr. Paul Crouse Superintendent AHS Principal Request for Proposals</p><p>LETTER OF COMMITMENT Alleghany High School Teacher Cadet Instructor Western North Carolina Network for Access and Success Grant</p><p>September 10, 2009</p><p>To Whom It May Concern:</p><p>I am very pleased to write this letter of commitment concerning the Western North Carolina Network for Access and Success Grant. I am the Teacher Cadet instructor at Alleghany High School. This is a new program that our high school implanted two years ago. The purpose of this class is to recruit the top students in each class to become teachers, while at the same time encouraging other students to explore their goals and intents for their futures. Students gain practical knowledge in the area of education. For this reason, students read and analyze many pieces of media and literature concerning various topics in education. Participants are also encouraged to visit colleges and universities who offer an educational course of study. Upon receipt of this grant, students will be able to complete this part of the Teacher Cadet curriculum. Another goal is to purchase the videos, books, professional journals, and other supplemental materials I need to enhance the experience of these students. Several of these students are not sure if they want to pursue a degree at the college or university level. I feel that with considerable preparation in this course, these students will be more eager to explore their aptitudes and set higher goals. I also serve as a liaison between parents and Teacher Cadets. This grant will provide a venue for more frequent and productive meetings to keep all students informed about scholarship opportunities and financial aid. It is my understanding that Alleghany County Schools will need to match this grant in the amount of $5,000. Matching funds will come from my salary as well as the salaries of our principal, assistant principal and guidance counselor. I am very excited about the possibility of receiving funding to prosper our efforts at Alleghany High School to support and produce exceptional, young teachers. Thank you for your support. Sincerely,</p><p>Mrs. Melissa Vestal Alleghany High School, Teacher Cadet Instructor/Spanish Teacher Request for Proposals</p><p>TOWN OF SPARTA P.O. BOX 99 SPARTA, NC 28675</p><p>Phone: 336-372-4257 Fax: 336-372-2051 Email: [email protected] TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS: John H. Miller, Mayor Agnes Joines, Mayor Pro Tem William Graham, III Attorney Robert Andrews Bryan Edwards, Town Manager John Brady Frank M. Sanders, Chief of Police Mike Parlier Raymond Moxley, Supt. Maint. Lois Sheets Peggy Choate, Town Clerk</p><p>September 10, 2009</p><p>Ms. Joni Webb Petschauer Appalachian State University</p><p>Re: Western NC Network – Access and Success</p><p>Dear Ms. Petschauer:</p><p>After discussing the ‘Access and Success’ program with Mrs. Pam Hall of the Alleghany County school system, I felt it important to provide a letter of support on behalf of the effort of Mrs. Hall to secure funding for this program that could potentially benefit twelfth-graders at Alleghany High School.</p><p>As Mrs. Hall explained some of her concepts about providing local students an opportunity to focus on teaching as a profession, as well as other career opportunities, I felt that such a program would be very beneficial to many of our high school seniors. </p><p>Funding for this program would allow for an expanded ‘career fair’ program, and to develop a program for community leaders to visit school classrooms or after-school programs with students and parents to discuss the career benefits and expanded job opportunities available to college graduates.</p><p>The opportunity for students to visit on college campuses and gain exposure to educational opportunities beyond the small community we live in can be very important to the development of an understanding of future career opportunities and the confidence to pursue the opportunity.</p><p>Thank you for your favorable consideration of this application. </p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>Bryan Edwards, Manager Request for Proposals</p><p>Town of Sparta</p>
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