<p>August 15, 2012</p><p>Dear Students and Parents,</p><p>Welcome to Meadowdale High School. It is our intent to provide students viable opportunities to learn, develop talents, social skills and experience good citizenship. Meadowdale offers a strong, comprehensive educational curriculum and the opportunity to excel through the International Baccalaureate Program.</p><p>Students, we expect that you will perform well and positively to prepare yourselves to become productive citizens in our global society. Parents, we thank you for entrusting your child to the Dayton Public Schools and Meadowdale High School. Please become active participants in your child’s education. We, the administration and staff, will certainly do our very best to provide the opportunities needed for all students to be successful.</p><p>This handbook has been prepared as a resource guide for Meadowdale students. It is expected that students will use it as a reference for proper school behavior and school procedures. Please carefully read the information which states Dayton Public Schools’ policies as well as specific rules for Meadowdale students. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact or visit us whenever you can do so.</p><p>Vision: An innovative district of champions where students are academically and culturally prepared by a team committed to developing critical thinkers and productive citizens ready to serve the world community.</p><p>Melanie S. Walter Principal</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>Welcome Letter…..Melanie S. Walter, Principal 1 School Calendar………………………………………... 4-5 Introduction…………………………………………….. 6 Student Appearance….………………………………… 6 Attendance……………………………………………… 7 Reporting Absences/Early Dismissals…………………. 7 Make-up Work……………………….………………… 7 Tardiness……………………………………………….. 8 Classroom Tardy Policy………………………………... 9 ID Badges………………………………………………. 9 Lockers…………………………………………………. 9 Class Dues…………………………………………….... 10 Textbooks………………………………………………. 10 Hall Passes……………………………………………… 10 Lunch…………………………………………………… 10 Passes for Leaving School.…………………………….. 10 Electronic Devices……………………………………… 11 Hat/Headgear Policy……………………………………. 11 Extended Learning Areas (ELAs)………………………. 11 Grade Level Promotions……………………………….. 11 Requirements for Graduation..…………………………. 12 Alternative Pathways for Eligibility for Diploma……… 13 Office Visits……………………………………………. 14 Parking Passes………………………………………….. 14 Building Security……………………………………… 15 Detention……………………………………………….. 15 Extracurricular Activities……………………………… 15 Fire and Tornado Drills………………………………… 16 City-Wide Student Discipline…………………………. 16-18 The School and The Law………………………………. 18 Alma Mater……………………………………………… 20 Fight Song……………………………………………… 20 Telephone List…………………………………………… 21 Bell Schedules…………………………………………… 22 School Map……………………………………………… 23-24 2012 - 2013 Academic Calendar FIRST QUARTER (August 13, 2012 – October 17, 2012) Monday, August 13 Staff Development Day Tuesday, August 14 Teacher Work Day Wednesday, August 15 School Begins – First Day Students Monday, September 3 Labor Day Holiday (Schools Closed) Wednesday, Sept. 26 Professional Development Day (no students) Wednesday, October 17 End of First Grading Period (Pupil Days 44) Thursday, October 18 Parent-Teacher Conference (Students Not in Attendance) Friday, October 19 Fall Break (Students Not in Attendance)</p><p>SECOND QUARTER (October 23, 2012 – December 20, 2012) Monday, October 23 Beginning of Second Grading Period Wednesday-Friday, Thanksgiving Holiday (Students Not in Attendance) November 21-23 (Schools Closed on Thursday and Friday) Thursday, December 20 End of Second Grading Period (Pupil Days 41) Records Day / Staff Development Day Friday, December 21 (Students Not in Attendance) Winter Intersession: Monday, December 24, 2012 – Friday, January 4, 2013</p><p>Testing Information</p><p>OGT Fall October 22-26, 2012 THIRD QUARTER (January 8, 2013– March 15, 2013) Wednesday, January 8 Beginning of Third Grading Period Monday, January 21 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (Schools Closed) Wednesday, February 6 Professional Development Day (No students) Friday, February 15 Holiday (No students) Monday, February 18 Presidents’ Day (Schools Closed) End of Third Grading Period Friday, March 15 PreK-8 Two Hour Early Dismissal (Pupil Days 46) FOURTH QUARTER (March 18, 2013 – May 31, 2013) Beginning of Fourth Grading Period Monday, March 18 Students and Instructional Staff return to school Spring Break: Monday, March 25, 2013 - Friday, April 1, 2013 Monday, May 27 Memorial Day Holiday (Schools Closed) Last Day for Students and Staff Friday, May 31 2 hour early release PK-12 (Pupil Days 48) Total Number of Days 2012-13 School Year Students: 179 Teachers: 185 </p><p>June 3-7, 2013 are designated Calamity Make-Up Days and will be used as needed.</p><p>Testing Information</p><p>OGT Spring March 11-24, 2013 OGT Summer June 17-30, 2013 MEADOWDALE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK</p><p>INTRODUCTION This booklet provides information about school rules and guidelines that are important to both students and parents. The administration encourages you to be aware not only of your rights as a student, but also the rights of others. All school rules are written to reinforce the basic values of self-respect, self-discipline, and respect for one another.</p><p>The ultimate purpose of education is to help each student become an effective citizen in our democracy. To develop and accept the responsibilities of good citizenship will help us participate successfully in the world of tomorrow. Remember that your success in this school will be directly proportionate to your efforts.</p><p>STUDENT APPEARANCE WE TAKE PRIDE IN THE APPEARANCE OF OUR STUDENTS. YOUR DRESS REFLECTS THE QUALITY OF THE SCHOOL, YOUR CONDUCT AND YOUR SCHOOL WORK. ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO DRESS AND GROOM THEMSELVES NEATLY IN CLOTHES THAT ARE SUITABLE FOR SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. THE ADMINISTRATION RETAINS THE RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PROHIBIT STYLES OF DRESS WHICH WOULD BE UNSAFE, OFFENSIVE TO OTHERS, OR WHICH MAY BE A DISRUPTIVE FACTOR WITHIN THE BUILDING. STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO BE WELL-GROOMED AT SCHOOL. THE FOLLOWING DRESS CODE RULES APPLY TO ALL STUDENTS:</p><p>1. Shorts/Skirts/Skorts must be not more than 4” above the knee. IF wearing “leggings”, “jeggings” or other extremely tight pants, the top worn over these must not be more than 4” above the knee. 2. No clothing that shows bare midriff, low-riding pants and low- cut shirts. 3. No fishnet, tank-tops, spaghetti straps, back-out, bare-shoul- ders, see-through, extremely low-cut tops or apparel. 4. No house shoes or slippers. 5. No clothing that includes any inappropriate language (profani- ty and/or obscenities), gang slogans or names, displays or de- signs of prohibited substances, controversial events, RIP shirts. 6. No hats, caps, do-rags, or any headgear; all headgear must be removed and placed in locker upon entry to the school. </p><p>Students who are not appropriately dressed will not be permitted to attend class. </p><p>Failure to follow the dress code will result in the student having to acquire appropriate clothing and may result in further disciplinary action. ATTENDANCE Students are expected to be in school daily except in cases of emergency or for reasons as explained in the code below. The code lists the following legal excuses for absence from school: 1. Personal Illness - Medical excuse may be requested. 2. Illness in the Family - Medical excuse may be requested. 3. Medical Appointments - Doctor’s statement is required. 4. Death of a relative. 5. Observance of religious holiday. 6. Emergencies - As approved by school administrator/s.</p><p>REPORTING ABSENCES AND REQUESTING EARLY DISMISSALS Parents should call the Attendance Office to report absences and/or request early dismissals within the first hour of the school day. Call the Attendance Office at 542-7073.</p><p>MAKE-UP WORK IN THE EVENT OF A STUDENT ABSENCE, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH EACH CLASSROOM TEACHER TO MAKE UP ANY WORK MISSED WHILE ABSENT. THE TEACHER SHALL STIPULATE THE TIME LIMIT TO MAKE UP ANY MISSED WORK, BUT THIS SHALL NOT EXCEED TWO (2) WEEKS AFTER THE STUDENT’S RETURN TO SCHOOL UNLESS AN EXTENSION IS GRANTED IN WRITING BY THE PRINCIPAL. WHERE THE ABSENCE IS ANTICIPATED IN ADVANCE, SUCH AS AN OPERATION, THE STUDENT SHOULD OBTAIN A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL. THIS POLICY SHALL ALSO APPLY WHEN STUDENTS ACCOMPANY THEIR PARENTS ON TRIPS DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR. FINAL APPROVAL IS DETERMINED BY THE BUILDING PRINCIPAL. TARDINESS TO SCHOOL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND SCHOOL ON TIME EVERYDAY. STUDENTS ARRIVING TO SCHOOL 2 HOURS AND 30 MINUTES AFTER SCHOOL BEGINS (10:30AM), WITHOUT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION OR A PARENT/GUARDIAN TO PERSONALLY SIGN THE STUDENT INTO SCHOOL, WILL NOT BE ADMITTED. APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION INCLUDES DOCTOR APPOINTMENT VERIFICATION SLIP OR COURT VERIFICATION. STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO BE IN HOMEROOM BEFORE THE TARDY BELL RINGS. EXCESSIVE TARDINESS TO SCHOOL AND/OR CLASS MAY RESULT IN TEACHER CONSEQUENCES, FOLLOWED BY ADMINISTRATIVE INTERVENTION. IF THERE ARE SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES, A SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR WILL BE ASKED TO MAKE A DETERMINATION FOR ADMITTANCE.</p><p>UPON THE STUDENT’S 3RD TARDY TO SCHOOL WITHIN A QUARTER, A FRIDAY SCHOOL WILL BE ASSIGNED. ANY ADDITIONAL TARDY VIOLATIONS WITHIN THE QUARTER WILL RESULT IN FURTHER DISCIPLINARY ACTION, INCLUDING SUSPENSIONS FROM SCHOOL. CLASSROOM TARDY POLICY 1. Teachers will keep a record of each student’s attendance, including tardies and absences. 2. Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classrooms once the tardy bell rings. 3. If tardy to class, students must enter the classroom QUIETLY, sign-in on the clipboard, sit in assigned seat and wait QUIETLY for the teacher to attend to him/her.</p><p>CONSEQUENCES 1. The first three (3) tardies to school or to class in a quarter will result in Level I discipline, as designated by the classroom teacher. 2. After the third (3rd) tardy to school or to class in a quarter, the teacher may refer the student to the Administration for further disciplinary action. 3. Based on teacher’s referral, repeated tardy violations will move from Level I to Level II. At this point, the student may receive a consequence by the Administration. 4. Subsequent tardy violations within that quarter will result in further disciplinary actions, as outlined in the DPS Student Code of Conduct.</p><p>PURPOSE To promote academic success for all students. To reduce the number of students in the halls. To make students responsible for time management. To limit the number of interruptions to classroom instruction.</p><p>ID BADGES All Dayton Public School high school students are expected to wear their ID Badges at ALL TIMES. These badges are important to maintain the safety and security of our students. ID badges will be given during the first two weeks of school. If the badge is lost or stolen, the student must pay a $5.00 fee for a replacement badge. </p><p>LOCKERS All students must have a locker to keep their books and personal belongings. Students are not to share lockers or locker combinations. The locker fee is $3.00. When closing your locker, turn the combination knob two times past the last number and check for closure. Meadowdale High School is not responsible for lost or stolen items, or items removed from lockers. Lockers are the property of Dayton Public Schools. Property in the lockers may be searched if there is a reasonable suspicion. CLASS DUES There are many different class activities planned during the four years you will attend high school. Each year, students will pay class dues which are determined by class advisors and approved by the Administration. Class dues that are not paid will result in a financial obligation. All financial obligations must be paid prior to graduation.</p><p>TEXTBOOKS Students will be responsible for the textbooks they are assigned. Any lost textbook will result in the assignment of a student financial obligation. Obligations must be paid prior to graduation. Transcripts will not be released on students owing obligations.</p><p>HALL PASSES In order to ensure success, students need to be in class. Students have time between classes to obtain necessary materials and to take care of personal needs. Any student in the halls without a verifiable pass will be considered cutting class and administrative intervention will be taken. NO students will be permitted out of class during the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class.</p><p>LUNCH Meadowdale has A CLOSED LUNCH PERIOD (students cannot leave school grounds for lunch). During assigned lunch periods, students will remain in the cafeteria area. Dining Cafeteria Regulations:</p><p>1. Food and drinks are to remain in the assigned eating areas ONLY. 2. Food/drinks cannot be brought into the building by parent/guardian for student’s consumption. No outside/restaurant food can be brought into the cafeteria. 3. Clean your area before leaving the cafeteria. Deposit trash in the provided trash containers. 4. Do not break lines. 5. Have your personal code/ID card ready to input at cash register. 6. Good manners and courtesy will be practiced. 7. The spiral staircase and stage are off limits. </p><p>PASSES FOR LEAVING SCHOOL Students who need to leave the school grounds at any time during the school day must obtain an early dismissal from the school’s Main Office. Failure to follow the proper procedures will be considered truancy.</p><p>If you have a doctor’s appointment, etc., you should bring a note from home to the Main Office by 8:00 a.m. indicating the time your parent or guardian will pick you up from school. Please include a telephone number in your note where parent can be reached for verification. After verification, the office will issue an early dismissal which will allow you to leave class and school at the time requested. If you return to school, sign in at the Main Office.</p><p>Students will only be released to a parent/guardian or other persons listed on Emergency Contact. The same rule applies to students 18+ and older.</p><p>ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY Students should not use electronic devices, i.e., cell phones, mp3 players, or electronic games, during school hours. These items are subject to confiscation and will only be returned to students at the end of the school day. Repeat violators may be suspended or recommended for expulsion. Refusal to relinquish the electronic device will result in a 3-day suspension.</p><p>HAT AND HEADGEAR POLICY Hats and headgear must be removed and placed in locker upon entering the building. These items are subject to confiscation and may be retained until the end of the school year.</p><p>EXTENDED LEARNING AREAS (ELAs) The ELA exists for the purpose of extending the learning environment beyond the classroom. Students and teachers are to use these areas to enhance the learning that has been established within the classroom. Projects, group work and independent work may be conducted in these areas provided the following guidelines are met: Student(s) are assigned to be in these areas by their supervising teacher. Student(s) display behavior that does not interfere with the learning of others. Student(s) are given an assignment to be completed while occupying the ELA. Loitering during class is a misuse of this area and will be treated as a disruption. Failing to report to class due to lounging will be considered a class cut. Discipline measures will follow the DPS Code of Conduct.</p><p>GRADE LEVEL PROMOTIONS In order for a student to progress to the next grade level, he/she must have earned the following credits prior to the beginning of the school year: Sophomore...... 5 credits Junior...... 10 credits Senior...... 14 credits REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION Students must earn 20 credits and pass all 5 parts of the Ohio Graduation Tests. The specific course requirements for graduation are listed below. Course requirements for the graduating classes of 2012 and 2013 are as follows: 4 units of language arts (I, II, III, IV) 3 units of science (physical, biological & 1 additional science) 3 units of mathematics (algebra I, geometry & 1 additional higher level math) 3 units of social studies (American history, world history, American government) ½ unit of physical education (2 semesters) ½ unit of health 6 units of electives (one unit must consist of business, foreign language or fine arts) Course requirements for the graduating classes of 2014 and 2015 are as follows: 4 units of language arts (I, II, III, IV) 3 units of science (physical, biological & 1 additional science) 4 units of mathematics (algebra I,II, geometry & 1 additional higher level math) 3 units of social studies (American history, world history, American government) ½ unit of physical education (2 semesters) ½ unit of health ½ unit of personal finance 4 ½ units of electives (one unit must consist of business, foreign language or fine arts) </p><p>*Students who will be attending a 4-year college should take 2 years of the same foreign language and 1 unit of fine arts.</p><p>A student may be excused from physical education because of disability or other health reasons supported by a written medical statement. Such an excuse shall not reduce the total number of credits required for graduation. The written medical statement must be submitted each year. ALTERNATIVE PATHWAYS FOR ELIGIBILITY FOR A DIPLOMA</p><p>Students can graduate by passing four of the five OGT if they meet all of the criteria outlined below. 1. Be within 10 points of passing of the test failed; all other tests must have been passed. 2. Has a 97 percent school attendance rate in each of the last four school years, excluding any excused absences; 3. Has not been expelled from school in any of the last four school years; 4. Has a grade point average of at least 2.5 out of 4.0, or its equivalent as designated in rules adopted by the state board of education in the subject area of the failed OGT; 5. Has completed the Ohio high school curriculum requirements in the subject area of the failed test; 6. Has taken advantage of any intervention programs provided by the school district or school in the subject area of the failed OGT and has a 97 percent attendance rate, excluding any excused absences, in any of those programs that are provided at times beyond the normal school day, school week, or school year or has received comparable intervention services from a source other than the school district or school; 7. Holds a letter recommending graduation from each of the person's high school teachers in the subject area of the failed OGT and from the person's high school principal. OFFICE VISITS The Principals and Guidance Counselors want to meet the needs of the students at Meadowdale High School. However, it is not always possible for a student to be seen immediately when he/she comes to the office. The following procedure for handling office visits will be in place to best meet student needs:</p><p>1. Students must report to the front counter with a signed and dated pass from their assigned teacher when they come to the office.</p><p>2. Students wishing to see an administrator can leave a note with the secretary.</p><p>3. Following a meeting with the administrator or counselor, the student will be given a signed and dated pass and is expected to return to class immediately. </p><p>4. Never stop by between classes unless your business can be attended to and you can get to class on time. No tardy passes will be given by the office or counselors.</p><p>VISITORS All visitors must sign in at the Meadowdale High School Main Office. Visitors are limited to adults.</p><p>PARKING PASSES 1. All students driving to school must be registered and park in the Student Parking Lot. Parking permits MUST be obtained from the main office. Driver’s license and proof of insurance must be presented. Unregistered cars will be towed at owner’s expense. 2. Once the vehicle is parked, the student(s) must report to the school building and may not return to the vehicle until leaving for the day. 3. All parking regulations are to be observed with safety in mind. Parking and driving privileges can be denied at any time if a student fails to adhere to the regulations or drives in an unsafe manner. BUILDING SECURITY In order to provide the safest environment possible, all Dayton high school students must submit to a security check upon entering the building. At Meadowdale, all students will enter the building at the designated doors and will walk through a security system. If necessary, individual security checks may be done. In order to expedite the procedure for security checks, the following rules apply: 1. All ID badges must be displayed at all times. 2. All hats, scarves, do-rags, and wraps MUST be removed. 3. See-through and/or mesh bags are strongly recommended. 4. All bags are to be opened and placed on the table. All bags will be searched.</p><p>DETENTION Detention period is a time when the student is assigned to stay after school for infractions of unacceptable student behavior. </p><p>Any teacher in the building has the authority to correct misconduct at any time. Therefore, it is conceivable that a teacher may assign a detention to a student who is not in any of their classes. Students may be assigned detention by any member of the faculty. </p><p>Students assigned a Teacher’s Detention are to report to the teacher’s room at the specified time to serve this consequence. Students assigned an Administrative Detention are to report to the designated area identified on the detention notice.</p><p>Each student is to have sufficient materials and books to study for the designated time, and is to cooperate with the detention supervisor. Any student who does not abide by the regulations of the detention period may receive further disciplinary action. </p><p>EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All students expecting to participate in athletic/extracurricular activities must maintain a 2.0 grade-point average. Failure of two classes or more while taking PE will result in ineligibility. Students MUST remain in a supervised area with the coach/advisor at all times! FIRE AND TORNADO DRILLS Fire and tornado drills are held at regular intervals throughout the school year. Remember the basic rules:</p><p>1. Check the fire drill plan posted in each classroom indicating how to leave the building in case of fire.</p><p>2. A tornado procedure has been set up by the school.</p><p>3. Follow the directions of the teachers and principal. Walk. No talking. Move quickly and quietly to the designated area.</p><p>THE CITY-WIDE STUDENT DISCIPLINE CODE IS ALWAYS IN EFFECT. REPEATED VIOLATIONS WILL RESULT IN ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION. Level I Behaviors – (conduct that impedes orderly operation of classrooms, schools, or district vehicles). Discipline approaches may range from verbal reprimands, conducting parent conferences, assigning detentions to writing office referrals. - Classroom disturbance - Excessive tardiness - Violating classroom rules - Violating lunchroom rules - Violating hall rules - Violating school assembly rules</p><p>Level II Behaviors – Disciplinary actions that could be used to correct behavior may range from administrative detention, suspension or expulsion. - Forgery/Falsification - Verbal abuse of teacher or other district personnel - Profanity - Possession of electronic communication devices - Dress code - Inciting to fight and/or contributing to a disruptive situation - Threatening of another student - Simple battery (fighting) Level II Behaviors cont’d… - Assault (verbal) - Parking and traffic violations - Incorrigible conduct - Refusal to carry out instructions of faculty or staff - Plagiarism - Inappropriate bus behavior - Inappropriate physical contact (sexual) - Theft/Attempt/Possession - Leaving school without permission - Textbooks, media center materials, computer equipment (destruction/theft) - Unlawful absences and class or school truancy - Repeated violations of Level I Behaviors</p><p>Level III Behaviors – illegal and/or serious misconduct, life or health threatening. A student charged with behavior that is classified as Level III can be removed from the school immediately and is subject to a recommendation for expulsion. - Possession of alcohol, drug and other substances - Intent/sale, distribution of drugs or paraphernalia - Possession of tobacco or tobacco products - Other illegal or inappropriate conduct - Battery - Aggravated battery - Aggravated assault - Extortion - Gambling - Sexual misconduct, vulgarity, obscenity - Racial, ethnic, or sexual harassment - Weapons - Arson - Bomb threats/false alarms - Explosive devices - Gang Behavior - Loitering/trespassing - Destruction of property - School disturbance - Bullying - Violation of local school and/or system-wide contract - Conduct outside of school that is brought into the school environment - Harassment/Intimidation THE SCHOOL AND THE LAW Any unlawful act taking place on school grounds or buses not only makes the student subject to penalties, which the courts may prescribe, but may also result in suspension or dismissal from school. Anyone found using, possessing, selling or buying drugs and alcohol of any kind on school grounds will be placed in police custody. Expulsion proceedings will begin and criminal charges will be filed.</p><p>Forbidden by Law: (State of Ohio) Gang membership Carrying a knife or any other weapon Smoking by students (smoking in the building constitutes a serious fire hazard) Possession of, or being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or drugs in school or at school activities Vandalism or theft Riots:The school will not tolerate mass disruption by the student body in any form or for any reason. If such a situation does occur, the individual student(s) will obey the class teacher or hall monitor or anyone in authority. Failure to do so may result in suspension. WHAT IF.... -You’re late for school? Report directly to the Main Office and sign in. Take your tardy slip and report immediately to class. -You become ill during the day? Obtain a pass from your teacher and go directly to the Clinic. -You are injured at school? Seek a staff member for assistance or report directly to the Clinic. -You need to see your counselor? Make an appointment in the Counseling Office during lunch or between classes. -You lost your locker combination or cannot get your locker open? Obtain a locker combination or report trouble to your homeroom teacher. -You need an early dismissal? Bring a written request including a telephone number from your parent/guardian to the attendance office before school starts at 8:00a.m. -You desire a course change? Set up an appointment with your Counselor during lunch or between classes. -You’re being harassed at school or on the bus? Report to an Administrator or teacher immediately! ALMA MATER Meadowdale, Oh Meadowdale Our hearts belong to you Our loyalty we pledge to thee To friends revered and true; The Lion Spirit brave and bold Will proudly bear the Black and Gold Thy hallowed halls will ever be A part of every memory.</p><p>FIGHT SONG Oh look out the Lions are coming, fighting for Victory With the spirit of winning and never losing We’ll fight for the Black and Gold, RAH! RAH! RAH! Fight all you Meadowdale Lions, fight on to Victory We’ll strive on to win, every game we being and we’ll go on down in history! MEADOWDALE HIGH SCHOOL</p><p>TELEPHONE LIST</p><p>Meadowdale High School 542-7030</p><p>Athletics 542-7038</p><p>Attendance Office 542-7073</p><p>Cafeteria 542-7122</p><p>KDI 542-7042</p><p>ROTC 542-7048</p><p>School Nurse 542-7100</p><p>Cheryl Lincoln, Lead Counselor 542-7058</p><p>Duane Davis, Counselor 542-7059 </p>
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