<p> 2013 Conference Highlights: 2 ½ days with 40 educational sessions on a variety of topics… something for every occupational therapy practitioner 11th annual Illinois Commission on Education Institute Returning this year: Thursday afternoon workshops and short courses The opportunity to receive up to 20.5 contact hours of continuing education at a fraction of the cost of many continuing education courses Friday morning: Keynote Address by Dan Brown, AOTA Senior State Policy Analyst Friday afternoon: Roundtable Discussions and Networking Saturday morning: Poster Session Returning this year: Coffee/beverage refreshment service The Exhibit Hall where you can see new products, learn about charitable organizations, and talk with potential employers The Annual ILOTA Awards Luncheon and Business Meeting where you can share your voice and learn about what is new in the state The Association’s annual fundraising event – the Silent Auction Opportunities to network with occupational therapy practitioners from the entire state of Illinois 2013 Conference at a Glance</p><p>Thursday, October 24th 11:30am Registration Begins 12:00pm – 3:00pm Concurrent Workshops 3:15pm – 4:45pm Concurrent Short Courses 5:30pm – 8:30pm 11th Annual Commission on Education Institute & Dinner Friday, October 25th 7:30am Registration begins & Exhibit Hall opens 7:30am – 8:30am Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall 8:30am – 10:00am Concurrent Short Courses 10:15am – 11:45am Keynote Address 11:45am – 12:45pm Exhibits and Boxed Lunches in Exhibit Hall 12:45pm – 1:45pm SIS Roundtable Discussions and Networking 2:00pm – 3:30pm Concurrent Short Courses O 2:00pm – 5:00pm Concurrent Workshops 3:45pm – 5:15pm Concurrent Short Courses R 5:30pm Student Networking Dinner at Granite City Food & Brewery 6:00pm – 9:00pm IOTPAC Night – Wine Tasting and Hors D’ouevres at Mackinaw Valley Vineyard Saturday, October 26th 7:30am Registration begins & Exhibit Hall opens 7:30am – 8:30am Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall 8:00am – 9:20am Poster Session 9:30am – 11:00am Concurrent Short Courses O 9:30am – 12:30pm Concurrent Workshops 11:15am – 12:45pm Concurrent Short Courses R 12:45pm – 2:15pm Annual ILOTA Awards Luncheon and Business Meeting 2:30pm – 4:00pm Concurrent Short Courses 2013 Conference Sponsors: Gold Sponsors:</p><p>Bronze Sponsors: Thursday, October 24th </p><p>11:30 am – Registration begins 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Concurrent Workshops</p><p>T1 OT in Primary Care: We Should Be There Presenters: Julia Henderson-Kalb, MS OTR/L & Sherry Muir, ABD, OTR/L Content Area: Adult Physical Disabilities, Community Practice, General, Geriatrics, Mental Health, Pediatrics Target Audience: Entry Level, Intermediate, Advanced Course Description: Within the medical setting, OTs have primarily worked in the treatment & remediation of illness or injury, usually in a separate space than the referring physician. This model has led to a fragmentation of healthcare. However, because OTs are so broadly trained, our profession could be a fundamental key to reducing fragmentation in healthcare and actually improving well-being or preventing illness/injury. This session will provide an example of how OT was integrated into primary care at a Family & Community Medicine Clinic to provide on- demand OT services for a variety of ages and physical, psychosocial, contextual, and chronic pain problems.</p><p>T2 Using a Theoretical Model to Design Intervention in a Community Mental Health Program Presenter: Lisa Mahaffey, M.S. OTR/L Content Area: Mental Health Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: This session will focus on providing OT intervention to adults with persistent mental illness living in the community, that is ground in a theoretical conceptual model. The course will review the process of choosing a model and then will go though OT process in light of that chosen model. Evidence to support the dynamic interaction between theoretically ground OT intervention with the Recovery Model will be presented.</p><p>T3 The Transaction between Sensory Processing, Emotions, and Behavior Presenter: Kimberly Bryze, PHD, OTR/L Content Area: Pediatrics, Early Intervention, Schools Target Audience: Entry Level, Intermediate Course Description: This workshop will provide participants with a working understanding of the interrelationships between the autonomic, limbic, and sensory systems as they support emotional and behavioral development and control. Special emphasis will be placed on the critical reasoning involved in intervention for young children with sensory processing disorders and ways to support daily routines to enhance emotional and behavioral development. The presentation format will include lecture, discussion, and case presentations to weave the workshop content together. Thursday, October 24th (continued) 3:15 pm – 4:45 pm Concurrent Short Courses</p><p>T4 Health Literacy: Implications for Occupational Therapists Working with Adults in Physical Rehabilitation Settings Presenters: Jennifer Friesema, OTDS, OTR/L , Kris Barnekow, PhD, OTR/L & Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, PhD Content Area: Adult Physical Disabilities, Community Practice, Education, General, Geriatrics Target Audience: Entry Level, Intermediate Course Description: The intent of this presentation is to share the most current research about health literacy and how it impacts the health care encounter. An occupational based model will guide discussion of strategies for occupational therapists related to assessment and intervention for patients with poor health literacy.</p><p>T5 The DSM 5: Navigating Change in Mental Health Practice - An Occupational Perspective Presenter: Stacy Haatvedt, MA, OTR/L Content Area: Mental Health Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: The purpose of this presentation is: 1) to describe the transition from the DSM IV to the DSM 5 in mental health practice across disciplines and to analyze how this change impacts occupational therapy practice; 2) to provide a forum for those OTs currently navigating through this change by way of a panel discussion; and 3) educate OTs in the practical application of the DSM 5.</p><p>T6 Social and Emotional Learning Standards in IL: Advancing Occupational Therapy's Place at the Table Presenter: M. Bill Hellyer, MS, OTR/L Content Area: Pediatrics, Schools , Mental Health, General Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: Illinois was the first state to adopt comprehensive, free-standing standards for social and emotional learning at the preschool to high school level. Participants in this workshop will improve their understanding of the Illinois State Board of Education’s Social and Emotional Learning Standards and their relation to occupational therapy practice. Strategies for advancing occupational therapy’s role in social and emotional learning will be highlighted and discussed.</p><p> 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm ILLINOIS COMMISSION ON EDUCATION INSTITUTE & DINNER </p><p>The Illinois Occupational Therapy Association Ad Hoc Commission on Education presents the 11th Annual Institute:</p><p>Developing Your Effectiveness as a Fieldwork Educator</p><p>Presenters: Eve Fischberg, OTR/L, M.A., Lee Ann Hohstadt, COTA/L, Leslie Jackson, MEd, OT/L, FAOTA, Linda Orr, OTR/L, Kathy Preissner, EdD, MHS, OTR/L, Caren Shranz, DrOT, OTR/L, Marlene Vogt, OTR/L, MS, & Minetta Wallingford, OTR/L</p><p>The knowledge and supervision skills of fieldwork educators are critical to the success of OT and OTA students, and to the future of our profession. In this session, fieldwork educators with any amount of experience will develop their effectiveness as fieldwork educators. Through short lectures, group discussions, and a panel presentation, participants will learn about effective strategies for supervision, become updated about current fieldwork issues, and gain confidence in their skills as fieldwork educators.</p><p>Dinner will be provided during the institute. Registration fee: $10.00. Participants will receive CE credit.</p><p>Co-Sponsored by the Chicago Area Council of Occupational Therapy Directors and the Illinois Academic Fieldwork Coordinators Consortium Friday, October 25th 7:30 am – Registration begins 7:30 am – Exhibit Hall opens 7:30 am – 8:30 am Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall 8:30 am – 10:00 am Concurrent Short Courses</p><p>F1 Assessment and Treatment of Vision Related to Neurological Deficits Presenter: Carolyn Calamia, MOT, OTR/L Content Area: Physical Disabilities Target Audience: Entry Level Course Description: Visual deficits have a large impact on a person’s ability to regain independence, but are often more difficult to identify and treat than typical motor deficits. This introductory course will take a look at the assessment and treatment of typical vision impairments that occur as a result of neurological diagnoses. The importance of collaboration with eye care professionals in the rehabilitation process will be highlighted. Case studies, discussion, and lab sessions will be included to reinforce lecture content and allow the participant opportunities to generate treatment ideas using a variety of media. A range of treatment strategies will be discussed; from simple, component-based exercises, to dynamic, functional activities.</p><p>F2 Potential Benefits of Reducing Antipsychotic Medications in Dementia Residents - Changing Approaches Presenter: Thomas Conrad, OTA/L, CDP Content Area: Geriatrics, Mental Health Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: This session identifies several benefits of CMS's partnership to improve dementia care in nursing homes. Four components to utilizing alternatives to chemical restraints with this population are: understanding, communication, attitude, and willingness. Each area must be addressed to achieve positive outcomes.</p><p>F3 Introduction to ILOTA: Defining our Leadership Presenter: Peggy Nelson, OTR/L, MBA Content Area: General Target Audience: Entry Level, Intermediate, Advanced Course Description: This session was designed to provide the history and overview of the Illinois Occupational Therapy Association. In addition, we will discuss current trends in healthcare impacting the professional association. After discussion, an interactive group activity will be introduced to integrate information learned and establish goals for future success.</p><p>F4 Transgender Women's Experiences of the Gender Affirmation Process Presenters: Emily Simpson, PHD, OTR/L Content Area: Community Practice, General, Mental Health Target Audience: Entry Level, Intermediate, Advanced Course Description: This presentation describes the findings of a phenomenological research study. The study explored the lived experiences of transgender women throughout the gender affirmation process as well as their needs across the lifespan. Implications to be mindful of the opportunities to serve this group will assist practitioners in expanding their minds and approaches to intervention. Friday, October 25th (continued) 8:30 am – 10:00 am Concurrent Short Courses (continued)</p><p>F5 Implications of the Affordable Care Act’s Quality and Efficiency Initiatives for Occupational Therapy Managers and Practitioners Presenters: Gail Fisher, MPA, OTR/L, FAOTA & Marla Robinson, MSc., OTR/L, BCPR Content Area: Administration, Adult Physical Disabilities, General Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: With the expanded implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014, quality and efficiency initiatives are increasing. Occupational therapy can play a key role as hospitals and physicians respond by trying to reduce hospital readmissions and prevent hospital acquired conditions to maximize revenue. This short course will provide an overview of the relevant ACA components and will include examples of how OT managers and practitioners have been involved in implementing ACA-related initiatives. Opportunities for an expanded role as a result of ACA implementation will be highlighted.</p><p>F6 Where OT Fits into Early Intervention Presenters: Barb Welmers, MS/CDS & Susan Kupczyk, OTR/L Content Area: Early Intervention Target Audience: Entry Level, Intermediate, Advanced Course Description: Therapists will become familiar with the Early Intervention referral, evaluation, and treatment process. There will be information on employment such as the pros and cons of working as an independent provider vs working for an agency. There will also be information on the settings in which treatment is delivered including therapeutic techniques for children birth to three years old.</p><p>10:15 am – 11:45 am Keynote Address</p><p>Keynote Speaker: Dan Brown, JD</p><p>Dan Brown is the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Senior State Policy Analyst. His duties include providing strategic advice to state OT association leaders about state legislative and regulatory issues, in particular state implementation of the Affordable Care Act. In addition, Dan is a member of a staff team at AOTA involved in identifying new opportunities for occupational therapy professionals as the health care delivery system evolves. Previously, Dan was the Legislative Research Analyst for the Arizona House of Representatives’ Committee on Health and Human Services. Dan received his JD and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Health Law from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.</p><p>11:45 am – 12:45 pm Exhibits and Boxed Lunches in Exhibit Hall 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm SIS Roundtable Discussions and Networking </p><p>There are several important issues facing occupational therapy practice in Illinois – issues that affect all areas of practice (school-based, early intervention, physical disabilities, mental health, community, geriatrics, education, etc.). Please join us for conversation, information sharing and networking in these roundtable discussions with colleagues and the ILOTA leaders. (CE credit) Friday, October 25th (continued) 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Concurrent Workshops F7 Practice of the Future: Implications of the New Licensure Act Presenters: Nancy Richman, OTR/L,FAOTA & Maureen Mulhall, ILOTA Lobbyist Content Area: General Target Audience: Entry Level Course Description: The Act that defines Occupational Therapy in the State of Illinois will be reauthorized in 2014. We will be discussing the changes that have been incorporated and the implications for therapists in different practice settings. We will be discussing the Rules that will be proposed early in 2014. Come express your ideas and be involved in this important initiative.</p><p>F8 Panel Discussion on Building an OT Workforce for Community Mental Health Presenters: Lisa Mahaffey, M.S. OTR/L , Katherine Burson, M.S. OTR/L, CPRP, Linda Olson, Ph.D., OTR/L, Dan Brown, JD & Brad Egan, OTD, MA, OTR/L Content Area: Administration, Community Practice, Education, Mental Health Target Audience: Entry Level, Intermediate, Advanced Course Description: The state of Illinois is currently considering changes in the workforce for community mental health as a result of initiatives around independent living and the move to manage care organizations for recipients of mental health services. These changes open the door for occupational therapy but will require development of a workforce trained for these positions. Clinicians, educators and fieldwork coordinators are encouraged to join a panel of mental health experts in discussing what needs to be done to create this occupational therapy workforce in the next few years. 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Concurrent Short Courses F9 The Revised AOTA Board and Specialty Certification Presenters: Marla Robinson, OTR/L Content Area: Adult Physical Disabilities, Community Practice, Developmental Disabilities, Early Intervention, Geriatrics, Hand Rehabilitation, Mental Health, Pediatrics, Schools, Technology Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: This session will present information regarding the AOTA Board Certification and Specialty Certification programs which are revised for 2013. Emphasis on understanding the requirements and how potential applicants might meet them will be included</p><p>F10 Evaluating and Treating Sensory Processing Disorders in Early Intervention Presenter: Christine Morrison, OTR/L Content Area: Early Intervention Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: This short course will examine how to evaluate and treat sensory processing disorders in infants and children from 0-3 years of age. Do sensory processing disorders look the same in an infant as they do in a 5 year old child? Evidence from the field of early intervention will be incorporated into current knowledge related to sensory processing disorders to discuss occupational therapy intervention for sensory processing disorders outside the clinic setting.</p><p>F11 The Development and Validation of the Context Social Participation Scale Presenters: Minetta Wallingford, OTR/L & Divya Sood, OTD, OTR/L Content Area: Geriatrics Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: Purpose: The purpose of this session is to discuss the steps involved in the development of the Context Social Participation Scale (CSPS) and the process for establishing face and content validity. The session will discuss the review of the literature, the steps involved in the development of the CSPS and the initial validation process. Results of the process will be reviewed and discussed. Friday, October 25th (continued) 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Concurrent Short Courses (continued) F12 Beyond the Home: Exploring Home Health Occupational Therapy Practitioners' Perceptions of the Environment Impacting Client Community Participation Presenter: Monika Robinson, DrOT, OTR/L , Cynthia Carr, DrOT, MS, OTR/L, & Daniela Cepa, DHS, OTR/L Content Area: Community Practice Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: The presentation is based on the findings of a post-professional occupational therapy doctorate capstone project using a qualitative study on home health occupational therapy practitioners’ perception of the environment. The overall purpose of this presentation is to raise the awareness of occupational therapy practitioners’ practice patterns in community based settings such as home health. Understanding the practice patterns of community based practitioners facilitates further discussion and reflection of our role in increasing our client’s participation in the community. 3:45 pm – 5:15 pm Concurrent Short Courses F13 Education and Technology Used to Improve the Quality of Life for People with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Presenters: Elizabeth Kohler-Rausch, OTS , Brooke Dudley, OTS, Brianne Heiland, OTS & Mark Kovic, OTD, OTR/L Content Area: Adult Physical Disabilities, Education, Technology Target Audience: Entry Level Course Description: The purpose of this educational session is to discuss the results of our qualitative study examining the current model of diabetes education based on the perspectives of diabetes educators. Technology use and diabetes management will be discussed as well as future technological development. Implications for occupational therapy and multidisciplinary care for Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (DMT2) will also be addressed.</p><p>F14 The Role of OT with Rebuilding Together Presenter: Julee Lockard, MS, OTR/L, CAPS Content Area: Community Practice Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: The purpose of this short course is to educate on advocacy and networking opportunities through volunteer work with Rebuilding Together. Through this presentation, we will share home modification expertise, explore networking opportunities, and build confidence as a vital piece to the home modifications process.</p><p>F15 Neonatal Developmental Positioning Presenter: Stephanie Stortzum, OTR/L Content Area: Early Intervention, Pediatrics Target Audience: Entry Level Course Description: This lecture provides an overview of developmental positioning for the neonatal population. Positioning techniques in an isolette are hightlighted with pictures and videos, as well as positioning considerations for the infant in a crib. Also addressed in the lecture is the importance of positioning for head shape, prevention of plagiocephaly and scaphocephaly,prevention of torticollis, and the effect of diaper placement on hip mobility.</p><p>F16 Learning by Doing: Experiential Learning by Serving Adults with Developmental Disabilities Presenter: Kimberly Bryze, PHD, OTR/L Content Area: Developmental Disabilities, Education Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: This session will provide the participants with an understanding of how the OT students at Midwestern University combine the provision of OT evaluations and consultation with service to an underserved population, adults with developmental disabilities. For many years, the second year students have learned the OT process by "doing OT" under faculty mentorship and supervision and developed the skills, attitudes and behaviors of occupational therapists through authentic learning experiences. Case presentations will illustrate the learning experience of the students. Friday, October 25th (continued)</p><p> 5:30 pm – Student Networking Dinner </p><p>Join fellow occupational therapy students for networking and socializing over dinner at Granite City Food & Brewery! Meet at the conference registration table at 5:15 pm to walk with other students to the restaurant. Register for this event when registering for conference so that restaurant reservations may be accurate. Please note that dinner costs are not included in conference registration. Average meals at this restaurant range from $15-$20. </p><p>Granite City is located approximately one mile from the conference hotel at: 230 Conference Center Drive, East Peoria, IL 61611</p><p>For more information about Granite City, please visit: http://www.gcfb.net </p><p> 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm IOTPAC Night: Wine Tasting and Hors D’ouevres </p><p>Help support the Illinois Occupational Therapy Political Action Committee and celebrate the signing of our new Practice Act! Meet us at Mackinaw Valley Vineyard for an evening of socializing and networking. The evening will begin with a winery tour, followed by wine tasting and heavy hors d’ouevres. All proceeds will benefit the IOTPAC. </p><p>Registration fee: $35.00. Register early as seats are limited!</p><p>Mackinaw Valley Vineyard is located just 25 minutes from the conference hotel at: 33633 State Route 9, Mackinaw, IL 61755</p><p>For more information about Mackinaw Valley Vineyard, please visit: http://www.mackinawvalleyvineyard.com Saturday, October 26th 7:30 am – Registration begins 7:30 am – Exhibit Hall opens 7:30 am – 8:30 am Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall 8:00 am – 9:20 am Poster Session</p><p>P1 Ex-offenders in Transitional Housing: Needs for Successful Community Reintegration Presenter: Nikki Neumann, OTS-III P2 The Feasibility of a High-Repetition, Task-Specific Intervention for the Paretic Upper Extremity in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting Presenter: Kimberly Waddell, MS, OTR/L P3 The Contribution of Occupational Therapy for Unmet Life Skill Needs of Children in the Foster Care System Presenters: Prerna Basnet, OTS-III, Cheryl Bathan, OTS-III & Ashley McGaughy, OTS-III P4 Use of Nintendo Wii in Oncology Rehabilitation Presenters: Virginia Chu, PHD, OTS, Sara Elena, BA, OTS, Amanda Miller, BS, OTS P5 Occupational Therapists' Perceptions of Best Practice for Parkinson's Disease Presenters: Kiley Rich, OTS, Alex Robinson, OTS & Emily K. Simpson, PhD, OTR/L P6 The Influences of Emerging Practice Areas on Occupational Therapy Practitioners Presenters: Emma Childress, OTS, Krystal Carson, OTS & Emily Barnes, OTS P7 Self-Determination and Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Presenters: Wanda Mahoney, PHD, OTR/L, Carrie Echols, BS, Eugene Frenzel, BHS, Lindsey Mariscal & Edward O'Donnell, BS P8 Perceptions of Cultural Competency when Working with Clients among Governors State University Students Presenters: Sara Smit, OTS, Laura Beck, OTS, Michele Blidy, OTS, Tiffani Grant, OTS & Melanie Ellexson, DHSc, MBA, FAOTA, OTR/L P9 Parents’ Ability to Generate Strategies to Facilitate Participation in Home & Community Activities in Children with Disabilities Presenters: Divya Sood, OTR/L, Caren Schranz, DrOT, MS, OTR/L, Erin Haenig , Holly Moloney , Lindsey Shinnick , Amanda Suenkens & Alicia Tuuk P10 Occupational Therapy Graduates' Strategies Used for Preparation for NBCOT Exam Presenters: Catherine Brady, ED.D, OTR/L, Bria Mays, OTS, Abby Sprague, OTS, Mehgan Quinn, OTS, Christine Malmer, OTS & Loren Buckley, OTS P11 Teachers’ Perceptions of Children with Sensory Processing Dysfunction within Classroom Settings Presenters: Divya Sood, OTR/L, Caren Schranz, DrOT, MS, OTR/L, Melanie Cabeen, Nicole Copalello, Carla Foreman, Matt Medley, Brandon Onuselogu & Kelly Picken P12 Building Capacity Program (BCP) Presenter: Santila Terry, MOT, OTR/L P13 Occupational Therapy Faculty Perception of MOT Students’ Active Classroom Participation Presenters: Cynthia Carr, DrOT, MS, OTR/L, Patti Kalvelage, MS, OTR/L, Catherine Estrada, OTS, Logan Savage, OTS, Bernadette Okrasinski, OTS & Joe Beck, OTS P14 Occupational Therapy Students’ Perception of Reflective Journaling: A Case Report Presenters: Caren Schranz, DROT, MS, OTR Saturday, October 26th (continued) 8:00 am – 9:20 am Poster Session (continued)</p><p>P15 Transitioning to Adulthood with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: Use of the Adolescent and Young Adult Participation Sort Presenters: Mary Ackerman, OTS</p><p>P16 Pilot Study: Early Parenting Skills of New Adolescent Mothers Presenters: Leslie Roundtree, DHS, MBA, OTR/L, Olanma Ohale, MOTS & Lisa Jackson, MOTS </p><p>P17 Reduced Healthcare Utilization at 6-weeks Corrected Age among Premature Infants after the H-Hope Mother- Infant Developmental Intervention Presenters: Rosemary White-Traut, PHD, RN, Kathleen Norr, PhD, Kristin Rankin, PhD & Susan Vonderheid, PhD</p><p>P18 Integrated Mother-Premature Infant Intervention and Mother-Infant Interaction at 6-weeks Corrected Age Presenters: Rosemary White-Traut, PHD, RN, Kathleen Norr, PhD, Kristin Rankin, PhD, & Rohitkumar Vasa, MD </p><p>P19 Journey of Leadership: Steps for a Meaningful Career Presenters: Jennifer Schmidt, OTR/L & Jana Ellison, MS, OTR/L, CLT </p><p>P20 Results from a National Survey of Occupational Therapy Practitioners’ Involvement in Response to Intervention Presenters: Susan Cahill, PHD, OTR/L & Beatriz McGuire, OTD, OTR/L </p><p>P21 (Cancelled by speaker)</p><p>P22 The Effects Of Scuba Diving On Occupational Performance In Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders Presenters: Kelly Hayn, OTS-III, Megan Rowland, OTS-III & Shane Allen, OTS-III </p><p>9:30 am – 12:30 pm Concurrent Workshops</p><p>S1 Technology for the Non-Techie Presenters: Joy Hyzny, MS, OTR/L , Mary Bettlach, OTR/L, Holly Gutto, M.Ed., OTR/L, Ed Hitchcock, OT/L & Michelle Schmidt, OTR/L Content Area: Technology, Pediatrics, Schools, General Target Audience: Entry Level Course Description: This engaging and interactive workshop will highlight assistive technology (AT) strategies and tools that can facilitate participation in the student and worker role. Low-tech, mid-tech, and high-tech computer access tools will be available for participants to explore at numerous workstations. Workstations will include built-in computer access features and ergonomic concepts, physical access technology, cognitive and learning supports, portable technology, as well as examples of how OT's are incorporating AT into their practice.</p><p>S2 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Presenter: James Hill, OTR/L Content Area: Community Practice, Education, Mental Health Target Audience: Entry Level, Intermediate, Advanced Course Description: The purpose of this presentation is: 1) to provide participants with an introductory understanding of the basic theory, practice, and evidence-base related to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, 2) to address application of this theory in OT practice, and 3) to provide resources for continued learning. Saturday, October 26th (continued) 9:30 am – 11:00 am Concurrent Short Courses </p><p>S3 Understanding Medical Devices in the ICU and Implications for the Occupational Therapist Presenter: Cheryl Esbrook, OTR/L Content Area: Adult Physical Disabilities Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: This course will discuss the various medical equipment patients may present with in all ICU settings. Implications of each device on clinical decision making will be discussed to improve safety and effectiveness in the acute care setting. Pictures and case studies will be utilized to support clinical application of the presented information. Actual devices will be available to encourage hands-on learning.</p><p>S4 Promoting "Readiness To Learn" in the Classroom Setting Presenter: Jane Jarosz, M.S., OTR/L, LMT Content Area: Pediatrics, Schools Target Audience: Entry Level Course Description: The purpose of this presentation is to review the current sensory supports available for use in the classroom setting to promote focused attention and readiness to learn. Use of these strategies avoids having to leave the classroom for a "sensory break" resulting in lost instructional time. Effectiveness of these strategies will be discussed and reviewed with evidenced based research as available from the literature.</p><p>S5 Clinical Practicum Experiences: Impact on Student Development Presenters: Linda Olson, PH.D., OTR/L , Brenda Koverman, MBA, MS, OTR/L & Molly Bathje, MS, OTR/L Content Area: Education Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: Experiential learning has been found to be effective in developing professionalism, competence, and self-direction in occupational therapy students. This short course will describe the clinical practicum experiences that have been implemented at Rush University. Subjective and objective changes in fieldwork performance following the incorporation of these experiences will be presented.</p><p>S6 "When Can I Start Driving?"- How to Answer the Question We All Fear Presenters: Nicole Thonn, MS, OTR/L, CDI & Anne Hegberg, MS, OTR/L, CDRS, CDI Content Area: Adult Physical Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities, Geriatrics, Pediatrics, Schools Target Audience: Entry Level Course Description: This session will provide the OT generalist with ways to answer the questions, “Am I ready to drive again?” and “Am I ready to become a new driver?” This session will answer common questions and empower the OT generalist to provide powerful feedback to the client based on OT’s mastery of task analysis. It will also guide the OT generalist to provide additional resources and to know when to refer to drivers rehabilitation. This will be addressed with the following settings and their populations: rehab, home health, outpatient, schools.</p><p>11:15 am – 12:45 pm Concurrent Short Courses</p><p>S7 Moving Forward in Mobility...an Insight into the Automotive Mobility Industry Presenters: Gerry Davis Content Area: Adult Physical Disabilities, Technology Target Audience: Entry Level Course Description: "Moving Forward in Mobility" is an overview of the Automotive Mobility Industry. This presentation seeks to educate Occupational Therapists about how a person with a physical disability can become or remain independent as a driver and what technology is available to help them do so. Saturday, October 26th (continued) 11:15 am – 12:45 pm Concurrent Short Courses (continued) S8 Family-Centered Care in Early Intervention Presenters: Ashley Stoffel, OTD, OTR/L , Becky Nixon, OTS & Dallas Castillo, OTS Content Area: Early Intervention, Pediatrics Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: Early intervention (EI) practice often utilizes a family-centered care (FCC) model. Research has shown positive outcomes of using a FCC approach. EI practitioners need to understand FCC and have access to resources to promote successful partnerships with families. Families also need to understand their role. This presentation will highlight FCC and provide examples of family and clinician handouts and activities that can be utilized in promoting a FCC approach in early intervention. An evidence-based review of FCC will also be discussed.</p><p>S9 The Occupation of Art Presenter: Molly Bathje, MS, OTR/L Content Area: General Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: Art has been integral to practice of occupational therapy (OT) since the establishment of the profession. This session will explore the history of art in the profession of OT, use of arts and crafts in practice and opportunities to apply art and craft activities within current models of practice.</p><p>S10 Post Intensive Care Syndrome Presenters: Marla Robinson, OTR/L & Cheryl Esbrook, OTR/L, BCPR Content Area: Adult Physical Disabilities, Community Practice Target Audience: Entry Level Course Description: The purpose of this presentation is to provide OT/OTAs with an understanding of what post intensive care syndrome (PICS) is and how OT practitioners can play an important role in the rehabilitation for this population. Current evidence will be presented to provide a foundation for the issues and provide interventions for OT/OTAs in acute care, rehabilitation and community settings.</p><p>12:45 pm – 2:15 pm Annual ILOTA Awards Luncheon and Business Meeting</p><p>2:30 pm – 4:00 pm Concurrent Short Courses S11 Leadership Skills for OT Professionals to Advance in Their Career Presenters: Robin Luman, MBA & Jennifer Schreiber, OTR/L Content Area: Education Target Audience: Entry Level Course Description: The purpose of this session is to educate entry level Occuaptional Therapists in the areas of interviewing, mentorship, productivity, census developments, marketing and client relationships.</p><p>S12 Assistive Tech Options for Smartphones and Tablets Presenter: Edward Hitchcock, OT/L Content Area: Technology Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: Tablets and smartphones running Android and IOS are becoming more and more ubiquitous. They provide unique opportunities as well as challenges to our clients with disabilities. Their portability, widespread acceptance and perceived ease of use can make them an attractive assistive technology options. This session will focus on access options for people with physical, visual and cognitive disabilities. These systems will be contrasted with each other, as well as more traditional computer platforms, to allow a clinician to make a better decision on prescribing, recommending and training/utilization of this equipment with their client. Saturday, October 26th (continued) 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm Concurrent Short Courses (continued)</p><p>S13 (Cancelled by speaker)</p><p>S14 Analyzing the Effectiveness of Contextual Enrichment on Children with Autism Presenters: Divya Sood, OTR/L , Caren Schranz, DrOT, MS, OTR/L & Monika Szymanski, MOT,OTR/L Content Area: Pediatrics Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: The study identifies impact of Enriched Home Environment Program (EHEP) on participation of children with Autism in home activities. EHEP enables parents to develop strategies to create enriched home environment to promote their child’s participation.</p><p>S15 Acquiring Skill in the Intentional Relationship Model through Video Analysis Presenter: Laura Vanpuymbrouck, OTR/L Content Area: Education Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: Therapeutic Use of Self is an essential component of successful Occupational Therapy treatment. Video analysis of a therapist utilizing the Intentional Relationship Model as a theoretical framework is analyzed as a method to increase knowledge of therapeutic use of self in the therapist-client relationship.</p><p>S16 Safety vs Independence: The Role for Therapy Presenters: Nancy Richman, OTR/L, FAOTA & Coralie Glantz, OT/L, BCG, FAOTA Content Area: Geriatrics Target Audience: Intermediate Course Description: Autonomy has become a prominent principle in health care ethics. How to keep our clients safe without limits on autonomy is a challenge. Often autonomy is referred to as the self-determination principle, a person’s right to hold views, to make choices, and to take actions based on personal values, beliefs, and participation alternatives. The aim of this program in to find ways to balance safety and autonomy predicated upon the dynamic of person-environment interaction. Conference Session Location:</p><p>Conference registration and all conference sessions will be located at the Peoria Civic Center at 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, IL 61602. There will be a free shuttle service from the Holiday Inn & Suites to the Convention Center during our conference.</p><p>Directions: From I-55, take I-74 West. Take Exit 94 in East Peoria. This fly-over ramp will take you up and over I-74 and connect you with the Bob Michel Bridge. Go across the bridge into Peoria and continue straight ahead through three stoplights. Turn right at the fourth stoplight onto Monroe Street. Turn left at the first stoplight onto Fulton Street. Take a left into the Fulton parking lot. The Peoria Civic Center is located across the street from the parking lot at the intersection of Monroe and Fulton Streets.</p><p>Hotel Information:</p><p>The conference hotel is the Holiday Inn & Suites, located at 101 Holiday Street, East Peoria, IL 61611. To reserve a room, please call 1-888-465-4329 or 309-698-3333 or visit the Holiday Inn & Suites website at www.holidayinn.com. </p><p>Directions: From I-55, take exit 163 to merge onto I-74 W toward Peoria.Take exit 94 toward Riverfront Dr/Downtown Peoria/Michel Bridge. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for West Washington Street and merge onto West Washington Street to Holiday Dr.</p><p>Our Conference Location – Peoria:</p><p>Located on the banks of the Illinois River, Peoria offers a wealth of attractions, events, historical sites, shopping and artistic venues. In the heart of downtown, the Riverfront Visitors Center is where you can find a myriad of maps, brochures, and information on things to do in the area. Head to the riverfront to enjoy a sightseeing cruise on the Spirit of Peoria, visit the Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences, eat a meal at Rhythm Kitchen or Kelleher's Irish Pub, or enjoy a weekend night hotspot like Sully's Pub and Café and Ulrich's Rebellion Room. Sample the different marvelous wines at one of Peoria’s three area wineries. Shopping is also convenient and plentiful in Peoria: find a variety of stores at the Metro Centre, the Junction City Shopping Center or the Shoppes at Grand Prairie. For entertainment, attend a performance at the Peoria Players Theatre, the Corn Stock Theatre, the Peoria Ballet, or the Peoria Symphony Orchestra. For opportunities to discover animals and the outdoors, head over to the Peoria Zoo at Glen Oak Park or the Wildlife Prairie State Park! Registration Instructions: Please register online at www.ilota.org. You may pay be credit card or check. If paying by check, choose that option on the registration website and mail the check, made payable to ILOTA, to: ILOTA, PO Box 4520, Lisle, IL 60532. If you do not have internet access to register online, please call the ILOTA office at (708) 452-7640 to register by phone. Early registration and payment must be received by September 27, 2013. Regular registration and payment must be received by October 18, 2013. Contact the ILOTA office with any questions or concerns at (708) 452-7640. Cancellation Policy: Refunds will be issued, minus a $50.00 processing fee, if notification is received by October 21, 2013. Refunds will not be granted for cancellations that are received the day of conference.</p><p>Registration Fees: Full Conference 2 ½ Day Registration Full Conference 2 ½ Day Registration includes up to 17.5 contact hours of continuing education, Friday and Saturday continental breakfasts, Friday boxed lunch, and Saturday awards luncheon. Early Registration Regular Registration Onsite Registration Through Sept. 27 Sept. 28 – Oct. 18 Oct. 18 – Oct. 26 ILOTA member $350 $375 $425 Non-member $450 $475 $525 Speaker member $250 $275 $325 Speaker non-member $350 $375 $425 Student $100 $125 $150</p><p>1 Day Registration (Friday OR Saturday) 1 Day Registration includes up to either 7 or 6 contact hours of continuing education and meals on day of attendance. Early Registration Regular Registration Onsite Registration Through Sept. 27 Sept. 28 – Oct. 18 Oct. 18 – Oct. 26 ILOTA member $180 $205 $255 Non-member $280 $305 $355 Speaker member $130 $155 $205 Speaker non-member $230 $255 $305 Student $60 $85 $110</p><p>½ Day Registration (Thursday ONLY) ½ Day Registration includes up to 4.5 contact hours of continuing education. Early Registration Regular Registration Onsite Registration Through Sept. 27 Sept. 28 – Oct. 18 Oct. 18 – Oct. 26 ILOTA member $90 $115 $140 Non-member $100 $125 $150 Speaker member $65 $90 $115 Speaker non-member $75 $100 $125 Student $20 $30 $50</p>
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