<p> Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H 2 June 2015 Zone Minutes</p><p>Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc.</p><p>General Meeting of Central Zone on Tuesday 4 August, 2015 At Ross Watts Children’s Hall, Station Street, New Gisborne Meeting Opened at 8:07 pm by Ann Bush, Central Zone Vice President Zone Meetings for 2015 Tuesday 3 February, 2015 Tuesday 4 August, 2015 Tuesday 7 April, 2015 AGM & Zone Meeting: 6 October, 2015 Tuesday 2 June, 2015 Tuesday 1 December, 2015</p><p>Central Zone Executive Present: Zone President: Sue Hollins (apology) Zone Vice President: Ann Bush Zone Secretary: Fritha Keeble Zone Treasurer: Jenni Waldhauser Zone Representative: Leonie Lang Zone Exam Secretary: Aimee Cuthbert (apology) Zone Chief Instructor: Ruth Feltoe (apology) Minute Taker: Sandra Rowley Denotes Action Items. </p><p>Zone Delegates Present: Member Club Represented by: Member Club Represented by Paula Clark Melton Glenda Meddings Broadford Erik Holslag (apol) Oaklands Renae McKeever (abs) Niree Weybury (abs) Judith Greenham (abs) Bullengarook Krysta Whitehead (abs) Riddells Creek Sandra Rowley David Stammers Lucinda Marciniak (visitor) Bronwyn Meadows Smith (visitor)</p><p>Findon Pam Kalms (apol) Sunbury Nick Ednie Peter Smith Lynden Stannard (abs) Gisborne Jo Winther (abs) Trentham Bernadette Power (abs) Jenny Graham (abs) James Lang Glenlyon Sarah Klas (abs) Truganina Ronnie Graham Kym Uden (abs) Wendy Buckner (apol) Creina O’Grady </p><p>Kilmore Anna Reid (apol) Tullamarine Colin Bourke Cathy Dingwell (apol) Belinda Browne (abs) Kingston Linda Penhall (abs) Werribee Aimee Cuthbert (apol) Wayne Cuthbert </p><p>Kyneton Lisa Kennedy (abs) Whittlesea Renee Neubauer (abs) Tanya Stocker Danielle McBain (abs) Robin Crawford (apol) Monique Bonny (abs) Sally Bresciani (abs) Megan Tindley (abs) Williamstown Lancefield Bronwyn Fyfe Woodend Natalie Dillon Susan Burke Macedon Ellie Pfeiffer (abs) Joycelyn Moreland (abs) Helen Breier (abs)</p><p>Page | 1 Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H 2 June 2015 Zone Minutes</p><p>CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Minutes of 2 June 2015 confirmed as amended as a true and accurate record.</p><p>MOVED: SECONDED: Sandra Rowley Fritha Keeble</p><p>BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES</p><p>Motion foreshadowed from Werribee PC “that the full minutes (of CZ meetings) be sent to all CZ clubs to send to their members. For public viewing, a summary of minutes be placed onto the CZ website for the June & August 2015 CZ meeting, then have this motion reviewed at the AGM, October 2015.” To be taken back to Clubs for consideration in a future meeting.</p><p>ITEM 1 CORRESPONDENCE – </p><p>See Appendix 1</p><p>MOTION: MOVED: SECONDED: Correspondence as tabled be noted and accepted. Fritha Keeble Sandra Rowley</p><p>ITEM 1A BUSINESS ARISING FROM CORRESPONDENCE Business Arising From Correspondence</p><p>1. Melton provided feedback regarding: a. Senior riders liked the idea of eventing squad, although cost might be an issue b. Liked the idea of PCAV colours matching EV colours c. Prefer full disclosure of minutes in line with transparency and openness. 2. Woman in Sport letter from Clare – Woodend to consider further as they have an interest in why females are so strong at lower level, but males dominate the higher levels of the sport</p><p>ITEM 2 TREASURER’S REPORT – Presented by Jenni Waldhauser Tabled – see Appendix 2</p><p>MOTION: MOVED: SECONDED: Jenni Waldhauser Ann Bush</p><p>ZONE REPRESENTATIVE’S REPORT – Leonie Lang ITEM 3</p><p>Report as tabled – see Appendix 3.</p><p>Items discussed: CZ 2015 Calendar CZ Speed to Safety PCAV Interzones Teams Horse Trials CZ Eventing Clinic Games, Flat Teams and Musical Ride Championships</p><p>Page | 2 Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H 2 June 2015 Zone Minutes</p><p> National Championships 2015 PCAV AGM New Logo for Pony Club Australia (PCA) Governance Sub Committee Appointment Coach Membership Fees Calendar of State Level Events Pony Club Victoria Equestrian Centre PCAV State Council meeting June 30, 2015</p><p>ZONE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR REPORT – Ruth Feltoe (apology) E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 0419 285 560 Phone: 03 5428 5560</p><p>State workshop hosted at Woodend. Woodend hosted beautifully. Well attended and there were many coaches in attendance that will have picked up some useful tips from the day. Many preliminary coaches signed up. ITEM 4 PCAV chose to run the workshop without “comfort and safety” (even though a trainer offered to take it and several clubs requested it) – this was a huge disappointment to several clubs around the zone. This matter needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.</p><p>Training Day for NCAS level 1/preliminary coaching to the run at Kyneton on October 3.</p><p>C Star/K workshop on September 19 at RCPC. Concentrating on core subjects.</p><p>ZONE EXAMINING SECRETARY – Aimee Cuthbert/ Niree Weybury ITEM 5</p><p>When handing in books for C Certificate:</p><p> Get books from PCAV well ahead to time to ensure they are completed appropriately Workbook, payment and forms into zone meetings on time (all three or not on the list for assessment). Ability and dates to be able to host testing days (rally days are possible) If you want your books returned earlier than the following zone meeting, be sure to provide a prepaid satchel On day of test, please ensure club has certificates and discs pre-purchased from PCAV Fees do apply to sit the tests, there are costs to cover Next round is due tonight to sit in October. Looking for a venue – hopefully RCPC or Kyneton. Aimee will send out the C Certificate current list for review by all riders. </p><p>ITEM 6 PRESIDENT’S REPORT</p><p>Nothing additional to advise in addition to items already raised.</p><p>ITEM 7 JUNIOR COMMITTEE In recess.</p><p>ITEM 8 GENERAL BUSINESS WITH NOTICE</p><p>Page | 3 Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H 2 June 2015 Zone Minutes</p><p>8.1 National Championships, September in SA Do we offer funding assistance? Refer letter from Clare Lewin - recommends we help in some way Refer letter from Tracie Hosier recommends $75 Refer letter from Lu Marciniak requests $250 Discussion at CZ exec recommends $200 each Motion: that CZ pays $250 per rider. Moved: Wayne Cuthbert; seconded Ann Bush. Carried. None against.</p><p>8.2 Changes to PCAV Championship dates will affect you. These are: Dressage and S State Champs March 19/20 2016 State HT Champs (Grade 1&2) May 28/29 2016 Interzones Teams HT (Grade 2&4) September 10/11 2016 Games and Flat Teams November 26/27 2016 Negotiation required so Clubs can organize their own events and we can confirm the CZ 2016 Calendar. Event date requests must be into CZ by or at October meeting. Motion: “We request State Council call for feedback from Clubs on proposed dates for State Level Competitions prior to finalizing the dates as some Clubs have noted practical limitations with the dates as proposed.” </p><p>Some of the concerns are: Wandin also on 20 March (estimated 600+ floats on the road, evacuation issues, still fire season). March 20 is well into to new university year and will likely impact attendance of senior riders Horse Trials is proposed for a fortnight prior to Melb 3DE – may be considered too close a request to ask of horses at this level of competition Games and Flat proposed for middle of show season, impacting both flat teams and games horses and coach availability. It is too cold and dark for teams to practice after school in the winter, as they have hitherto throughout the summer. Team practice is an important morale building activity in clubs.”</p><p>Moved: David Stammers, Seconded Natalie Dillon. Carried. None against.</p><p>8.3 AGM – October meeting. All executive committee positions are open. Clubs need to find people to fill these positions. (refer position descriptions attached) President, Vice Pres, Secretary, Treasurer, Event Coordinator, Uniform Coordinator, Zone Examining Secretary, Zone Rep.</p><p>ITEM 9 GENERAL BUSINESS WITHOUT NOTICE 9.1 Ronnie Graham: Lowden Shield. Ronnie would like to change the games to a circuit of Stake Race, Old English, Lead Race, Flag and Drum. Biscuit Race for the juniors. </p><p>9.2 Request from a DC wanting to know if Dressage 4 & 5 will be run again as part of Zone Champs. Now that Dressage and SJ back on same day it is too hard to run. Motion: Leave it as one day; return to Dress 1, 2 & 3 and SJ A, B, C only. Moved: Bronwyn Fyfe. Seconded: Fritha Keeble Carried.</p><p>9.3 Please make sure the database list is up to date for zone delegates. </p><p>9.4 Truganina running gymkhana on 20 September. Trying to be very welcoming to people new to showing.</p><p>9.5 Sandra will be absent from the October meeting. If anyone willing to help out by taking minutes that would be great.</p><p>Meeting Closed: 9.20pm</p><p>Page | 4 Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc</p><p>Appendix 1 Central Zone Correspondence for August 4th Meeting. </p><p>Date From Subject Action 29 May EV Volunteer management Info Session FK to attend EV Course Building Seminar FK to attend 13 June Macedon PC Flyer for Show Jumping Day 28 June Forwarded 15 June Judy Beasley Advise re volunteers at State Event Forwarded 17 June Melton PC Feedback from their committee meeting. To be read Kate Wilson State Training Workshop Forwarded 18 June Joanna Brennan Oaklands event flyer for distribution – with problems Leonie handled 19 June Jeanette Brennan Main Ridge Show Jump Flyer Forwarded Georgie Staychess CXX Volunteer Management info session FK received info 29 June Macedon PC Advised new secretary 1 Jul PCAV Notice of AGM Forwarded 2 Jul Aimee Cuthbert Updated C List 3 July PCAV Event Sec Refund for Gisborne team that scratched from state comp 6 July Lu Marciniak Request for funding assistance for National Competitors To be discussed 7 July Oaklands New card secretary 7 July PCAV Board vacancy Forwarded 9 July PCAV Request for quite during due diligence process. Shhhhhh 10 July Darren Green Invoice 14 July Glynn Jarrett Feedback from Dept of Justice about WWCC 22 July Indira Narain Questions re dates for C Cert tests. 22 July State Council Bulletin 24 July Gisborne PC Results from Stakes event 24 July Gisborne PC Champ Results 26 July Kilmore PC CT Program Forwarded 3 Aug Lancefield Vote 3 Aug Erik Holslag Confirmation of invoice 4 Aug Clare Lewin Women and Girls in Sport - Invite</p><p>Page | 5 Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc</p><p>Appendix 2</p><p>Treasurers Report</p><p>Page | 6 Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc</p><p>Page | 7 Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc</p><p>Page | 8 Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc</p><p>Page | 9 Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc</p><p>Appendix 3</p><p>Zone Rep Report August 4 2015</p><p>PCAV State Council meeting June 30, 2015 The summary of decisions for this meeting has been published on the PCAV website. Some of these decisions are as follows. You are urged to read the full summary.</p><p>Calendar of State Level Events Pony Club Victoria Equestrian Centre The Working Party presented their recommendation; Dressage and Showjumping Championships – late March Horse Trials State Championships – late May, early June Zone Teams Horse Trails – September Prince Philip Games Challenge and State Games and Flat Teams are the Events that need to be discussed further. Late November proposed. See the minutes summary for discussion points.</p><p>Coach Membership Fees Coach Membership Fees were held over from the Council meeting in April. Recommendation from the Executive Sub Committee that the fee for all fee paying categories be $25.00 Implementation Inaugural Coach Membership year will be 18 months - 01 January 2015 - 30th June 2016 All Coaches will have an 18 Month Membership and will renew in June 2016. This will align the Coach Membership year with the Riding Membership year. A Pro Rata Coach Membership will commence on September 1st 2015 – Fee will be $25.00 for all categories except Volunteers. This will allow Clubs to be notified and the appropriate changes to be made to the system. A Volunteer button will be added which will allow the applicant to print off a form with the required fields. This form will require validation by Club and Zone. Paper copy to be forwarded to PCAV for entry to the data base. A Coach Membership Card will be created using bend, peel and remove stationary. This will be sent to all existing and new Coaches - these cards will identify the Coach Membership Category and Expiry Date Further details about coach membership benefits in the Minutes Summary.</p><p>Governance Sub Committee Appointment Applications have been received from Michelle Heagney and Christopher Smith in response to the Article that appeared in the April MAD. Both have the required qualifications such as MBA, Company Directors Course Diploma, Affiliation with the Australian Institute of Company Directors and experience on various Boards. Both are ex Pony Club Members so are familiar with Pony Club. Darrelyn Boucher and the EO have been working with Vicsport as part of the on the Governance Support Project. A Member Consultation strategy has been created as a point from which to start. As I have reported previously, PCAV will be reviewing its Constitution over the next year with the intention of establishing a Board which would be independent of the State Council.</p><p>New Logo for Pony Club Australia (PCA) The logo was introduced to delegates at the PCA national conference in Adelaide on 3oth May 2015 and was universally supported. The national logo is two colour using Australia’s national sporting colours. Pony Club Australia will now commence using the new logo Pony Club Victoria, colours are blue and white. MOTION: That the person and the letters be blue (pantone 618) and the horse be White with the ability to reverse the colours depending on the colour of the item on which it is to be embroidered.</p><p>Page | 10 Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc</p><p>It was also discussed that Clubs may like to embroider the new logo on club shirts in contrasting club colours as they currently do. It was noted that the current Horse tick Logo will be accepted as long as it is in the field. Clubs will be encouraged to use the new logo when their current uniform stocks are exhausted.</p><p>PCAV AGM The AGM has been scheduled for October 11. Clubs should have received notification documents and nomination forms for PCAV officials and Zone reps. There will be an election this year for one Vice President. Darrelyn Boucher’s “odd year” position is up for nomination. Nominations for Zone Rep come from clubs and should be sent directly to PCAV. I am still looking for a successor – primarily to attend Council meetings and report back to the zone. Other parts of the position description can be delegated. </p><p>National Championships 2015 These will be held on September 25 - October 4 and hosted by SA at Murray Bridge. Cross country will be held at Monarto and there will be an invitational Tetrathlon (riding, shooting, swimming, running). Congratulations to the following CZ riders who have been selected in the following disciplines: Dressage Junior: Isabelle Luxmoore Regal Tiarnah Riddells Creek (likely not attending due to clash with Aust Inter-School Champs) Abbey Martin Blue Dust Chardonnay Riddells Creek Dressage Senior: Hayley Marciniak Windarra Czar Riddells Creek Eventing Junior: Kelsey Pfeiffer Sovereign Rose Woodend Show jumping Junior: Maddison Buckner Shake n Pop Truganina Mounted Games: Chris Paton, Werribee</p><p>Games, Flat Teams and Musical Ride Championships It was cold and drizzly at Bacchus Marsh for the 2015 PCAV Flat Teams Champs at Bacchus Marsh on June 20, but the teams from Riddells Creek and Macedon had a good day. In the Flat Teams of Four Championship, the results were: Riddells Creek 1 2nd; Macedon 3rd; Riddells Creek 2 6th. In the Pairs Teams, Macedon placed 5th. The Kyneton Pairs Team came a close 7th and the Melton Team rode a very chilly test, first in the draw. The sun came out for the State Games Champs on June 21and it was nail-biting competition to the end of the day. Macedon were equal first with 2 other clubs at the end of the heats. By the finals, riders and ponies were getting tired but they did well to place third. At their first State Champs, the Gisborne team were excited to win 3 heats and finished 8th overall. The Oaklands team did not fare quite as well, but still finished the day smiling.</p><p>CZ Eventing Clinic In the second week of the July school holidays we held an eventing clinic at the Tullamarine PC grounds. Justine Greer coached riders in dressage on the Thursday and Catherine Davies took them for showjumping on the Friday. Darren Green coached the riders in cross country on both days. The riders again enjoyed schooling on the Tullamarine course.</p><p>PCAV Interzones Teams Horse Trials This event for grade 3 & 4 riders will be held at the PCV Equestrian Centre on 12/13 August. Entries from riders to Central Zone close next Weds, August 12. Many thanks again to Nick Ednie for coordinating the entries. </p><p>CZ Speed to Safety This series is now finished, with the 3rd and final training day being held at Seymour racecourse on Sunday August 10, with Bill Londregan as coach. Many thanks to Wendy </p><p>Page | 11 Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc</p><p>Abey for organising the entries and liaising with Lisa Coffey, the coach from Racing Victoria. Thanks also to Aimee Cuthbert for organising ribbons and prizes to be given out at a Speed to Safety dinner (date and venue tba). Lisa Coffey will make the final selection of the rider or riders who compete at the state final at Moonee Valley Racecourse on August 23. We wish them every success.</p><p>CZ 2015 Calendar Clubs are reminded to submit dates for the 2015 CZ calendar by the October zone meeting. This then gives us time to resolve any clashes and publish the calendar by December in preparation for the following year. The calendar is very full and once it has been finalised it is difficult to fit in events proposed at a later date.</p><p>Leonie Lang Central Zone Rep </p><p>Page | 12 </p>
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