<p>PSYCHOENERGETICS DEVELOPMENT TRAINING INFORMATION PACKAGE 2012-13</p><p>YEAR 3</p><p>WITH IRENE TOBLER & MICHAEL MERVOSH TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>A. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………….…3-16</p><p>B. READING LIST……………………………………………………………….7-8</p><p>C. GENERAL INFORMATION ……………………………………………..…9-15</p><p> a. Training Dates 2012-13………………………………………….….….9 b. Schedule……………………………………………………………....…9 c. Training Cost…………….…………………………………….……...... 9 d. Payment Options………………………………………………....……..10 e. Training Venue…………………………………………….……....…...11 f. Hotel Cost……………………………………………….………..……..12 g. How to get There……………………………………….………….…...15</p><p>D. CONTACT INFO…….……………….……..……….…………….….….…….16</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 2 “Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A (spiritual) warrior cannot complain or regret anything. A warrior’s life is an endless challenge, And challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges. The basic difference between a warrior And an average person is that The warrior sees everything as simply a challenge, While the average person sees everything As a blessing or a curse.”</p><p>- Don Juan Matus</p><p>Hello Everyone!</p><p>Welcome back to your PsychoEnergetics community!</p><p>In our first year, we primarily worked with the element of earth and the issue of incarnation, located in our first chakra. We emphasized on a sense of grounding and centering in the body through the windows of body sensations, breath, sound, meditation, ritual and body-oriented work with each other. We examined the schizoid character structure, and practiced strong grounding exercises, and faced some of our collective existential terror. We also emphasized establishing a solid sense of community to develop a sense of belonging to the group. </p><p>In our second year we opened to the element of water, the fluid nature within us. We explored the developmental issues of the oral character structure, our relationship to our basic needs. We looked deeper into the nature of our psyches and the unconscious in order to see and bring forward our shadow parts. We also opened more deeply to embrace our Eros, sexuality and vitality. All year, we moved from solid ground to a more fluid and more in-depth way of experiencing ourselves and the world.</p><p>This year we will embrace the element of fire in the third chakra, which brings us face to face with the embodiment of our own power and will – that which ignites us, inspires us, and moves us forward into the world, and into our own potential futures.</p><p>Many of us have not been raised with a natural sense of empowerment. The popular model of power that exists in today’s world is one that can be described as “power over“, which is based on someone winning and someone losing.</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 3 Inside ourselves, we often continue the same fight between inferior and superior parts of ourselves, suppressing certain aspects of Self in favor of others. Very often the deeper recesses of the psyche are repressed in favor of our intellect. Very early in our lives we learn how to exert mind over matter, repress our basic needs and instincts, as well as our core self, in favor of acceptable, civilized behaviors. However, the victory of one part of the self over another does not lead to a sense of wholeness. When we strive for power in this way, we lose the sense of our own sacredness, and therefore lose contact with our true power within.</p><p>To change the way we think about power, and to channel and contain that power within our own being - is the work of the third chakra, and the task of this third year of training.</p><p>Genuine empowerment transforms us, igniting our life with purpose. To have true power emanating from within renews the joy of being alive. What is needed to reclaim our power is to enter into an entirely new dynamic, a new definition of power that lifts us out of struggle and into transformation, out of the past and into the future, one that inspires, strengthens and empowers individuals without diminishing others. (Anodea Judith) </p><p>Empowerment becomes a process one can open to and embody, not a property to possess. We can start to consciously experience power as an integrating force, a power within, the power of connecting with the forces of life.</p><p>As we enter into a realm of consciousness that is inclusive, Anodea Judith says, we can enter the rainbow realm of multiplicity. We can learn to expand our field of consciousness, embracing and tolerating larger aspects of Self and other, with less need to judge the experience of the moment - and thus more capable of directly experiencing life as it unfolds in the moment.</p><p>Power is not created from staying safe, power comes from the willingness to leave the world of safety and move forward into the unknown. As we meet challenge, it strengthens us by forcing us to grow. Power, like muscle, will not increase by doing nothing. (Anodea Judith)</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 4 IN THE THIRD YEAR OF PSYCHOENERGETICS TRAINING, WE WILL:</p><p> Face the duality between will and heart, will and instinct. Through exercising our will, we will actively develop a stronger sense of individuality within our community. </p><p> Explore the archetypal energies corresponding to the third chakra, and learn to embrace the power of the spiritual warrior. This archetype represents one who is willing to stand their ground, to protect the sacred within and to accept necessary challenges. </p><p> Practice our willingness to individuate, to embrace change, and to confront the inevitable challenge of uncertainty in our lives. </p><p> Learn to consciously direct energy, and practice making decisions from a place of inner choice. </p><p> Address issues of authority. Authority is an essential element of personal growth and self-responsibility (the ability to respond, not react).</p><p> Address issues of individuation. The soul’s journey towards realization is a dynamic process that Carl Jung called individuation. The purpose of our individuation is to integrate previously undeveloped aspects of oneself into a larger, comprehensive Self that is simultaneously personal and universal.</p><p> Practice overcoming unconscious habits that allow us to be defined by others. We will learn to embrace our uniqueness, and risk the disapproval of others for the integrity of our own truths. </p><p> Address issues with ego-identity. John Pierrakos defines the ego in terms of somatic energy, calling it the human faculty that mediates the flow of energy out of and into the core of the human being. It is the faculty which chooses, discriminates, analyses and regulates the flow of energy and experience.</p><p> Explore in depth the Psychopathic Character Structure.</p><p> Study the psychology of shame. Shame is the demon of the third chakra. It is inversely proportional to personal power – the greater the shame, the less we feel powerful, and the harder it is for the ego to form itself. Therefore, we will experience more healing for ourselves in relationship to this powerful emotion.</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 5 Explore our sense of place in the world, and in doing so, examine the masochist character structure, and learn how to work more effectively with clients who have this wound and defense.</p><p> Continue to strengthen our grounded presence in the body. Our body is the window into both personal and transpersonal experience. Now, we will add a deeper sense of knowing and consciousness to process work, combining the instinctual energies of the first two chakras with choice and will and deep understanding. We will keep deepening into body sensation, while bringing more dialogue and conscious integration to our experience.</p><p> Explore the combination of movement and intention in our yoga practice as well as in dance.</p><p> Deepen awareness of our breath as a tool to access higher levels of consciousness.</p><p> Participate in rituals and practices that enhance the inner warrior archetype.</p><p> Integrate the element of fire in our meditations and other experiential practices.</p><p>Some final thoughts from Irene & Michael:</p><p>“A person who pursues any spiritual path, at some point, must be willing to take action - to go forward on their own individual and unique path, and quest into the unknown. It is only in this way that one can discover a fire that is truly sacred in the depth of one’s own interior, in the sanctuary of one’s own belly and bowels. The task we face, once this fire is lit within us, is to bring this fire forward to those we love, to our communities, and to the earth itself. This is how the element of fire becomes a bridge between heaven and earth, transforming not only ourselves, but all those who encounter us in this enlivened way.”</p><p>Well, that should keep us occupied for at least another year! We are looking forward to coming together as a community in a few months. Meanwhile, many blessings to your individual journeys, until then!</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 6 READING LIST</p><p>Recommended and helpful readings for class one :</p><p>These readings are simply worthwile recommendations, they are not requirements. They are meant to provide you with an adequate context for our work together, this year. We are aware that not all the books below are available in Spanish. We do our best to provide you with comparable reading material in Spanish, whenever possible :</p><p>Title: Characterological Transformation Author: Stephen Johnson</p><p>- Chapter 1 : A Characterological-Developmental Theory ( for those of you who have not read this chapter yet).</p><p>- Chapter 3 : Characterological Issues of Self-Development, The Masochist Issue</p><p>- Chapter 9 : The Defeated Child</p><p>Title: Body-Mind Psychotherapy Author: Susan Aposhyan</p><p>- Chapter 1 : Body-Mind Psychotherapy in Context (for those of you who have not read this chapter yet).</p><p>- Chapter 3 : Biology and Human Consciousness.</p><p>- Chapter 4 : Tasks of BMP</p><p>Title: Eastern Mind, Western Body Author: Anodea Judith</p><p>- Chakra 3 : Burning our Way into Power</p><p>Title : Towards a Psychology of Awakening Author John Welwood</p><p>- Part one : Integrating Psychology and Spirituality</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 7 Optional reading list :</p><p>Title : Earth-Based Psychology Author : Arnold Mindell</p><p>Title : The Four-Fold Way Author : Angeles Arriens</p><p>Title : Psychotherapy without the Self Author : Mark Epstein</p><p>Title : The Mindful Brain Author : Daniel Siegel</p><p>Title : The Embodied Mind Author : Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson and Eleonor Rosch</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 8 GENERAL INFORMATION</p><p>The PsychoEnergetics training structure:</p><p>We are offering a four year foundational training program. We will meet three times a year, for five days each time (15 days / 120 hours per year, this amounts to a total of 60 days / 480 hours in four years). </p><p>In order to build a strong community container, we require a one year commitment to enroll in our training. This means that you agree to participate in the training for at least one year at a time even if you are not able to assist to all three sessions. Over the years of working with groups we have become increasingly appreciative of the powerful impact of community experience, and we deeply value community building as a way to enhance every participant’s training experience.</p><p>The emphasis of our training will be on each participant’s personal, in-the- moment experience. To deepen and grow one’s personal experiences, we will provide ample time for practice sessions in dyads, triads and group settings. </p><p>Although this training will follow a certain structure, we will also operate with flexibility and adapt our learning modules to the unfolding needs of the participants, as we follow the rhythm and flow of the entire community group.</p><p>Training Structure: </p><p> 4 years. 3 five day modules per year.</p><p>Training Meeting Dates 2010-11:</p><p> Week 1: October 17th - 21st, 2012 Week 2: February 20th - 24th, 2013 Week 3: May 29th - June 2nd, 2013</p><p>Schedule: </p><p> Each module begins the first day with registration from 10:30-11:00 am. That first day PSEN training begins at 11:00 am. Each module finishes the last day at 5 pm, unless communicated otherwise. [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 9 Annual Training Cost: 1. 980 euros</p><p>Price includes the three teaching weeks. We require a one year commitment to enroll in our training. This means that you agree to pay the full amount of the training for at least one year at a time even if you are not able to assist to all sessions.</p><p>The Eden Roc Hotel cost and full board are not included in this price.</p><p>The Hotel reservation is made through PsychoEnergetics but each participant will pay the hotel directly for his/ her expenses upon check out.</p><p>It is our intention to offer a special discount to those with big financial difficulties, if we can. We will know more once we have covered all the expenses and once we know how many people are enrolling.</p><p>Payment Options:</p><p> Option 1: Deposit of 380 € + 1 Full Payment of 1. 600 €</p><p>Deposit: 380 €</p><p>+ 1 Full Payment: 1. 600 €</p><p>TOTAL 1. 980 €</p><p> Option 2: Deposit of 380 € + 2 Payments of 800 € each: </p><p>Deposit 380 €</p><p>+ 1st Payment: at week 1 of training 800 €</p><p>+ 2nd Payment: at week 2 of training 800 €</p><p>TOTAL 1. 980 €</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 10 Training Venue: </p><p>Hotel Eden Roc, Sant Feliú de Guixols, Girona, Spain. Phone: 34 972 320100. Web: www.caproig.com </p><p>Our training takes place at the Eden Roc hotel, in Sant Feliú de Guixols, in Costa Brava (an hour north of Barcelona), beautifully located on a cove by the Mediterranean Sea with great views of the sea. </p><p>There are several pools, one of which is heated. There is also a Health Spa “Port Salvi”, specialized in Ayurveda treatments and traditional Chinese medicine (they offer massages, medical check ups, etc.); it is necessary to book appointments for these services (not included). You can get more info on their website regarding treatments and prices (www.caproig.com/portsalvi). </p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 11 Eden Roc Hotel Prices:</p><p>A. 1st WEEK: PRICES FROM OCTOBER 16 th - 22 nd , 2012</p><p>Nice TWIN ROOMS SUPERIOR STYLE with bath, WC, direct dial telephone, mini- bar, safety-box, Sat-TV and terrace facing the sea</p><p>Price per person/day € 59.- includes full-board - double occupancy</p><p>Price per person/day € 75.- includes full-board - single occupancy</p><p>Nice TWIN ROOMS STANDARD STYLE with bath, WC, direct dial telephone, Sat-TV and mountain view</p><p>Price per person/day € 54.- includes full-board - double occupancy</p><p>Price per person/day € 70.- includes full-board - single occupancy</p><p>PRICE FOR ROOMS WITH TRIPLE OCCUPANCY: 2 people pay the full price for a double occupancy room and the third person has a 15% discount on that price. </p><p>Prices do not include VAT </p><p>The cost for an extra meal is 12 € per person and does not include beverages.</p><p>Half-Board is 12 € less per person/ day.</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 12 B. 2nd WEEK: PRICES FROM FEBRUARY 19 th - 25 th , 2013</p><p>Nice TWIN ROOMS SUPERIOR STYLE with bath, WC, direct dial telephone, mini- bar, safety box, Sat-TV and terrace facing the sea</p><p>Price per person/day € 58,20.- includes full-board - double occupancy</p><p>Price per person/day € 74,20.- includes full-board - single occupancy</p><p>Nice TWIN ROOMS STANDARD STYLE with bath, WC, direct dial telephone, Sat-TV and mountain view</p><p>Price per person/day € 53,10.- includes full-board - double occupancy</p><p>Price per person/day € 69,10.- includes full-board - single occupancy</p><p>PRICE FOR ROOMS WITH TRIPLE OCCUPANCY: 2 people pay the full price for a double occupancy room and the third person has a 15% discount on that price. </p><p>Prices do not include VAT </p><p>The cost for an extra meal is 12 € per person and does not include beverages.</p><p>Half-Board is 12 € less per person/ day.</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 13 C. 3rd WEEK: PRICES FROM MAY 29 th - JUNE 2 nd , 2013</p><p>Nice TWIN ROOMS SUPERIOR STYLE with bath, WC, direct dial telephone, mini- bar, safety box, Sat-TV and terrace facing the sea</p><p>Price per person/day € 70,30.- includes full-board - double occupancy</p><p>Price per person/day € 86,30.- includes full-board - single occupancy</p><p>Nice TWIN ROOMS STANDARD STYLE with bath, WC, direct dial telephone, Sat-TV and mountain view</p><p>Price per person/day € 64,30.- includes full-board - double occupancy</p><p>Price per person/day € 80,30.- includes full-board - single occupancy</p><p>PRICE FOR ROOMS WITH TRIPLE OCCUPANCY: 2 people pay the full price for a double occupancy room and the third person has a 15% discount on that price. </p><p>Prices do not include VAT </p><p>The cost for an extra meal is 12 € per person and does not include beverages.</p><p>Half-Board is 12 € less per person/ day.</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 14 HOW TO GET THERE:</p><p>Address: Hotel Eden Roc C/ Port Salvi S/N 17220 Sant Feliú De Guixols, Girona, España. Phone: 34 972 320 100. Web: www.caproig.com </p><p>GIRONA IS THE CLOSEST AIRPORT, THE SECOND WOULD BE BARCELONA.</p><p>1. FROM GIRONA AIRPORT a. By Taxi: The cost is about 40 euros, and takes about 40 minutes to get to the Eden Roc hotel.</p><p> b. By Car: It takes about 40 minutes to get to the Eden Roc hotel. Just follow the signs to Sant Feliú de Guixols</p><p> c. By Bus: There is a bus every 1.5 hours, leaving the airport to the Girona bus station where you can take a bus to Sant Feliú de Guíxols with the bus company TEISA: Phone: TLF : 34+ 972 20 0275. Web: www.teisa-bus.com Once you arrive at the Sant Feliú bus station, the Eden Roc Hotel is just about a 15 minute walk bordering the sea. You can also take a taxi from that bus station to the hotel and that would cost you about 7 euros. Just call the Taxi ahead of time to be picked up there. Taxi Driver in Sant Feliú (call in advance to make the appointment): Tony – Phone number: (011) 34+ 699 36 52 53</p><p>2. FROM BARCELONA AIRPORT: a. By Taxi: Taxi Driver in Sant Feliú (call in advance to make the appointment): His name is Tony- Phone number: (011) 34+ 699 36 52 53 Cost: 150 Euros. Same price for 1 - 4 people.</p><p> b. By Car: From Barcelona Airport take the A7, towards Girona, Francia, until you see the exit towards La Costa Brava y Sant Feliú de Guixols: salida (exit) 9A. It will take about 1 hour 30 minutes to arrive at the hotel.</p><p> c. By Bus: SARFA Company: Phone: 902 302 025. Web: http://www.sarfa.com/paginas/sarfa_portada.php?id_idioma=1 Inside the Barcelona Airport, go to the train station (located within the airport) and take the train to the bus station called “Estacio del Nord”. Once there you can take the Sarfa Company bus to Sant Feliú de Guixols. The Eden Roc Hotel is just about 15 minutes walk bordering the sea from the Sant Feliu bus station. You can also take a taxi from that bus station to the hotel and that would cost you about 7 euros. Just call the Taxi ahead of time to be picked up at the station. [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 15 TO CONTACT US:</p><p>If you need further information please contact Jimena Galfaso at [email protected] Phone: (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso</p><p> [email protected] (001) 510 326 3033 Skype: Jimena Galfaso 16</p>
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