<p> Stetson University</p><p>Greenfeather 2009</p><p>MIS-501 Project Management</p><p>Dr. Gary Oliphant</p><p>By</p><p>Savannah-Jane Atkins</p><p>Thomas Mayhew</p><p>Rebeca Perren</p><p>David Thomas</p><p>May 6, 2008</p><p>Revised 2009 Stetson University Greenfeather 2008 Project Management Plan</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>PROJECT CHARTER...... 1</p><p>SECTION 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW...... 1 1.1 Problem Statement...... 1 1.2 Project Description...... 1 1.3 Project Goals and Objectives...... 1 1.4 Project Scope...... 2 1.5 Critical Success Factors...... 2 1.6 Assumptions...... 2 1.7 Constraints...... 3</p><p>SECTION 2. PROJECT AUTHORITY AND MILESTONES...... 3 2.1 Funding Authority...... 3 2.2 Project Oversight Authority...... 4 2.3 Major Project Milestones...... 4</p><p>SECTION 3. PROJECT ORGANIZATION...... 5 3.1 Project Structure...... 5 3.2 Roles and Responsibilities...... 6 3.3 Responsibility Matrix...... 7 3.4 Project Facilities and Resources...... 8</p><p>SECTION 4. POINTS OF CONTACT...... 8 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS)...... 9</p><p>WBS DIAGRAM...... 9</p><p>WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE KEY...... 10 WBS DICTIONARY...... 11 NETWORK DIAGRAM...... 17 ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION...... 19</p><p>BUDGET...... 19</p><p>DISCUSSION OF PROJECT TEAM/SKILL SET NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT...... 19</p><p>DISCUSSION OF THE METHODS YOU PROPOSE TO CONTROL THE PROJECT...... 20</p><p>DISCUSSION OF THE TASKS NEEDED TO CLOSE OUT THE PROJECT...... 20</p><p>DISCUSSION OF CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS...... 21</p><p>CONCLUSIONS AND LESSONS LEARNED...... 21 1.1 Savannah-Jane Atkins...... 21 1.2 Thomas Mayhew...... 21 1.3 Rebeca Perren...... 21 1.4 David Thomas...... 22</p><p>REPORTS FROM MS PROJECT...... 22</p><p>Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>PROJECT CHARTER</p><p>Section 1. Project Overview</p><p>1.1 Problem Statement Greenfeather is a campus wide fundraising and service campaign that raises money to benefit Volusia and Flagler Counties’ non-profit organizations. This event is continuously expanding and it has come to the point where we need some form of documentation to follow in order for the executive board to stay organized. Greenfeather not only enhances our student’s leadership skills and brings our campus together, but it also gives back to the local community. Local non-profits are always looking for ways to raise awareness of what their organizations do, as well as coming up with funding to keep their organizations running. Greenfeather emphasizes the importance of these non-profit organizations and gives them the opportunity to receive grant money.</p><p>1.2 Project Description This year is Stetson’s 54th year of Greenfeather, making it one of the longest standing traditions at Stetson University? We will first determine who the Greenfeather Executive Board members are and then proceed to create a calendar with all of the tasks each board member will have to complete prior to the weeks of Greenfeather. This is important, because it provides a set of guidelines for the Executive Board to follow. This will make it easier for them to understand exactly what their positions entail. </p><p>1.3 Project Goals and Objectives The goal of Greenfeather 2008 is be successful and surpass the goals we had in prior years. We want Greenfeather 2008 to be bigger and better then ever. If we don’t have the planning and procedures in order prior to Greenfeather then the week of will be chaos. Our main objectives are Educate the Stetson community about the local non-profit organizations Raise over $30,000 for community partners Involve 30 student organizations, 2 faculty teams and 14 community partners</p><p>- 1 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>1.4 Project Scope</p><p>Project Includes Program Coordinator’s duties for Greenfeather Committee Coordinator’s duties for Greenfeather Student Liaison Coordinator’s duties for Greenfeather Greenfeather Marketing Plan Community Liaison contacting all non-profits and choosing the non-profit organizations that will be receiving the Greenfeather grant Student Involvement chair getting all student, faculty, and staff groups/organizations involved with Greenfeather Executive Board, Committee, students, faculty, and staff evaluations</p><p>Project Excludes Activities Committee Structure and committee tasks Details on activities to be organized by the committee Details on activities for the planning of the Kick-off and Closing Ceremonies</p><p>1.5 Critical Success Factors Having a strong, reliable Executive Board that is hard working, creative, and passionate about Greenfeather and everything it stands for. Without a strong Executive Board Greenfeather will not be successful. Having a dependable Staff advisor that is flexible is another critical factor to Greenfeather’s success.</p><p>1.6 Assumptions The people that are on the Executive Board of Greenfeather are students and will have other things going on during the school year. It is important to realize this, because they are not being paid money for their services. The students running Greenfeather are doing this strictly on a volunteer basis. Because they are students they are not fully trained to handle all situations. The Greenfeather Advisor, which is a Campus Life Staff Member, must be available to help with any issues that may arise. Every year Greenfeather allocates the money they raise to specific non-profit organizations. They always leave no less then $2,000 in their revenue account for </p><p>- 2 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p> the following years Greenfeather expenses. They are to budget the money wisely to cover the expenses they may have. </p><p>Other general assumptions include: Student and organizations will have interest and will participate in fundraising events Facilities will be available to hold the numerous events planned Event will not be halted by weather or security threats Resources will be sufficient to cover event expenses Community partners will be involved in event activities</p><p>1.7 Constraints When planning out numerous events in a two-week long period you have to reserve spaces, equipment, and technicians to run certain events way in advance. Otherwise you may lose that location and have to come up with a contingency plan. While planning this event the Executive Board must keep in mind academic events that may be going on around campus, such as student class registration, along with current events such as the elections. This could affect the events we have scheduled. Greenfeather also falls during Hurricane Season it is important to take this into account as well.</p><p>Section 2. Project Authority and Milestones</p><p>2.1 Funding Authority Greenfeather has $7,000 in its revenue account left over from Greenfeather 2007. This money can be used for Greenfeather 2008 expenses. The money is under Student Activities Greenfeather account at Stetson University. In order to request money you must go to Cindy Lynn Daniel in the Hollis Center and fill out a Money Request form at least 24 hours prior to when you may need the money. If you are using a service on Stetson University’s campus, such as the Print Shop or Media Services, you must have the correct account number to charge it to. The Stetson Wal-Mart and Office Depot cards are available to use as well. You must check them out from Cindy Lynn, buy the items you need, and then return the card and receipt with your name and Greenfeather written on the top of the receipt. You may also use Stetson University Department Purchase Orders (DPO’s) with certain outside </p><p>- 3 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p> vendors. The list of vendors that except DPO’s is located on Cindy Lynn’s desk as well as online. The Greenfeather Advisor must approve all purchases. </p><p>2.2 Project Oversight Authority The Greenfeather Advisor oversees the Greenfeather Executive Board, which is a Campus Life Staff Member. The advisor reports to the Associate Dean of Students to keep them in the loop with what events will be taking place during Greenfeather. If there are any risk management issues with certain events, such as having a bonfire or using the pool, they must report to the Risk Management Administrator in Human Resources to verify what procedures they must go through. The Marketing Chair must work closely with Stetson University’s Public Relations and Marketing and Communications Office to make sure all logos are appropriate. Student Activities must approve all flyers and advertising around campus. In order for the Executive Board to have access to the shared Greenfeather drive along with the website IT must be contacted for approval. </p><p>2.3 Major Project Milestones</p><p>Milestone/Deliverable Target Date Start Date January 14, 2008 Announce Greenfeather Executive Board January 18, 2008 Announce Committee Selection September 5, 2008 Announce Greenfeather Grant Recipients October 10, 2008 Greenfeather Kick Off Party October 27, 2008 Greenfeather Closing Ceremony November 14, 2008</p><p>- 4 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>Section 3. Project Organization</p><p>3.1 Project Structure</p><p>Position Name Staff Advisor Program Coordinator David Deaton Committee Coordinator Nik Koulogeorge Student Liaison Jessica Strathman Marketing/Public Relations Lauren Acre Community Liason/Campus Kelsey Clews Involvement Ceremony Coordinator Jessica Clark</p><p>Greenfeather 2008 Organiz ational C hart</p><p>Sav annah-J ane Atk ins Staff Adv is or</p><p>Alex ander C apoz z a Program C oordinator</p><p>Brittany Stark D av id D eaton Kathry n Arblas ter Kris tin Engel J es s ic a C lark C omittee C oordinator Student Liais on Mark eting/PR C ampus Inv olv ement C ommunity Liais on</p><p>3.2 Roles and Responsibilities</p><p>- 5 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>Advises the Greenfeather Executive Board. They attend all Executive Board Meetings. Approve all budget inquiries Staff Advisor along with events. Reports to Assistant Director of Community Engagement and Outreach</p><p>Coordinates and organizes all executive board members. The Greenfeather Program Coordinator runs all Executive Board Meetings. They communicate with all executive board members and oversees that all tasks are being Program Coordinator accomplished. They assist all executive board members with whatever needs they may have and are the head spokesman for Greenfeather. They also keep track of all points, which is to remain extremely confidential.</p><p>Coordinates and organizes all committee members and their specific events. The Committee Coordinator serves as a means of communication between the committee members and the Greenfeather executive board. They help plan all events, making sure everything is on schedule, and assist all Committee committee members with whatever needs they may have. Coordinator They also work closely with the Student/Campus Liaison to make sure all information given to organizations involved in Greenfeather is congruent with the Greenfeather committees planned events. This position is essential for Greenfeather to run effectively and efficiently.</p><p>Coordinates and organizes all organizations taking part in Greenfeather. The Student/Campus Liaison serves as a means of communication between the organizations participating in Greenfeather and the Greenfeather executive board. They communicate all Greenfeather rules and Student Liaison regulations, upcoming events, and details on points. They assist all organizations participating in Greenfeather with whatever needs they may have. This position is essential for Greenfeather in order for it to be as successful as it has been in the past.</p><p>The Greenfeather Marketing and Public Relations Chair is in charge of marketing Greenfeather campus wide, along with to the DeLand community. They create all flyers, Marketing/Public decorations, t-shirts, and logos for Greenfeather. They will Relations also be in charge of updating the website with all upcoming events and information on Greenfeather. They help educate the campus and community about the different organizations that will be receiving the Greenfeather grant.</p><p>- 6 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>The Greenfeather Community/Campus Involvement Chair is responsible for contacting all of the local community partners about the Greenfeather Grant and the application Community/Campus process. They organize all applications and facilitate the Greenfeather grant selection process. In charge of getting Involvement the entire campus involved with Greenfeather. They help recruit different organizations to set up teams for Greenfeather. They are also in charge of finding all judges for events that need judges. </p><p>The Greenfeather Ceremony Coordinator is in charge of the Greenfeather Kick-Off party and Closing Ceremony. They Ceremony Coordinate the location, food and beverages, theme, and Coordinator logistics. Works with Marketing/Public Relations to promote the Kick-Off Party and Closing Ceremony.</p><p>3.3 Responsibility Matrix r</p><p> o R t n m P a t t</p><p> o</p><p> a r n d n n r s y i e o</p><p> i t e e t n g r d i e s a r t a i a o o n u</p><p> m m t r o L s n i u p i e e i g P o t v v v d n m m l l C m i n r d t o o a e m o m A e v v C</p><p> d o o o k f n n u C f C r C I I t a a S t M Major Milestone S</p><p>Start Date E N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A</p><p>Announce Greenfeather A E C C C C C Executive Board</p><p>Announce Committee Selection A C E I I I I</p><p>Announce Greenfeather Grant A C I I I I E Recipients</p><p>Greenfeather Kick Off Party A C C C C C E</p><p>Greenfeather Closing Ceremony A C C C C C E</p><p>Legend E = responsible for execution (may be shared) A = final approval for authority C = must be consulted I = must be informed</p><p>- 7 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>3.4 Project Facilities and Resources</p><p>Resource Responsibility Requirement Reserve for opening ceremony, Olympics, 3x3 Basketball Rinker Field House Tournament, Pageant, Airwaves Stetson Room Reserve for closing ceremony Hollis Center Lounge Reserve for night out elections SWAT Request technicians, stage, and equipment for all events Catering Request food for opening and closing ceremony Speak with Amy Ammon about all events and rent tables Facilities and chairs where needed</p><p>Section 4. Points of Contact</p><p>Role Name/Title/Organization Email</p><p>Staff Advisor TBA TBA</p><p>Program Coordinator David Deaton [email protected]</p><p>Committee Coordinator Nik Koulogeorge [email protected]</p><p>Student Liaison Jessica Strathman [email protected]</p><p>Marketing/Public Lauren Acre [email protected] Relations</p><p>Community Laison/ Kelsey Clews [email protected] Campus Involvement </p><p>Opening/ Closing Event Jessica Clark [email protected] Planner</p><p>- 8 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS)</p><p>WBS Diagram</p><p>- 9 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>Work Breakdown Structure KEY</p><p>1. Initiating Advisor 1.1. Recruit and select Program Coordinator Advisor 1.2. Recruit and select Executive board members David Deaton 1.3. Announce Green Feather David Deaton 2. Spring/Summer Planning David Deaton 2.1. Coordinate weekly Executive board meetings David Deaton 2.1.1. Coordinate brainstorming session David Deaton 2.1.2. Choose Theme/Slogan David Deaton 2.1.3. Develop a calendar with activities timeline David Deaton 2.2. Marketing/PR Lauren Acre 2.2.1. Design logo Lauren Acre 2.2.2. Design T-shirt Lauren Acre 2.2.3. Design print materials Lauren Acre 2.2.4. Develop marketing video Lauren Acre 2.2.5. Coordinate community announcements Lauren Acre 2.2.6. Create website for 2008 event Lauren Acre 2.3. Community Involvement Kelsey Clews 2.3.1. Create and distribute Green Feather grant applications Kelsey Clews 2.3.2. Kick-off party and opening ceremony planning Jessie Clark 2.4. Campus Involvement Kelsey Clews 2.4.1. Recruit students, staff and faculty for involvement Kelsey Clews 2.5. Activities Committee Nik Koulogeorge 2.5.1. Recruit and select an Activities Committee Nik Koulogeorge 2.5.2. Announce Committee selection Nik Koulogeorge 2.5.3. Coordinate Weekly Committee meetings Nik Koulogeorge 2.6. Student Relations Nik Koulogeorge 2.6.1. Revise Green Feather manual Jessica Strathman 3. Fall/Execution David Deaton 3.1. Coordinate weekly Executive board meetings David Deaton 3.2. Marketing/PR Lauren Acre 3.2.1. Print marketing materials Lauren Acre 3.2.2. Decorate campus Lauren Acre 3.2.3. Write article for “The Outlet” Lauren Acre 3.2.4. Update website Lauren Acre 3.3. Community Involvement Kelsey Clews 3.3.1. Select community grant recipients Kelsey Clews 3.3.2. Announce grant recipients Kelsey Clews 3.4. Campus Involvement Kelsey Clews 3.4.1. Recruit judges for selected activities Kelsey Clews 3.4.2. Team sign-up Kelsey Clews 3.4.3. Team sign-up deadline Kelsey Clews 3.5. Activities Committee Nik Koulogeorge 3.5.1. Coordinate weekly meeting Nik Koulogeorge 3.6. Student Relations Jessica Strathman 3.6.1. Order T-shirts Jessica Strathman 3.6.2. Collect registration fees Jessica Strathman 3.6.3. Organize event prepay system Jessica Strathman 3.6.4. Coordinate weekly meetings with team liaisons Jessica Strathman 3.6.5. Sign up for activity participation David Deaton 4. Event Monitoring & Control David Deation 4.1. Organize kick-off party Jessie Clark 4.2. Kick-off party Jessie Clark 4.3. Participate in Green Feather activities David Deaton 4.4. Monitor funds collected Advisor 5. Closing Reception &Project Wrap-up David Deaton 5.1. Coordinate closing ceremony Jessie Clark 5.2. closing ceremony Jessie Clark 5.3. Check distribution to grant recipients Kelsey Clews 5.4. Project wrap-up meeting David Deaton 5.5. Evaluations of Committee and Executive Board Advisor</p><p>- 10 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>WBS DICTIONARY</p><p>TASK # DESCRIPTION START FINISH DURATION PERSON SPECIFICATIONS NECESSARY DATE DATE RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES 2 Recruit and Select 1/1/08 1/2/08 2 days Advisor Ask prior Executive Board Program Members if they are interested in Coordinator being Program Coordinator, interview, and select 3 Recruit and Select 1/3/08 1/15/08 9 days Program Program Coordinator and Staff Executive Board Coordinator Advisor meet and select people Members that would be good for certain positions on Executive Board. We send emails out to those people with the application and set up interviews. After the interviews we select the best people for the specific jobs. 4 Announce 1/18/08 1/18/08 0 days Program Announce Greenfeather Greenfeather Coordinator Executive Board to Campus Life. Executive Board</p><p>6 Coordinate 1/25/08 5/2/08 71 days Program The Program Coordinator sets up Weekly Executive Coordinator weekly meetings for the Board Meetings Executive Board to meet. They discuss different issues that pertain to Greenfeather and everyone gives updates on what is going on in their specific area. 22 Coordinate 1/25/08 1/25/08 1 day Program Program Coordinator comes up Brainstorming Coordinator with a list of things to Session Brainstorm. This should include the theme, slogan, events, logo, etc. 23 Choose 1/28/08 3/21/08 8 weeks Program Have the Executive Board come Theme/Slogan Coordinator up with ideas and turn them into the Program Coordinator. They then all sit down and go through which theme/slogan is the best. 24 Develop a 1/18/08 1/22/08 3 days Program Put together all of the events Computer with Calendar with Coordinator that the Executive Board has Microsoft Excel Activities come up with and put it into a Timelines calendar. 26 Design Logo 3/24/08 4/4/08 2 weeks Marketing/ The Marketing Chair creates a Computer with PR logo on Fireworks, PowerPoint, software that Publisher, or any other computer allows you to program that allows you to create logos. create logos. The logo must tie in with the theme. 27 Design T-Shirt 4/7/08 4/18/08 2 weeks Marketing/ Marketing Chair designs a t-shirt PR preferably with the logo on it and meets with the Manager of the Print Shop to verify the cost and the design. 28 Design Print 4/21/08 5/2/08 2 weeks Marketing/ Create pamphlets, flyers, Computer that Materials PR banners, and any other form of has Microsoft paper marketing. Print out Publisher. pamphlets for incoming students. Funding for Pamphlets $100.</p><p>- 11 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>TASK # DESCRIPTION START FINISH DURATION PERSON SPECIFICATIONS NECESSARY DATE DATE RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES 29 Develop 6/2/08 6/27/08 4 weeks Marketing/ Meet with Media Services to Computer with Marketing Video PR create the video. Go through all video creating video and photo archives from software. Use prior Greenfeather and select the Stetson Media best pictures and videos to Services create an all around experts to help Greenfeather video. create the video. 30 Coordinate 3/24/08 8/15/08 21 weeks Marketing/ Create Stetson Announce, Phone with Community PR contact newspapers, radio different local Announcements stations, and the DeLand local newspaper and community to let them know radio station about Greenfeather. numbers. 31 Create Website 6/23/08 6/27/08 1 week Marketing/ Get access to the Greenfeather Computer with for 2008 event PR Website through Media Services Internet and update it with the new access. Receive Greenfeather schedule and access to the information about what Website from Greenfeather is all about. Stetson IT.</p><p>33 Create and 5/5/08 6/27/08 8 weeks Get all of the local community The Stetson Distribute partners email addresses from Letterhead, greenfeather the community partner agency stamps, grant applications database and email the envelopes, application out to all community computer with partners that have an email internet access, address. Mail the application to and access to the community partners that the agency don't have email addresses. database. Funding for printing and mailer $50. 34 Kick-off party and 5/5/08 8/1/08 13 weeks Ceremony Think of ideas for the Opening Make sure opening Coordinator and Closing Ceremony that go location is Ceremony along with the theme. Think reserved. planning about location, food, decorations, events that will go on during the ceremony's, speakers, etc. 36 Recruit students, 1/18/08 9/25/08 9 months Meet with key Faculty and Staff Greenfeather Staff, and Faculty members in different Pamphlets and for involvement departments to let them know decorations for that Greenfeather is coming up the and what they need to do to sign Greenfeather up. Set up a table at the table. Funding organizational fair and the for decorations volunteer fair promoting from Marketing Greenfeather. Email all student budget $50. organizations with information pertaining to Greenfeather.</p><p>- 12 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>TASK # DESCRIPTION START FINISH DURATION PERSON SPECIFICATIONS NECESSARY DATE DATE RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES 38 Recruit and Select 1/18/08 4/17/08 13 weeks Committee Create a committee application. Computer with and Activities Coordinator Send out a Stetson Announce Microsoft Word. Committee notifying students that the applications are available. The Committee Coordinator meets with the Executive Board and discusses certain individuals that would be good for the committee. They then send out applications to those individuals. Set a deadline for the committee applications to be due. When the deadline has passed the Executive Board goes through all of the applications and puts each person in the committee they think suites them best. 39 Announce 4/21/08 4/21/08 0 days Committee Email the committee and Campus Committee Coordinator Life letting everyone know who is Selection on the Greenfeather Committee.</p><p>40 Coordinate 4/29/08 5/6/08 6 days Committee Pick a day and time that the Weekly Coordinator committee meets weekly to Committee discuss what is going on with Meetings each individual events, brainstorm ideas, and to get familiar with each other. 44 Revise 3/24/08 5/2/08 6 weeks Student The Student Liaison goes through Computer with Greenfeather Liason the Greenfeather Manual from Microsoft Word. Manual the prior year and makes the changes that the Executive Board has voted on. They also change it so it fits in with the theme.</p><p>46 Coordinate 9/5/08 10/24/08 36 days Program The Program Coordinator sets up Weekly Executive Coordinator weekly meetings for the Board Meetings Executive Board to meet. They discuss different issues that pertain to Greenfeather and everyone gives updates on what is going on in their specific area. 56 Print Marketing 9/5/08 9/5/08 1 day Marketing/ Print flyers, pamphlets, banners, Funding for Materials PR and any other form of paper print materials marketing. $200 57 Decorate Campus 10/13/08 10/17/08 1 week Marketing/ Put up flyers, banners, and any Key to the PR other creative form of marketing display case in on campus that ties in with the the Commons. Greenfeather Theme. Decorate Permission to the Display Case in the put up flyers Commons. around campus from Student Activities. Funding for Decorations $150 58 Write article for 10/6/08 10/10/08 1 week Marketing/ Write an article with all of the Computer with "The Outlet" PR details about the upcoming Microsoft Word. Greenfeather for the Community Service Newsletter. 59 Update Web-site 9/8/08 9/8/08 1 day Marketing/ Continually update the Computer with PR Greenfeather Website with any Internet new information. access.</p><p>- 13 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>TASK # DESCRIPTION START FINISH DURATION PERSON SPECIFICATIONS NECESSARY DATE DATE RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES 61 Select community 6/30/08 9/5/08 50 days Community/ Get all of the community partner grant recipients Campus grant applications together and Involvment meet with the Executive Board to go over them. The Executive Board then votes on the top 12. 62 Announce grant 9/5/08 9/5/08 0 days Community/ Announce the Greenfeather recipients Campus Community Partner Grant Involvment Recipients to the Greenfeather Executive Board, Committee, and Campus Life Staff. Send a letter of congratulations to the community partners that receive the Greenfeather Grant with all of the important dates of Greenfeather. 64 Recruit judges for 9/8/08 10/10/08 5 weeks Community/ Send a Stetson Announce Computer with selected events Campus notifying Stetson faculty and staff Internet Involvment that Greenfeather is in need of Access. judges. Contact the community partners that are receiving the Greenfeather Grant to see if they would be willing to judge an event. 65 Team Sign-Up 9/8/08 10/10/08 5 weeks Community/ Once a team has notified the Campus Campus Involvement Chair that Involvment they are interested in participating in Greenfeather they must fill out all paper work to show what events they will participate in. 66 Team Sign-Up 10/10/08 10/10/08 0 days Community/ The last date to sign up to deadline Campus participate in Greenfeather is Involvment October 10th. This is when we will announce all teams that are participating in Greenfeather. 68 Coordinate 9/9/08 10/21/08 31 days Committee As soon as Fall Semester Starts Weekly Coordinator the Committee Chair starts up Committee committee meetings. At each Meetings meeting they go over any issues pertaining to the events of Greenfeather. All committee members give updates on their events. 77 Order T-shirts 10/3/08 10/3/08 1 day Marketing Once the Executive Board has the Funding for t- specific teams that are set up to shirts $1,000 participate in Greenfeather they will know the amount of shirts they will need to order. They place the order through the Stetson Print Shop. 78 Collect 9/8/08 10/17/08 6 weeks Student The different teams participating registration fees Liaison in Greenfeather have until October 17th to turn in their Greenfeather Registration fees.</p><p>- 14 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>TASK # DESCRIPTION START FINISH DURATION PERSON SPECIFICATIONS NECESSARY DATE DATE RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES 79 Organize Event 9/8/08 10/10/08 5 weeks Student The Student Liaison meets with Prepay System Liaison the Coordinator of Hollis Center Operations to set up the front desk of the Hollis Center with the Prepay System. This allows students to Prepay for all of the Greenfeather events prior to Greenfeather. The Student Liaison also prints off sheets so when the students prepay they have a record that they paid. 80 Coordinate 9/10/08 10/15/08 26 days Student The Student Liaison sets up Weekly Meetings Liaison weekly meetings for the different with team team liaisons. These meetings Liaisons are to let the team liaisons know what is going on with points, rules, events, and the schedule of Greenfeather. 87 Sign up for 10/13/08 10/17/08 1 week Program The Executive Board distributes activity Coordinator specific days each board member participation will be on call for Greenfeather. They also sign up to be at the different events during Greenfeather. One Executive Board Member has to be at each event at all times. 89 Organize Kick-off 10/21/08 10/27/08 1 week Ceremony Gather the decorations, food, Funding for the Party Coordinator tables, chairs, for the Kick-Off Kick off party is Party. Invite all community as follows: partners that are receiving the Food $275, Greenfeather Grant. Decorations $50. Rent tables and chairs. Funding for chairs $100 and tables $200. Order food through Catering. 90 Kick off party 10/27/08 10/27/08 0 days Ceremony The Kick off party takes place. Coordinator 91 Participate in 10/27/08 11/8/08 12 days Program All Executive Board members greenfeather Coordinator monitor and control all activities Greenfeather events.</p><p>92 Monitor funds 10/27/08 11/8/08 12 days Student Throughout Greenfeather money collected Liaison/ is collected. The Student Liaison Advisor and the Staff Advisor keep track of all money collected and deposit it with the Administrative Assistant at the beginning of each morning.</p><p>- 15 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>TASK # DESCRIPTION START FINISH DURATION PERSON SPECIFICATIONS NECESSARY DATE DATE RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES 94 Coordinate 11/10/08 11/14/08 1 week Ceremony Buy all Greenfeather Trophies, Funding for the Closing Ceremony Coordinator order food, tables, chairs, send Closing out invitations to all teams that Ceremony is as participated in Greenfeather and follows: Food all Community Partners that are $275, receiving the Greenfeather Grant. Decorations Print off big fake checks to give $50. Rent to the community Partners. tables and chairs. Funding for chairs $100 and tables $200. Order food through catering. 95 Closing Ceremony 11/14/08 11/14/08 O days Ceremony Closing Ceremony takes place. Coordinator 96 Check Distribution 11/17/08 11/21/08 1 week Ceremony Check Request forms are filled to grant recipients Coordinator out with the community partners’ information that won the Greenfeather Grant and is given to the Finance Department. 97 Project Wrap Up 11/21/08 11/21/08 1 day Program The Executive Board meets and Funding for Coordinaro goes over Greenfeather. They dinner comes discuss what worked and what from didn't. They talk about who Committee would be good for the Executive Events Food: Board next year. After all issues $150 have been discussed they go out to dinner to celebrate as an Executive Board that Greenfeather has ended. 98 Evaluations of 11/21/08 11/21/08 1 day Advisor Evaluations are given out to all Funding for Committee and Executive Board members, Printing Executive Board committee members, the teams Evaluations. that participated in Greenfeather, and the Community Partners that participated in Greenfeather. These evaluations are to determine how everyone felt about Greenfeather and discover ways to make Greenfeather better.</p><p>- 16 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>NETWORK DIAGRAM</p><p>38 39 40 68</p><p>24 26 27 28</p><p>2 3 4 36 22 29</p><p>6 23 30</p><p>31</p><p>44</p><p>33 61 62 46 *</p><p>34</p><p>56 57</p><p>58</p><p>59 Critical Path: 64 Tasks 2,3,4,6,33,61,62,46,87, 89,90,91,94,95,97 & 98 * 46 65 66</p><p>77</p><p>78 80 96 79 91 94 95 97 98 87 89 90</p><p>92</p><p>- 17 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>Task Duration Immediate # (Days) Predecessor ES EF LS LF Slack 2 2 0 2 -6 -4 -6 3 9 2 2 11 -4 5 -6 4 0 3 11 11 5 5 -6 6 71 4 11 82 5 76 -6 22 1 6 82 83 226 227 144 23 40 6SS 11 51 167 207 156 24 3 4 82 85 224 227 142 26 10 23 51 61 197 207 146 27 10 26 61 71 207 217 146 28 10 27 71 81 217 227 146 29 20 23FS+10wks 101 121 207 227 106 30 105 23 51 156 122 227 71 31 5 23FS+13wks 116 121 222 227 106 33 40 6 83 123 76 116 -7 34 65 6 83 148 162 227 79 36 180 4 11 191 47 227 36 38 65 4 11 76 125 190 114 39 0 38FS+2days 78 78 190 190 112 40 6 39 78 84 190 196 112 44 30 23 51 81 197 227 146 46 35 62 173 208 166 201 -7 56 1 46SS 173 174 221 222 48 57 5 56FS+5wks 198 203 222 227 24 58 5 46SS 173 178 222 227 49 59 1 46SS 173 174 226 227 53 61 50 33 123 173 116 166 -7 62 0 61 173 173 166 166 -7 64 25 46SS 173 198 202 227 29 65 25 46SS 173 198 202 227 29 66 0 65 198 198 227 227 29 68 31 40 84 115 196 227 112 77 1 46SS+19 days 192 193 226 227 34 78 30 46SS 173 203 192 222 19 79 25 46SS 173 198 202 227 29 80 5 78SS 173 178 222 227 49 87 5 46SS+27 days 200 205 196 201 -4 89 4 87 205 209 201 205 -4 90 1 89 209 210 205 206 -4 91 12 90 210 222 206 218 -4 92 12 90 210 222 215 227 5 94 4 91 222 226 218 222 -4 95 0 94 226 226 222 222 -4 96 5 95 226 231 222 227 -4 97 1 95 226 227 225 226 -1 98 1 97SF 226 227 226 227 0</p><p>- 18 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION</p><p>Budget</p><p>ACCOUNT AMOUNT Marketing Pamphlets $100 Flyers $200 T-shirts $1,000 Decorations $200 Marketing Total $1,500 Committee Events Decorations and materials $1,000 Food $500 Committee Events Total $1,500 Opening and Closing Ceremony Greenfeather Grant Applications $50 Food $550 Decorations $100 Trophies $300 Opening and Closing Ceremony Total $950 Logistics Tables $600 Chairs $400 </p><p>Logistics Total $1,000 Extra Expenses Any additional expenses $2,000 Extra Expenses Total $2,000 </p><p>Total Budget $6,950 </p><p>Discussion of project team/skill set needed to complete the project.</p><p>The students that are on the Executive Board must have strong leadership skills. They must be organized, responsible, and enthusiastic about Greenfeather. All members on the Executive Board must have at least one year of experience serving on the Greenfeather committee. The Program Coordinator must have been on the Executive Board one year prior to serving as Program Coordinator. The Committee Chair must have strong communication skills. The Marketing/PR chair must have some experience with marketing, preferably a student that has marketing as their major. The Student Liaison and Campus Involvement chairs must be familiar with the different organizations on campus and their leaders. The Community Liaison must be familiar with the different local community partners in the DeLand </p><p>- 19 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p> community. All members on the Greenfeather Executive Board must commit a substantial amount of their time toward Greenfeather.</p><p>Discussion of the methods you propose to control the project</p><p>The organizational structure is set up to keep everyone on task and to let everyone know what is going on at all times during the project. The Program Coordinator manages the Executive Board. He holds weekly meetings as well as one-on-one meetings with each individual Executive Board Member when needed. The Program Coordinator meets with the Staff Advisor one-on-one prior to the Executive Board meetings to go over the meeting agenda and any other Greenfeather issues that may be going on at the time. The staff advisor also attends all Executive Board meetings in case there are any logistic questions or questions dealing with what can or cannot be done at Stetson University. If there is an Executive Board Member that is not pulling his or her wait the Program Coordinator will meet with them one-on- one and find out the reason they are unable to fulfill what their position entails. If there is no valid reason the Program Coordinator and Staff Advisor will meet to reconsider the student for the position.</p><p>Discussion of the tasks needed to close out the project.</p><p>Once all tasks have been completed the Greenfeather Executive Board distributes evaluations amongst the committee members and the students, faculty, and staff that participated in Greenfeather. These are used to determine what could be done better for the following years. The Closing Ceremony happens a week after Greenfeather. This is when the Greenfeather Executive Board distributes the awards to all organizations that participated and won individual events during Greenfeather. They also distribute the Greenfeather Grant checks to the community partners that won the Greenfeather Grant. The Executive Board along with the staff advisor then has their last meeting discussing what they liked about Greenfeather and what they would like see different for the next year. The Executive Board then goes out to dinner to celebrate all the hard work they did. </p><p>- 20 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p>Discussion of critical success factors</p><p>Having a strong, reliable Executive Board that is hard working, creative, and passionate about Greenfeather and everything it stands for. Without a strong Executive Board Greenfeather will not be successful. Having a dependable Staff advisor that is flexible is another critical factor to Greenfeather’s success.</p><p>Conclusions and lessons learned</p><p>1.1 Savannah-Jane Atkins</p><p>Putting this project together has really shown me how useful MS Project can be in everyday life. It is a way to organize big events you may have at work, school, or for personal events such as a wedding or large birthday party. I’ve learned that there are a lot of bases you have to cover when putting a project down on paper. I think this project is going to be extremely useful for the Community Service Program at Stetson University. They will now have a template of what Greenfeather is all about, so they will have something to follow every year and schools that are interested in putting on Greenfeather at their school they will have some guidelines to follow. </p><p>1.2 Thomas Mayhew</p><p>This project has really given me a true understanding of how MS Project can be applied to any facet of ones life. Before now, I had never even heard of a network diagram or a Gantt chart or knew how helpful they could really be to developing and completing a successful project. It was a great experience working with everyone in my group- David, Savannah, and Rebeca. Everyone worked hard to ensure that deadlines were met and we helped each other to ensure the completion of this project. Furthermore, even though I have been at Stetson for over three years now, I had never realized the amount of work that goes into preparing for and executing Green feather. This project has such depth to it that I could easily see this template being able to be applied to any organization/University that wants to have there own Greenfeather.</p><p>1.3 Rebeca Perren</p><p>The project management processes we learned throughout the project have very meaningful life applications. Our project involved many tasks that needed to be condensed in order to manage the scope of the project, and we certainly felt the </p><p>- 21 - Stetson University Greenfeather 2009 Project Management Plan</p><p> pressure of the time limitations when working on developing the project itself. Also, applying the MS Project tool was more challenging that I had originally expected, but at the same time I can see the value it adds as the projects gets more extensive. I hope that we have managed to put together a project that can serve as a tool for this years’ event as well as many other Greenfeather festivals to come.</p><p>1.4 David Thomas</p><p>In the past I have done other projects on MS Project, and done the Network Diagrams and Work Breakdown Structures for them, but none of them compared to this. The ones in the past were all straight forward with a set start/finish point, and no room for misinterpretation of how the project will be affected if one task is delayed. However, this all changed when we chose this project to work on, and I learned that definitely, not all projects are the same. I always thought/assumed that, but this really put it in perspective for me, especially with the complexity of the WBS and the Network Diagram. In the end it has really shown how useful MS Project can be for organizing and keeping a project on the straight and narrow. Doing this has also made me understand why people with certification from the PMI Institute get paid so much, and that is because on top of all of the time consuming work, they really need to know what they are doing and what is truly going on. </p><p>Reports from MS Project</p><p>MS Project provides the user with numerous reports to aid in the managing the constraints of a particular project. The following reports from MS Project software have been identified as beneficial for this particular project: Overview Reports: . Project Summary . Milestones Current Activities Reports: . Tasks Starting Soon . Tasks In Progress . Completed Tasks . Should Have Started Tasks Assignment Reports: . Who Does What When . To-do-List</p><p>- 22 -</p>
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