Wings: Women's International News Gathering Service

Wings: Women's International News Gathering Service

<p>WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O . BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/ FAX (512)416- 9000 E-MAIL: [email protected] .org [Program #1- 95. WILMA MANKI LLER AUTOBI OGRAPHY . was mailed l a s t we e k with o ut a l ineup sheet . It is an inter v i ew by Jude McGe e with the principa l Chie f o f the Cherokee na tion. about her r ecent book .] *2-95 WOMEN'S MEDIA AT CAIRO POPULATION CONFERENCE Time: 28 :45 Via short wave. FIRE (Femini st Inte r na t i ona l Radio Endeavour) gives globa l coverage to women at conferences around the worl d . Here, FIRE producer Mari a Suarez tells Frieda Werden how activi s t media he l ped f emi ni s t s comba t the Vatican at the United Nations Conference on Popu l ati on and Deve l opment . Short wave s chedu l es for FIRE can be requested f r om Radio for Peace Inte r na t i ona l , Box 88 . Sa nt a Ana. Cos ta Ri ca . Cassettes of WINGS programs as a lways can be order ed by sendi ng $9 (in US funds . drawn on a US ba nk . pl eas e) to WINGS . WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/FAX (512)416-9000 E-MAIL: [email protected] *3-95 LESBIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA Time: 29:22 L sbians o~ various races and ethnic groups shared their issues with non-lesbians during the First South A~rican Women's Health Con~erence in Johannesburg December 1-4, 1994. Topics included invisibility, coming out, suicides, sexually transmitted diseases, lesbian battering, stereotypes, political organizing, the anti-discrimination clause in South A~rica's Interim Constitution, age o~ consent, and AIDS. Tape courtesy o~ Maria Suarez o~ F.I.R.E. Production and narration by Lisa Hayes. Addr 5S given: The Women's Health Project, P.O. Box 1038, Johannesburg 2000, South A~rica. Cassettes ~rom WINGS are $9 US i~ drawn on a US bank. $14 (US) i~ drawn on a non-US bank . WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/FAX (512)416-9000 E-MAIL: [email protected] .org</p><p>#4-95 JANUARY/FEBRUARY WINGS NEWSCAST TIME: 27:51 1. THE SILICONE IMPLANT SETTLEMENT (5:54 ) . I n/ Outcues: "December 1st was t he deadline ••• ~or WINGS, this i s Ginger Webb." Sour ce : Women on the Line. Suggested intra: MANUFACTURERS HAVE PUT UP A HUGE SUM OF MONEY TO COMPENSATE WOMEN MADE SICK BY BREAST IMPLANTS - BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH TO GO AROUND TO ALL THE IMPLANT VICTIMS AROUND THE WORLD. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: ••• 2. COCAINE BUSTS OF SOUTH CAROLINA MOTHERS (5: 08 ) . I n/ Out : "In October ••• For WINGS, this is Renee Michael in New York." Suggested intra: A SOUTH CAROLINA HOSPITAL IS BEING SUED FOR ADVERTIS I NG A DRUG TREATMENT PROGRAM FOR PREGNANT WOMEN, THEN TURNING THEIR PATIENTS OVER TO POLICE. RENEE MICHAEL FILED THIS STORY FOR WINGS: ••• 3. FAX ABOUT WOMEN IN CONGRESS (6 : 45 ) . In/Out: "The ~ i n a l undecided race • •• For WINGS, ~rom Washington, this is Frieda Werden." On tape: Martha Burk, Pr e s i de nt , Center ~or the Advancement o~ Public Pol icy, and publ isher Or Wa s hi ngt on Feminist Faxnet. Suggested intra: THE WASHINGTON FEMINIST FAXNET IS MONITORING DEVELOPMENTS RELATING TO WOMEN IN THE CONGRESS. FRIEDA WERDEN OF WINGS INTERVIEWED THE FAXNET'S PUBLISHER: • •• TO BE ON THE FAXNET, FAX YOUR FAX NUMBER TO : 202-265-6245. 4. NETWORK OF EAST-WEST WOMEN (5:21>. In/Out: "Recently, there was an election in Bulgaria ••• Lisa Hayes, reporting -for WINGS." On t ape: Mariana Katzarova. Suggested intro: WOMEN IN EASTERN EUROPE HAVE BEEN TAKING LESSONS FROM WESTERN WOMEN ABOUT HOW TO WORK FOR WOMEN'S ISSUES. LISA HAYES REPORTS FOR WINGS: ••• E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR NETWORK OF EAST-WEST WOMEN: neww@igc. N.E.W .W . CONFERENCE ON PEACENET: women. east-west 5. MANKILLER WON'T STAND FOR RE-ELECT ION (3:27). In/Out: "Ch ie~ Wilma Mankiller, the principa l chier o ~ the Cherokee Nation • • • This is the Women's</p><p>Int e r nati ona l News Gatheri"ng Service. II Source: Jude McGee. Edito r: Shelly Venderola. Suggested intra: WHEN SHE BECAME PRINCIPAL CHIEF OF THE CHEROKEE NATION, CHIEF WILMA MANKILLER REVIVED A PRE-COLUMBIAN TRADITION OF WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP . THIS YEAR, HER TERM WILL END. JUDE McGEE INTERVIEWED MANI<ILLER FOR WINGS: ••• * * * * ANNUAL DAVENPORT AWARD FOR THE HOTTEST WOMEN 'S KATHERINE DAVENPORT. * * THE 2ND THIS PRIZE CO-FOUNDER * * * * * * * * FOR WOMEN'S NEWS WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN MARCH. RADIO NEWS STORY OF THE YEAR HONORS WINGS WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/FAX (512)416-9000 E-MAIL: [email protected] #5-95 A PALESTINIAN EXILE: NUHAD JAMAL TIME: 28:28 Nuhad Jamal is a Palestinian born in exile who now lives in the United States and works on i nter na t i o na l projects ~or development and social change . Having been in Gaza at the moment o~ Ara~at's return, she discusses her observations on the situ a t i o n and t he Arafat-Shamir agreement - which has postponed considerat i o n of Palest i n i a n e x i l e s ' right of return, for at least 5 years. Interviewer: Fri e da Werden . #6-95 PUNDITS IN EXILE TIME: 28:52</p><p>Our wor d "pundit ll comes from t he Sanskrit name of an ethnic group renowned fo r l i t e r a c y and intellect. Pundits have lived since 1500 B.C. in the V Ie o~ Kashmir, now a stronghhold of I s l am in the long t rritori 1 w r between India and Pakistan. Nearly al l of the Pundits have fled. WINGS correspondent Prabha Bhardwaj (herself from the Himalaya region ) , interviewed women in the camps around Jammu, and Dr. Shakti Bhan, Chair of Daughters o~ Vitasta, a Delhi-based group that calls for a separate Pundit region. Tape producer: Carol St 11. #7 - 95 CAESAREAN AWARENESS NETWORK TIME: 28: 54 Paula Nast o f Houst on inte rv iews Sha ron Co b b l e r and Sal l y He ad +rom the I nt ernat iona l Caesar ean Awa r e ness Net work about wh y the U.S . has s u c h a hi g h inc idence 0+ Caesa rea n bi rt h s (su r g i ca l r emoval 0+ t he baby) c ompa r e d to other c ountries , and ho w a n d why t o avo id having a Caesarean in mo s t cases . Ed i t e d by Caro l Stal l and Frieda We r de n from a cal l-i n show on KPFT -FM . I . C. A. N. ' 5 phoria numbel'" i s ( 7 1 ~::' ) 1~):~; :;>' 9 0 b :l. . L.i~:.. t: r=· J~I f.? .r " b; can orcier.. (:'a!:::;!0: ~:?t:t:,~;? !:-:; From i\il llJ/5,::':J { ::c.w $(;';</p><p>(UEn N J 1(:; ctret:k i '!." dr ewri on a n o n-U, S; b erik, edd ~'Ii5 ser v .i c e che rqe, WINGS; WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P .O. BOX 33220 . AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/ FAX (512) 416-9000 [ - MAI L: wings@igc</p><p>. - . . .. _ ~ ~ ._ . --._._. -' ---- . _- --_... --._. -. - WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O . BOX 33220 , AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/ FAX (512 }4 16-9000 E-MAIL : wings@ igc .apc .org #8-95 DE-CRIMINALI ZING POVERTY : THE WOMEN ' S ECONOMIC AGENDA PROJECT TIME: 28:53 Rene Pica is Project As s i st ant f or the Women ' s Econom i c Agenda Project , based in Oaklan d, Cali fo rni a. She has also rai sed 6 ki ds on we lfare i n the cour se of 20 yea rs . WEAP organizes poor women agains t the criminalizati on of pover t y i n th e U.S. , wher e our rule r s pr e f er to pay 30 t imes as much to f os t er homes or 100 t imes as much to the pr i son sY st em as t heY a l l ow mothe r s to care f or t ne t r own ki ds . WEAP'S PHONE : (510) 45 1-7379 ; FAX: 451-7386 WINGS: WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERI NG SERVICE P.O. BOX 332 20 , AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/ FAX (512) 416- 9000 E-MAIL : wings@ igc .apc .org #8- 95 DE -CRIMI NAL I ZING POVERTY : THE WOMEN' S ECONOMIC AGENDA PROJ ECT TIME: 28 :53 Rene Pi ca is Proj ect As s i s tant fo r the Women ' s Economic Agenda Pr oj ect , based i n Oakland , Cal iforni a. She has al so raised 6 kids on welfa r e i n t he cour se of 20 year s . WEAP organ izes poor women aga i ns t t he c ri mi na l izat i on of poverty in t he U. S., whe re our r ulers pr ef er to pay 30 t imes as much t o f os t e r homes or 100 ti mes as muc h to t he pri son sYs t em as theY a l l ow mot her s t o care fo r the i r own kids . WEAP 'S PHONE: (510 )451- 7379; FAX: 451- 7386 WINGS: WOMEN 'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O . BOX 33220 , AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/ FAX (512)4 16- 9000 E-MAIL : wings@ igc .apc. org #8- 95 DE-CRIMINALI ZING POVERTY: THE WOMEN' S ·ECONOMIC AGENDA PROJECT TIME: 28: 53 Rene Pi ca i s Proj ec t As s i stant f or t he Women ' s Economic Agenda Project , based i n Oakland , Cali f or ni a . She has a l so ra ised 6 ki ds on welfare in the cour se of 20 year s. WEAP organizes poor women again s t t he cr imi na l i zati on of poverty in t he U. S. , where our r ule r s pr efer t o pay 30 t imes as much to fos t er homes or '100 times as much to t he pri son sYs t em as theY a l low mo t her s to car e f or the i r own kids . WEAP'S PHON E: (510) 45 1-7379 ; FAX : 451 - 7386 WINGS: WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERI NG SERV ICE P.O. BOX 33220 , AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/ FAX (512)416-9000 E-MA I L: [email protected] .org #8-95 DE -CRIMINALI ZING POVERTY: THE WOMEN' S ECONOMIC AGENDA PROJECT TH1E: 28: 53 Rene Pico is Project Assista nt for the Women ' s Economi c Agenda Pr oJ ec t , based in Oakland, Ca l i f or ni a . She has al so r ai sed 6 ki ds on we l f a r e in the cour s e of 20 Year s . WEAP organi zes poor women aga i nst t he crimi na lizati on of pover t y i n t he U.S., whe r e our r ulers pref er to pay 30 ti mes as much to fo s ter homes or 100 ti mes as much to th e prison sYs tem as t hey all ow mot he r s to ca re f or t he ir own kids. WEAP'S PHONE: (51 0) 451-7379 ; FAX: 451-7386 WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220 , AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/ FAX (512)416-9000 E-MAI L: win gs@i gc .apc .org #8-95 DE-CRIMINALIZI NG POVERTY: THE WOMEN' S ECONOMIC AGENDA PROJECT TIME: 28 :53 Rene Pi ca i s Pr oj ect Ass ist ant f or t he Women' s Economi c Agenda Pr oj ec t, based in Oakland , Cal i f orni a. She has also ra is ed 6 ki ds on wel f ar e i n the cour se of 20 Yea r s. WEAP organi zes poor women aga i nst t he cr imin a li zati on of pover t y i n the U.S ., where our rule r s prefer t o pay 30 ti mes as muc h t o fost e r homes or 100 times as much t o t he pr i son sYstem as t heY al l ow mot hers t o ca re f' or t no-j ," own kids . WEAP' S PHONE: (51Q) 45 1·-7.379 ; FAX: 4.5 1·-7 386 WINGS: WVIEN 1S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/FAX (512)416-9000 E-MAIL: [email protected] #11&12-95 FEMINISTS OF THE WORLD UNITE! Times: PART I - 28:48 PART II - 29:25 On March 8, 1995 - International Women1s Day - WINGS and F.I.R.E. (Feminist International Radio Endeavour) jointlY hosted a major radio event - an international women1s Hconference call Hbetween feminists attending the UN Conference on Social Development (Social Summit) in Copenhagen, representing non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and women journalists in a studio in Texas. Using digital telephony and satellite, this event was originallY broadcast live bY radio stations across the U.S. Participants in the discussion (in order of appearance) : Frieda werden, producer.. WINGS: Women1s International News Gattlering Service Maria Suarez, producer of FIRE (Feminist International Radio Endeavour), which broadcasts live via shortwave from many international conferences around the world. Eugenia Pisa, member of the Development team of Oxfam England, who has been working on getting the international women1s movement1s perspective into the official Draft Platform of Action for the 4th World Conference on Women (in Beijing) as well as the Social Summit, Cairo Population Summit, etc. [Side 1] Maria Emilia Martin.. executive producer.. IILatino USA.. Ha weekly publicradio news/current affairs program Susan Richardson.. member.. editorial board, daily paper "Austin American- StatesmanH- who has written on the Social Summit Fatumata Desiree Jakite from Mali .. Africa - a founder of the Association for the Progress of the Defense of Malian Women1s Rights, and one of the organizers of the 11180 Days/180 Ways Campaign" - former official delegate from Mali to the Human Rights and the Cairo population Summits; now working with NGO women. [Side 1J Ishrat Shameen - Association of the Development Agencies in Bangladesh. Member of Women for Women &steering committee of the Bangladesh national prepcom towards Beijing 1995. [Side 1] Rachel Kite.. International Women's Health Coalition .. who was one of the lobbyists working on getting women1s movement perspective into the official documents of the Social Summit and the Fourth World Conference on Women. [Side 2J Magal; Pineda, Dominican Republic - Latin American &Caribbean Women's Organizing Committee Towards Beijing. [Side 2] Topics included the relationship of macro-economics to the feminization of poverty wor"'ldwide .. and the March 8 demonstration in Copenhagen kicking off the "180 Days/180 Waysll Campaign to make women around the globe aware of issues that will be taken UP at the 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing.. China.. this September. WINGS and FIRE are planning live broadcasts from Beijing, with a probable start date of August 30. Stay tuned! P.S. The UN Radio program "Women" has put out many excellent 14-minute programs on topics that will be dealt with at the Beijing conference. Contact UN Radio in New York at (212)963-3407 for more information. WINGS: WOMEN' S INTERNAT IONAL NEWS GATHER ING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33 220. AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE /FAX (512)416-9000 E-MAI L: wings@i gc .apc .org #9-95 &#10-95 HAWAIIANS' SOVEREIGNTY (speec h bY MILALONI TRASK) TIME S: PART I - 29: 00 PART I I - 28 :42 Mi l a lon'j Trask is Pri me Minister of t he rec ons t i t uted nat i on of the Hawa i i an people. who are demandi ng recogni tion as 8 sovereign . indi genous t ribe bY the Uni t ed St at es . In t he f a ll of 1994. Trask p our~ed out her heart a lon g wi t h her knowledge of Hawa i i an hi s t orY and politics in a one-hour keYnot e addres s at t he In di genous Women 's Network confe r ence on the Whi t e Ea r t h Reser vat i on. The s peech was reco r ded and ed ited f or WINGS bY Agnes Pat a k of KMUD- FM. Among Tras k ' s topic s are the growing mi lita r i zati on of Hawaii . the role of faith i n s t at ecr af t . and how na t i ve Hawa i i ans manage t o have a government withou t any land or buil di ngs of t hei r own . WINGS : WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220 . AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/ FAX (512)416-9000 E-MAIL : wings@i9c #9-95 & #10-95 HAWAI IANS' SOVEREIGNTY (sp eech bY MILALONI TRASK) TI MES: PART I - 29: 00 PART II - 28 :42 Milal oni Tra s k is Prime Mi nister of t he reconstituted nation of the Ha wai ian peopl e, who ar e demandi ng r ecogniti on as a sove r e i gn. i ndi genous tribe bY the Un i ted St at es . In t he fa l l of 1994 , Tras k poured out her heart a long with her knowl edge of Hawa i ian hi s torY and pol itics in a one-hou r keYnote addres s at the Indi genous Women' s Network conference on the Whi te Earth Rese r vat i on . The speech wa s recorded and edited for WINGS bY Agnes Patak of KMUD-FM . Among Tra s k' s t opi cs are t he gr owi ng mi lita r'i zat i on of Hawa i i . t he r ol e of fai t h i n stat ec r aft , and how native Hawa i i ans manage t o have a governmen t wi t hout any l and or bui ld ings of t he i r own. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 * (800)798-9703 * [email protected] ThE:; WI,l\./S::::·;· nf.:::w~:;;'C':.i5t: was i nhie t us: 'Por two mont bs: enct hr."'s now been reorqeni z e d; PeQu] ar ciutibi ng-"'and-'ma i 1 i ng da y,t;;;: are now t hfo;'); Thure cie Y·.v Fr.. i ria V erici E:;'aturd,:::i,V aFter the e econd Tu ets dav each morith, {Submission dee d ; i ne is "i::he Fi rsst: Tue:"5dBj/,,) Hope t.b i e w..~ll help ;""'ou in your ecnedul i riq, 2q13' #14-95 MAY 1995 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S NEWSCAST 1. (7: 07) SWISS WOMEN SEEK POLITICAL EQUALITY. J ncuf:-/DutcL./{e: liThe requisi te</p><p>100,000••• Women's International News Gathering Service. II Pf:.?portE;r: Lori Hieber, Swiss Radio International. an tape: Christine Betonhard, head, Assoc. oT Women in Politics; Suzette Sandeau, MP, Liberal Party. E.I'u.ggeE:.\tf.?d int r o» SWITZERLAND WAS SLOW TO GIVE WOMEN THE VOTE, BUT SWISS WOMEN ARE FORGING AHEAD IN DEMANDING FULL POLITICAL EQUALITY. FRIEDA WERDEN OF WINGS EDITED THIS STORY: ••• 2. (5: 08) STOP THE VIOLENCE MARCH IN WASHINGTON. Lrir'Out: ,: IIFor the 3rd time [chanting TadesJ." Ir::.:·eporter: Elayne CliTt. On t eoe..~ Elenita Muniz, Clothesline Project; Bella Abzug. &lggested intro: THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE SAID ONLY 50,000 DEMONSTRATED IN WASHINGTON APRIL 9, BUT WINGS' REPORTER ELAYNE CLIFT SAW A CROWD SHOULDER TO SHOULDER FROM THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT TO THE CAPITOL, RIVALING THE 300,000 TURNOUT IN 1989. MELANIE WEST EDITED CLIFT~S REPORT: ••• 3. (6: 11) CHINESE WOMEN PREPARE FOR WORLD CONFERENCE. Lrr/Uut:» uThis year ••• -for WINGS, this is Lisa Hayes." On i epe: Huang Quizao, V-P All-China Women's Federation; translator, CWF member Song Wenyan. Interview: Frieda Werden. SLtggested intro: THE ALL-CHINA WOMEN'S FEDERATION STRADDLES THE LINE BETWEEN BEING A NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION AND AN ARM OF THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT. IN THIS STORY, THE VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERATION TELLS WHAT CHINESE WOMEN HAVE PREPARED FOR THE FOURTH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN -- PLANS NOW JEOPARDIZED BY POLITICAL SHAKEUPS IN CHINA. LISA HAYES REPORTS: ••• 4. (5: 02) PAKISTANIS CALL FOR CEDAW RATIFICATION. I n .....'Oui:» "At an I nternat ional Women' 5 Day••• this is Carol Stall. II Scsurce: NaTisa Hoodbhoy. S·pe(E?ker i~ barrister Nausheen Ahmad. lntro: U.S. FIRST LADY HILLARY CLINTON TRAVELED TO PAKISTAN THIS SPRING TO SUGGEST WAYS TO IMPROVE THE LOT OF WOMEN. BUT NEITHER COUNTRY HAS TAKEN THE STEP OF RATIFYING THE U.N. CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN. PAKISTANI FEMINISTS WANT THEIR COUNTRY TO RATIFY THIS SEPTEMBER. CAROL STALL EDITED THIS REPORT: ••• 5. (4: 24) ARAB WOMEN EXHIBIT MODERN ART. Lnroist:» "The work aT contemporary••• [over musicJ P.O. Box 226, LaTayette CA 94549 [USAJ.'· On tBpe: Susan Sterling, curator, National Museum OT Women in the Arts; Salwa Nashishibi, director International Council oT Women in the Arts; Lillian Karnouk, Egyptian multi-media artist. Intro: ARAB WOMEN ARE KNOWN MORE FOR HANDCRAFTS THAN FOR SO-CALLED IIFINE ARTII - BUT A NEW EXHIBIT CALLED "FORCES OF CHANGE" AIMS TO CHANGE THAT IMAGE. MEREDITH PHILLIPS EDITED THE STORY BY BARBARA NIMRI AZIZ: ...</p><p>Thi E:::' (?t:/1 l·:}r~·r7.i ':/f::·l'··'~::'(4::it" .~.... e di t: i an [J,c: l·f/.ll\it;~:::;· l'\l(=II"ltlE.~: i"';I(aE~: p r o duce a t?}/ l::'r" i e de tV:f:~'to. C:/{-::-.· ri' ,J} i.oJ;:i t.t: f~\ .~::.: il3C;'C:' i rEt t t::;· ••t:..,t" tJdul:'c?t" i-iot: l'~~~ L.c:f ,l:: f:er t:.~./.v Cj' ,r-.r C:/ 5 t l:;'t'- .1-'" f.~.}di t: </p><p>C~' to> E,:,: l1:lf~:':.l i:,:l t7 ,1 ri:-' l)lf:~:' £~ t: ,\1 l: i E,';: !:,:( i·:it.~t fr'-'f:::'!:::; .v l~~"i:i' .V' i::-;' l fS,,·t:: i:.=i l .1.1f c:,' ,i"l c:J t·-,;'t:::·r 1St cii '1.': /"1 l:':·/j·.i l 1 i ~~i !:?:= sr Trie t\l.ll\i~:'~~~;. {J r [Jdu c: t: .iC:ln t: t.-::) c.~ IT! f.'trt":::-'t.:i t:53 P\(l~:::,t:~'i{·.l ,~l:'" !.::~' t: l!JC::;'li7tS~' ri' :: !:~': f}C::c:t.~::.~~!:.::.: t CJ E] c:::c:: t: r ori i C~ l'?f:?f::';out" c e:?!::. _.. en" t: /"'':.1 :i r:i i rifl end prf.:;' due: i: i CiT? ..f:"r..:i' c..i 1 i i:.:...... i ,r'.; l::.}I,J f::~ t: i n , 7··£...'.">.\" c?f .~\ N i:'''LIn di l7fJ For tJi I lV'lC71:LS' i .7'::: 'i~:t" om e t: l:,=t t: i or'} f:~:" t...i t: E.::': C:' J~" i tie..r E~~ .f; t: /'j'{::-:' .r::·C~ILLrj' C/c:rt: ,J: or: 'f:LJ t" i.:.;' f.:<·(.~{fj?l:' r!-t £;: ..::.:;,i tJ r'le? t f.~' t:;·c'Jc.:".i f.::- t: ;..·..·.v i,::i- .rj' c:i t~ l'1i~::' ~7'1·~1lnf2!!.::' l';':~::</p><p>}::ICJl..l·~;I· .Iii:::>t··"l:: .~...... ,;; ;~?'t ..l: ,Y /:·:·'t::'ii.} {7 {:it.::'" t· :l C:i l"l H WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 * (800)798-9703 * [email protected] #17-95 & #18-95 KOREAN WOMEN RISING ABOVE ABUSE - CParts I & IIJ ~rom In December 1994, Dr. Kim.Hyung Yung, a .~emi~ist, liberation theologist</p><p>Korea, addressed a gatherlna Or theoloa1an~ _ 1 n r::~c:+:-"" Q_.;,.,.,,,,_ •••h- .J---- ' ... _- '- -- - -' .I; ~,.l":'II"" _ ,.,,- .'._'. ' -,._... .,..,.,..J< . •.. a . " ,. ,m ," WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 * (800)798-9703 * [email protected] .org #15-95 NUCLEAR INDUSTRY IN TEXAS Time: 29:08 Betty Bri n k and Mavis Belisle [b'LYLEJ re anti-nuclear activists in the tat o-f Texas. Both have long opposed the Comanche Peak pow r pi nt in Somervell County; and Mavis runs the Pe c F rm, which keeps permanent vigil over the Pantex plant. Formerly u~ed to build bombs, Pant x is where the U.S. dimantles its warheads (including any to be bought -from Russia) and stores the plutonium, and now wants to use it to recycle tritium gas. Pantex is sited over the Oglal a r e s e r vo i r , used to irrigate crops throughout the Midwest. #16-95 WOMEN, MONEY, AND THE U.N. Time: 28:12 On March 14, 1995, U.S. -first I dy Hi llary Clinton gave a talk honoring -fo r me r -first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Inter national Women's Day, and th 50th a n n i ve r s a r y o-f the United Nations. The introduction by Dr. Na-fis Sadik cr dited Clinton -for announcing a U.S. init i a t i ve to -fund literacy programs ~or women and girls, though WINGS' res arc h shows thi USAID progr m does not involve any new -funds and may now be elimi nated by Congress. The same week, Noeleen Heyzer, director o~ UNIFEM (UN women's -fund) spoke to the U.s . Committee on UNIFEM about her -financial hopes -for that agency and a bo ut its direction in 1995. #17-95 & #18-95 KOREAN WOMEN RISING ABOVE ABUSE - [Parts I & IIJ In December 1994, Dr. Kim Hyung Yung, a ~eminist, liberation theologist ~ r o m Korea, addressed a gathering o~ theologians in Costa Rica, who had come f r om around the world to discuss violence against women. The speech was recorded by Maria Suarez, a producer of the short wave program F.I.R.E. Feminist International Radio Endeavour - and edited ~or WINGS by Lisa Hayes. #17-95 KOREAN WOMEN RISING ABOVE ABUSE - Part I Ti me : 28:36 Professor Kim tells about the sexism she herself suffers as a Korean professional woman, and about her friends who devoted their l i ve s to the poor people's movement, only to see all the progressive movements of Korea in ruins . As an antidote to their despair, she recounts the life story o~ No Subo, one of the Koreans who were enslaved by Japanese troops to be so-called</p><p>" c o m ~ o r t women ll during World War II. Subo's story of surviving and regaining he r self-respect has become a Ilroot story" -For Korean women. #18-95 KOREAN WOMEN RISING ABOVE ABUSE - Part II Time: 28:53</p><p>Dr. Kim analyzes the denial the world turns toward the Ilcomfort woman ll experience, and compares it to the denial around modern prostitution and the present abuses suffered by Korean women. The theologian also deconstructs the me a n i ng of the phrase "litt le brown [fuckJing machine ~illed by rice," often applied to Korean prostitutes, for the insights it can yield about the neo-colonial, patriarchal perspectives on Asia and on women. #19-95 CAROl GILLIGAN : ON w:::MEN'S VOICE TIME: 29:13 In 1982, Harvard psychologist Carol Gil l igan revolutionized psychology wi t h her book II In a Different Voice," which pointed out t he lack of studies of WQfll8ll . Most recent ly she co-authored "Reframing Resistance," which looks at the struggles of adolescent girls. In MaY 1995, Gilligan addressed the AJJstin (Texas) Women's Psychotherapy Project . The speech was recorded for WIt\GS bY Frieda werden and edited bY Hope Lafferty . #20-95 ROBINMORGAN : GLOBAL FEMINISM TIME: 27:47 Robin Morgan, one of the most internationalist of U.S. feminists , has edited the encvclocedta "Si st erhcxx:i Is Global" (1984) and is Internat ional Consul t ing Edi tor</p><p>(fonrer ly Editor-in-Chief ) of "Ms . 1I Magazine . In t his programshe describes her encount ers with feminists of many cul tures, from isolated villages high in the Himalayas to the sands of 5al.,Kji Arabi a. ~ lt. Dc;'!> ~ (;j> ) /~ B 'f fI1 ~/~ j",/EiS '" WII'-K3S: \o01EN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GAll-lERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (51 2)416-9000 • wi ngs@i 9C .apc.Org #1!}-95 CAAQ GILLIGAN: ON WiEN'S VOICE TIME: 29: 13 In 1982, Harvard psychologist Carol Gill igan revolutionized psychology Wi th her book "In a Dif ferent Voice," which pointed out t he lack of studies of women. Most recently she co-aut hored "Reframing Resistance," which looks at the struggles of adolescent gir ls . In</p><p>MaY 1995, Gi 11 igan addressed the AJJsti n (Texas) Women I s Psychotherapy Project. The SP88Ch was recorded for WINGS bY Frieda werden and edited by Hope Laffert y. #20-95 ROBINMORGAN : GLOBAL FEMINISM TIME: 27:47 Rob in Morgan, one of the most internationalist of U.S . fem inists, has edited the encvclcoedta "Sisterhcxx:i Is Global" (1984) and is Int ernat ional Consulting Editor (formerlY Editor-in-Chief) of "Ms." Magazi ne. In t hi s program she describes her encounters wit h feminists of many cultures, from isol ated vi l lages high in t he Himalayas to t he sands of 5al.,Kji Arabi a. ~t:Zc1'l Dt...rn ~. <::-l:> I 7t-"""D ~ i Yi"Jet.../t>.J J c: W(;;-~·7'; Wl t\GS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 • wi ngs@i9C .8PC .org #1 9-95 CAROL GILLIGAN : ON WOMEN'S VOICE TIME: 29: 13 In 1982, Harvard psychologist Carol Gi l l igan revolutionized psychology With her book "In a Different Voice," which pointed out the lack of studies of waren. Most recently she co-aut hored "Ref raming Resistance, " which looks at the struggles of adolescent girls. In</p><p>MaY 1995, Gi 11 igan addressed the Aust in (Texas) Women I s Psychotherapy Project . The speech was recorded for WINGS bY Frieda Werden and edited bY HoPe Lafferty. #20-95 ROBINt"ffiGAN : GLOBAL FEMINISM TIME: 27 :47 Robin Morgan, one of the most int ernat ional ist of U. S. feminists , has edited the encvclceedta "Sisterhood Is Gl obal " (1984) and i s Int ernat ional Consul t ing Editor (fonrer lYEditor-in-Chief ) of "Ms . " Magazine . In t hi s program she descr ibes her encounters with fem inist s of many cultures, from isolated vi l lages high in the Himalayas to t he sands of Sal.,Kji Arabia . ~ t;L-O.'Z[k'1) } eiJ I ltD BY Jn1 {:.~/e: tA/L~ 7, 1 GATHERING SERVICE 78764 USA wings@igc WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS P.O . BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX (5 12)416-9000 * (800)798-9703 * <S£,fJ2 #21 -95 ~ 1995 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN~S NEWSCAST Time: 29:16 1. (5:53) EFFECTS OF ARMED CONFLICT IN AFRICA. I n c l.l e /Dutcue: liThe 4th Wor ld</p><p>Con-Ference . •. Hope La-F-Fe rt y reporting. II On tape: Florence Butegwa, WILDAF (Women i n Law and Deve lopmen€ in A-Frica); Iheoma Obibi - human rights networker . I n t ervi ew: Frieda Werden . Studio: U.N . Radio. & Ig ge s t e d i n tra : BOSNIA IS ONLY ONE OF MANY COUNTRIES WHERE INTERNAL ARMED CONFLICTS ARE DESTROYING WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS. IN THIS REPORT FROM WINGS, TWO AFRICAN WOMEN DISCUSS THE NEED FOR EARLY OUTSIDE INTERVENTION: . .. 2. (4:55) EFFECTS OF NUCLEAR WAR IN IRAQ. I n/ Ou t : lI[chantingJ Stop killing .. .</p><p>Women~s Internat ional News Gathering Service. II On t ape: Pro-Fessor Mona al-Jibbour i, Univ.o-F Baghdad, interviewed by Laura Flanders; editor : Frieda Werden. SUflgE.>.'!;;.tr.?d i ntiros A NEW FORM OF NUCLEAR WAR HAS BEEN DEVISED - USING CONVENTIONAL WAR TO SALT AN AREA WITH RECYCLED NUCLEAR WASTE. THIS STORY FROM WINGS DESCRIBES THE RESIDUAL EFFECTS OF RADIOACTIVE WEAPONS USED ON IRAQ: . . . 3. (5 :45) HOPES FOR NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION. In/ Out: "In May , 178 nat i o ns</p><p>.. • -For WINGS, this is Carol Stall. II On t ap e: Garland Harris, Ci tizens -For an Alternative to Radioactive Dumping; Frieda Werden . I n tra: DESTROYING ATOMIC WEAPONS & PHASING OUT NUCLEAR POWER ARE TWO OF THE GOALS PASSED AT PREPARATORY MEETINGS FOR THE 4TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN. GARLAND HARRIS IS A WOMAN TRYING TO MAKE THOSE GOALS A RE,ALITY - AS CAROL STALL REPORTS FOR WINGS: .• . 4 . (5:09) TIBETANS 8< THE 4TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN. I n/Ou t : "0ne o-F= the c o ntrove rs i e s .• . Fm Lisa Hayes. II So u rces : Maria Suarez , Elayne Cli-Ft. Or: t a p e: Lobs a ng Dechen, Tibetan Nun Project ; Tsering Norzom, Pres. Tibetan Women~s Assoc. (Dharamsala, India); Yang Jin, Pres. Women~s Fed. o-F the Tibet Autonomous Region . I n t r a: TIBETAN REFUGEE WOMEN, WHO HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS GRIEVANCES AGAINST CHINA, SAY THEY'RE NOT BEING ALLOWED TO REGISTER FOR THE 4TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN IN BEIJING. LISA HAYES REPORTS FOR WINGS ON THE TWO SIDES OF THIS CONFLICT: .•. 5 . (5:54) ZONTA 8< UNIFEM. In/o ut: "UNIFEM is the smallest ... Frieda Werden repqrting -For WINGS. II On t.epo: Noe leen Heyzer , Dir., UNIFEM; Chi e -F Folake Solanke, Int ~l Pr e s . o-F ,Zonta. & l g g e s t e d int r o: ZONTA, THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN~S ASSOCIATION, HAS REACHED ITS 75TH BIRTHDAY. IN THIS STORY FROM WINGS, ZONTA RECEIVES APPRECIATION FOR ITS SUPPORT OF UNIFEM: •••</p><p>'- . , . IT you d on~t subscribe to ,WINGS WEEKLY, you missed thesewonder-Ful hal-F-hours. You can orderthem-For :$1() .apiece,or subsc;:ribeandsave24Y.: , . -~ -; .;. • : ," . - \ :,.~:.,~.~ :., : -~" ~ _ ;..::,t. li\~':·' --.') -. . . r :;::\~. :../,',<.".' ,;.:'» ;_,:<: .~,. ' """ . , # 15 - 9 5 THE: ' NUCLEAR :itNl)~STR'( ;·) I N , ; T§ X,~S ' .;.+ , igt~ ~~s t~'oO ~ s , .ac t.i :v'i sts desc l'- i be</p><p>F'an~e;1 ,~~~~~?~,~M~~ :-'h~ci~~'y!:~~: +~~~bjlQf'~ 2,1-f(r'ril~,i!i~Dt'r~'g~S~f':~A:"'~~'~:~: ~- P~:~:~~ve 1t ;</p><p>UNI FErl ' D{ t~t'?c:tOt- I\!C,1E~l een,H e y z e t-'JOrl'i;t h e ,de v e lop'rnen'tt=12u1d ~ '; F'l Lt s~ ,hoi"J < Hi 1 1e r v . ' . .. : :':. ',; . ,.... • " '.:';',. ':, ' . : /.~ :. . e - , --' ,-: -, ': '~' ! '..:.:':_ ..' - , . -~- -, '-" ~ ' : ' :,:,_,,' ..... ·.r ~ ·,·· · . ·: ~ · .;.:~ '" _';: -'" ":,':F< ·S :.-" .' . ".", " ', " ", " .• .... -'" - • Cl i rrt o n ,e >: Ci.q q e t-a:t e d theU ~ S ~ .-', s c p rri n:l,ttment :to,g loba L · 09Cilerts .';1 i t e t-a c y . #17/18':'95 KOREAN 'WOMEN,RIS ING·; A.f30VE :ABUSE,; ' : I '&1 I ,($15-For both) -- Kor een t hEWl og i an Kim Hy u nq .'fu ng ,'t e ll s t.he ; .5t·6t~yo'F ' apo(:n-wolTlan ·FOt~c:ed i. nto S ~?:,:u cd , s l a v e t-y 'f en- t he Japanese i:a-my:"- ;and ,e}:p la i n !:;' t. h i a as a ' ,t-6 o t . s t o r v t=Ot- KOI·- ecl,ns. #19-95 CAROL GILLIGAN ON WOMEN'S VOICE . Sp eec h by t he s c ho l a r who revolutionized psy chology by studyi hg women and girls. ' #20-95 ROBIN MORGAN: GLOBAL FEMINISM. Famous e d i t o r & poet tell s a t= fem i ni sts she h a s me t in r emote v i l l a g e s o t= the w o r l d ~ WINGS : WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 * (8 00 )798- 9703 * wings@igc #22-95 THE FEM INIST PRESS : FLORENCE HOWE Time: 29 : 09 The Femin i s t Pre s s was ~ounded 25 yea rs ago to resurrect lost literary masterpieces by working-class women and women of color . In t h is speech, press Director Florence Howe tells how the press was fou nded, and ho w i t has survived as a nat ional and international resource. FOR CATALOG I NFORMATION, CONTACT THE FEMINIST PRESS, 3 11 E. 94TH STREET, NEW YORK NY 101 28 USA. THEIR PHONE NUMBER IS (212)360 - 5797. Ca s s ettes of ind i vidual WINGS p rog rams a re now 10 - please r e ~er li s t e ner requests ~or cop ies to WI NGS. WINGS: WOMEN'S I NTERNATI ONAL NEWS GATHER ING SERVICE P . o. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512 ) 41 6-9000 * (800) 798-9 703 * wi ngs@i gc. a pc. org #22-95 THE FEM I NIST PRESS: FLORENCE HOWE Time: 29:09 The Femi nist Pre s was founde d 25 years ago to resu r r ect lost literary ma ste rpi e c e s by work ing-c lass women and women of co lor . In t hi s speech, p ress Di rector Florence Howe tel l s how t he press was f ounde d, a nd how it has survi ved as a nati onal and i nter na t i o na l resou rce . FOR CATALOG I NFORMATI ON , CONTACT THE FEM I NI ST PRESS, 31 1 E. 94TH STREET, NEW YORK NY 10128 USA . THEI R PHONE NUMBER I S (21 2 )360-5797. Ca sse t tes o~ indiv idua l WINGS p rograms a re now $10 - please r e~er l i stener requests f o r copies to WINGS. WI NGS: WOMEN PS INTERNATI ONAL NEWS GATHER ING SERVICE P. O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 7876 4 USA (512) 4 16 - 9000 * (8 00)798-9703 * wings@igc .apc .org #22-95 THE FEMINIST PRESS : FLORENCE HOWE Ti me: 29:09 The Femi n i s t Pr e s was ~ ounded 25 ye ars ago to r e s urre c t lost li terar y mast e rpieces by wor king-c lass wome n and women o f c o l ot-. In t hi s speech, press Di r e c t o r F lorence Howe tells how the press was founded, and how it has survi ved as a national and internat ional r source. FOR CATALOG I NFORMATI ON, CONTACT THE FEMINI ST PRESS, 3 11 E. 94TH STREET, NEW YORK NY 101 28 USA. THEI R PHONE NUMBER IS (2 12) 360- 5797. Cassettes o~ i ndivi dual WI NGS programs a re now $1 0 - please r e fer l istener requests ~ o r cop ies to WINGS . WINGS: WOMEN'S I NTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERI NG SERV ICE P. O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 * (800 )798-9703 * wi [email protected] .org #22-95 THE FEMI NIST PRESS : FLORENCE HOWE Ti me : 29 : 09 The F minlst Press was f o u nde d 25 ye a r s ago to r esur r ect lost l iterary masterpleces by working-class women and women of col or . I n this speech, press Dire c t o r F l o r e nc e Howe te lls how t he press was ~o u nded , and how it has survi ved as a na t iona l a nd inter national r e s ource . FOR CATALOG I NFORMATION, CONTACT THE FEMINIST PRESS, 3 11 E. 9 TH STREET, NEW YORK NY 101 28 USA. THEI R PHONE NUMBER IS (212)360-5797 . Cassettes of i nd iv i du a l WINGS programs are now 10 - p I e s e re~ e r l i s t e ne r requests ~or copi s to WINGS. WINGS: WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERI NG SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 7876 4 USA (512)416-9000 * (800 )798 - 9 703 * wi ng s@igc . a pc . o r g #23-95 RADIO P I RATE WOMAN AT GREENHAM PEACE CAMP Ti m : 28 :47 Margaretta D'Arcy i s a n activist who broadc a sts women' s radio "~est iva ls" ~r om an unlicensed t r a nsmitte r i n he r home in Gal way , I rel a nd . Thi s p rogr am begi ns with Donna Ho~~man des c r i b ing D' Arcy's dr ama ti c protests on b e h a l ~ o~ home l e ss women. Tha t ' s Tollowed by D'Arcy 's r e c e nt int e rview with Kat r i na Howse , Ros ie Bremmer, and Ann i ka Jones - activists at Ye llowg ate, the Wome n ' s Peace Camp on Greenham Common, Engl and. The camp was set up in 1981 to get r i d oT t he Cruise missiles p ut i n Engl and by the American military. Now that the Cruise missiles are gone, t he camp protests Tri dent nuclear sy~tems , which they call genocidal weapons. f.·,~g ( e,vcl licer: /i'l!f c'd i#t "Ph; IJ ' tti, tlM.d O Ci¥lYlCi Hoffwtal'\ #24-95 AUDRE LORD F ILM: ADA GAY GRIFFIN, PRODUCER Ti me: 28:24 Audre Lord, the world renowned ATrican American Lesb ian poet, educator and activist, died in 1992 a ~ter a long battle with breast cancer. Duri ng t he last seven years oT her liTe, she cooperated with the making o~ a ~ il m documentary by Ada Gay Gri~~in and Michelle Pa r ke rson . The ~ull-length vers ion oT "A Litany Tor Survival: The Li~ e and Wor k of Audre Lo r d " was releas ed i n 1995. Here, Griffin talks about the mak ing of the film, with inte r v i e we r s Frieda Werden and Trella Laughlin. Program p roducer: Li s a H ye s . "A Litany for Survival" can be rented through Third World Newsreel, 335 W. 38th St ~ 5th Floor, 'New York, N.Y. 10018 USA . Phone: (212) 947-9277. f • " WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 • [email protected] #25-95 JULY 1995 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S NEWSCAST Time: 28:35 1. (6:03) WOMEN HEALING OCEANS. Incue/Outcue: "Among the hundreds of workshops ... this is Frieda Werden reporting. II On tape: Sharon Elizabeth Taylor, Women's Economic Network of Newfoundland &Labrador. Phone number in Logy BaY, Canada: (709)737-8151. Suggested intra: OVERFISHING OF THE OCEANS IS THREATENING FUTURE FOOD STOCKS - AND SOME PEOPLE SAY IT KILLS THE PLANKTON THAT MAKE OXYGEN, AS WELL. AS A SURVIVAL ISSUE, FISHING IS ALSO A WOMEN'S ISSUE - AS YOU WILL LEARN FROM THIS REPORT BY WINGS: ...</p><p>2. (6: 11) TERROR AGAINST WOMEN IN ALGERIA. In/Out: II In 1992, the one-party Algerian government ... Reporting for WINGS, I'm Lisa HaYes."</p><p>On tape: An Algerian woman - pseudonym "Mari-emeh. 1I Interview source: Maria Suarez. Suggested intra: GUERRILLA VIOLENCE IN THE NAME OF ISLAM HAS BEEN TARGETED AGAINST ALGERIAN WOMEN FOR SEVERAL YEARS. IN THIS STORY FROM WINGS, A WOMAN ASKS THAT ASYLUM BE GRANTED TO ALGERIAN WOMEN - AND NOT TO FANATICS WHO COMMIT ATROCITIES AT HOME: ... 3. (5:25) POLITICAL CLOUT OF U.S WOMEN. "Mildred Jeffrey, the first Director of the Women's Department in the Autoworkers' Union ... [over applause] National Women's Studies Association Conference in Oklahoma</p><p>CIty in June. II Tape recorded bv: Frieda Werden. Suggested intro: NEARLY HALF THE WOMEN WHO VOTED IN THE 1992 U.S. ELECTIONS FAILED TO RETURN TO THE POLLS IN 1994. AFTER THE SHOCK OF THE RIGHT-WING LANDSLIDE, FEMINISTS ARE MOBILIZING TO REGAIN THEIR POLITICAL CLOUT [ll c l owt "J . HOPE LAFFERTY REPORTS FOR WINGS: ... 4. (3:47) POLITICAL CLOUT OF SWEDISH WOMEN. In/Out: liThe women of Sweden had a successful mobilization ... in the forefront. For WINGS, I'm Hope Lafferty,lI On tape: Kari Molen, reporter, "Dai1y News," Stockholm. Interview b.Y: Elayne Clift. Suggested intra: SWEDISH WOMEN EXPERIENCED POLITICAL BACKLASH IN 1992, BUT CAME BACK STRONGER THAN EVER IN THE '94 ELECTIONS. THEIR STRATEGY IS OUTLINED IN THIS REPORT FROM WINGS.: ... 5, (5:02) FEMINISTS IN THE MICRO RADIO MOVEMENT. In/out: "Df vers t tv in</p><p>U.S. radio ... for WINGS, I'm Frieda Werden reporting. 1I On tape: Diane Post, programmer, Arizona Free Radio, Phoenix. Suggested intra: FEMINISTS IN AN ARIZONA COMMUNITY WERE UNABLE TO GET AIRTIME ON COMMERCIAL OR PUBLIC RADIO, SO THEY JOINED THE EMBATTLED IIMICRO-RADIOII MOVEMENT. HERE'S THE STORY FROM WINGS: WINGS: WOMEN1S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 • [email protected] #26-95 THE TRANSGENDER MOVEMENT & THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT: LESLIE FEINBERG Tirr:e: 28:33</p><p>Leslie Feirlber9, author of the novel "St one Butch Blues ll addressed the [U.S.] National Women1s Studies Association on June 25, 1995, on the controversial subject of the relationship between the feminist movement and the transgender movement. Recorded by Frieda Werden.</p><p>---._.__.._---</p><p>'~~""------'. _~ _., ~~._~ ..<~--- ._...... ~-~-_-.-.. WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 * (800)798-9703 * [email protected] #27-95 PROBLEr-1S OF BELl ZE: DEBBIE EWENS Time: 28:24 Belize, on the Caribbean coast o~ Central America, was a colony o~ Britain until 1981. According to Belizean magazine publisher Debbie Ewens, the country is ~oundering economically: its raw materials production involves too ~ew people; its rain ~orest is more than half gone; it manu~actures almost nothing. Ewens sees Belize's politicians buying into a new colonial relationship with the United States; but she is doing her part to help her countrywomen and -men towards sel~-su~ficiency. Address to order magazines "Keypoint" and "Forum": #1 YOUNG STREET, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE CCENTRAL AMERICAJ. #28-95 WHY WE NEED ALL-WOMAN SPACES: DALE SPENDER Time: 29:00 This is a digitally-remastered version of the most popular program WINGS ever produced - a humorous yet incisive 1987 speech by the world-~amous feminist linguist, Dr. Dale Spender. Australian-born, educated in London, Spender is the author o~ numerous books, including "Reflecting Men at Twice Their Natural Size," and "Women of Ideas and What Men Have Done to Them." She is the ~ounding editor o~ "Women's Studies International Forum" magazine , and her latest venture is a ~orthcoming "International Women~s Studies</p><p>Encyclopedia. II WOMEN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM can be ordered ~rom Pergamon, 660 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591-5153 USA. Free samples in the US by e-mail: [email protected]. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA Phone (512)416-9000 • e-mail [email protected] #29-95 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: LANI GUIN IER Time: 29 :00 In talking about affirmative action, I realize I'm addressing a very difficult subject - "Is equal the same as equitable ." - Lani Guinier In 1993, Pres ident Clinton withdrew Lani Guinier's nomination to be assistant US Attorney General for Civil Rights, depriving her of the chance to defend her i deas on ra ci al equity before Congress. In 1994, she pUblished "The Tyranny of t he Majority," proposing ways to empower political minorities. Here she applies ler concepts to affirmative action, the concept of redesigning employment and ~ c h o o l admissions to assure inclusion of women and minorities. #30-95 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: BETTY FRIEDAN Time: 28:57 Suggested air date: Week of August 26 (Women 's Equality Day) "r i edan ' s 1963 book "The Feminine Mystique" debunked the media stereotype that women bel ong only in the home and kicked off the modern women 's movement. This vear her group Women, Men &Media found a precipitous decrease in the front-page cover age of women in U.S. newspapers. Friedan says this combined with massive i ob l ayoffs affecting white men heralds danger for women' s affirmative action gai ns , and indicates the need to organi ze coalitions on core issues. WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 * [email protected] #32-95 AUGUST 1995 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S NEWSCAST Time: 29:08 1. (6: 26) AUNG SAN SUU CHI 8c BURMESE PROSTITUTES. InCI'..I'E~/L}U-t:CLlr:?,~ llHer name is Aung San••• Additional research, Tammy Gomez. This is the Women's International</p><p>News Gathering Service. II On tape: Khin Omar, Burmese political re~ugee. Ek:N..rrc e : Dara Hull. Edi t or s Hope La~~erty. 1~:·:r'cr2·pt.,~ Frieda Werden. ,Suggested intra: BURMA'S NOBEL LAUREATE AUNG SAN SUU CHI HAS BEEN RELEASED FROM HOUSE ARREST, BUT BURMA'S MILITARY REGIME STILL GRIPS THE COUNTRY. 2. (6: 25) AUSTRALIAN SEX TOURISTS IN THE PHILIPPINES. In./t}ut.: IIFifteen Australian women just returned ••• Women on the Line. This is the Women's</p><p>International News Gathering Service. 1I On tape: Meredith Burgmann, Labor member New South Wales Legislative Council; interviewer Karen James. Interview eource» "Women on the Line. II S·'f.:i irit r os SEX TOURISM IS NOT ONLY A PROBLEM FOR THE HOST COUNTRY, BUT FOR THE COUNTRIES THAT THE SEX TOURISTS COME FROM. AUSTRALIAN AND FILIPINA WOMEN HAVE FORMED A COALITION AGAINST SEX TOURISM TO SEE WHAT THEY CAN DO ABOUT THE ISSUE. KAREN JAMES. REPORTS: ••• 3. (5:06) ALLIANCE AGAINST TRAFFICKING. "A global alliance against tra-f- ficking in women••• ~or WINGS, I'm Meredith Phillips.1I On tape: Lin Lapp, Foundation Against Tra~~icking in Women, Netherlands; interviewer, Frieda Werden. Intra: THE GLOBAL ALLIANCE AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN IS SEEKING AN INTERNATIONAL DEFINITION OF TRAFFICKING, AND AN INTERNATIONAL APPROACH TO SOLVING THE PROBLEM. MEREDITH PHILLIPS REPORTS: ••• 4. (6:01) AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL REPORT ON WOMEN'S HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHINA. In/OLlt: "'Locked up ~or years ~or joining the pro-democracy movement ••• This is the Women's International News Gathering Service. Wi tape: Kath Davey, Amnesty International; interviewer, Karen James. Intra: EVER SINCE CHINA WAS SELECTED AS THE SITE FOR THE 4TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN, PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ASKING "WHY CHINA? DON'T THEY HAVE A TERRIBLE RECORD ON WOMEN'S RIGHTS?U NOW AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL HAS ANALYZED WOMEN'S HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHINA. KAREN JAMES REPORTS: 5. (3:44) DON'T BLAME CHILDCARE! Lnr' IIIn the U.S., as in Eastern Europeo •••. ~or WINGS, I'm Carol Poze~sky in New York. II On tape: author Geraldine Youcha. Intra: WHERE IS IT WRITTEN THAT CHILDREN MUST HAVE A FULL- TIME STAY-AT-HOME MOTHER? NOT IN u.S. HISTORY. HERE~S A REPORT FROM WINGS: explains global macro-economic manipulation in plain terms and vivi(j picturesu (WI~!GS clas~sic from 1987, digitall.y re~mastel'-edM) #30-95 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: BETTY FRIEDAN. Mother 0+ modern +eminism & #29-95 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: LANI GUINIER. President Clinton didn~t have the nerve to appoint this woman to her cabinet; she has ideas about equality that lnclude re-dividing the pie. #28-95 WHY WE NEED ALL-WOMAN SPACES: DALE SPENDER. The most popular WINGS program 0+ all time - a witty speech by the famous Australian linguist, proving who really is the talkative sex. #27-95 PROBLEMS OF BELIZE: DEBBIE EWENS. Belizean journalist hopes to convince her compatriots that sel+-su++iciency is better than +oreign goods. CALL 1-800-798-9703. We'll invoice you. These half-hours are $10 each - 2 ~or $18 - or 13 ~or $99 rWINGS WEEKLY subscriber rate]. WINGS : WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA Phone / FAX (512)416- 9000 #34/35-95 GLOBAL TRIBUNAL ON VIOLAT IONS OF WOMEN' S HUMAN RIGHTS - Par t I &II "Women's right s are human r i cht s " i s a rally ing cry of t he globa l women ' s movement - especi a l l y si nce t he Global Tr i bunal on Vi ol at i ons of Women 's Human Rights was held at the UN World Conference on Human Ri ght s in Vienna 1993. The wrenchi ng per sona l testimonies of 33 women given t here have influenced i nt ernat i ona l in vest i gat ions and policy changes and he l ped set the agenda of t he 4th Wor ld Confer ence on Women. In the summer of 1995 , FIRE (Femi ni st Internat i onal Radio Endeavour ) released a s ix - par t documentary showcasing the t es t imoni es with act i on updates. The ser i es was funded by UNIFEM; core funder for FIRE is t he Foundation f or a Compass i onat e Soc iet y. This maili ng cont a i ns parts 1 & 2, lightly edi t ed for re-distri but i on i n WINGS. #34-95 Global Tribunal , Part I - Human Ri ght s Abuses in the Famil Y 21;0i.{ #35-95 Global Tri buna l , Par t II - War Crimes Agains t Women 2 q ~ C) FIRE can be heard daily on Radi o fo r Peace Internationa l. For schedules, write RFPI , Box 88, Santa Ana, Costa Ri ca. WINGS: WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA Phone / FAX (512)416-9000 #34/35-95 GLOBAL TRIBUNAL ON VIOLATIONS OF WOMEN' S HUMAN RIGHTS - Par t I & II "Women ' s rights are human r i ght s" is a ra l l yi ng cry of the gl obal women's movement - especiallY s i nce the Gl oba l Tr ib una l on Vi ol at i ons of Women's Human Rights was held at the UN World Conference on Human Ri ght s in Vienna 1993 . The wrenchin g per sona l t est imoni es of 33 women given t here have influenced in ternat i ona l in ves t i gat i ons and policy changes and helped set the agenda of the 4t h Wo rld Conf erence on Women . In t he summer of 1995, FIRE (Femi ni s t Inte r nat i onal Radio Endeavour ) released a si x-par t documentary showcas i ng the t esti moni es wi t h action updat es. The ser i es was funded bY UNI FEM' cor e funder for FIRE is t he Foundat i on fo r a Compassionate Societ y . th i s maili ng contains parts 1 &2, li ght lY edi t ed for re-d i s t ri buti on in WINGS. #34-95 Global Tri bunal , Par t I - Human Ri ght s Abuses in the Fami lY #35-95 Global Tribunal, Part I I - War Crimes Against Women FIRE can be heard daily on Radio f or Peace Internationa l . For schedul es , write RFPI , Box 88, Sant a Ana , Cos t a Rica . WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNAT I ONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220~ Austin TX 78704 USA Phone/FAX: (5 12 ) 4 16 - 90 0 0 Dear station subscribers: Pl e a s e ac~eo~ my apologies ~ o r ca l a ye d program deliver y dur-ing & after the China conference. It s~rained hum2n endurance more ~han expected. Things are great here now. I 'm well, & Hope Lafferty & Eliza Graney haVE r-edesigned the s~udio & office, to make room for nine women who are logging ~ editing tape.from BeiJing/Huairou. The programs enclosed & recent newscast are t he first fruits of our joi l labor . Numbers 38 & 39 were made by f irst-time producers who learned the Microsound Digital Audio Workstation ~his week. (It 's an easy system to learr & teach - call me if you're thinking aoout getting a DAW.) Our goal now is to have each staLion equipped with a backlog of at least two programs by the end of October, & to retain that lead so you won't be caught short of material in future. [Feel free to rearrange the order if you want the most timely items, such as the newscasts, to "play through. "] I'd also like to know if any subscribers would rather get WINGS from U.S public radio satellite, not cassette. It's more hassle for you, & more expens for us, but faster than the mails. All best wishes, & thanks for your hard work in this medium. Frieda Werden, producer WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA Phone/FAX: (512)416-9000 * * * * (Mailed on Back of Newscast] * * * * #37-95 GLOBAL TRIBUNAL ON VIOLATIONS OF WOMEN'S HUMAN RIGHTS, PART III: Violat1ons of the Bodily Integt-ity of Women TIME: 29:08 FIRE (Feminist International Radio Endeavour) has produced a 6-part series on the landmark Tribunal on Violations of Women's Human Rights held in Vienna during the United Nations World Conference on Human Rights. The testimonies on Bodily Integrity are from Sudan, the Netherlands, Canada, Nicaragua, and Peru, and deal with ~emale genital mutilation, forced prostitution, rape, destructive medlcal procedures, and enforced heterosexuality. The program ends wlth comments by some of the judges on lega l systems that are still mainly by and for men. Maria Suarez narrates. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * #38-95 MANSTREAM MEDIA: JUdy Rebic k & Kamla Bhasin TIME: 28:16 "Manstream Media" t-efers to the strikingly male-dominated content of so-called mainstream media. Canadian feminist news commentator Judy Rebick discusses how the content of the news is selected - both by the media and by the women who demur when asked to appear. Surprisingly, an increase in women reporters doesn't naturally lead to an increase in women interviewees~ she says. because of the ways news is constructed. Kamla Bhasin from India. a correspondent for Isis International, re~lects on U.S. corporate domin~tion of the news stream in other countries. and the need for alternatives. These soeeches from plenar ies of the NGO Forum of the the 4th World Con~erence on Women were recorded by Frieda Werden and produced by Sarah Wise. #39-95 WAITING ~OR HILLARY TIME: 28:29 U.S. First Lady Hillary Clinton's speech to the NGO Forum of the 4th Wo r l d Conference on Women 1n Huairou. China. has been widely commented on but onl y WINGS bri ngs you the ent i re panOr 3ma o~ the event. Tape recorded and nar rated cy Fr1eda Werden; prOduced by Ellza Graney. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA Phone/FAX: (512)416-9000 #40-95 PEACEMAKERS: ISRAELI ANAT MAYOR, PALESTINIAN EMILY SHIHADEH TIME: 29:10 Twenty years Or grassroots peacemaking earned educator ANAT MAYOR [ahn-OTT mah-YORJ a seat in the Israeli Knesset where she is Vice-Deputy Speaker representing the peace-oriented Maretz Party~ which along with the Labor Party ~orms the ruling coalition that signed the peace accord. EMILY SHIHADEH, a Palestinian-American Quaker, per~orms songs rrom her one-woman show IIGrapes & Figs are in Season," and talks o~ her Li Fe and the occup,ation. Both parts were recorded and produced by Catherine Girardeau. Mayor spoke in Taipei, Taiwan, at the Feminist Summit Tor Global Peace in August 1995; Shihadeh perrormed at the Noe Valley Ministry in San Francisco. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA Phone/FAX: (512)416-9000 #40-95 PEACEMAKERS: IS~:AELI ANAT MAYOR, PALESTINIAN EMILY SHIHADEH TIME: 29:10 Twenty years o~ grassroots peacemaking earned educator ANAT MAYOR Cahn-OTT mah-YORJ a seat in the Israeli Knesset where she is Vice-Deputy Speaker representing the peace-oriented Maretz Party, which along with the Labor Party rorms the ruling coalition that signed the peace accot"d. EMILY SHIHADEH. a Palestinian-American Quaker, perrorms songs ~rom her one-woman show "Grapes & Figs are in Season," and talks o~ her li~e and the occupation. ' Both parts were recorded and produced by Catherine Girardeau. Mayor spoke in Taipei, Taiwan, at the Feminist Summit for Global Peace in August 1995; Shihadeh per~ormed at the Noe Valley Ministry in San Francisco. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA Phone/FAX: (512)416-9000 [no e- mail now] ~I O V, #41-95 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S NEWSCAST (Sept/Get) TIME: 29:08 1. (6:27) OJR BOOIES, CURSELVES - AN INTERNATIONAL SLCCESS sro«. In/Cutcues: "OJr Bodies OUrselves first emerged ... Sarah Wise reporting for WINGS. " en tape: Nancy Miriam Hawley, co-author." Tape source: Frieda Werden. SU9gasted intra: IF KNOWLEOOE IS FQ.JER, ALITTLE PUBLICATION CALLED "CUR BCXlIES, OJRSELVES" IS Q\lE OF THE MJST POWERFUL BCO<S IN THE ItJeRLD. FRa1 WINGS, HERE'S ASTrny A80JT I-Q.J IT GREW: ... 2. (6:31) VALUING UNWAGED 1,..,ffiK. In/OJtcues: "Non-govemmental lobbyists were ... edited by Carol Stall for the Women 's International News Gathering Service. I'm Frieda Werd81 reportins." 07 tape: Margaretta D' Arcy, Internat iona1 Women Count Network. Tape source: Frieda Werden. Intra: ARGUABLY THE GREATEST SLCCESS sro« OF THE 4TH VffiLD CONFERENCE ON W1EN WAS PERSUADING GOVERNMENTS TO FOLLCM THROJ3H ON VALUING wa1EN'S UNWAGED ItJeRK. LOBBYISTS FROM 'THE WOMEN COUNT NETWORK HELPED THE DELEGATES WHO SUPPORTED THE ISSUE FIND ROOMS THAT HAD BEEN CHANGED, PLIED THEM WITH DATA, AND EVEN TOOK NOTES THROUGH HOURS OF TEDIOUS DISCUSSION. FINALLY THE MEETINGS WERE MJVED TO CLOSED SESSION. FRIEDA WERDEN WAS THERE: . .. 3. (5:22) ZAPATISTA LIAISON RAPED. In/Oitcues: "Cecil ta Rodriguez, the U.S. liaison ... I'm Carol Stall reporting for WINGS." en tape: Cecilia Rodriguez, coordinator, National Commission for Democracy in Mexico, USA. Tape source: Teresa Taylor. Intra: AU.S. CITIZEN WHO HAS BEEN AN ACTIVE SUPPORTER OF THE ZAPATISTA MOVEMENT REPORTS BEING THE VICTIM OF APOLITICAL RAPE IN CHIAPAS, MEXICO. ·MEXICO. CAROL STALL REPORTS: ... 4. (2:46) LESBIANS CRGANIZE IN THE PHILIPPINES. tn/a«, "CK , my name's Jeannie ... I 'm Lisa HaYes." 07 tape: Jeannie Villar, coordinator, Women Supporting Women Committee. Source: Lisa Hayes. Intra: MJST LESBIAN WOMEN IN ASIA ARE CBLIGED TO MARRY MEN, AND KEEP THEIR RELATIONS WITH WOMEN VERY QJIET. BUT AGROJP IN THE PHILIPPINES IS TRYING TO BRING LESBIANS . INTO THE MAIN STREAM: ...... 5. (2:47) TAHITIANS OPPOSE FRENCH NLCLEAR TESTING. In /OJt: "France resumed nuclear testing ... &cultural products. This is the Women's International News Gathering Service. " en tape: Chantal Spitz, author, The Island af Shattered Dreams. Source: Women on the Line, Melbourne. Intra: CHECK THAT CHEESE YOU'RE ABOUT TO BUY - IT MAY HAVE CO'1E FROM FRANCE. THERE'S ABOYCOTT ON TO PROTEST JACQUES CHIRAC'S OBSTINATE TESTING OF NLCLEAR BOMBS IN THE PACIFIC. HERE'S MORE: ... 6. (3:23) SWEET AD-o-LINE! In/Cut: "Sweet Adelines Int emat ional ... For WINGS, I'm Eliza GraneY." en tape: Weekend Edit ion barbershop euar-tet , Source: Sweet Ade1oj nes Internat iona1. Intra: BARBERSI-rP QJARTETS ARE NATIJRALLY ASSCCIATED MAINLY WITH MEN - BUT WOMEN HAVE ALSO BEEN ORGANIZED TO DO THIS ACAPELLA SINGING STYLE FOR THE PAST 50 YEARS. ELIZA GRANEY~ (IIGRAIN-y") REPCRTS: ... #42-95 GLOBAL TRIBUNAL ON VIOLATIONS OF WOMEN "S HUMAN RIGHTS, Part IV: Violations of Socia-Economic Human Rights of Women. TIME: 28:31 Series from FIRE (Feminist International Radio Endeavour), covers testimony at the World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna (1993) &ppliCY changes it engendered. Women from the Caribbean, Bangladesh, Philippines, & the U.S. ~C~e.VercLe. $, CM.;{t., ------IF YOU'RE NOT SUBSCRIBING TO WINGS WEEKLY, HERE'S WHAT YOU 'VE BEEN MISSING: #40-95 PEACEMAKERS: ISRAELI &PALESTINIAN. Anat Maar, deputy speaker of the Israeli Knesset & EmilY Shihadeh, Palestinian Quaker performance artist. #39-95 WAITING FOR HILLARY. The hOOPlah around First LadY Clinton's SPeeCh in Huairou, China, and speech in its entirety . ' #38-95 MANSTREAM MEDIA. Canadian feminist TV host JudY Rebick &Isis International correspondent Kamla Bhasis, on media panels at the 4th World Conference on women, discuss about how news is selected . WINGS: WOMEN 'S INTERNAT IONAL NEWS GATHERING SER VICE P. O. Box 33220, Aus t i n, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * w i [email protected] g Web Address : http://www.w i #43- 95 RIFFAT HASSAN, ISLAMIC FEMINIST THEOLOGIAN Time: 28:52 Prof. Hassan t o1d a pl enary of the Non- Gover nment a1Forum of t he 4th Wor l d Confe re nce on Women t hat f erni ni st t heology i s t he most cruci a1 st r at egy f or l tber attnq Islami c women. In her analysi s, 'inequality of t he sexes entered Is lam th ro ugh t he Chr ist ia n i nt erpr et at i on of the Bib l i cal sto ry of Adam and Eve, Pr of. Hassan, a Paki stani ) current ly t eaches at the University of Loui sv il le (Kent ucky, USA). Recor ded in China by Fr i eda Werden; edited by Mary O'G rady. #44-95 HEMP RE-LEGALIZATION Time: 29:05 Cult ivat ion of t he hemp plan t , from which th e drug mar ijuana i s der ived, has been il legal in t he U.S. for six decades. Mar ia nne Wizard i s an act iv ist f or hemp re-l egali zati on in Tex as, and Glo r ia Cast i l lo cons ults w ith f armer s in Mexi co about the non-drug mar kets fo r t he crop. Interview er: Fri eda Werden. Editor: Caro l Sta ll, WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * [email protected] #45-95, FEMINIST SUMMIT FOR GLOBAL PEACE TIME: 28:58 A Feminist Summit for Global Peace was convened by Taiwanese Senator t Annette Lt>~ and featured speeches by Peace Builders: Dorothy H. E. Cooper, Liberia's former Foreign Minister; Dr. Louise Diamond, Executive Director of the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy; and Martina Gredler, an Austrian Member of the European Parliment. ~~. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * [email protected] #46-95, January 1996 International Women's Newscast. Time: 29:0~ 1. (3:49) US MILITARY RETLTRNING TO THE PHILIPPINES. Incue/Outcue: "Four years after its bases... this is the Women's International News Gathering Serv:kellOn tape: Myrla Baldanado, Deputy Secretary General of the Free Phillippines Coalition Source: Stephanie Vevers for the Foundation for a Compassionate Society Editor: Sara Wise Script: Sara Wise 2. (5:56) PAPAL INFALLIBILITY. Incue/Outcue: "To say something is infallable.....I'm Eliza Graney reporting for WINGS" On tape: Carla Helwig, Catholic lay minister of the Roman Catholic Church. Source: Eliza Graney Editor: Eliza Graney Script: Eliza Graney 3. (4:19) ABORTION CLINIC HARASSMENT. Incue/Outcue: " I'm Mary O'Grady.... Dina Weinstein in New York" On tape: Donna Lieberman, New York Civil Liberties Union, Marie Carroll, chairperson of Nassua County NOWRepro Rights Task Force. Source: Dina Weinstein Editor: Mary O'Grady Script: Mary O"Grady 4. (4:59) LABOR ISSUES AT THE FOURTH WORLD CONFERENCE ONWOMEN. Incue/Outcue: " It's several weeks now... you're listening to Women on the Line. OJ tape: Laura Foo, Asian Law Caucus, Source: Women on the Line Editor: Frieda Werden Script: Frieda Werden 5. (5:53) WOMEN OFVIETNAM. Incue/Outcue:" At the U.N. Fourth ....for WINGS, I'm Eliza Graney On tape: Truong My Hoa, president, Vietnam National Committe for the Advancement of Women.. Source: Frieda Werden Editor: Eliza Graney Script: Eliza Graney 6. (2:43) THE RETURN OFSPINSTERHOOD. Incue/Outcue:" Singular women reclaiming spinsterhood..... "Singular Women: Reclaiming Spinsterhood." On tape: Jocelyn Scutt, editor of "Singular Women: Reclaiming Spinsterhood" Source: Women on the Line Editor: Eliza Graney & Sara Wise We have had some difficulties with our last two mailings. For those of you who missed any of our broadcast please contact us and we will send you replacements. Thank you for your patience. WEHAVE A WEB PAGE! LISTEN TO WINGS ON REALAUDIO AT</p>

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