A. Stratified Squamous Nonkeratinized

A. Stratified Squamous Nonkeratinized

<p> 1.During diphtheria a fibrinous exudate may be formed on the surface of the true vocal cords. What type of epithelium lines true vocal cords? A. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized B. Pseudostratified ciliated C. Stratified squamous keratinized D. Simple squamous E. Simple cuboidal</p><p>2.The patient complains of dryness in a nose. The wall of a nasal cavity reveals functional insufficiency of mucous glands. What layer of a mucosa of a nasal cavity are these glands located in? A. Lamina propria of a mucosa B. Submucosa C. Epithelial plate D. Muscular plate E. Fibro-cartilage plate</p><p>3.Normally urine doesn't contain cells of a blood. What structure of a nephron prevents their entering in primary urine? A. Basal membrane of capillaries of a glomerulus B. Juxtavascular cells C. Mesangial cells D. Outer epithelium of capsule E. Epithelium of loop of Нenle</p><p>4.During breathing some particles of dust may be inhaled. In what cells of lung it is possible to find out particles of dust? A. Alveolar macrophages B. Pericytes of capillaries C. Respiratory epitheliocytes D. Secretory epitheliocytes E. Endotheliocytes of capillaries</p><p>5. During the urine analysis the acid reaction is revealed. What cells of kidney acidify a urine? A. Dark cells of collecting tubules B. Cells of macula densa C. Juxtaglomerular cells D. Juxtavascular cells E. Interstitial cells of a stroma</p><p>6.On a slide of a kidney are distinguished nephrons, which are posed on border of a cortex and a medulla, have the same diameter of afferent and efferent arterioles. What function will be impaired at their damage? A. Shunting of a blood at an intensive circulation B. Synthesis of a renin C. Synthesis of prostaglandins D. Activity of a sodium receptor E. Erythropoietin synthesis 7.On an electron microphotograph a part of a nephron is revealed, cells of which have cuboidal shape, brush border at their apical surface and basal striations at their basal part. Name the part of nephron. A. Proximal tubule B. Distal tubule C. Collecting tubule D. Thin tubule E. Capsule of nephron</p><p>8.Lung alveoli contain cells, through which the gas exchange is carried out; they are a part of blood-air barrier. What are these cells? A. Alveolar cell type І B. Alveolar macrophages C. Clara cells D. Alveolar cell type II E. With microvilli</p><p>9.The cells of an endocrine complex of a kidney are localized under an endothelium in a wall of afferent and efferent arterioles, their cytoplasm contains renin, which promotes rising of blood pressure. What is the name of these cells? A. Juxtaglomerular B. Mesangial C. Polkissen D. Cells of a macula densa E. Interstitial cells</p><p>10. In the analysis of urine the cells of loop of Henle of the nephron are found out. What epithelium lines the wall of a loop of Henle? A. Simple squamous B. Columnar ciliated C. Cuboidal D. Columnar E. Cuboidal with brush border</p><p>11. In a kidney the portion of a distal convoluted tubule is studied, locating between afferent and efferent arterioles. Its cells have densely condensed nuclei and don’t lie on a basal lamina. How is this structure called? A. Macula densa B. Polkissen cells C. Mesangial cells D. Juxtavascular cells E. Juxtaglomerular cells</p><p>12. During the second month of an embryogenesis the formation of a secondary kidney (metanephros) begins. What sources is it formed from? A. Metanephrogenic tissue B. Nephrotome C. Nephrotome, nephrogenic tissue D. Nephrogenic tissue E. Volf's (mesonephric) duct 13. In the urine of a woman with kidney disease the blood cells and fibrinogen are found out. It may be connected with damage of the renal filter. What structures does the filter consist of? A. Endothelium of capillaries, trilayered basal membrane, podocytes B. Trilayered basal membrane C. Endothelium of capillaries, basal membrane D. Podocytes, basal membrane E. Endothelium, podocytes</p><p>14. In a kidney the tubules lined by a cuboidal epithelium with light and dark cells are revealed. Light cells contain little amount of organelles, their cytoplasm forms microfolds. They provide reabsorption of water from primary urine into the blood. Dark cells structurally resemble parietal cells of a stomach. What is the name of the tubules? A. Collecting tubules B. Proximal tubules C. Distal tubules D. Thin tubules E. Thick tubules</p><p>15. On an electron microphotograph the opened vesicles are submitted, lined by one-row of epithelium with respiratory and secretory cells. How is this structure called? A. Alveolus B. Bronchiole C. Acinus D. Alveolar duct E. Terminal bronchiole</p><p>16. In epithelium of conductive portion of respiratory system the cells with well expressed organelles of synthesis are determined. What are these cells? A. Clara cells B. Endocrine C. Goblet D. Pneumocyte II E. Stem</p><p>17. At premature children the set of symptoms of respiratory failure develops. Unsufficient amount of what component of blood-air barrier gives this pathology? A. Surfactant B. Basal membrane of an endothelium C. Endothelium of capillaries D. Basal membrane of pneumocytes E. Alveolocytes</p><p>18. At the patient with an acute rhinitis the hyperemia and increased mucopoiesis in a nasal cavity is revealed. Activity of what cells of an epithelium of a nasal mucosa is increased? A. Goblet B. With villi C. Ciliated D. Basal E. Endocrine 19. It is known, that the important component of blood-air barrier is surfactant, which prevents collapse of alveoluses during an exhalation. What cells of alveoluses synthesize phospholipids, participating in creation of this complex? A. Type II pneumocytes B. With brash border C. Type i pneumocytes D. Alveolar macrophages E. Endothelium of capillaries</p><p>20. In the analysis of urine of the patient have revealed erythrocytes. Where is the localization of pathological process possible? A. In a filtrational barrier B. In collecting tubules C. In a proximal tubules of a nephron D. In distal tubules of a nephron E. In a thin segment of a nephron</p><p>21. At the patient 50 years with a chronic nephritis the anemia was developed. What is the probable reason of an anemia at this patient? A. Dropping production of erythropoietin B. Absence of gland C. Absence of vitamin b12 D. Infringement of synthesis of a porphyrin E. Immunological damage of cells - precursors of an erythrogenesis</p><p>22. In urine of the patient the glucose is found out at its normal amount in a blood. What process of a kidney is broken? A. Reabsorption in a proximal tubules of a nephron B. Filtration C. Reabsorption in distal a tubules of a nephron D. Reabsorption in distal tubules because of failure of a secretion of ADH E. Reabsorption in thin tubule</p><p>23. Through a bronchoscope of a child have removed inhaled button from the right primary bronchus. What epithelium of a bronchus is damaged by foreign subject? A. Pseudostratified ciliated B. Stratified keratinized C. Simple columnar D. Transitional E. Simple squamous</p><p>24. In experiment at an animal by narrowing a renal artery, the rising blood pressure is received. The rising function of what cells of kidney causes this effect? A. Juxtaglomerular cells B. Cell of a macula densa C. Interstitial cells D. Endothelial E. Podocytes</p><p>25. At the patient with edemas in its urine there is a plenty of protein. What part of a nephron is damaged? A. Renal corpuscle B. Proximal tubule C. Distal tubule D. Ascending part of a loop of Henle E. Descending part of a loop of Henle</p><p>26. On a microphotograph of a fragment of a kidney the afferent arteriole is submitted, in which under an endothelium the large cells containing secretory granules are visible. Name the given kind of cells. A. Juxtaglomerular B. Mesansial C. Juxtavascular D. Smooth muscle E. Interstitial</p><p>27. At the patient with a chronic pyelonephritis the urine is no acid (as in norm), therefore its antibacterial action is decreased. In what frames of a kidney there was an infringement? A. In dark cells of collective tubules B. In distal tubules C. In a glomulus D. In podocytes E. In proximal convoluted tubules</p><p>28. In an experimental laboratory an animal distal convoluted tubules of the nephron were damaged. What kidney functions will grow weak? A. Reabsorption of electrolytes and water B. Filtration C. Reabsorption of glucose D. Reabsorption of proteins E. Reabsorption of na and glucose</p><p>29. Constriction of an afferent arteriole calls a decrease of the produced urine. What kidney process is disturbed? A. Filtration B. Reabsorption of water C. Reabsorption of glucose D. Secretion of urea E. Reabsorption of ions</p><p>30. Lung of premature infant is presented on electrophotograph of biopsy material. Collapse of the alveolar wall caused by the deficiency of surfactant was revealed. Dysfunction of what cells of the alveolar wall caused it? A. Type II pneumocytes B. Alveolar macrophage C. Clara cells D. Fibroblasts E. Type i pneumocytes</p><p>31. Patient has lung disease with the prominent pathology process in bronchi tree. At the slide of these bronchi is revealed pseudostratified ciliated epithelium, lamina propria with glands, islets of hyaline cartilage. What type of bronchi is damaged? A. Secondary bronchus B. Alveolar bronchiole C. Primary bronchus D. Terminal bronchiole E. Trachea</p><p>32. Child 5 years old has pneumonia (lungs inflammation). Dysfunction of what lining epithelium organelle may be disturbed first of all? A. Cilia B. Lysosome C. Microvilli D. Endoplasmic reticulum E. Mitochondria</p><p>33. The tracheal epithelium of smoking person undergoes metaplasia - changes into stratified nonkerati-nised epithelium. What type of epithelium is changed? A. Pseudostratified ciliated B. Simple columnar C. Stratified keratinised D. Simple cuboidal E. Epithelium with brash border</p><p>34. In case of asthma there is an instability and construction of the smooth muscles in conducting portion of the respiratory system, leading to the airway narrowing. What type of bronchi has muscles and has no cartilage in its wall? A. Tertiary bronchus B. Secondary bronchus C. Primary bronchus D. Alveolar duct E. Alveolar sac</p><p>35. Pathology of the urinary system occupies about 10-14% of the newborn child. What is the embryonic source of the urinary system development? A. Intermediate mesoderm (nephrotome) B. Visceral layer of mesoderm C. Dorsal mesoderm D. Embryonic mesenchyme E. Parietal layer of mesoderm</p><p>36. One of the urinary system pathology is the different disturbance of the structure, shape and location of the ureter. What is the embryonic source of the ureter development? A. Diverticulum of the mesonephric duct B. Cervical nephrotomes C. Mesonephros D. Metanephric tissue E. Toracolumbar nephrotomes</p><p>37. One of the reason of the bad healing of the newborn child navel is not overgrown primary ureter - urachus (a canal, connecting urinary bladder with the allantois). What is the embryonic source of the urinary bladder development? A. Allantois B. Cloaca C. Paramesonephric duct D. Mesonephric duct E. Mesenchyme</p><p>38. The most difficult pathology of the kidneys are glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, which are the pathology of the kidney parenchyme. What forms kidney parenchyme? A. Epithelial tubules B. Interstitial connective tissue C. Connective tissue capsule D. Blood vessels E. Nerve endings</p><p>39. It is known that the kidney diseases are classified according to the injury of the different parts of nephron. What structures do not belong to the nephron? A. Collecting tubule B. Proximal convoluted tubule C. Bowman's capsule D. Thin segment E. Distal tubule</p><p>40. In time of the urinalysis examination different types of the epithelial cells from the different parts of nephron may be found, that allows determine the pathology process localization. What type of the simple epithelium forms the wall of the proximal tubule? A. Cuboidal with brash border B. Cuboidal ciliated C. Squamous D. Columnar E. Columnar ciliated</p><p>41. In time of the urinalysis examination different types of the epithelial cells from the different parts of nephron may be found, that allows determine the pathology process localization. What type of the simple epithelium forms the wall of the distal tubule? A. Cuboidal B. Squamous C. Cuboidal with brash border D. Columnar E. Columnar ciliated</p><p>42. Glomerulonephritis is the pathology of the renal corpuscle. What structures from enumerated do not belong to the renal corpuscle? A. Proximal tubule B. Parietal layer C. Tuft of capillaries D. Mesangium E. Visceral layer</p><p>43. There is the local regulation of the kidney function that is called the juxtaglomerular apparatus, containingsome structures. What structures do not belong to this apparatus? A. Podocytes B. Distal convoluted tubule C. Juxtaglomerular cells D. Afferent arteriole E. Macula densa 44. It is known that tobacco smoke damages the epithelium of the conducting portion of the respiratory system, injured its drainage function. What cells provide the drainage of the foreign particles from the trachea and bronchi? A. Ciliated B. Goblet C. Endocrine D. Basal E. With microvilli</p><p>45. One of the inflamed trachea symptoms is cough accompanied by expelling of big amount of mucus. What trachea epithelium cells are responsible for the mucus synthesis? A. Goblet B. Endocrine C. Basal D. Ciliated E. Columnar ciliated </p><p>46. At a renal hypertonia the raised concentration of angiotensin caused by a hypersecretion of a renin is revealed. What kidney structure has endocrine function and produces renin? A. Juxtaglomerular apparatus B. Loop of Henle C. Collective tubule D. Nephron E. Renal corpuscle</p><p>47. To the patient the diagnosis "an acute glomerulonephritis " is put. What structures from listed are damaged at a glomerulonephritis? A. Capillaries of a glomulus, basal membrane and podocytes B. Proximal convoluted tubule, proximal straight tubule, loop of Henle C. Loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule D. Juxtaglomerular a cell, dense macula, juxtavascular a cell E. Interstitium</p><p>48. To the patient the diagnosis "an acute pyelonephritis" - inflammation of walls of renal calyces and pelvis is put. What epithelium lines these structures of a kidney? A. Transitional B. Stratified cuboidal C. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized D. Simple columnar E. Pseudostratified</p><p>49. In newborn was diagnosed "syndrom of respiratory frustration" - the ventilation of alveoli is disturbed because of unsufficient development of surfactant. What cells produce surfactant? A. Secretory alveolocytes B. Respiratory alveolocytes C. Interalveolar septa D. Goblet cells E. Endocrinocytes</p><p>50. A newborn didn't take his first breath. Autopsy revealed that in spite of unobstructed respiratory tracts the baby's lungs didn't expanded. What might be the cause of it? A. Surfactant absence B. Bronchostenosis C. Alveole enlargement D. Bronchi rupture E. Apical cap of lung </p><p>51. A patient with an acute rhinitis has hyperemia and excessive mucus forma-tion in nasal cavity. What epithelial cells of mucous membrane have the intensified activity? A. Goblet cells B. Ciliated cells C. Microvillous cells D. Basal cells E. Endocrine cells </p><p>52. Premature infants have syndrom of respiratory failure. Failure of what airohematic barrier component underlies this pathology? A. Surfactant B. Capillary endothelium C. Basal membrane of endothelium D. Basal membrane of alveolocytes E. Alveolocytes </p><p>53. Electronic microphotography of pulmo-nary alveole's wall presents a big cell. Its cytoplasm has a lot of mitochondria, developed golgi apparatus, osmiophil lamellated corpuscles. What is the main function of this cell? A. It produces surfactant B. It is a component of blood-air barrier C. It warms the air D. It absorbs microorganisms E. It purifies the air </p><p>54. Hollow organ is represented on the slide. It’s mucous membrane is lined with pseudostratified of ciliated epithelium, which passes into a simple one. Muscu-laris mucosae is well developed in re-lation to the thickness of the entire wall. Cartilage and glands are absent. Which organ is represented in the slide? A. Small bronchus B. Larynx C. Trachea D. Middle bronchus E. Bladder</p><p>55. The part of the kidney cortex is pre-sented on the histological slide, with consists of columnar epithelium with bruch border and basally located deep plicae with big number of mitochondria.which structure is presented from the following? A. Proximal tubule B. Distal straight tubule C. Renal corpuscle D. Distal convoluted tubule E. Henle's loop </p><p>56. In course of an experiment the blood pressure of an animal had a stable rise by means of renal artery constriction. Hyperfunctioning of what renal cells cause this effect? A. Juxtaglomerular cells B. Podocytes C. Endotheliocytes D. Interstitial cells E. Thick spot cells </p><p>57. Electron micrograph of a kidney frag-ment presents an afferent arteriole with big cells under endothelium. These cells contain secretory granu-les. Name this type of cells: A. Juxtaglomerular B. Mesangial C. Smooth muscular D. Juxtavascular E. Interstitial </p><p>58. A microphotography represents a frag-ment of cortical substance of a kidney. This fragment contains thick spot cells and juxtaglomerular cells with big secretory granules. What kidney structure is represented? A. Juxtaglomerular apparatus B. Renal corpuscle C. Filtering barrier D. Prostaglandin apparatus E. Choroid glomus </p><p>59. A histological specimen of a kidney shows a part of the distal tubule going between the afferent and effe-rent arteri¬ole. The cells building the tubule wall have dense nuclei; basal membrane is absent. Such structural formation is called: A. Macula densa B. Juxtavascular cells C. Mesangial cells D. Juxtaglomerular cells E. Interstitial cells</p><p>60. During histological investigation of the kidney cortex tubule was found lined with a simple cuboidal epithelium with brush border, it’s cytoplasm is painted oxyphilic. Which segment of the nephron is found in the slide? A. Proximal convoluted tubule B. Distal straight tubule C. Collecting tubule D. Loop of Henle E. Distal convoluted tubule</p><p>61. Nephrons, which lie on the border between the cortex and medulla, have the same diameter of afferent and efferent arterioles, are clearly visible on the slide of kidneys. What function would be disturbed if they are damaged? A. Shunting of the blood, when circulation is intensive B. Synthesis of the erythropoietin C. Synthesis of the renin D. The activity of the sodium receptor E. The synthesis of the prostaglandins</p><p>62. During breathing some particles of dust may be inhaled. In what cells of lung it is possible to find out particles of dust? A. Alveolar macrophages B. Pericytes of capillaries C. Respiratory epitheliocytes D. Secretory epitheliocytes E. Endotheliocytes of capillaries</p><p>63. Urine does not contain cells of a blood normally. What structure of a nephron prevents their entering in primary urine? A. Basal membrane of capillaries of a glomerulus B. Epithelium of loop of Henle C. Juxtavascular cells D. Mesangial cells E. Outer epithelium of capsule</p><p>64. The patient complains of severe pain and swelling in the parotid region, fever up to 38.4 ° c. The acute parotitis was diagnosed at examination. What type of parotid gland: A. Branched alveolar-tubular gland serous type B. Simple alveolar mucous gland C. The branched tubular-alveolar gland mucous type D. Simple tubular serous gland E. Simple alveolar serous gland </p><p>65. The destruction of the ciliated epithelial cells of the bronchi occurred in a worker of chemical production after inhaling of caustic vapour. Which cells will participate in regeneration of the epithelium? A. Basal cell B. Goblet cells C. Endocrine cells D. Ciliated cells E. Unciliated cells</p><p>66. The structures in the form of open sacs, the inner surface of which is lined with a single layer of epithelium, which is formed by respiratory and secretory cells, are represented in the electron micrograph. What are the structures? A. The alveoli B. Bronchioles C. Acini D. Alveolar ducts E. Terminal bronchi</p><p>67. The cells with a domed apical part with micrivilli are detected in the respiratory epithelium. The cells contain well developed synthetic apparatus, and in the apical part - secretory granules. Name this cell. A. Clara cell B. Goblet C. Endocrine D. Cells without brush border E. Undifferentiated cell</p><p>68. The respiratory distress syndrome develops in premature infants. Insufficiency of which components of the blood – air barrier take place in the basis of this pathology? A. Surfactant B. Endothelium of capillary C. The basal membrane of endothelial cell D. The basal membrane of alveolocytes E. Alveolocytes</p><p>69. The cells of oval or triangular shape, not tall are visible as the component of pseudostratified ciliated epithelium of trachea in the histological slide. Their apexes do not achieve the surface of epithelium, the figures of mitosis appear in some cells. What function is performed by these cells. A. Source of regeneration B. Part of mucous-ciliary complex C. Mucus-secreting D. Secrete surfactant E. Produce biological active substances </p><p>70. As a result of injury, the mucosa of the upper part of the nose damaged in man of 30 years old. What conse-quences after this injury? A. Disturbance of smell B. Disturbance of the humidification C. Disturbance of secretory activity of goblet cells D. Disturbance of warming air E. Disturbance of warming and humidi-fication</p><p>71. The alveolar cells belonging to the air-blood barrier revealed in the electron micrographs. What are these cells? A. Respiratory alveolocytes B. Secretory alveolocytes C. Alveolar macrophages D. Clara cell E. Brush cells</p><p>72. As the result of autopsy, the damaged bronchi with clearly visible glands, cartilage islands and pseudostratified ciliated epithelium were revealed. Which type of bronchi with changes? A. Secondary bronchi B. Main bronchus C. Large bronchi D. Small bronchi E. Terminal bronchioles</p><p>73. The child of two years has reduced the excretion of mucus from the bronchial tree. With impaired function of which cell organelles of the surface epithelium of the bronchi it can be connected? A. Cilia B. The mitochondria C. Endoplasmic reticulum D. Microvilli E. Lysosomes</p><p>74. The hyperemia and increased production of mucus in the nasal cavity found in patients with acute rhinitis. The activity of which epithelial cells of the mucous membrane is increased? A. Goblet B. Ciliated C. Brush D. Basal E. Endocrine</p><p>75. The electron micrograph presented lung biopsy of a premature baby. The collapse of alveolar walls due to lack of surfactant detected. The dysfunction of which cells of the wall of the alveoli leads to this situation? A. Alveolocytes type II B. Alveolocytes type i C. Alveolar macrophages D. Secretory cells E. Fibroblasts</p><p>76. It is known that an important compo-nent of blood-air barrier is the alveolar surfactant complex, which prevents collapse of alveoli during expiration. What alveolar cells synthesize phospholipids going to build surfactant? A. Epitheliocytes type II B. Respiratory cells C. Epitheliocytes with brush border D. Alveolar macrophages E. Capillary endothelium</p><p>77. True diphtheritic croup arises from deposits of fibrin tightly adjacent to epithelium on the true vocal cords. Which of the following types of epithelium lined mucous membrane of the vocal cords? A. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized B. Stratified squamous keratinizing C. Pseudostratified ciliated D. Simple squamous E. Simple cuboidal</p><p>78. The organ is on the slide, the wall of which consists of the mucosa, submucosa, fibro- cartilage and adventitia. Type of epithelium - pseudostratified ciliated. Serous – mucous glands present in the submucousa. Hyaline cartilage forms large plates. What is this organ? A. Large bronchi B. Esophagus C. The trachea D. Larynx E. Small bronchi</p><p>79. The structure, which include surfactant, alveolocytes type i, basement membrane and the endothelium of fe-nestrated capillaries are presented on the electron micrograph. Which histo-hematic barrier is from listed below? A. Blood-air barrier B. Blood-brain barrier C. Blood-thymus barrier D. Blood- csf barrier E. Blood-testes barrier 80. Sample of respiratory tract tissue consists of the surface epithelium with ciliated and goblet cells forming muko-ciliary complex. Specify which function belongs to this complex. A. Clearing the air from dust particles B. Secretion of hormones C. Warming air D. Humidification E. Respiratory</p><p>81. The glands, cartilage islands and pseudostratified ciliated epithelium are clearly visible in the wall of the bronchus during histological exa-mination. Which bronchi are presented? A. Secondary bronchi B. Main bronchus C. Large bronchi D. Small bronchi E. Terminal bronchioles</p><p>82. The child breathed the button which then was removed from the right main bronchus by using a bronchoscope. What bronchial epithelium is most likely damaged by an object? A. Simple pseudostratified ciliated B. Stratified nonkeratinized C. Simple columnar D. Transitional E. Simple squamouse</p><p>83. The malignant epithelial tumor, origi-nating in the bronchus of medium size had been diagnosed in a man of 66 years old. What epithelium is the source of development of this tumor? A. Pseudostratified ciliated B. Stratified nonkeratinized C. Stratified keratinized D. Transitional E. Simple columnar</p><p>84. A man of 56 years diagnosed with a benign epithelial tumor of the trachea. What epithelium is a source of tumor development? A. Pseudostratified ciliated B. Stratified nonkeratinized C. Stratified keratinized D. Transitional E. Simple columnar</p><p>85. The tracheal wall is damaged during performing intubation. The integrity of what type of epithelium was broken? A. Pseudostratified ciliated B. Simple columnar C. Stratified nonkeratinized D. Stratified keratinized E. Simple sguamouse 86. The hollow organ is represented in histological slide. The mucosa is covered by two- layered ciliated epithelium which changes to single row. Muscularis mucosa is well developed in relation to the thickness of the entire wall.cartilage and glands are observed.what organ is represented in the slide? A. Small bronchi B. Middle bronchus C. The trachea D. Larynx E. Urinary bladder</p><p>87. The bacteria enter alveoli. This re-sulted in an active state of the cell, which are located in the walls of the alveoli and their surface. What is a cell? A. Alveolar macrophages B. Alveolocytes type i C. Endotheliocytes D. Clara cell E. Aveolocytes type II</p><p>88. Terminal bronchioles revealed in lung biopsy with microscopic examination. What epithelium lines this type of bronchioles? A. Simple cuboidal ciliated B. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized C. Pseudostratified ciliated D. Simple cuboidal E. Pseudostratified ciliated</p><p>89. The patient complains of dryness of the nasal cavity. In the study of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is established violation of the function of mucous glands. In which layer of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity these glands are located? A. In the lamina propria B. In the epithelium C. In the muscularis mucosa D. In the submucosa E. In the fibro-cartilaginous plate</p><p>90. It is known that working in a coal mine is associated with the inhalation of large amounts of coal dust. In which lung cells the coal dust can be detected? A. Alveolar macrophages B. Respiratory epithelial cells C. Secretory epithelial cells D. Capillary endotheliocytes E. Capillary pericytes</p><p>91. The destruction of cells responsible for respiratory function can be seen during inflammation of the lung in histological slide. What are these cells? A. Alveolocytes type i B. Alveolocytes type II C. Macrophages D. Clara cell E. Lymphocytes 92. The tube shaped organ of respiratory system, in which low epithelium, well developed muscle layer, absence of glands and cartilage can be observed in histological slide. Name this organ. A. Small bronchi B. The trachea C. Larynx D. Large bronchi E. Middle bronchi</p><p>93. The structure, wall of which consists of simple cuboidal ciliated epithelium, plate of smooth myocytes, folds of mucosa layer are absent. What is this structure? A. Тerminal bronchus B. Small bronchus C. Middle bronchus D. Large bronchus E. Main bronchus</p><p>94. Disturbance of smell is revealed in a boxer after the injury of the nose. Specify the cell damage that can lead to loss of smell. A. Neurosensory cells B. Supporting epithelial cells C. The basal epithelial cells D. Ciliated epithelial cells E. Brush cells</p><p>95. A newborn was unable to make the first breath. In analyzing the causes of death were revealed that airways are free, but lungs are fallen down. What is the most likely cause of lung state in this case? A. The absence of surfactant B. Bronchoconstriction C. Rupture of the bronchi D. Pleural thickening E. Increasing the size of the alveoli</p><p>96. The large cell, in the cytoplasm of which many mitochondria, well developed golgi complex, osmiophilic lamellar corpuscles are present in electron micrograph of the wall of pulmonary alveoli. Which function is performed by this cell? A. Produces surfactant B. Is a component of blood-air barrier C. Warms the air D. Clean air E. Engulfs microorganisms</p><p>97. The desquamation of the epithelium in the bronchi occurs as a result of the pathological process. Due to which cells regeneration of the epithelium will occur? A. Basal B. Clara cells C. Ciliated D. Endocrine E. Goblet 98. The patient was admitted to the de-partment with asthma attacks caused by spasm of the smooth muscles of the respiratory passages. Name the divisions of the airway, pathology of which results to this attack: A. The bronchi of small caliber B. Bronchi medium size C. Large bronchi D. Terminal bronchioles E. Respiratory bronchioles</p><p>99. The special cells are present in the wall of the lung alveoli which parti-cipate in the gas exchange and forma-tion of blood-air barrier. What are these cells? A. Alveolocytes type і B. Clara cell C. Alveolar macrophages D. Alveolocytes type іі E. Brush cells</p><p>100. The inflammatory process in the trachea which occupies of the epithelium and lamina propria take place in the patient. What epithelium has changed? A. Pseudostratified ciliated B. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized C. Stratified cuboidal ciliated D. Simple squamous ciliated E. Simple cuboidal</p><p>101. The cells of the renal distal convo-luted tubule, which tightly adjacent to the pole of the renal corpuscle are revealed in the histological slide. Their basement membrane is thin and does not form folds. Cells react to fluctuations urinary sodium and affect secretion of renin. What are the cells? A. Cells of macula densa B. Juxtaglomerular cells C. Mesangial cells D. Podocytes E. Glomerular capillary endothelium</p><p>102. During the clinical examination in women with kidney disease, red blood cells, fibrinogen, probably due to impaired renal filter detected in urine. What are the structures compose the renal filter? A. Glomerular capillary endothelium, three-layered basement membrane, podocytes B. Three-layered basement membrane C. Capillary endothelium, basement membrane D. Podocytes, basement membrane E. Endothelium, podocytes</p><p>103. Electron microscopy of the kidney tubules revealed that the tubules are lined by cuboidal epithelium containing light and dark cells. These cells provide the reabsorption of water from the primary urine. What tubules presented? A. The collecting renal tubules B. Proximal tubule C. Distal tubule D. Ascending part loop of Henle E. Descending part loop of Henle 104. The morphological violation of epithelial cells of the distal part of nephron was caused by an experimental model in rats. What functional processes will be decreased by this experiment? A. Reabsorption of electrolytes and water B. Glucose reabsorption C. Reabsorption of sodium and glucose D. Reabsorption of proteins E. Filtration</p><p>105. The presence of albumins in the secondary urine (albuminuria) and glucose (glycosuria) is found in a patient with suspected glomerulonephritis during two weeks. The function of which parts of the kidney is effected? A. Proximal tubule B. Distal tubule C. Thin tubule D. Collecting tubules E. Juxtaglomerular apparatus</p><p>106. An important part of the kidney filtration barrier is a three-layer basement membrane, which has a special mesh structure of the middle dense layer. Where found this basement membrane? A. In the renal corpuscle B. In the capillaries of the peritubular capillary network C. In the proximal tubule D. In the thin tubule E. In the distal straight tubules</p><p>107. Sustained increase in blood pressure produced in the experiment in animal by a narrowing of the renal artery. Which cells of the nephron are responsible for this effect? A. Cells of juxtaglomerular apparatus B. Podocytes C. Endotheliocytes D. Interstitial cells E. Cells of macula densa</p><p>108. Protein and glucose residues found in the urine of a patient. Which part of nephron is damaged? A. The proximal tubule B. Ascending limb of the loop of Henle C. Descending limb of the loop of Henle D. The distal tubule E. Glomerulus of nephron</p><p>109. The fenestrated endothelium with the basement membrane, the outer side of which adjacent to epithelial cells with processes are visible on the photomicrograph of kidney biopsy. Specify the structure of kidney shown in the electron micrograph. A. Filtration barrier B. Proximal part of nephron C. Distal part of nephron D. Loop of Henle E. Juxtaglomerular apparatus 110. The cells with large secretory granules in the cytoplasm defined in the wall of afferent and efferent arterioles of the kidney on electron micro-graphs. Define the structural formation of the kidney, which is composed of these cells? A. Juxtaglomerular apparatus B. Renal corpuscle C. Proximal part of nephron D. Distal part of nephron E. Loop of Henle</p><p>111. Leached erythrocytes were found in urine of the patient. Where the pathological process possible located? A. Filtration barrier B. Proximal part of the nephron C. Collecting ducts D. Distal part of the nephron E. Thin part of the loop of Henle</p><p>112. Anemia developed in a patient of 50 years with chronic nephritis. What is the most likely cause of anemia in this patient? A. Reduced production of erythropoietin B. Lack of iron C. Lack of vitamin b12 D. Violation of the synthesis of porphyrin E. Immunological damage cells - precursors of erythropoiesis</p><p>113. High sugar level in the urine of the patient is detected along with its normal contents in the blood. What are the structural and functional mechanisms of kidney were disturbed? A. Process of rearbsorbtion in the proximal tubule B. Process of filtration C. Process of rearbsorbtion in the distal tubule D. Process of rearbsorbtion in thin part loop of Henle E. Rocess of rearbsorbtion in distal tubule as a result of inadequate secretion of ADH</p><p>114. The proteinuria and glucosuria in a patient with kidney disease in urinalysis revealed, that indicate the damage of: A. Proximal parts of the nephron B. Distal part of nephron C. Collecting ducts D. Loop of Henle E. Renal corpuscles</p><p>115. The structure lined with columnar epithelium, which is characterized by the presence of brush border and deep folds of plasmolemma in the basal part determined in the renal cortex. Between the folds a large number of mitochondria located. Which part of nephron described? A. Proximal tubule B. Straight distal tubule C. Convoluted distal tubule D. Loop of Henle E. Renal corpuscles 116. A segment of the distal tubule of the kidney nephron, which lies between the afferent and efferent arterioles is seen on histological slide. The cells constituting the wall of the tubule, contain the dense nuclei, basementmembrane is absent. Name this structure? A. Dense spot B. Goormaghtigh cells C. Mesangial cells D. Juxtavascular cells E. Juxtaglomerular cells</p><p>117. The patient with kidney disease has increased blood pressure. The damage of what structures of the kidneys causes this symptom? A. Juxtaglomerular cells B. The cells of the proximal tubules C. The cells of the distal tubules D. Cells of dense spot E. The cells of loop of Henle</p><p>118. The podocytes can be damaged during the kidney disease. What functional changes occur in this situation? A. Increased filtration of protein B. Decreased filtration of protein C. Increased renin secretion D. Reduced the renin secretion E. Will increase the secretion of prostaglandin e</p><p>119. The tubule lined with a single layer of cuboidal epithelium with brush border, the cytoplasm of which is oxyphilic determined in the kidney cortex on histological slide. Specify which segment of the nephron detected in the slide. A. Proximal convoluted tubule B. Collecting ducts C. Distal convoluted tubule D. Distal straight tubule E. Loop of Henle</p><p>120. The electron micrograph shows a fragment of the renal corpuscle – that is large epithelial cells with big and small processes. The processes attached to the basement membrane of capillaries. Name this cell: A. Podocyte B. Extraglomerular mesangial cell C. Smooth myocyte D. Endoteliocyte E. Mesangial cells</p><p>121. The blood cells can not be detected in the normal urinalysis. Which structure of the nephron prevents their entry into primary urine? A. Basement membrane of glomerular capillary B. Juxtavascular cells C. Mesangial cells D. The epithelium of the outer layer of the capsule of the glomerulus E. The epithelium of the loop of Henle 122. The laboratory analysis of urine of the patient revealed slightly acid reaction. Which kidney cells provide this reaction of urine? A. The secretory cells of the collecting tubules B. Juxtaglomerular cells of the cortical nephrons C. Extraglomerular mesangial cell cortical nephrons D. Cells of dense spot of juxtaglomerular apparatus E. Interstitial cells of the stroma</p><p>123. The nephrons of the kidney that lie near the boundary between cortex and medulla, have the same diameter of afferent and efferent arterioles on the histological slide. What function will be disturbed if they are damaged? A. Shunting of the blood under intensive circulation B. Synthesis of rennin C. Synthesis of prostaglandins D. Synthesis of erythropoietin E. The activity of the sodium receptor</p><p>124. The afferent arteriole is presented in the electron micrograph of the kidney, in which a large endothelial cells containing secretory granules are visible. Name this type of cells. A. Juxtaglomerular B. Mesangial C. Smooth muscle D. Juxtavascular E. Interstitial</p><p>125. Patient after exogenous intoxication has a threat of ascending urinary tract infections due to loss of acidic reaction of urine. What cells in the kidneys were damaged? A. The dark cells of the collecting tubules B. Light cells of the collecting tubules C. Epithelial cells with brush border of the proximal tubules D. Flat cells of Henle's loop E. Epitheliocytes of distal tubules</p><p>126. The patients with chronic pyelonephritis has not acidification of urine, so it is no bactericidal effect. Which structures of the kidney damaged? A. The dark cells of the collecting tubules B. Glomeruli C. The podocytes of capsule D. The proximal convoluted tubule E. The distal tubule</p><p>127. A dense network of capillaries lo-cated between two arterioles (rete mirable) is visible on the histological slide. In which organ can be detected this network? A. In the kidney B. In the liver C. In the adrenal glands D. In the spleen E. In the retina 128. Malformations of the urinary system are found in 10-14% of newborns statistically. From which of the following sources the development of the urinary system is? A. Unsegmented caudal mesoderm B. Dorsal mesoderm C. Visceral layer of the ventral mesoderm D. Parietal layer of the ventral mesoderm E. Germ mesenchyme</p><p>129. The patient has edema, a large amount of protein in the urine. The functions of which part of the nephron is broken? A. Renal corpuscles B. Proximal convoluted tubule C. Distal convoluted tubule D. Descending limb of the loop of Henle E. Ascending limb of the loop of Henle</p><p>130. The renal corpuscles and tubules of the nephrons can be seen in histological slide of the renal cortex. It is known that in the tubules of the nephron the reabsorption process of urine formation take place. Which type of tissue of the nephron is involved in this process? A. Epithelial B. Connective proper C. Reticular D. Mucous E. Cartilage</p><p>131. The nephrogenic cord of the cervical region damaged in embryogenesis. Development of which organ will be broken? A. Pronephros B. Definitive kidney C. Pancreas D. The right adrenal gland E. Spleen</p><p>132. On a slide the ovocyte is seen at the moment of a fertilization by spermatozoon. What is the main resultof a fertilization? A. Formation of a zygote B. Definition of a sex of the child C. End of meiosis in an oocyte D. Penetration of oolemma by a spermatozoon E. Cortical reaction</p><p>133. The human embryo consists of two blastomeres. Name a place of localization of it in case of its normal development. A. Uterine tube B. Ovary C. Cavity of the uterus D. Abdominal cavity E. Mucosa of uterus 134. It is known, that some microorga-nisms, which cause infectious diseases, can pass through a placental barrier. What structures form placental barrier? A. All structural components of tertiary villi B. Chorion and amnion C. Allantois and yolk sac D. Basal plate of endometrium with decidual cells E. All structural components of secondary villi</p><p>135. The family complains of impossibilityto have children. After inspection is revealed: at the man the spermato-genic epithelium of a testis has suffered, that has resulted in absence of spermatozoa. What structure of testis has suffered? A. Seminiferous tubules B. Rete testis C. Straight tubules D. Ductules efferentes E. Ductus deferens</p><p>136. At compression of a fetus ambilical cord the circulation between a fetus and mother was not broken. What structure of ambilical cords prevents its compression? A. Mucous connective tissue B. Rest of an allantois C. Arterial tunics D. Venular tunics E. Rest of yolk sac</p><p>137. At a mechanical trauma of a scrotum at the patient the damage of epithelium of rete testis is revealed. What epithelium was damaged? A. Simple cuboidal B. Ciliated C. Simple columnar D. Doublle layeered E. Transitional</p><p>138. On a slide of an ovary the follicles of different types, atreric folliclesand corpus luteum are visible. What phase of a menstrual cycle answers such condition in the ovary? A. Premenstrual B. Regenerative C. Menstrual D. Postmenstrual E. Growth of follicles</p><p>139. The normal implantation of a human germ can be only under condition of some changes in the endometrium of uterus. What cells of endometrium are enlarged? A. Decidual B. Fibroblasts C. Neurones D. Macrophages E. Myocytes</p><p>140. In a women blood have revealed enlarged amount of estrogens. What cells of an ovary synthesize estrogens? A. Interstitial and granular cells of secondary follicles B. Oocytes C. Granular cells of primary follicles D. Granular cells primordial follicles E. Granular cells and oocytes</p><p>141. During research of a simen at the patient 25 years is revealed insufficient amount of spermatozoa. Division of what cells of testis provides sufficient for a fertilization amount of spermatozoa? A. Spermatogonia B. Sertoli cells C. Sustentacular D. Supporting cells E. Leydig cells</p><p>142. At the patient (woman) is revealed a menstrual cycle without ovulation. What process does not occur? A. Break of follicle and exit of an oocyte in abdominal cavity B. Reorganization of follicle after destruction of anoocyte C. Duplication of cells of a granular layer D. Accumulation of lutein by granular cells E. Decrease of volume of mature follicle</p><p>143. "the child was born in a shirt". About what "shirt" there is a speech? A. Amnion B. Serosa C. Yolk sac D. Chorion E. Trophoblast</p><p>144. During the analysis of a blood the low concentration of estrogens and high - progesteron is found out in the nonpregnant woman 26 years. In what phase of a menstrual cycle the analysis was made? A. Premenstrual (secretory) B. Menstrual C. Postmenstrual (proliferative) D. Phase of a desquamation E. Phase of a proliferation of endometrium</p><p>145. The stopping of a bleeding after parturition is connected to action of hormones on a wall of uterus. What component in a wall of the uterus is a target? A. Middle layer of a myometrium B. Endometrium C. Perimetrium D. Superficial layer of a myometrium E. Inner layer of a myometrium</p><p>146. The stopping of a bleeding after delivery is connected to action of oxytocin on a wall of a uterus. What uterine layer reacts to this action? A. Myometrium B. Perimetrium C. Endometrium D. Parametrium E. Submucosa</p><p>147. In one of a spermatogenesis phases the changes of nucleus and cytoplasm of spermatids are observed which cause creation of mature sex cells. Name this phase of a gametogenesis. A. Formation B. Proliferation C. Maturing D. Growth E. Duplication</p><p>148. The endometrium has such characte-ristics: a thickening, edema, presence of enlarged glands with the extended lumen, in a stroma decidual cells are found. What stage of a menstrual cycle corresponds to the description? A. Secretory (premenstrual) B. Proliferative C. Menstrual D. Regenerative E. Relative rest</p><p>149. During microscopic research of uterine endometrium the change of its structures caused by action of progesteron is revealed. Where is this hormone produced? A. In a ovarian corpus luteum B. In ovarian follicles C. In anterior lobe of pituitary gland D. In posterior lobe of pituitary gland E. In a hypothalamus</p><p>150. An endometrium of sterile women undergoes diagnostic biopsy. During microscopic research was found out, that the mucosa is hydropic, uterine glands are twisting, filled with a rich secret. What hormone causes such changes? A. Progesteron B. Somatotropin C. Estrogen D. Folliclestimulating E. Adrenocorticotrophic</p><p>151. During microscopic research of a material endometrium of the sterile woman, reveals changes in its structure caused by action of progesteron. Where is this hormone produced? A. In a corpus luteum of an ovary B. In a hypothalamus C. In follicules ovarian D. In anterior lobe of a pituitary body E. In posterior lobe of a pituitary body</p><p>152. At embryo on 2-3-rd weeks of deve-lopment the gonoblasts - precursors of sex cells are revealed. Where are these cells differentiated? A. In a yolk sac B. In dermatom C. In a mesenchyme D. N a germinal ectoderm E. In germinal endoderm</p><p>153. On a tissue specimen of a testis in a loose connective tissue, which is found between seminiferous tubules, the spherical cells with oxyphilic cytoplasm are visible. What are these cells? A. Glandulocytes B. Supporting C. Untentacular D. Spermatocytes E. Spermatogonia</p><p>154. During histological research of a testis in a basal layer of a spermatogenic epithelium is visible cells forming a syncytium. What are these cells? A. Spermatogonia B. Supporting C. Suntentacular D. Spermatids E. Glandulocytes</p><p>155. At microscopic slide of ovary is revealed follicle, oocyte of which is surrounded by zona pellucida and 1-2 layers of cuboidal in shape granulosa cells. What type of ovarian follicle is it? A. Primary B. Secondary C. Primordial D. Graafian E. Atretic</p><p>156. A menstrual cycle is disturbed because of absence of ovulation. What process from listed below is not happened? A. Rupture of follicle and exit of oocyte into abdominal cavity B. Reconstruction of follicle after destruction of oocyte C. Proliferation of granular cells D. Production of lutein by granular cells E. Decrease of graafian follicle</p><p>157. In one woman ovary ovulation does not happen. At what stage of ovum development is oocyte during ovulation? A. Secondary oocyte at metaphase of second meiotic division B. Oogonium C. Primary oocyte at profase of first meiotic division D. Mature ovum E. Secondary oocyte after second meiotic division</p><p>158. In the organism of woman is revealed disturbed function of the granulosa cells of ovarian growing follicle. Production of what ovarian hormones will be decreased in first turn? A. Estrogen B. Oxytocin C. Prolactin D. Gonadokrinin E. Progesterone 159. In the ovary is revealed big amount of atretic follicles. What hormone from listed below calls atresia of ovarian follicles? A. Gonadokrinin B. Oxytocin C. Prolactin D. Estrogen E. Progesterone</p><p>160. In time of uterus pathology a biopsy of uterine mucosa is used. What type of an epithelium lines the uterine mucosa? A. Simple columnar B. Simple squamous C. Transitional D. Stratified nonkeratinised E. Stratified keratinized</p><p>161. During gynecologic examination an erosion of uterine cervix is revealed. What type of an epithelium lines a mucosa of the vaginal portion of uterine cervix? A. Stratified nonkeratinised B. Simple columnar C. Transitional D. Simple squamous E. Stratified keratinized</p><p>162. Parturition is provided by the particularities of myometrium. What is the construction of myometrium? A. Three layers: oblique-longitudinal, circular, oblique-longitudinal B. One longitudinal striated muscle layer C. Two layers: circular and longitudinal D. Two layers: longitudinal and circular E. One circular smooth muscle layer </p><p>163. Abortion may be connected with the disturbance of cervical muscles. What is the construction of cervical muscle layer? A. One circular smooth muscle layer B. One longitudinal striated muscle layer C. Two layers: circular and longitudinal D. Two layers: longitudinal and circular E. Three layers: oblique-longitudinal, circular, oblique-longitudinal</p><p>164. Proliferation of endometrium during postmenstrual phase depends upon a normal condition of uterine glands. What is the type of uterine endometrium glands? A. Simple unbranched tubular B. Simple branched tubular C. Simple alveolar unbranched D. Compound alveolar unbranched E. Compound alveolar branched</p><p>165. Hormonal correction of menstrual cycle disturbance is based on knowledge of its morphologic mechanism. At what phase of menstrual cycle does corpus luteum form and function? A. Secretory B. Proliferative C. Between proliferative and secretory D. Menstrual E. During the whole cycle</p><p>166. During examination an ovary collapse was diagnosed. At what stage does an ovulation happen? A. Between proliferative and secretory B. Menstrual C. Proliferative D. Secretory E. During the whole cycle</p><p>167. The length and sequence of menstrual cycle is one of woman health criteria. What processes are characteristically for menstrual phase? A. Desquamation of stratum functionale B. Desquamation of stratum basale C. Desquamation of muscle layer D. Hypertrophy of uterine glands E. Decidual cells appearance</p><p>168. Abortion may be connected with the disturbance of hormonal secretion in pregnant woman organism. What hormone from listed below prevents endometrium from its desquamation during pregnancy? A. Progesterone B. Estrogen C. Gonadocrinin D. Estradiol E. Oxytocin</p><p>169. Under some conditions may be decreased amount of oogonia in the ovary. What is the embryonic source of oogonia development? A. Gonoblasts B. Mesenchyme C. Mesonephric tubules D. Epithelium of sex cords E. Paramesonephric duct</p><p>170. One of embryonic pathology may be doubled uterus. What is the embryonic source of uterus? A. Paramesonephric duct B. Sex cords C. Mesonephric tubules D. Metanephros E. Mesonephric duct</p><p>171. Disturbance of spermatogenesis may lead to the formation of man's sterility (germ-free). What is the site of spermatogenesis? A. Seminiferous tubules B. Rete testis C. Straight tubules D. Ductuli efferentes E. Ductus epididymis</p><p>172. Clinical examination reveals the pathology of seminiferous tubules. What type of epithelium lines seminiferous tubules? A. Spermatogenic B. Simple squamous C. Simple cuboidal D. Pseudostratified E. Simple columnar</p><p>173. Clinical examination reveals patholo-gically changed structure of ductus epididymis. What type of epithelium lines ductus epididymis? A. Pseudostratified B. Simple squamous C. Simple cuboidal D. Simple columnar E. Spermatogenic</p><p>174. Clinical examination reveals a pathology of a head of epididymis. What portion of male duct system forms the head of epididymis? A. Ductuli efferentes B. Straight tubules C. Rete testis D. Ductus epididymis E. Ductus deferens</p><p>175. Normal implantation of a germ is possible only after certain endometrium changes. What type of endometrium cells is increased at that changes? A. Decidual cells B. Fibrocytes C. Neurons D. Macrophages E. Endothelial</p><p>176. During histological examination in the ovarian cortex are revealed mature tertiary follicles. At what period of oogenesis are they formed? A. Big growth B. Division of oogonia C. Atresia D. Small growth E. Embryonic</p><p>177. Woman sterility may happen in the case of duct system stenosis. What is the site of fertilization? A. Ampulla of the oviduct B. Ovary C. Uterus D. Abdominal cavity E. Isthmus of the oviduct 178. Placenta produces some hormones and is referred as temporary endocrine gland. What hormone may be revealed in blood of pregnant woman at 2-3 weeks after implantation? A. Chorionic gonadothropin B. Oxytocin C. Vasopressin D. Progesterone E. Estrogen</p><p>179. At the woman 28 years complaining on sterility, in 2 phase of a cycle the blood level of progesteron is reduced. At a biopsy of endometrium in this period it is necessary to expect: A. Failure of secretory transformation of endometrium B. Hyperplasia of endometrium C. Normal structure of endometrium D. Expansion of a lumen of tubular glands E. Increase of mitosises of an epithelium</p><p>180. At once after birth the child puts to a breast of the mother. The act of a suction stimulates the production of one of hypothalamic hormone, causing contruction of myoepithelial cells of a brest and uterus. What hormone is it? A. Oxytocin B. Somatostatin C. Prolactinum D. Pif-hormonume E. Acth</p><p>181. To the woman of 52 years which have addressed with the complaints of state of health, the diagnosis a menopause was put. Hormonal disturbance in this period occurs because of: A. Decreased function of ovaries B. Unsufficient activity of anterior lobe of a pituitary gland C. Depression of function of adrenal D. Infringement of communication a pituitary body - hypothalamus E. Sharp attrition of primordial follicles</p><p>182. At the woman 49 years the cyst of the left ovary was revealed. From what structure could it be developed? A. Follicle B. Atretic body C. Corpus albicans D. Stroma of cortex E. Interstitial cells</p><p>183. At a chronic orchitis it is marked diffuse fibrous degeneration of a testis with a dystrophia or necro-biosis of leydig cells. What is the function of these cells? A. Endocrine B. Basic C. Trophic D. Exocrine E. Protective 184. At a sclerosis of prostatic glands there is a replacement of lobular parenchyme by connective tissue. What tissues forms a stroma of prostata? A. Connective and smooth muscular B. Connective and striatal muscular C. Reticular and adipose D. Connective and adipose E. Reticular and smooth muscular</p><p>185. At careful inspection of the patient with sterility the infringement of formation of glycocalyx on a surface of spermatozoa revealed. The pathology may be found in: A. Ductus epididymis B. Seminiferous tubules C. Prostatic glands D. Straight tubules of a testis E. Rete testis</p><p>186. At acute epididymites the inflammatory changes come in walls of ductuli efferentes and in its stroma. What is included into structure of an epididymis? A. Ductus epididymis and ductuli efferentes B. Ductus epididymis and staight tubules C. Ductus epididymis and rete testis D. Ductus deferent and duct of epididymis E. Seminiferous tubules and duct of epididymis</p><p>187. In the pubertal period cells of the male sexual glands start producing the male sexualhormone testosterone that is responsible for formation of the secondary sexual characters. What cells of the male sexual glands produce this hormone? A. Leidig cells B. Spermatozoa C. Sertoli's cells D. Sustenocytes E. Sustentacular cells</p><p>188. Patient diagnosed with infertility underwent diagnostic biopsy of endome-trium. Microscopical examination revea-led that its mucous membrane was edema-tic, uterine glands were convoluted and filled with thick secretion. Such changes of endometrium are caused by excess of the following hormone: A. Progesterone B. Acth C. Testosterone D. Somatotropin E. Estrogen </p><p>189. By producing a number of hormones placenta plays a part of temporary endocrine gland. What hormone may be detected in woman's blood on the third or the forth day after begin of implantation, that is used in medi-cine for early pregnancy detection? A. Chorionic gonadotropin B. Somatostatin C. Progesterone D. Vasopressin E. Oxytocin 190. The impact of oxitocin on uterus wall helps to stop uterine bleeding after labor. What membrane of this organ reacts on the effect of this hormone? A. Myometrium B. Endometrium C. Perimetrium D. Parametrium E. Submucous membrane </p><p>191. A 32-year-old patient consulted a doctor about the absence of lactation after parturiti¬on. Such disorder might be explained by the deficit of the following hormone: A. Prolactin B. Vasopressin C. Glucagon D. Thyrocalcitonin E. Somatotropin</p><p>192. The patient has inflammation of the ovary and endocrine function of the follicular cells is disrupted. Synthe-sis of which hormones will be depres-sed? A. Estrogens B. Progesterone C. Lutropin D. Folistatin E. Follicle-stimulating hormone</p><p>193. On a slide of an ovary the follicles of different types, atreric follicles and corpus luteum are visible. What phase of a menstrual cycle answers such condition in the ovary? A. Premenstrual B. Menstrual C. Regenerative D. Postmenstrual E. Growth of follicles</p><p>194. An organ is covered with tunica serosa and tunica albuginea. The stroma of the organ is made up with loose connective tissue, which contains leydig cells. Parenchyma is represented with tubules, the inner surface of which is lined by spermatogenic epithelium. What organ is this? A. Testis B. Epididymis C. Prostate D. Mammary gland E. Ovary</p><p>195. After mechanical trauma of the scrotum a patient was diagnosed with the damage to the epithelial lining of the rete testis. What epithelium was impaired? A. Simple cuboidal B. Ciliated C. Simple columnar D. Pseudostratified E. Transitional 196. The presence of nuclear and cytoplasmic changes in spermatids can be seen at the time of one phase of spermatogene-sis which lead to the formation of mature gametes. Name this phase of gametogenesis. A. Formation B. Maturation C. Growth D. Multiplication E. Proliferation</p><p>197. The solution of continuity of the walls of the convoluted seminiferous tubules can be seen after mechanical injury of the man’s testis. Where will it lead? A. Aspermatogenesis B. Polyspermy C. Increase in the amount of testosterone D. Monospermiya E. Reduction in testosterone synthesis</p><p>198. Gonoblasts, germ cell precursors, were found in the 3-week human embryo. Where do these cells differentiate? A. In the yolk sac B. In the mesenchyme C. In the embryonic ectoderm D. In dermatomes E. In the embryonic endoderm</p><p>199. In the study of the seminal fluid from the 25-year-old patient was found insufficient number of germ cells. Which of the cells of male sex glands, dividing provide usually enough sperms to fertilize an ovum? A. Spermatogonia B. Sustentocytes C. Supporting cells D. Sertoli cells E. Leydig cells</p><p>200. The married couple complains of inabi-lity to have children. After examina-tion it was revealed - the man’s testi-cular spermatogenic epithelium was suffered, leading to the absence of sperm in the semen and as a consequence - to infertility. Which part of testicle was damaged? A. Convoluted seminiferous tubules B. Rect seminiferous tubules C. Rete testis D. Duct of the epididymus E. Efferent ducts</p><p>201. During puberty the cells of male sex glands start to produce male sex hormo-ne testosterone, which causes the appearance of secondary sexual cha-racteristics. What cells of male sex glands produce this hormone? A. Leydig cells B. Sustentocytes C. Sertoli cells D. Supporting cells E. Spermatozoon 202. As a result of orchitis in 43-year-old man the production of spermatozoa was disrupted. In what particular part of the testis pathological changes occurred? A. Ductuli B. Rete testis C. Ductuli seminiferi recti D. Ductuli eferentes testis E. Ductus epididimidis</p><p>203. The mucosal epithelium is represented by high prismatic cells with stereoci-lia, and low cambial cells. Which organ of the male reproductive system has been investigated? A. The duct of the epididymis B. Testis C. Prostate gland D. Ejaculatory duct E. Urethra</p><p>204. Destructive changes are observed in the cells of testicular seminiferous epithelium which are in the stage of their formation, i.e. Spermatids and spermatozoa. Due to what cells sperma-togenesis can restore itself? A. Spermatogonia B. Spermatocytes i order C. Spermatocytes ii order D. Supporting cells E. Leydig cells</p><p>205. Relatively large acidophilic cells were found in the connective tissue between the seminiferous tubules of the testis. Their cytoplasm contains glycoprotein inclusion and glycogen granules, well-developed smooth endo-plasmic reticulum and mitochondria. What are these cells? A. Interstitial cells B. Support cells C. Myoid cells D. Fibroblasts E. Spermatogonia</p><p>206. There are hyperemia of the woman’s ova-ry, increased permeability of the blood- follicle barrier with the consistent development of edema, infiltration of the wall of the follicle with segmented leukocytes. Its wall is thin. What period of the ovarian-menstrual cycle corresponds to the described pattern? A. Pre-ovulatory stage B. Ovulation C. The menstrual period D. Postmenstrual period E. The period of relative rest</p><p>207. The caesarean section was performed on the woman. The wall of the uterus was cut to a considerable extent and the fetus was taken out. How will the healing in the stitched myometrium occur? A. The formation of connective tissue scar B. Formation of smooth muscle tissue C. Formation of striated muscle fibers D. Myosatelitocyte proliferation E. Hypertrophy of smooth muscle cells</p><p>208. Cessation of bleeding after parturi-tion is connected to the action of oxytocin on the uterine wall. Which coat of an organ reacts to the action of the hormone? A. Myometrium B. Endometrium C. Perimetrium D. Parametrium E. Submucosa</p><p>209. Which stage of the menstrual cycle cor-respondent features: thickening, edema, presence of tortuous glands with dila-ted lumen which secrete large amounts of mucus. Cells in cell mitoses are not seen. Decidual cells are present in the stroma. A. Secretory (premenstrual) B. Menstrual C. Regenerative D. Proliferative E. Relative rest</p><p>210. Cessation of bleeding after parturition is connected to the action of hormones on the uterus. Which coat of the uterus reacts the most to the action of the hormones? A. The middle layer of the myometrium B. Endometrium C. The inner layer of the myometrium D. The superficial layer of the myometrium E. Perimetrium</p><p>211. The microscopic examination of endo-metrium of women with infertility revealed that the mucosa has symptoms of edema, uterine glands are tortuous, filled with thick secretion. What hormone causes these changes in the endometrium? A. Progesterone B. Estrogens C. Testosterone D. Growth hormone E. Acth</p><p>212. An atretic body and a developed corpus luteum along with different follicles can be seen on the slide of an ovary. What stage of ovarian-mentrual cycle corresponds to this picture in the ovary? A. Premenstrual B. Menstrual C. Postmenstrual D. Regenerative E. Follicular growth</p><p>213. Structures with a large cavity are seen in slide of the woman's ovary. I order oocyte is surrounded by a zona pelluci-da, a corona radiata and is located on the cumulus oophorus. The wall is formed by a layer of follicular cells and a connective tissue coat (theca). What is this? A. Mature (tertiary) follicle B. Primordial follicles C. The primary follicles D. The yellow body E. Atretic body</p><p>214. A round in shape structure consisting of large glandular cells containing pigment lutein are revealed in a slide of woman's ovary. In the center of this structure there is a small connective scar. Specify this structu-re of the ovary. A. The corpus luteum B. Mature follicles C. Corpus albicans D. The secondary follicles E. The white body</p><p>215. Normal implantation of a human embryo can be successful only by a relevant change in the uterine endometrium. What endometrial cells increase in umber during this process? A. Decidual cells B. Fibroblasts C. Neurons D. Macrophages E. Myocytes</p><p>216. An elevated value of estrogens was found in the blood of a woman. Which ovarian cells participate in the formation of these hormones? A. Interstitial follicular cells and follicular cells of the secondary follicles B. The oocytes C. Follicular cells of primary follicles D. Follicular cells of primordial follicles E. Follicular cells and oocytes</p><p>217. Irregularly-shaped bright pink-colored spots can be seen on the slide of the ovary (hematoxylin & eosin stain). As a result of what process have these structures appeared? A. Follicle atresia B. Formation of corpus luteum C. Ovulation D. Formation of white body E. Follicular necrosis</p><p>218. A low concentration of estrogens and high concentration of progesterone was revealed in the blood of non-pregnant, 26-year-old woman. At what stage of ovarian- menstrual cycle this analysis was done? A. Premenstrual phase (secretory) B. Menstrual phase C. Postmenstrual phase (proliferative) D. Phase of desquamation E. Phase of endometrial proliferation</p><p>219. An ovarian cyst was found in a 50-year-old woman. From what structure it has developed? A. From the follicle B. The stroma of the cortex C. Atretic body D. White body E. Interstitial cells</p><p>220. A corpse of the unknown woman was deli-vered to the morgue for forensic exami-nation. A circular formation about 5 cm in diameter, containing a yellow pig-ment was found in the ovaries during the autopsy. Pathological changes in the ovaries were not found. What cells does it consist of? A. Luteal B. Follicular C. Interstitial D. Myoid E. Fibroblasts</p><p>221. The polygonal-shaped cells rich in li-pids and glycogen were found in the lamina propria after the biopsy of the healthy woman’s endometrium taken in the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. What are these cells? A. Decidual cells B. Smooth muscle cells C. Endothelial cells of damaged vessels D. Myofibroblasts E. Fibroblasts</p><p>222. A follicle was found in the slide of an ovary stained with hematoxylin-eosin. It has follicular epithelial cells pla-ced in 1-2 layers which have cuboidal shape. A bright red-colored coat is visible around the oocyte. Name this follicle. A. Primary B. Primordial C. Secondary D. Mature E. Atretic</p><p>223. An endocrine function of follicular cells of the follicles of an ovary is disrupted as a result of inflamma-tion. The synthesis of what hormones will be suppressed? A. Estrogen B. Progesterone C. Lutropin D. Follicle-stimulating hormone E. Follistatin</p><p>224. Some changes in the ovarian structure caused by the action of the hormone progesterone were revealed after a biopsy of the endometrium taken from a woman with infertility.where is this hormone manufactured? A. In the corpus luteum of the ovary B. In the ovarian follicles C. In the anterior lobe of the pituitary D. In the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland E. In the hypothalamus</p><p>225. The rounded formations consisting of glandular cells filled with lipid droplets are present on a slide of the ovary. Define this structure. A. The corpus luteum B. Primordial follicles C. The primary follicle D. The mature follicle E. Corpus albicans</p><p>226. Changes in endometrial glands occur in the process of ovarian-menstrual cycle. What type of glands are endometrial glands? A. Simple tubular unbranched B. Simple tubular branched C. Simple alveolar unbranched D. Compound alveolar unbranched E. Compound alveolar-tubular branched</p><p>227. The physiological connection between the maternal and fetal circulatory systems is established at a certain stage of human ontogenesis. This function performs the following provisional organ: A. Placenta B. The yolk sac C. Amnion D. Serous membrane E. Alantois</p><p>228. Mature tertiary follicles can be found during biopsy in the cortex of the ovary. In what period of oogenesis they have been formed? A. Terminal follicular growth B. Basal follicular growth C. Maturation D. Multiplication E. Formation</p><p>229. It is known that some microorganisms that cause infectious diseases can pass the placental barrier. What layers form it? A. All structural components of the tertiary villi B. The chorion and amnion C. All structural components of the secondary villi D. Allantois, yolk sac E. Endometrial basal lamina with decidual cells</p><p>230. The urine of woman is investigated for early diagnosis of pregnancy. The presence of what hormones will reliably indicate the pregnancy? A. Chorionic gonadotronin B. Estriol C. Aldosterone D. Testosterone E. Progesterone</p><p>231. The movement of the zygote is impaired as a result of the inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. What type of epithelium has changed? A. Simple columnar ciliated B. Stratified squamous non-keratinized C. Simple columnar with brush border D. Simple columnar glandular E. Pseudostratified</p><p>232. Primordial and primary follicles as well as the corpus luteum at the stage of flourishing were found in the ovary extirpated during surgery. At what stage of ovarian- menstrual cycle are organs of the female reproductive system in this situation? A. Premenstrual B. Menstrual C. Preovulatory D. Postmenstrual E. Ovulatory</p>

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