Report of APTIF

Report of APTIF

<p> ASIA-PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITY The APT Wireless Forum </p><p>APT Wireless Forum Workplan</p><p>Revised on September 2009</p><p>Contents </p><p>1. AWF Structure and Work Scope of AWF 2. Office bearers’ contact details 3. Deliverables and work plan of each group i. Spectrum Working Group ii. IMT Working Group iii. Convergence Working Group iv. Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications</p><p>4. Overall deliverables and work plan of AWF 5. Micro workplan of each deliverable</p><p>Page 1 of 26 1. AWF Structure and Work Scope of AWF</p><p>Editorial Committee</p><p>Sub WG 7</p><p>To significantly perform the objectives of AWF, the coordination activities not only with APT internal forums but also with the external forums would be required. The relationships among other forums are shown as bellows. A forum may be added or removed when a task of AWF is created, modified or completed. </p><p>Page 2 of 26 Work Scopes for AWF groups</p><p>Group Scope - Each working group will promote an exchange of information, the sharing of available resources and the pooling of expertise - Each working group could have additional physical meetings by itself. - E-mail discussion is highly recommended between the scheduled meetings</p><p>- Provide a regular channel to discuss and study on spectrum sharing technologies and other related items for regional harmonization - Provide a regional framework for planned frequency usage to Spectrum assist APT members in frequency planning WG - Discuss effective policy/regulation plans in Asia Pacific region to encourage convergence systems, cooperating with APT Policy/Regulation Forum Working Group - ITU-R WP5Dactivities on the future development of IMT- 2000 and IMT-Advanced IMT WG - Service and technology related aspects of the future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced as well as the requirements and needs of the developing countries - FWA application using IMT-2000 radio access technologies and its evolution towards IMT-2000 - Fixed Mobile Convergence Convergence - Wireless technologies for rural areas WG - Convergence between telecommunication and broadcasting services</p><p>Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications: Task  To identify the service and technical requirements of modern satellite applications; Group and  To identify the service and technical development of modern satellite applications;</p><p>2. Office Bearers’ Contact Details Dr. Young-Kyun Kim Director of Global Standards Chairman ETRI Republic of Korea Email : [email protected] Mr. Sun Lixin Head, Wireless Standardization Vice Chairman Huawei Technologies, China E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Kohei Satoh Managing Director Vice Chairman Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) Japan E-mail: [email protected] Mr. John Lewis Consulting Engineer Chairman of Spectrum Working Consultant in Spectrum Management Group Switzerland Email: [email protected] Chairman of IMT Working Group Mr. Akira Hiroike Director, Land Mobile Communications Group, Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB)</p><p>Page 3 of 26 , Japan Email: hiroike Dr. Wiseto Agung Chairman of Convergence Working Senior Manager Group PT TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA Indonesia Email: [email protected] Ms. Onanong Petnim Engineering Specialist Task Group on Modern Satellite Thaicom Public Co. Ltd Applications Thailand Email: [email protected] Ms. Juyeon Song Senior Researcher Forum Coordinator Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Republic of Korea E-mail : [email protected] Mr. Bharat Bhatia Regional Director Asia Pacific Editorial Committee Motorola India Pvt. Ltd. India( Republic of) E-mail : [email protected] Ms Julie Welch Director Sub-WG 1 Qualcomm International Inc. Hong Kong E-mail : [email protected] Mr. Bharat Bhatia Regional Director Asia Pacific Sub-WG 2 Motorola India Pvt. Ltd. India( Republic of) E-mail : [email protected] Mr. Song Qizhu Director Sub-WG 3 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, SRMC China (People's Republic of) E-mail : [email protected] Dr. Euntaek Lim Senior Engineer Sub-WG 4 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Republic of Korea E-mail : et.lim Dr. Masazumi Ueba Director Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute Int'l Sub-WG 5 Wave Eng. Lab. Japan E-mail : [email protected] Mr. Qinzhu LIU Engineer Sub-WG 6 The State Radio Monitoring Center China(People's Republic of) E-mail : [email protected] Dr. Lang Baozhen Senior Engineer Sub-WG 7 China(People's Republic of) E-mail : [email protected] Sub-WG A Dr. Wiseto Agung Page 4 of 26 Senior Manager PT TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA Indonesia Email: [email protected] Dr.Byung Seon Cho Researcher Sub-WG B ETRI) Republic of Korea E-mail : [email protected]</p><p>APT Contact</p><p>Mr. Woo Hyuk Choi Mr. Forhadul Parvez Programme Officer, Radiocommunication, APT Project Coordinator, Radiocommunication, APT Tel: 66-2- 5730044 (Ext:106 ) Tel: 66-2-5730044 (Ext: 117) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] </p><p>APT Correspondence Address Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) 12/49, Soi 5, Chaengwattana Road Bangkok 10210, Thailand</p><p>3. Deliverables/Work Plan of Groups</p><p>I. Spectrum Working Group (SPEC WG)</p><p> Terms of reference of the Spectrum Working Group Based on priorities established by the AWF, to: . Identify the spectrum requirements for new radio technologies. . Coordinate efforts to eliminate harmful interference between concerned countries, as appropriate. . Develop plans for harmonized spectrum usage for radiocommunication systems in the region. . Develop optimum sharing methodologies between radio services and methods ensuring compatibility between systems. </p><p> Work Plan1 of the Spectrum Working Group </p><p>. Identify spectrum sharing issues, and other related items, within APT member countries </p><p>. Develop harmonization of planned spectrum usage for radiocommunication systems and development of sharing/ mitigation techniques</p><p>1 As necessary, this work should be coordinated with other APT activities; for example, with the Policy/Regulation Forum Page 5 of 26 . Construct and maintain a database of major radiocommunications systems including operators and IMT-2000 in APT member countries </p><p>. Monitor international activities concerning global circulation (including development of industry arrangements to facilitate global circulation)</p><p>. Facilitate the coordination of regulatory/policy issues for converging (or boundary) services (e.g. converged systems of broadcasting and telecommunication) within APT member countries</p><p>. Facilitate satellite system coordination and orbit access</p><p> Deliverables of the Spectrum Working Group . Recommendations to improve the efficiency of spectrum usage in the region . Regional framework for planned frequency usage . Wireless service’s operator and licensing databases (e.g. IMT-2000, DMB, etc.) . Spectrum management guidelines</p><p> Terms of Reference for Sub-Working Groups of the Spectrum Working Group </p><p>. Sub-Working Group 1</p><p>To undertake sharing studies, including reviewing existing available sharing studies (both in ITU- R texts and from other sources), and prepare associated AWF Reports on sharing scenarios identified within the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Wireless Forum.</p><p>SWG1 will continue to update a report on “Studies on the Co-Existence between IMT-2000 Technologies and Between IMT-2000 Technologies and Other Wireless Access Technologies in Adjacent and Near-Adjacent Frequency Bands.” Currently four sharing studies are conducted out of seven scenarios have been identified for these studies. These are: 1. between a CDMA2000 downlink in the 1930 – 1990 MHz frequency band and an WCDMA uplink in the 1920 – 1980 MHz frequency band, 2. between CDMA2000 systems in the 1920 – 1980 / 2110 – 2170 MHz frequency bands and WCDMA systems in the 1920 – 1980 / 2110 – 2170 MHz frequency bands, 3. between a CDMA2000 downlink in the 869 - 894 MHz frequency band and a GSM or WCDMA uplink in the 880 – 915 MHz frequency band, 4. between a CDMA2000 uplink in the 1850 - 1910 MHz frequency band and a GSM downlink in the 1805 - 1880 MHz frequency band, 5. between TDD and FDD systems at 2 GHz, 6. from broadcast operations in the 470 – 800 MHz band into CDMA2000 networks operating in the 450 – 470 MHz band, 7. between PHS systems in the 1885 – 1920 MHz band and WCDMA uplinks in the 1920- 1980 MHz band.</p><p>The output reports should include all relevant details of the sharing studies which should cover the Page 6 of 26 definition of the interference scenario, relevant analytical studies (including equipment characteristics requirements, radio propagation models, etc.), results of analytical studies and results of live testing. </p><p>SWG1 will also gather information on the sharing studies that have already been undertaken by the ITU, standards organizations and other sources on these interference scenarios. </p><p>SWG1 has the additional responsibility to review spectrum matters concerning the UHF spectrum which will be available after the final transition from analogue to Digital TV, so called “Digital Dividend Spectrum”. The Terms of References on digital dividend are: 1. to review the availability of spectrum resulting from the introduction of digital terrestrial television broadcasting in the band 470-806 MHz and the potential alternative uses of the spectrum so released 2. to develop recommended harmonized approaches for the introduction of new wireless technologies, services and application in released spectrum, including preferred frequency bands and associated technical characteristics. </p><p>The Sub-Working Group may work by correspondence and present a report on the results of its work at each AWF meeting.</p><p>. Sub-Working Group 2</p><p>The focus of the work for this group is as follows:</p><p>1. To consider the use of frequency bands included in WRC-03 Resolution 646 to develop technical parameters and channelling plans for harmonized use of these bands for PPDR 2. To consider and make proposals on frequencies for harmonized PPDR use in Asia-Pacific countries.</p><p>The Sub-Working Group may work by correspondence and present a report on the results of its work at each AWF meeting.</p><p>. Sub-Working Group 3</p><p>The initial tasks attributed to this group were completed. At present this Sub-Working Group focus on aeronautical and maritime matters and would address the issues of the use of mobile phone as well as the use of other modern wireless technologies on-board aircraft and vessels. These activities will include, but not be limited to:  For the use of mobile phones on board aircraft and vessels: o Licensing issues and possible ways to harmonize the approach to licensing by APT members such as mutual recognition while taking due account of national differences. o Spectrum matters noting that currently a number of different frequency bands and different mobile technologies are in use in the Asia-Pacific region. o The preparation of an AWF Report on technical requirements especially in regard to the capability of the equipment on-board the aircraft and vessels as well as the technical and operational conditions of each country being over-flown.  For other wireless technologies: Page 7 of 26 o Spectrum harmonization issues including preferred frequency bands and associated technical characteristics. o Associated regulatory and licensing issues, when considered appropriate.</p><p>. Sub-Working Group 4</p><p>The focus of the work for this group will be as follows:</p><p>1. Investigation on New Technology facilitating BWA services: - This task includes the analysis of feasibility/applicability of new technologies such as SDR and Cognitive Radio in BWA services. - Commercial services or standardization activities are expected to be presented. - A [Some] technical report[s] or report[s] on case studies are produced as output of this task.</p><p>2. Co-existence studies between BWA and other services or between BWA technologies in the bands above 2.3GHz, which are not covered by the WRC-11 Agenda Item. - Since Sub-Working Group 1 of the Spectrum Working Group handles the co-existence issues between fixed and IMT-2000 services, the Administrations would be encouraged to contribute the sharing studies focusing on the cases between mobile BWA and other services in various frequency bands. - A [Some] technical reports or report[s] on case studies are produced as output of this task.</p><p>3. Studies on the technical and service requirements of BWA in order to ascertain harmonized views on the BWA deployment in APT member countries. - This task includes the ascertainment of BWA services and technologies, and the recognition of BWA spectrum used in the APT region. This task may also include the efforts to produce harmonized views on BWA deployment in the APT region based on the Administrations’ demands. - The specific views on underlying BWA technologies/services would be presented by any Administrations and possibly will be documented as case studies based on the requests/contributions. - A [Some] technical report[s] or report[s] on case studies are produced as output of this task. The Recommendation to recommend harmonized use of spectrum such as harmonized band plan may be developed on a demand basis.</p><p>The Sub-Working Group may work by correspondence and present a report on the results of its work at each AWF meeting.</p><p>. Sub-Working Group 5</p><p>The focus of the work for this group will be as follows:</p><p>1. Develop Recommendations on the common frequency bands for operation of Short Range Radiocommunication Devices; 2. Enhancement to the existing APT Report on UWB and RFID; 3. Prepare APT Report on the common frequency bands for operation of Short Range Radiocommunication Devices to the ITU Study Group 1; and 4. Study the harmonization of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the 5.9 GHz band</p><p>Page 8 of 26 The Sub-Working Group may work by correspondence and present a report on the results of its work at each AWF meeting.</p><p>. Sub-Working Group 6</p><p>The focus of the work for this group will be as follows:</p><p> Sharing information on frequency monitoring and analysis methods with spectrum monitoring systems and setting up programs such as frequency occupancy measurement and harmful interference detection  Sharing members’ case studies on interference and its elimination, e.g. field measurement for surveying the case of interference between IMT systems and other systems which are already implemented  To exchange views and cooperate on preventing interference between neighboring countries To study measures to resolve interference and noise problems with RF facilities, e.g. measuring noise level in the bands which are used for unlicensed devices(UWB, WiFi, RFID, etc.) The Sub-Working Group may work by correspondence and present a report on the results of its work at each AWF meeting.</p><p>. Sub-Working Group 7</p><p>The focus of the work for this group will be as follows:  To conduct surveys on current status of the introduction, development, regulation and possible spectrum use of SDR and CRS in Asia-Pacific countries.</p><p> To collect successful SDR and CRS deployment examples across different countries or operators in Asia-Pacific countries.</p><p> To study and discuss the possible applications, deployment environments and/or standardization processes of SDR and CRS in Asia-Pacific countries.</p><p> To study the possible spectrum of CRS in Asia-Pacific countries and the possible harmonization of CRS spectrum worldwide</p><p> To study the key techniques and system requirements of SDR and CRS</p><p> Other aspects</p><p>Work Group of FSS Spectrum  Terms of Reference (ToR)</p><p> o to consider potential new bands for use by the FSS (Earth-to-space), taking into account compatibility with existing services and allocations; and o to study the possibility of removing or modifying regulatory restrictions on allocations to the FSS (Earth-to-space), taking into account compatibility with existing services and allocations</p><p>Page 9 of 26 II. IMT Working Group</p><p>Terms of reference of the IMT Working Group Based on priorities established by the AWF: . To review activities on the future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced discussed in the ITU-R Working Party 5D(WP5D). . To study service and technology related aspects of the future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced as well as the requirements and needs of the developing countries.</p><p> Work Plan of IMT Working Group . Review activities inside and outside of ITU-R WP5D on the future development of IMT . Review and study service and technology related aspects of the future development of IMT as well as the requirements and needs of the developing countries </p><p> Deliverables of IMT Working Group Based on work plan above, IMT Working Group will develop information document on the use of mobile bands in APT countries.</p><p>III. Convergence Working Group</p><p> Terms of reference of the Convergence Working Group</p><p>Based on priorities established by the AWF:  To study and identify current, emerging and future issues of radio communication that are affected by the convergence of ICT, including fixed-mobile and telecommunication- broadcasting convergences </p><p> To study and identify the implications of the continued development of convergence, which may affect the operators / service providers, broadcasters, content providers / aggregators, end users and regulators, </p><p> To study and identify the convergence scenarios which would be promoting the rural and under-served areas particularly in developing countries The study and identification may include but is not limited to the following aspects: o technology; o services; o economics and strategy; o business model; o regulatory issues, and o standardization. </p><p> Terms of Reference for Sub-Working Groups of the Convergence Working Group Page 10 of 26 . Sub-Working Group A</p><p>The focus of the work for this group will be as follows: . Study of the Standardization Road map for Fixed Mobile Convergence . Study the Regulatory Aspect of FMC . Study the Business Model of FMC </p><p>. Work Plan of the Sub-Working Group A</p><p>. Study on the technology and standardization progress of Fixed Mobile Convergence development . Report of the Regulatory Aspect of FMC(planned to finalized in this AWF-7) . Study the Business Model of FMC </p><p>. Deliverables of the Sub-Working Group A</p><p>Base on work plan above, TG2 will deliver followings; . Report on other emerging cost effective systems for wireless communication in under- served areas of the Asia Pacific Region.(if any update) . Report on the technology and standardization road map of Fixed Mobile Convergence . Report on the Regulatory Aspect of FMC, including the Survey Results on the regulatory issues of FMC (planned to finalized in this AWF-7) . Report of the Business Model of FMC </p><p>. Sub-Working Group B</p><p>The focus of the work for this group will be as follows: . To identify the wide range of current and future activities on the convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting technologies, and also possible application scenarios</p><p>. To review survey on economic issues such as business model of convergence service . To review survey on regulatory issues to facilitate convergence service </p><p>. Work plan of the Sub-Working Group B</p><p>Page 11 of 26  Review the new services and technologies of the telecommunications and broadcasting converged services.</p><p>- Tracking new technologies and services and studying its impact on economy in convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting service - Reviewing the strategies and business model of telecommunications and broadcasting convergence service</p><p> Finding new wireless convergence technologies and services</p><p>. Deliverables of the Sub-Working Group B</p><p>. Report on new technology and service in the telecommunications and broadcasting convergence services. . Report on business strategies and models in the telecommunications and broadcasting convergence service.</p><p>IV. Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications</p><p>Term of References of the Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications:</p><p> o To identify the service and technical requirements of modern satellite applications; and o To identify the service and technical development of modern satellite applications;</p><p>Work Plan of the Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications:</p><p> o To conduct a survey of the service trends in modern satellite applications; o To conduct a survey of the service requirements of modern satellite applications; o To conduct a survey of satellite technology; and o To conduct study on technical requirements of modern satellite applications.</p><p>Deliverables of the Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications:</p><p> o A survey report of the service trend in the modern satellite applications; o A report on service requirement of modern satellite applications; o A survey report of the satellite technology; and o A report on modern satellite technical requirement.</p><p>Page 12 of 26 4. Overall Deliverables /Workplan of AWF </p><p>Group Deliverables Editor Timing WG-SPEC APT Frequency Information System (AFIS) WG-SPEC Chair and 2008/2009 APT Secretariat</p><p>AWF Opinion of the use of mobile phones onboard Mr.Railton 2007 aircraft Done</p><p>Draft New Recommendation on the harmonization of Mr.Railton 2007 5 GHz spectrum for use on board aircraft RLANs Done</p><p>Draft New APT Recommendation on “Spectrum Use Mr. Ramsey 2006 and Sharing by Very Low Power Wireless Heart Done Implant Transmitters</p><p>WG-SPEC Studies on the Co-Existence Between IMT-2000 Ms. J. Welch 2007 Sub-WG1 Technologies and Between IMT-2000 Technologies Done and Other Wireless Access Technologies in Adjacent and Near-Adjacent Frequency Bands</p><p>APT Report “UHF Band Usage and Considerations Ms. J. Welch 2009 for Realizing UHF Digital Dividend”</p><p>WG-SPEC Harmonized use of PPDR frequencies Mr. B. Bhatia 2008 Sub-WG2</p><p>WG-SPEC Recommendation “Guidelines for the Frequency Mr. SONG Qizhu 2007(Done) Sub-WG3 Coordination for the Terrestrial Services at the Border Areas between Administrations"</p><p>Recommendation “Use of 5GHz Wireless LAN 2007(Done) Onboard Aircraft"</p><p>Opinion on " The Framework for the Use of Mobile 2007(Done) Phones Onboard Aircraft" 2009 (Revising) Opinion on "The Framework for the Use of Mobile 2010 Phones Onboard Vessel"</p><p>WG-SPEC APT Frequency Arrangement on 2.3 - 2.4GHz Dr. Euntaek LIM 2010 Sub-WG4 Report on Characteristics and requirements for BWA Dr. Euntaek LIM 2009 systems</p><p>Develop Recommendations on the common Mr. Ueba 2010 frequency bands for operation of Short Range WG-SPEC Radiocommunication Devices Sub-WG5</p><p>WG-SPEC Mr. Qizhu LIU 2010 Sub-WG6</p><p>WG-SPEC Dr. Lang Baozhen 2010 Sub-WG7</p><p>Report on the usage of mobile bands in APT Ms. Yanbin Li 2010 WG-IMT countries</p><p>Page 13 of 26 Report on Regulatory Aspect for FMC Dr. Wiseto Agung 2009</p><p>WG-CON Report on the standardization progress of Fixed Dr. Wiseto Agung 2010 Mobile Convergence Sub-WG A Report on the business model of Fixed Mobile Dr. Wiseto Agung 2011 Convergence </p><p>Report on new technology and service in the Dr. Byung-Sun Cho 2011 telecommunications and broadcasting convergence services WG-CON Report on business strategies and models in the Dr. Byung-Sun Cho 2011 Sub-WG B telecommunications and broadcasting convergence service</p><p>Survey report(s) on the service trends and satellite Ms. Onanong Petni- 2010 technology of modern satellite applications m TG-SAT Report(s) on service and technical requirements of Ms. Onanong Petni- 2011/2012 modern satellite applications m</p><p>5. Micro Workplan of Each Deliverable</p><p> Workplan for Sub-Working Group 1 of the Spectrum Working Group</p><p>Title Studies on the Co-Existence Between IMT-2000 Technologies and Between IMT-2000 Technologies and Other Wireless Access Technologies in Adjacent and Near-Adjacent Frequency Bands (Sharing Studies) Document Type Report – results of studies </p><p>Group/Chair WG-SPEC/Sub-WG 1/Ms. J. Welch</p><p>Editor(s) Ms. Julie Garcia Welch</p><p>Scope To prepare a report detailing the results of the sharing studies detailed in the Terms of Reference for the group, for consideration by WG-SPEC. </p><p>Purpose To undertake sharing studies, including reviewing existing available sharing studies (both in ITU-R texts and from other sources), and prepare associated AWF Reports on sharing scenarios identified within the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Wireless Forum.</p><p>Related Document</p><p>Related Forums</p><p>Page 14 of 26 Timelines The 1 st meeting (Korea) in 2004</p><p> Establishment of Sub-WG 1. </p><p>After the 1 st meeting (Korea) in 2004</p><p> Undertake relevant studies and report results to the interim AWF meeting to be held in March 2005. Any associated activities may be conducted if necessary</p><p>2006</p><p>Consider the technical analyses and experimental results requested from AWF members for the five interference scenarios which have been described in the report of the AWF-2 meeting, and develop associated Reports and Recommendations. </p><p>2007</p><p>Finalize Report by AWF-4</p><p>2008</p><p>Update Report base on input from APT members</p><p>Title APT UHF Digital Dividend Band Plan</p><p>Document Type Report, Recommendation</p><p>Group/Chair WG-SPEC/Sub-WG 1/Ms. Julie Welch </p><p>Editor(s)</p><p>Scope 1. To review the availability of spectrum resulting from the introduction of digital terrestrial television broadcasting in the band 470-806 MHz and the potential alternative uses of the spectrum so released.</p><p>2. To develop recommended harmonised approaches for the introduction of new wireless technologies, services and applications in released spectrum, including preferred frequency bands and associated technical characteristics.</p><p>Purpose To develop APT Report compiling responses to questionnaire and additional reference information;</p><p>To develop APT Report/Recommendation for harmonized Region 3 UHF Digital Dividend frequency arrangement; </p><p>To develop as necessary contributions to ITU-R WP5D, WP5A, and WP6A with respect to the activities of AWF WG-SPEC Sub-WG 1;</p><p>To develop as necessary liaison documents to APG2011 to facilitate Region 3 preparations relative to WRC-2011 Agenda Item 1.17;</p><p>Related Document ITU-R Recommendation M.1036-3</p><p>WRC-07 Resolutions 224 and 749</p><p>Related Organization ITU-R</p><p>Page 15 of 26 Timelines 2008</p><p> Initiate task in AWF</p><p> Prepare and circulate Digital Dividend survey questionnaire to APT members</p><p>2009</p><p> AWF-6: March</p><p> oDevelop workplan and timeline</p><p> oGet updates from other regional groups in attendance on UHF Digital Dividend band planning activities</p><p> oGet updates on ITU-R JTG 5-6 and ITU-R WP5D activities </p><p> oPrepare draft/interim AWF Report which would include the responses to questionnaire</p><p> oSolicit additional information on the status of mobile and broadcasting services in the UHF frequency band within Region 3 countries </p><p> oSolicit UHF Digital Dividend band plan proposals from APT members </p><p> oInform ITU-R WP5D of the activity and timeline of AWF WG-SPEC Sub- WG 1</p><p> AWF-7: September</p><p> oFinalize AWF Digital Dividend Report from responses to questionnaire and additional information gathered</p><p> oSolicit APT member views on proposed UHF Digital Dividend band plan(s)</p><p>2010</p><p> AWF-8</p><p> Prepare draft AWF Report/Recommendation for harmonized UHF Digital Dividend band plan for Management Committee approval</p><p> If necessary, inform APG of status of draft AWF Recommendation for harmonized UHF digital dividend band plan</p><p> If necessary, update ITU-R WP5D meeting of the activity of AWF WG- SPEC Sub-WG 1</p><p> AWF-9</p><p> Finalize AWF Report/Recommendation for harmonized UHF Digital Dividend band plan</p><p>Title APT Report on Sharing and Compatibility Studies on MCBTS Systems in the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands in Region 3. Document Type Report</p><p>Group/Chair WG-SPEC/Sub-WG 1 </p><p>Editor(s) Mr. Safwan Zaheer</p><p>Scope To develop a Report evaluating the Sharing and Compatibility aspects of deploying Page 16 of 26 MCBTS systems in the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands in Region 3.</p><p>Purpose To provide guidance to administrations, operators, and vendors as they deploy MCBTS systems in Region 3.</p><p>Related Document CEPT Report ?</p><p>Related Organization APT</p><p>Timelines 2009  AWF-7: September oDevelop workplan and timeline</p><p> oInvite contributions from administrations and operators on commonly deployed radio systems adjacent to the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands to be evaluated for sharing and compatibility studies. Contributions should also list the frequencies at which these systems are deployed.</p><p>2010</p><p> AWF-8: </p><p> oEvaluate initial contributions received on characteristics of commonly deployed adjacent systems in the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands to be studied for sharing and compatibility with MCBTS systems.</p><p> oSolicit AWF member views to determine the types of systems to be included in the AWF Report.</p><p> AWF-9: </p><p> oDeadline for submitting characteristics of commonly deployed adjacent systems in the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands to be studied for sharing and compatibility with MCBTS systems.</p><p> oReview Initial Sharing and Compatibility Results.</p><p>2011</p><p> AWF-10</p><p> oReview results on the Sharing and Compatibility Results.</p><p> oPrepare draft AWF Report on sharing studies on MCBTS systems in the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands.</p><p> oCirculate draft AWF Report to APT members for views.</p><p> AWF-11</p><p> oFinalize AWF Report on sharing studies on MCBTS systems in the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands.</p><p> Workplan for Sub-Working Group 2 of the Spectrum Working Group </p><p>Title Studies on harmonized PPDR frequency use in the Asia-Pacific region. </p><p>Document Type Report – results of studies </p><p>Page 17 of 26 Group/Chair WG-SPEC/Sub-WG 2/Mr. B. Bhatia</p><p>Editor(s) Mr. Bharat Bhatia</p><p>Scope To prepare a report detailing the results of the studies detailed in the Terms of Reference for the group, for consideration by WG-SPEC. </p><p>Purpose To develop proposals for harmonised frequency use for PPDR application, for consideration for PPDR use in APT member countries. </p><p>Related Document</p><p>Related Forums</p><p>Timelines 2009</p><p>Continue work on development of text for Draft New Recommendations concerning harmonised frequency use of the UHF bands, listed in ITU WRC-2003 Resolution 646 for PPDR applications, including the development of technical parameters such as example channelling plans and emission masks.</p><p>Prepare necessary contributions to concerned ITU-R study groups</p><p> Workplan for Sub-Working Group 3 of the Spectrum Working Group </p><p>Title Studies on the Framework for the Use of Mobile Phones Onboard Vessel</p><p>Document Type Opinion – results of studies </p><p>Group/Chair WG-SPEC/Sub-WG 3/Mr. Song Qizhu</p><p>Editor(s) Mr. Song Qizhu</p><p>Scope To prepare an opinion detailing the results of the studies detailed in the Terms of Reference for the group, for consideration by WG-SPEC. </p><p>Purpose To develop a harmonized regulatory framework for the use of mobile phones on board vessels</p><p>Related Document CEPT/ECC Decision (08) 08 and CEPT/ECC Report 122</p><p>Related Forums</p><p>Timelines AWF-7(2009)  Review more contributions from APT members which will clarify important technical requirements of national and international regulations. And initiate the drafting the Opinion.</p><p>AWF-8(2010)  Continue to review the further contributions and improve the text of the Opinion</p><p>AWF-9(2010)  Finalize the Opinion</p><p>Page 18 of 26 Workplan for Sub-Working Group 4 of the Spectrum Working Group </p><p>Title APT Frequency Arrangement on 2.3 - 2.4GHz</p><p>Document Type Report</p><p>Group/Chair WG-SPEC/Sub-WG 4/Mr. Euntaek Lim</p><p>Editor(s) Mr. Le Van Tuan</p><p>Scope To review current usage of 2.3-2.4GHz frequency band in APT region and develop possible harmonized frequency arrangement on 2.3-2.4GHz within APT region</p><p>Purpose To develop APT report for harmonised frequency arrangement on 2.3-2.4GHz for IMT systems </p><p>To develop contribution to ITU-R WP5D with respect to frequency arrangement on 2.3-2.4GHz for IMT systems</p><p>Related Document ITU-R Recommendation M.1036-3</p><p>ITU-R Recommendation M.1457-8</p><p>ITU-R Recommendation M.1580</p><p>ITU-R Recommendation M.1581</p><p>Drafted APT Report on “CHARACTERISTICS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR BROADBAND WIRELESS ACCESS SYSTEM” (Under development)</p><p>WRC-07 Resolution 223</p><p>ITU-R Recommendation M.1801</p><p>Related Organization ITU-R</p><p>Page 19 of 26 Timelines 2008</p><p> AWF-5: Initiate task in AWF</p><p> Develop workplan</p><p> Draft contribution to WP5D to inform the activity</p><p> Survey 2.3-2.4GHz usage</p><p> Initiate correspondence activity before AWF-6 so as to develop appropriate inputs to WP5D meetings</p><p>2009</p><p> AWF-6: Progress the frequency arrangement development</p><p> Summarize initial input contributions</p><p> Create working document </p><p> Develop the second APT contribution to WP5D to inform the progress</p><p> AWF-7: Progress the frequency arrangement development</p><p> Finalize the development</p><p> Develop the APT contribution to WP5D to propose an (a few) options for the frequency arrangement on 2.3-2.4GHz</p><p>2010</p><p> AWF-8: Finalize the frequency arrangement development</p><p> Finalize the development</p><p> Develop the APT contribution to WP5D to propose an (a few) options for the frequency arrangement on 2.3-2.4GHz</p><p> Workplan for Sub-Working Group 5 of the Spectrum Working Group </p><p>Title Recommendations on the Common frequency bands for operation of short range Radiocommunication devices Document Type APT Recommendation</p><p>Group/Chair WG-SPEC/Sub-WG 5/Mr. M, Ueba</p><p>Editor(s) Mr. Ueba</p><p>Scope Review the APT Report on common frequency bands for operation of short range devices in APT member countries and identify the recommendable characteristics. Develop recommendations on common technical characteristics for short range devices, for consideration by APT member countries.</p><p>Purpose To harmonise frequency bands for operation of short range devices</p><p>Related Document</p><p>Related Forums</p><p>Page 20 of 26 Timelines 2010</p><p> Produce a draft APT Recommendations </p><p> Workplan for the Spectrum Working Group of FSS Spectrum</p><p>Title Studies to balance the existing FSS (Earth-to-space) spectrum in complementing the 1.05 GHz of FSS (space-to-Earth) spectrum with which it is paired in the 10- 15 GHz range Document Type Report – results of studies </p><p>Group/Chair WG-SPEC</p><p>Editor(s)</p><p>Scope To develop report(s) based on the results of the compatibility studies detailed in the Terms of Reference for the group </p><p>Purpose To identify possible bands to balance the existing FSS (Earth-to-space) spectrum in complementing the 1.05 GHz of FSS (space-to-Earth) spectrum with which it is paired in the 10-15 GHz range</p><p>Related Document</p><p>Related Forums</p><p>Timelines 2009</p><p> AWF-7: September</p><p> o Initiate task within AWF and seek contributions from APT members on this issue</p><p>2010</p><p> AWF-8: March</p><p> o Review contributions on potential bands and proposals</p><p> o Initiate compatibility studies </p><p> AWF-9: September</p><p> o Initiate report based on the results of compatibility studies </p><p>2011</p><p> AWF-10: March</p><p> o Finalize report </p><p> Workplan for IMT Working Group Title Information document on the use of mobile bands in APT countries</p><p>Document Type Report</p><p>Group/Chair IMT WG/ Mr. Hiroike (Japan)</p><p>Page 21 of 26 Editor(s) Ms Yanbin Li, Huawei Technologies</p><p>Scope Provide information on mobile operators’ frequencies, technologies, license durations and etc in APT member countries.</p><p>Purpose Provide APT member countries with practical information on the usage of mobile bands in APT countries with the purpose of reaching harmonization to the greatest extent Related Document</p><p>Related Forums</p><p>Timelines The 7 th meeting (Thailand) in 2009 </p><p> develop a questionnaire on operators’ information in APT Member countries and approve a Circular Letter at the closing plenary </p><p> develop a workplan</p><p>The 8 th meeting in 2010 </p><p> collect the responses and develop a Report </p><p>The 9 th meeting in 2010</p><p> collect the responses and finalize the Report</p><p> Work plan for Study on the technology and standardization road map of Fixed Mobile Convergence </p><p>Title Study on the standardization road map of Fixed Mobile Convergence development for promoting in developing countries of Asia Pacific Region. Document Type Report and Liaison if needed Group / Chair WG-CON/Sub-WG A / Dr. Wiseto Agung (Indonesia) Editor(s) Ms Ellen Lee, Huawei China</p><p>Scope Collect information from ITU-T study group no 19 dan 13, and related seminars Approached to have circular letter to manufacturers, industry association and related study group in the standardization bodies on their availability, road map, readiness and standardization of the Fixed Mobile Convergence.</p><p>Purpose Provide APT member countries with information, study of the technology and standardization of Fixed Wireless Convergence for promoting rural or under-served areas in Asia Pacific Region Related Documents ITU-T recommendation Q.1761 “Principles and Requirements for Convergence of Fixed and Existing IMT-2000 Systems” ITU Rec.Q.1762 ((Previous Q.FMC-REQ )“FMC General Requirements“ ITU-T Draft of Rec. Q.1762/Y.2802 “Fixed-mobile Convergence General Requirements” ITU Rec. Q.1763 (previous Q.FMC-PAU) “FMC service scenario by using PSTN as the fixed Access network for UMTS network” ITU Draft of Rec. Q.FMC-IMS: “Fixed Mobile Convergence with a common IMS session control domain” ITU Rec. Q.1707 (previous Q.MMF): Generic Framework of Mobility Management for Next Generation Networks ITU Rec.Q.1709(previous Q.HMF): Framework of Handover Management for Next Generation Networks ITU Rec. Q.1705(previous Q.LMF): Framework of Location Management for NGN ITU Draft of Rec. Q.SMF (Service Mobility Framework / Framework of Mobility Management in Service Stratum for NGN)</p><p>Page 22 of 26 Others Related Forms ITU-T SG-19 (Mobile Telecommunication Network), ITU-T SG-13 (Next Generation Network), 3GPP, 3GPP2, ETSI TISPAN Timelines The 3rd meeting in September 2006  Report on the status standardization progress of Fixed Mobile Convergence 4th AWF Meeting in 2007  Report on the standardization progress of Fixed Mobile Convergence 5th AWF Meeting in 2008  Report on the standardization progress of Fixed Mobile Convergence 6th AWF Meeting in 2009  Report on the technology and standardization progress of Fixed Mobile Convergence  Work plan for Study on the Regulatory Aspect of FMC</p><p>Title Regulatory Aspect of FMC Document Type Report and Liaison if needed Group / Chair WG-CON/Sub-WG A / Dr. Wiseto Agung (Indonesia) Editor(s) Ms. Ellen Lee, Huawei China Scope Gather information from administration who has experience, Experience Operator or standard organization to solve the regulatory issues related to the FMC Purpose To provide APT member countries with information, regarding the Regulatory issue that has to be addressed and resolved before implementation of FMC. Related Documents Related Forms -Study Group ITU-D, SG-1 (Regulatory)</p><p>Timelines Finalize the Questionnaire about FMC Regulatory Issues in Interim Meeting of AWF in 2008 Collecting the questionnaire responses Review the questionnaire responses and report its status in AWF-5 (2008) Collecting the additional questionnaire responses Review the additional questionnaire responses and report its status in AWF (2009)</p><p> Workplan for the study regarding the business model of FMC</p><p>Title Study of the business model of FMC</p><p>Document Type Report </p><p>Group/Chair Convergence WG, Sub WG-A/ Dr. Wiseto Agung </p><p>(PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia) </p><p>Editor(s)</p><p>Scope Provide information on various FMC scenarios, such as FMC market trend, fixed operators approach on FMC, mobile operator approach on FMC, service provider case studies and future challenges </p><p>Purpose Provide APT member countries with practical information and benchmark on the business model of FMC Related Document Docs. AWF-7/INP-56, AWF-4/INP-38, AWF - 4/INP-39, AWF IM-4/INP-39, AWF-5/INP- 57 Related Forums</p><p>Page 23 of 26 Timelines The 7 th meeting (Thailand) in 2009 </p><p> develop a workplan</p><p>The 8 th meeting in 2010 </p><p> collect the input documents and develop a draft report-1 </p><p>The 9 th meeting in 2010</p><p> collect the input documents and develop a draft report-2</p><p>The 10 th meeting in 2011</p><p> finalize the report </p><p> Work plan for survey document on the business and regulatory issues of wireless convergence services between broadcasting and telecommunication</p><p>Title Survey Report on the business and regulatory issues of wireless convergence services</p><p>Document Type Report</p><p>Group/Chair WG-CON/Sub-WG B / Dr. Byung-Sun Cho (Rep. of Korea)</p><p>Editor(s) Dr. Byung-Sun Cho</p><p>Scope Provide the current activities related with the convergence between broadcasting and telecommunication </p><p>Purpose Gather information about business and regulation circumstances on wireless convergence service in APT member countries and to find out issues which should be resolved to facilitate wireless convergence services in Asia-Pacific region Related Document Not available</p><p>Related Forums Not available</p><p>Timelines 2008</p><p>Finalized in Interim Meeting of AWF in 2008(finalized in 2008)</p><p>Title Report on new technology and service in the telecommunications and broadcasting convergence services Document Type Report</p><p>Group/Chair WG-CON/Sub-WG B / Dr. Byung-Sun Cho (Rep. of Korea)</p><p>Editor(s) Dr. Byung-Sun Cho</p><p>Scope Provide the current activities related with the convergence between broadcasting and telecommunication (technology and service) </p><p>Purpose Gather information about technology and service on wireless convergence service in APT member countries and to find out issues which should be resolved to facilitate wireless convergence services in Asia-Pacific region Related Document Not available</p><p>Page 24 of 26 Related Forums Not available</p><p>Timelines 2011</p><p>Title Report on business strategies and models in the telecommunications and broadcasting convergence service Document Type Report</p><p>Group/Chair WG-CON/Sub-WG B / Dr. Byung-Sun Cho (Rep. of Korea)</p><p>Editor(s) Dr. Byung-Sun Cho</p><p>Scope Provide the current activities related with the convergence between broadcasting and telecommunication (business strategies and models) </p><p>Purpose Gather information about business strategies and models on wireless convergence service in APT member countries and to find out issues which should be resolved to facilitate wireless convergence services in Asia-Pacific region Related Document Not available</p><p>Related Forums Not available</p><p>Timelines 2011 </p><p> Workplan for Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications </p><p>Title 1) Survey Report(s) on the service trends and satellite technology of modern satellite applications</p><p>2) Report(s) on service and technical requirements of modern satellite applications Document Type Report</p><p>Group/Chair TG-SAT/ Ms.Onanong Petnim</p><p>Editor(s) Ms.Onanong Petnim</p><p>Scope To conduct a survey of the service trends in modern satellite applications; To conduct a survey of the service requirements of modern satellite applications; To conduct a survey on satellite technology; and To conduct a study on technical requirements of modern satellite applications Purpose To identify the service and technical requirements of modern satellite applications; and To understand the development and trends of modern satellite applications.</p><p>Related Document</p><p>Related Forums</p><p>Page 25 of 26 Timelines 1) AWF-6  Finalize the Questionnaire</p><p>2) AWF-7Compile the responses to the questionnaire and initiate the development of the survey report(s)</p><p>3) AWF-8/9Finalize the survey report(s) and initiate the development of the report(s) on service and technical requirements</p><p>4) AWF-10/11Finalize the report(s) on service and technical requirements</p><p>Page 26 of 26</p>

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