<p> C U R R I C U L U M V I TA E</p><p>Maria Georgios Spiropulu Harvard University, High Energy Physics Laboratory 42 Oxford Str. Cambridge MA 02138 e-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (630) 840 2310, (630) 926 5971 Fax (630) 840 6315, (617) 495 2804</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p> 2000, Ph.D Physics, Harvard University </p><p> 1995 M.A. Physics, Harvard University</p><p> 1993 B.Sc. Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece</p><p>RESEARCH WORK</p><p> 1997-2000 Ph.D. thesis research -- Missing Energy plus multi-jet signature for physics beyond the Standard Model with Run I data from the Collider Detector at Fermilab. Explore supersymmetry models, higher dimensions models. First “blind” search at CDF. Emphasis on understanding the backgrounds. Development of new data analysis techniques. Design proposal of the missing energy trigger for Tevatron’s CDF Run II. (Ph.D. thesis adviser: Prof. J. Huth) </p><p> 1994-1997 CDFII Silicon Micro-Vertex Detector Data Acquisition. Silicon Readout Controller board design, online software, silicon sensor R&D, radiation damage tests, SVXiii chip tests. Silicon Detector Facility, FERMILAB, CDF/Harvard (P.I. Prof. J.Huth) </p><p> 1993 Characterization of Silicon Nitride and Silicon Silicide Interfaces with Synchrotron techniques (EXAFS,NEXAFS), BESSY Berlin Germany. (P.I. Prof. E.Paloura)</p><p> 1990-1992 B.Sc. research thesis on Solid State Dosimetry. Heating rate effects on three thermoluminescent (TL) phosphors and supralinearity of the 1100C TL peak of synthetic quartz obtained with isothermal measurements. Laboratory of Nuclear Physics, AUTH, Thessaloniki, Greece(P.I. Prof. G.Kitis) </p><p> 1991 DELPHI BARREL RICH prototype. SYstem for testing Bi-tubes with Laser Ionization project (SYBIL). Technical Assistance 2 (TA2), CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (PI Prof. E. Rosso)</p><p>TEACHING WORK</p><p> 1993-94 Laboratory Instructor in Electricity/Magnetism (Harvard, Prof. M. Franklin, Prof. C. Vafa . Prof. Franklin introduced a “take home” toolkit E&M lab (the “ZAP” lab) along the lines of a similar lab course at Caltech. Teaching Assistants Brian Busch and myself implemented this laboratory program and organized help labs and sections. Our handouts with set-up and performance instructions are being used since then). </p><p> 1992 Teaching Assistant in Physics I to freshman Medical students (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Prof. Eleni Paloura).</p><p> 1989-91 Preparation for Hellenic National University Entrance Exams, Tutor in Physics and Mathematics. </p><p>AWARDS/FELLOWSHIPS</p><p> 1999 Van Vleck travel grant Award (Physics, Harvard)</p><p> 1993 Teaching Fellow White Award (Physics, Harvard) </p><p> 1991 “Advanced Physics Summer School” fellowship (FORTH,Crete,Greece)</p><p> 1990-92 Award for undergraduate scientific research (St. Markos Association, Kleisoura, Kastoria,Greece)</p><p> 1987 Presidential Honorary Distinction for academic performance (Greece, by the President of the Hellenic Republic, Christos Sartzetakis (1985-1990))</p><p>CONFERENCES-WORKSHOPS-SCHOOLS</p><p> SUSY 99, 7th International Conference on Supersymmetries in Physics. June 14-19, 1999 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois. -2 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu Physics at RunII, Workshop on Supersymmetry/Higgs. May 14-16 1998, November 19-21, 1998 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois. Joint Working Group Meeting, Sept. 2-4, 1998. (served as CDF co-convener of the SUGRA subgroup http://fnth37.fnal.gov/sugra.html ) SUGRA subgroup report: “On experimental prospects for finding SUSY at CDF/D0” (http://fnth37.fnal.gov/funnelweb/smaria/index.html).</p><p> Pheno-CTEQ 98, From non-Perturbative QCD to New Physics, March 23-26, 1998. University of Wisconsin Phenomenology Institute and the CTEQ Collaboration; Madison, Wisconsin.</p><p> Physics at RunII, QCD and Weak Boson Physics Workshop. March 4-6, 1998 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois.</p><p> Top Thinkshop, Top quark physics for RunII. October 16-18, 1998 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois.</p><p> 1997 Joint April APS/AAPT Meeting and CAM’97. April 18-21, 1997. Washington, DC. “Search for squarks and gluinos in the final state with more than three jets plus missing transverse energy at CDF”.</p><p> New Perspectives 96, 98 Annual Users Meeting, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois Searches for Supersymmetry at CDF(96), Exotic Searches at CDF (98) (Posters)</p><p> TEV33 Workshop. Physics at a High Luminosity Tevatron Collider May 10-11, 1996. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois.</p><p> 1991 CERN Summer School, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.</p><p> Workshop on Recent Developments in High Energy Physics, January 1991, Thessaloniki, Greece.</p><p> VII Hellenic Conference on Solid State Physics. Sept 1991, Thessaloniki Greece. Heating Rate effects on three thermoluminescent phosphors (Poster)</p><p> th 20 International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 1990, Thessaloniki Greece.</p><p> Advanced Physics Summer School, 1990, Foundation of Research and Technology, Heraklion, Crete, Greece</p><p>-3 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu CONFERENCES-INVITED TALKS</p><p> 1999 ASPEN WINTER CONFERENCE ON PARTICLE PHYSICS Advances in Particle Physics: Recent Results and Open Questions, January 17 – 23, 1999, Aspen Beyond the Standard Model at the Tevatron (http://pheno.physics.wisc.edu/AWC99/program.html)</p><p> 2000 ASPEN WINTER CONFERENCE ON PARTICLE PHYSICS, VISTAS ON XXIst CENTURY PARTICLE PHYSICS, January 16-22 Experimental Signals from Higher Dimensions (http://hep.physics.wisc.edu/aspen2000)</p><p>CONFERENCES-ORGANIZATION</p><p> New Perspectives 1999 July 8-10, 1999 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois (http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/gsa/np/1999 http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/public_affairs/ferminews/ferminews99-07-23/1.html http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/gsa/apsnews_np.html )</p><p>COMMITTEES/PHYSICS SOCIETIES</p><p> 1999 Internal CDF Collaboration Review Committee for Publication “Tests of Enhanced Leading Order QCD in W Boson plus Jets Events from 1.8 TeV pbar-p Collisions”, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. D (appointed by collaboration Spokespeople).</p><p> 1998-present American Physical Society “Public Face for Physics” Program (http://iptsg.epfl.ch/aps/apsnews/0199/019903.html) (invited by APS).</p><p> 1998-1999 Fermilab Graduate Student Association (elected).</p><p> 1996-present Fermilab Colloquium Committee (invited).</p><p> 1997-present CDF Collaboration Speakers Committee (invited by collaboration Spokespeople).</p><p> 1993- present American Physical Society and APS Division of Particles and Fields </p><p>-4 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu COMPUTING SKILLS/LANGUAGES</p><p> LINUX, NT,Unix,VMS, VxWorks </p><p> FORTRAN, C, TCL/TK, PERL, Javascript, HTML </p><p> Plan to attend classes in C++, O.O. Analysis (spring 2000) </p><p> English(Cambridge Proficiency), German(Grundstuffe), Spanish(Basico), Greek</p><p>RECENT RESEARCH PROJECTS HIGHLIGHTS (1993-PRESENT)</p><p>1997-present</p><p>MISSING ENERGY CDF RUN I ANALYSIS FOR SUSY (collaboration with Professor John Huth, Harvard): Search for New Physics beyond the Standard Model with Missing energy and jets (Ph.D. thesis) signatures such as coming from the production and subsequent decays of supersymmetric quarks and gluons. The missing energy signature is a “classic” (and non-trivial in high luminosity and high energy hadron collider environment) route of search for manifestation of SUSY at the TeV scale. The analysis is very interesting because we are exploring the most natural mass range for these particles if SUSY is a relevant theory in the weak scale. We have carefully and successfully developed analysis algorithms to improve the missing energy measurement at CDF and to evaluate the multiple instrumental and Standard Model backgrounds. The search is using the “blind” method and we hope to uncover the result for the Winter 2000 HEP conferences. </p><p>MISSING ENERGY CDF RUN II TRIGGER DESIGN (Collaboration with Asst. Professor David Saltzberg, UCLA): Using the expertise of the Run I data analysis we design an efficient missing energy trigger for RUNII with an acceptable rate. </p><p>MISSING ENERGY SIGNATURE FROM KALUZA-KLEIN GRAVITON EMISSION (Collaboration with Joe Lykken (FNAL Theory Professor), Konstantin Matchev (FNAL theory post-doc) and Kevin Burkett(Harvard post-doc)) In the past year (’99) the missing energy signal has been underlined as a probe for large new extra (spatial) dimensions. In this provocative and exciting framework the Planck scale is not a fundamental scale. The SM particles cannot freely propagate in the extra dimensions but must be localized to our 4-dimensional world which appears to have thickens of 1/M(electroweak) from the extra dimensional view. The only fields that propagate in the 4+extra dimensional “bulk” are the 4+extra dimensional graviton. In proton antiproton collisions the graviton can be emitted to the bulk and show in the detector as missing energy. I initiated the study of extra dimensions at CDF and I expect we will complete the analysis with existing Run I data in the missing energy channel as well as study the sensitivity for RunII. </p><p>-5 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu (1994-1997) </p><p>CDF SILICON VERTEX UPGRADE - SILICON TEST STAND AND READOUT CONTROLLER DESIGN: (Collaboration: Professor Huth(PI), Dr. John Oliver(engineer), Dr. Colin Gay (post-doc), Harlan Robins(undergraduate student)) CDF has a very ambitious upgrade to the Silicon Vertex Detector planned for RunII . It involves 5 layers of double-sided silicon, which must be radiation-hard to survive the high-rate running planned. The Data Acquisition system is being upgraded to operate in a deadtimeless mode at a 132ns beam crossing time. Our group designed and built the readout controller for the silicon system. In order to study different silicon detector designs and test radiation hardness, a test stand was built with prototype DAQ components. We built a module (called Silicon Test Acquisition and Readout or STAR) which combined the functionality of the readout controller with an emulator of the CDF clock, as well as allowing controlled pulsing of a laser and external triggering for cosmic ray and beam tests. We also wrote the software used to control and to test all the DAQ sub- components, as well as analyze the data. The hardware made extensive use of Xilinx FPGAs, with which we gained considerable experience. The software used a popular new at the time language called Tcl along with the windowing toolkit Tk to implement the user interface, as well as more standard Remote Procedure Calls and real-time Unix to handle the low-level hardware control. We inevitably became involved in the chip and detector testing with this prototype DAQ architecture. We set up the first laser and cosmic test stand facility at Fermilab tested the DAQ stream, the silicon sensors and evaluated the performance of the chip, which is used to digitize, and readout the silicon system chips. Specifically we performed measurements of the chip gain, the signal-to- noise ratio for different vendor detectors using radiation sources and cosmics, the depletion voltage for irradiated and unirradiated detectors, and we also investigated bulk inversion effects. In addition we took part in test beam studies of detector and front-end chip performance. By the end of 1996 we also implemented the conceptual design and the most essential logic of the final Silicon Readout Controller (SRC). </p><p>(½ 1995) HIGH PT ELECTRONS WITH LARGE (>1 cm ) IMPACT PARAMETER AT CDF (Collaboration with Professor Huth, Harvard) A comprehensive study of high energy electrons with unusually large (to be explained with a Standard Model process) impact parameter. Professor Huth who was reviewing the top discovery analysis triggered the analysis by observing such events in the top candidate sample. Uning a 2 probability distribution of events with electron tracks that had different number of hits in the silicon tracker layers we determined that such events were consistent with pattern recognition mistakes. (Oral examination presentation to thesis committee, Harvard Physics Department, 1995).</p><p>-6 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu MISCELLENEOUS ACCOMPLISHMENTS</p><p> Establisher and Editor of Acqua Alle Funi, the Fermilab Graduate Student online journal (http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/gsa/aaf ) (’98-’99)</p><p> Initiated the proposal to the FNAL Users Executive Committee and helped establish a FNAL sponsored award to the finalists of the annual Illinois Junior Academy of Science Fair. </p><p> Initiated the proposal to the Universities Research Association and received sponsorship for the annual New Perspectives (NP) Poster Award to the three best presentations in the poster session of the NP , the FNAL Graduate Student organized conference.</p><p> Submitted proposal to DPF and granted sponsorship to the FNAL graduate Student New Perspectives annual conference.</p><p> Scientific American online publication: “Ask the experts ” section, October 1999, What is antimatter? http://www.sciam.com/askexpert/physics/physics56/physics56.html</p><p>SELECTED PUBLICATIONS</p><p>N.B. I expect one Phys. Rev. D and at least one Phys. Rev. Let. publications with the results from my Ph.D. thesis research by the summer of 2000.</p><p>PHYSICS AT RUN II: THE SUPERSYMMETRY/HIGGS WORKSHOP, FERMILAB REPORT ( to be published 1999) (I was the CDF co-convener for the mSUGRA subgroup).</p><p>1SEARCH FOR SCALAR TOP AND SCALAR BOTTOM QUARK IN P-PBAR AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF collaboration (F.Abe et al) to be submitted to Phys. Rev. Let.</p><p>2TESTS OF ENHANCED LEADING ORDER QCD IN W BOSON PLUS JETS EVENTS FROM 1.8 TEV PBAR-P COLLISIONS CDF collaboration (F. Abe et al) to be submitted to Phys.Rev. D. </p><p>SEARCH FOR CHARGINO - NEUTRALINO ASSOCIATED PRODUCTION AT THE FERMILAB TEVATRON COLLIDER. CDF collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-084-E, Mar 1998. 17pp., Phys.Rev.Lett.80:5275-5280,1998, e- Print Archive: hep-ex/9803015</p><p>1 I have performed the primary data selection for this analysis. 2 I am one of three CDF internal reviewers for this publication. -7 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu SEARCHES FOR NEW PHYSICS IN DIPHOTON EVENTS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-024-E, Jan 1998. 17pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.81:1791-1796,1998,e- Print Archive: hep-ex/9801019</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE TOP QUARK MASS AND T ANTI-T PRODUCTION CROSS-SECTION FROM DILEPTON EVENTS AT THE COLLIDER DETECTOR AT FERMILAB. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB- 97-304-E, Sep 1997. 9pp.Phys.Rev.Lett.80:2779-2784,1998, e-Print Archive: hep- ex/9802017</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE TOP QUARK MASS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-284-E, Oct 1997. 6pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.80:2767-2772,1998,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9801014</p><p>SEARCH FOR HIGGS BOSONS PRODUCED IN ASSOCIATION WITH A VECTOR BOSON IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-252-E, Aug 1998. 17pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.81:5748-5753,1998</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE SIGMA(W + >= 1 JET) / SIGMA(W) CROSS- SECTION RATIO FROM ANTI-P P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaborations (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-133-E, Apr 1998. 9pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.81:1367-1372,1998</p><p>SEARCHES FOR NEW PHYSICS IN DIPHOTON EVENTS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-024-E, Jan 1998. 17pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.81:1791-1796,1998,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9801019</p><p>PROPERTIES OF JETS IN W BOSON EVENTS FROM 1.8-TEV ANTI-P P COLLISIONS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-301-E, Aug 1997. 36pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.79:4760-4765,1997 e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9709016</p><p>SEARCH FOR GLUINOS AND SQUARKS AT THE FERMILAB TEVATRON COLLIDER. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-031-E, Feb 1997. 13pp.</p><p>PROPERTIES OF JETS IN Z BOSON EVENTS FROM 1.8-TEV ANTI-P P COLLISIONS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-056-E, Mar 1996. 13pp.,Phys.Rev.Lett.77:448-453,1996, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9603003</p><p>SEARCH FOR CHARGINO - NEUTRALINO PRODUCTION IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-029-E, Jan 1996. 15pp.Phys.Rev.Lett.76:4307-4311,1996, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9603001 -8 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu SEARCH FOR GLUINO AND SQUARK CASCADE DECAYS AT THE FERMILAB TEVATRON COLLIDER. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-95-399-E, Dec 1995. 11pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.76:2006-2010,1996</p><p>3SUPRALINEARITY OF THE 110°C THERMOLUMINESCENCE GLOW-PEAK OF SYNTHETIC QUARTZ OBTAINED WITH ISOTHERMAL MEASUREMENTS Kitis, G.; Spiropulu, M.; Charalambous, S.; Weber, E.R. Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section B: Beam, Vol: 101, pp. 255-257 1995</p><p>4CHARACTERIZATION OF BURIED SIxNy FILMS WITH EXAFS E. C. Paloura, P. Grekos, A. Mertens, W. Frentrup, M. Spiropulu, BESSY Jahresbericht p.378 1993.</p><p>5HEATING RATE EFFECTS ON THE TL GLOW PEAKS OF THREE THERMOLUMINESCENT PHOSPHORS, Kitis, G.; Spiropulu, M.; Papadopoulos,J; Charalambous,S Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section B: Beam, Vol: 73, pp 367-372, 1993</p><p>TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS</p><p>TEST STAND FOR THE SILICON VERTEX DETECTOR OF THE COLLIDER DETECTOR FACILITY. S. Zimmermann (Rio Grande do Sul U.), J. Anderson, J. Andresen, E. Barsotti, J. Chramowicz, G. Duerling, M. Gao, H. Gonzalez, B. Haynes, W. Knopf, K. Treptow, D. Walsh, T. Zmuda (Fermilab), T. Huffman, P. Shepard (Pittsburgh U.), C. Gay, S. Harder, H. Hill, J. Huth, J. O' Kane, J. Oliver, H. Robins, M. Spiropulu, R. Strohmer (Harvard U.), M. Gold, T. Thomas (NewMexico U.). 1996. IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci.43:1170-1174, 1996</p><p>THE SVX II SILICON VERTEX DETECTOR UPGRADE AT CDF Antos, J.; Chao, H.-Y.; Chang, P.; Cheng, M.-T.; Chu, M.-L.; Guo, R.-S.; Ho, C.-L.; Teng, P.-K.; Wang, M.-J.; Wu, S.-C.; Yeh, G.-P.; Yeh, P.; Andressen, J.; Barsotti, E.; Bowden, M.; Cihangir, S.; et. al. , (Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section A:, Vol: 383, pp. 13-20 ,1996</p><p>THE CDF-II DETECTOR: TECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT. CDF-II Collaboration (R. Blair et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-390-E, Nov 1996. 234pp.</p><p>THE SILICON READOUT CONTROLLER : TECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT J.Huth,C.Gay,Maria Spiropulu J.Oliver,N.Felt Online publication for the CDF</p><p>3, 5 Publications from my Bachelor Thesis research (undergraduate) 4 undergraduate 5 -9 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu Collaboration and the FERMILAB Computing Division / Electronic Systems Engineering Department Document Number, HAR-SVX-960210,1998, http://www.hepl.harvard.edu/maria/ </p><p>INTERNAL PUBLICATIONS</p><p>CHECKS OF ISAJET V7.37 SUPERSYMMETRY PROCESSES James Done, Stephan Lammel, Maria Spiropulu CDFPUB 5153, 1999</p><p>ON THE DETERMINATION OF THE QCD BACKGROUND TO THE MISSING ENERGY PLUS THREE JETS SEARCH Maria Spiropulu, John Huth, CDFPUB 5152, 1999</p><p>MISSING ENERGY SIGNATURE FROM KALUZA-KLEIN GRAVITON EMISSION WITH RUN IB DATA Kevin Burkett, Maria Spiropulu CDFPUB5151, 1999</p><p>RUN1B JET20, JET50 AND MET35* TRIGGER EFFICIENCIES, Maria Spiropulu, John Huth, CDFPUB 5060,1999</p><p>ON THE DETERMINATION OF THE V PLUS JETS BACKGROUND TO THE MET PLUS JETS SEARCH Maria Spiropulu, John Huth CDFPUB4512, 1998</p><p>SECOND MISSING ENERGY SAMPLE SELECTION FOR RUN1B SQUARK/GLUINO SEARCH Maria Spiropulu, John Huth CDFPUB 4143, 1997</p><p>ABSTRACTS SUBMITTED FOR APS'97 FROM THE EXOTICS GROUP David Stuart, Brendan Bevensee, James Done, Leslie Groer, Joao Guimaraes da Costa, Takanobu Handa, Kara Hoffman, Hisanori Kambara, Hyunsoo Kim, Sergei Lusin, Carmine Pagliarone, Arnold Pomppos, Maria Spiropulu, Timothy Thomas, Juan Valls, Rocio Vilar CDFPUB4045, 1997</p><p>FIRST MISSING ENERGY SAMPLE SELECTION FOR RUN 1B SQUARK/GLUINO (AND OTHER) SEARCH(ES) Maria Spiropulu, John Huth CDFPUB4027, 1997 </p><p>THE SVXII TEST STAND SOFTWARE Colin Gay, Maria Spiropulu, Harlan Robins CDFPUB3621, 1996</p><p>-10 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu ANATOMY OF THE SVXII PIPELINE AND THE KEK BEAM TEST SIGNAL- TO-NOISE C. Gay, M. Spiropulu, J. Boudreau CDFPUB3514, 1996</p><p>PUBLICATIONS </p><p>PRODUCTION OF UPSILON(1S) MESONS FROM CHI(B) DECAYS IN P ANTI- P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (T. Affolder et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-301-E, Oct 1999, 17pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett., e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9910025</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF B QUARK FRAGMENTATION FRACTIONS IN THE PRODUCTION OF STRANGE AND LIGHT B MESONS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2)=1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.), 1999. 14pp. Phys.Rev.D60:092005,1999</p><p>SEARCH FOR A W-PRIME BOSON VIA THE DECAY MODE W-PRIME ---> MUON NEUTRINO IN 1.8-TEV P - ANTI-P COLLISIONS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-249-E, Sep 1999. 19pp. e-Print Archive: hep- ex/9910004</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE HELICITY OF W BOSONS IN TOP QUARK DECAYS. CDF Collaboration (T. Affolder et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-257-E, Sep 1999. 8pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9909042</p><p>SEARCH FOR A FOURTH GENERATION QUARK MORE MASSIVE THAN THE Z0 BOSON IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (T. Affolder et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-256-E, Sep 1999. 12pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9909027</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF B QUARK FRAGMENTATION FRACTIONS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (T. Affolder et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-243-E, Sep 1999. 16pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9909011</p><p>A MEASUREMENT OF SIN 2 BETA FROM B ---> J / PSI K0(S) WITH THE CDF DETECTOR. CDF Collaboration (T. Affolder et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-225-E, Sep 1999, 35pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.D, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9909003</p><p>THE TRANSVERSE MOMENTUM AND TOTAL CROSS SECTION OF E+ E- PAIRS IN THE Z-BOSON REGION FROM P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2)</p><p>-11 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (T. Affolder et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-220-E, Aug 1999. 7pp. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE B0 ANTI-B0 OSCILLATION FREQUENCY USING L- D*+ PAIRS AND LEPTON FLAVOR TAGS. CDF Collaboration (T. Affolder et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-210-E, Jul 1999. 30pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.D e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9907053</p><p>SEARCH FOR TECHNICOLOR PARTICLES IN LEPTON PLUS TWO JETS AND MULTIJET CHANNELS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8- TEV. CDF Collaboration (T. Affolder et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-141-E, May 1999. 10pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett.</p><p>SEARCH FOR THE FLAVOR CHANGING NEUTRAL CURRENT DECAYS B+ ---> MUON+ MUON- K+ AND B0 ---> MUON+ MUON- K*0. CDF Collaboration (T. Affolder et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-138-E, May 1999. 11pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9905004</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE B0(D) ANTI-B0(D) OSCILLATION FREQUENCY USING DIMUON DATA IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-030-E, Feb 1999. 8pp.Submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett.</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF B0 - ANTI-B0 FLAVOR OSCILLATIONS USING JET CHARGE AND LEPTON FLAVOR TAGGING IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-99-019-E, Mar 1999. 50pp. Phys.Rev.D60:072003,1999, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9903011</p><p>A SEARCH FOR B0(S) - ANTI-B0(S) OSCILLATIONS USING THE SEMILEPTONIC DECAY B0(S) ---> PHI LEPTON+ X NEUTRINO. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-401-E, Dec 1998. 13pp.Phys.Rev.Lett.82:3576-3580,1999</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF B ANTI-B RAPIDITY CORRELATIONS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-392-E, Dec 1998. 34pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.D</p><p>SEARCH FOR R PARITY VIOLATING SUPERSYMMETRY USING LIKE SIGN DIELECTRONS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-374-E, Nov 1998. 17pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.83:2133-2138,1999, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9908063</p><p>SEARCH FOR THIRD GENERATION LEPTOQUARKS FROM TECHNICOLOR MODELS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-352-E, Nov 1998. 14pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.82:3206,1999 -12 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu KINEMATICS OF T ANTI-T EVENTS AT CDF. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-327-E, Oct 1998. 53pp.,Phys.Rev.D59:092001,1999</p><p>SEARCH FOR A TECHNICOLOR OMEGA(T) PARTICLE IN EVENTS WITH A PHOTON AND A B QUARK JET AT CDF.CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-321-E, Oct 1998. 14pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.83:3124-3129,1999,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9810031</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE TOP QUARK MASS WITH THE COLLIDER DETECTOR AT FERMILAB. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-319-E, Oct 1998. 16pp.,Phys.Rev.Lett.82:271-276,1999, Erratum-ibid.82:2808-2809,1999e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9810029</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF Z0 AND DRELL-YAN PRODUCTION CROSS-SECTION USING DIMUONS IN ANTI-P P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-280-E, Sep 1998. 48pp Phys.Rev.D59:052002,1999</p><p>SEARCH FOR NEW PARTICLES DECAYING TO B ANTI-B IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-290-E, Sep 1998. 17pp.</p><p>SEARCH FOR THE DECAYS B0(S), B0(D) ---> E+- MUON-+ AND PATI-SALAM LEPTOQUARKS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-263-E, Aug 1998. 11pp., Phys.Rev.Lett.81:5742-5747,1998</p><p>A MEASUREMENT OF THE LEPTON CHARGE ASYMMETRY IN W BOSON DECAYS PRODUCED IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-256-E, Sep 1998. 14pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.81:5754-5759,1998,e- Print Archive: hep-ex/9809001</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE B0(S) MESON LIFETIME USING SEMILEPTONIC DECAYS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-172-E, Aug 1998. 32pp.,Phys.Rev.D59:032004,1999,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9808003</p><p>SEARCH FOR SECOND GENERATION LEPTOQUARKS IN THE DIMUON PLUS DIJET CHANNEL OF P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-219-E, Jul 1998. 11pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.81:4806-4811,1998, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9810024</p><p>-13 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu SEARCHES FOR NEW PHYSICS IN DIPHOTON EVENTS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-206-E, Jun 1998. 57pp. Phys.Rev.D59:092002,1999,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9806034</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE B0(D) - ANTI-B0(D) FLAVOR OSCILLATION FREQUENCY AND STUDY OF SAME SIDE FLAVOR TAGGING OF B MESONS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-188-E, Jun 1998. 80pp. Phys.Rev.D59:032001,1999,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9806026</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE CP VIOLATION PARAMETER SIN(2 BETA) IN B0(D)/ANTI-B0(D) ---> J / PSI K0(S) DECAYS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-189-E, Jun 1998. 11pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.81:5513-5518,1998,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9806025</p><p>IMPROVED MEASUREMENT OF THE B- AND ANTI-B0 MESON LIFETIMES USING SEMILEPTONIC DECAYS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB- PUB-98-167-E, Jun 1998. 35pp. Phys.Rev.D58:092002,1998, e-Print Archive: hep- ex/9806018</p><p>OBSERVATION OF THE B(C) MESON IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) =1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-157-E, May 1998. 13pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.81:2432-2437,1998,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9805034</p><p>SEARCH FOR LONGLIVED PARENTS OF Z0 BOSONS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-145-E, May 1998. 9pp. Phys.Rev.D58:051102,1998,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9805017</p><p>OBSERVATION OF B(C) MESONS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-121-E, Apr 1998. 100pp. Phys.Rev.D58:112004,1998, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9804014</p><p>SEARCH FOR THE RARE DECAY W+- ---> D+-(S) GAMMA IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-110-E, Apr 1998. 14pp. Phys.Rev.D58:091101,1998</p><p>SEARCH FOR THE RARE DECAY W+- ---> PI+- + GAMMA IN PROTON - ANTI-PROTON COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-98-092-E, (Received Mar 1998). 15pp. Phys.Rev.D58:031101,1998</p><p>OBSERVATION OF B+ ---> PSI(2S) K+ AND B0 ---> PSI(2S) K*(892)**0 DECAYS AND MEASUREMENTS OF B MESON BRANCHING FRACTIONS INTO J / PSI AND PSI(2S) FINAL STATES. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). -14 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu FERMILAB-PUB-98-091-E, Mar 1998. 32pp. Phys.Rev.D58:072001,1998,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9803013</p><p>SEARCH FOR THE DECAYS B(D)0 ---> MU+ MU- AND B(S)0 ---> MU+ MU- IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-397-E, Nov 1998. 13pp. Phys.Rev.D57:3811-3816,1998</p><p>OBSERVATION OF HADRONIC W DECAYS IN T ANTI-T EVENTS WITH THE COLLIDER DETECTOR AT FERMILAB. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-285-E, Nov 1997. 15pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.80:5720-5725,1998, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9711004</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF B HADRON LIFETIMES USING J / PSI FINAL STATES AT CDF. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-352-E, Oct 1997. 44pp. Phys.Rev.D57:5382-5401,1998</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE TOP QUARK MASS AND T ANTI-T PRODUCTION CROSS-SECTION FROM DILEPTON EVENTS AT THE COLLIDER DETECTOR AT FERMILAB. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB- 97-304-E, Sep 1997. 9pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.80:2779-2784,1998, e-Print Archive: hep- ex/9802017</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE B0 ANTI-B0 OSCILLATION FREQUENCY IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS USING PI B MESON CHARGE FLAVOR CORRELATIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-312-E, Sep 1997. 17pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.80:2057-2062,1998, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9712004</p><p>SEARCH FOR FLAVOR CHANGING NEUTRAL CURRENT DECAYS OF THE TOP QUARK IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-270-E, Jul 1997. 8pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.80:2525-2530,1998</p><p>PROPERTIES OF JETS IN W BOSON EVENTS FROM 1.8-TEV ANTI-P P COLLISIONS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-301-E, Aug 1997. 36pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.79:4760-4765,1997 e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9709016</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE DIFFERENTIAL CROSS-SECTION FOR EVENTS WITH LARGE TOTAL TRANSVERSE ENERGY IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-290-E, Aug 1997. 14pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.80:3461-3466,1998</p><p>SEARCH FOR FIRST GENERATION LEPTOQUARK PAIR PRODUCTION IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.).</p><p>-15 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu FERMILAB-PUB-97-280-E, Aug 1997. 15pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.79:4327-4332,1997,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9708017</p><p>SEARCH FOR NEW PARTICLES DECAYING INTO B ANTI-B PRODUCED IN ASSOCIATION WITH W BOSONS DECAYING INTO E NEUTRINO OR MU NEUTRINO AT THE TEVATRON. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB- PUB-97-247-E, Jul 1997. 21pp.,Phys.Rev.Lett.79:3819-3824,1997</p><p>LIMITS ON QUARK - LEPTON COMPOSITENESS SCALES FROM DILEPTONS PRODUCED IN 1.8-TEV P ANTI-P COLLISIONS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-171-E, May 1997. 7pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.79:2198-2203,1997</p><p>SEARCH FOR NEW GAUGE BOSONS DECAYING INTO DILEPTONS IN ANTI-P P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-122-E, May 1997. 10pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.79:2192-2197,1997</p><p>PROPERTIES OF PHOTON PLUS TWO JET EVENTS IN ANTI-P P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-106-E, Apr 1997. 43pp. Phys.Rev.D57:67-77,1998</p><p>PROPERTIES OF SIX JET EVENTS WITH LARGE SIX JET MASS AT THE FERMILAB PROTON - ANTI-PROTON COLLIDER. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-093-E, Apr 1997. 40pp. Phys.Rev.D56:2532-2543,1997</p><p>DOUBLE PARTON SCATTERING IN ANTI-P P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8- TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-094-E, Apr 1997. 18pp. Phys.Rev.D56:3811-3832,1997</p><p>THE MU TAU AND E TAU DECAYS OF TOP QUARK PAIRS PRODUCED IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-096-E, Apr 1997. 5pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.79:3585-3590,1997,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9704007</p><p>SEARCH FOR CHARGED HIGGS DECAYS OF THE TOP QUARK USING HADRONIC DECAYS OF THE TAU LEPTON. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-058-E, Apr 1997. 6pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.79:357-362,1997,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9704003</p><p>FIRST OBSERVATION OF THE ALL HADRONIC DECAY OF T ANTI-T PAIRS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-075-E, Mar 1997. 15pp Phys.Rev.Lett.79:1992-1997,1997</p><p>-16 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu PRODUCTION OF J / PSI MESONS FROM CHI(C) MESON DECAYS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-026-E, Feb 1997. 16pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.79:578-583,1997</p><p>J / PSI AND PSI (2S) PRODUCTION IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) =1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-024-E, Feb 1997. 17pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.79:572-577,1997</p><p>SEARCH FOR NEW PARTICLES DECAYING TO DIJETS AT CDF. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-97-023-E, Feb 1997. 18pp. Phys.Rev.D55:5263-5268,1997,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9702004</p><p>SEARCH FOR THIRD GENERATION LEPTOQUARKS IN ANTI-P P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-450-E, Dec 1996. 16pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.78:2906-2911,1997</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF DIJET ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS AT CDF. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-317-E, Sep 1996. 14pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.77:5336-5341,1996, Erratum-ibid.78:4307,1997 e-Print Archive: hep- ex/9609011</p><p>OBSERVATION OF W+ W- PRODUCTION IN ANTI-P P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-311-E, Sep 1996. 5pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.78:4536-4540,1997</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE BRANCHING FRACTION B (B(U)+ ---> J / PSI PI+) AND SEARCH FOR B(C)+ ---> J / PSI PI+. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-300-E, Sep 1996. 18pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.77:5176-5181,1996</p><p>OBSERVATION OF LAMBDA(B)0 ---> J / PSI LAMBDA AT THE FERMILAB PROTON - ANTI-PROTON COLLIDER. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-270-E, Aug 1996. 29pp. Phys.Rev.D55:1142-1152,1997</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF B ANTI-B PRODUCTION CORRELATIONS, B0 ANTI-B0 MIXING, AND A LIMIT ON EPSILON(B) IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-216-E, Aug 1996. 41pp. Phys.Rev.D55:2546-2558,1997</p><p>RATIOS OF BOTTOM MESON BRANCHING FRACTIONS INVOLVING J / PSI MESONS AND DETERMINATION OF B QUARK FRAGMENTATION FRACTIONS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-119-E, Jun 1996. 40pp. Phys.Rev.D54:6596-6609,1996, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9607003</p><p>FURTHER PROPERTIES OF HIGH MASS MULTI - JET EVENTS AT THE FERMILAB PROTON - ANTI-PROTON COLLIDER. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et -17 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-098-E, May 1996. 49pp. Phys.Rev.D54:4221-4233,1996, e- Print Archive: hep-ex/9605004</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE LIFETIME OF THE B(S)0 MESON USING THE EXCLUSIVE DECAY MODE B(S)0 ---> J/ PSI PHI. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-101-E, May 1996. 13pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.77:1945-1949,1996</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF LAMBDA(B)0 LIFETIME USING LAMBDA(B)0 ---> LAMBDA(C)+ LEPTON- ANTI-NEUTRINO. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-089-E, Apr 1996. 15pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.77:1439-1443,1996</p><p>PROPERTIES OF JETS IN Z BOSON EVENTS FROM 1.8-TEV ANTI-P P COLLISIONS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-056-E, Mar 1996. 13pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.77:448-453,1996, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9603003</p><p>SEARCH FOR FLAVOR CHANGING NEUTRAL CURRENT B MESON DECAYS IN P ANTI-P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-040-E, Feb 1996. 14pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.76:4675- 4680,1996</p><p>MEASUREMENT OF THE B- AND ANTI-B0 MESON LIFETIMES USING SEMILEPTONIC DECAYS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96- 041-E, Feb 1996. 15pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.76:4462-4467,1996</p><p>INCLUSIVE JET CROSS-SECTION IN ANTI-P P COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 1.8-TEV. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-020-E, Jan 1996. 8pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.77:438-443,1996, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9601008</p><p>SEARCH FOR CHARGED HIGGS DECAYS OF THE TOP QUARK USING HADRONIC TAU DECAYS. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96- 004-E, Dec 1995. 8pp. Phys.Rev.D54:735-742,1996, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9601003 Endorsed by EIPL Particle Physics</p><p>STUDY OF T ANTI-T PRODUCTION P ANTI-P COLLISIONS USING TOTAL TRANSVERSE ENERGY. CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-95- 149-E, Jun 1995. 5pp. Phys.Rev.Lett.75:3997,1995, e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9506006</p><p>MISCELLENEOUS ACCOMPLISHMENTS</p><p> Establisher and Editor of Acqua Alle Funi, the Fermilab Graduate Student online journal (http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/gsa/aaf ) (’98-’99)</p><p>-18 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu Initiated the proposal to the FNAL Users Executive Committee and helped establish a FNAL sponsored award to the finalists of the annual Illinois Junior Academy of Science Fair. </p><p> Initiated the proposal to the Universities Research Association and received sponsorship for the annual New Perspectives (NP) Poster Award to the three best presentations in the poster session of the NP , the FNAL Graduate Student organized conference.</p><p> Submitted proposal to DPF and granted sponsorship to the FNAL graduate Student New Perspectives annual conference.</p><p> Scientific American online publication: “Ask the experts ” section, October 1999, What is antimatter? http://www.sciam.com/askexpert/physics/physics56/physics56.html </p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>Name in Full: MARIA GEORGIOS SPIROPULU </p><p>U.S. Social Security Number: 029-76-8971</p><p>Date of Birth: 10/03/1970 Birth Place: KASTORIA, GREECE Citizenship: GREEK</p><p>Type of visa currently held : F-1 student </p><p>Current institution address: HARVARD/HEPL, 42 OXFORD ST. CAMBRIDGE,MA 12138 </p><p>Current home address: FERMILAB P.O. BOX 500 MS/318 - HARVARD BATAVIA, IL, 60510</p><p>Please send correspondence to FERMILAB address</p><p>Telephone numbers: Work: (630) 840 2310 (FNAL), (617) 495 2804 (Harvard)</p><p>Home: (630) 926 5971, (630) 681 1769</p><p>Fax number: (630) 840 6315(FNAL) (617) 495 2678 (Harvard) </p><p>-19 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu E-mail address : [email protected] </p><p>-20 -</p><p>Curiculum Vitae: Maria G. Spiropulu</p>
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