<p>D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 1 THE SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL, STATE OF UTAH, MET ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013, PURSUANT TO ADJOURNMENT ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2013, AT THE HOUR OF 4:17:33 PM AT THE SALT LAKE COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER, 2001 SO. STATE STREET, ROOM N1100, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.</p><p>COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: RANDY HORIUCHI RICHARD SNELGROVE JIM BRADLEY ARLYN BRADSHAW MICHAEL JENSEN DAVID WILDE SAM GRANATO MAX BURDICK STEVEN DEBRY, Chair</p><p>OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: BEN MCADAMS, MAYOR By: NICHOLE DUNN, DEPUTY MAYOR SIM GILL, DISTRICT ATTORNEY By: RALPH CHAMNESS, DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY JASON ROSE, LEGAL COUNSEL, COUNCIL OFFICE SHERRIE SWENSEN, COUNTY CLERK By: KIM STANGER & LINDA DUFFY, DEPUTY CLERKS</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Council Member DeBry, Chair, presided. </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Council Member Snelgrove opened the meeting with an inspirational thought for the people who suffered the devastating effects of the typhoon in the Philippines, and recited a reading entitled I Am Thankful For, by Nancy J. Carmody.</p><p>Council Member Bradley stated more than 10,000 people have lost their lives and 700 to 900 people are displaced. He suggested the Council discuss a contribution of $1,000 to $5,000 out of its Discretionary Fund to the American Red Cross or a relief fund to help with this tragedy. </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>1 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 Mr. Steve Van Maren led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to approve the minutes of the Salt Lake County Council meeting held on Tuesday, October 29, 2013. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Steve Van Maren spoke under “Citizen Public Input” asking the Council why it cancelled the Committee of the Whole and Council meetings on December 3, 2013, prior to the public hearing on the budget, as opposed to December 17, 2013.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw stated the Council will finalize its workshops on November 26, but if necessary, can discuss the budget on December 10, prior to the hearing that evening. </p><p>Ms. Nichole Dunn, Deputy Mayor, stated part of reason to complete the budget hearings by November 26 is to have a finalized budget in place for a couple of weeks so citizens can review it prior to the public hearing.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Polly Hart, Friends Interested in Dogs and Open Spaces (FIDOS), spoke under “Citizen Public Input” stating in 2001, the Council passed an ordinance to allow dogs to be off leash in Millcreek Canyon on odd days. At that time, dogs were also allowed off leash on the upper road until the gate closed for winter ski trail grooming. About two years ago, the Forest Service began putting up a sign at the gate that said dogs must be on leash every day. Then, it takes down the sign once the ski trail is groomed. During the time the sign is up, the Unified Police Department issues citations to violators. Her concern is this violates County ordinance. She asked what right the Forest Service had for doing this, and what the County could do about it.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw stated he would work with the Community Services Department to see why this is happening and what action the Council needs to take to be consistent with its previous legislative direction.</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Nichole Dunn, Deputy Mayor, read the following Proclamation declaring 2 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 November 10-16, 2013, as National Nurse Practitioner’s Week:</p><p>P R O C L A M A T I O N</p><p>Whereas, there are more than 171,000 licensed Nurse Practitioners in the United States with 579 NPs practicing in Salt Lake County, providing high-quality, cost-effective, patient-centered, personalized health care for nearly half a century; and</p><p>Whereas, NPs have advanced education (most with master’s degrees and an increasing number having doctorates); and</p><p>Whereas, NPs order, perform and interpret diagnostic tests, diagnose and treat acute and chronic conditions; and prescribe medications and other treatments; and</p><p>Whereas, NPs are truly partners in the care of their patients, so that in addition to clinical services, NPs focus on health promotion, disease prevention and health education and counseling, guiding patients to make smarter health and lifestyle choices; and</p><p>Whereas, the excellence, safety, and cost-effectiveness of the care providing by NPs is established and well documented; and</p><p>Whereas, NPs provide health care to people of all ages and in diverse health care settings such as private office practice, hospitals, long-term care facilities, schools, state and local health departments, managed care facilities, and retail-based clinics; and</p><p>Whereas, more than 18 percent of NPs practice in rural settings with populations of less than 25,000; and</p><p>Whereas, it is documented that patients of NPs are given more personal time and attention than they traditionally receive from other health care providers; be it</p><p>RESOLVED, THEREFORE, that I, Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams, do hereby declare November 10 – 16, 2013 as National Nurse Practitioner’s Week in recognition of the contributions that health care professionals make to the well-being of people in Salt Lake County and throughout the country.</p><p>By /s/ BEN MCADAMS Salt Lake County Mayor</p><p>Ms. Dunn presented the Proclamation to Mr. Lee Moss, Utah Representative, Association of Nurse Practitioners. </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 3 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013</p><p>Council Member DeBry spoke under “Report of Council Members” stating he recently went on a field trip with Utah State Senator Wayne Niederhauser, Nathan Lee, Utah Department of Transportation, and Terry Wood, news anchor, to look at the problems with bike lanes. Possible solutions include widening, striping, or installing signage.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Council Member Horiuchi spoke under “Report of Council Members” stating he is going to the Utah Association of Counties annual convention in St. George, Utah, on Wednesday, November 13, 2013, to try to persuade people to go to the Legislature to ask for a one cent trade of property tax for sales tax. Kara Trevino, Legislative Specialist, Council Office, will be helping him. He asked Council Members to let him know if they do not want him to do this before he leaves. </p><p>Council Member Snelgrove stated he had a problem with the concept of indexing property tax increases. </p><p>Council Member Horiuchi stated this plan would not do that. It would give residents a sizable tax reduction in property tax. It will also equalize the County’s tax increase of last year.</p><p>Council Member Wilde stated it will increase County revenues in good economic times, but make it less secure in bad economic times because sales tax goes up and down as the economy goes up and down, while property tax is more stable. </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>The Council recommended the following nominees be forwarded to Governor Gary Herbert for his consideration in filling vacancies on the Board of Directors, Central Utah Water Conservancy District, to represent the geographical area of Salt Lake County:</p><p>Seat One Seat Two</p><p>Michael Jensen* Jim Bradley* Steve DeBry Arlyn Bradshaw Richard Snelgrove Sam Granato</p><p>(Asterisk denotes the County Council’s preferred appointments.)</p><p>Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Wilde, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilde, moved to nominate Michael Jensen, Steve DeBry, and Richard 4 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 Snelgrove to seat number one, and Jim Bradley, Arlyn Bradshaw, and Sam Granato to seat number two, noting in the letter that the Council’s preferences are for Michael Jensen and Jim Bradley. The motion passed 8 to 1 with Council Member Horiuchi voting in opposition.] The Council motion passed, showing the vote to be 8 to 1, with Council Member Horiuchi voting “Nay.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Brian Maxwell, Council Aide, submitted a letter requesting the appointment of Tyler L. Weir and Charles F. Kent as deputy constables under Constable Robert Reitz.</p><p>Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Wilde, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Horiuchi, moved to approve the appointments and forward them to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, requesting Messrs. Weir and Kent take their oaths at the County Clerk’s Office, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Linda Duffy, an employee of the Clerk’s Office, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that she is the vice president of the Winchester Overlook Townhomes Board of Directors. </p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to accept the Disclosure Form and make it a matter of record. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Victoria P. Bourns, Program Director, Zoo, Arts & Parks, submitted a letter requesting approval for Zoo, Arts & Parks (ZAP) Tier I funding for 2014 for the following organizations based upon the total qualifying expenditures. Those organizations that did not pass the Financial Health Test will be required to submit a financial health plan, and ZAP payments will be contingent on acceptance of the plans and regular updates:</p><p>Organization Percentage</p><p>Ballet West...... 9.68 Discovery Gateway...... 2.92 Hale Centre Theatre...... 9.44 Natural History Museum of Utah...... 8.53 5 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 Pioneer Theatre Company...... 6.93 Red Butte Garden & Arboretum...... 8.82 Repertory Dance Theatre...... 0.95 Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company...... 1.28 Salt Lake Acting Company...... 1.99 Salt Lake City Arts Council...... 2.41 Salt Lake Film Society...... 2.83 Spy Hop Productions...... 1.78 Tanner Dance Program...... 1.97 The Grande Theatre Foundation Inc...... 0.64 The Living Planet Aquarium...... 5.67 Utah Arts Festival...... 2.22 Utah Film Center...... 1.18 Utah Heritage Foundation...... 0.81 Utah Humanities Council...... 1.09 Utah Museum of Contemporary Arts...... 1.44 Utah Museum of Fine Arts...... 3.84 Utah Symphony & Opera...... 22.94 VSA Arts of Utah...... 0.64</p><p>The Council also approved Zoo, Arts & Parks (ZAP) Zoological funding for 2014 for the following Zoological organizations based upon the total qualifying expenditures:</p><p>Organization Percentage</p><p>Friends of Tracy Aviary...... 5.50 Utah Zoological Society...... 94.50</p><p>The Board denied the applications of Kingsbury Hall Presents and The Leonardo for Zoo, Arts & Parks Tier I funding.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Burdick, moved to approve the recommendations and forward them to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously. Council Members Horiuchi and Snelgrove were absent for the vote.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Lee Colvin, Manager, Real Estate Section, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION declaring property located at 6377 West 5400 South (.25 acre of Parcel No. 20-14-100-009) as surplus, and conveying it to the Utah Department of 6 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 Transportation (UDOT), and authorizing execution of an INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, a RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT, a WAIVER OF RIGHT OF FIRST CONSIDERATION, and an OFFER TO PURCHASE RIGHT OF WAY, wherein Salt Lake County is conveying this property to UDOT by QUIT CLAIM DEED:</p><p>RESOLUTION NO. 4754 DATE: November 12, 2013</p><p>A RESOLUTION OF THE SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL DECLARING SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS COUNTY PROPERTY, AND APPROVING CONVEYANCE OF THE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY BY QUITCLAIM DEED TO THE UTAH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION </p><p>RECITALS</p><p>A. Salt Lake County (the “County”) owns a parcel of real property acquired by Tax Deed, Parcel No. 20-14-100-009, located at approximately 6377 West 5400 South in Salt Lake County, which real property is not currently in public use by the County (the “Property”).</p><p>B. The County acquired title to the Property by tax deed in 2011. The Property is a long, narrow strip of land adjacent to 5400 South.</p><p>C. The Utah Department of Transportation (“UDOT”) is widening 5400 South in connection with the construction of the Mountain View Corridor (“Project”). As part of the Project, UDOT would like to acquire the Property to allow for the widening of 5400 South. </p><p>D. UDOT has offered to purchase the property for the amount of back taxes and administrative fees owed on the property, totaling $2,079.47, and has prepared a Right of Way Contract. In conjunction with this written offer, UDOT has prepared a Waiver of Right of First Consideration. An Interlocal Cooperative Agreement for the sale of the property containing the terms of this transaction, incorporating the Right of Way Contract and the Waiver of Right of First Consideration is attached hereto as Exhibit A.</p><p>E. The Salt Lake County Real Estate Section has determined that payment of the back taxes and administrative fees owed is full and adequate consideration for the conveyance of the Property to the City.</p><p>F. Proceeds from the sale of the Property will be distributed in accordance with Section 59-2-1351.5 of the Utah Code.</p><p>G. It has been determined that the best interest of the County and the general public will be served by the sale and conveyance of the property for the back taxes owed. The 7 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 sale and conveyance will be in compliance with all applicable state statutes and county ordinances.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Salt Lake County Council that the Property be and the same is hereby declared surplus property. </p><p>IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Salt Lake County Council that the sale and conveyance of said parcel of real property by quitclaim deed to UDOT for the agreed consideration, as provided in the Interlocal Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part of this Resolution, is hereby approved; and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the original of said Interlocal Agreement, including any exhibits attached to the Interlocal Agreement.</p><p>IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Salt Lake County Council that the Mayor and County Clerk are hereby authorized consistent with the terms of the Interlocal Agreement to execute the Quitclaim deed, attached hereto as Exhibit B and by this reference made a part of this Resolution, and to deliver the fully executed document to the County Real Estate Section for delivery to UDOT upon payment of the agreed upon purchase amount. </p><p>IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Salt Lake County Council that the Mayor is authorized to execute or accept such other documents necessary to the sale of the Property.</p><p>2APPROVED and ADOPTED this 12 th day of November, 2013.</p><p>SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST (SEAL)</p><p>By /s/ STEVEN DEBRY Chair By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Horiuchi, moved to approve the resolution and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Chair to execute the resolution and directing the County Clerk to attest his signature, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>8 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 Mayor Ben McAdams submitted a letter requesting approval of the recommendation of the Contribution Review Committee for the following community contribution to be approved from the Mayor’s 2013 budget:</p><p>Utah Association of Counties 1-$100 golf card 2-$ 50 Clark Planetarium cards</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Horiuchi, moved to approve the contributions and forward them to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration, and found the County received fair and adequate consideration for the contribution. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Nichole Dunn, Deputy Mayor, submitted a letter advising the Council that Petco Animal Supplies has offered to donate $1,048.91 to the Animal Services Division. </p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Horiuchi, moved to accept the gift and forward the Declaration of Gift form to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Chair to sign the Declaration of Gift form and directing the County Clerk to attest his signature and forward it to Petco Animal Supplies, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Lee Colvin, Manager, Real Estate Section, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION authorizing execution of a REAL ESTATE PURCHASE CONTRACT and four WARRANTY DEEDS between Salt Lake County for its Real Estate Section and Maximum Security, Inc. Salt Lake County will purchase 1.569 acres of property located at 14550 South 1330 West, Bluffdale, for $181,200 from Maximum Security, Inc. to extend the Jordan River Trail. The purchase price includes $29,714 in damages to a parcel that will be severed from the rest of Maximum Security Inc.’s property by the Jordan River Trail. Additionally, the County will install fencing along the west and northwest boundary of the property being purchased, and will pay closing costs, title insurance fees, and rollback taxes totaling approximately $3,900. In consideration, Maximum Security Inc. will retract its demand to relocate a large sprinkling system:</p><p>RESOLUTION NO. 4755 DATE: November 12, 2013</p><p>9 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013</p><p>A RESOLUTION OF THE SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY FROM MAXIMUM SECURITY, INC., FOR THE JORDAN RIVER TRAIL </p><p>RECITALS</p><p>A. Salt Lake County (the “County”) has been building the Jordan River Trail (the “Trail”) as a continuous recreational trail through the County. </p><p>B. Maximum Security, Inc., a Utah corporation (“Maximum Security”), owns several adjoining parcels of land located at approximately 14550 South 1330 West in Salt Lake County.</p><p>C. Salt Lake County Parks & Recreation has negotiated to purchase four parcels of land described in the Warranty Deeds attached hereto as Exhibit A, totaling 1.569 acres, from Maximum Security (the “Property”) for an extension of the Trail, primarily for equestrian access. </p><p>D. Maximum Security has agreed to sell the Property for $181,200, which includes $29,714 in damages to a parcel that will be severed by the Trail from the rest of Maximum Security’s remaining parcels. This amount has been determined to be full and adequate consideration for the purchase of the Property by the Salt Lake County Real Estate Section.</p><p>E. The Real Estate Purchase Contract attached hereto as Exhibit B contains the terms and conditions of the purchase of the Property from Maximum Security, including provisions for installing field fencing.</p><p>F. It has been determined that the best interests of the County and the general public will be served by accepting the Warranty Deeds from Maximum Security and acquiring the Property. The acceptance of the Warranty Deeds will be in compliance with all applicable state statutes and county ordinances.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Salt Lake County Council that the attached Real Estate Purchase Contract (“REPC”), attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference, is accepted and approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute the REPC on behalf of Salt Lake County.</p><p>IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Salt Lake County Council that the Mayor is authorized to accept the signed Warranty Deeds, attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference, from Maximum Security and to sign any other documents required to complete the acquisition of the Property. 10 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013</p><p>3APPROVED and ADOPTED this 12 th day of November, 2013.</p><p>SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST (SEAL) By /s/ STEVEN DEBRY Chair By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Horiuchi, moved to approve the resolution and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal approval. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Chair to execute the resolution and directing the County Clerk to attest his signature, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Craig Wangsgard, Deputy District Attorney, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION authorizing the issuance and sale of not more than $105,000,000 aggregate principal amount of the County’s Research Facility Revenue Bonds to finance the costs of a cancer research center and related improvements for the Huntsman Cancer Foundation; and to provide for the publication of a notice of bonds to be issued, notice of a public hearing, and the running of a contest period: </p><p>RESOLUTION NO. 4756 DATE: November 12, 2013</p><p>A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH (THE “COUNTY”) AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NOT MORE THAN $105,000,000 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF THE COUNTY’S RESEARCH FACILITY REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2013 (HUNTSMAN CANCER FOUNDATION) TO FINANCE THE COSTS OF A CANCER RESEARCH CENTER FOR THE HUNTSMAN CANCER FOUNDATION AND TO FINANCE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED AND A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING; PROVIDING FOR THE RUNNING OF A CONTEST PERIOD; AND RELATED MATTERS. </p><p>WHEREAS, the County is authorized by the Industrial Facilities and Development Act, Chapter 17, Title 11, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, (the “Act”) to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of defraying the cost of financing, acquiring, constructing,</p><p>11 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 equipping and furnishing land, buildings, facilities and improvements which are suitable for use for any research purposes; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Act provides that a municipality or county may issue revenue bonds for the purpose of using substantially all of the proceeds thereof to pay or to reimburse a company for the costs of the acquisition and construction of the facilities of a project and that title to or in such facilities may at all times remain in the company and in such case the bonds of the municipality or county shall be secured by a pledge of one or more notes, debentures, bonds or other secured or unsecured debt obligations of the company; and </p><p>WHEREAS, there has been presented to the County at this meeting a request from the Huntsman Cancer Foundation (the “Borrower”), a Delaware non-stock and nonprofit corporation, asking the County to adopt a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of the County’s Research Facility Revenue Bonds (the “Bonds”), the proceeds of which will be used to finance certain expenditures to be incurred by the Borrower for the construction, equipping and furnishing of a new children’s and families cancer research center on the University of Utah campus at the Huntsman Cancer Institute located in Salt Lake City, Utah (the “Project); and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Bonds shall be special limited obligations of the County payable solely from and secured by revenues, rights, interests and collections pledged by the Borrower and shall not constitute nor give rise to a general obligation or liability (legal or equitable) of the County or of the State of Utah or of any subdivision thereof or a charge against its general credit or taxing power; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the County has determined that it would be in furtherance of purposes of the County and the Act to issue not more than $105,000,000 of its Research Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2013 (Huntsman Cancer Foundation) (the “Bonds”) for the purpose of financing the construction, equipping and furnishing of the Project; and </p><p>WHEREAS, Section 11-17-16 of the Act provides for the publication of a Notice of Bonds to be Issued, and the County desires to publish such a notice at this time in compliance with the Act with respect to the Bonds and to give notice of a public hearing to be held by the County with respect to the Bonds; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Bonds shall be issued pursuant to an Indenture of Trust (the “Indenture”) in substantially the form which was before the County Council at the time of adoption of this Resolution;</p><p>THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH, AS FOLLOWS:</p><p> All terms defined in the foregoing recitals hereto shall have the same meanings when used herein.</p><p>12 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 All action heretofore taken (not inconsistent with the provisions of this Resolution), by the County and by the officers of the County directed toward the issuance of the Bonds are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. </p><p> In order to finance the acquisition, construction and furnishing of the Project with the resulting public benefits which will flow therefrom, the County hereby expresses its intent to issue the Bonds pursuant to the provisions of the Act in a principal amount presently estimated not to exceed $105,000,000.</p><p> The County will loan the proceeds of the Bonds to the Borrower pursuant to a Loan Agreement between the County and the Borrower whereby the Borrower will be obligated, among other things, (i) to make payments to the County in amounts and at times sufficient to pay the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on all of the Bonds and (ii) to provide, or cause to be provided, collateral or other security to secure payment of the Bonds in such manner and in such amounts as the purchaser of the Bonds deems appropriate. The County has not authorized the pledge of its credit for the payment of the Bonds or the financing of the Project.</p><p> The County hereby expresses the intent to reimburse the Borrower for costs of the Project determined to be qualified for reimbursement pursuant to the provisions of Treasury Regulation Section 1.150-2. Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary the County shall have no liability to the Borrower for any costs or funds advanced if the Bonds are not issued.</p><p> The Council hereby finds and determines that it is in the best interests of the County for the County to issue not more than $105,000,000 aggregate principal amount of its Research Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2013 (Huntsman Cancer Foundation) (or such other designation as may be determined by appropriate officers of the County) for the purpose of financing the construction, equipping, and furnishing of the Project to be located in Salt Lake City, Utah and paying related expenses.</p><p> The County hereby authorizes and approves the issuance and sale of the Bonds pursuant to the provisions of this Resolution, the Indenture in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit B and a Final Bond Resolution to be adopted by the Council authorizing and confirming the issuance and sale of the Bonds, with such changes to the Indenture as shall be approved by the Council upon the adoption of the Final Bond Resolution.</p><p> In accordance with provisions of the Act and in order to comply with Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the County Clerk is hereby authorized to publish a “Notice of Bonds to be Issued and of Public Hearing” (i) one (1) time in The Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News, newspapers of general circulation within the County, at least fourteen (14) days prior to December 10, 2013, the 13 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 hearing date set forth in said Notice, (ii) on the Utah Public Notice Website created under Section 63F-1-701 Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, and (iii) on the Utah Legal Notices website (www.utahlegals.com) created under Section 45-1-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, and the Council will meet in public session on December 10, 2013 to receive public comment on the proposed issuance of the Bonds. The County Clerk shall also cause a copy of this Resolution (together with all exhibits hereto) to be kept on file in her office in Salt Lake, Utah, for public examination during the regular business hours of the County until at least thirty (30) days from and after the date of publication thereof. The Notice of Bonds to be Issued and of Public Hearing shall be in substantially the following form:</p><p>NOTICE OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED AND OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH</p><p>NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of the Utah Industrial Facilities and Development Act, Title 11, Chapter 17, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, that on November 12, 2013, the County Council (the “Council”) of Salt Lake County, Utah (the “County”) adopted a resolution (the “Resolution”) in which it authorized the issuance of the County’s Research Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2013 (Huntsman Cancer Foundation) (or such other designation as may be determined) (the “Bonds”) in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $105,000,000 and to mature in not more than 30 years. Pursuant to the Resolution, the County proposes to lend the proceeds of the Series 2013 Bonds to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation, a Delaware non-stock and nonprofit corporation (the “Borrower”) for the purpose of financing an approximately 220,000 square-foot research facility (the “Project”). The Project will be located on the University of Utah campus as part of the Huntsman Cancer Institute at approximately 2000 Circle of Hope Drive in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Project and related property and improvements will be owned by the Borrower and used by the Huntsman Cancer Institute for cancer research.</p><p>NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, in connection with the County’s proposed issuance of the Series 2013 Bonds, the County will meet on December 10, 2013, at the Council Chambers, 2001 South State Street, Room N1100, Salt Lake City, Utah, at 4:00 p.m. for the purpose of conducting a public hearing. Interested individuals are invited to express their views, both orally and in writing, on the proposed issue of the Bonds and the location and nature of the Project. Comments at the public hearing are invited. Written comments may be submitted to the County at its Council office located at 2001 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, until noon on December 10, 2013. Additional information may be obtained from the County at its office shown above or by calling (385) 468-7500. Subsequent to the hearing, the Council will consider approving the Bonds.</p><p>14 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 The County is authorized to issue the Bonds pursuant to the Act. The Bonds will be special limited obligations of the County payable solely from amounts provided by the Borrower, including monies and securities held from time to time under an Indenture of Trust under which the Bonds are to be issued (the “Indenture”). The Bonds and the interest thereon will not be a debt of the County or of the State of Utah or any political subdivision, and neither the County nor the State of Utah or any political subdivision will be liable thereon, and in no event will the Bonds or the interest thereon be payable out of any funds or properties other than those of the County expressly provided therefor under the Indenture. The Bonds will not constitute indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction.</p><p>The Bonds are to be issued and sold by the County pursuant to the Resolution, including as part of said Resolution a form of the Indenture and said Indenture shall contain such terms and provisions as shall be approved by the County at the time of adoption of a Final Bond Resolution. A copy of the Resolution and the Indenture are on file in the office of the County Clerk of the County in the Salt Lake County offices at 2001 South State Street, #N2100A, Salt Lake City, Utah, where they may be examined during regular business hours of the County from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after the date of publication of this notice.</p><p>NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a period of thirty (30) days from and after the date of the publication of this notice is provided by law during which any person in interest shall have the right to contest the legality of the Resolution, the Indenture, or the Bonds, or any provision made for the security and payment of the Bonds, and that after such time, no one shall have any cause of action to contest the regularity, formality or legality thereof for any cause whatsoever.</p><p>Date: November 12, 2013</p><p>/s/ Sherrie Swensen County Clerk</p><p> If any provisions of this resolution should be held invalid, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of any of the other provisions of this resolution.</p><p> No member of the Council of the County or employee of the County has any interest, direct or indirect, in the transactions contemplated by the County as described herein.</p><p> All resolutions of the County or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency.</p><p>15 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.</p><p>PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH THIS 12th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2013.</p><p>SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST (SEAL) By /s/ STEVEN DEBRY Chair By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Burdick, seconded by Council Member Wilde, moved to approve the resolution and to forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Chair to execute the resolution and directing the County Clerk to attest his signature, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>The Council reviewed a Public Works Operations’ real estate matter that was discussed in a closed session during the Committee of the Whole Meeting.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote made in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Horiuchi, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to proceed with the Public Works Operations real estate matter as discussed in closed session. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>The Council reviewed a Public Works/Parks and Recreation’ real estate matter that was discussed in a closed session during the Committee of the Whole Meeting.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote made in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Horiuchi, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to proceed with the Public Works/Parks and Recreation real estate matter as discussed in closed session. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>16 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Scott Carver, Undersheriff, Sheriff’s Office, submitted a letter requesting to fill two Control Room Operator positions, a Jail Nurse 24/30 position, and a Jail Clerk 15 position.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Jason Yocom, Director, Contracts & Procurement Division, submitted a letter requesting to fill a Contracts Coordinator 22 position. </p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Granato, moved to approve the requests and forward them to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously. Council Member Burdick was absent for the vote.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Wayne Marion, Director, Facilities Management Division, submitted a letter requesting an interim budget adjustment of $10,000 for the Adult Detention Center parapet roof capping project, as bids came in over the original estimate. This will entail using funds for the Council’s discretionary expenditures. </p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Granato, moved to approve the request and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously. Council Member Burdick was absent for the vote.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Chief Financial Officer to increase Expense Appropriation Account No. 450-500- 5050-7220 by $10,000, and decrease Expense Appropriation Account No. 450-500-5050-9110 by $10,000, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Wayne Marion, Director, Facilities Management Division, submitted a letter requesting an interim budget adjustment of $30,000 for the Draper Library roof repairs. </p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Jensen, 17 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013 seconded by Council Member Granato, moved to approve the request and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously. Council Member Burdick was absent for the vote.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Chief Financial Officer to increase Expense Appropriation Account No. 450-500- 5050-2130-62LE by $30,000, and decrease Expense Appropriation Account No. 450-500-5050- 9110-NK10 by $30,000, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Nichole Dunn, Deputy Mayor, Mayor’s Office, submitted a letter requesting an interim budget adjustment of $42,000,000 to finance all or a portion of the costs of road construction and reconstruction, capital improvement maintenance projects, and related improvements from the issuance of the County’s Series 2013 Excise Tax Road Revenue Bonds. Debt service will be paid from Local Transportation Corridor Preservation fee revenue. </p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Granato, moved to approve the request and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously. Council Member Burdick was absent for the vote.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Chief Financial Officer to increase Expense Appropriation Account Nos. 426-500-5036- 2793 by $200,000, -2910 by $100,000, -2930 by $200,000, -6320 by $2,000, -6330 by $2,000, -7110 by $3,000,000, -7120 by $5,000,000, -7530 by $26,496,000, and -7540 by $7,000,000, and increase Revenue Appropriation Account No. 426-500-5036-3894 by $42,000,000, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.” </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Kevin Jacobs, Assessor, submitted a letter requesting an interim budget adjustment of $96,000 for the modeling software Prognose. This will entail re-directing a refund from the 2013 maintenance agreement for the Sigma modeling software to the new software. </p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Granato, moved to approve the request and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously. Council Member Burdick was absent for the vote.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Chief Financial Officer to increase Expense Appropriation Account No. 340-100-1300- 7410 by $96,000, and decrease Expense Appropriation Account No. 340-100-1300-2470 by $96,000, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>18 D A T E T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 12, 2013</p><p>Mr. Kevin Jacobs, Assessor, submitted a letter requesting an interim budget adjustment of $30,780 to upgrade the oblique image product, Pictometry, to a higher resolution product. This will entail transferring funds from Other Professional Fees.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Granato, moved to approve the request and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously. Council Member Burdick was absent for the vote.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Chief Financial Officer to decrease Expense Appropriation Account No. 340-100-1300- 2930 by $30,780, and increase Expense Appropriation Account No. 340-100-1300-7410 by $30,780, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.” </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 4:38:11 PM until Tuesday, November 19, 2013, at 4:00 P.M.</p><p>SHERRIE SWENSEN, COUNTY CLERK</p><p>By ______Deputy Clerk</p><p>______CHAIR, SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>19</p>
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