<p>Dear Student,</p><p>Welcome to the school of advertising art!</p><p>Kettering provides a safe environment for college life, work, and play. About 70% of saa students move to Kettering while others commute from their hometown. Listed in this guide are preferred area apartment communities with suggested options for student housing compiled by saa students. More apartment information, virtual tours, and photos, may also be found at: http://www.apartmentguide.com/apartments/Ohio/School-of-Advertising-Art</p><p>Check out the school of advertising art student life video on our web site to see and hear what saa students have to say about living and going to college in Kettering.</p><p>Our goal is to provide you with all the necessary information to help make your move to Kettering safe and enjoyable. If you have any questions about apartments and/or roommates, please do not hesitate to contact me at 877.300.9866 or email [email protected]. </p><p>Looking forward to hearing from you soon!</p><p>Abbie Heaney Housing Coordinator school of advertising art saa.edu</p><p>Notice: This guide is intended as a reference only. While the assists enrolled students who are seeking housing, roommates, and rideshare partners, saa does not assist with applying for residency at any apartment or rental. Each apartment has the right to accept or deny your application. contents</p><p>Student Recommended Apartments + Housing</p><p>Average Rental Costs</p><p>Timeline: Apartments + Roommates</p><p>Checklist: Things to Discuss</p><p>Notes and Advice from Current Students</p><p>Roommate Questionnaire</p><p>Rideshare Questionnaire</p><p>Directions to Restaurants</p><p>Map saa recommended apartments </p><p> miles from saa category Chapel Hill .61 basic 4427 Wilmington Pike Kettering, OH 45440 937-438-3620 10% saa student discount off rent + application fee waived</p><p>Chimneys of Oak Creek 1.5 moderate 1848 Chimney Lane Kettering, OH 45440 937-433-1004 application fee is waived + $400 security deposit is waived</p><p>Fox Hunt 1.3 moderate 2095 Valley Greene Drive Kettering, OH 45440 937-434-7242 application fee is waived + $400 security deposit is waived</p><p>Georgetown of Kettering 1.59 moderate 4889 Far Hills Avenue Kettering, OH 45429 937-434-2201 5% saa student discount off rent + application fee waived </p><p>Stonebridge Apartments 2 moderate 4481 Stonecastle Drive Beavercreek, OH 45440 937-426-0271 5% discount off rent </p><p>The Wynds .62 moderate 3970 Parliament Place Kettering, OH 45324 937-299-9744 5% saa student discount off rent more apartments + housing</p><p> miles from saa category Bayberry Cove 4 basic 4363 Bayberry Cove Dr. Bellbrook, OH 45305 937-848-7283</p><p>Chatham Village .73 moderate 5035 Harwich Court Kettering, OH 45440 937-434-9482</p><p>Croftshire Drive .25 see sheet Independent Owners [see attached sheet]</p><p>Mill Pond Apartments 4 deluxe 3070 Mill Pond Drive Bellbrook, OH 45305 937-848-2600</p><p>The Province 8.81 deluxe 3419 Cloveridge Ct. Fairborn, OH 45324 937-429-5288</p><p>Woods of Centerville 2.06 moderate 33 Meeting House Rd Centerville, OH 45459 937-401-2259</p><p> category descriptions: basic= these apartment communities provide popular amenities, tend to be most affordable, and are located close to saa moderate= these apartment communities provide more popular amenities, are affordable, and are known for having responsive maintenance staff deluxe= these apartment communities provide extra amenities, cost a bit more, and may be located a few miles farther away</p><p>Note: saa is not responsible or accountable for apartments, rentals, roommates, or properties what exactly is croftshire drive?</p><p>Croftshire Drive is…</p><p>A residential street that is only yards away from saa, running perpendicular to East David Road. </p><p>Who owns the apartments?</p><p>These duplexes and homes are privately-owned. There are efficiencies, as well as duplexes with multiple bedrooms offered by various building owners.</p><p>How do I find an apartment if there is no leasing office?</p><p>The best way to find an apartment on Croftshire is to simply drive down the street and look for rental signs outside. At any given time, you may find a dozen or more signs outside the buildings. Note the telephone numbers you see displayed, and give the landlord a call.</p><p>What are the disadvantages?</p><p>The drawback to living on Croftshire is that you do not have amenities like swimming pools, volleyball/tennis courts, fitness rooms, security, etc.</p><p>What are the advantages?</p><p>The bonus to living on Croftshire is that you have a private owner who isn’t trying to maintain a huge complex, and can give you more attention. And it’s a short WALK to class each day. </p><p>What if I want a private rental other than on Croftshire?</p><p>Kettering is full of homes and units that are for rent. Try grabbing an issue of the Dayton Daily News [or visit www.daytondailynews.com] for those who advertise, or simply drive around the area, noting phone numbers of the places that look appealing. For example, there are several small apartment complexes and duplexes on and near Shroyer Road, about 1 mile away from saa. average rental costs</p><p>These numbers are intended for use as a reference only and represent the average that saa students paid for rent in 2010-11:</p><p>1 Bedroom 1 Person Paying Rent $500-550 per month/ per student</p><p>2 Bedroom 2 People Paying Rent $230-300 per month/ per student</p><p>3 Bedroom 3 People Paying Rent $200-300 per month/ per student</p><p>Please note that these numbers are rent only and will vary by apartment/rental unit and amenities offered. The numbers above include apartment and house rentals. </p><p>When planning your budget, don’t forget to include gas/electric, phone, cable/satellite, internet connection, groceries, and travel/gasoline.</p><p>For photos and virtual tours visit: www.apartmentguide.com/apartments/Ohio/School-of-Advertising-Art. </p><p>For current pricing on house rentals, you may need to drive around the neighborhoods surrounding saa and write down the phone numbers of the many rentals that are available. Also look in the Dayton Daily News or Kettering-Oakwood Times for classified listings.</p><p>It is recommended that you call to inquire about apartment specials, 10-month leases, apartment availability, and pet policies to narrow down your options and decide which communities you will visit. timeline: apartments + roommates</p><p>1. Complete and submit the roommate and/or rideshare questionnaire [online or by mail].</p><p>2. Start looking at apartmentguide.com and make a list of which apartments you would like to check out.</p><p>3. Once you get your roommate list, look through the people listed and select the top 3 or 4 who have the most in common with you. Call each other and talk for a few minutes about yourself and your background: BE COMPLETELY HONEST!</p><p>4. If your conversation goes well, arrange to meet at an saa Open House. or on your own. You might want to go to lunch together and SPEND SOME REAL TIME TOGETHER! If you feel like you’d be compatible as roommates, start comparing notes on which apartments you each want to check out. </p><p>5. Go over the checklist of items to discuss. Find out what your plan is if one of you no longer attends saa.</p><p>6. Call and schedule a tour of the apartments you are considering. It is best if all of your roommates are present, as well as one or more parents/guardians.</p><p>7. Before signing a lease, try to visit at least 3 apartments to get a good feel for your choices. Tip: Walk around the parking lots and public areas and talk to residents. </p><p>8. Find out if you will need a co-signer. Discuss who it will be.</p><p>9. Sign the lease of the apartment you have selected. Make sure each roommate has a copy and understands the terms. Tip: Have each roommate’s name and how much rent he/she is responsible for included in the lease.</p><p>10. If needed, call to reserve a moving truck/van/rental for your move-in date.</p><p>11. Call to schedule your utilities, cable, etc. to be hooked up. Tip: Have each roommate’s name on every shared bill.</p><p>12. Time to move in!</p><p>13. Go through the entire apartment and write down all stains, broken/cracked fixtures, electrical problems, nail holes in the wall, etc. The apartment will most likely require you to turn in a “damage sheet/waiver,” listing all problems with the apartment. Make sure you do so after living there for a week or two to ensure everything is listed.</p><p>14. Keep all communication going with your roommate(s). Most problems can be resolved by simply being respectful, talking with AND listening to your roommate(s). Checklist of items to discuss:</p><p> Who will be your co-signer, if needed?</p><p> How do you want to divide cleaning duties? [Especially bathroom, dishes, and trash.]</p><p> What happens if one of you withdraws from saa?</p><p> Who will set up utilities? Mail out bill payments? Divide the bills? Drop off rent money?</p><p> How do you feel about partying? Home? Away? Late hours?</p><p> How do you feel about overnight guests? Friends, family, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. Discuss potential of someone staying frequently—will it affect your bills?</p><p> Any special rules or requests for nights before tests/project due dates? [Guests, noise level, etc.]</p><p> How do you want to handle groceries? Individually or together?</p><p> Transportation: Who has a car; is parking limited? Are you going to ride to school or work together? If so, share gas money? Be specific. [If you are planning on driving to school together, talk to Nathan Summers to see if you can schedule academic classes on the same days.]</p><p> Privacy: Are bedrooms off-limits? When one roommate leaves for a night/weekend, can other people/guests sleep in his/her bed? Use his/her room?</p><p> Who will bring any of the following that you may need?</p><p> Living Room: TV, TV stand, end tables/coffee table, lamps, sofa/chairs, stereo</p><p> Kitchen: plates, bowls, cups, silverware, towels, dishcloths, pots/pans, trash can/bags, microwave, toaster/toaster oven, coffeemaker, dish soap/detergent</p><p> Bathroom: shower curtain/liner, waste basket, toothbrush holder, and plunger</p><p> Cleaning Supplies: vacuum, window cleaner, spray cleaner, toilet cleaner/brush, broom</p><p> Other Items: toilet paper, paper towels, kitchen basics [salt/pepper, catsup, foil, plastic wrap, baggies, etc.]</p><p>Questions? Need help or advice? Call Abbie Heaney at [email protected] or 877.300. 9866 notes and advice from current saa students</p><p> Get to know your roommate BEFORE you move in together!</p><p> Don’t go back home every weekend. You will never really get to know everyone if you aren’t here on weekends. Ask around in class to find out what’s going on that weekend and hang out with them.</p><p> Always ask the apartment community for new carpet. </p><p> Check the newspaper for good deals on rentals. We found a great deal on a duplex.</p><p> Do the dishes more often!</p><p> The toilets don’t flush very well at my apartment. VISIT apartments before you move in to them. </p><p> Ask if they have “Quiet Hours”: times when you cannot play music, do laundry, or make any noise that your neighbors can hear. </p><p> Do not wait to pay your bills until the last day- late fees are a killer and they add up.</p><p> Check EVERY SINGLE INCH of the apartment for damage before you sign the damage waiver. Otherwise, you might pay for stuff that was already there.</p><p> Get to know your neighbors. They will be more understanding if you ever make noise from a party or late hours.</p><p> Get to know your apartment staff. They will take care of your complaints and problems faster.</p><p> At pet-friendly apartments, watch out for “doggy doo.”</p><p> Don’t forget to ask if they have a shorter lease.</p><p> My apartment was not ready until a week after the move-in date. Give yourself an extra week or two before school starts to move in.</p><p> It is really awesome to get an apartment that has a good fitness center and tanning bed—it has saved me a lot of money. And the pool is great!</p><p> We have gas heat, so we get two energy bills: an electric bill and a gas bill.</p><p> The closer you live to saa, the better. I get up, roll out of bed, and am in class five minutes later!</p><p> Unless you are lucky enough to have a washer and dryer in your own apartment, always have lots of quarters for laundry. </p><p> Get a top-floor apartment because heat rises and it’s less expensive to heat in the winter.</p><p> Tell them you are an saa student.</p><p> Good luck! roommate questionnaire</p><p>Please fill out the following if you are in need of a roommate. This information will be added to a master list, and it will be shared with other enrolled students who are also searching for a roommate. </p><p>Mail completed questionnaire to: saa; 1725 E. David Road; Kettering, OH 45440 or scan to: [email protected]</p><p>Name: ______Age [at fall start date]: ______</p><p>High School/Career Center ______</p><p>City of Residence: ______State: ______</p><p>Email Address: ______</p><p>Home Phone: (______)______</p><p>Cell Phone: (______)______</p><p>How do you feel about having pets in your apartment while living in Kettering? ___ Yes, pets are fine. ___ No, thanks.</p><p>Do you prefer a smoking or a non-smoking roommate? ___ Smoking ___ Non-smoking ___ No preference</p><p>Please check which best describes you: ___ Vocal, outgoing ___ Quiet, keep to myself</p><p>Socially, which best fits you? ___ Where’s the party this weekend? ___ Responsibility first, party second.</p><p>Which best describes your sleeping habits? ___ Early to bed, early to rise. ___ I am a night person.</p><p>My bedroom could best be described as: ___ I need a maid! ___ I know where everything is!</p><p>I prefer: ___ A female roommate ___ A male roommate ___ No preference</p><p>I am looking for: ___ One roommate ___ Two roommates ___ Other [explain]______Say something about yourself and the type of roommate(s) you are searching for:</p><p> rideshare questionnaire</p><p>Please fill out this form if you are interested in Rideshare. This information will be added to a master list, and it will be shared with other enrolled students who are also considering commuting.</p><p>Mail completed questionnaire to: saa; 1725 E. David Road; Kettering, OH 45440 or scan to: [email protected]</p><p>Name: ______</p><p>High School/Career Center ______</p><p>City of Residence: ______State: ______</p><p>Email address:______</p><p>Home Phone: (______)______</p><p>Cell Phone: (______)______</p><p>By signing below you agree to the following:</p><p>I understand that the school of advertising art is not responsible for transportation to and from saa. Should my rideshare transportation suffer any accident or lateness, I understand that it will be my rideshare group’s responsibility. I agree to not hold the school of advertising art liable for any accidents, injuries, or tardiness.</p><p>*Student Signature: ______Date: ______Print Student Name: ______</p><p>*Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______</p><p>Print Parent/Guardian Name: ______</p><p>*Both student and parent signatures are required. Directions to Restaurants</p><p>Cassano’s Pizza Right on Hempstead to corner of Stroop Rd.</p><p>McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Subby’s, Hibachi Grill Right on Hempstead, right on Stroop Rd.</p><p>A&W-KFC, Bob Evans, Cracker Barrel, Chipotle, Fazoli’s, Panera, Burger King, McDonald’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, Frisch’s Big Boy, Applebee’s, Taco Bell, Arby’s, Steak and Shake Left on Hempstead, left on David Rd., right on Wilmington Pike about 2 miles</p><p>Mama DiSalvo’s Deli, Subway, Bagel Café, Donato’s Pizza Right on Hempstead, left on Stroop Rd.</p><p>The Greene: Chipotle, PotBelly’s, Panera, Cold Stone Creamery, Tim Horton’s, Brio’s, Cheesecake Factory, McCormick and Schmick’s, Fleming’s, BD’s Mongolian Grill, Adobe Gila’s, Choe’s Asian Gourmet, EO Burgers, Noodles and Co., The Pub, Pasha Grill, Mimi’s Café, That Crepe Place, Bar Louie’s Right on Hempstead, right on Stroop Rd. to The Greene</p><p>I-675 I-75</p>
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