November 29, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1613 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING THE FRIENDSHIP with hospitals and doctors to help assure in- lege (NCC) as it celebrates its 50th anniver- CHRISTIAN METHODIST EPIS- clusion and enhance the independence of sary. It was founded in 1965 by twelve North- COPAL CHURCH AS A NATIONAL people with Down syndrome. ampton County school directors who were HISTORIC PLACE After many years in the financial industry, committed to providing an affordable, com- Mary Ann stayed home to raise her two boys. prehensive community college education HON. MIKE JOHNSON While staying home she held several volunteer where adults could develop critical skills for a OF LOUISIANA positions, including President and Treasurer of shifting regional economy. In 1967, it opened the PTO, Treasurer of Foothills Swim Team, its doors to 404 students. What started as a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Destination Imagination Coach, and religious singular campus with trailers for laboratories Wednesday, November 29, 2017 education teacher and board member of the has since expanded into two beautiful cam- Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana. Mr. Speaker, it Denver Ballet Guild and Bear Creek Swim and puses with state-of-the-art facilities. is my privilege to rise and honor the Friend- Tennis. Today, NCC offers degrees to over 14,000 ship Christian Methodist Episcopal Church She re-entered the workforce when her old- students. An additional 17,000 students enroll (CME) of Lisbon, LA, for its historic impact est son went to college, and began her stint in workforce training, adult literacy, and youth upon our nation and to the State of Louisiana. in the nonprofit world. She believes in mission- classes. Alumni have gone on to further their Friendship CME Church helped to unify the driven work and loves to recruit volunteers. education through partnerships with colleges Claiborne Parish community around faith and Mary Ann continues her volunteer work and and universities. Many alumni have become family during the most trying times of our his- currently serves as an Affiliate Challenge Mas- known as masters in their trade with some tory. ter for Destination Imagination Colorado. And recognized as Pulitzer Prize winners and At the height of the civil rights movement she and her husband have been running the Academy Award winning directors. from 1965 to 1974 and beyond, Friendship Lunch Bunch program at their church which Northampton Community College remains CME Church served as the heart of the Afri- makes lunches for the homeless in Denver for committed to providing a quality college expe- can American community and opened its the last 24 years. rience regardless of socioeconomic status. doors for the meetings of local civil rights lead- I extend my deepest congratulations to Mary Federal grants have supported this good work, ers. Many of the major contributions to the Ann Barwick for this well-deserved honor from including a $10 million grant from the Depart- Claiborne Parish civil rights movement were the West Chamber of Commerce. ment of Labor in 2014. The College’s innova- conceptualized within Friendship CME Church, f tion and drive will continue to produce talented graduates and contribute to the region’s econ- and the church played a central role in the TRIBUTE TO MARY ELLEN omy. I ask my fellow Members to join me in community as a safe haven for those working DEVEREUX-TAYLOR AND recognizing Northampton Community College to protect the dignity of every human life. CARROL TAYLOR Friendship CME Church was founded be- for 50 years of excellence and service to the tween 1900 and 1915. The current structure community. was rebuilt by the congregation in 1933, after HON. DAVID YOUNG f the original church building was destroyed by OF IOWA a violent tornado that tore through Claiborne IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERSONAL EXPLANATION Parish in 1932. With only a few modifications, Wednesday, November 29, 2017 ´ today’s building largely resembles the original Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. LUIS V. GUTIERREZ structure. This 1933 building still stands to this today to recognize and congratulate Mary OF ILLINOIS day as a testimony to the resilience and for- Ellen Devereux-Taylor and Carrol Taylor of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES titude of the Friendship CME community. In Mount Ayr, Iowa, on the very special occasion Wednesday, November 29, 2017 recognition of the church’s integral contribu- of their 55th wedding anniversary. They were Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- tions in advancing the Claiborne Parish civil married on August 25, 1962 at the Saint avoidably absent in the House Chamber for rights movement, the National Park Service Mary’s Catholic Church in Grinnell, Iowa. listed the Friendship CME Church in the Na- Mary Ellen and Carrol’s lifelong commitment Roll Call votes 638 and 639 on Tuesday, No- tional Register of Historic Places in May 2016. to each other and their family truly embodies vember 28, 2017. Had I been present, I would Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States our Iowa values. As they reflect on their 55th have voted Yea on Roll Call vote 638 and Nay Congress and the people of Northwest Lou- anniversary, may their commitment grow even on Roll Call vote 639. isiana, I am honored to recognize the Friend- stronger, as they continue to love, cherish, f ship Christian Methodist Episcopal Church for and honor one another for many years to MARY ANNE FLEET the exceptionally important role it played dur- come. ing the civil rights movement in our region and Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple in our nation. I, along with my wife, Kelly, pray on their 55 years together and I wish them HON. ED PERLMUTTER the Lord continues to use this congregation as many more. I ask that my colleagues in the OF COLORADO a beacon of hope for generations to come. United States House of Representatives join IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f me in congratulating them on this momentous Wednesday, November 29, 2017 MARY ANN BARWICK occasion and in wishing them both nothing but continued success. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Mary Anne Fleet for being HON. ED PERLMUTTER f honored by the West Chamber of Commerce. OF COLORADO IN RECOGNITION OF NORTH- Mary Anne Fleet received her bachelor’s de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AMPTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE’S gree in music education from Temple Univer- 50TH ANNIVERSARY sity where she studied bassoon with members Wednesday, November 29, 2017 of the Philadelphia Orchestra. After moving to Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT Colorado, she worked as a freelance musician today to recognize Mary Ann Barwick for OF PENNSYLVANIA with the Central City Opera Company and being honored by the West Chamber of Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES other professional musical ensembles while merce. teaching woodwinds privately. As the Healthcare Outreach and Volunteer Wednesday, November 29, 2017 Mary Anne later moved to the nonprofit sec- Coordinator at the Rocky Mountain Down Syn- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise tor and earned her Master’s degree in non- drome Association, Mary Ann Barwick works today to honor Northampton Community Col- profit management from Regis University. She ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:12 Nov 30, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29NO8.001 E29NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 29, 2017 worked as Development Director for Hear Now served as a member of the Board of District of Columbia Criminal Justice Coordi- and as Executive Director for Caring Connec- Southwoods Surgery Center. nating Council (CJCC) stands out. The Dis- tion. For the last 21 years, she has been a Outside of his professional life, he was an trict’s criminal justice system is a complex web member of the bassoon section of the Lake- active participant in a variety of civic, commu- of federal and local jurisdictional authorities. wood Symphony. In 2010, she became the nity, and faith activities. He was a member of Director Ware led the development of the in- symphony’s first Executive Director and has the Boards for the Easter Seals and Niles frastructure to promote collaboration between helped the symphony become a major force Community Services. He also served as the the District and federal governments on critical within Lakewood’s performing arts community. president of the Trumbull Country Club, chair- public safety issues. As director of the CJCC, Mary Anne maintains an active woodwind man of values and visions for John F. Ken- Director Ware was instrumental in advancing teaching studio at Music & Arts in Littleton, nedy Catholic Schools, and president of Our the city’s technical capability and capacity to and has served as president of the South Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Council (Niles, support criminal justice information sharing Lakewood Business Association, past presi- Ohio). In addition, he enjoyed volunteering as among CJCC member agencies. dent of the Rotary Club of Lakewood, and is a basketball coach of boy’s and girl’s teams On December 1, 2011, she was sworn in as currently a member of All Comforting Things, for Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Blessed Sac- Director of CSOSA, an independent federal which provides hand-crafted items to people in rament, and St. Mary’s schools. Lastly, Doc executive branch agency that is tasked with need.
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