<p> ICCCN 2017 The 26th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks July 31 – August 3, 2017 Final Program</p><p>IC3 N</p><p>Technical Program Overview</p><p>July 30 (Sunday) 20:00 – 21:00 Registration open (Pinnacle Foyer) July 31 (Monday) 07:00 Registration open (Pinnacle Foyer) Continental Breakfast (Pinnacle Foyer)</p><p>08:20 - 08:30 Opening Remarks Room: Pinnacle I/II</p><p>08:30 - 09:30 Keynote I: Research Challenges and Solutions for IOT/CPS Speaker: Prof. John Stankovic (University of Virginia) Chair: Haiying Shen Room: Pinnacle I/II </p><p>09:30 - 10:00 Coffee break</p><p>10:00 - 12:00 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Invited 1 Cognitive Mobile Computing Content Delivery Cloud Network (Shaughnessy I) Network Computing (Pinnacle I/II) (Shaughnessy II) (Dundarave)</p><p>12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break</p><p>13:30 - 15:00 Panel I: Age of the Internet of Things Moderator: Sajal Das Room: Pinnacle I/II</p><p>15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break</p><p>15:30 - 17:30 Session 4 Session 5 Invited 2 Invited 3 Security, Privacy Datacenter Social Security, and Trust (1) Network Network Privacy and (Pinnacle I/II) (Shaughnessy I) (Shaughnessy II) Trust (Dundarave)</p><p>18:00 - 20:00 Reception (Point Grey) August 1 (Tuesday) Registration open (Pinnacle Foyer) 08:00 Continental Breakfast (Pinnacle Foyer)</p><p>Keynote II: Protecting Web sites from the Internet of Compromised Things Speaker: Prof. Bruce Maggs (Duke University/ Akamai Technologies) 08:30 - 09:30 Chair: Christian Poellabauer Room: Pinnacle I/II</p><p>09:30 - 10:00 Coffee break</p><p>Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Invited 4 Software IoT and Communication Mobile Defined Multimedia Network Computing (1) 10:00 - 12:00 Network (1) (Shaughnessy I) (Shaughnessy II) (Dundarave) (Pinnacle I/II)</p><p>12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break</p><p>Panel II: Cloud Scale Big Data Analytics 13:30 - 15:00 Moderator: Chris Stewart Room: Pinnacle I/II</p><p>15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break </p><p>Session 10 Invited 5 Invited 6 Session 9 Cloud and Edge Communication Distributed Security, Privacy Computing Network System (1) 15:30 - 17:30 and Trust (2) (Shaughnessy I) (Shaughnessy II) (Dundarave) (Pinnacle I/II)</p><p>19:00 - 21:00 Banquet (Pinnacle II/III) August 2 (Wednesday) Registration open (Pinnacle Foyer) 8:00 Continental Breakfast (Pinnacle Foyer)</p><p>Keynote III: Telecom policy: competition, spectrum, access and technology transitions Speaker: Prof. Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University & Chief 08:30 - 09:30 Technology Officer, FCC) Chair: Tarek F. Abdelzaher Room: Pinnacle I/II</p><p>09:30 - 10:00 Coffee break </p><p>Session 12 Invited 7 Invited 8 Session 11 Social Networks Mobile Computing Hot Topic in Software Defined and Computing (2) Networking 10:00 - 12:00 Network (2) (Shaughnessy I) (Shaughnessy II) (Dundarave) (Pinnacle I/II)</p><p>12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break</p><p>Pane III : Panel on Federal Funding for Research in Networking and Beyond 13:30 - 15:00 Session Chair: Haiying Shen Room: Pinnacle I/II</p><p>15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break</p><p>Session 14 Invited 9 Invited 10 Session 13 Hot Topic in Distributed System Network (Pinnacle I) Networking (2) Management 15:30 - 17:30 (Shaughnessy I) (Shaughnessy II) (Dundarave) Poster Session (Pinnacle II) Technical Program</p><p>July 31 (Monday) Longfei Wu, Xiaojiang Du, Jie Wu and Bin Song Mobility of Everything (MoE): An Integrated and Distributed Mobility 8:30-9:30 Management Sangyup Han, Jaehyun Park, Haeun Kim, Jaehee Keynote I: Research Challenges and Ha, Seungwon Shin, Sungwon Kang and Solutions for IOT/CPS Myungchul Kim Speaker: John A. Stankovic (The University of Virginia) Two-Stage Mixed Queuing Model for Chair: Haiying Shen Web Security Gateway Performance Evaluation Room: Pinnacle I/II Shichang Xuan, Dapeng Man, Wei Wang, Jiangchuan Zhang, Wu Yang and Xiaojiang Du</p><p> Analyzing Android Application in Real- 10:00-12:00 time at Kernel Level Hao Ruan, Xiao Fu, Xuanyu Liu, Xiaojiang Du and Session 1: Cognitive Radio Networks Luo Bin Chair: Lijun Qian (CREDIT Center, PVAMU) Room: Pinnacle I/II Online Algorithm for Wireless Backhaul HetNets with Advanced Small Cell Buffering Big RF Data Assisted Cognitive Radio Tri Nguyen, Wessam Ajib and Chadi Assi Network Coexistence in 3.5GHz Band Oluwaseyi Omotere, Lijun Qian, Riku Jäntti, Miao Pan and Zhu Han Session 3: Content Delivery Network Chair: Kaliappa Ravindran (City University of New Channel Assignment in Cognitive Radio York) Networks: A Joint Utility and Stable Matching Room: Shaughnessy II Approach Sayantan Chowdhury and Jianping Pan Closing the Floodgate with Stateless Content-Centric Networking Fade Duration Based Sleep Mode Christopher Wood, Cesar Ghali, Gene Tsudik and Activation in Dense Femtocell Cluster Networks Ersin Uzun Aklilu Gebremichail and Cory Beard NACID: A Neighborhood Aware Caching and Interest Dissemination in Content A QoE-driven Spectrum Decision Centric Networks Scheme for Multimedia Transmissions over Amitangshu Pal and Krishna Kant Cognitive Radio Networks Ling Wang, Junjie Yang and Xiaojun Song Game Theoretic D2D Content Sharing: Joint Participants Selection, Routing and Pricing Replacing Free-Ranging Robots with Yujian Fang, Yuezhi Zhou, Xiaohong Jiang, Di Alternative Mobile Nodes Zhang and Yaoxue Zhang Hugues Smeets, Matteo Ceriotti, Eduardo Ferrera and Pedro Jose Marron An Incentive-based Mixed QoE Framework for Content Delivery to Smart Session 2: Mobile Computing Suiming Guo, Liang Chen and Dah Ming Chiu Chair: Mohammad J. Abdel-Rahman (Virginia Tech) MEET-IP: Memory and Energy Efficient Room: Shaughnessy I TCAM-based IP Lookup Wenjun Li, Xianfeng Li and Hui Li Achieving Fair Spectrum Allocation for Co-Existing Heterogeneous Secondary User Networks Invited Session 1: Cloud Computing An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Chair: Murat Demirbas (University at Buffalo, Localization Algorithm for Pervasive Computing SUNY) Guanghui Wang, Jianping Pan, Jianping He and Room: Dundarave Subin Shen</p><p> LASER: A Deep Learning Approach for How Vulnerable Is the PublicWiFi AP Speculative Execution and Replication of You Are Using? Deadline-Critical Jobs in Cloud Ruming Tang, Haibin Li, Kaixin Sui, Zihao Jin, Maotong Xu, Sultan Alamro, Tian Lan and Suresh Xiao Yang, Dan Pei and Beichuan Zhang Subramaniam Efficient Parallelization of Regular EA2S2: An Efficient Application-Aware Expression Matching for Deep Inspection Storage System for Big Data Processing in Zhe Fu, Zhi Liu and Jun Li Heterogeneous Clusters Teng Wang, Jiayin Wang, Son Nam Nguyen, WiTraffic: Low-cost and Non-intrusive Zhengyu Yang, Ningfang Mi and Bo Sheng Traffic Monitoring System Using WiFi Myounggyu Won, Shaohu Zhang and Sang Son Towards Financial Cloud Computing: Opportunities and Challenges Session 5: Datacenter Network David Irwin, Prateek Sharma, Supreeth Shastri and Chair: Angelo Sapello (Vencore Labs) Prashant Shenoy Room: Shaughnessy I</p><p> Wireless VR/AR with Edge/Cloud AutoPath: Harnessing Parallel Execution Computing Paths for Efficient Resource Allocation in Multi- Xueshi Hou, Yao Lu and Sujit Dey Stage Big Data Frameworks Han Gao, Zhengyu Yang, Janki Bhimani, Teng GreenWay: Joint VM Placement and Wang, Jiayin Wang, Ningfang Mi and Bo Sheng Topology Adaption for Green Data Center Networking High Availability for VM Placement and Shenghui Yan, Shihan Xiao, Yuchi Chen, Yong Cui a Stochastic Model for Multiple Knapsack and Jiangchuan Liu Bochao Shen, Ravi Sundaram, Srinivas Aiyar, Karan Gupta, Abhinay Nagpal, Aditya Ramesh and Himanshu Shukla 13:30-15:00 Constraints-off Scheduling: A Simple Technique to Handle Soft Constraints in Cluster Panel I: Age of the Internet of Things Scheduling Room: Pinnacle I/II Wenzhuo Li, Chuang Lin, Jie Hu and Xiaolan Liu Panelists: Krishna Kant (Temple University); Sajal Das (MST); Lixia Zhang (UCLA); Rick Schlichting Tars: Timeliness-aware Adaptive Replica (ATT); Selection for Key-Value Stores Moderator: Sajal Das. Wanchun Jiang, Liyuan Fang, Haiming Xie, Xiangqian Zhou and Jianxin Wang</p><p>15:30-17:30 Fair Work-Conserving Bandwidth Guarantees in Datacenters using MPTCP Session 4: Security, Privacy and Trust (1) Baraa Ali and Kang Chen Chair: Erez Waisbard (Nokia Bell Labs) Room: Pinnacle I/II Invited Session 2: Social Network Incentive Mechanism Design in Mobile Chair: Simone Silvestri (Missouri University of Crowd Sensing Systems with Budget Restriction Science and Technology) and Capacity Limit Room: Shaughnessy II Yu Zhou, Yuan Zhang and Sheng Zhong Identifying the social signals that drive August 1 (Tuesday) online discussions: A case study of Reddit communities Benjamin Horne, Sibel Adali and Sujoy Sikdar 8:30-9:30</p><p> On the Root Cause of Dropout-Induced Keynote II: Protecting Web sites from the Contraction Process in D2D-Based Mobile Social Internet of Compromised Things Networks Speaker: Bruce Maggs (Duke University) Sigit Pambudi, Wenye Wang and Cliff Wang Chair: Christian Poellabauer Room: Pinnacle I/II ForestStream: Accurate Measurement of Cascades in Online Social Networks Long Gong, Lanxi Huang, Paul Tune, Jinyoung 10:00-12:00 Han, Chen-Nee Chuah, Matthew Roughan and Jun Xu Session 6: Software Defined Network (1) Chair: Younghee Park (San Jose State University) Connectivity-Aware Task Outsourcing Room: Pinnacle I/II and Scheduling in D2D Networks Zhen Hong, Zehua Wang, Wei Cai and Victor Optimize Routing in Hybrid SDN Leung Network with Changing Traffic Yingya Guo, Zhiliang Wang, Xia Yin, Xingang Shi and Jianping Wu. Invited Session 3: Security, Privacy and Trust Balancer: A Traffic-Aware Hybrid Rule Chair: Hailong Zhang (Chinese Academy of Allocation Scheme in Software Defined Networks Dingmin Wang, Qing Li, Yong Jiang, Mingwei Xu Sciences) Room: Dundarave and Guangwu Hu TupleMerge: Building Online Packet Safeguarding Building Automation Networks: THE-Driven Anomaly Detector Based Classifiers by Omitting Bits James Daly and Eric Torng on Traffic Analysis Zhiyuan Zheng and Narasimha Reddy HyperV: A High Performance Hypervisor for Virtualization of the Internet of Vehicles and Autonomous Connected Car - Privacy and Security Issues Programmable Data Plane Cheng Zhang, Yu Zhou, Abdul Basit Dogar, Jun Bi Joshua Joy and Mario Gerla and Jianping Wu Private Information Diffusion Control in Power-Aware Lightpath Management for Cyber Physical Systems: A Game Theory Perspective SDN-Based Elastic Optical Networks Yu Xiong, Jin Shi, Yi Lv and George N. Rouskas Jingjing Wang, Chunxiao Jiang, Zhu Han, Tony Q. S. Quek and Yong Ren Session 7: IoT and Multimedia CollabLoc: Privacy-Preserving Multi- Modal Localization via Collaborative Chair: Hiroaki Hata (NTT Com Engineering, Japan) Information Fusion Room: Shaughnessy I Vidyasagar Sadhu, Dario Pompili, Saman Zonouz and Vincent Sritapan Selection and Aggregation of Location Information Provisioning Services The Computer for the 21st Century: Filip Lemic, Vlado Handziski, Mladen Miksa, Jan Security & Privacy Challenges After 25 Years Rabaey, John Wawrzynek and Adam Wolisz Leonardo B. Oliveira, Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira, Rafael Misoczki, Diego F. Aranha, Fabio Clock Drift Prediction for Fast Rejoin in Borges, Jie Liu 802.15.4e TSCH Networks Timothy Claeys, Franck Rousseau, Bernard Tourancheau and Andrzej Duda Improving Optimization-based Rate The Sticking Heartbeat Aperture Adaptation in DASH System Resynchronization Protocol Bo Wang, Xiaohui Luo and Fengyuan Ren Santiago Gonzalez, Tracy Camp and Katia Jaffrès- Runser Optimising DASH over AQM-enabled Gateways using intra-chunk parallel retrieval SonarBeat: Sonar Phase for Breathing (chunklets) Beat Monitoring with Smartphones Jonathan Kua and Grenville Armitage Xuyu Wang, Runze Huang and Shiwen Mao</p><p> Benefits of FlowQueue-based Active Enjoy the Silence: Noise Control with Queue Management for Interactive Online Smartphones Games Taesik Gong, Jun Hyuk Chang, Joon-Gyum Kim, Grenville Armitage and Russell Collom Soowon Kang, Donghwi Kim and Sung-Ju Lee</p><p> Validation of a New Model-Free Signal Session 8: Communication Network Processing Method for Gait Feature Extraction Chair: Wei Yu (Towson University) Using Inertial Measurement Units to Diagnose Room: Shaughnessy II and Quantify the Severity of Parkinson’s Disease Ali Akbari, Roozbeh Jafari and Richard B. Dewey Separating Communication Policies and Jr Mechanisms to Make Protocol Layering Clearer Hiroki Watanabe, Takao Kondo, Kunitake Kaneko and Fumio Teraoka 13:30-15:00 Dynamically Reconfigurable Panel II: Cloud Scale Big Data Analytics Architecture for Fault-tolerant 2D Networks-on- Room: Pinnacle I/II Chip Panelists: Pei Zhang (CMU); Vanish Talwar (Nutanix); Indranil Gupta (UIUC); Christopher Poona Bahrebar, Dirk Stroobandt and Azarakhsh Stewart (Ohio State University); Jeff Kephart Jalalvand (IBM); Moderator: Chris Stewart. PAS: A History Synchronization Protocol for Redundancy Elimination in Satellite IP Networks Leijun Huang, Hailin Feng and Ying Le 15:30-17:30</p><p> Decision Support for Computational Session 9: Security, Privacy and Trust (2) Offloading by Probing Unknown Services Chair: Badis HAMMI (Telecom ParisTech, France) Christian Meurisch, Julien Gedeon, The An Binh Room: Pinnacle I/II Nguyen, Fabian Kaup and Max Mühlhäuser Fault-Tolerant and Secure Data A Bloom Filter-Based Dual-Layer Transmission Using Random Linear Network Routing Scheme in Large-Scale Mobile Networks Coding Weichao Gao, James Nguyen, Yalong Wu, William Pouya Ostovari and Jie Wu Hatcher and Wei Yu It's About Time: Securing Broadcast Time Synchronization with Data Origin Invited Session 4: Mobile Computing (1) Authentication Chair: Rahmira Rufus (North Carolina A&T State Robert Annessi, Joachim Fabini and Tanja Zseby University) Room: Dundarave An Attribute & Network Coding-based Secure Multicast Protocol for Firmware Updates Memento: An Emotion Driven in Smart Grid AMI Networks Lifelogging System with Wearables Samet Tonyali, Kemal Akkaya, Nico Saputro and Shiqi Jiang, Pengfei Zhou, Zhenjiang Li and Mo Li Xiuzhen Cheng VIP Lanes: High-speed Custom EvilDirect: A New Wi-Fi Direct Communication Paths for Authorized Flows Hijacking Attack and Countermeasures James Griffioen, Ken Calvert, Zongming Fei, Sergio Ala Altaweel, Radu Stoleru and Guofei Gu Rivera, Jacob Chappell, Mami Hayashida, Charles Carpenter, Song Yongwook and Hussamuddin Nasir RealDroid: Large-Scale Evasive Malware Detection on “Real Devices” Leveraging Wireless Virtualization for Lang Liu, Yacong Gu, Qi Li and Purui Su Network Capacity Optimization in HetNets Danda Rawat, Taylor White, Min Song and Chongqing Zhang Session 10: Cloud and Edge Computing Chair: Kewei Sha (University of Houston - Clear CityScape: A Metro-area Spectrum Lake) Observatory Room: Shaughnessy I Sumit Roy, Mark McHenry, Anish Ashok, Shyam Kannam, K. S. Shin, G. Vigil and D. Aragon LB-MAP: Load-Balanced Middlebox Assignment in Policy Driven Cloud Data Centers Manar Alqarni, Alexander Ing and Bin Tang Invited Session 6: Distributed System (1) Chair: Poona Bahrebar (Ghent University, Belgium) Proximity-aware IaaS for Edge Room: Dundarave Computing Environment Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Yuuichi Teranishi BASIC Codes for Distributed Storage and Hiroaki Harai Systems Hanxu Hou and Yunghsiang Han EDOS: Edge Assisted Offloading System for Mobile Devices Experiments and Analyses of Data Hank Harvey, Ying Mao, Yantian Hou and Bo Transfers Over Wide-Area Dedicated Sheng Connections Nageswara Rao, Qiang Liu, Satyabrata Sen, Jesse Energy-efficient Load-balanced Hanley, Ian Foster, Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Chase Heterogeneous Mobile Cloud Wu, Daqing Yun, Don Towsley and Gayane Chien An Chen, Radu Stoleru and Geoffrey Xie Vardoyan A Highly Adaptive and Energy-Efficient Optical Interconnect for On-Board Server Resource Allocation for Pragmatically- Communications assisted Quality of Information-aware Waltenegus Dargie, David Schoniger, Xin An, Networking Laszlo Szilagyi, Ronny Henker and Frank Ellinger James Edwards, Rebecca Passonneau, Taylor Cassidy and Thomas La Porta</p><p>Invited Session 5: Communication Energy-aware scheduling strategies to support QoS-requirements in large scale Network networks Chair: Kang Chen (Southern Illinois University) Qun Yu and Taieb Znati Room: Shaughnessy II PASS: Content Pre-staging through Bounds on the Age of Information for Provider Accessible Storage Service Global Channel State Dissemination in Fully- Xueheng Hu and Aaron Striegel Connected Networks Shahab Farazi, Andrew Klein and Donald Brown</p><p> Achieving Spectrum Efficient Communication Under Cross-Technology Interference Shuai Wang, Zhimeng Yin, Song Min Kim and Tian He August 2 (Wednesday) Lilliput: A Storage Service for Lightweight Peer-to-Peer Online Social Networks Thomas Paul, Niklas Lochschmidt, Anwitaman 8:30-9:30 Datta, Hani Salah and Thorsten Strufe</p><p>Keynote III: Telecom policy: competition, Cinema or Restaurant: A Joint Geo- and spectrum, access and technology Behavioral-similarity Approach for AP transitions Categorization Liting Zhao and Zhi Wang Speaker: Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University) GLFR: A Generalized LFR Benchmark Chair: Tarek F. Abdelzaher for Testing Community Detection Algorithms Room: Pinnacle I/II Ba-Dung Le, Hung Nguyen, Hong Shen and Nickolas Falkner 10:00-12:00 Realistic Models for Characterizing the Session 11 Software Defined Network (2) Performance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Ken Goss, Riccardo Musmeci and Simone Silvestri Chair: Nageswara S.V. Rao (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Invited Session 7 Mobile Computing (2) Room: Pinnacle I/II Chair: Christian Meurisch (TU Darmstadt, Detecting Link Fabrication Attacks in Germany) Software-Defined Networks Room: Shaughnessy II Dylan Smyth, Sean McSweeney, Donna O'Shea and Victor Cionca A Simple Solution to Scale-Free Internet Host Mobility Periodic Scheduling of Deadline- J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves and Spencer Sevilla constrained Variable Slot-Bandwidth Hybrid Indoor Tracking Using Reservations for Scientific Collaboration Crowdsourced Measurements Yongqiang Wang, Chase Wu and Aiqin Hou Zafer Vatansever and Maite Brandt-Pearce Unveiling Access Point Signal Instability Robust Controller Placement and in WiFi-based Passive Sensing Assignment in Software-defined Cellular Giuseppe Bianchi, Simone Di Domenico, Mauro De Networks Sanctis, Laura Liberati, Valerio Perrotta and Mohammad Abdel-Rahman, Emadeldin Mazied, Ernestina Cianca Kory Teague, Allen MacKenzie and Scott Midkiff Over-The-Air TV Detection using Mobile Quantifying the Scalability of Software Devices Defined Networks with Dynamic Topology Mohamed Ibrahim, Marco Gruteser, Khaled Harras Venkatesh Ramaswamy and Moustafa Youssef A Sensor Network for Real-Time Machine-learning based Threat-aware Volcano Tomography: System Design and System in Software Defined Networks Chungsik Deployment Song, Younghee Park, Keyur Golani, Youngsoo Dennis Phillips, Mohammad-Mahdi Moazzami, Kim, Kalgi Bhatt and Kunal Goswami Guoliang Xing and Jonathan Lees Session 12 Social Networks and Computing Chair: Suporn Pongnumkul (NECTEC, Thailand) Invited Session 8: Hot Topic in Networking Room: Shaughnessy I Chair: Sonia Fahmy (Purdue University) Room: Dundarave Friend Recommendation in Online Social Networks: Perspective of Social Influence Towards High Fidelity Network Maximization Emulation Huanyang Zheng and Jie Wu Lianjie Cao, Xiangyu Bu, Sonia Fahmy and Siyuan Channel Quality Correlation based Cao Channel Probing in Multiple Channels Yu Zhao and Tingting Yu Downlink Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO FDD Systems Using Block-ADMM Multi-flow Glossy: Physical-layer Ali Cirik, Naveen Mysore Balasubramanya and Network Coding Meets Embedded Wireless Lutz Lampe Systems Abdelrahman Abdelkader, Johannes Richter, Design of a Heterogeneous Cellular Eduard Jorswieck and Marco Zimmerling Network with a Wireless Backhaul Meghana Bande and Venugopal Veeravalli Session 14: Hot Topic in Networking Anomaly Free on Demand Stateful Chair: Geethapriya Thamilarasu (University of Software Defined Firewalling Washington Bothell) Zainul Din and Jaudelice de Oliveira Room: Shaughnessy I nTorrent: Peer-to-Peer File Sharing in Named Data Networking Spyridon Mastorakis, Alexander Afanasyev, Yingdi Yu and Lixia Zhang 13:30-15:00 Constant Time Weighted Frequency Panel III: Panel on Federal Funding for Estimation for Virtual Network Functionalities Research in Networking and Beyond Gil Einziger, Marcelo Caggiani Luizelli and Erez Waisbard. Room: Pinnacle I/II Panelists: Vipin Chaudhary (US NSF); Service-Concatenation Routing with Richard Brown (US NSF); Applications to Network Functions Reginald Hobbs (US Army Research Lab); Virtualization Session Chair: Haiying Shen. Shireesh Bhat and George N. Rouskas</p><p> An Approach for Reducing Energy 15:30-17:30 Consumption in Dependable Virtual Network Embedding Session 13: Wireless Network Victor Lira, Eduardo Tavares and Meuse Oliveira Chair: Myounggyu Won (South Dakota State Jr. University) Room: Pinnacle I Invited Session 9: Distributed System (2) How Much Are Your Neighbors Chair: Haiying Shen (University of Virginia) Interfering with Your WiFi Delay? Room: Shaughnessy II Changhua Pei, Youjian Zhao, Guo Chen, Yuan Meng, Yang Liu, Ya Su, Yaodong Zhang, Ruming A Study and Comparison of Human and Tang and Dan Pei Deep Learning Recognition Performance under Visual Distortions LazyAS: Client-Transparent Access Samuel F. Dodge and Lina J. Karam Selection in Dual-band WiFi Jun Zhang, Guangxing Zhang, Qinghua Wu, Lei Multi-mode Low-latency Software- Song and Gaogang Xie defined Error Correction for Data Centers Fakhreddine Ghaffari, Ali Akoglu, Bane Vasic and TANDEM: Prioritizing Wireless David Declercq Communication for Robust Industrial Process Control A Comparison of Distributed Machine Roman Naumann, Stefan Dietzel, Laura Learning Platforms Wartschinski, Ben Schumacher and Björn Kuo Zhang, Salem Alqahtani and Murat Demirbas Scheuermann Uniform Circle Formation by DisVis 2.0: Decision Support for Rescue Asynchronous Robots: A Fully-Distributed Missions Using Predictive Disaster Simulations Approach with Human-centric Models Shan Jiang, Jiannong Cao, Jia Wang, Milos Christian Meurisch, The An Binh Nguyen, Martin Stojmenovic and Julien Bourgeois Kromm, Andrea Ortiz, Ragnar Mogk, Max Cider: A Case for Block Level Variable Mühlhäuser Redundancy on a Distributed Flash Array Sharath Chandrashekhara, Madhusudhan R. Kumar, Slotted Aloha for Cognitive Radio User Mahesh Venkataramaiah and Vipin Chaudhary and Its Tagged User Analysis Maher Bouidani, Inoussa Mouiche</p><p>Invited Session 10: Network Management Building a Lightweight Testbed Using Chair: Fuchun Joseph Lin (National Chiao Tung Devices in Personal Area Network University) Qiaozhi Xu, Junxing Zhang Room: Dundarave Enhancing Usability for the Wireless Service Placement in Complex Active Charging Vehicle Simulator Networks Shuo-Han Chen, I-Ju Wang, Tseng-Yi Chen, Hsin- Hatem Ibn Khedher, Hossam Afifi and Ahmed Wen Wei, Tsan-Sheng Hsu, Wei-Kuan Shih Kamal Elasticity Guarantee for Virtual Machine Opportunities in Augmented Reality over Placement in Cloud Data Center Networks Named Data Networking (NDN) Shuaibing Lu, Zhiyi Fang, Jie Wu Jeff Burke Improving WiFi Network Performance Towards automated intelligence in 5G Under MPTCP Users systems Mijanur Palash, Kang Chen Yuanjie Li, Qianru Li, Songwu Lu, Chunyi Peng, Taqi Raza, Zhaowei Tan, Zhehui Zhang Effects of GPS Error on Geographic Routing Context-Aware Task Offloading for Justin Rohrer Wearable Devices Yi Yang, Yeli Geng, Li Qiu, Wenjie Hu and Evaluating Different Pricing Algorithms Guohong Cao for a Flexible Optical Choice-based Network Robinson Udechukwu, Rudra Dutta, Takaya Miyazawa, Hiroaki Harai Poster Session Chair: Lu Su (The State University of New York, Middleware for NICs in Bare PC Buffalo) Applications Room: Pinnacle II Faris Almansour, Ramesh Karne, Alexander Wijesinha, Hamdan Alabsi, Rasha Almajed Joint Optimization of Task Placement and Routing in Minimizing Inter-DC Coflow Upgrading Wireless Home Routers as Completion Time Emergency Cloudlet and Secure DTN Yingya Guo, Zhiliang Wang, Xia Yin, Xingang Shi, Communication Bridge Jianping Wu Christian Meurisch, The An Binh Nguyen, Julien Gedeon, Florian Kohnhäuser, Milan Schmittner, Mean Holding Time in Sync of Lossy Stefan Niemczyk, Stefan Wullkotte, Max IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH Networks for Industrial Mühlhäuser IOT Applications Ho-Ting Wu, Kai-Wei Ke, Po-Hung Chen, Chun- Optimal PPDU Duration Algorithm for Ting Lin, Ming-Che Chen VHT MU-MIMO Systems Aitizaz Uddin Syed, Mohsin Iftikhar, Ljiljana Trajkovic</p><p>Workshop Program Overview</p><p>August 3 (Thursday) - Workshops</p><p>7:30am - Registration Desk/Continental Breakfast (Pinnacle Foyer) 08:00 - 12:00 RM (Pinnacle I) RM (Pinnacle II) RM (Pinnacle III) VENITS WiMAN IoTPST 9:45 – 10:15 Coffee break</p><p>12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break</p><p>13:30 - 17:00 RM (Pinnacle I) RM (Pinnacle II) RM (Pinnacle III) PSTBT NSAA IioTCom 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break</p><p>Integrated Workshop Schedule</p><p>Aug 3 (Thursday) Securing PKI Requests for C-ITS systems Jean Philippe Monteuuis, Badis Hammi, Eduardo 8:00-12:00 Salles Daniel, Houda Labiod, Rémi Blancher, VENITS Workshop: Erwan Abalea and Brigitte Lonc Chair: Carlos T. Calafate and Francisco Martinez Welcome Dynamic Small Cell Management for Connected Cars Communications Workshop Keynote: Impact of IPv6 on IoV – VoI. Julio A. Sanguesa, Johann M. Marquez-Barja, Latif Ladid (Université du Luxembourg) Piedad Garrido and Francisco J. Martinez</p><p> QoS-oriented Management of Automobile Cruise Bio-inspired on demand routing protocol for Control Processes Unmanned Aerial Vehicles A Adiththan and K Ravindran Bahloul Nour El Houda, Boudjit Saadi, Abdennebi Marwen and Boubiche Djallel Eddine Disseminating Large Data in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Closing Dp Tejas</p><p> An Android ITS Driving Safety Application Based on Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) WiMAN Workshop: Communications Chair: Cuong Pham Seilendria Ardityarama Hadiwardoyo, Subhadeep Welcome Patra, Carlos Tavares Calafate, Juan-Carlos Cano and Pietro Manzoni Adaptive Burst Transmission Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Secure and Anonymous Vehicle Access Control Zeeshan Ansar and Waltenegus Dargie System to Traffic-Restricted Urban Areas Magdalena Payeras-Capellà, Jordi Castellà-Roca, Wireless Interference Prediction for Embedded Macià Mut Puigserver, Alexandre Viejo and Carles Health Devices Anglès-Tafalla Jiangmin Yu, Michael Farcasin and Eric Chan-Tin</p><p>Break User Association Algorithm for Throughput A Secure Two-Party Computation Based Improvement in High-Density Wireless Privacy-Preserving Smart Metering Scheme Networks Haipeng Qu, Wenhong Sun, Xi-Jun Lin, Peng Omneya Issa, Ying Ge, Aizaz Chaudhry and Shang, Xiaoshuai Zhang, Mingjian Jiang, Youxin Bernard Doray Fang and Yanyong Zhu</p><p>Break Break</p><p> Enhanced AODV: Detection and Avoidance of Equivalence Checking of Java Methods - Toward Black Hole Attack in Smart Metering Network Ensuring IoT Dependability Md Raqibull Hasan, Yanxiao Zhao, Guodong Kozo Okano, Satoshi Harauchi, Toshifusa Wang, Yu Luo and Robb Winter Sekizawa, Shinpei Ogata and Shin Nakajima</p><p> Analysis of Analog Network Coding noise in Preventing Misuse of Duplicate Certificates in Multiuser Cooperative Relaying for Spatially IoT/M2M Systems Correlated Environment Yu-Hao Hsu and Fuchun Joseph Lin Sam Darshi and Samar Shailendra Machine-learning Classifiers for Security in On the Data Aggregation Point Placement in Connected Medical Devices Smart Meter Networks Sida Gao and Geethapriya Thamilarasu Guodong Wang, Yanxiao Zhao, Jun Huang and Robb Winter Break</p><p>Break Privacy Risks for Multi-Criteria Collaborative Filtering Systems Incremental SDN-Enabled Switch Deployment Alper Yargıç and Alper Bilge for Hybrid Software-Defined Networks Meitian Huang and Weifa Liang Security Analysis based on Petri Net for Separation Mechanisms in Smart Identifier Detecting Byzantine Attacks in Self-Organizable Network Networks by a Reputation-Based Cooperative Linyuan Yao, Ping Dong, Xiaojiang Du and Hongke Spectrum Sensing Zhang Francesco Benedetto, Gaetano Giunta, A. Tedeschi and P. Coronas Augmenting Security of Internet-of-Things Using Coverage Algorithms for WiFO: A Hybrid FSO- Programmable Network-Centric Approaches: A WiFi Femtocell Communication System Position Paper Yang Zhang, Yu-Jung Chu and Thinh Nguyen Hammad Iqbal, Jamie Ma, Qing Mu, Venkatesh Ramaswamy, Gabby Raymond, Daniel Vivanco and Closing John Zuena</p><p> An Overview of Access Control Mechanisms for IoTPST Workshop: Internet of Things Chair: George Rouskas Kewei Sha and Mousa Alramadhan Welcome Closing Template Attack vs. Stochastic Model: An Empirical Study on the Performances of Profiling Attacks in Real Scenarios 13:30-17:00 Hailong Zhang, Yongbin Zhou and Baofeng Li PSTBT Workshop: Lightweight Framework for Reliable Job Chair: Victoria Lemieux Scheduling in Heterogeneous Clouds Welcome Muhammed Bello Abdulazeez, Pawel Garncarek and Prudence W.H. Wong CoC: Secure Supply Chain Management System based on Public Ledger Lei Xu, Lin Chen, Zhimin Gao, Yang Lu and The Design of Cyber Threat Hunting Games: A Weidong Shi Case Study Md Nazmus Sakib Miazi, Mir Mehedi Pritom, Long-term Public Blockchain: Resilience against Mohamed Shehab, Bill Chu and Jinpeng Wei Compromise of Underlying Cryptography Masashi Sato and Shin'Ichiro Matsuo Break</p><p> Performance Analysis of Private Blockchain Comparison of Virtualization Algorithms and Platforms in Varying Workloads Topologies for Data Center Networks Suporn Pongnumkul, Chaiyaphum Hanene Ben Yedder, Qingye Ding, Umme Zakia, Siripanpornchana and Suttipong Thajchayapong Zhida Li, Soroush Haeri and Ljiljana Trajkovic</p><p> Legally Speaking: Smart Contracts, Archival Concatenating Unprotected Internet of Things Bonds, and Linked Data Network Event-Driven Data to Obtain End-User Darra Hofman Information Rahmira Rufus and Albert Esterline Break Application of Learning Using Privileged Workshop Keynote: BSafe Network: Purpose, Information(LUPI): Botnet Detection Development and Operation Angelo Sapello, Constantin Serban, Ritu Chadha Shin’Ichiro Matsuo (MIT Media Lab) and Rauf Izmailov</p><p> The application of blockchain technology in e- Break government in China Heng Hou Hands-on Learning for Computer Network Security with Mobile Devices Automated labeling of unknown contracts in Kai Qian, Yong Shi, Lixin Tao and Ying Qian Ethereum Robert Norvill, Beltran Borja Fiz Pontiveros, Irfan A Secure Mobile Cloud Photo Storage System Awan, Andrea Cullen and Radu State David Schwab, Li Yang, Kathy Winters, Matthew Jallouk, Emile Smith and Adam Claiborne Semantic Interoperability on a Blockchain: Reducing Uncertainty and Complexity in Value Closing Exchange Marek Laskowski and Henry Kim IioTCom Workshop: Syscoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System Chair: Ing. Patrick-Benjamin Bök with Blockchain-Based Services for E-Business Welcome Jagdeep Sidhu</p><p>Closing A Bridging VPN for Connecting Wireless Sensor Networks to Data Centers Hiroaki Hata</p><p>NSAA Workshop: Fault and Performance Management in Multi- Chair: Li Yang Cloud based NFV using Shallow and Deep Welcome Address Predictive Structures Lav Gupta, Mohammed Samaka, Raj Jain, Aiman A New Approach to Online, Multivariate Erbad, Deval Bhamare and H. Anthony Chan Network Traffic Analysis Jinoh Kim and Alex Sim Monotonic Optimization for Power Assignment in Two-Way Cognitive Radio Networks with A Study on Log Analysis Approaches Using Shared-band Amplify-and-Forward Relays Sandia Dataset Udit Pareek and Daniel Lee Mir Mehedi Pritom, Chuqin Li, Bill Chu and Xi Niu Break New locating method based on improved Analysis of the Scope of Dynamic Power Niculecu Dv-distance Management in Emerging Server Architectures Degan Zhang, Yameng Tang and Jie Chen Markus Hähnel, Waltenegus Dargie and Alexander Schill Video Streaming Schemes for Industrial IoT Hajime Kanzaki, Kevin Schubert and Nicholas Closing Bambos Technically Co-Sponsored by</p><p>Industry Sponsor: Huawei Technologies Co. </p>
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