<p> Tuesday, June 3, 2014 (Statewide Session)</p><p>Indicates Matter Stricken Indicates New Matter</p><p>The House assembled at 12:00 noon. Deliberations were opened with prayer by Rev. Charles E. Seastrunk, Jr., as follows:</p><p>Our thought for today is from Galatians 6:9: “So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up.” Let us pray. Almighty God, You have led these Representatives and staff during this Session. As we begin to close the Session for this year, continue Your care and blessings on each one, as they continue to serve. Bless our Nation, President, State, Governor, Speaker, staff, and all who have striven to serve in this place. Protect our defenders of freedom, at home and abroad, as they protect us. Heal the wounds, those seen and those hidden, of our brave warriors. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.</p><p>Pursuant to Rule 6.3, the House of Representatives was led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America by the SPEAKER.</p><p>After corrections to the Journal of the proceedings of Friday, the SPEAKER ordered it confirmed.</p><p>MOTION ADOPTED Rep. SPIRES moved that when the House adjourns, it adjourn in memory of Virginia Dunn of Pelion, which was agreed to.</p><p>MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following was received:</p><p>Columbia, S.C., May 29, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it concurs in the amendments proposed by the House to S. 1026:</p><p>1 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 S. 1026 -- Senator Alexander: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 29- 5-440, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO SUITS ON CONTRACTOR PAYMENT BONDS, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT CERTAIN WRITTEN NOTICE REQUIRED OF A REMOTE CLAIMANT MUST BE SENT BY CERTIFIED OR REGISTERED MAIL, AND MUST GENERALLY CONFORM WITH STATUTORY LIMITS ON THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF LIENS FILED BY A SUB-SUBCONTRACTOR OR SUPPLIER; TO PROVIDE ANY PAYMENT BOND SURETY FOR THE BONDED CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AND DEFENSES OF THE BONDED CONTRACTOR; TO MAKE THE LANGUAGE APPLICABLE TO ANY PAYMENT BOND WHETHER PRIVATE, COMMON LAW, PUBLIC, OR STATUTORY IN NATURE, WHEN THE BONDS ARE NOT OTHERWISE REQUIRED OR GOVERNED BY STATUTE; AND TO PROVIDE NECESSARY DEFINITIONS. and has ordered the Bill enrolled for ratification.</p><p>Very respectfully, President Received as information. </p><p>MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following was received:</p><p>Columbia, S.C., May 29, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it concurs in the amendments proposed by the House to S. 1099:</p><p>S. 1099 -- Senators Sheheen and Bryant: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 41-27-260 OF THE 1976 CODE, RELATING TO EXEMPTIONS FROM THE DEFINITION OF EMPLOYMENT FOR UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT PURPOSES, TO PROVIDE AN EXEMPTION FOR MOTOR CARRIERS THAT UTILIZE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. and has ordered the Bill enrolled for ratification.</p><p>Very respectfully, President Received as information. </p><p>2 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following was received:</p><p>Columbia, S.C., May 29, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it concurs in the amendments proposed by the House to S. 872:</p><p>S. 872 -- Senators Fair, Hutto, Jackson and L. Martin: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 63-1-50, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE JOINT CITIZENS AND LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN, SO AS TO ESTABLISH IT AS A PERMANENT JOINT COMMITTEE AND TO DELETE OBSOLETE PROVISIONS. and has ordered the Bill enrolled for ratification.</p><p>Very respectfully, President Received as information. </p><p>MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following was received:</p><p>Columbia, S.C., May 29, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it concurs in the amendments proposed by the House to S. 1008:</p><p>S. 1008 -- Senators Setzler and Lourie: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 9-8-10, AS AMENDED, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO DEFINITIONS PERTAINING TO THE RETIREMENT SYSTEM FOR JUDGES AND SOLICITORS, SO AS TO INCLUDE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES IN THE DEFINITION OF "JUDGE"; AND TO AMEND SECTION 9-8-40, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE SYSTEM, SO AS TO ALLOW ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES SERVING ON JULY 1, 2014, TO ELECT TO BECOME A MEMBER. and has ordered the Bill enrolled for ratification.</p><p>3 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Very respectfully, President Received as information. </p><p>MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following was received:</p><p>Columbia, S.C., June 3, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it concurs in the amendments proposed by the House to S. 988:</p><p>S. 988 -- Senator Cromer: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 27-2- 105, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE DUTIES OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY (SCGS) WITH RESPECT TO DETERMINING COUNTY BOUNDARIES, SO AS TO AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT THE SCGS TO CLARIFY COUNTY BOUNDARIES AND MEDIATE BOUNDARY DISPUTES BETWEEN COUNTIES BY PROVIDING A PROCEDURE ALLOWING THE SCGS ADMINISTRATIVELY TO ADJUST COUNTY BOUNDARIES, TO PROVIDE THE PROCEDURES INCLUDING NOTICE THAT SCGS MUST FOLLOW IN MAKING SUCH ADJUSTMENTS, TO PROVIDE THAT AFFECTED PARTIES MAY APPEAL THESE ADJUSTMENTS TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW COURT IN A DE NOVO HEARING, TO PROVIDE THE METHOD OF DETERMINING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THESE ADMINISTRATIVE COUNTY BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS AND THE NOTICE REQUIREMENTS FOR THESE ADJUSTMENTS TO BE EFFECTIVE AND TO PROVIDE THAT NOTHING CONTAINED IN THIS ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS RESTRICTS THE AUTHORITY OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY BY LEGISLATIVE ENACTMENT TO ADJUST OR OTHERWISE CLARIFY COUNTY BOUNDARIES BY LEGISLATIVE ENACTMENT. and has ordered the Bill enrolled for ratification.</p><p>Very respectfully, President Received as information. </p><p>4 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following was received:</p><p>Columbia, S.C., May 29, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it concurs in the amendments proposed by the House to S. 1100:</p><p>S. 1100 -- Senators Bryant, Sheheen, Young and Setzler: A BILL TO AMEND ARTICLE 3, CHAPTER 27, TITLE 41 OF THE 1976 CODE, RELATING TO DEFINITIONS CONCERNING UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS AND CLAIMS, BY ADDING SECTION 41-27-265, TO PROVIDE THAT CORPORATE OFFICERS ARE EXEMPT FROM UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS UNLESS THE EMPLOYER ELECTS COVERAGE, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROCESS OF ELECTING COVERAGE, AND TO PROVIDE FOR FEDERALLY REQUIRED EXEMPTIONS FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION FOR INDIVIDUALS EMPLOYED BY AN INDIAN TRIBE AND RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE, EDUCATIONAL, OR OTHER FEDERALLY DEFINED ORGANIZATIONS. and has ordered the Bill enrolled for ratification.</p><p>Very respectfully, President Received as information. </p><p>MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following was received:</p><p>Columbia, S.C., May 29, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it concurs in the amendments proposed by the House to S. 985:</p><p>5 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 S. 985 -- Senator Cleary: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING ARTICLE 6 TO CHAPTER 1, TITLE 6, TO ENACT THE "FAIRNESS IN LODGING ACT" SO AS TO ALLOW MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES BY ORDINANCE TO IMPLEMENT ADDITIONAL ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS FOR THE BUSINESS LICENSE TAX AND THE LOCAL ACCOMMODATIONS TAX AS THOSE PROVISIONS APPLY TO THE OWNERS OF RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY WHO RENT THE PROPERTY TO TOURISTS, INCLUDING DATA SHARING WITH THE SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, SPECIFIC NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS INCLUDED IN PROPERTY TAX BILLS, AN ADDITIONAL PENALTY THAT MAY BE IMPOSED FOR NONCOMPLIANCE AFTER THE RECEIPT OF SUCH A NOTICE, AND DIRECTIONS TO THE SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE TO IDENTIFY "RENTAL BY OWNER" WEBSITES ADVERTISING TOURISTS RENTALS AND REQUEST THEM TO POST ON THE WEBSITES A STATEMENT REGARDING THE LEGAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE OWNERS OF PROPERTY IN THIS STATE LISTED ON THE WEBSITE, TO PAY ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL AND STATE TAXES AND FEES WITH RESPECT TO SUCH RENTALS; AND TO AMEND SECTIONS 6-1- 120, 12-54-240, AS AMENDED, AND 12-4-310, RELATING RESPECTIVELY TO THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF LOCAL AND STATE TAX DATA AND EXCEPTIONS THERETO, AND THE DUTIES OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, SO AS TO CONFORM THEM TO THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT. and has ordered the Bill enrolled for ratification.</p><p>Very respectfully, President Received as information. </p><p>MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following was received:</p><p>Columbia, S.C., May 29, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it concurs in the amendments proposed by the House to S. 964:</p><p>6 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014</p><p>S. 964 -- Senator L. Martin: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 6-1- 320 OF THE 1976 CODE, RELATING TO THE LIMIT ON ANNUAL PROPERTY TAX MILLAGE INCREASES IMPOSED BY POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS, TO ADD AN EXEMPTION FOR MILLAGE IMPOSED BY THE GOVERNING BODY FOR OPERATING REVENUE NECESSARY TO RETAIN A FIRE DEPARTMENT'S ISO RATING. and has ordered the Bill enrolled for ratification.</p><p>Very respectfully, President Received as information. </p><p>S. 999--COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE APPOINTED The following was received from the Senate: </p><p>MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Columbia, S.C., May 29, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it nonconcurs in the amendments proposed by the House to S. 999:</p><p>S. 999 -- Senator Alexander: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING SECTION 56- 1-218 SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES WHOSE DRIVER'S LICENSE EXPIRES WHILE THE MEMBER IS SERVING OUTSIDE OF THIS STATE MAY APPLY FOR AN EXTENSION THAT LASTS UNTIL NINETY DAYS AFTER THE MEMBER RETURNS TO THE STATE OR THE TIME THE MEMBER IS DISCHARGED FROM THE ARMED FORCES, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST, TO PROVIDE THE APPLICATION PROCESS, AND TO SPECIFY TO WHOM EXTENSION ELIGIBILITY APPLIES.</p><p>Very respectfully, President</p><p>On motion of Rep. OWENS, the House insisted upon its amendments.</p><p>7 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Whereupon, the Chair appointed Reps. OWENS, WILLIS and R. L. BROWN to the Committee of Conference on the part of the House and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.</p><p>8 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following was received:</p><p>Columbia, S.C., May 29, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has adopted the report of the of the Committee of Conference on S. 876:</p><p>S. 876 -- Senators Cromer and Campsen: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 50-11-355 OF THE 1976 CODE, RELATING TO UNLAWFUL DEER HUNTING NEAR A RESIDENCE, TO PROVIDE THAT IT IS UNLAWFUL TO HUNT DEER WITH FIREARMS NEAR A RESIDENCE WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE OWNER AND OCCUPANT. The Report of the Committee of Conference having been adopted by both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act and the Act enrolled for ratification.</p><p>Very respectfully, President Received as information.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5339 -- Reps. J. R. Smith, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill,</p><p>9 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR BARRY GLOVER, A VICE PRESIDENT WITH THE AIKEN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, UPON THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT AFTER MORE THAN TWO DECADES OF OUTSTANDING SERVICE, AND TO WISH HIM CONTINUED SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS IN ALL HIS FUTURE ENDEAVORS.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The Senate sent to the House the following:</p><p>S. 1349 -- Senator McGill: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE THE TOWN OF HEMINGWAY ON ITS ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY.</p><p>The Concurrent Resolution was agreed to and ordered returned to the Senate with concurrence.</p><p>CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The Senate sent to the House the following:</p><p>S. 1351 -- Senators L. Martin, Alexander, Allen, Bennett, Bright, Bryant, Campbell, Campsen, Cleary, Coleman, Corbin, Courson, Cromer, Davis, Fair, Gregory, Grooms, Hayes, Hembree, Hutto, Jackson, Johnson, Kimpson, Leatherman, Lourie, Malloy, S. Martin, Massey, Matthews, McElveen, McGill, Nicholson, O'Dell, Peeler, Pinckney, Rankin, Reese, Scott, Setzler, Shealy, Sheheen, Thurmond, Turner, Verdin, Williams and Young: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND COMMEND JEFFREY B. "JEFF" MOORE FOR HIS MANY YEARS OF OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE SOUTH CAROLINA SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION, TO CONGRATULATE HIM UPON THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT, AND TO WISH HIM MUCH SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS IN ALL HIS FUTURE ENDEAVORS.</p><p>The Concurrent Resolution was agreed to and ordered returned to the Senate with concurrence.</p><p>10 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The Senate sent to the House the following:</p><p>S. 1354 -- Senator Johnson: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO REQUEST THAT THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NAME FOURTH STREET IN THE TOWN OF SUMMERTON "B. O. BUTLER STREET" AND ERECT APPROPRIATE MARKERS OR SIGNS ALONG THIS STREET THAT CONTAIN THIS DESIGNATION.</p><p>The Concurrent Resolution was ordered referred to the Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions.</p><p>INTRODUCTION OF BILLS The following Joint Resolutions were introduced, read the first time, and referred to appropriate committees:</p><p>S. 1251 -- Senators Bryant, Campsen, Lourie, Cleary, Leatherman, Bennett, Alexander, Cromer, Campbell, Grooms, Hembree, Young, Turner, S. Martin, Fair and Corbin: A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 16, ARTICLE X OF THE CONSTITUTION OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1895, RELATING TO BENEFITS AND FUNDING OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PENSION PLANS IN THIS STATE AND THE INVESTMENTS ALLOWED FOR FUNDS OF THE VARIOUS STATE-OPERATED RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT THE FUNDS OF ANY TRUST FUND ESTABLISHED BY LAW FOR THE FUNDING OF POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS FOR STATE EMPLOYEES AND PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS MAY BE INVESTED AND REINVESTED IN EQUITY SECURITIES SUBJECT TO THE SAME LIMITATIONS ON SUCH INVESTMENTS APPLICABLE FOR THE FUNDS OF THE VARIOUS STATE-OPERATED RETIREMENT SYSTEMS AND TO PROVIDE THAT FUNDS OF A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THIS STATE SET ASIDE FOR THE FUNDING OF POST- EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS OF EMPLOYEES OF THE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION, INCLUDING FUNDS INVESTED IN AN INDEPENDENT TRUST ESTABLISHED FOR THAT PURPOSE, MAY BE SIMILARLY INVESTED. Referred to Committee on Ways and Means</p><p>11 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 S. 1341 -- Senator Hutto: A JOINT RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH THE BARNWELL COUNTY SCHOOL CONSOLIDATION PLANNING COMMITTEE TO PLAN FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE THREE PRESENT SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF THE COUNTY, TO PROVIDE FOR THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMITTEE AND THE ISSUES IT SHALL CONSIDER, AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE COMMITTEE IS DISSOLVED UPON THE SUBMISSION OF ITS REPORT TO THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION WHICH MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN MARCH 1, 2015. On motion of Rep. HOSEY, with unanimous consent, the Joint Resolution was ordered placed on the Calendar without reference.</p><p>ROLL CALL The roll call of the House of Representatives was taken resulting as follows: Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Bales Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bedingfield Bingham Bowen Branham Brannon R. L. Brown Burns Chumley Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Dillard Douglas Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Goldfinch Hamilton Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hiott Hixon Hodges Hosey Howard Kennedy King Knight Limehouse Loftis Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Merrill Mitchell D. C. Moss Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Patrick Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Rivers Robinson-Simpson Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton</p><p>12 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 G. M. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Thayer Toole Weeks Wells Whipper White Whitmire Williams Willis</p><p>STATEMENT OF ATTENDANCE I came in after the roll call and was present for the Session on Tuesday, June 3. Terry Alexander Beth Bernstein Grady Brown Alan D. Clemmons Kris Crawford Tracy Edge Shannon Erickson Wendell Gilliard Jerry Govan Jenny A. Horne Chip Huggins Joe Jefferson Deborah A. Long Phillip Lowe David Mack Elizabeth Munnerlyn Chris Murphy Joseph Neal Weston Newton Ralph Norman Anne Parks Michael A. Pitts Todd Rutherford Garry R. Smith Edward L. Southard William "Bill" Taylor Donna Wood</p><p>Total Present--119</p><p>LEAVE OF ABSENCE The SPEAKER granted Rep. NANNEY a leave of absence for the day.</p><p>LEAVE OF ABSENCE The SPEAKER granted Rep. V. S. MOSS a leave of absence for the day.</p><p>LEAVE OF ABSENCE The SPEAKER granted Rep. VICK a temporary leave of absence.</p><p>LEAVE OF ABSENCE The SPEAKER granted Rep. BOWERS a leave of absence for the day due to illness.</p><p>13 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 LEAVE OF ABSENCE The SPEAKER granted Rep. PUTNAM a leave of absence for the day due to family medical reasons.</p><p>STATEMENT OF ATTENDANCE Rep. BANNISTER signed a statement with the Clerk that he came in after the roll call of the House and was present for the Session on Thursday, May 29.</p><p>DOCTOR OF THE DAY Announcement was made that Dr. William D. Anderson of Columbia was the Doctor of the Day for the General Assembly.</p><p>S. 1311--ORDERED TO THIRD READING The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>S. 1311 -- Senators Young, Setzler and Massey: A BILL TO AMEND ACT 588 OF 1986, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SINGLE-MEMBER ELECTION DISTRICTS FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD OF AIKEN COUNTY, SO AS TO REAPPORTION THE DISTRICTS BEGINNING WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS IN 2014, TO REDESIGNATE THE MAP NUMBER ON WHICH THESE DISTRICTS MAY BE FOUND, AND TO PROVIDE DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION REGARDING THE REAPPORTIONED ELECTION DISTRICTS.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 62; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Allison Anderson Anthony Bales Barfield Bedingfield Bowen Brannon R. L. Brown Chumley Clyburn Cole H. A. Crawford Crosby Dillard Douglas Edge Finlay Forrester Gagnon George Goldfinch Hamilton Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Hosey Huggins Kennedy</p><p>14 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 King Limehouse Loftis Lowe Lucas McEachern Merrill Mitchell D. C. Moss Newton Norrell Pope Quinn Ridgeway Rivers Robinson-Simpson Sabb Skelton G. R. Smith Sottile Spires Stavrinakis Tallon Taylor Toole Weeks Wells Williams Willis</p><p>Total--62</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>So, the Bill was read the second time and ordered to third reading. </p><p>S. 1328--DEBATE ADJOURNED The following Joint Resolution was taken up:</p><p>S. 1328 -- Senator Grooms: A JOINT RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION REVIEW AND COMMENT PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN BUILDING PERMITS IN BERKELEY COUNTY.</p><p>Rep. JEFFERSON moved to adjourn debate on the Joint Resolution until Thursday, June 5, which was agreed to by a division vote of 22 to 17. </p><p>S. 1329--AMENDED AND ORDERED TO THIRD READING The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>S. 1329 -- Senator Massey: A BILL TO AMEND ACT 595 OF 1992, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE EDGEFIELD COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT, SO AS TO REVISE THE SEVEN SINGLE-MEMBER DISTRICTS FROM WHICH THE TRUSTEES ARE ELECTED BEGINNING WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTIONS IN 2014, TO DESIGNATE A MAP NUMBER ON WHICH THESE ELECTION</p><p>15 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 DISTRICTS ARE DELINEATED, AND TO PROVIDE DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE NEWLY DRAWN ELECTION DISTRICTS.</p><p>Reps. CLYBURN and HIXON proposed the following Amendment No. 1 to S. 1329 (COUNCIL\GGS\1329C001.GGS.ZW14), which was adopted: Amend the bill, as and if amended, Section 1(B), as contained in SECTION 1, pages 1-2, by deleting Section 1(B) and inserting: / (B) The demographic information shown on this map is as follows: District Pop Dev. %Dev. NH_WHT %NH_WHT NH_BLK %NH_BLK 1 3,508 46 1.33% 1,261 35.95% 2,116 60.32% 2 3,519 57 1.65% 2,101 59.70% 1,051 29.87% 3 3,551 89 2.57% 1,281 36.07% 2,107 59.34% 4 3,548 86 2.48% 2,700 76.10% 630 17.76% 5 3,381 81 2.34% 1,275 37.71% 2,039 60.31% 6 3,469 7 0.20% 2,888 83.25% 489 14.10% 7 3,257 205 5.92%3,012 92.48% 129 3.96% Total 24,233 14,518 8,561 District VAP NHWVAP %NHWVAP NHBVAP %NHBVAP AllOth AllOthVAP 1 2,645 1,005 38.00% 1,547 58.49% 131 93 2 2,722 1,652 60.69% 772 28.36% 367 298 3 2,605 981 37.66% 1,519 58.31% 163 105 4 2,779 2,156 77.58% 467 16.80% 218 156 5 2,629 1,051 39.98% 1,531 58.24% 67 47 6 2,614 2,223 85.04% 324 12.39% 92 67 7 2,480 2,307 93.02% 91 3.67% 116 82 Totals 18,474 11,375 6,251 1,154 848 / Renumber sections to conform. Amend title to conform.</p><p>The amendment was then adopted.</p><p>The question then recurred to the passage of the Bill.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 63; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Allison Anderson Anthony Bales Bannister Barfield Bedingfield Bernstein Bowen Branham Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Burns Chumley Clyburn Cole H. A. Crawford 16 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Crosby Delleney Dillard Douglas Edge Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Hamilton Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Hixon Hodges Hosey Loftis Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod D. C. Moss Norman Pitts Pope Rivers Robinson-Simpson Ryhal Sabb Sellers Simrill Skelton G. R. Smith Spires Tallon Taylor Toole Weeks Wells Willis</p><p>Total--63</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>So, the Bill was read the second time and ordered to third reading. </p><p>17 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 S. 535--RETURNED TO THE SENATE WITH AMENDMENTS The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>S. 535 -- Senators Peeler, Alexander, L. Martin, McGill, Coleman, Jackson, Campbell, Setzler, Cromer, O'Dell, Sheheen, Turner, Fair, Ford, Nicholson, Hayes and Pinckney: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING ARTICLE 11 TO CHAPTER 119, TITLE 59, ENACTING "THE CLEMSON UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISE ACT", SO AS TO ALLOW THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF CLEMSON UNIVERSITY BY RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH AN ENTERPRISE DIVISION AS PART OF CLEMSON UNIVERSITY, TO PROVIDE THAT CERTAIN ASSETS, PROGRAMS, AND OPERATIONS OF CLEMSON UNIVERSITY MAY BE TRANSFERRED TO THE ENTERPRISE DIVISION, TO PROVIDE THAT THE ENTERPRISE DIVISION IS EXEMPT FROM VARIOUS STATE LAWS GOVERNING PROCUREMENT, HUMAN RESOURCES, PERSONNEL, AND DISPOSITION OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY WITH SOME SUCH EXEMPTIONS APPLYING AUTOMATICALLY AND OTHERS REQUIRING ADDITIONAL ACTIONS BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TO PROVIDE THAT BONDS, NOTES, OR OTHER EVIDENCE OF INDEBTEDNESS MAY BE ISSUED FOR THE ENTERPRISE DIVISION AND PROVIDE AUDIT AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS; AND TO AMEND SECTIONS 8-11-260, 8-17-370, AND 11-35-710, ALL AS AMENDED, AND RELATING RESPECTIVELY TO EXEMPTIONS FROM STATE PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIONS, THE STATE EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ACT, AND THE SOUTH CAROLINA CONSOLIDATED PROCUREMENT CODE, SO AS TO ADD EXEMPTIONS CONFORMING TO THE CLEMSON UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISE ACT.</p><p>The Bill was read the third time and ordered returned to the Senate with amendments.</p><p>S. 535--MOTION TO RECONSIDER TABLED Rep. STAVRINAKIS moved to reconsider the vote whereby the following Bill was read third time and returned to the Senate with amendments:</p><p>18 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 S. 535 -- Senators Peeler, Alexander, L. Martin, McGill, Coleman, Jackson, Campbell, Setzler, Cromer, O'Dell, Sheheen, Turner, Fair, Ford, Nicholson, Hayes and Pinckney: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING ARTICLE 11 TO CHAPTER 119, TITLE 59, ENACTING "THE CLEMSON UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISE ACT", SO AS TO ALLOW THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF CLEMSON UNIVERSITY BY RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH AN ENTERPRISE DIVISION AS PART OF CLEMSON UNIVERSITY, TO PROVIDE THAT CERTAIN ASSETS, PROGRAMS, AND OPERATIONS OF CLEMSON UNIVERSITY MAY BE TRANSFERRED TO THE ENTERPRISE DIVISION, TO PROVIDE THAT THE ENTERPRISE DIVISION IS EXEMPT FROM VARIOUS STATE LAWS GOVERNING PROCUREMENT, HUMAN RESOURCES, PERSONNEL, AND DISPOSITION OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY WITH SOME SUCH EXEMPTIONS APPLYING AUTOMATICALLY AND OTHERS REQUIRING ADDITIONAL ACTIONS BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TO PROVIDE THAT BONDS, NOTES, OR OTHER EVIDENCE OF INDEBTEDNESS MAY BE ISSUED FOR THE ENTERPRISE DIVISION AND PROVIDE AUDIT AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS; AND TO AMEND SECTIONS 8-11-260, 8-17-370, AND 11-35-710, ALL AS AMENDED, AND RELATING RESPECTIVELY TO EXEMPTIONS FROM STATE PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIONS, THE STATE EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ACT, AND THE SOUTH CAROLINA CONSOLIDATED PROCUREMENT CODE, SO AS TO ADD EXEMPTIONS CONFORMING TO THE CLEMSON UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISE ACT.</p><p>Rep. STAVRINAKIS moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.</p><p>H. 4265--DEBATE ADJOURNED The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>H. 4265 -- Reps. McCoy, Harrell and Merrill: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 5-3-310, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE PROCEDURE FOR ANNEXATION OF SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS, SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR AN ADDITIONAL METHOD OF ANNEXATION BY RESOLUTION OF A SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICT WHEN A PREEXISTING</p><p>19 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 MUNICIPALITY ANNEXES A MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION OF THE DISTRICT OR WHEN A MUNICIPALITY INCORPORATES A MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION OF A DISTRICT.</p><p>Rep. STAVRINAKIS moved to adjourn debate on the Bill, which was adopted.</p><p>S. 890--DEBATE ADJOURNED The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>S. 890 -- Senators Cleary and Rankin: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 48-39-130, AS AMENDED, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO PERMITS REQUIRED FOR COASTAL ZONE CRITICAL AREAS, SO AS TO DELETE THE EMERGENCY ORDER EXCEPTION TO ORDERS BY APPOINTED OFFICIALS OF COUNTIES AND MUNICIPALITIES; TO AMEND SECTION 48-39-280, RELATING TO THE SHORELINE FORTY-YEAR RETREAT POLICY, SO AS TO PROHIBIT THE SEAWARD MOVEMENT OF THE BASELINE AFTER JULY 1, 2014, AND TO ELIMINATE THE RIGHT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND LANDOWNERS TO PETITION THE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW COURT TO MOVE THE BASELINE SEAWARD UPON COMPLETION OF A BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECT; AND TO AMEND SECTION 48-39- 290, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION RESTRICTIONS SEAWARD OF THE BASELINE, EXCEPTIONS TO RESTRICTIONS, AND SPECIAL PERMITS, SO AS TO ELIMINATE THE EXCEPTION OF GOLF COURSES FROM A PERMIT REQUIREMENT AND TO SUBSTITUTE THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL'S COASTAL DIVISION AS THE DIVISION TO CONSIDER APPLICATIONS FOR SPECIAL PERMITS.</p><p>Rep. HIOTT moved to adjourn debate on the Bill until Wednesday, June 4, which was agreed to.</p><p>20 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 S. 840--DEBATE ADJOURNED The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>S. 840 -- Senator Bryant: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 44-53- 1640, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE SUBMISSION OF CERTAIN INFORMATION BY DISPENSERS AS PART OF THE STATE PRESCRIPTION MONITORING PROGRAM, SO AS TO REVISE THE MANNER OF SUBMISSION; AND TO AMEND SECTION 44-53-1650, RELATING TO CONFIDENTIALITY AND RELEASE OF DATA FROM THE STATE PRESCRIPTION MONITORING PROGRAM, SO AS TO REQUIRE A COURT ORDER FOR THE RELEASE OF CERTAIN INFORMATION FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION PURPOSES, AND TO REQUIRE A COURT ORDER TO RELEASE INFORMATION TO CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS WHEN THE REQUEST IS FOR SYSTEM DATA MAINTAINED FOR LONGER THAN ONE YEAR.</p><p>Rep. MURPHY moved to adjourn debate on the Bill, which was adopted.</p><p>S. 516--DEBATE ADJOURNED The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>S. 516 -- Senators Peeler, Fair, Hayes, Courson, Young, Setzler, Malloy, Leatherman, Lourie, L. Martin, Johnson, Jackson, Allen, Rankin, Scott and Pinckney: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, SO AS TO ENACT THE "SOUTH CAROLINA READ TO SUCCEED ACT"; BY ADDING CHAPTER 155 TO TITLE 59 SO AS TO CREATE THE SOUTH CAROLINA READ TO SUCCEED OFFICE AND A READING PROFICIENCY PANEL WITHIN THE OFFICE, AND TO PROVIDE RELATED REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION, SCHOOL DISTRICTS, COLLEGES, AND UNIVERSITIES THAT OFFER CERTAIN RELATED GRADUATE EDUCATION, AND EDUCATORS AND ADMINISTRATORS, AMONG OTHER THINGS.</p><p>Rep. OWENS moved to adjourn debate on the Bill until Wednesday, June 4, which was agreed to.</p><p>21 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014</p><p>S. 234--AMENDED AND REQUESTS FOR DEBATE The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>S. 234 -- Senators Coleman, Johnson and McElveen: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING CHAPTER 67 TO TITLE 12 SO AS TO ENACT THE "SOUTH CAROLINA ABANDONED BUILDINGS REVITALIZATION ACT" WHICH PROVIDES THAT A TAXPAYER MAKING INVESTMENTS OF A CERTAIN SIZE IN REHABILITATING AN ABANDONED BUILDING MAY AT HIS OPTION RECEIVE SPECIFIED INCOME TAX CREDITS OR CREDITS AGAINST THE PROPERTY TAX LIABILITY.</p><p>The Ways and Means Committee proposed the following Amendment No. 1 to S. 234 (COUNCIL\BH\234C007.BH.DG14), which was adopted: Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting: / SECTION 1. Section 1267120 of the 1976 Code, as added by Act 57 of 2013, is amended by adding an item at the end to read: “(8) ‘Stateowned abandoned building’ means an abandoned building and its ancillary service buildings, the combined square footage of which is greater than one hundred fifty thousand square feet, that has been abandoned for more than ten years, and was most recently owned by the State, or an agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision of the State.” SECTION 2. A. Section 1267140(B)(3) of 1976 Code, as added by Act 57 of 2013, is amended to read: “(3)(a) The Except for a credit claimed in connection with the rehabilitation of a state owned abandoned building, the entire credit is earned in the taxable year in which the applicable phase or portion of the building site is placed in service but must be taken in equal installments over a fiveyear period beginning with the tax year in which the applicable phase or portion of the building site is placed in service. If the credit is earned in connection with the rehabilitation of a state owned abandoned building, the entire credit is earned in the taxable year in which the applicable phase or portion of the building site is placed in service but must be claimed in equal installments over a twoyear period beginning with the tax year in which the applicable</p><p>22 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 phase or portion of the building site is placed in service. Unused credit may be carried forward for the succeeding five years. (b) The entire credit earned pursuant to this subsection may not exceed five hundred thousand dollars for any taxpayer in a tax year for each abandoned building site. The limitation provided in this subitem applies to each unit or parcel deemed to be an abandoned building site. The limitation provided for in this subitem does not apply to any state owned abandoned building.” B. Section 12-67-140(C) of the 1976 Code, as added by Act 57 of 2013, is amended by adding an item at the end to read: “(6) If a taxpayer sells the building site, or any phase or portion of the building site, the taxpayer may transfer all or part of the remaining credit, associated with the rehabilitation expenses incurred with respect to that phase or portion of the site, to the purchaser of the applicable portion of the building site. To the extent that the taxpayer transfers the credit, the taxpayer shall notify the county auditor of the transfer in the manner the department prescribes.” SECTION 3. Section 1263535(A) and (C)(1) of the 1976 Code is amended to read: “(A) A taxpayer who is allowed a federal income tax credit pursuant to Section 47 of the Internal Revenue Code for making qualified rehabilitation expenditures for a certified historic structure located in this State is allowed to claim a credit against income taxes and license fees imposed by this title. For the purposes of this section, ‘qualified rehabilitation expenditures’ and ‘certified historic structure are defined as provided in the Internal Revenue Code Section 47 and the applicable treasury regulations. Except as provided in subsection (A)(1), the amount of the credit is ten percent of the expenditures that qualify for the federal credit. To claim the credit allowed by this subsection, a taxpayer filing a paper return must attach a copy of the section of the federal income tax return showing the credit claimed, along with other information that the Department of Revenue determines is necessary for the calculation of the credit provided by this subsection. (1) A taxpayer may elect a twentyfive percent tax credit in lieu of the ten percent tax credit. (2) A taxpayer electing a twentyfive percent tax credit may not claim a credit that exceeds five hundred thousand dollars for each certified historic structure. The limitation provided for in this item shall not apply to credits claimed for qualified rehabilitation expenditures related to any state owned abandoned building.</p><p>23 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 (C)(1) Except for a credit claimed in connection with the rehabilitation of a state owned abandoned building, the entire credit may not be taken for the taxable year in which the property is placed in service but must be taken in equal installments over a fiveyear period beginning with the year in which the property is placed in service. If the credit is claimed in connection with the rehabilitation of a state owned abandoned building, the entire credit may not be taken for the taxable year in which the property is placed in service, but, rather must be taken in equal installments over a two-year period beginning with the year in which the property is placed in service. For purposes of this section, ‘state owned abandoned building’ has the same meaning as provided in section 12-67-120. ‘Placed in service’ means the rehabilitation is completed and allows for the intended use. Any unused portion of any credit installment may be carried forward for the succeeding five years.” SECTION 4. A. Article 25, Chapter 6, Title 12 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding: “Section 1263586. (A) As used in this section: (1) ‘Solar energy system’ is a nonresidential system that, as determined by the State Energy Office, uses solar radiation as a substitute for traditional energy for water heating, active space heating and cooling, passive heating, daylighting, generating electricity not greater than one megawatt alternating current, distillation, desalination, detoxification, or the production of industrial or commercial process heat. The term also includes related devices necessary for collecting, storing, exchanging, conditioning, or converting solar energy to other useful forms of energy. (2) ‘Tax liability’ includes income taxes imposed pursuant to this chapter, license taxes imposed pursuant to Chapter 20 of this title, bank and building and loan taxes imposed pursuant to Chapters 11 and 13 of this title, and premium taxes imposed pursuant to Title 38. (3) ‘Department’ means the South Carolina Department of Revenue. (B)(1) For tax years beginning after 2013 and before 2017, if a taxpayer that has constructed, purchased, or leased a nonresidential solar energy system, the taxpayer, subject to the limitations set forth in subsection (E), is allowed a credit against his tax liability equal to twentyfive percent of the cost of the system in the taxable year in which the system is placed in service. (2) The entire credit may not be taken for the taxable year in which the system is placed in service but must be taken in three equal</p><p>24 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 annual installments beginning with the taxable year in which the system is placed in service, and subject to this annual limit, unused credit may be carried forward for taxable years four through ten succeeding the year the system was placed in service. (3) If a taxpayer is not allowed all or part of the credit, the taxpayer would be authorized to receive, because of the limitations set forth in subsection (E), the carry forward years provided in item (1) beginning in the year in which all or part of the credit is first allowed. However, if the credit is not allowed before tax year 2017, the taxpayer is not eligible to claim the credit. (C) If, in one of the years in which the installment of a credit accrues, the solar energy system, with respect to which the credit was claimed, is disposed of, taken out of service, or moved out of State, the credit expires and the taxpayer may not take any remaining installment of the credit. A disposition does not include the sale or assignment of the partnership interests or limited liability company interests of a partnership or limited liability company that owns or leases a solar energy system. The taxpayer, however, may take the portion of an installment that accrued in a previous year and was carried forward to the extent permitted pursuant to subsection (B) of this section. For purposes of calculating the credit, if the solar energy system was provided, in whole or in part, by public funds, the amount of public funds expended on the solar energy system shall not be considered a cost of the system. The amount of any credit allowed pursuant to this section must be reduced by any credit claimed pursuant to Section 1263587 or any other credit allowed pursuant to this title for the solar energy system. Public funds does not include proceeds of the investment credit pursuant to Section 48 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the grant in lieu thereof under Section 1603 program administered by the United States Department of Treasury. In no case may a credit allowed pursuant to this section exceed onehalf of the taxpayer’s tax liability for a taxable year. (D) The credit allowed by this section may not exceed three hundred thirtythree thousand dollars for each solar energy system installation and the credit may not exceed one million dollars for any taxpayer. (E)(1) The total amount of credits allocated for all taxpayers in a taxable year may not exceed five million dollars in the aggregate. For purposes of this subsection, notwithstanding subsection (B), the entire credit is considered taken in the tax year in which the system is placed in service.</p><p>25 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 (2) If an allocation set forth in this item is not completely exhausted, the remaining amount may be carried forward by the department to the next year and used for the same purpose, and is in addition to the aggregate amount set forth in item (1). No amount may be carried forward by the department beyond tax year 2016. (F) If the taxpayer leases the solar energy system, or part of the solar energy system, the taxpayer may transfer any applicable remaining credit associated with the solar energy system expenses incurred with respect to that part of the solar energy system to the lessee of the solar energy system. The provisions of this subsection apply to a lessee that is an entity taxed as a partnership. (G) To the extent that the taxpayer is a partnership or a limited liability company taxed as a partnership, the credit may be passed through to the partners or members and may be allocated by the taxpayer among any of its partners or members on an annual basis including, without limitation, an allocation of the entire credit to any partner or member who was a member or partner at any time during the year in which the credit is allocated. (H) This credit is in no way to imply or allow the third party sale of electricity between parties nor does this section modify the provisions of Title 58 in any way and lessee simply refers to the financial structuring of the payment for the ‘solar energy system’. (I)(1) After the system is placed in service, a taxpayer seeking to claim the credit provided in this section must submit an application to the State Energy Office for tentative approval of the credit. Within fortyfive days of receipt of the application, the State Energy Office must review the application and tentatively shall approve the application upon determining that the taxpayer qualifies for the credit, and only if the aggregate credit, pursuant to subsection (E), has not yet been reached for the taxable year. The State Energy Office shall notify the applicant whether all or part of the credit may be claimed and the amount that may be claimed in the current year. Also, the State Energy Office shall forward the notice to the department. (2) The credit is allowed on a firstcome, firstserve basis. In no event shall the aggregate amount of tax credits approved by the State Energy Office for all taxpayers in a taxable year exceed the limitations specified in subsection (E). For tax years 2014 and 2015, in the event the taxpayer timely files an application for the credit but is not allowed all or part of the credit the taxpayer would be authorized to receive because of the limitations set forth in subsection (E), the taxpayer must be added to a priority waiting list of applications, prioritized by the</p><p>26 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 date of the taxpayer’s first filed application. With respect to the credit allocation in subsequent years, a taxpayer on the priority waiting list shall have priority over other taxpayers who apply for the credit for an installation in the subsequent year. For purposes of subsection (E), if a taxpayer on the priority waiting list is allowed the credit in a taxable year after the system is placed in service, then the entire credit is considered taken in the year in which the credit is first allowed. (J)(1) The department, in consultation with the State Energy Office, shall develop an application form. Also, the department and the State Energy Office shall adopt rules to provide for the administration of this credit. The State Energy Office, with assistance from the department, shall create a mechanism to track and report the status and availability of credits for the public to review on a regular basis, as determined by the State Energy Office. (2) There is a nonrefundable application fee equal to one percent of the credit applied for, but no more than two thousand five hundred dollars. The fee must accompany the application. The fee shall be credited to the State Energy Office and shall be used to meet the requirements of this section. (K) In addition to the carry forward of unused credit allowed pursuant to this section, unused credit may be transferred, devised, or distributed, with or without consideration, by an individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, trust, or estate. To be effective, such a transfer, devise, or distribution requires written notification to and approval by the department with the unused credit maintaining all its original attributes in the hands of the original recipient including, but not limited to, the limit on the amount by which the taxpayer’s tax liability may be reduced. With regard to the sale or exchange of a credit allowed pursuant to this section, general income tax principles apply for purposes of the state income tax. (L) Not later than June 1, 2015, and by June first each year thereafter, the State Energy Office shall prepare a report detailing: (1) the number of taxpayers applying for the credit, the amount applied for, and the system sizes, including the total cost of the system installed against which the credit is being claimed, and the county in which the system was installed; (2) the number of taxpayers allocated the credit, the amount allocated, and the system sizes, including the total cost of the system installed against which the credit is being claimed, and the county in which the system was installed;</p><p>27 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 (3) the number of taxpayers denied the credit based on an ineligibility determination by the department; and (4) the number of taxpayers eligible for the credit, but placed on the waiting list due to the limitations set forth in subsection (E). The report shall be delivered to the Governor, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, the Public Utilities Review Committee, the Public Service Commission, and the Office of Regulatory Staff. The report also must be made available in a conspicuous place on the website maintained by the State Energy Office.” B. This SECTION applies to solar energy systems placed in service in taxable years beginning after 2013 and before 2017. SECTION 5. A. Section 1263587(A) of the 1976 Code is amended to read: “(A) There is allowed as a tax credit against the income tax liability of a taxpayer imposed by this chapter an amount equal to twentyfive percent of the costs incurred by the taxpayer in the purchase and installation of a solar energy system or small hydropower system for heating water, space heating, air cooling, energyefficient daylighting, heat reclamation, energyefficient demand response, or the generation of electricity in or on a facility in South Carolina and owned by the taxpayer. The tax credit allowed by this section must not be claimed before the completion of the installation. The credit is allowed without regard to whether or not the ownertaxpayer occupies the installation site. The amount of the credit in any year may not exceed three thousand five hundred dollars for each facility or fifty percent of the taxpayer’s tax liability for that taxable year, whichever is less. If the amount of the credit exceeds three thousand five hundred dollars for each facility, the taxpayer may carry forward the excess for up to ten years.” B. Section 1263587 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding a subsection at the end to read: “(D) With respect to solar energy systems, this section only applies to a system placed in service after tax year 2005 and before tax year 2017.” SECTION 6. Unless specified otherwise, this act takes effect upon approval by the Governor and applies for tax years beginning after 2013. The provisions of Section 1B of Act 57 of 2013 apply to the provisions of Sections 1267120 and 1267140 of the 1976 Code as amended by this act. / Renumber sections to conform.</p><p>28 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Amend title to conform.</p><p>Rep. HUGGINS explained the amendment. The amendment was then adopted.</p><p>Rep. FINLAY proposed the following Amendment No. 2 to S. 234 (COUNCIL\BH\234C008.BH.DG14): Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking SECTION 2.A. and inserting: / SECTION 2. A. Section 1267140(B)(3) of 1976 Code, as added by Act 57 of 2013, is amended to read: “(3)(a)(i) The Except for a credit claimed in connection with the rehabilitation of a state owned abandoned building, the entire credit is earned in the taxable year in which the applicable phase or portion of the building site is placed in service but must be taken in equal installments over a fiveyear period beginning with the tax year in which the applicable phase or portion of the building site is placed in service. Unused credit may be carried forward for the succeeding five years. (ii) If the credit is earned in connection with the rehabilitation of a state owned abandoned building, the credit is refundable and the entire credit is earned and must be claimed in the taxable year in which the applicable phase or portion of the building site is placed in service. (b) Except for a credit claimed in connection with the rehabilitation of a state owned abandoned building, the entire credit earned pursuant to this subsection may not exceed five hundred thousand dollars for any taxpayer in a tax year for each abandoned building site. If the credit is earned in connection with the rehabilitation of a state owned abandoned building, the entire credit earned pursuant to this subsection may not exceed seven million dollars in the aggregate for all taxpayers in all taxable years. The department shall notify the taxpayer of the credit remaining for the rehabilitation of a state owned building when the taxpayer files the Notice of Intent to Rehabilitate. The limitation provided in this subitem applies to each unit or parcel deemed to be an abandoned building site.” / Amend the bill further, as and if amended, by striking SECTION 3 and inserting: / SECTION 3. Section 1263535(A) and (C)(1) of the 1976 Code is amended to read:</p><p>29 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 “(A) A taxpayer who is allowed a federal income tax credit pursuant to Section 47 of the Internal Revenue Code for making qualified rehabilitation expenditures for a certified historic structure located in this State is allowed to claim a credit against income taxes and license fees imposed by this title. For the purposes of this section, ‘qualified rehabilitation expenditures’ and ‘certified historic structure’ are defined as provided in the Internal Revenue Code Section 47 and the applicable treasury regulations. Except as provided in subsection (A)(1), the amount of the credit is ten percent of the expenditures that qualify for the federal credit. To claim the credit allowed by this subsection, a taxpayer filing a paper return must attach a copy of the section of the federal income tax return showing the credit claimed, along with other information that the Department of Revenue determines is necessary for the calculation of the credit provided by this subsection. (1) A taxpayer may elect a twentyfive percent tax credit in lieu of the ten percent tax credit. (2)(a) Except for a credit claimed for qualified rehabilitation expenditures related to any state owned abandoned building, a taxpayer electing a twentyfive percent tax credit may not claim a credit that exceeds five hundred thousand dollars for each certified historic structure. (b) If a taxpayer elects a twentyfive percent tax credit for qualified rehabilitation expenditures related to any state owned abandoned building, then the entire credit earned pursuant to this section may not exceed seven million dollars in the aggregate for all taxpayers in all taxable years. In a manner it deems appropriate, the department shall notify the public of the amount of credit remaining for rehabilitating a state owned abandoned building. (C)(1)(a) Except for a credit claimed in connection with the rehabilitation of a state owned abandoned building, the entire credit may not be taken for the taxable year in which the property is placed in service but must be taken in equal installments over a fiveyear period beginning with the year in which the property is placed in service. (b) If the credit is claimed in connection with the rehabilitation of a state owned abandoned building, the credit is refundable and the entire credit must be claimed in the taxable year in which the property is placed in service. For purposes of this section, ‘state owned abandoned building’ has the same meaning as provided in section 1267120. ‘Placed in service’ means the rehabilitation is completed and allows for the intended use. Any unused portion of any</p><p>30 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 credit installment may be carried forward for the succeeding five years.” / Renumber sections to conform. Amend title to conform.</p><p>Rep. FINLAY explained the amendment.</p><p>Reps. HIOTT, HIXON, NORMAN, TOOLE, ATWATER, WELLS, G. R. SMITH, FORRESTER, ALLISON, WOOD, BRANNON, HOSEY, HUGGINS, BALLENTINE, J. E. SMITH, MCEACHERN, FINLAY, KING, WILLIAMS, BERNSTEIN, K. R. CRAWFORD, RIVERS, LOWE, THAYER and M. S. MCLEOD requested debate on the Bill.</p><p>S. 809--ORDERED TO THIRD READING The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>S. 809 -- Senator Leatherman: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 4- 10-330, AS AMENDED, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE CAPITAL PROJECTS SALES TAX, SO AS TO DELETE A PROVISION ALLOWING THE REFERENDUM FOR IMPOSITION OR REIMPOSITION TO BE HELD AT A TIME OTHER THAN AT THE TIME OF THE GENERAL ELECTION.</p><p>Rep. WHITE explained the Bill.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 100; Nays 3</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Bales Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bernstein Bingham Branham Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Edge Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard</p><p>31 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Goldfinch Govan Hamilton Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hiott Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Howard Huggins Jefferson Kennedy King Knight Limehouse Loftis Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Merrill D. C. Moss Munnerlyn Murphy Neal Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Rivers Rutherford Ryhal Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells White Whitmire Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--100</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are: Ridgeway Sabb Whipper</p><p>Total--3</p><p>So, the Bill was read the second time and ordered to third reading. </p><p>S. 897--ORDERED TO THIRD READING The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>S. 897 -- Senator Coleman: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING SECTION 1- 11-723 SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT A PERSON WHO RETIRES FROM A SOLICITOR'S OFFICE MAY PARTICIPATE IN THE STATE HEALTH AND DENTAL INSURANCE PLANS</p><p>32 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE COUNTY IN WHICH HE IS EMPLOYED AT THE TIME OF HIS RETIREMENT PARTICIPATES IN THESE PLANS, AMONG OTHER THINGS, AND TO MAKE THESE PROVISIONS RETROACTIVE TO JANUARY 1, 2012.</p><p>Rep. WHITE explained the Bill.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 88; Nays 17</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Alexander Anderson Anthony Bales Bannister Barfield Bernstein Branham Brannon G. A. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Clyburn Cole K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Dillard Erickson Felder Finlay Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Howard Jefferson Kennedy King Knight Limehouse Loftis Lucas McCoy McEachern W. J. McLeod D. C. Moss Munnerlyn Murphy Newton Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pope Ridgeway Riley Robinson-Simpson Rutherford Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Weeks Wells Whipper White Whitmire Williams</p><p>33 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Wood</p><p>Total--88</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are: Allison Atwater Ballentine Bedingfield Bingham Forrester Hamilton Hiott Huggins Merrill Norman Pitts Quinn Rivers Southard Toole Willis</p><p>Total--17</p><p>So, the Bill was read the second time and ordered to third reading. </p><p>R. 201, H. 5024--DEBATE INTERRUPTED The motion of Rep. QUINN to reconsider the vote whereby the veto on the following Act was sustained was taken up:</p><p>(R. 201) H. 5024 -- Rep. Sellers: AN ACT TO ALLOW THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF DENMARK-OLAR SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 IN BAMBERG COUNTY TO IMPOSE A CAPITAL MILLAGE TO PROVIDE SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN THE DISTRICT, INCLUDING ANY ASSOCIATED LEASE PAYMENTS, AND TO MAKE FINDINGS THAT ILLUSTRATE THE UNIQUE ISSUES FACING THE DISTRICT. </p><p>Rep. SELLERS moved to adjourn debate on the motion to reconsider until Tuesday, June 17. </p><p>Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to table the motion to adjourn debate. </p><p>Rep. G. R. SMITH demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows: Yeas 62; Nays 47</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Atwater Ballentine Bannister Bedingfield Bingham Burns Chumley Cole K. R. Crawford</p><p>34 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Crosby Daning Delleney Edge Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Gagnon Gambrell Goldfinch Hamilton Hardee Harrell Henderson Herbkersman Hiott Hixon Horne Huggins Kennedy Limehouse Loftis Long Lowe Lucas Merrill D. C. Moss Murphy Newton Norman Owens Pitts Pope Quinn Riley Rivers Ryhal Simrill G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Spires Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Wells Whitmire Willis Wood</p><p>Total--62 Those who voted in the negative are: Alexander Anderson Anthony Bales Barfield Bernstein Branham Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Dillard Funderburk George Gilliard Govan Hardwick Hart Hayes Hodges Hosey Howard Jefferson King Knight McCoy McEachern W. J. McLeod Mitchell Munnerlyn Neal Norrell R. L. Ott Parks Ridgeway Robinson-Simpson Rutherford Sabb Sellers J. E. Smith Stavrinakis Weeks Whipper White Williams</p><p>Total--47</p><p>So, the motion to adjourn debate until Tuesday, June 17, was tabled.</p><p>35 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 RECORD FOR VOTING I was temporarily out of the Chamber on constituent business during the vote to table the motion to reconsider Governor Haley’s Veto on H. 5024. If I had been present, I would have voted to table the motion to reconsider the Governor’s Veto, as I have previously voted against the Bill. Rep. Dan Hamilton</p><p>Rep. QUINN spoke against the motion to reconsider.</p><p>Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD moved that the House recede until 2:45 p.m., which was agreed to.</p><p>Further proceedings were interrupted by the House receding, the pending question being the motion to reconsider sustaining the Veto. </p><p>THE HOUSE RESUMES At 2:45 p.m. the House resumed, ACTING SPEAKER FINLAY in the Chair. POINT OF QUORUM The question of a quorum was raised. A quorum was later present.</p><p>SPEAKER IN CHAIR</p><p>LEAVE OF ABSENCE The SPEAKER granted Rep. HIOTT a leave of absence for the remainder of the day. </p><p>RECURRENCE TO THE MORNING HOUR Rep. BARFIELD moved that the House recur to the morning hour, which was agreed to.</p><p>COMMUNICATION The following was received:</p><p>State of South Carolina Office of the Governor</p><p>Columbia, S.C., June 2, 2014 36 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives:</p><p>I am transmitting herewith an appointment for confirmation. This appointment is made with advice and consent of the General Assembly and is, therefore, submitted for your consideration.</p><p>MASTER-IN-EQUITY APPOINTMENT Berkeley County Master-in Equity Term Commencing: November 7, 2014 Term Expiring: November 7, 2020 Vice: The Honorable Robert E. Watson</p><p>Home Information The Honorable Dale Van Slambrook 103 Six Point Court Goose Creek, South Carolina 29445</p><p>My very best, Nikki R. Haley Governor The appointment was confirmed and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.</p><p>S. 940--COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE APPOINTED The following was received from the Senate: </p><p>MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Columbia, S.C., May 29, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it nonconcurs in the amendments proposed by the House to S. 940:</p><p>S. 940 -- Senators Young, Massey, Setzler and Peeler: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 4-10-470, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE EDUCATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SALES AND USE TAX, SO AS TO ALLOW A COUNTY THAT DOES NOT COLLECT A CERTAIN AMOUNT IN ACCOMMODATIONS TAX TO IMPOSE THE SALES TAX SO LONG AS NO PORTION OF THE COUNTY AREA IS SUBJECT TO MORE THAN TWO PERCENT TOTAL SALES TAX.</p><p>37 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Very respectfully, President</p><p>On motion of Rep. WHITE, the House insisted upon its amendments.</p><p>Whereupon, the Chair appointed Reps. J. R. SMITH, WHITE and CLYBURN to the Committee of Conference on the part of the House and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.</p><p>MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following was received:</p><p>Columbia, S.C., June 3, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives:</p><p>The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has confirmed the Governor’s appointment of:</p><p>38 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 MASTER-IN-EQUITY APPOINTMENT Berkeley County Master-in Equity Term Commencing: November 7, 2014 Term Expiring: November 7, 2020 Vice: The Honorable Robert E. Watson</p><p>Home Information The Honorable Dale Van Slambrook 103 Six Point Court Goose Creek, South Carolina 29445</p><p>Very respectfully, President of the Senate Received as information.</p><p>MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The following was received:</p><p>Columbia, S.C., June 3, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has appointed Senators Alexander, Grooms and Pinckney of the Committee of Conference on the part of the Senate on S. 999:</p><p>S. 999 -- Senator Alexander: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING SECTION 56- 1-218 SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES WHOSE DRIVER'S LICENSE EXPIRES WHILE THE MEMBER IS SERVING OUTSIDE OF THIS STATE MAY APPLY FOR AN EXTENSION THAT LASTS UNTIL NINETY DAYS AFTER THE MEMBER RETURNS TO THE STATE OR THE TIME THE MEMBER IS DISCHARGED FROM THE ARMED FORCES, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST, TO PROVIDE THE APPLICATION PROCESS, AND TO SPECIFY TO WHOM EXTENSION ELIGIBILITY APPLIES.</p><p>Very respectfully, President Received as information. </p><p>39 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 H. 4560--COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE APPOINTED The following was received from the Senate: </p><p>MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Columbia, S.C., June 3, 2014 Mr. Speaker and Members of the House: The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it nonconcurs in the amendments proposed by the House to H. 4560:</p><p>H. 4560 -- Reps. G. M. Smith and Weeks: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 17-1-40, AS AMENDED, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO DESTRUCTION OR EXPUNGEMENT OF CERTAIN ARREST AND BOOKING RECORDS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES, SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE RETENTION OF EVIDENCE GATHERED, INCIDENT REPORTS, AND INVESTIGATIVE FILES PRODUCED AS A RESULT OF A LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTION, TO PROVIDE THAT THESE MATERIALS ARE NOT SUBJECT TO AN EXPUNGEMENT ORDER, AND AUTHORIZE REDACTION OF CERTAIN INFORMATION FOLLOWING A NO CONVICTION DISPOSITION OF THE CRIMINAL CHARGE.</p><p>Very respectfully, President</p><p>On motion of Rep. G. M. SMITH, the House insisted upon its amendments.</p><p>Whereupon, the Chair appointed Reps. G. M. SMITH, RUTHERFORD and MCCOY to the Committee of Conference on the part of the House and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.</p><p>40 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEE Rep. BARFIELD, from the Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions, submitted a favorable report on:</p><p>H. 5326 -- Reps. McCoy, Whipper, Stavrinakis and Harrell: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO REQUEST THAT THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NAME THE INTERSECTION LOCATED AT THE JUNCTURE OF CAMP ROAD AND DILLS BLUFF ROAD ON JAMES ISLAND IN CHARLESTON COUNTY "LEONARD BLANK INTERSECTION" AND ERECT APPROPRIATE MARKERS OR SIGNS AT THIS INTERSECTION THAT CONTAIN THIS DESIGNATION. Ordered for consideration tomorrow.</p><p>Rep. BARFIELD, from the Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions, submitted a favorable report on:</p><p>S. 1354 -- Senator Johnson: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO REQUEST THAT THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NAME FOURTH STREET IN THE TOWN OF SUMMERTON "B. O. BUTLER STREET" AND ERECT APPROPRIATE MARKERS OR SIGNS ALONG THIS STREET THAT CONTAIN THIS DESIGNATION. Ordered for consideration tomorrow.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5340 -- Reps. G. R. Smith, Bales, Long, Allison, Henderson, Knight, Toole, Alexander, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Limehouse, Loftis, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens,</p><p>41 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR SOPHIA FLOYD DERRICK, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF THE HOUSE OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE, ON THE OCCASION OF HER RETIREMENT, TO THANK HER FOR HER MANY YEARS OF OUTSTANDING AND DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AND TO WISH HER MUCH SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT IN ALL HER FUTURE ENDEAVORS.</p><p>Whereas, for thirtythree years, Columbia’s Sophia Floyd Derrick has carried out her duties as a South Carolina House of Representatives staff member with poise and excellence, the past sixteen of those years as executive secretary of the House Operations and Management Committee (O & M); and</p><p>Whereas, in preparation for her career, Sophia graduated from the University of South Carolina, having already obtained practical job experience working for First Palmetto Bank; and</p><p>Whereas, Sophia began work at the State House in 1979 as a House page and served as a bill clerk from 1983 to 1986. In time, when Sophia accepted the job of executive secretary for the House O & M Committee, she began a term of service that would last nearly two decades, until her retirement on June 30, 2014; and</p><p>Whereas, during her tenure with O & M, Sophia Derrick has served as not only O & M executive secretary but also executive secretary for the Interstate Cooperation Committee, Committee to Screen Candidates for College and University Boards of Trustees, Joint Committee on Tourism and Trade, Joint Internal Security Committee, and Tourism Caucus. She further has served as supervisor for the Legislative Aide Program and has worked with the Blatt Building manager on building issues; and</p><p>Whereas, her O & M chairman, Representative Garry Smith, praises Sophia as a mainstay in the office who will be sorely missed. He adds,</p><p>42 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 “Her smile and sense of humor have made coming to the office a pleasureexcept when she and my wife redecorated my office and tried to throw away my orange AMI tie that my friend Wade Shealy gave me and expected me to wear every time he and the AMI folks came to Columbia!”; and</p><p>Whereas, in the community, this woman of faith is a member of Trenholm Road Methodist Church, where she is active in the Jewel Shaw Circle and the Believers Sunday School Class. In addition, she currently teaches at Jamie Scott Fitness and has taught fitness classes for nineteen years throughout her community; and</p><p>Whereas, at home, she is the proud wife of Lynn Derrick and the equally proud mother of Whit, Jordan, Tripp, and Charles. In October, Sophia expects to have yet another justifiable and joyful reason for pride: the arrival of her first grandchild; and</p><p>Whereas, during Sophia’s wellearned retirement, the House trusts she will find herself more frequently able to indulge in vacationing on Bald Head Island, boating, fishing, gardening, cooking, reading, playing with her black labs Grits and Grizzly, and traveling; and</p><p>Whereas, the House of Representatives, grateful for the legacy of consistent commitment and excellence Sophia Derrick has bestowed on the people of South Carolina, takes great pleasure in wishing her well as she enters retirement and trusts she will find much enjoyment in the more leisurely pace of the days ahead. Now, therefore,</p><p>Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:</p><p>That the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives, by this resolution, recognize and honor Sophia Floyd Derrick, executive secretary of the House Operations and Management Committee, on the occasion of her retirement, thank her for her many years of outstanding and dedicated service to the State of South Carolina, and wish her much success and fulfillment in all her future endeavors.</p><p>Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to Sophia Floyd Derrick.</p><p>43 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5341 -- Reps. Dillard, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE R. SAMUEL BELL OF GREENVILLE ON HIS ELECTION AS CHAIRMAN OF THE PETROLEUM MARKETERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA FOR 2014 AND TO FURTHER RECOGNIZE AND CONGRATULATE HIM FOR THE DISTINCTION OF BEING THE FIRST PETROLEUM MARKETER FROM THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA TO BE ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF THE PETROLEUM MARKETERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5342 -- Reps. Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter,</p><p>44 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR DOROTHY GEORGE HINES OF FLORENCE ON THE OCCASION OF HER RETIREMENT, THANK HER FOR HER MANY YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE AS A REGISTERED NURSE, AND WISH HER WELL IN ALL HER FUTURE ENDEAVORS.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5343 -- Reps. Hardee, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires,</p><p>45 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR THE LORIS HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY BASEBALL TEAM, COACHES, AND SCHOOL OFFICIALS FOR AN IMPRESSIVE SEASON AND </p><p>46 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 TO CONGRATULATE THEM FOR WINNING THE 2014 CLASS AA REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5344 -- Reps. Finlay, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR WILLIAM TABER OF CALHOUN COUNTY FOR HIS MANY YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE SOUTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY AND TO WISH HIM CONTINUED SUCCESS IN THE YEARS AHEAD.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5345 -- Reps. Whitmire, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter,</p><p>47 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR JOHN DAVID SMITH, CITY ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE CITY OF WESTMINSTER, UPON THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT AFTER TEN YEARS OF OUTSTANDING SERVICE, AND TO WISH HIM CONTINUED SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS IN ALL HIS FUTURE ENDEAVORS.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5346 -- Reps. G. A. Brown, Weeks, G. M. Smith and Neal: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO EXPRESS THE PROFOUND SORROW OF THE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES UPON THE DEATH OF MRS. MARY ESTHER DINKINS JAMES OF SUMTER AND TO EXTEND THE DEEPEST SYMPATHY TO HER FAMILY AND MANY FRIENDS.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5347 -- Rep. G. A. Brown: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR DOCTOR RALPH SINGLETON, PASTOR OF NEW MOUNT TABOR COMMUNITY CHURCH IN</p><p>48 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 DARLINGTON, AND TO CONGRATULATE HIM AS HE CELEBRATES FIFTEEN YEARS IN MINISTRY TO THE CONGREGATION.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5348 -- Reps. Weeks, G. M. Smith, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR QUINN CHAPEL AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, UPON THE CELEBRATION OF ITS ONE HUNDREDTH SIXTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY OF SERVICE TO CHRIST AND THE COMMUNITY.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5349 -- Reps. Delleney, Sellers, G. M. Smith, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon,</p><p>49 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Simrill, Skelton, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO HONOR AND COMMEND VIRGINIA LEAMAN CROCKER FOR HER DISTINGUISHED AND DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA AND TO WISH HER CONTINUED SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS IN ALL HER FUTURE ENDEAVORS.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5350 -- Reps. Erickson, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith,</p><p>50 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE HOYT GRAHAM OF BEAUFORT ON THE OCCASION OF HIS NINETIETH BIRTHDAY AND TO WISH HIM A JOYOUS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION AND MUCH HAPPINESS IN THE DAYS AHEAD.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5353 -- Reps. Rutherford, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE FRANK SHEPPARD, CAE, OF COLUMBIA, UPON BEING CHOSEN THE 2014 ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE OF THE YEAR BY THE SOUTH CAROLINA SOCIETY OF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>51 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5357 -- Reps. Erickson, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Norrell, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE MR. AND MRS. HOYT GRAHAM OF BEAUFORT ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR SEVENTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY AND TO EXTEND BEST WISHES FOR MANY BLESSINGS AND FULFILLMENT IN THE DAYS TO COME.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5358 -- Reps. Govan, Cobb-Hunter, R. L. Ott and Hosey: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE QUEEN BERRY BRAILEY OF ORANGEBURG ON THE OCCASION OF HER SEVENTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY AND TO WISH HER A JOYOUS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION AND MUCH HAPPINESS IN THE DAYS AHEAD.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>52 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5359 -- Rep. Knight: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE LUCILE WEATHERS CAMPBELL OF DORCHESTER COUNTY, WHO RECENTLY CELEBRATED HER NINETIETH BIRTHDAY, AND TO WISH HER MANY YEARS OF CONTINUED HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>HOUSE RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5360 -- Reps. Clemmons, Barfield, H. A. Crawford, Hardwick, Hardee, Ryhal, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Norrell, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR DR. PHILIP N. RENDER OF HORRY COUNTY FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE IN ESTABLISHING A DENTAL PROGRAM AT HORRY GEORGETOWN TECHNICAL COLLEGE AND TO COMMEND HORRY GEORGETOWN TECHNICAL COLLEGE FOR THE SUCCESS OF THIS PROGRAM AND FOR THE SCHOOL'S THRIVING EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS.</p><p>The Resolution was adopted.</p><p>53 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5351 -- Reps. Barfield, Hardwick, H. A. Crawford, Ryhal, Hardee, Anderson, Clemmons, George, Edge and Hayes: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR THE HORRY COUNTY VETERANS AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT, VETERANS AFFAIRS SERVICE OFFICER WENDELL ALLEN, AND VETERANS AFFAIRS DEPUTY SERVICE OFFICER TABITHA BARFIELD FOR THE OUTSTANDING SERVICE THEY PROVIDE TO HORRY COUNTY'S VETERANS AND THEIR FAMILIES.</p><p>The Concurrent Resolution was agreed to and ordered sent to the Senate.</p><p>CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5352 -- Reps. Hayes, Clemmons, George, H. A. Crawford, Ryhal, Brannon, Anderson, Hardee, Edge, Goldfinch and Hardwick: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO REQUEST THAT THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NAME SOUTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY 319 IN HORRY COUNTY "REPRESENTATIVE LISTON BARFIELD HIGHWAY" AND ERECT APPROPRIATE MARKERS OR SIGNS ALONG THIS HIGHWAY THAT CONTAIN THIS DESIGNATION. The Concurrent Resolution was ordered referred to the Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions.</p><p>CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The following was introduced:</p><p>H. 5361 -- Reps. Clemmons, Barfield, H. A. Crawford, Hardwick, Hardee, Ryhal, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman,</p><p>54 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Norrell, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE BRAD DEAN, PRESIDENT AND CEO OF THE MYRTLE BEACH AREA CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU/CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ON BEING APPOINTED BY U.S. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE PENNY PRITZKER TO THE TRAVEL AND TOURISM ADVISORY BOARD.</p><p>The Concurrent Resolution was agreed to and ordered sent to the Senate.</p><p>CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The Senate sent to the House the following:</p><p>S. 1306 -- Senators Campbell and Grooms: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO URGE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION TO SUPPORT LEGISLATION REAUTHORIZING THE EXPORT IMPORT BANK FOR AN ADDITIONAL FIVE YEARS; FAILURE TO DO SO WOULD CREATE AN ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE FUTURE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF SOUTH CAROLINA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The Concurrent Resolution was ordered referred to the Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions.</p><p>INTRODUCTION OF BILLS The following Bills were introduced, read the first time, and referred to appropriate committees:</p><p>H. 5354 -- Rep. Hodges: A BILL TO AMEND ACT 190 OF 1991, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF COLLETON COUNTY, SO AS TO</p><p>55 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 REAPPORTION THE SPECIFIC ELECTION DISTRICTS FROM WHICH MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF COLLETON COUNTY MUST BE ELECTED BEGINNING WITH SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTIONS IN 2014, AND TO PROVIDE FOR DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION IN REGARD TO THESE NEWLY DRAWN ELECTION DISTRICTS. On motion of Rep. HODGES, with unanimous consent, the Bill was ordered placed on the Calendar without reference.</p><p>H. 5355 -- Reps. R. L. Brown, Whipper and King: A BILL TO AMEND SECTIONS 12-36-2620, 12-36-2630, AND 12-36-2640, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, ALL RELATING TO THE COMPONENTS OF CERTAIN TAXES, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT ONE PERCENT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX, ACCOMMODATIONS TAX, AND CASUAL EXCISE TAX DOES NOT APPLY TO PERSONS SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER RATHER THAN EIGHTY-FIVE YEARS OF AGE; AND TO AMEND SECTION 12-36-2646, RELATING TO POSTING NOTICE OF THE TAX EXCLUSION, SO AS TO MAKE A CONFORMING CHANGE. Referred to Committee on Ways and Means</p><p>H. 5356 -- Rep. Knight: A BILL TO AMEND ACT 536 OF 1986, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO DORCHESTER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT FOUR BOARD OF TRUSTEES, SO AS TO REAPPORTION THE SPECIFIC ELECTION DISTRICTS FROM WHICH MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MUST BE ELECTED BEGINNING WITH SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS IN 2014, TO DESIGNATE THE MAP NUMBER ON WHICH THESE DISTRICTS MAY BE FOUND, AND TO PROVIDE DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION REGARDING THE REAPPORTIONED ELECTION DISTRICTS. On motion of Rep. KNIGHT, with unanimous consent, the Bill was ordered placed on the Calendar without reference.</p><p>56 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 S. 375 -- Senators Hutto, L. Martin, Johnson and Rankin: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING CHAPTER 38 TO TITLE 6 SO AS TO ENACT THE "DILAPIDATED BUILDINGS ACT", TO PROVIDE DEFINITIONS, TO PROVIDE THAT A MUNICIPALITY MAY BRING A CAUSE OF ACTION AGAINST THE OWNER OF PROPERTY NOT IN SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CERTAIN MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES, TO IDENTIFY WHO MAY SERVE AS A COURT- APPOINTED RECEIVER FOR PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THIS CAUSE OF ACTION, TO DESIGNATE THE POWERS OF A COURT-APPOINTED RECEIVER, TO ESTABLISH REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF THE MUNICIPALITY CONCERNING A VIOLATION AGAINST WHICH THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BRING A CAUSE OF ACTION UNDER THIS ACT, AND TO PROVIDE CERTAIN REMEDIES AND PROCEDURES. Rep. BRANNON asked unanimous consent to have the Bill placed on the Calendar without reference. Rep. NEWTON objected. Referred to Committee on Judiciary</p><p>H. 3459--SENATE AMENDMENTS CONCURRED IN AND BILL ENROLLED On the motion of Rep. SANDIFER, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>H. 3459 -- Reps. Sandifer, Bales, J. E. Smith and Erickson: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 40-2-10, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE SOUTH CAROLINA BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY, SO AS TO PROVIDE THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, LICENSING AND REGULATION SHALL DESIGNATE CERTAIN PERSONNEL FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE BOARD, TO PROHIBIT THE DEPARTMENT FROM ASSIGNING OTHER WORK TO THESE PERSONNEL WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THE BOARD, AND TO PROVIDE THESE PERSONNEL MAY BE TERMINATED BY THE DIRECTOR OF A MAJORITY OF THE BOARD; TO AMEND SECTION 40-2-30, RELATING TO THE PRACTICE OF ACCOUNTANCY, SO AS TO PROVIDE A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT LICENSED BY THE BOARD IS EXEMPT FROM LICENSURE REQUIREMENTS OF PRIVATE SECURITY AND INVESTIGATION AGENCIES; AND TO AMEND SECTION 40-2-</p><p>57 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 70, RELATING TO POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD, SO AS TO PROVIDE THE BOARD MAY CONDUCT PERIODIC INSPECTIONS OF LICENSEES OR FIRMS; AND TO AMEND SECTION 40-2-80, RELATING TO INVESTIGATIONS OF ALLEGED VIOLATIONS, SO AS TO PROVIDE THE DEPARTMENT SHALL DIRECT THE INVESTIGATOR ASSIGNED TO THE BOARD TO INVESTIGATE AN ALLEGED VIOLATION TO DETERMINE THE EXISTENCE OF PROBABLE CAUSE MERITING FURTHER PROCEEDINGS.</p><p>Rep. SANDIFER explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 98; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bedingfield Bernstein Bowen Brannon G. A. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Dillard Douglas Edge Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Gagnon George Gilliard Goldfinch Hamilton Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Howard Huggins Jefferson Kennedy Knight Loftis Long Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Merrill Mitchell D. C. Moss Munnerlyn Murphy Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Robinson-Simpson Sabb</p><p>58 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells Whipper White Williams Wood</p><p>Total--98</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>The Senate Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill having received three readings in both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act, and that it be enrolled for ratification.</p><p>H. 4673--SENATE AMENDMENTS CONCURRED IN AND BILL ENROLLED On the motion of Rep. SIMRILL, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>H. 4673 -- Reps. Simrill, Limehouse, Sottile and Gagnon: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 27-3-20, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO DEFINITIONS REGARDING THE LIMITATION ON LIABILITY OF LANDOWNERS, SO AS TO INCLUDE RECREATIONAL NONCOMMERCIAL AIRSTRIPS AND ASSOCIATED AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS WITHIN THE DEFINITION OF "RECREATIONAL PURPOSE".</p><p>Rep. SIMRILL explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 96; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bedingfield Bernstein</p><p>59 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Bowen Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Clyburn Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Dillard Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hamilton Hardwick Harrell Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Howard Huggins Jefferson Kennedy Limehouse Loftis Long Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod D. C. Moss Munnerlyn Murphy Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Pitts Pope Ridgeway Riley Rivers Robinson-Simpson Ryhal Sabb Sellers Simrill Skelton G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells Whipper White Whitmire Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--96</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>The Senate Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill having received three readings in both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act, and that it be enrolled for ratification.</p><p>60 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 H. 3365--SENATE AMENDMENTS CONCURRED IN AND BILL ENROLLED On the motion of Rep. GOVAN, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>H. 3365 -- Reps. Govan, Jefferson, Williams, Whipper, R. L. Brown and Gilliard: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING ARTICLE 12 TO CHAPTER 63, TITLE 59 SO AS TO REQUIRE THAT EACH PUBLIC SCHOOL IN THE STATE EMPLOY A LICENSED PSYCHO-EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST CERTIFIED IN SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ON A FULL-TIME BASIS TO HELP SCHOOL PERSONNEL IDENTIFY STUDENTS IN NEED OF MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING, PROMOTE AWARENESS OF MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AND THE AVAILABILITY OF TREATMENT, SCREEN AND IDENTIFY STUDENTS FOR MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES, AND PROVIDE APPROPRIATE MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING AND MAKE REFERRALS FOR APPROPRIATE SOCIAL SERVICES COUNSELING.</p><p>Rep. GOVAN explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 94; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Alexander Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bowen Branham Brannon R. L. Brown Burns Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Dillard Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hamilton Hardee Hardwick Harrell Henderson Hixon Hodges Horne</p><p>61 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Hosey Huggins Jefferson Kennedy Knight Limehouse Loftis Long Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Mitchell D. C. Moss Munnerlyn Murphy Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Rivers Robinson-Simpson Ryhal Sabb Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells White Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--94</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>The Senate Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill having received three readings in both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act, and that it be enrolled for ratification.</p><p>H. 3021--SENATE AMENDMENTS CONCURRED IN AND BILL ENROLLED On the motion of Rep. CLEMMONS, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>H. 3021 -- Reps. Clemmons, Sellers, R. L. Brown, Putnam, Kennedy, Gilliard, Toole, Branham, Rutherford, King and Cobb- Hunter: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING CHAPTER 55 TO TITLE 11 SO AS TO ENACT THE IRAN DIVESTMENT ACT OF 2013 AND TO PROHIBIT CERTAIN INVESTMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH</p><p>62 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 PERSONS DEEMED TO BE ENGAGING IN INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES IN IRAN.</p><p>Rep. CLEMMONS explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>63 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 97; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bedingfield Bowen Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Burns Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Delleney Dillard Erickson Felder Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hamilton Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Howard Huggins Jefferson Kennedy Knight Limehouse Loftis Long Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Mitchell D. C. Moss Munnerlyn Murphy Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pope Ridgeway Riley Rivers Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Sellers Simrill G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells Whipper Whitmire Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--97</p><p>64 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>The Senate Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill having received three readings in both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act, and that it be enrolled for ratification.</p><p>H. 4543--SENATE AMENDMENTS CONCURRED IN AND BILL ENROLLED On the motion of Rep. HIXON, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>H. 4543 -- Reps. Southard, R. L. Ott, Jefferson, H. A. Crawford, M. S. McLeod, Vick, Hardwick, Williams, Robinson-Simpson, George, Daning, Munnerlyn, Long, Crosby, Felder, Gagnon, Hayes, Hixon, Howard, Norman, Stavrinakis, V. S. Moss and Knight: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 50-13-640, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF BLUE CATFISH, SO AS TO DECREASE THE MAXIMUM LENGTH OF A BLUE CATFISH THAT MAY BE TAKEN ON CERTAIN BODIES OF WATER, TO MAKE A TECHNICAL CHANGE, AND TO ESTABLISH THE DAILY POSSESSION LIMIT FOR BLUE CATFISH TAKEN FROM LAKE MARION AND LAKE MOULTRIE; AND TO AMEND SECTION 50-9-1120, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE POINT SYSTEM FOR VIOLATING CERTAIN PROVISIONS THAT REGULATE FISHING AND HUNTING, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT TAKING OR POSSESSING MORE THAN THE LEGAL CREEL OR SIZE LIMIT OF BLUE CATFISH IS A FOURTEEN POINT VIOLATION.</p><p>Rep. HIXON explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 101; Nays 1</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Alexander Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bedingfield</p><p>65 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Bernstein Bowen Branham Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Dillard Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hamilton Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Huggins Jefferson Kennedy Knight Limehouse Loftis Long Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Mitchell D. C. Moss Munnerlyn Murphy Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Ridgeway Riley Rivers Robinson-Simpson Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells Whipper White Whitmire Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--101</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are: Lowe</p><p>Total--1</p><p>66 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 The Senate Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill having received three readings in both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act, and that it be enrolled for ratification.</p><p>S. 437--SENATE AMENDMENTS CONCURRED IN AND BILL ENROLLED On the motion of Rep. GOLDFINCH, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>S. 437 -- Senators Cleary, Reese, Rankin, Campsen, Hembree, Davis, McGill, Thurmond, Campbell, Cromer and Ford: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 12-43-220, AS AMENDED, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO VALUATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY FOR PURPOSES OF THE PROPERTY TAX, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT THE OWNER- OCCUPANT OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY QUALIFIES FOR THE FOUR PERCENT ASSESSMENT RATIO ALLOWED OWNER-OCCUPIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY, IF THE OWNER IS OTHERWISE QUALIFIED AND THE RESIDENCE IS NOT RENTED FOR MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED DAYS A YEAR, AND TO DELETE OTHER REFERENCES TO RENTAL OF THESE RESIDENCES; AND TO AMEND SECTION 12-54-240, RELATING TO DISCLOSURE OF RECORDS, REPORTS, AND RETURNS WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, SO AS TO PROVIDE VERIFICATION THAT THE FEDERAL SCHEDULE E CONFORMS WITH THE SAME DOCUMENT REQUIRED BY A COUNTY ASSESSOR IS NOT PROHIBITED.</p><p>Rep. GOLDFINCH explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 94; Nays 6</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Alexander Anderson Anthony Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bernstein Bowen Branham R. L. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Clyburn Cole K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Dillard Erickson</p><p>67 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hamilton Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Huggins Jefferson Kennedy Knight Limehouse Loftis Long Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Mitchell D. C. Moss Murphy Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Rivers Robinson-Simpson Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Weeks Wells Whipper Whitmire Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--94</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are: Atwater Bedingfield Brannon Southard Toole White</p><p>Total--6</p><p>The Senate Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill having received three readings in both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act, and that it be enrolled for ratification.</p><p>68 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 S. 813--SENATE AMENDMENTS CONCURRED IN AND BILL ENROLLED On the motion of Rep. WEEKS, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>S. 813 -- Senators Hayes, Peeler, O'Dell, Alexander, McElveen, McGill, Pinckney, Johnson, Williams and Verdin: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING SECTION 16-11-625 SO AS TO PROVIDE A PERSON WHO, WITHOUT LEGAL CAUSE OR GOOD EXCUSE, ENTERS A PUBLIC LIBRARY AFTER HAVING BEEN WARNED BY AN EMPLOYEE, AGENT, OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LIBRARY NOT TO DO SO OR WITHOUT HAVING BEEN WARNED FAILS AND REFUSES, WITHOUT GOOD CAUSE OR GOOD EXCUSE, TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY UPON BEING ORDERED OR REQUESTED TO DO SO IS GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR TRIABLE IN A MUNICIPAL OR MAGISTRATES COURT, AND TO PROVIDE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION MUST BE CONSTRUED AS IN ADDITION TO, AND NOT AS SUPERSEDING, ANOTHER STATUTE RELATING TO TRESPASS OR UNLAWFUL ENTRY ON LANDS OF ANOTHER.</p><p>Rep. WEEKS explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 89; Nays 6</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Bannister Barfield Bernstein Bowen Brannon R. L. Brown Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Delleney Dillard Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges</p><p>69 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Horne Hosey Huggins Jefferson Kennedy Knight Limehouse Loftis Long Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Mitchell D. C. Moss Munnerlyn Murphy Newton Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Robinson-Simpson Ryhal Sabb Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Spires Stavrinakis Tallon Thayer Weeks Wells Whipper White Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--89</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are: Bedingfield Norman Rivers Southard Stringer Taylor</p><p>Total--6</p><p>The Senate Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill having received three readings in both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act, and that it be enrolled for ratification.</p><p>H. 3102--SENATE AMENDMENTS AMENDED AND RETURNED TO THE SENATE On the motion of Rep. BANNISTER, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>H. 3102 -- Reps. Forrester, V. S. Moss, Allison, Atwater and Bingham: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, SO AS TO ENACT "JAIDON'S LAW"; TO AMEND SECTION 63-7-1680, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE CONTENTS, APPROVAL, AND AMENDMENT OF A PLACEMENT PLAN DEVELOPED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF</p><p>70 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 SOCIAL SERVICES FOR A CHILD REMOVED FROM THE CUSTODY OF HIS OR HER PARENTS, SO AS TO FURTHER PROVIDE FOR THE VISITATION RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARENTS UNDER THE PLACEMENT PLAN; TO AMEND SECTION 63-7-1690, RELATING TO CONTENTS OF A PLACEMENT PLAN WHEN THE CONDITIONS FOR REMOVAL OF A CHILD FROM THE CUSTODY OF HIS OR HER PARENTS INCLUDE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ABUSE BY THE PARENTS, SO AS TO MAKE THE CONTENTS OF THE PLAN MANDATORY, RATHER THAN IN THE DISCRETION OF THE COURT; TO AMEND SECTION 63-7-1710, RELATING TO CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES SHALL FILE A PETITION TO TERMINATE PARENTAL RIGHTS, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT THE DEPARTMENT SHALL FILE THIS PETITION IF THE PARENT IS CONVICTED OF HOMICIDE BY CHILD ABUSE, OR AIDING OR ABETTING TO COMMIT HOMICIDE BY CHILD ABUSE, OF ANOTHER CHILD OF THE PARENT; TO PROVIDE THAT THE DEPARTMENT SHALL FILE THIS PETITION IF A PARENT FAILED THREE HAIR-STRAND DRUG TESTS OVER A NINE- MONTH PERIOD; AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE DEPARTMENT SHALL FILE SUCH A PETITION IF A PARENT FAILED TWICE IN A TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF A TREATMENT PLAN OR PLACEMENT PLAN; TO AMEND SECTION 63-7-1940, RELATING TO COURT-ORDERED PLACEMENT OF A PERSON IN THE CENTRAL REGISTRY FOR CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT THE COURT SHALL ORDER THAT A PERSON BE PLACED IN THE REGISTRY IF THE PERSON GAVE BIRTH TO THE CHILD AND THE CHILD TESTED POSITIVE FOR DRUGS; AND TO AMEND SECTION 63-7-2570, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO GROUNDS FOR TERMINATING PARENTAL RIGHTS, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT TERMINATING THESE RIGHTS ON THE GROUNDS OF SEVERE AND REPETITIVE ABUSE OR NEGLECT INCLUDES HOSPITALIZATION OF A CHILD FOR MORE THAN FOURTEEN DAYS DUE TO ABUSE OR NEGLECT; TO INCLUDE IN THE GROUNDS FOR TERMINATING THESE RIGHTS A PARENT'S ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL OR ILLEGAL DRUGS OR PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION ABUSE WHEN THE PARENT'S ADDICTION IS UNLIKELY TO CHANGE WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME; AND TO PROVIDE AS A GROUND FOR</p><p>71 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 TERMINATING THESE RIGHTS A PARENT BEING CONVICTED OF MURDER, VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER, OR HOMICIDE BY CHILD ABUSE OF ANOTHER CHILD OF THE PARENT.</p><p>Rep. BANNISTER proposed the following Amendment No. 1A to H. 3102 (COUNCIL\DKA\3102C001.DKA.VR14), which was adopted: Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking SECTIONS 10 and 11 and inserting: / SECTION 10. Section 637940(A)(7) and (8) of the 1976 Code are amended to read: “(7) as authorized in Section 6372000; and (8) the Department of Child Fatalities pursuant to Section 63111960; and (9) (a) the director or his designee who may disclose information to respond to an inquiry by a committee or subcommittee of the Senate or the House of Representatives or a joint committee of the General Assembly, which is engaged in oversight or investigating the activities of the department, provided that such information is reviewed in closed session and kept confidential. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 4, Title 30, meetings to review information disclosed pursuant to this subitem must be held in closed session and any documents or other materials provided or reviewed during the closed session are not subject to public disclosure. (b) The department shall state that the case was unfounded when disclosing information pursuant to this item.” SECTION 11. Section 6371990(G) of the 1976 Code is amended to read: “(G)(1) The state director of the department or the director’s designee may disclose to the media information contained in child protective services records if the disclosure is limited to discussion of the department’s activities in handling the case including information placed in the public domain by other public officials, a criminal prosecution, the alleged perpetrator or the attorney for the alleged perpetrator, or other public judicial proceedings. For purposes of this subsection, information is considered ‘placed in the public domain’ when it has been reported in the news media, is contained in public records of a criminal justice agency, is contained in public records of a court of law, or has been the subject of testimony in a public judicial proceeding. </p><p>72 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 (2) The director or his designee shall disclose information in records required to be kept confidential pursuant to subsection (A) to respond to an inquiry from a committee or subcommittee of the Senate or the House of Representatives or a joint committee of the General Assembly, which is engaged in oversight or investigating the activities of the department. The information must be reviewed in a closed session and kept confidential. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 4, Title 30, meetings to review information disclosed pursuant to this item must be held in closed session and any documents or other materials provided or reviewed during the closed session are not subject to public disclosure.” / Amend further by striking SECTION 12 in its entirety. Renumber sections to conform. Amend title to conform.</p><p>Rep. BANNISTER explained the amendment.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 107; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bedingfield Bernstein Bowen Branham Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Dillard Douglas Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Hamilton Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Huggins Jefferson Kennedy Knight Limehouse Loftis Long Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern</p><p>73 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Merrill Mitchell D. C. Moss Munnerlyn Murphy Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Rivers Robinson-Simpson Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells Whipper White Whitmire Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--107</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>The amendment was then adopted.</p><p>The Senate Amendments were amended, and the Bill was ordered returned to the Senate.</p><p>H. 4399--SENATE AMENDMENTS CONCURRED IN AND BILL ENROLLED On the motion of Rep. COBB-HUNTER, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>H. 4399 -- Rep. Cobb-Hunter: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 61- 6-120, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO CERTAIN ALCOHOL PERMITS IN THE PROXIMITY OF SCHOOLS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND CHURCHES, SO AS TO ALLOW THE ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE FOR THE ON- PREMISES CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR IF ALL PLAYGROUNDS AND CHURCHES IN THE PROXIMITY</p><p>74 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 AFFIRMATIVELY STATE THAT THEY DO NOT OBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE.</p><p>Rep. COBB-HUNTER explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 96; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Alexander Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bedingfield Bernstein Bowen Branham Brannon G. A. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Daning Delleney Douglas Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hamilton Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Huggins Jefferson Knight Limehouse Long Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Merrill Mitchell D. C. Moss Murphy Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Rivers Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Thayer Toole Weeks Whipper White Whitmire Williams Wood</p><p>75 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014</p><p>Total--96</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>The Senate Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill having received three readings in both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act, and that it be enrolled for ratification.</p><p>S. 985--SENATE AMENDMENTS CONCURRED IN AND BILL ENROLLED On the motion of Rep. WHITE, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>S. 985 -- Senator Cleary: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING ARTICLE 6 TO CHAPTER 1, TITLE 6, TO ENACT THE "FAIRNESS IN LODGING ACT" SO AS TO ALLOW MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES BY ORDINANCE TO IMPLEMENT ADDITIONAL ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS FOR THE BUSINESS LICENSE TAX AND THE LOCAL ACCOMMODATIONS TAX AS THOSE PROVISIONS APPLY TO THE OWNERS OF RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY WHO RENT THE PROPERTY TO TOURISTS, INCLUDING DATA SHARING WITH THE SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, SPECIFIC NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS INCLUDED IN PROPERTY TAX BILLS, AN ADDITIONAL PENALTY THAT MAY BE IMPOSED FOR NONCOMPLIANCE AFTER THE RECEIPT OF SUCH A NOTICE, AND DIRECTIONS TO THE SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE TO IDENTIFY "RENTAL BY OWNER" WEBSITES ADVERTISING TOURISTS RENTALS AND REQUEST THEM TO POST ON THE WEBSITES A STATEMENT REGARDING THE LEGAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE OWNERS OF PROPERTY IN THIS STATE LISTED ON THE WEBSITE, TO PAY ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL AND STATE TAXES AND FEES WITH RESPECT TO SUCH RENTALS; AND TO AMEND SECTIONS 6-1- 120, 12-54-240, AS AMENDED, AND 12-4-310, RELATING RESPECTIVELY TO THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF LOCAL AND STATE TAX DATA AND EXCEPTIONS THERETO, AND THE</p><p>76 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 DUTIES OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, SO AS TO CONFORM THEM TO THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT.</p><p>Rep. WHITE explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 94; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bedingfield Bernstein Bowen Branham Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Burns Clemmons Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Dillard Douglas Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Huggins Jefferson Knight Limehouse Loftis Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Mitchell D. C. Moss Murphy Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Ryhal Sabb Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells Whipper White Williams Willis</p><p>77 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Wood</p><p>Total--94</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>The Senate Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill having received three readings in both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act, and that it be enrolled for ratification.</p><p>S. 825--NONCONCURRENCE IN SENATE AMENDMENTS On the motion of Rep. WHITE, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>S. 825 -- Senators Alexander and Davis: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING SECTION 3-1-40 SO AS TO EXEMPT FROM AD VALOREM TAXATION ANY REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN A MILITARY BASE OR INSTALLATION THAT IS USED OR OWNED BY THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES AND IS USED AS MILITARY HOUSING FOR MILITARY AFFILIATED PERSONNEL AND THEIR FAMILIES EVEN IF THE REAL PROPERTY IS IMPROVED, MAINTAINED, OR LEASED TO A PARTY THAT WOULD OTHERWISE SUBJECT THE REAL PROPERTY TO TAX, SO LONG AS THERE IS A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT REQUIRING THE LESSEE TO USE THE PROPERTY FOR MILITARY HOUSING.</p><p>Rep. WHITE explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 0; Nays 102</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are: Alexander Allison Anderson</p><p>78 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Bedingfield Bernstein Bowen Branham Brannon G. A. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Delleney Dillard Douglas Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hardee Hardwick Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Howard Huggins Jefferson Kennedy Knight Limehouse Loftis Long Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Mitchell D. C. Moss Murphy Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Rivers Robinson-Simpson Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells White Whitmire Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--102</p><p>The House refused to agree to the Senate Amendments and a message was ordered sent accordingly.</p><p>79 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 S. 176--SENATE AMENDMENTS CONCURRED IN AND BILL ENROLLED On the motion of Rep. BANNISTER, the Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for immediate consideration: </p><p>S. 176 -- Senator Young: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 22-3- 1000 OF THE 1976 CODE, RELATING TO THE TIME FOR A MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL AND APPEAL IN MAGISTRATES COURT, TO INCREASE THE TIME PERIOD IN WHICH A MOTION FOR A NEW TRIAL MAY BE MADE FROM FIVE TO TEN DAYS.</p><p>Rep. BANNISTER explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 98; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Alexander Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bedingfield Bernstein Bowen Branham Brannon G. A. Brown Burns Chumley Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Dillard Douglas Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hamilton Hardee Harrell Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Howard Jefferson Kennedy Knight Limehouse Long Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Mitchell D. C. Moss Murphy Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pope</p><p>80 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Quinn Ridgeway Riley Rivers Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells Whipper White Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--98</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>The Senate Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill having received three readings in both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act, and that it be enrolled for ratification.</p><p>H. 4265--ORDERED TO THIRD READING The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>H. 4265 -- Reps. McCoy, Harrell and Merrill: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 5-3-310, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE PROCEDURE FOR ANNEXATION OF SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS, SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR AN ADDITIONAL METHOD OF ANNEXATION BY RESOLUTION OF A SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICT WHEN A PREEXISTING MUNICIPALITY ANNEXES A MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION OF THE DISTRICT OR WHEN A MUNICIPALITY INCORPORATES A MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION OF A DISTRICT.</p><p>Rep. MCCOY explained the Bill.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 65; Nays 20</p><p>81 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Those who voted in the affirmative are: Anderson Anthony Ballentine Bannister Bernstein Bowen Branham G. A. Brown Burns Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Douglas Erickson Finlay Funderburk Gilliard Goldfinch Hamilton Hardee Harrell Hart Hayes Herbkersman Hodges Hosey Howard Huggins Jefferson Kennedy Knight Limehouse Loftis Lowe Lucas McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Mitchell Norrell R. L. Ott Parks Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Rivers Sabb Sellers Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Wells Whipper Williams Willis</p><p>Total--65</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are: Allison Atwater Bedingfield Brannon Chumley Cole Delleney Felder Forrester Horne Long D. C. Moss Murphy Norman Simrill Stringer Tallon Toole Whitmire Wood</p><p>Total--20</p><p>So, the Bill was read the second time and ordered to third reading. </p><p>82 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 S. 840--ORDERED TO THIRD READING The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>S. 840 -- Senator Bryant: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 44-53- 1640, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE SUBMISSION OF CERTAIN INFORMATION BY DISPENSERS AS PART OF THE STATE PRESCRIPTION MONITORING PROGRAM, SO AS TO REVISE THE MANNER OF SUBMISSION; AND TO AMEND SECTION 44-53-1650, RELATING TO CONFIDENTIALITY AND RELEASE OF DATA FROM THE STATE PRESCRIPTION MONITORING PROGRAM, SO AS TO REQUIRE A COURT ORDER FOR THE RELEASE OF CERTAIN INFORMATION FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION PURPOSES, AND TO REQUIRE A COURT ORDER TO RELEASE INFORMATION TO CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS WHEN THE REQUEST IS FOR SYSTEM DATA MAINTAINED FOR LONGER THAN ONE YEAR.</p><p>Rep. HORNE explained the Bill.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 105; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Alexander Allison Anderson Anthony Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bedingfield Bernstein Bowen Branham Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Dillard Douglas Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hardee Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Huggins Jefferson Kennedy</p><p>83 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Knight Limehouse Loftis Long Lowe Lucas Mack McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Mitchell D. C. Moss Murphy Newton Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Rivers Robinson-Simpson Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells Whipper White Whitmire Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--105</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>So, the Bill was read the second time and ordered to third reading. </p><p>R. 201, H. 5024--MOTION TO RECONSIDER TABLED Debate was resumed on the following Act, the pending question being the motion of Rep. QUINN to reconsider the vote whereby the House sustained the Veto on R. 201, H. 5024:</p><p>(R. 201) H. 5024 -- Rep. Sellers: AN ACT TO ALLOW THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF DENMARK-OLAR SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 IN BAMBERG COUNTY TO IMPOSE A CAPITAL MILLAGE TO PROVIDE SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN THE DISTRICT, INCLUDING ANY ASSOCIATED LEASE PAYMENTS, AND TO MAKE FINDINGS THAT ILLUSTRATE THE UNIQUE ISSUES FACING THE DISTRICT. </p><p>84 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Rep. SELLERS moved to adjourn debate on the motion to reconsider until Tuesday, June 17.</p><p>Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD moved to table the motion to adjourn debate until Tuesday, June 17, which was agreed to by a division vote of 49 to 43.</p><p>Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD moved to table the motion to reconsider.</p><p>Rep. QUINN demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows: Yeas 62; Nays 42</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Allison Atwater Ballentine Bannister Bedingfield Bowen Burns Chumley Clemmons Cole K. R. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell Harrell Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Horne Huggins Kennedy Limehouse Loftis Long Lowe Lucas McCoy Merrill D. C. Moss Murphy Newton Norman Owens Pitts Pope Quinn Riley Rivers Ryhal Sandifer Simrill G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Southard Stringer Tallon Taylor Thayer Toole Wells Whitmire Willis Wood</p><p>Total--62</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are: Alexander Anderson Anthony Barfield Bernstein Branham</p><p>85 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Dillard Douglas George Gilliard Govan Hart Hayes Hodges Hosey Howard Jefferson King Knight Mack McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Mitchell Norrell R. L. Ott Parks Ridgeway Sabb Sellers Skelton J. E. Smith Spires Stavrinakis Weeks Whipper Williams</p><p>Total--42</p><p>So, the motion to reconsider was tabled.</p><p>OBJECTION TO RECALL Rep. POPE asked unanimous consent to recall S. 268 from the Committee on Judiciary. Rep. SELLERS objected.</p><p>OBJECTION TO RECALL Rep. SKELTON asked unanimous consent to recall H. 3498 from the Committee on Ways and Means. Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD objected.</p><p>OBJECTION TO RECALL Rep. BRANNON asked unanimous consent to recall S. 375 from the Committee on Judiciary. Rep. THAYER objected.</p><p>OBJECTION TO RECALL Rep. SKELTON asked unanimous consent to recall H. 3498 from the Committee on Ways and Means. Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD objected.</p><p>OBJECTION TO RECALL Rep. HART asked unanimous consent to recall H. 3341 from the Committee on Ways and Means. Rep. WHITE objected.</p><p>86 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 H. 4701--DEBATE ADJOURNED The Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for consideration: </p><p>H. 4701 -- Ways and Means Committee: A BILL TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS AND TO PROVIDE REVENUES TO MEET THE ORDINARY EXPENSES OF STATE GOVERNMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2014, TO REGULATE THE EXPENDITURE OF SUCH FUNDS, AND TO FURTHER PROVIDE FOR THE OPERATION OF STATE GOVERNMENT DURING THIS FISCAL YEAR AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES.</p><p>Rep. WHITE moved to adjourn debate upon the Senate Amendments until Wednesday, June 4, which was agreed to.</p><p>H. 4702--DEBATE ADJOURNED The Senate Amendments to the following Joint Resolution were taken up for consideration: </p><p>H. 4702 -- Ways and Means Committee: A JOINT RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE MONIES FROM THE CAPITAL RESERVE FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014, AND TO ALLOW UNEXPENDED FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO BE CARRIED FORWARD TO SUCCEEDING FISCAL YEARS AND EXPENDED FOR THE SAME PURPOSES.</p><p>Rep. WHITE moved to adjourn debate upon the Senate Amendments until Wednesday, June 4, which was agreed to.</p><p>H. 4603--POINT OF ORDER The Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for consideration: </p><p>H. 4603 -- Reps. Sottile, Harrell, Goldfinch, Crosby, McCoy, Erickson, Murphy, Stavrinakis, Bowen and Forrester: A JOINT RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL TO ISSUE OR APPROVE ORDERS ALLOWING SAND SCRAPING AND SANDBAGGING FOR THE PROTECTION OF GOLF COURSES.</p><p>87 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 POINT OF ORDER Rep. FINLAY made the Point of Order that the Senate Amendments were improperly before the House for consideration since its number and title have not been printed in the House Calendar at least one statewide legislative day prior to such reading. The SPEAKER sustained the Point of Order. </p><p>H. 4550--SENATE AMENDMENTS CONCURRED IN AND BILL ENROLLED The Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for consideration: </p><p>H. 4550 -- Rep. Parks: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 40-35-20, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO DEFINITIONS CONCERNING LONG TERM HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATORS, SO AS TO REVISE AND ADD NECESSARY DEFINITIONS; TO AMEND SECTION 40-35-40, RELATING TO THE LICENSURE OF LONG TERM HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATORS, SO AS TO REVISE LICENSURE CRITERIA; AND TO AMEND SECTION 40-35-200, RELATING TO THE PROHIBITION AGAINST A PERSON ACTING OR SERVING IN THE CAPACITY OF A NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATOR OR RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY ADMINISTRATOR WITHOUT A LICENSE, SO AS TO MAKE A CONFORMING CHANGE.</p><p>Rep. SPIRES explained the Senate Amendments.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 103; Nays 0</p><p>Those who voted in the affirmative are: Alexander Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Bedingfield Bernstein Bowen Branham Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Crosby Delleney Dillard Douglas Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester</p><p>88 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hamilton Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Huggins Jefferson Kennedy Knight Limehouse Loftis Long Lowe Lucas Mack McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Merrill Mitchell D. C. Moss Murphy Norman Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Ridgeway Riley Rivers Robinson-Simpson Rutherford Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Taylor Thayer Toole Weeks Wells Whipper White Whitmire Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--103</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>The Senate Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill having received three readings in both Houses, it was ordered that the title be changed to that of an Act, and that it be enrolled for ratification.</p><p>H. 3361--SENATE AMENDMENTS AMENDED AND RETURNED TO THE SENATE The Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for consideration: </p><p>89 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 H. 3361 -- Reps. Cobb-Hunter, Long, Weeks and R. L. Brown: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 20-4-60, AS AMENDED, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO AN ORDER FOR PROTECTION FROM DOMESTIC ABUSE, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT THE COURT MAY PROHIBIT HARM OR HARASSMENT TO A PET ANIMAL OWNED, POSSESSED, KEPT, OR HELD BY THE PETITIONER AND TO PROVIDE THAT IN ORDERING TEMPORARY POSSESSION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY, THE COURT MAY ORDER THE TEMPORARY POSSESSION OF PET ANIMALS.</p><p>Rep. DELLENEY proposed the following Amendment No. 1A to H. 3361 (COUNCIL\MS\3361C001.MS.AHB14), which was adopted: Amend the bill, as and if amended, by deleting SECTION 5 in its entirety and inserting: / SECTION 5. Section 471140 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 367 of 1998, is further amended to read: “Section 471140. The person law enforcement officer making the arrest, with or without warrant, shall use reasonable diligence to give notice to the owner of the animals found in the charge or custody of the person arrested, if the person is not the owner, and shall care and provide properly for the animals. The person law enforcement officer making such the arrest shall have a lien on the animals for the expense of such care and provision unless the charge is dismissed or nol prossed or the person is found not guilty, then the lien is extinguished. the lien also may be extinguished by an agreement between the person charged and the prosecuting agency or the law enforcement agency in custody of the animal. But if such person making the arrest be an agent of the South Carolina Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or other society incorporated for that purpose, the provisions of Section 471120 shall apply in lieu of the provisions of this section. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an animal may be seized preceding an arrest and pursuant to Section 471150.” / Renumber sections to conform. Amend title to conform.</p><p>Rep. DELLENEY explained the amendment.</p><p>The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 95; Nays 0</p><p>90 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Those who voted in the affirmative are: Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bedingfield Bernstein Bowen Branham Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Burns Chumley Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford K. R. Crawford Daning Delleney Dillard Douglas Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Goldfinch Govan Hamilton Harrell Hart Hayes Henderson Herbkersman Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Huggins Jefferson Knight Limehouse Loftis Long Lucas Mack McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Merrill Mitchell D. C. Moss Murphy Newton Norman Norrell Owens Parks Pope Ridgeway Riley Rivers Rutherford Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith G. R. Smith J. E. Smith J. R. Smith Sottile Spires Stavrinakis Stringer Tallon Taylor Toole Weeks Wells Whitmire Williams Willis Wood</p><p>Total--95</p><p>Those who voted in the negative are:</p><p>Total--0</p><p>The amendment was then adopted.</p><p>91 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 The Senate Amendments were amended, and the Bill was ordered returned to the Senate.</p><p>H. 5335--ADOPTED AND SENT TO SENATE The following Concurrent Resolution was taken up: </p><p>H. 5335 -- Reps. Harrell, Sandifer, Hardwick, Stavrinakis, Bannister, Delleney, Lucas, Owens and White: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO URGE MEMBERS OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION TO SUPPORT LEGISLATION REAUTHORIZING THE EXPORT-IMPORT BANK FOR AN ADDITIONAL FIVE YEARS BECAUSE FAILURE TO DO SO WOULD CREATE AN ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE FUTURE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF SOUTH CAROLINA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.</p><p>The Concurrent Resolution was adopted and sent to the Senate.</p><p>MOTION PERIOD The motion period was dispensed with on motion of Rep. SOTTILE.</p><p>H. 5126--DEBATE ADJOURNED The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>H. 5126 -- Reps. Tallon, Allison, Patrick, Burns, Atwater, Bannister, Chumley, Erickson, Forrester, Gagnon, Hardee, Loftis, D. C. Moss, Norrell and Ryhal: A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING SECTION 24-13-180 SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT ANY PUBLIC, PRIVATE, OR NONPROFIT ENTITY WHICH IS ENGAGED IN HELPING TO REHABILITATE AND REINTRODUCE PAROLED PRISON INMATES INTO THE COMMUNITY AND WHICH AS A PART OF ITS PROGRAM PROVIDES RESIDENTIAL HOUSING IN THE COMMUNITY TO THESE PAROLEES MUST PROVIDE NOTICE IN A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN THE COMMUNITY OF THE ADDRESSES WHERE THESE RESIDENTIAL HOUSING FACILITIES WILL BE LOCATED, AND ALSO MUST CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE PROGRAM AND THE LOCATION OF THESE RESIDENTIAL HOUSING FACILITIES IN THE COMMUNITY WHERE THEY WILL BE LOCATED.</p><p>92 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Rep. TALLON moved to adjourn debate on the Bill until Wednesday, June 4, which was agreed to.</p><p>LEAVE OF ABSENCE The SPEAKER granted Rep. MURPHY a leave of absence for the remainder of the day. </p><p>S. 275—AMENDED AND INTERRUPTED DEBATE The following Bill was taken up:</p><p>S. 275 -- Senators L. Martin, Hembree and Malloy: A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 23-1-210, AS AMENDED, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE TEMPORARY TRANSFER OR ASSIGNMENT OF A MUNICIPAL OR COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER TO A MULTIJURISDICTIONAL TASK FORCE, SO AS TO MAKE A TECHNICAL CHANGE, DELETE THE PROVISION THAT REQUIRES A COUNTY OR MUNICIPALITY THAT SENDS AN OFFICER TO ANOTHER COUNTY OR MUNICIPALITY TO BE REIMBURSED FOR SERVICES BY THE COUNTY OR MUNICIPALITY TO WHICH THE OFFICER IS TRANSFERRED OR ASSIGNED, AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE GOVERNING BODIES OF THE POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS AFFECTED BY THIS PROVISION MUST BE NOTIFIED BY THEIR LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISIONS OF ANY MULTIJURISDICTIONAL TASK FORCE AGREEMENT EXECUTION AND TERMINATION.</p><p>The Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs proposed the following Amendment No. 1 to S. 275 (COUNCIL\SWB\275C001.SWB.CM14): Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting: / SECTION 1. Section 231210 of the 1976 Code is amended to read: “Section 231210. (A) Any municipal or county law enforcement officer may be transferred or assigned on a temporary basis to work in law enforcement within multijurisdictional task forces established for the mutual aid and benefit of the participating jurisdictions, or in any other municipality or county in this State under the conditions set forth in this section, and when so transferred or assigned shall have all powers and authority of a law enforcement</p><p>93 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 officer employed by the jurisdiction to which he is transferred or assigned. (B) Prior to any transfer or assignment as authorized in subsection (A), the concerned municipalities or counties political subdivisions, or agencies, as appropriate, shall enter into written agreements stating the conditions and terms of the temporary employment of officers to be transferred or assigned. A political subdivision is not required to enter into an agreement under this section. Any agreement entered into by a political subdivision must be in writing and may be approved by resolution or by ordinance. The bond for any officer transferred or assigned shall include coverage for his activity in the municipality or county to which he is transferred or assigned in the same manner and to the same extent provided by bonds of regularly employed officers of that municipality or county. (C) Agreements made pursuant to subsection (B) shall provide that temporary transfers or assignments shall in no manner affect or reduce the compensation, pension, or retirement rights of transferred or assigned officers and such officers shall continue to be paid by the county or municipality where they are permanently employed, with the sending county or municipality being reimbursed for their services by the county or municipality to which they are transferred or assigned. (D) The respective governing bodies of the political subdivisions, where each of the law enforcement agencies entering into the agreement authorized in subsection (A) are located, must be notified by its agency of the agreement’s execution and termination. The notification must be in writing and accomplished within seventytwo hours of the agreement’s execution and within seventytwo hours of the agreement’s termination.” SECTION 2. Section 231215(A) of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 3 of 2007, is further amended to read: “(A) In the event of a crime or crimes that have occurred where multiple jurisdictions, either county or municipal, are involved and exigent circumstances exist, law enforcement officers are authorized to exercise jurisdiction within other counties or municipalities for the purpose of criminal investigations only if a written agreement between or among the law enforcement agencies involved has been executed. This limitation on law enforcement activity shall not apply to any activity authorized by Section 171340.” SECTION 3. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor. / Renumber sections to conform. Amend title to conform.</p><p>94 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Rep. JEFFERSON moved to adjourn debate on the amendment, which was agreed to. </p><p>Rep. RYHAL proposed the following Amendment No. 2 to S. 275 (COUNCIL\SWB\275C002.SWB.CM14), which was adopted: Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting: / SECTION 1. Section 231210 of the 1976 Code is amended to read: “Section 231210. (A) Any municipal or county law enforcement officer may be transferred or assigned on a temporary basis to work in law enforcement within multijurisdictional task forces established for the mutual aid and benefit of the participating jurisdictions, or in any other municipality or county in this State under the conditions set forth in this section, and when so transferred or assigned shall have all powers and authority of a law enforcement officer employed by the jurisdiction to which he is transferred or assigned. (B) Prior to any transfer or assignment as authorized in subsection (A), the concerned municipalities or counties political subdivisions, or agencies, as appropriate, shall enter into written agreements stating the conditions and terms of the temporary employment of officers to be transferred or assigned. A political subdivision is not required to enter into an agreement under this section. Any agreement entered into by a political subdivision must be in writing and may be approved by resolution or by ordinance. The bond for any officer transferred or assigned shall include coverage for his activity in the municipality or county to which he is transferred or assigned in the same manner and to the same extent provided by bonds of regularly employed officers of that municipality or county. (C) Agreements made pursuant to subsection (B) shall provide that temporary transfers or assignments shall in no manner affect or reduce the compensation, pension, or retirement rights of transferred or assigned officers and such officers shall continue to be paid by the county or municipality where they are permanently employed, with the sending county or municipality being reimbursed for their services by the county or municipality to which they are transferred or assigned. (D) The respective governing bodies of the political subdivisions, where each of the law enforcement agencies entering into the agreement authorized in subsection (A) are located, must be notified by its agency of the agreement’s execution and termination. The</p><p>95 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 notification must be in writing and accomplished within seventytwo hours of the agreement’s execution and within seventytwo hours of the agreement’s termination.” SECTION 2. Section 231215(A) of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 3 of 2007, is further amended to read: “(A) In the event of a crime or crimes that have occurred where multiple jurisdictions, either county or municipal, are involved and exigent circumstances exist, law enforcement officers are authorized to exercise jurisdiction within other counties or municipalities for the purpose of criminal investigations only if a written agreement between or among the law enforcement agencies involved has been executed. This limitation on law enforcement activity shall not apply to any activity authorized by Section 171340.” SECTION 3. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor. / Renumber sections to conform. Amend title to conform.</p><p>Rep. RYHAL explained the amendment. The amendment was then adopted.</p><p>Rep. BRANNON proposed the following Amendment No. 3 to S. 275 (COUNCIL\GGS\275C001.GGS.ZW14): Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting: / SECTION 1. Section 231210 of the 1976 Code is amended to read: “Section 231210. (A) Any municipal or county law enforcement officer may be transferred or assigned on a temporary basis to work in law enforcement within multijurisdictional task forces established for the mutual aid and benefit of the participating jurisdictions, or in any other municipality or county in this State under the conditions set forth in this section, and when so transferred or assigned shall have all powers and authority of a law enforcement officer employed by the jurisdiction to which he is transferred or assigned. (B) Prior to any transfer or assignment as authorized in subsection (A), the concerned municipalities, or counties, or agencies, as appropriate, shall enter into written agreements stating the conditions and terms of the temporary employment of officers to be transferred or assigned. An agreement entered into pursuant to this section must be approved by resolution of the governing body of the</p><p>96 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 appropriate county or municipality. The bond for any officer transferred or assigned shall include coverage for his activity in the municipality or county to which he is transferred or assigned in the same manner and to the same extent provided by bonds of regularly employed officers of that municipality or county. (C) Agreements made pursuant to subsection (B) shall provide that temporary transfers or assignments shall in no manner affect or reduce the compensation, pension, or retirement rights of transferred or assigned officers and such officers shall continue to be paid by the county or municipality where they are permanently employed, with the sending county or municipality being reimbursed for their services by the county or municipality to which they are transferred or assigned.” SECTION 2. Section 231215(A) of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 3 of 2007, is further amended to read: “(A) In the event of a crime or crimes that have occurred where multiple jurisdictions, either county or municipal, are involved, and exigent circumstances exist, law enforcement officers are authorized to exercise jurisdiction within other counties or municipalities for the purpose of criminal investigations only if a written agreement between or among the law enforcement agencies involved has been executed. This limitation on law enforcement activity shall not apply to any activity authorized by Section 171340.” SECTION 3. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor. / Renumber sections to conform. Amend title to conform.</p><p>Rep. BRANNON explained the amendment.</p><p>Rep. BRANNON spoke in favor of the amendment. Rep. QUINN spoke against the amendment. Rep. QUINN spoke against the amendment.</p><p>Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD moved that the House do now adjourn, which was agreed to.</p><p>Further proceedings were interrupted by adjournment, the pending question being consideration of Amendment No. 3.</p><p>97 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 RETURNED WITH CONCURRENCE The Senate returned to the House with concurrence the following:</p><p>H. 5282 -- Rep. Harrell: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE THAT PURSUANT TO SECTION 9, ARTICLE III, OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THIS STATE, 1895, WHEN THE RESPECTIVE HOUSES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ADJOURN ON THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014, NOT LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., OR ANYTIME EARLIER, EACH HOUSE SHALL STAND ADJOURNED TO MEET IN STATEWIDE SESSION AT 12:00 NOON ON TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2014, AND CONTINUE IN STATEWIDE SESSION, IF NECESSARY, UNTIL NOT LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. ON THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014, FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF CERTAIN SPECIFIED MATTERS, AND TO PROVIDE THAT WHEN THE RESPECTIVE HOUSES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ADJOURN NOT LATER THAN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014, THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SHALL STAND ADJOURNED SINE DIE.</p><p>H. 5338 -- Reps. D. C. Moss, Tallon and V. S. Moss: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR THE LIMESTONE COLLEGE MEN'S LACROSSE TEAM, COACHES, AND COLLEGE OFFICIALS FOR AN OUTSTANDING SEASON AND TO CONGRATULATE THEM FOR WINNING THE 2014 NCAA DIVISION II CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE.</p><p>H. 5328 -- Reps. H. A. Crawford, Clemmons, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford,</p><p>98 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND HONOR THE WORK OF THE VETERANS CAFÉ AND GRILLE IN HORRY COUNTY AND TO COMMEND THE OUTSTANDING SERVICE THAT LOU "MASH" MASCHERINO AND RHONDA MASCHERINO PROVIDE TO ASSIST VETERANS IN THE PALMETTO STATE AND TO PROMOTE THE HISTORY OF OUR MILITARY.</p><p>H. 5333 -- Reps. Funderburk, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, R. L. Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO HONOR AND RECOGNIZE ROSALIND WATSON FOR HER SERVICE AS DIRECTOR OF KERSHAW COUNTY VOTER REGISTRATION AND ELECTIONS, TO CONGRATULATE HER ON THE OCCASION OF HER RETIREMENT, AND TO WISH HER WELL IN HER FUTURE ENDEAVORS.</p><p>H. 5327 -- Reps. Quinn, Atwater, Ballentine, Bingham, Huggins, Kennedy, R. L. Ott, Spires, Toole, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Bales, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns,</p><p>99 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Jefferson, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Norrell, Pope, Putnam, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE WARMEST THANKS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO HARRY THOMPSON "TOM" CONE OF LEXINGTON UPON HIS RETIREMENT FROM THE SOUTH CAROLINA LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL AFTER AN EXEMPLARY CAREER SPANNING MORE THAN FOUR DECADES AND TO EXPRESS GRATITUDE FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS, WHICH HAVE BROUGHT DESERVED CREDIT NOT ONLY UPON HIMSELF BUT ALSO UPON THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY.</p><p>ADJOURNMENT At 4:59 p.m. the House, in accordance with the motion of Rep. SPIRES, adjourned in memory of Virginia Dunn of Pelion, to meet at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. ***</p><p>100</p>
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