No. of Papers in ISI Journals 62

No. of Papers in ISI Journals 62

<p> Publications Ezzat Raeisi </p><p>No. of papers in ISI Journals 62 No. of papers in National Journals 3 No. of published books 7 No. of papers in International Conferences 42 No. of papers in National Conferences 106</p><p>I. Published Papers in International Journals:</p><p>1. Effect of irrigation regimes on barley yield and yield components. Iranian J. Agri. Res., Vol. 2, (1976). 2. Effect of soil matric and seeding depth on emergence of barley. Agronomy J., Vol. 70, pp. 728- 731, (1978). 3. Characteristics of karst aquifer as indicated by temporal changes of the spring's physico-chemical parameters. Iranian J. of Sci. and Tech., Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 17-28 (1993). 4. Hydrochemistry of karst springs from two carbonatic units in Zagrossides of Iran. J. Sci. I. R. of Iran, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 302-307, (1993). 5. Stochastic synthesis of droughts for reservoir storage design. Journal of Engineering, I. R. of Iran, Vol. 4, No. 1 (1993). 6. Modeling the stochastic behavior of Fars Rivers. J. Sci. I. R. of Iran, Vol. 5. N0. 1 and 2, (1994). 7. The effect of evaporitic formation on the quality of karst water. Iranian J. of Sci. and Tech., Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 91-103 (1993). 8. Hydrodynamic behavior of caves formed in the Fresh-Water lens of carbonate Islands. Carbonates and Evaporites, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 207-214 (1995). 9. Contamination of the Konar Siah karst springs by salt dome. International journal of Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 37-44, (1996). 10. The governing factors of the physical and hydrochemical characteristics of karst springs. Carbonate and Evaporite, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 162-168 (1996). 11. Hydrochemical behavior of karst and evaporite formations surrounding Sarvestan plain. Theoretical and Applied Karstology , Vol. 9, pp. 165-174, (1996). 12. Development of Shahpour Cave, southern Iran. Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 24, No. 1, (1997). !3. Hydrodynamic of Berghan karst spring as indicators of aquifer characteristics. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. Vol. 59, No. 3 (1997). 14. A system performance evaluation of the Gooyom Floodwater Spreading Project. Iranian J. of Sci. and Tech. , Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 169-184 (1998). 15. Evaluation of Artificial Groundwater Recharge Project, Iran. Iranian J. of Sci. and Tech. Vol.22, No.4, Transaction A, (1998). 16. Application of dye tracing for determining characteristics of Sheshpeer karst spring. Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Vol. 11-12, pp. 109-118, (1999). 17. Study the sources of salinity in the Gomban karst spring. Carbonates and Evaporite, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 115-120, (2000). 19. Darab Salt Dome. Acte Carsologica, Vol. 31/1, (2002). 20. Hydrodynamic Behavior of the Gilan Karst Spring, West of the Zagros, Iran. Journal of Cave and Karst Science. Vol. 30 No. 1, pp 15-22, (2003) 21. Reactive Transport Modeling of Calcite Dissolution in the Salt Water Mixing Zone. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 311/1-4, pp 298-398 (2004). 22. Characteristics the main karst aquifers of the Alvand Basin, Northwest of Zagros, Iran, by a hydrogeochemical approach. Journal of Hydrogeolgy. Vol. 13:787-799 (2005). 23. Physicochemical time series of karst spring as a tool to differentiate the source of spring water. Carbonates and Evaporites. Vol. 20, No. 2 pp. 138-147 (2005). 24. Influences of Anticlinal structures on Regional flow, Zagros, Iran.. Journal of Caves and Karst Studies. Vol. 68, No. 3, pp. 119-127 ( 2006) 25. Evidence of karst from behaviour of Asmari limestone aquifer at the Khersan 3 dam site, South of Iran. Hydrological Sciences Journal. Vol. 52, No. 1, pp 206-220 ( Feb. 2007). 26. Method of leakage study at the karst dam site a case study: Khersan 3 dam, Iran. Environmental Geology, Vol. 52 pp.1053-1065 (2007). 27. A dye tracing test as an aid to studying karst development at an artesian limestone sub-aquifer: Zagros Zone, Iran. Environmental Geology, Vol. 52, pp. 587-594 (2007). 28. Potential Leakage at the Khersan 3 dam site, Iran, a hydrogeological approach. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Enviroment, Vol. 66 pp 269-278 (2007). 29. Effects of Partial and Full Pipe Flow on Hydrochemographs of Logsdon River, Mammoth Cave Kentucky USA. Journal of Hydrology, vol. 337, No. 1-2, pp. 1-10 (2007). 9 ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles, 2007) 30. Hydrogeological Uncertainity in delineation of leakage at karst dam sites, Zagros Region, Iran. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, Vol. 69, no. 3, p. 305-317. (2007). 31. Groundwater Storage Calculation in Karst Aquifers with Alluvium or No-flow boundaries, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, Vol. 63, No. 3 (2008) 32, Lithological control on water chemistry in karst aquifers of the Zagros Range, Iran. Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2007. 33. Karst development and hydrogeology of Konarsiah salt diapir, south of Iran. Carbonates and Evaporites, Vol. 25, p. 217-229. (2010). 34. Conceptual modelling of brine flow into aquifers adjacent to the Konarsiah salt diapir, Iran. Journal of Cave and Karst Science CAVE AND KARST SCIENCE, Transactions of the British Cave Research Association Vol. 37, No.2, ( 2010) 35. Time series analysis of irrigation return flow in a semi_arid agricultural region, Iran. Archieves of Agronomy and Soil Science, Vol. 58, No. 6, (2012). 36. Karst Development on mobile substrate : Konarsiah salt extrusion, Iran. Geological Magazine, Cambridge University Press. Volume 149, Issue 03, May 2012, pp 412-422 37. Water leakage paths in the Doosti Dam, Turkmenistan and Iran. Environmental Earth Sciences Vol. 65 PP 103-1017, 2012. 38. Hydrochemical Characteristics of Irrigation Return Flow in Semi-arid Regions of Iran. Hydrological Sciences Journal. Vol 57 (1), 2012. 39. Field-Scale Modeling of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (BTEX) Released from Multiple Source Zones. Bioremediation Journal. Vol 16 (3) , pp 156-176, 2012. 40. Interaction of a fresh water lake and a karstic spring via a syncline fold. Groundwater. Vol. 51, No. 2 pp. 305–312. (2013) 41. The Karun River waters in the Ambal ridge region (Zagros mountain Range, southwestern Iran): mixing calculation and hydrogeological implications. Carbonates and Evaporites. Volume 27, Issue 3-4, pp 251-267 (2012) 42. Hydogeology of gypsum formations in Iran, Journal of Cave amd Karst Studies, v. 75, no. 1, p. 68– 80. DOI: 10.4311/2011ES0234 (2013). 43 . Hydrogeology of non-salt Gachsaran Formation in Iran: an example from the Zagros Range -Tangsorkh Valley. Carbonates and Evaporite, Volume 28, pp. 309-319 (2013),</p><p>44. Subsurface LNAPL source determination using trimethylcyclopentane and trimethylcyclohexane isomer ratios. Environmental Forensics Journal ( Vol. 14 No.1, 2013.). 45. Identifying sources of salinization using hydrochemical and isotopic techniques, Konarsiah, Iran". Environmental Earth Science. Volume 70, Issue 2 (2013), Page 587-604</p><p>(DOI: 10.1007/s12665-012-2143-8) 46. Effect of extreme floods on the archaeological sites of Persepolis and Naghsh-e-Rostam, Iran. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE. Vol. 28, 502-510. (2014) 47. Chemical evolution of a gas-capped deep aquifer, Southwest of Iran. Environmental Earth sciences. Volume 71, no. 7, P 3171-3180 (2014), 48. The impact of salt diapirs on the quality of carbonate karst waters, Bastak, Iran Environmental Earth Sciences. Ms. No. ENGE-D-13-00017R1(published online) 49. Hydrodynamic Behavior of Kangan Gas-Capped Deep Confined Aquifer in Iran Environmental Earth Sciences. Vol. 71, p 1925- 1936 (2014) 50. Origin of brine in the Kangan Gas field: Isotopic and hydrogeochemical approaches. Environmental Earth Sciences. 72:1055–1072. (2014) 51. Hydrochemical and isotopic (δ18O, δ2H, 87Sr/86Sr, δ37Cl and δ81Br) evidence for the origin of saline formation water in a gas reservoir. Chemical Geology. Vol . 384, P. 62–75 (2014)</p><p>52. Hydrogeochemical characterization of major factors affecting the quality of groundwater in southern Iran, Janah Plain. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry. Vol. 74, pp 671-680 2014 53. Estimation of groundwater mean residence time in unconfined karst aquifers using recession curves. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. v. 77, no. 2, p. 108–119. DOI: 10.4311/2014ES0106. 54. Large problems in dams builts in evaporates, Case of La Laleta Dam (NE Spain), A reservoir in large karstic depression generated by interestratal salt dissolution. Engineering Geology. 185, pp 139-154 (2014). 55. Sinkhole susceptibility mapping using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and magnitude-frequency relationships: A case study in Hamadan province, Iran. Geomorphology. 234, pp 64-79 (2015) 56. 2015 Understanding karst leakage at the Kowsar dam, Iran, by hydrogeological analysis. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience. Vol 21, No.3 (2015) 57. Climate change in a region with altitude differences and with precipitation from various sources, South-Central Iran. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-015-1433-y. Theoretical and Applied Climatology . (in press). 58. How subaerial salt extrusions influence water quality in adjacent auifers Journal of Hydrology. Vol.531, p. 1108-1113 (2015). Razieh Mehdizadeh, Mehdi Zarei, Ezzat Raeisi 59. The influence of diapir brine on groundwater quality of surrounding aquifers, Larestan, Iran . Environmental Earth sciences. Esmaeil Nekouei · Mehdi Zarei · Ezzat Raeisi, 75 (571). 2016. 60. The impact of halite dissolution of salt diapirs on surface and ground water under climate change, South-Central Iran. Environmental Earth sciences. 75(8), 1-13. 2016. DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5525-5 (Naderi, M., Raeisi, E., Zarei, M). 61. A new method to estimate annual and event-based recharge coefficient in karst; Case Study: Sheshpeer Karst Aquifer, South-central Iran. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies ) in Press). 62. Salman Farsi Dam reservoir, a successful project on a karstified foundation, SW Iran, Environmental Earth Sciences 75(12). 2016</p><p>. J. Journal </p><p>Persian Papers: 62.زارعی، مه��دی، رئیس��ی ع�زت ا. 1392. ن�رخ انحلل گنب��د نمک��ی در جن��وب ای��ران، گنب��د نمکی کنار سیاه، فیروزآباد. فصلنامه زمین شناسی ایران، شماره 26، ص 55-45. 63. اثر محل دفن زباله شهرستان داراب بر آلودگی آبه�ای زی�ر زمین�ی. فص�لنامه زمی�ن شناس�ی ایران (زیرچاپ). </p><p>II. Books 1. Cave Directory of Iran. Berliner Hohlenkundliche Berichte, ISSN 1617-8572, Berlin 2003 2. Iran cave and karst in Encyclopedia of Cave and Karst, Editor John Gunn, Fitzroy Dearborn, New York. (2004) 3. Sheshpeer Spring, Iran. In Groundwater Hydrology Springs. Editor Neven Kresic and Zoran Stanovich. Elsveir (2009)</p><p>4. Iran and Iraq karst springs. In Groundwater Hydrology Springs. Editor Neven Kresic and Zoran Stanovich. Elsveir (2009) 5. Raeisi, E and M. Laumanns: Iran Cave Directory. 2nd edition. Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte: pp 143, (2009). 6. Editor of Geology, Hydrogeology and Engineering of Karst Resource of Iran. Proceeding of the First Iranian National Conference on Applied Research in Water Resources, Kermanshah, Iran, pp. 391, 2010 7. Raeisi, E, Ghazy, S. and M. Laumanns: Iran Cave Directory. 3rd Edition. Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte: pp 314, (2012).</p><p>III. Papers Presented in International Seminars 1. An evaluation of Gooyom floodwater spreading project. Proceedings of the Third International Iranian Congress of Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, May 14-18, Vol. 2, pp. 803-824, ( 1989). 2. Reservoir storage of the Ghara-Aghaj River by means of time series techniques. Proceedings of the Third International Iranian Congress of Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, May 14-18, Vol. 2, pp. 285-297, (1990). 3. The relation between electrical conductivity and ionic sums of natural water. Proceedings of the Third International Iranian Congress of Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz Iran, May 14-18, Vol. 2, pp. 695-705, (1990). 4. Hydrochemistry of karst springs from two carbonatic units in Zagrosside of Iran. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Karst Inner plate Region with Monsoon Climate, The Institute of Karst Geology, China, July 7 to Aug. 3, pp. 172-182, (1991). 5. Fractal characteristics of karst geomorphology. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Karst of Inner Plate Region with Monsoon Climate, Institute of Karst Geology, Guilin, China, July 7-Aug. 3, pp. 183-187, (1991). 6. Interrelationship of groundwater quality with time and type of flow in Seshpeer aquifer, Iran. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Groundwater and Environment, Beijing, Aug. 16-18, pp. 464-470, (1992). 8. The effect of evaporitic formations and mismanagement of utilization on the quality of karst water. 29th International Geological Congress, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 24 Sept. 3,p. 908, (1992). 9. Karst water tracing experiment with uranin in Sepidan karst region, Iran. International Symposium on Water Resources in Karst with Special Emphasis on Arid and Semi Arid Zones, Shiraz, Iran, Oct. 23-28, p. 81, (1993). 10. The effect of Kuhe-Siah Salt dome on karstic waters of Firoozabad, Iran. International Symposium on Water Resources in Karst with Special Emphasis on Arid and Semi-Arid Zones, Shiraz, Iran, Oct. 23-28, p. 36, (1993). 11. The effect of structural features on groundwater flow in folded karstic terrains. International Symposium on Water Resources in Karst with Special Emphasis on Arid and Semi Arid Zones, Shiraz, Iran, Oct. 23-28, (1993). 12. Hydrodynamic behavior of flank margin caves. Abstract of Paleokarst Field Conference Bahamas, San Salvador, pp. 14-15, Feb. 17-21, (1995). 13. Evapotranspiration from karstic mountain grassland. Abstract of International Symposium and Field Seminar on Karst Water and environment Impacts. pp. 102 Sept. 10-20, (1995). 14. Evaluation of Idje Artificial Groundwater Project, Estahban, Iran. Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Rainwater Catchment Systems. Tehran, Iran, pp. 207-219. April 25-29, (1997). 15. Application of dye-tracing and hydrochemistry in determination of the characteristics of Sheshpeer karst aquifer, XVIth Theoretical and Applied Karstology Symposium. Baile Herculane, Romania, pp. 26, May 15-19, (1998). 16. Study on the sources of salinity in Gomban karst springs. 2nd International Symposium on Karst Water Resources, Iran. pp. 37 - 38, (1998). 17. The Source of Salinity in the Korbal Aquifer, South of Iran. Proceedings of the Water 99 Joint Congress, Brisbane- Australia. pp. 1082-1087, 6-8 July, (1999). 18. Surface water budget methods applied to determine natural recharge in karstic highland regions. International Symposium and Field Seminar on Present State and Future Trends of Karst Studies. Turkey, pp. 92, Sept. 17-26, (2000). 19. Calibrating the double continuum porous equivalent model in Podeno karst aquifer, south of Iran. International Symposium and Field Seminar on Present State and Future Trends of Karst Studies. Turkey. pp. 94, Sept. 17-26 (2000). 20. Calibration method of karstic water budget in Simple Folded Region of Zagros Mountain Range. International Symposium and Field Seminar on Present State and Future Trends of Karst Studies, Turkey. pp. 109. Sept. 17-26 (2000). 21. The effect of Darab Saltdome on the quality of adjacent karstic and alluvium aquifers, south of Iran. 9th International Karstological School, Classical Karst. Postojna, Slovenia, 31 June (2001). 22. Hydrogeological Behavior of Gypsum Formation in Symareh Dam Using Dye Tracer. New Approaches Characterizing Groundwater Flow, XXXI International Association of Hydrogeologist Congress, Munich, Germany Vol. 1 pp. 1253-1256, (2001). 23. Applicability of Flow Equation in Karst Aquifer. New Approaches Characterizing Groundwater Flow, XXXI International Association of Hydrogeologist Congress, Munich, Germany Vol. 1 pp. 1323-1328, (2001). 24. Determination of groundwater evaporation using pan evaporameter data in different depth to water table and soil texture conditions. New Approaches Characterizing Groundwater Flow, XXXI International Association of Hydrogeologist Congress, Munich, Germany Vol. 1 pp. 385-389, (2001). 25. Study on the reduction of infiltration rate of Emamzadeh Jafar Artificial Recharge Project, Iran. Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability. Proceeding of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, Adelaide, South Australia, A.A. Balkema Publishers. Sept. 22-26 (2002). 26. Carbonate karst caves in Iran. Evolution of Karst, From Prekarst to Ceassion, 339-344. Ljubljana-Postojana, Slovenia, (2002). 27. Hydrochemistry of the Shir-Kuh granitoid hard rock aquifer, Iran, Part 1: Spatial and temporal Variations. Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Prague, Czech Republic; Krasny-Hrkal-Bruthans pp. 229-230 (2003). 28. Hydrochemistry of the Shir-Kuh granitoid hard rock aquifer, Iran, Part 2: Mass Balance Approach. Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Prague, Czech Republic; Krasny-Hrkal-Bruthans pp. 231-232 (2003). 29. Hydrogeological Behavior of a long and narrow karst aquifer, Gilan Karst Spring , Iran. Abstract of Geological Society of America, Northeastern/Southeastern, Washington. Vol. 36 (2003). 30. Aquifer type determination using hydrogeological parameters: Laki Anticline, South of Iran. Water Resources and Environmental Problems in Karst. CVIJIC pp 493-498, (2005). 31. The uncertainty in hydrogeological study in karstic dam site. Proceeding of the Symposium on Uncertainty assessment in Dam Engineering. ICOLD 73rd Annual Meeting Tehran 1-6 May paper N). 067-S3, 9 pages (2005). 32. Study of karst development and possible leakage from Sazbon Dam, Iran. Proceeding of 14th International congress of Speology, Athens, 6 pages, (2005).</p><p>33. Design Parameters of artificial recharge basin for increasing qanat discharge. International Conference on Qanat. Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Kerman Iran, Vol. 2, pp. 480-485. (2005) 34. Minimizing the effects of overexploitation in karst aquifers in dry years. 8th Conference on Limestone Hydrogeology, Neuchatel, Switzerland, pp. 219-222, Sept. 21-23, (2006). 35. Regional structural effects of carbonate aquifers in central south of Iran. Proceeding of International Conference on “ all About Karst and Water. Vienna, pp 129-137, Oct. 9-11, (2006) 36. Hydrochemical evolution of northwest Coastal Plain of Maharloo Lake. HydrEco 2006- Karlovy, Czech Republic, Kovar-Hrkal-Bruthans . pp. 177- 37. Appropriate Fecal Indicator(s) for Groundwater, Emazadeh jafar aquifer, Iran. Environmentak meeting, Hungry, Oct. 2009. 38. Ancient and present groundwater management in Iran (Keynote speaker). Proceeding of International Water Association Groundwater Conferences, Belgrade Serbia, pp. 39-47, Sept 8- 10 (2011) (Keynote Speaker and Scientific Committe). 39. Effect of climatic changes on the quality of adjacent karst aquifers of the Konarsiah Salt Diapir. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Australia. 5-10 August 2012. 40. Estimation of groundwater mean residence time in karstic aquifers using recession curves. Abstract of International Symposium on Hierarchical Flow Systems in Karst Regions, Karstified 2013. Budapest, Hungray, P. 93. 41. Hydrogeological Causes of Water Crisis in Karst and Alluvium aquifers Abstract of International Symposium on Hierarchical Flow Systems in Karst Regions, Karstified 2013. Budapest, Hungray, P. 126. 42. Direct Determination of Groundwater Mean Residence. Time International Conference and Field Seminar, Karst Without Boundaries. UNSCO, 11-15 June, 2014 Trebinije and Dubrovinik p. 56. (Scientific Committee).</p><p>IV. Papers Presented in National Seminars (in Persian) 1. The evaluation of exploitation problems of water resources in Iran. The First Seminar on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater Aquifers, Jan. 14-19, pp. 80-90, (1989). 2. Physiographical characteristics of karst basins. Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Exploitation of Karst and Hardrock Water Resources, Ministry of Energy, Tehran, Iran, May 3- 6, pp. 67-58, (1992). 3. The relation between tectonic and hydrogeology of Idje karst, south of Iran. Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Exploitation of karst and Hardrock Water Resources, Ministry of Energy, Tehran, Iran, May 3-6, pp. 284-294, (1992). 4. Study on the groundwater hydrochemistry of Shiraz plain. Proceedings of the First Seminar on Water and Wastewater Problems in the Big Cities of Iran, May 13-14, pp. 1-15, (1992). 5. Characteristics of Berghan aquifer using hydrochemistry methods. National Seminar on Groundwater Resources, Kerman, Iran, Sept. 4-7, (1994). 6. Evaluation of natural recharge of karstic aquifers using snow budget method in high mountain area. National Seminar on Groundwater Resources, Kerman, Iran, Sept. 4-7, (1994). 7. Hydrochemical characteristics of Sarvestan aquifer. National Seminar on Ground water Resources, Kerman, Iran, Sept. 4-7, (1994). 8. The effect of water quality on exploitation of groundwater resources. Proceeding of Conference on Management of Water Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, 147-160, (1995). 9. Evaluation of snowmelt in Zagros Mountains. The first Seminar on Hydrology of Ice and Snow, Oromieh, Iran, pp. 40-58, (1995). 10. Evaluation of saline sources of Gomboon Karst Spring. Proceeding of the 2nd National Seminar on Groundwater Resources, Tehran, Iran, (1995). 11. Morphological evaluation of Konar-Siah and Mangrak Saltdome, Firoozabad, Fars. Abstract of the First Geological Congress of Iranian Universities, Kerman, Iran, pp. 41, (1996). 12. Hydrological characteristics of Sarvestan Saltdome. Abstract of the First Geological Congress of Iranian Universities, Kerman, Iran, pp. 77-78, (1996). 13. Konar-siah saltdome lithostratigraphy in southeast of Firoozabad. Abstract of the First Geological Congress of Iranian Universities, Kerman, Iran, pp. 33-34, (1996). 14. The effect of Gaztavileh saltdome on the adjacent karst aquifer and alluvium aquifer. Proceeding of the first Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, pp. 125-129, (1997). 15. The importance of hydrogeological studies of karstic carbonate rocks in dam design. The First Seminar on Earth Dam in Iran, Tehran, (1998). 16. Problems evaluation of dam and tunnel construction in the karst regions of Iran. Proceeding of the 2nd Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, pp. 203-206, (1998). 17. The source of low quality of karstic springs, Rahmat Anticline, Iran. Proceeding of the 2nd Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. pp. 231-234, (1998). 18. Evaluation of physicochemical variations of the Podono Anticline karst springs. Proceeding of the 2nd Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. pp. 377 -382, (1988). 19. Characteristics of Podono karst aquifer using physicochemical parameters of Atashkadeh springs. Proceeding of the 2nd Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. pp. 383-387, (1998). 20. Accuracy evaluation of the result of a groundwater mathematical model. Proceeding of the 2nd Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. pp. 255 -259, (1998). 21. Evaporation from water table under different conditions of soil texture and depth to water table. Proceeding of the 2nd Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. pp. 260 - 264, (1998). 22. Investigation of the Problems in Determining Maximum Probable Flood in Some of the Dams in the South of Iran . Proceedings of the First Specialized Educational Workshop, Iranian National Committee on Large Dams, pp.108-120, (1998). 23. Problems in Estimating the Design Flood in Basins with no Hydrometric Stations. Proceedings of the First Specialized Educational Workshop, Iranian National Committee on Large Dams, pp. 121-133, (1998). 24. Study of the Factors Reducing Water Quality in the Korbal Plain, Proceedings of the Third Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Shiraz- Iran, pp.280-284, 31 Aug.- 2 Sep. (1999). 25. Use of Isotope Oxygen 18 in Determining the Sources of Salinity in the Rahmat Karstic Springs. Proceedings of the Third Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Shiraz- Iran, pp.285-290, 31 Aug.- 2 Sep. (1999). 26. The Quantitative Evaluation of Artificial Basin Project in the Imamzadeh Jafar Plain, Gachsaran. Proceedings of the Third Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Shiraz, Iran, pp.302-306, 31 Aug.-2 Sep. (1999). 27. Study on the Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Water Sources in the Shir-Kooh Hard-rock Formations, Yazd. Proceedings of the Third Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Shiraz- Iran, pp.307-311, 31 Aug.-2 Sep. (1999). 28. Study on the Hydrochemical Variations of the Sarvestan Salt Dome Saline Springs. Proceedings of the Third Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Shiraz- Iran, pp.340-344, 31 Aug.-2 Sep. (1999). 29. The Effect of Darab Salt Dome on the Quality of Karstic Springs in the Adjacent Plains. Proceedings of the Third Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Shiraz- Iran, pp.363-368, 31 Aug.-2 Sep. (1999). 30. Determination of the Tang-e-Atashgah Springs Catchment Area by Geological and Hydrogeological methods. Proceedings of the Third Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Shiraz- Iran, pp. 513-517, 31 Aug.-2 Sep. (1999). 31. Estimation of the Probable Water Seepage from the Mirzaye-Shirazi Dam (Kavar) using the Karstic Aquifer Budget. Proceedings of the First National Conference on Engineering Geology and the Environment, Tehran-Iran. pp. 593-604, 11-14 Oct. (1999). 32. Study on the Relationship between Water Level Variations and the Permeability of Geological Layers using a Piezometric Networks. Proceedings of the First National Conference on Engineering Geology and the Environment, Tehran-Iran. pp. 709-720, 11-14 Oct. (1999). 33. Use of the Stochastic Method in Studying Climatic Changes in the South of Iran. Proceedings of the Second Regional Conference on Climate Change, Tehran- Iran. pp. 106-111, 4-5 Nov. (1999). 34. A Study on the Watertightness Characteristics of Gachsaran Formations in the Saymareh Dam, Proceeding of The 18th Symposium on Geosciences, pp. 976-982, 14-16 Feb, (2000). 35. Protection and destruction conditions of Qnat. Symposium of Qanat. Yazd, Iran, pp. 25- 34, (2000) 36. Study on hydrochemical variations of water resources in Ravandi Karstic Anticline. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tabriz, Iran. pp. 26-28, 29 -31 Aug. (2000). 37. Physiography of marly Pabdeh-Gurpi Formations in Sepidan area, south of Iran. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tabriz, Iran, pp. 29-32, 29 -31 Aug. (2000). 38. Comparison of physiochemical behavior of karst and granite springs in Shirkooh Mountain, Yazad, Iran. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tabriz, Iran, pp. 38-42, 29 -31 Aug. (2000). 39. Study on the general direction of flow in the catchment area of Tangab spring using Rodamine B. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tabriz, Iran. pp. 50-53, 29 -31 Aug. (2000). 40. Study on the development of Sarizjhon cave, Firoozabad, south of Iran. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tabriz, Iran. pp. 64-66, 29 -31 Aug. (2000). 41. The source of salinity in Rahmat Anticline by water budget method. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tabriz, Iran. pp. 637, 29 -31 Aug. (2000). 42. Estimation of groundwater unit cost, a case study in Firoozabad, Iran. . Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tabriz, Iran. pp. 33-37, 29 -31 Aug. (2000). 43. The effect of dry year on the hydraulic behavior of groundwater. The first workshop on the drought broblems in Fars Province. Agricultural college Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran pp. 14 (2000). 44. Study on potential of leakage from abutments and reservoir of Mirzaye-Shirazi dam. The fourth Conference on Dam Construction. IRCOLD. pp. 717-727, (2000)?. 45. Study on the aquifer characteristics of Sarab Spring using dye tracer, Abstract of the Fifth Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tehran, Iran, pp. 61, (2001). 46. Geomorphology and development mechanism of Baba-hydar cave. Abstract of the Fifth Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tehran, Iran, pp. 64, (2001). 47. The origin of Haftkhan Spring using tracer method, Bayza plain, Fars, Iran. Abstract of the Fifth Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tehran, Iran, pp. 64-65, (2001). 48. The effect of Gatar-Kazeroon Fault on the hydrogeology of Borazjan Aquifer. Extended Abstract of the Fifth Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tehran, Iran, pp. 59, (2001). 49. Mass balance of dissolved solid in groundwater of granite Darbandnow catchment area, Safin Mountain, Boonat. Abstract of the Fifth Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Tehran, Iran, pp.58, (2001). 50. Determination catchment area of the aquifer containing Tangab.dam using water budget method. Proceeding of the Second National Conference on Engineering Geology and the Environment. Engineering Geology Society of Iran, Tarbiat Modarress University, Tehran, Iran, pp. 743-754, (2001). 51. Dye tracing in karstic formations with diffuse flow system. The 20th Earth Science Conference, Tehran, pp. 563, (2002). 52. Main conduit dimension effect on the karst spring hydrograph using DCPE Model. The 20th Earth Science Conference, Tehran, pp 533, (2002). 53. Hydrogeology of karst region and karst distinguish methods. Proceeding of dam foundation watertightness in karst formations. Iranian National Committee of Large Dam, Tehran, pp. 6-14, (2002). 54. Exploitation and of water resources and construction of in karst formations. The fifth anniversary of National Karst Center. Oct. (2001). 55. The effect of conduit development on the hydraulic behavior of karst aquifer. 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The First National Conference on Applied Researches of Iran Water Resources, Kermanshah Regional Water Authorities, On Cd (2011). 82. Mechanism of groundwater flow in the Konarsiah Salt Diapir. The First National Conference on Applied Researches of Iran Water Resources, Kermanshah Regional Water Authorities, On Cd (2010). 83. The reasons of unoptimizied expoliatation of water resources in Iran. The First National Conference on Applied Researches of Iran Water Resources, Kermanshah Regional Water Authorities, On Cd (2010). 84. Study on the molybdenum concentration in the wet and dry season in an aquifer adjacent to the Maharlu Lake. The First National Conference on Applied Researches of Iran Water Resources, Kermanshah Regional Water Authorities, On Cd (2010). 84. Study on the cause of lead concentration enhancemt in the aquifer adjacent to the Maharlu Lake. 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Effects of Maharlu Lake metal contamination on the adjacent aquifers. National Geological Conference, Piamnoor University. Khorasan, Iran. On CD (2010). 91. Advantages and disadvantages of the Abrak ephemeral stream for artificial recharge in the east of Izeh plain, Khuzestan Province. The Fourth Conference on Water Catchment and Water Resources Management of Soil and water. Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran (2009). 92. Analytical simulation model of karstic spring recession curve, Gomp Atashkadeh Spring, Firouzabad, Iran. The Sixth Conference of Civil Engineering, Seman University, Semnan, Iran, 2011. 93. A new method to calculate average residence time of groundwater using recession coefficient of karstic springs. 15th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. Tarbiat Moalm University, 2011 94. Hydrochemical controlling parameters of Maharloo Lake. 15th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. Tarbiat Moalm University, 2011. 95. Effective parameters on dryness of Dashtarjan Lake. 15th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. Tarbiat Moalm University, 2011. 96. The sources of Salinity of Konarsiah karstic and alluvium aquifers using hydrochemical and isotopic methods, Fars Province. 15th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. Tarbiat Moalm University, 2011 97. Irrigation return flow into Heart Aquifer, Yazd Province. 30th Symposium of Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Feb. 19-22, 2012. 98. BTEX transport numerical simulation of 6 LNAPL plumes in an alluvium aquifer. 99. Optimization of BTEX remedation methos in an oil contaminated aquifer. 16th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. Shiraz University, 2012. 99. Importance of Hydrogeological studies on the grout curtain design, Sheshpeer Dam. Proceeding of 16th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. Shiraz University, pp 343-350, Sept., 2012. 100. Hydrogeological methods to prevent salinity of the Jenah-Kamshak Aquifer. Proceeding of the 16th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Shiraz, Iran, pp 252-260 (Sept., 2012). 101. A new method to determine the source of LNAPL in groundwater. Proceeding of the 16th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Shiraz, Iran, pp 224-251 (Sept. 2012). 102. Study on the hydrochemical evolution of groundwater of Ophiolity Froumad region. Proceeding of the 16th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Shiraz, Iran, 224-251 (Sept. 2012). 103. Parameters of hydrogeological exploitation of traditional and modern groundwater reseources of Iran. Abstract of the First Specialized Seminar on Hydrogeology (Key note speaker). Geological Survey of Iran, P. 4, Tehran, (2013). 104. Nitrate contaminant in drinking water of karst wells and springs, Fars Province. 32th Symposium and First International Congress of Earth Sciences. Geological Survey of Iran, 27-30 Aban, (2013) 105. Time variation of nitrate contaminant and the enhancemeat reason in the Karstic Aquifers of Shiraz City. 17th Symposium 0f Geological Survey of Iran, 7-9 Aban (2013). 106. Estimation of groundwater mean residence times in karstic aquifers using recession curves</p><p>IV. Lectures 1. The tourist attraction of karst springs in Sepidan Region. The first seminar on the culture and of Sepidan. Sept. (2002). 2.The life of Haje Hossin-Ali Raeisi. The first seminar on the culture and of Sepidan. Sept. (2002). 3. Water crisis in Jahrum Region, South of Iran. Green Development Society Conference. July, 2005. 4. Overexploitation of surface and subsurface water in south of Iran. The History of Water Engineering in Fars Province. July, 2006. 5. Water crisis in Niriz Region, South of Iran. Green Development Society Conference. Oct., 2006. 6. Optimized exploitation of groundwater in Darab Region, South of Iran. Green Development Society Conference. July, 2006. 7. Water crisis in Fasa Region, South of Iran. Green Development Society Conference. July, 2007. 8. The nature of south of Iran .Green Development Society Conference. June, 2007. 9. Water crisis in Arsenjan Region, South of Iran. Green Development Society Conference. 2007 10. Factors increase the drought in Iran. Fars Regional Water Board. 2008 11. The poem of Sael (Haje Hossin-Ali Raeisi). Sael Conference, Sepidan Azad University and Sepidan Culture and Islamic Guidance Office. 2008 12. Water crisis in Kazeroon Region, South of Iran. Consulting Engineers. 2009 13. Water crisis in Iran. The Engineering Day Conference. Alumni of Shiraz University, 2009 14. Characteristic of produce water. South Zagros Company. 2009 15. The Social and Management Problems of Water Resources in Iran. 12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, Ahwaz, Iran, 2009. 16. Experiences on industralizing the applied research results, National Seminar on Industralization of Research. Shiraz University, 2011 17. Shiraz Water and Sewage Company, Water Management in Iran, 1390 18. Sustainable Development in Iran. Public council of Academi of Sciences, Basic Sciences, Oct. 20, 1390 19. Untold stories of my dear beloved salt diapirs. International scientific and speleological expedition to Iran salt domes, Qeshm. 1390. 20. The cooperation of speleologist and geosciences researchers with a glance to Iran. 30th Symposium of Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Feb., 2012 21. Water Management of Iran. Journees techniques Algero- Iraniennes, Alger-ANRH 9-10 Sept., 2012. 22. The source of deep aquifer brine using stable isotope 81Br, 37Cl, 87Sr. (Key note speaker) The First National Conference on the Stable Isotopes. Mashhad, Iran (2013). 23 23 کتاب راهنمای غارهای ایران. 144 نشست طرح ملی کتابخوان. اداره کل کتابخانه های عم��ومی شهرس��تان س��پیدان . 14 مهر 1494 Lecturing at Workshops: 1. Polltion Mechanisms of Groundwater in Karst Region with special references to Iran. First International Symposium on Medical Geology. Geological Survey of Iran., Tehran, June 15-16 2010 2. Karst water resourses and exploitation problems in Iran. Iranian National Conference on Applied Researches in Water Resources, Zanjan, 2011 3. Workshop Sharing Experiences in Karst Water Resources in the Middle East. Sponsered by the UNESCO/IUGS International Geoscience. IGCP/SIDA598 Environmental Change and Sustainability in Karst Aquifers. 27-29 May 2014 Ankara, Turkey</p><p>Organizing Workshops 1. Evaporate Karst Processes and Investigation Methods with Examples from Diapirs. Presented by Francisco Gutierrez, University of Zaragoza, Spain One day, March 1, 2011(11 esfand 89) 2. Age of Groundwater using unstable isotopes. two days. Presented by Kazemi, Sharood Shiraz University, Iran, 2008, 2009 3. Location of exploitation wells in alluvial aquifer. One day, Presented by Behroozifard, Fars Regional Water Authority, 2007. 4. How to use isotopes in Hydrogeology, Prof. Peter seiler, Center of Enviromental Researches, Germany. 2005 5. Determination of cave age, Dr peter Rowe, and Dr Sadd olomari, Cambridge University, England. </p>

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