Inside: The weight of discrimination Opinion, Page 4 October 2010 • Serving the Archbishop Mitty Community • Volume 20 Number 1 Behind the Scenes: Mitty Goes Green Unveiling the PSAT By Omid Mirfendereski Staff Writer All juniors and sophomores took the PSAT on Oct. 13 and are now anx- iously awaiting their scores. The test allows juniors to qualify for the Na- tional Merit Scholarship competitions and thus helps their college applica- tions, while it allows both sophomores and juniors to assess their skills. PSAT stands for Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test and is the precursor to the SAT, the Scholastic Aptitude Test. It measures students’ critical reading, math problem-solv- ing, and writing skills. The test is largely similar to the SAT in format and directions, though the SAT adds a writing section, includes some Al- gebra II, and is 2 hours longer. In 1992, only those Mitty juniors Photo Courtesy of Luie Lopez who wanted practice before their SAT, A new turf fi eld is just one of the environmentally friendly solutions transforming our campus. along with sophomores who were tak- ing geometry and English II Honors, took the PSAT. Prior to 2004, Mitty By Tabitha Ahearn and Ryan Chew tions of the fi elds. An advantage to the new turf fi eld administered the test on Saturdays Staff Writers is that it is more environmentally “friendly,” as it to simulate the SAT, but because too What exactly does “going green” mean, and takes less water, fertilizer, and labor to maintain. The many students were missing the test it what has the staff of Archbishop Mitty done to staff is also using low VOC (volatile organic com- was moved to the school week. “green” our campus? Considering that Archbishop pounds) adhesives and paints for current remodeling Mrs. Falcone, the director of Mitty is a private Catholic school, the faculty is projects. Finally, in an attempt to increase recycling college guidance, describes that the inclined to follow the guidelines set forth by envi- by students on campus, this year there have been change was essential at the time ronmental ethics. Although the instillation of solar more of the blue recycling bins added to campus because “all students should have panels is yet to come, there have been countless which you may not have noticed. an opportunity to have a practice for other efforts that have been made over the past year Greening Education the SAT and it meant giving more to make Archbishop Mitty a more environmentally The primary effort to increase student’s educa- juniors the potential to qualify for the sustainable school. As explained by Mr. Helmer, tion about the environment is through the senior National Merit Scholarship Program.” the chief fi nancial offi cer, Archbishop Mitty’s effort class “Environmental Ethics.” Taught by Mrs. Ma- Isabel Sausjord, a current senior to “green the campus” is based on greening four tusich, this course focuses on broadening student who took and performed well on both areas: supplies, education, building standards and awareness of the current environmental issues and the PSAT and the SAT, believes that student action. their solutions. Additionally, last year began the students’ scores on the PSAT “start Greening supplies “Environmental Connection Immersion” program, colleges thinking about who’s a top This includes changing many of the materials where students travel to Monterey and learn about achiever.” we use on campus everyday. For example, the uten- how to make “green” food. As a result, many juniors who sils we use daily in the cafeteria have been replaced Natalie Hinson, a current senior who par- take the test view it seriously and with EcoSmart 25% recycled fi ber utensils, coffee ticipated in that trip and a member of this year’s actually study for it. For them, the cups, and napkins. Also, this year the maintenance environmental ethics class, is also the President of test could provide opportunities for staff has replaced a large portion of their cleaning Archbishop Mitty’s Green Club. The Green Club scholarships and national recognition. supplies, with less toxic products, and have started focuses on educating students beyond the classroom, For sophomores, though the test is not using less fertilizer and water to maintain the condi- and offering opportunities for them to become more See GREEN, back page See PSAT, back page Cabaret: A Show to Remember Mitty Presents a Sensational Show By Ryan Kapur and Srikanth Cherukuri entertainment, dancing, and drinking in Berlin under Staff Writers the Weimer Republic. The characters included cabaret star Sally Forty-four years after the Cabaret’s debut on Bowles, played by senior Michelle Martinelli; Broadway, Archbishop Mitty’s interpretation had it sensitive, and introverted American writer Clifford all: singing, dancing, acting, drama, and above all, Bradshaw, played by senior Trevor Bates; the ec- rich history. On October 15, the Performing Arts Dept. static, fl amboyant, and clown-like Emcee, played by raised the curtain on its fall musical. sophomore Ryan Ballard; and many more compelling Cabaret takes place in Berlin during 1929-1930 characters such as Fraulein Schneider (Megan Grif- when Nazi power was on the rise. The primary setting fi n ’11), Fraulein Kost (Mariah Hallacy ’12), Herr Photo Courtesy of Katie Epidendio is the Kit Kat Klub, one of the hippest spots for live Schultz (Andre Adricula ‘11), and Ernst Ludwig The Emcee and two of the Kit Kat girls from Cabaret. See CABARET, back page OPINIONS Opposing Viewpoints: Obama’s First Two Years WE’RE GOING FORWARD WE’RE GOING DOWN By Eugene Woo and science research, and removing restric- By Hari Krishnam barrels of oil were leaking per day, while Staff Writer tions on the promising fi eld of stem-cell re- Staff Writer the true number was at 58,000 barrels per search. Various programs, such as tax cuts for day. The fact that Obama did not criticize In November 2008, 67 million Ameri- hybrids and the cash for clunkers program, On January 20, 2010, Barack Obama the response of his government nor did cans and countless more celebrated as her- have increased incentive for Americans to was sworn in as the 44th President of the anything to amend it shows how the direct alded change was coming. There was hope pay attention to the environment. United States. His election not only signi- needs of the American people are not his in every fathomable direction, seemingly Coming down hard on tax-evaders, the fi ed the election of the fi rst black president, primary concern. with no direction to go but forward, after administration has closed offshore tax havens but also the fi rst time the Democratic party The most glaring discrepancy between eight tumultuous and controversial years of and gained access to foreign bank records for took control of the House, the Senate, and Obama’s actions and his campaign prom- George Bush now only a thing of the past. suspected criminals. the Presidency since the 103rd Congress in ises is his failed effort to work towards 1993. Thus far, Obama has implemented bipartisanship cooperation. many of the Democratic policies that he He himself stated that “I’m going to claimed would get America back on track, go in there with a spirit of bipartisanship” but in reality, do not seek to remedy the but all of his movements so far have been issue at large. remarkably partisan. This became especially relevant after The health care reform that was barely the Crash of 2008, in which the Dow Jones passed this summer showcases Obama’s fell 18% and the shift of the focus of both partisan attitude. The bill itself was unwise the Democratic and the Republican cam- in a time when the Federal defi cit was at paigns moved from international wars to its highest. Seeking health care reform, the economic crisis. Obama proceeded to the Democrats decided to implement ex- paint the economic crisis as the handiwork tremely liberal measures on the bill and of Republicans and their deregulation poli- ram it through both houses of Congress cies, and opted for a different method, one with their majority. that would create jobs and get the economy Moderate Republicans looked to back on track. Obama to persuade his party to take the However, his policies have had at best, wishes of Republicans into consideration, little to no effect on the growth of the econ- but Obama instead chose to walk the omy. The unemployment rate was around partisan path himself. He acts in a man- 6% in 2008 when the recession struck. Now ner different from what he assured the it is at 9.8% and is only projected to rise. American people. The sign of a strong economy is not only Obama has done a lot during his 2-year stock averages but also the employment tenure as the President of the United States. In a whirlwind, Barack Obama had stormed The newly established Urban Policy of- rate. Indeed, Obama’s willingness to spend Many of his actions have had some positive into offi ce amid revivals of American po- fi ce in Washington is responsible for billions many billions of dollars on bailing out big short-term effects, but have done little to litical fervor, awakening voters from apathy, of dollars being given to struggling cities banks and on expensive new health care alleviate the serious problems facing this bringing a breath of supposedly trustworthy to combat growing inner-city crime and reform plans over the American people country. fresh air to an increasingly mistrustful nation. violence. Many of these changes have gone shows that his priorities are misplaced.
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