<p>MINUTES OF MAYO COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, 14th JULY, 2008, AT 3.00 p.m. ------</p><p>The Cathaoirleach, Cllr. J. Mellett, was in the Chair.</p><p>The other Councillors present were:-</p><p>Cllrs. M. Mulherin, J. Munnelly, Johnnie O’Malley, A.M. Reape, E. Staunton, S. Weir, P. O’Brien, D. Ryan, H. Walsh, G. Coyle, M. McNamara, T. Quinn, S. Bourke, C. Burke, H. Kenny, A. McDonnell, P. McGuinness, J. Mee, M. Carty, T. Connolly, J. Cribbin, P. McHugh, E. Lavin, J. Maloney, M. Adams, F. Chambers, A.F. O’Malley, John O’Malley.</p><p>Apology received from Cllr. M. Holmes for inability to attend the Meeting.</p><p>The Council Staff in attendance were:-</p><p>Mr. D. Mahon, Co. Manager, Mr. J. Beirne, Dir. of Services/Co. Engineer, Mr. J. Loftus, Dir. of Services, Mr. J. Walsh, A/Meetings Administrator, Mr. P. Hynes, Dir. of Services, Mr. S. Granahan, Dir. of Services, Mr. J. Coll, Dir., Comm. & Enterprise, Mr. P. Duggan, Head of Finance, Mr. P. Mahon, Dir. of Services, Mr. I. Douglas, Sen. Planner, Mr. B. O’Reilly, Sen. Engineer, Mr. S. Murphy, Chief Fire Officer, Ms. E. McCormack, Financial Accountant, Mr. C. Aitken, Sen. Ex. Engineer, Ms. A. McCarthy, Arts Officer, Mr. A. DeLucia, Ex. Planner, Mr. B. Munnelly, Ex. Planner, Mr. B. Freeman, Asst. Planner, Ms. C. Kenny, Asst. Staff Officer. ------</p><p>At the outset, the Cathaoirleach agreed to allow some Members to discuss a number of urgent issues.</p><p>Discussion took place on an Article printed in the “Mayo Echo” newspaper regarding the relocation of families from Limerick to Mayo.</p><p>The County Manager replied stating that he had no information whatsoever on the proposals contained in the Article and that there was no basis for the report.</p><p>Grant Aid for the Elderly was also discussed. Mr. P. Hynes, Dir. of Services, informed the Meeting that a review of funding was currently being carried out.</p><p>Alleged anti-social behaviour in Ballyhaunis was also discussed. Mr. S. Granahan, Dir. of Services, informed the Members that the matter has been referred to the Council’s Solicitor. - 2 -</p><p>ITEM NO. 1. MIONTUAIRISCI DE CRUINNITHE COMHAIRLE CHONTAE MHAIGH EO A BHI AR SIUL AR AN 6ú BEALTAINE, 2008 AGUS 9ú MEITHEAMH, 2008, A DEIMHNIU. TO CONFIRM MINUTES OF MAYO COUNTY COUNCIL MEETINGS HELD ON 6 th MAY, 2008 AND 9 th JUNE, 2008.</p><p>Mhol Comhairleoir P. McGuinness Chuid Comhairleoir A. McDonnell leis Ghlacu leis an tairiscint:- “Go n-aontaiomar le Miontuairisci Cruinnithe Comhairle Chontae Mhaigh Eo a bhi ar siul ar an 6ú Bealtaine, 2008 agus 9ú Meitheamh, 2008”.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. A. McDonnell Resolved:- “That Minutes of Mayo County Council Meetings held on 6th May, 2008 and 9th June, 2008, be taken as read, approved and signed as a correct record”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 2. TO NOTE REPORT ON BLUE FLAG AWARDS FOR MAYO BEACHES.</p><p>Mr. P. Hynes, Dir. of Services, introduced this Item and informed the Members that Blue Flag Beaches are now being dealt with by the Belmullet and Westport Area Offices.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. F. Chambers Resolved:- “That Report on Blue Flag Awards for Mayo Beaches, as circulated, be noted by the Council”.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. F. Chambers Resolved:- “That a Presentation be made by the Walking Officer to the Council”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 3. TO ADOPT THE HIGHER EDUCATION GRANTS SCHEME FOR 2008.</p><p>Mr. J. Loftus, Dir. of Services, informed the Members that the Higher Education Grants Scheme for 2008 had not yet been received from the Department of Education and Science. - 3 -</p><p>Following discussion, it was agreed that the Higher Education Grants Scheme for 2008 would be advertised when received and placed on the Agenda for the September Meeting of the Council for adoption.</p><p>ITEM NO. 4. TO APPROVE OF THE RAISING OF AN ADDITIONAL LOAN IN THE SUM OF €700,000 TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW TWO STOREY LOCAL AREA OFFICES FACILITY FOR MAYO COUNTY COUNCIL, ACCESS ROAD, 23 CAR PARKING SPACES, WITH ALL ASSOCIATED SITE WORK AND LANDSCAPING AT KILCOLMAN ROAD, CLARE, CLAREMORRIS, CO. MAYO.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. T. Connolly Seconded by Cllr. M. Carty Resolved:- “That we hereby approve of the raising of an additional Loan in the sum of €700,000 to facilitate construction of new two storey local Area Offices facility for Mayo County Council, Access Road, 23 car parking spaces, with all associated site work and landscaping at Kilcolman Road, Clare, Claremorris, Co. Mayo”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 5. TO APPROVE OF THE DISPOSAL OF COASTGUARD BUILDING CONSISTING OF 197 SQ. METRES AND SHARED USE BUILDING CONSISTING OF 165 SQ. METRES AT SHRAHEENS, ACHILL SOUND, CO. MAYO, TO IRISH COAST GUARD HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, LEESON LANE, DUBLIN, 2, IN ACCORDANCE WITH NOTICE DATED 23 rd JUNE, 2008, ALREADY CIRCULATED.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. M. McNamara Seconded by Cllr. G. Coyle Resolved:- “That we hereby approve of the disposal of Coastguard Building consisting of 197 sq. metres and Shared Use Building consisting of 165 sq. metres at Shraheens, Achill Sound, Co. Mayo, to Irish Coast Guard Headquarters, Department of Transport, Leeson Lane, Dublin, 2, for €920,000, in accordance with Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001, and Notice dated 23rd June, 2008, already circulated”. - 4 -</p><p>ITEM NO. 6. TO CONSIDER REPORT DATED 30 th JUNE, 2008, IN ACCORDANCE WITH PART 8 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT) REGULATIONS, 2001, AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 2001, IN RESPECT OF PROPOSED EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT OF BUNDORRAGHA PIER, KILLARY HARBOUR, CO. MAYO.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. A.F. O’Malley Seconded by Cllr. M. Adams Resolved:- “That we hereby adopt Report dated 30th June, 2008, in accordance with Part 8 of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Regulations, 2001, and the Local Government Act, 2001, in respect of proposed extension and improvement of Bundorragha Pier, Killary Harbour, Co. Mayo”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 7. PROPOSED BILINGUAL MEETING OF MAYO COUNTY COUNCIL.</p><p>The Cathaoirleach briefed the Members on this Item.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. A. McDonnell Resolved:- “That a Meeting of the Council be held on Inishturk Island in April, 2009”.</p><p>The Cathaoirleach also informed the Members of an Irish Language Course for Adults run by Gael Linn, which is being held in the Erris Gaeltacht located in Eachléim in North West Mayo from 17th to 23rd August, 2008. He said that any Councillor who wished to attend this Course should submit their names in writing to Mr. J. Walsh, A/County Secretary, as soon as possible.</p><p>ITEM NO. 8. TO NOTE FUNDING PROPOSAL FOR BALLINA ARTS CENTRE.</p><p>Mr. P. Mahon, Dir. of Services, briefed the Members on this Item.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. M. Mulherin Seconded by Cllr. A.M. Reape Resolved:- “That Report on funding proposal for Ballina Arts Centre, as circulated, be noted by the Council”. - 5 -</p><p>ITEM NO. 9. (a) TO NOTE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR YEAR ENDING 31 st DECEMBER, 2007; (b) TO APPROVE EXPENDITURE IN EXCESS OF BUDGET FOR 2007; (c) FINANCIAL REVIEW FOR HALF-YEAR ENDING 30 th JUNE, 2008.</p><p>Mr. P. Duggan, Head of Finance, outlined the details of this Item to the Members.</p><p>(a) Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. A. McDonnell Resolved:- “That Annual Financial Statement for Year ending 31st December, 2007, be noted”.</p><p>(b) Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. A. McDonnell Resolved:- “That the Council hereby approve of variations of expenditure in 2007 in relation to the expenditure provided for in the adopted Budget for 2007, as detailed in Annual Financial Statement for 2007”.</p><p>(c) Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. A. McDonnell Resolved:- “That Report on Financial Review for Half-Year ending 30th June, 2008, as circulated, be noted”.</p><p>Arising from a discussion on the Polluter Pays Principle, it was -</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. A.F. O’Malley Seconded by Cllr. T. Quinn Resolved:- “That this Council requests a Meeting with the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Mr. John Gormley, T.D., in order to discuss the implications of the Polluter Pays Principle for the Council’s Water Service Investment Programme”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 10. (a) TO CONSIDER OBJECTIONS RECEIVED TO TAKE OVER OF ROAD NOS. 15 AND 41 AS PER ATTACHED SCHEDULE; - 6 -</p><p>(b) TO MAKE AN ORDER TO DECLARE THE ROADS ON ATTACHED SCHEDULE TO BE PUBLIC ROADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 11 OF THE ROADS ACT, 1993.</p><p>(a) Proposed by Cllr. C. Burke Seconded by Cllr. A. McDonnell Resolved:- “That this Item be deferred to the relevant Area Committee Meetings for consideration”.</p><p>(b) Proposed by Cllr. C. Burke Seconded by Cllr. A. McDonnell Resolved:- “That we hereby make an Order to declare the Roads on attached Schedule to be Public Roads – with the exception of Road Nos. 15 and 41 – in accordance with Section 11 of the Roads Act, 1993”.</p><p>SCHEDULE A</p><p>No. Townland Description Length Area (Metres ) 1. Sweetwell, From its junction with N26, the road running south- 680 Swinford (Pollsharvoge), west for a distance of 580m with branch running Swinford south-west for a distance of 100m in the townland of Pollsharvoge 2. Tiraninny, Killasser From its junction with LS5374, the road running 1040 Swinford south-east for a distance of 500m, east for a distance of 90m and south-east for a distance of 450m in the townland of Tiraninny 3. Flughany, Doocastle From its junction with LP13074, the road running 800 Swinford east for a distance of 800m in the townland of flughany 4. Rinnananny, Foxford From LT53611 at Foxford G.A.A. pitch, the road 806 Swinford running north and east to join LS5354 in the townland of Rinnananny 5. Carn, Charlestown From its junction with LP1904, the road running 500 Swinford north-west for a distance of 500m in the townland of Carn 6. Cleragh, Ballure From its junction with LS5902, the road running 1224 Swinford west to join the LS5901 in the townland of Ballynamona 7. Woodfield, Kilkelly From its junction with LS5907, the road running 334 Swinford east for a distance of 334, to Behans entrance in the townland of Woodfield 8. Carrowreagh, Meelick From its junction with LP1311, the road running 910 Swinford north-west for a distance of 530m with branch running north for a distance of 380m to Groarkes house in the townland of Carrowreagh 9. Carrowreagh, Meelick From its junction with LP1311, the road running 350 Swinford north-west for a distance of 350m in the townland of Carrowreagh - 7 -</p><p>10. Knocknakillew The road from L26032 in the townland of 700 Ballinrobe Knocknakillew running south for a distance of 700m 11. Cloonee/Furnace From R330 in the townland of Cloonee/Furnace 450 Ballinrobe running south west for a distance of 450m 12. Bunnafollistran/ The road from R334 in the townland of 400 Ballinrobe Houndswoods South & Bunnafollistran/Houndswood South running north North west for a distance of 400m 13. Cregnanagh From N84 in the townland of Creganagh running 350 Ballinrobe west for a distance of 350m 14. Lynchsacres The road from L5637 in the townland of 400 Ballinrobe Lynchsacres running north for a distance of 400m 16. Cuilmore South and then east from the N60 in the townland 110 Claremorris of Cuilmore 17. Carrickcat South for LS5553 in the townland of Carrikcat 220 Claremorris 18. Cloonmore Upper West from the LS5546 in the townland of 280 Claremorris Cloonmore Upper 19. Hollywell Running south west from LP500 in Hollywell to the 1700 Claremorris LT 25122 in Knockanarra</p><p>20. Frenchbrook South, Between L16149-0 and L56593-0 in the townland 260 Ballinrobe Kilmaine of Frenchbrook South DED Kilmaine 21. Levallinree The road running north of the L-5700-0 in the 930 Castlebar townland of Lavallinree 22. Carrowmore The road running between north and north 412 Castlebar eastwards from L5765-0 to Carrowmore access road proper from L5765-0, hypotenuse link on triangle so formed 23. Loughrusheen The road running northwards, then north eastwards 1155 Castlebar from L17244/L17245 to L17212 in the townland of Loughrusheen 24. Ballygarriff The road running south of the L5799-0 in the 460 Castlebar townland of Ballygarriff 25. Baunoges The road running northeast to southeast from 605 Castlebar L17032 in the townland of Baunoges 26. Knocknaveagh The road running from northwest to southeast off 694 Castlebar L1706 in the townland of Knocknaveagh 27. Cottage Cul de Sac road running from L57574 northeast to 166 Castlebar southwest and the southeast in the townland of Cottage 28. Cappavickar Extension to the L-57841 in the townland of 370 Castlebar Cappavickar for a length of 370 metres joining the L17113. 29. Ludnavadogue Road running north of the L1711 in the townland of 360 Castlebar Ludnavadogue 30. Roslahan The road running eastwards off the L1706-44 from 260 Castlebar Manulla to Belcarra, north of the L57641-0 in the townland of Roslahan 31. Corrabaun The extension to L57451 running southwest ward 352 Castlebar in the townland of Corrabaun to allow access onto the L1706 32. Derryhick The link section of road running due north and then 615 Castlebar northeast and turning southeast, joining l57992 to L17172 in the townland of Derryhick 33. Oughtagh The road running southwest wards off the R321-0, 550 Castlebar north of the NS-334 at Bohola in the townland of Oughtagh, for a distance of 550m - 8 -</p><p>34. Derrhillagh The road running from L5707, in the townland of 2350 Castlebar Derrhillagh, running northwest and west for a distance of 2350m to its junction with L5156 35. Derrinlevaun The road running westwards off the L-5756-0 for a 190 Castlebar distance of 190m in the townland of Derrinlevaun 36. Newtown The road running east of the L-1701-0 joining it to 1100 Castlebar the L-1706-0 in the townland of Newtown 37. Islandeady The road running south of the L5850-0 extending 495 Castlebar 15 metres past the junction that leads East to Islandeady Village. 38. Cloonan The road running south of the L-5850-0 turning 750 Castlebar southwest after a distance of 200m in the townland of Cloonan 39. Kiltarsaghaun The road running northeast, linking the L-5960-0 750 Castlebar and the R-330-124 in the towland of Kiltarsaghaun serving as a link road. 40. Killadeer The road is the first right turn on the L-1817-0 out 190 Castlebar of Ballyhean. The road is running north and runs for a distance of 190m. Its in the townland of Killadeer 42. Lagtavary The road L-5778-0 running southwest turning south 460 Castlebar for a distance of 460m 43. Ballavary The road from L-57734-0 running north for a 850 Castlebar distance of 850m, joining the N58 in the townland of Ballavary 44. Derrylea Road running south of the N5 in the townland of 200 Castlebar Derrylea 45. Annagh Road ID L-52804-0 starting at junction with L- 1232 Belmullet 52803-0 at Annagh and ending at end of L-52803-0 at Annagh 46. Gladree Road ID – L-52385-0 starting at junction of L-5238- 847 Belmullet 32 at Gladree and ending at end of L-52385-0 at Gladree 47. Kilgalligan Road ID – L52479-0 starting at junction of L- 937 Belmullet 52478-0 at Kilgalligan and ending at end of L- 52479-0 at Killigan 48. Geevraun Road ID – L-52902-36 from the end point of L- 5816 Belmullet 52902-11 and ending at the end point of L-52953-0 at Geevraun 49. Derrycorrib Road ID – L-52855-0 starting at junction of R313, 338 Belmullet L-52855 at Derycorrib and ending at end of L- 52855-0 at Derrycorrib 50. Carn Nash Road ID – L-52813-0 starting at junction of R313, 977 Belmullet L52813-0 at Carn (Nash and Fowler) and ending at end of L-52813-0 at Carn Nash 51. Mallaranny Road ID – L-54399-0 starting at junction of R319, 150 Belmullet L-54319-0 at Mallaranny and ending at end of L- 54399-0 at Mallaranny 52. Newfield Road ID – L-54387-0 starting at junction of N59, L- 826 Belmullet 54387-0 at Newfield and ending at junction ofL- 5438-0, L-54387-0 at Newfield 53. Bolinglanna Road ID – L24056-0 starting at junction of L-1404- 235 Belmullet 103 at Bolinglanna and ending at end of L-24056-0 at Bolinglanna 54. Slievemore Road ID –L54468-35 starting at end point of L- 450 Belmullet 54468-0 at Slievemore and ending at L-54468-135 - 9 - 55. Skerdagh Lower From a point on the L-54206 running east for 100 100 Newport metres 56. Gortawarla From a point on the L-54261-0 running south for 110 Newport 110 metres 57. Brockagh From the Carricknealy Road L1401-0 to Brockagh 300 Newport Road L14015-0 58. Rosdogaun From a point on the L-54275-0 running south-west 340 Newport for 340 metres 59. Cross From a point on the N-59-325 running west for 370 370 Newport metres 60. Drumgarve From a point on the L-5845 running north-west for 260 Newport 260 metres 61. Carrowholly An extension of the L-5843-12 running south-east 460 Westport for 460 metres 62. Cloghan From a point on the R-335-459 running north-west 92 Westport for 92 metres 63. Knockroskey An extension of the L-1816-15 running south-east 1200 Westport for 1200 metres 64. Knockrooskey Link Road from R330 to the L-28136 360 Westport 65. Moyhastin From a point on the L-18159 running north for 200 200 Westport metres 66. Carrowkennedy From a point on the N-59-148 running south-east 250 Westport for 250 metres 67. Knappagh An extension of the L-58703-13 running east for 150 Westport 150 meres 68. Thornhill From a point on the L-18331-0 running west for 324 Westport 324 metres 69. Old Head From a point on the L-1827-34 running north-west 200 Westport for 200 metres 70. Askillaun An extension of the L-18313 for 310 metres 310 Westport 71. Roonah A point from L-18295 running south for 422 metres 422 Westport 72. Cloona From a point on the L-18223 running east for 220 220 Westport metres 73. Bundorragha An extension of the L-18243 running west for 540 540 Westport metres 74. Carrowbaun An extension of the L-18151 running east for 80 80 Westport metres 75. Ardagh, Ballina Link road between LT11211 and LS110 at Ardagh, 790 Ballina Ballina 76. Mount Falcon Link road between LT53592 and LT 53593 at 1050 Ballina Mount Falcon, Ballina 77. Knockroe, Link road between LT 51351 and LT11027 at 1100 Ballina Bonniconlon Knockroe, Bonniconlon 78. Steelaun, Carrowmore From junction with LS5180 running east for 473 Ballina Lacken distance of 473m at Steelaun, Carrowmore Lacken 79. Knockaun, Ballycastle From junction of LT11148 running north east for a 143 Ballina distance of 143m at Knockaun, Ballycastle 80. Lissaniska, Link road between LT13175 and LP1317 at 690 Ballina Knockmore Lisaniska, Knockmore 81. Deelcastle, Link road between N59 and LT11211 at 1110 Ballina Crossmolina Deelcastle, Crossmolina 82. Ross, Killala From junction with LP117 running north for a 748 Ballina distance of 748m at Ross, Killala 83. Lacken Strand Link road between LP115 and LS185 at Lacken 440 Ballina Strand - 10 - 84. Downpatrick Head, Extension of LT11148 by 696m at Downpatrick 696 Ballina Ballycastle Head, Ballycastle 85. Fiddaun, Keenagh Extension of LT14032 at Fiddaun, Keenagh by 163 Ballina 163m 86. Banagher, From end of LT11164 to junction with LS5181 at 865 Ballina Carrowmore Lacken Banagher, Carrowmore Lacken 87. Aughoose, Ballycastle From junction with LS51891 for a distance of 1246 Ballina 1246m at Aughoose, Ballycastle 88. Rathkip, Ballina From junction with R294 for a distance of 134m in 134 Ballina the townland of Rathkip</p><p>SCHEDULE B</p><p>No. Townland Description Length Area (Metres ) 1. Ash Grove, Swinford Ash Grove Housing Estate, Swinford: From its 103 Swinford junction with the R320 for a distance of 103m northwest 2. Larch Hill, Swinford Larch Hill Housing Estate, Swinford: From its 160 Swinford junction with the R320 for a distance of 160m northwest 3. Oak Drive, Swinford Oak Drive Housing Estate, Swinford: From its 231 Swinford junction with the R320 for a distance of 231 northwest 4. Fraun Hill, Swinford Fraun Hill Housing Estate, Swinford: From its 377 Swinford junction with the R320 for a distance of 377m southeast 5. Woodlands, Swinford Woodlands Estate, Swinford: From its junction 155 Swinford with the R375 for a distance of 155m northeast 6. Church View, Swinford Church View Estate, Swinford: Extension of LT- 175 Swinford 13302 to include remainder of Church View from a point 100m southeast of its junction with the R320 for a distance of 175m. 7. Mountain View, Mountain View Housing Estate, Kiltimagh: From 133 Swinford Kiltimagh its junction with the L-5952 for a distance of 133m northwest 8. Westbury Estate, Westbury Estate, Claremorris: From its junction 450 Claremorris Claremorris with LP1506 eastwards in Mayfield 9. Clareville Estate, Clareville Estate, Claremorris: From junction 820 Claremorris Claremorris R320 to the estate eastwards in Clare 10. Lisambles Estate, Liosambles Estate, Ballindine: From junction 102 Claremorris Ballindine with LP1511 to the southside, a cresent in Lugalisheen 11. Beechlawn Estate, Beechlawn Estate in Carrownlygaun, 147 Claremorris Ballyhaunis Ballyhaunis – 147m of road and 172m of footpaths 12. Abbeytown, Extension of LT11071 by 210m at Abbeytown, 210 Ballina Crossmolina Crossmolina 13. Lakelawns Estate Lakelawns Estate in Ballinrobe – Roadway 43 Ballinrobe adjoining House No’s 21 to 24</p><p>- 11 - ITEM NO. 11. TO JOINTLY PREPARE A LOCAL AREA PLAN FOR CHARLESTOWN/ BELLAGHY WITH SLIGO COUNTY COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 18(2) OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. J. Maloney Resolved:- “That Mayo County Council jointly prepare a Local Area Plan for Charlestown / Bellaghy with Sligo County Council in accordance with Section 18(2) of the Planning & Development Act 2000”.</p><p>A discussion took place on the Directive received from Mr. John Gormley, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, in relation to the Mayo County Development Plan 2008 – 2014.</p><p>The County Manager informed the Meeting that a Report on this matter would be on the Agenda for the September Meeting of the Council.</p><p>ITEM NO. 12. TO AUTHORISE THE ATTENDANCE OF THE CATHAOIRLEACH AND TWO MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL TO ATTEND THE MAYO SOCIETY OF GREATER CLEVELAND BALL 2008 TO BE HELD IN THE EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL, INDEPENDENCE, OHIO, ON 27 th SEPTEMBER, 2008.</p><p>The Council were informed of the estimated cost of sending a Delegate to this Function.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. M. Adams Resolved:- “That the Cathaoirleach, Cllr. J. Mellett, Cllrs. J. Cribbin and A.M. Reape be nominated to attend the Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland Ball 2008 to be held in the Embassy Suites Hotel, Independence, Ohio, on 27th September, 2008, and that the necessary expenditure be hereby approved”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 13. TO AUTHORISE THE ATTENDANCE OF THE CATHAOIRLEACH AND TWO MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL TO ATTEND BOSTON MAYO</p><p>- 12 - ASSOCIATION CENTENNIAL DINNER DANCE TO BE HELD IN MOSELEYS ON THE CHARLES, DEDHAM, BOSTON, ON 18 th OCTOBER, 2008.</p><p>The Council were informed of the estimated cost of sending a Delegate to this Function.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. M. Adams Resolved:- “That the Cathaoirleach, Cllr. J. Mellett, Cllrs. E. Lavin and A. McDonnell be nominated to attend Boston Mayo Association Centennial Dinner Dance to be held in Moseleys on the Charles, Dedham, Boston, on 18th October, 2008, and that the necessary expenditure be hereby approved”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 14. TO NOMINATE THREE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL TO THE BOARD OF MAYO NORTH EAST LEADER PARTNERSHIP COMPANY TEORANTA.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. M. Adams Resolved:- “That Cllrs. E. Lavin, M. Mulherin and J. Maloney be nominated to the Board of Mayo North East LEADER Partnership Company Teoranta”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 15. TO ADOPT DRAFT MAYO COUNTY COUNCIL TAKING IN CHARGE POLICY FOR HOUSING ESTATES.</p><p>Mr. J. Loftus, Dir. of Services, briefed the Members on this Item.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. J. Munnelly Seconded by Cllr. M. Adams Resolved:- “That Draft Mayo County Council Taking in Charge Policy for Housing Estates, as circulated, be adopted”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 16. PROVISION OF CIVIC AMENITY SITES IN THE BELMULLET AND CLAREMORRIS / BALLYHAUNIS AREAS.</p><p>Mr. S. Granahan, Dir. of Services, introduced this Item.</p><p>- 13 - Following discussion, it was -</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. M. Adams Resolved:- “That Report on the provision of Civic Amenity Sites in the Belmullet and Claremorris / Ballyhaunis areas, as circulated, be noted by the Council”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 17. TO NOTE MINUTES OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES STRATEGIC POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 26 th FEBRUARY, 2008.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. F. Chambers Resolved:- “That Minutes of Environmental Policy and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee Meeting held on 26th February, 2008, be noted”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 18. TO NOTE MINUTES OF CULTURAL, EDUCATION, HERITAGE AND CORPORATE AFFAIRS STRATEGIC POLICY COMMITTEE MEETINGS HELD ON 3 rd APRIL, 2008 AND 11 th JUNE, 2008.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. F. Chambers Resolved:- “That Minutes of Cultural, Education, Heritage and Corporate Affairs Strategic Policy Committee Meetings held on 3rd April, 2008 and 11th June, 2008, be noted”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 19. TO NOTE MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 2 nd MAY, 2008.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. F. Chambers Resolved:- “That Minutes of Planning and Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee Meeting held on 2nd May, 2008, be noted”.</p><p>- 14 - ITEM NO. 20. TO NOTE MINUTES OF CLAREMORRIS ELECTORAL AREA COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 6 th MAY, 2008.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. T. Connolly Seconded by Cllr. M. Carty Resolved:- “That Minutes of Claremorris Electoral Area Committee Meeting held on 6th May, 2008, be noted”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 21. TO NOTE MINUTES OF CASTLEBAR ELECTORAL AREA COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 26 th MAY, 2008.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. A. McDonnell Seconded by Cllr. C. Burke Resolved:- “That Minutes of Castlebar Electoral Area Committee Meeting held on 26th May, 2008, be noted”.</p><p>ITEM NO. 22. TO CONSIDER NOMINATING REPRESENTATIVES TO ATTEND PARNELL SUMMER SCHOOL 2008 – “EDUCATING IRELAND” – TO BE HELD IN AVONDALE HOUSE AND FOREST PARK, RATHDRUM, CO. WICKLOW, FROM 10 th TO 15 th AUGUST, 2008.</p><p>The Council were informed of the estimated cost of sending a Delegate to this Summer School.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. A. McDonnell Resolved:- “That Cllrs. M. Adams, S. Bourke, M. Carty, G. Coyle, J. Cribbin, H. Kenny, J. Maloney, A. McDonnell, P. McHugh, M. McNamara, G. Murray, P. O’Brien, T. Quinn, A.M. Reape, D. Ryan, E. Staunton and S. Weir be nominated to attend Parnell Summer School 2008 – “Educating Ireland” – to be held in Avondale House and Forest Park, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow, from 10th to 15th August, 2008”.</p><p>- 15 - ITEM NO. 23. TO CONSIDER NOMINATING REPRESENTATIVES TO ATTEND GENERAL HUMBERT SUMMER SCHOOL 2008 TO BE HELD IN THE NEWMAN INSTITUTE, BALLINA, FROM 21 st TO 24 th AUGUST, 2008.</p><p>The Council were informed of the estimated cost of sending a Delegate to this Summer School.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. A. McDonnell Resolved:- “That Cllrs. P. McHugh, M. McNamara, J. Munnelly and E. Staunton be nominated to attend General Humbert Summer School 2008 to be held in the Newman Institute, Ballina, from 21st to 24th August, 2008”.</p><p>MacGill Summer School & Arts Week – Glenties, Co. Donegal – 12 th to 19 th July, 2008.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. A.M. Reape Seconded by Cllr. J. Mee Resolved:- “That Cllr. H. Walsh be nominated to attend MacGill Summer School & Arts Week – “The Life and Works of Brian Friel” – to be held in the Highland Hotel, Glenties, Co. Donegal, from 12th to 19th July, 2008”.</p><p>John Hewitt International Summer School – Armagh – 28 th July to 1 st August, 2008.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. A.M. Reape Seconded by Cllr. G. Coyle Resolved:- “That Cllrs. H. Walsh and John O’Malley be nominated to attend John Hewitt International Summer School – “Let There Be No Wall” – to be held in the Market Place Theatre & Arts Centre, Armagh, from 28th July to 1st August, 2008”</p><p>Seminar – Birr, Co. Offaly – 22 nd to 24 th August, 2008.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. P. McGuinness Seconded by Cllr. C. Burke Resolved:- “That Cllr. G. Coyle be nominated to attend Seminar – “Local Government and the Arts” – to be held in Dooley’s Hotel, Birr, Co. Offaly, from 22nd to 24th August, 2008”.</p><p>- 16 - The Cathaoirleach informed the Council that Commemoration Ceremonies for the Maypole Disaster in which 75 people died in a mining accident on the 18th August, 1908, would be held in Wigan, Lancashire, England and County Mayo during August and September, 2008.</p><p>It was agreed that the Council would host a Reception for the Mayor of Wigan, Councillor Rona Winkworth, and her Delegation when she visits County Mayo and that the Cathaoirleach and Cllr. G. Murray would attend the Commemoration Ceremonies in Wigan, Lancashire, England.</p><p>NOTICES OF MOTION. ------</p><p>(a) “That this Local Authority will agree to make a special speed limit bye-law, under the Road Traffic Act, 2004, to enforce a special speed limit outside schools during the times that school flashing lights are operating”.</p><p>It was agreed to defer this Notice of Motion to the Roads and Transportation Strategic Policy Committee for consideration.</p><p>(b) Proposed by Cllr. J. Munnelly Seconded by Cllr. F. Chambers Resolved:- “That this Local Authority supports the campaign to introduce an automatic organ donation system in Ireland, whereby a persons organs are automatically offered for donation when they die, unless they have specifically requested otherwise. In supporting this Motion, this Local Authority calls on the Department of Health to make the necessary legislative changes to allow this to happen”.</p><p>(c) Proposed by Cllr. T. Quinn Seconded by Cllr. M. McNamara Resolved:- “That Mayo Co. Council invite representatives from U.C.G. to address the Council regarding the recent publications on the Irish language and the future of Mayo Gaeltachts”.</p><p>(d) Proposed by Cllr. D. Ryan Seconded by Cllr. P. O’Brien Resolved:-</p><p>- 17 - “Asking Mayo Co. Council to honour in an appropriate way the achievement of David O’Loughlin, Cong, Co. Mayo, on being selected on the Irish Squad as our sole Cycling Track representative at the Beijing Olympics which start on August 8th”.</p><p>It was agreed to hold a Function for David O’Louglin in Ryans Hotel, Cong, on Friday, 1st August, 2008, to honour his achievement on being selected to take part in the Beijing Olympics.</p><p>(e) “Calling on Mayo Co. Co. to give an account of works carried out on Piers and Harbours with a category 1 rating since the publication of the Assessment of Piers, Harbours and Landing Places in County Mayo in April, 2004”.</p><p>Report dated 14th July, 2008, as circulated, was noted by the Council.</p><p>RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY. ------</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. A.M. Reape Seconded by Cllr. P. McGuinness Resolved:- “That the sympathy of the Council be extended to Mrs. Ann Brennan & family, Churchtown, Dublin, on the death of her Husband, Seamus Brennan, T.D.”.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. M. McNamara Seconded by Cllr. F. Chambers Resolved:- “That the sympathy of the Council be extended to Mrs. Annie Molloy, 24217, Woodmere Drive, North Olmsted, Cleveland, Ohio 44070, U.S.A., on the death of her Husband, Stephen”.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. A.M. Reape Seconded by Cllr. Johnnie O’Malley Resolved:- “That the sympathy of the Council be extended to Mr. Tony Gilmartin, Carracrum, Bonniconlon, Ballina, on the death of his Mother, Julie”.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. A.M. Reape Seconded by Cllr. Johnnie O’Malley Resolved:-</p><p>- 18 - “That the sympathy of the Council be extended to Mary Melody & family, Grove Road, Bonniconlon, Ballina, on the death of Michael Melody”.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. A.M. Reape Seconded by Cllr. Johnnie O’Malley Resolved:- “That the sympathy of the Council be extended to Garda Jimmy Whyte, The Lane, The Quay, Ballina, on the death of his Father, James”.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. A.M. Reape Seconded by Cllr. H. Walsh Resolved:- “That the sympathy of the Council be extended to Mr. Seamus Barrett, “Bartra”, Quay Road, Ballina, on the death of his Wife, Nance (Nancy)”.</p><p>Proposed by Cllr. A.F. O’Malley Seconded by Cllr. H. Kenny Resolved:- “That the sympathy of the Council be extended to the Cannon family, Carrowniskey, Louisburgh, on the death of Michael Cannon”.</p><p>The Meeting concluded at 6.00 p.m.</p>
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