18680 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 13 December 1, 2011 The Cuban government must act now and pendence’’ of Cuba. Mr. Gross, a non-Spanish The theme for World AIDS Day 2011 is release Alan Gross immediately and uncondi- speaking man in his 60’s who has worked on ‘‘Getting to Zero.’’ After 30 years of the global tionally—for the sake of the relationship be- development projects in over 50 countries, fight against HIV/AIDS, this year the focus is tween the United States and Cuban people certainly was not trained or equipped to en- on achieving 3 targets: Zero new HIV infec- and for the sake of the health of Alan Gross gage in subterfuge. tions. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related and his family. Alan Gross has been sentenced to 15 years deaths. f in jail. This preposterous sentence has caused The goal of ‘‘Zero AIDS Related Deaths’’ tremendous emotional pain and financial hard- signifies an increased access to available HONORING SUPERIOR CHEVROLET ship for his family, and devastated the Jewish treatments for all those infected. Currently, community. Alan’s daughter is currently under- only one third of the 15 million people living HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. going treatment for cancer, and his 89-year- with HIV worldwide who are in need of lifelong OF GEORGIA old mother is in poor health and fears she will treatment are receiving it. Universal access to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES never see her son again. Alan’s wife, Judy, antiretroviral treatments for those living with has been caring for her ill daughter and moth- HIV will not only decrease the number of AIDS Thursday, December 1, 2011 er-in-law while working full time to support her related deaths, but will increase the quality of Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I family. Alan himself is suffering from severe life among those infected and decrease trans- submit the following Proclamation: health problems due to a lack of medical treat- mission. Whereas, we need businesses to set up ment during his incarceration. World AIDS Day is an opportunity for all of shop in our community to provide the goods In October, Governor Bill Richardson trav- us to learn the facts about HIV. By increasing and services that are needed in order for our eled to Cuba with the intent to discuss Alan the understanding of how HIV is transmitted, citizens to survive and thrive on a day to day Gross’ release. During this visit, which had how it can be prevented, and the reality of liv- basis; and been approved by the Cuban Government, ing with HIV today—we can use this knowl- Whereas, in 1969, Mr. Lamar Ferrell started Governor Bill Richardson was denied even a edge to take care of our own health and the Lamar Ferrell Chevrolet here in Decatur, single meeting with Alan to assess his health. health of others. Georgia to service the citizens of DeKalb Subsequently, the Cuban government refused Since its discovery, countless researchers, County, Georgia and nearby communities; and to discuss Alan’s case with Governor Richard- healthcare providers, politicians, and edu- Whereas, when Mr. Ferrell passed away, son. cators have contributed to the global initiative the new owner Mr. Buddy Hyatt purchased the The Castro regime has chosen to align itself to contain and eventually eliminate the pres- business and it has been family owned ever with the most repressive and violent regimes ence of AIDS in all corners of the world. Re- since under the name of Superior Chevrolet; in the world, counting among its friends the cent scientific advancements have resulted in and Venezuelan and Iranian regimes. These re- revolutionary breakthroughs with the potential Whereas, Superior Chevrolet continues to gimes have disregarded judicial processes in to reverse the epidemic in coming years. I ask be a resource for citizens in DeKalb County order to unjustly hold American citizens to use my colleagues to join me in this goal, to re- and beyond with excellent service, providing as leverage. We will not sit idly by and allow member those who have died of the disease employment opportunities and providing a an American citizen to suffer at the hands of and to celebrate accomplishments achieved, product that ‘‘keeps America moving’’ contrib- these tyrants. The Castro regime must imme- specifically the increased access to treatment uting to the local and national economy; and diately allow Alan to receive proper medical and prevention services. Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the treatment and take the necessary steps to It is imperative that we continue our efforts Fourth District of Georgia is officially honoring, bring him home to his family as soon as pos- and work together to increase funding for HIV recognizing and congratulating Superior Chev- sible. prevention and education, so that our children rolet on their forty-second (42) anniversary as My colleagues and I will continue to speak will be equipped with sufficient and appro- a business anchor in our District; out on behalf of Alan, his family, and the Jew- priate knowledge of this growing threat within Now therefore, I, HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHN- ish community, and continue to use every tool our communities until HIV/AIDS becomes a SON, JR. do hereby proclaim October 21, 2011 at our disposal to secure Alan’s immediate re- memory. as Superior Chevrolet Day In the 4th Congres- lease. f f sional District of Georgia RECOGNIZING DR. ROGER GORDON Proclaimed, this 21st day of October, 2011. SUPPORTING THE GOALS AND SMITH’S CAREER SERVICE TO f IDEALS OF WORLD AIDS DAY OUR NATION’S VETERANS THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF IMPRISONMENT OF ALAN GROSS HON. LAURA RICHARDSON HON. STEVE COHEN OF CALIFORNIA OF TENNESSEE HON. THEODORE E. DEUTCH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, December 1, 2011 OF FLORIDA Thursday, December 1, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to today in support of the goals and ideals of Thursday, December 1, 2011 honor an unsung hero of the Veterans Admin- World AIDS Day. A day dedicated to bringing istration, Dr. Roger Gordon Smith, M.D. Dr. Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, this Saturday awareness to those who have died from the Smith was born on April 6, 1951, and just re- marks the third anniversary since American disease and the strides that have been made cently concluded his long career serving our U.S. AID worker Alan Gross was arrested and in the fight against it. nation’s veterans on August 26th of this year. unjustly imprisoned in Cuba. It is the third year This year marks 30 years after the first dis- Dr. Smith attended Battle Creek Central in a row that the Gross family will prepare to covery of AIDS cases in the United States. High School in Michigan, where he graduated spend another holiday season without their The Center of Disease Control (CDC) esti- in 1969. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in beloved husband, father, and son. mates that 33.3 million people have HIV Chemistry with top honors from Howard Uni- Alan Gross, a resident of Maryland and a worldwide, with 1.2 million persons who are versity in 1973. He also earned his doctoral long time international development worker, living with HIV in the United States. Every 91⁄2 degree in medicine with scholastic honors traveled to Cuba in 2009 to help the island’s minutes, someone in the U.S. is infected with from Howard University in 1977. Following small Jewish community establish better inter- HIV. One in five living with HIV is unaware of that, he interned at Howard University Hospital net access. Upon his arrival, Mr. Gross de- their infection. By race, African Americans until 1978, whereupon he obtained his license clared all of his electronic items with Cuban face the most severe HIV burden. The impact to practice medicine in the District of Columbia customs officials. Yet on December 3, 2009, of the HIV/AIDS epidemic spans the nation the following year. he was arrested and subsequently detained with HIV diagnoses having been reported in all With such an auspicious beginning to his for 14 months without any charges filed 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the career in medicine, one might have expected against him. Earlier this year, he was charged U.S. dependencies, possessions, and associ- Dr. Smith to pursue a lucrative private prac- with ‘‘acts to undermine the integrity and inde- ated nations. tice. Instead, once he had paid off his medical VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:22 Dec 02, 2015 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E01DE1.000 E01DE1 jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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