<p> WORKSESSION/REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAPE MAY, NJ Tuesday, December 6, 2011 – 1pm </p><p>The regular meeting of City Council of the City of Cape May was called to order by Mayor Mahaney at 1:00 P.M. Tuesday, December 6, 2011, in the Cape May City Hall Auditorium. The Clerk called the roll and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.</p><p>Present: Councilmember Deanna Fiocca Mayor Edward J. Mahaney, Jr. Councilmember William H. Murray Councilmember Terri L. Swain Deputy Mayor Jack Wichterman Also Present: City Attorney Anthony Monzo City Manager Bruce MacLeod City Auditor Leon Costello City Clerk Diane L. Weldon Deputy Clerk Louise Cummiskey</p><p>Mayor Mahaney announced that under the Open Public Meetings Law, notice of this meeting was sent to the Cape May Star and Wave and The Press and a copy of the agenda was delivered to each Member of Council and was posted on the City Hall Bulletin Board.</p><p>Minutes do not reflect the actual order in which the events occurred.</p><p>COUNCIL COMMENTS </p><p>AGENDA ADDITION/DELETION OF LATE AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR ACTION: </p><p>WORK SESSION DISCUSSION ITEMS: Smoke Free Zones –Deputy Mayor Wichterman comments about smoke free zones in the City of Cape May. He asks council to think about changing the Ordinance to include select beaches thereby making the Ordinance less stringent. Mr. Wichterman advises that he will be the anchor for this project and requests that council contact him with their thoughts.</p><p>ENGINEER REPORT</p><p>1. Slip lining on Washington Street. Mr. Roberts reports that the contractor began the repairs but found additional problems and had to withdraw. He is in the process of preparing an estimate for the additional work for submission to the City.</p><p>2. FY2011 Road and Utility Improvement Program. A pre-construction meeting with the Contractor took place on November 16, 2011 and the construction schedule was </p><p>OFFICIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 6, 2011 1 discussed. Because of the holiday season, it was decided that the work would not begin until January 2, 2012 with a completion date of May 11, 2012.</p><p>3. Underground Storage Tank #11, Canning House Lane – A corrective Deed Notice has been prepared by Mr. Monzo which when signed and filed, will end the project.</p><p>4. Underground Storage Tank #98, Canning House Lane – A Deed Notice is being completed for submission to the City. The Response Action Outcome will then be completed for filing with the County by the end of January, 2012. 5. Water Tank Project –Bid documents are being prepared. A meeting with the wireless tenants is scheduled for December 7, 2011 at 2:00 P.M. The Preliminary Engineering Report and Environmental Reports have been submitted to the USDA and are under review. </p><p>6. FY 2011 NJDCA Small Cities Grant Application – Carpenter’s Lane, Franklin Street School, Trenton Avenue and Cove Beach Access – Bid documents were prepared and the project has been advertised. A pre bid conference is scheduled for December 7, 2011 at 10:00 A.M. Eight contractors have obtained bid packages. </p><p>7. FY 2012 NJDCA Grant Application – ADA Improvements – Grant applications have been submitted and we are awaiting determination</p><p>8. FY2012 NJDOT – Municipal Aid – Grant applications have been submitted and we are awaiting determination.</p><p>9. Installation of new Water Meter Vaults – An engineering proposal has been submitted and the project is awaiting authorization from the City.</p><p>10. FY2012 Road and Utility Improvement Program – A meeting will be scheduled to review the city’s priorities. </p><p>11. City Hall Rehabilitation – Visual inspections are being conducted on the building’s exterior walls, roof, windows and interior walls. A report detailing the findings will be prepared and should be completed by December 16, 2011. </p><p>12. Renewal of Beach Maintenance Permit – The renewal application for the Beach Maintenance Permit should be finalized by the end of the year. </p><p>CITY MANAGER ITEMS USLA Lifeguard Championships – 2012. Buzz Mogck and Ed Zebrowski come to the table to speak about the City’s opportunity to once again host the USLA Lifeguard Championships. Mr. MacLeod comments that it is rare to be selected as a back to back host and with the support from several of the City’s Departments, we should not be required to add any additional funds in the budget. Mr. Zebrowski states that he Championships were very successful last year and are a great opportunity for the City. This year the City will have greater exposure, and upon doing some research, Mr. Zebrowski determined that approximately 2,000 / 2,500 people came into Cape May for the event. </p><p>Caption Mogck asks if the City received any complaints about the event and if not, he would appreciate Council’s support again for next year. </p><p>ATTORNEY ITEMS Mr. Monzo speaks about a draft Ordinance amending the City’s Parking Ordinance. Mr. Monzo advises that over the years, upgraded technology has deemed the existing Ordinance defunct. The amendment will allow for different forms of payment, other than coin, and if there is no objection, this Ordinance may be placed on the agenda of the December 20, 2011 meeting. </p><p>CLERK'S ANNOUNCEMENTS</p><p>The City Clerk mentions that seasonal beach tags on currently on sale for the reduced cost of $15.00 for walk in customers and $15.75 by mail, and will remain on sale until March 31, 2011. REGULAR MEETING BUSINESS: </p><p>ORDINANCE FOR SECOND READING AND CONSIDERATION FOR ADOPTION: 243.2011 An Ordinance amending Chapter 10 Article XX of the Cape May City Code and establishing a Department of Tourism, Civic Affairs and Recreation</p><p>Motion: Wichterman Second: Murray</p><p>Mayor Mahaney opens the meeting for a public hearing. Hearing no one the Mayor closes the public portion.</p><p>Motion: Wichterman Second: Swain Roll Call: Fiocca Yes Murray Yes Swain Yes Wichterman Yes Mahaney Yes</p><p>244-2011 An Ordinance amending Chapter 10, Article XXXVI of the City Code to establish a Tourism Utility, Eliminate the Tourism Commission and reinstitute the Advisory Committee on Tourism</p><p>Motion: Wichterman Second: Murray Mayor Mahaney opens the meeting for a public hearing. </p><p>Shaine Meier, 1217 Vermont Avenue, Cape May, NJ asks about the $50.00 fee assessed on all Mercantile Licenses. Mr. MacLeod explains that the money, up until now, had been dedicated to the Tourism Commission. If this Ordinance is successfully adopted, the $50.00 will now go into the Tourism Utility for promotion of Tourism under the Tourism Utility Budget.</p><p>There is discussion about the language in the Ordinance regarding the $50.00 assessment. It is determined that the word “annual” will be removed. </p><p>Jay Schatz, 34 Gurney Street, Cape May, NJ, speaks on behalf of the Hotel/Motel Lodgings Association and wants to know if there will be an additional $50.00 fee and is advised there will not. Mr. Schatz then asks about the recently hired Director of Tourism and asks if the City will hire an additional employee to assist the Director. Mr. MacLeod advises that the City has recently hired someone to replace Terry Brown who is retiring. </p><p>Jerry Gaffney, 810 Columbia Avenue, Cape May, NJ asks about the Tourism Utility and whether it will be self-liquidating and if so, where it will get money, initially, to remain solvent. The City Manager responds by itemizing some of the sources of revenue that will be earned and placed in the Tourism Utility Budget. Mr. Gaffney asks about the debt service for the new Convention Hall and how that will be handled. Mr. MacLeod advises that the taxpayers have accepted the debt service and initially, at least in the early years, they will pay down the debt. Mr. MacLeod advises that it is our goal, in the future, for the Utility to help pay that debt. </p><p>Bernie Haas, 1016 Illinois Avenue, Cape May, NJ, asks about the Tourism Advisory Committee and how the members were chosen. Mr. Monzo comments that the members of the group are the same that were part of an Ordinance that was adopted in 2001 or 2002, and the only change is the WSMMC has replaced the Mall Merchants Association as the Mall Representative. The organizations listed will select from their membership, who will sit on the Committee. </p><p>Motion: Wichterman Second: Swain</p><p>Councilmember Fiocca is disappointed with the removal of the Tourism Commission who she believes have done a great job. </p><p>Councilmember Murray asks why the list was compiled and what some of the groups on the list have to do with Tourism. He also is disappointed that the Tourism Commission is being eliminated and replaced with an Advisory Committee with no authority. He doesn’t think it is a good idea to disband the Commission. </p><p>Deputy Mayor Wichterman comments that he attended a preliminary budget meeting with Leon Costello, Mayor Mahaney and Mr. MacLeod and one of the main topics of conversation at the meeting was the Tourism Utility and the budget for same. Mr. Wichterman was very pleased with the line items that he saw in the preliminary budget and he believes that once introduced, it will allay many fears. Roll Call: Fiocca No Murray No Swain Yes Wichterman Yes Mahaney Yes</p><p>The following Resolutions will be approved by Consent. Mayor Mahaney offers an explanation of the purpose of the Resolutions for the benefit of the public. Resolutions 246-12-2011 A and 246-12-2011 B are removed from the Consent vote. </p><p>RESOLUTIONS: Council will accept questions from the public on resolutions: 242-12-2011 Resolution approving settlement of tax appeal litigation known as Keystone, Inc. v Cape May City 243-12-2011 Resolution approving settlement of tax appeal litigation known as Poulsen, Preben & Barbara, et al v. Cape May City 244-12-2011 Resolution approving consent judgment – Promenade Partners, LLC 245-12-2011 Resolution of the City of Cape May to cancel unpaid taxes per agreement with Jersey Central Power & Light 247-12-2011 Resolution approving a settlement agreement for repayment of Beach Theatre Foundation loan 248-12-2011 Transfer of appropriations 249-12-2011 Resolution providing for the insertion of two special items of revenue in the budget pursuant to Chapter 159, P.L. 1948 250-12-2011 Rejection of bids for the supply and installation of audio-visual, tele-data, security systems 251-12-2011 Resolution of the City of Cape May providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the NJ Open Public Meetings Act, NJSA10:4- 12, contract negotiations – Kimmel-Bogrette 252-12-2011 Resolution approving professional services contract between Polistina and Associates, LLC and the City of Cape May for development of a public access plan 253-12-2011 Resolution of the City of Cape May approving bid for lease of Broadway Pavilion, 100 Beach Ave, Cape May, New Jersey 254-12-2011 Resolution approving professional services agreement between James M. Rutala Associates, LLC and the City of Cape May</p><p>Jerry Gaffney, 810 Columbia Avenue, Cape May, NJ advises he is no longer a member of the Beach Theatre Foundation but states that he signed a pledge in 2007. He questions the terms and conditions of the settlement agreement as to any additional obligation for repayment on his part. Mr. Monzo explains that the agreement does not create any additional obligation by any of the donors that originally pledged money. This is strictly an agreement between the City of Cape May and the Beach Theatre Foundation and will be available to the public if approved by Council. The Agreement provides for the Beach Theatre Foundation to go out and to seek payment from the subscribers who had made pledges and on a monthly basis, to remit the funds collected to the City. Shaine Meier, 1217 Vermont Avenue, Cape May, NJ asks if the JCP&L property includes dog park and the Mayor responds that it does.</p><p>Motion: Wichterman Second: Murray</p><p>Roll Call: Fiocca Yes Murray Yes Swain Yes Wichterman Yes Mahaney Yes</p><p>246-12-2011 Payment of bills A</p><p>Motion: Wichterman Second: Swain</p><p>Roll Call: Fiocca Yes Murray Abstain Swain Yes Wichterman Yes Mahaney Yes</p><p>246-12-2011 Payment of bills B</p><p>Motion: Murray Second: Wichterman</p><p>Roll Call: Fiocca Yes Murray Yes Swain Abstain Wichterman Yes Mahaney Yes</p><p>MINUTES: City Council meeting minutes dated November 1, 2011 Closed Executive Session City Council meeting minutes dated November 1, 2011</p><p>Motion: Murray Second: Wichterman Roll Call: Fiocca Yes Murray Yes Swain Yes Wichterman Yes Mahaney Yes</p><p>City Council meeting minutes dated November 14, 2011 Closed Executive Session City Council meeting minutes dated November 14, 2011</p><p>Motion: Wichterman Second: Swain</p><p>Roll Call: Fiocca Abstain Murray Yes Swain Yes Wichterman Yes Mahaney Yes</p><p>LICENSES: </p><p>REPORTS RECEIVED BY THE CLERK: Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities financial statement for the year ending 2010 Shade Tree Commission meeting minutes dated October 13, 2011 Cape May City Police Department monthly report for October, 2011 Cape May City Fire Department monthly report for October, 2011 Construction Permit Activity Report for October, 2011 Environmental Commission meeting minutes dated October 11, 2011 Cape May Convention Hall monthly status report dated October, 2011 and November, 2011 City of Cape May Planning Board meeting minutes dated September 27, 2011 and October 11, 2011 City of Cape May occupancy tax budget projection for October, 2011</p><p>Motion: Mahaney Second: Swain</p><p>Roll Call: Fiocca Yes Murray Yes Swain Yes Wichterman Yes Mahaney Yes</p><p>UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: A) City Attorney B) City Manager – Mr. MacLeod comments that on Friday December 9, 2011 at 2:00 P.M. the City will receive bids for the two retail stores at the new Convention Hall facility. Also, at the request of the School Board, Mr. MacLeod and the Mayor will be attending a meeting to talk with them about two projects, one being the park design and the second being the grant regarding a small wind turbine which will be used for educational purposes at the school. C) City Clerk D) Councilmembers – Mayor Mahaney thanks the City employees and general public for their assistance during the tree lighting ceremony and the West Cape May Parade. He also thanks Congress Hall for their tree lighting ceremony which was very well attended and very enjoyable.</p><p>PUBLIC PORTION: Those wishing to publicly comment shall come forward, give their name and address and speak into the microphone. Each speaker will be limited to five (5) minutes. </p><p>Shaine Meier, 1217 Vermont Avenue, Cape May, NJ thinks the Mercantile fees should be revisited and increased in some instances, as he believes some of the fees are disproportionate, specifically the whole house rental fee. Shaine says the additional money could benefit the taxpayers. </p><p>Bernie Haas, 1016 Illinois Avenue, Cape May, NJ speaks about the Beach Theatre Settlement Agreement and acknowledges, for the record, the names of the people that pledged money, as follows: Thomas J. Fitzpatrick, Daniel Cohen, Myra Kurkowski, Bruce Minnix, Corinne Minnix, Harley Shuler, Sandy Miller, Don Schweichert, Gayle Stahlhuth, Rose Boedenweiss, Harry Kulkowitz, Mark Kulkowitz, Dolores Galloway, Edwin Bramble, Mary Pat Myers, John Augustine, Barbara Skinner, Phillipa Campbell, Joseph McCauley, Miles Martel, Jay and Maryanne Schatz, Susan Tischler, Dr. Richard Barab, Ann LeDuc, Jerry Gaffney, Hugh McCauley, Steve Jackson, Jane Wood, Roger and Dani Barnsby, Ray Roberts, Lelah and Jay Eppenbach, Barry Sharer and Bernard Haas. As an officer of the Foundation, Mr. Haas would like to publicly thank these people for their support. </p><p>Jerry Gaffney, 810 Columbia Avenue, Cape May, NJ speaks about the budget presentation offered by the City Manager last year and hopes it will be done again this year. However, the main reason for his attendance at today’s meeting is to ask about the notice he received regarding his water. He wants to make sure the water is not tainted. Mr. MacLeod explains the reason for the notice and again explains why the notice was sent and assures Mr. Gaffney that it is safe to drink the water.</p><p>John Fleming, 1484 Washington Street, Cape May, NJ speaks about an article in the AC Press regarding the City of Ocean City and their proposal of employing fewer Firefighters and more EMTs. He confirms that the City of Cape May receives more medical calls and EMT responses than actual fires and asks if the City is considering the same course of action. Mr. MacLeod comments that we can look at this in the future but that the City just settled a Contract with our Fire Department, after a twenty-three month negotiation period. The contract has been ratified for four additional years, advises Mr. MacLeod and it is felt that the City has made significant strides in restructuring their Employment Contract. </p><p>COUNCIL & CITY MANAGER COMMENTS</p><p>Motion made by Councilmember Swain, seconded by Deputy Mayor Wichterman to go into closed session. The regular meeting adjourned at 3:10 P.M.</p><p>CLOSED: Contract Negotiations – Kimmel Bogrette</p><p>Motion made by Deputy Mayor Wichterman to go back into open session. Motion made by Deputy Mayor Wichterman to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:45 P.M.</p><p>Edward J. Mahaney, Jr., Mayor</p><p>Jack Wichterman, Deputy Mayor</p><p>Deanna Fiocca, Councilmember</p><p>Terri L. Swain, Councilmember</p><p>William H. Murray, Councilmember</p><p>______Diane L. Weldon, City Clerk </p>
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