<p> OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities in 2012 </p><p>Name of disease (or topic) for which you Foot and mouth disease are a designated OIE Reference Laboratory:</p><p>Regional Reference Laboratory for FMD in South Address of laboratory East Asia, National Institute of Animal Health Department of Livestock Development, Pakchong, Nakhonratchasima, 30130 THAILAND</p><p>Tel.: +66 44 279112, +66 44 313869</p><p>Fax: +66 44 314889, +66 44 313869</p><p> e-mail address: [email protected]</p><p> website: www. dld.go.th/rrl</p><p>Dr. Panithan Thongtha Name (including Title) of Head of Acting Director, Regional Reference Laboratory for Laboratory (Responsible Official): FMD in South East Asia, since 1st October 2011-12 July 2012. Dr. Somjai Kamolsiripichaiporn Acting Director, Regional Reference Laboratory for FMD in South East Asia, since 13 July 2012 to the present</p><p>Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch Name(including Title and Position) of OIE Veterinary Expert and Consultant of Department Reference Expert: of Livestock Development,</p><p>21 January 2012 Date of submission to the OIE</p><p>Instructions</p><p>This form should be used by an OIE Reference Laboratory to report activities that took place from January through December of the past year (2012), unless otherwise stated, and must be submitted by the end of January every year.</p><p>Only those activities that concern the disease (or topic) for which the laboratory is recognised by the OIE should be mentioned. The questionnaire structure follows the Terms of Reference (ToRs) for OIE Reference Laboratories, available at: http://www.oie.int/en/our-scientific-expertise/reference-laboratories/introduction/</p><p>Each ToR (blueitalicised text) has been placed as a heading covering the group of questions related to it. </p><p>Please note the reditalicised text is given as guidance and should be deleted from your report and substitute with your data. Examples are based on past Annual Reports or have been invented. </p><p>The questionnaire represents a means of gathering information on activities carried out by OIE Reference Laboratories and making it available to OIE Member Countries and to the OIE Reference Laboratory network.</p><p>Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 1 OIE RL for « Foot and mouth disease » – « Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch » – « Thailand »</p><p>This annual report will remain available for consultation on the OIE web site: (http://www.oie.int/en/our-scientific-expertise/reference-laboratories/annual-reports/): </p><p>2 Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 OIE RL for « Foot and mouth disease » – « Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch » – « Thailand »</p><p>ToR: To use, promote and disseminate diagnostic methods validated according to OIE Standards </p><p>Test recommended by the OIE Total number of test performed last year</p><p>Indirect diagnostic tests Nationally Internationally</p><p>Liquid phase blocking ELISA (LP ELISA) 9,840 tests 60 tests </p><p>Indirect blocking ELISA for 3ABC non 5,966 60 structural protein (3ABC NSP)</p><p> r-value or vaccine matching by LP ELISA 16 2</p><p>Direct diagnostic test Nationally Internationally</p><p>Antigen capture ELISA 70 tests 27 tests </p><p>BHK-21 cell culture 406 15 </p><p>Real time RT-PCR 107 5</p><p>RT-PCR 119 10</p><p>Sequencing 39 5</p><p>ToR: To develop reference material in accordance with OIE requirements, and implement and promote the application of OIE Standards. Tostore and distribute to national laboratories biological reference products and any other reagents used in the diagnosis and control of the designated pathogens or disease.</p><p>2. Did your laboratory produce or store imported standard reference reagents officially recognised by the OIE or other international bodies?</p><p> Yes No</p><p>3. Did your laboratory supply standard reference reagents to OIE Member Countries?</p><p> Yes No</p><p>The diagnostic reagents produced at Regional Reference Laboratory for FMD in South East Asia (RRLSEA), Thailand in 2012 mainly was ELISA reagents, such as rabbit trapping antibody, guinea pig detecting and inactivated concentrated antigen for FMD serotype O, A and Asia1, details as shown in table. </p><p>Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories, 2012 3 OIE RL for « Foot and mouth disease » – « Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch » – « Thailand »</p><p>Name of Related Amount supplied Amount supplied recipient OIE Type of reagent Produced/ diagnostic nationally internationally Member available stored test (ml, mg) (ml, mg) Countries and of institutions</p><p>- Rabbit trapping Produced antibody LP ELISA , 18 sets 2 sets Myanmar - Type O Myanmar - Antigen 22 sets 2 sets - Type A Myanmar capture 16 sets 2 sets Type Asia1 - ELISA - Guinea pig Produced detecting - and r-value antibody by LP ELISA - Type O 19 sets 2 sets Myanmar 25 sets 2 sets Myanmar Type A - 17 sets 2 sets Myanmar - Type Asia1 - Inactivated Produced FMDV Concentrate 72.5 ml 8 ml Myanmar antigen 86.5 ml 6 ml Myanmar - Type O - Type A 93 ml 6 ml Myanmar - Type Asia1 - Control serum Produced</p><p>- C++(Strong) 120 ml 15 ml Myanmar - C+ (Moderate) 105 ml 15 ml Myanmar - C- (Negative) 105 ml 15 ml Myanmar</p><p>4. Did your laboratory produce diagnostic reagents other than the OIE-approved standard reference reagents? Yes No</p><p>5. Did your laboratory produce vaccines?</p><p>Yes No</p><p>6. Did your laboratory supply vaccines to OIE Member Countries?</p><p>Yes No </p><p>ToR: To develop, standardise and validate, according to OIE Standards, new procedures for diagnosis and control of the designated pathogens or diseases</p><p>7. Did your laboratory develop new diagnostic methods validated according to OIE Standards for the designated pathogen or disease? </p><p> Yes No</p><p>8. Did your laboratory develop new vaccines according to OIE Standards for the designated pathogen or disease?</p><p>4 Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 OIE RL for « Foot and mouth disease » – « Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch » – « Thailand »</p><p> Yes No </p><p>Name of the new test or diagnostic Description and References (Publication, website, etc.) method or vaccine developed 1. Developed new technique on FMD Boonsuya Seeyo et al. (2012), FMD antigenic profiling profiling test ELISA. Proceedings on Thailand-Japan Joint Conference on Animal Health. 25th Anniversary of NIAH. 91-95 2. Developed new vaccine of FMD type A Petvanichakul et al. (2012), Development of FMD type from local isolated virus, under the A/Lopburi/2012 new strain, on process of submission collaboration with the Vaccine to publish in Thai Vet, Journal Production Unit of Bureau of Veterinary Biologics , Thailand 3. Validation of new diagnostic technique Lekcharoensuk et al. (2012). Development of an for detection of antibody to new inactivated 3Cpro-3ABC (mu3ABC) ELISA to differentiate developed 3ABC non structural protein cattle infected with foot and mouth disease virus from ELISA for differentiate infected from vaccinated cattle. This paper has been accepted and will vaccinated animals, under the research be published soon in J. Virol. Methods. collaboration with Kasetsart University, . Bangkok, Thailand</p><p>ToR: To provide diagnostic testing facilities, and, where appropriate, scientific and technical advice on disease control measures to OIE Member Countries</p><p>9. Did your laboratory carry out diagnostic testing for other OIE Member Countries? </p><p> Yes No</p><p>Name of OIE Date No. samples received for No. samples received for Member Country (dd/mm) provision of diagnostic support provision of confirmatory seeking assistance (i.e. from surveillance campaign) diagnoses</p><p>Cambodia 24th September 5 samples -</p><p>Lao PDR 28th December 60 samples 22 samples</p><p>10. Did your laboratory provide expert advice in technical consultancies on the request of an OIE Member Country?</p><p> Yes No </p><p>Name of the OIE Member Country How the advice was Purpose receiving a technical consultancy provided</p><p>Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories, 2012 5 OIE RL for « Foot and mouth disease » – « Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch » – « Thailand »</p><p>Cambodia and Lao PDR Consultation on FMD diagnostic Giving advice and method, some trouble shooting on consultation by Email assay procedure communication </p><p>Myanmar Foot and mouth disease diagnosis Lecture</p><p>Singapore Foot and mouth disease diagnosis Lecture and workshop</p><p>ToR: To carry out and/or coordinate scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories, centres or organisations</p><p>11. Did your laboratory participate in international scientific studies in collaboration with OIE Member Countries other than the own? </p><p> Yes No </p><p>OIE Member Countries Purpose of the Partners Title of the study Duration involved other than study (Institutions) your country Foot and Mouth Disease 5 years To test the vaccine Australia, Risk Management for Australian Animal efficacy against Australia and South East Health Laboratory Argentina, FMD SEA strains , Asia (AAHL), Australia, to enhance the South Africa, existing laboratory Vietnam capability, introduce new technology in molecular technique, and to maintain the biocontainment and microsecurity system checking by expert.</p><p>ToR: To collect, process, analyse, publish and disseminate epizootiological data relevant to the designated pathogens or diseases</p><p>12. Did your Laboratory collect epizootiological data relevant to international disease control? </p><p> Yes No</p><p>13. Did your laboratory disseminate epizootiological data that had been processed and analysed?</p><p> Yes No</p><p>14. What method of dissemination of information is most often used by your laboratory?</p><p>6 Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 OIE RL for « Foot and mouth disease » – « Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch » – « Thailand »</p><p>(Indicate in the appropriate box the number by category)</p><p> a) Articles published in peer-reviewed journals:...... 10 b) International conferences:...... 6 c) National conferences:...... 1 d) Other: Internet: e-Journal -NIAH...... 2 </p><p>List of publications as following.</p><p> a) Articles published in peer-reviewed journals 1. Linchongsubongkoch,W. was requested from OIE to review scientific paper for publishing in OIE journal entitled “Ready to use multiples PCR kit for rapid detection of foot and mouth disease virus serotypes in India”. Authors by Sharma , G.K., Mahajan, S., Das, B., Ranjan, R., Kanani, A., Sanyal, A., Pattnaik,B. FMD Network Unit, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India 2. Linchongsubongkoch,W., Boonsuya Seeyo,K., Samanit, J. 2012. Update on antigenic variation of foot and mouth disease virus in South East Asia. Proceedings on the 37th ICVS 2012 & IICAB, APHIS, FAO Joint Symposiums . 383-387. 3. Srimahasombat, V., Tungthumniyom, N., Linchongsubongkoch, W., Sariya, L., Lekcharoensuk, C., Ramasoota, P., Lekcharoensuk, P. 2012. Development of recombinant m3ABC based ELISA to differentiate infected from infected animals. Proceedings on the 37th ICVS 2012 & IICAB, APHIS, FAO Joint Symposiums . 4. Boonsuya Seeyo, K., Linchongsubongkoch, W., Samanit, J. 2012. FMD antigenic profiling ELISA. Proceedings on Thailand-Japan Joint Conference on Animal Health. 91-95 5. Linchongsubongkoch, W., Boonsuya Seeyo, K., Petvanichakul, S., Samanit, J. 2012. Vaccine matching strain characterization of foot and mouth disease virus in South East Asia during 2010- 1012. Proceedings on Thailand-Japan Joint Conference on Animal Health. 47-51. 6. Nuanualsuwan, S., Youeimyut, P., Udon, R., Thongtha, P. 2012. Thermal inactivated of FMDV serotype O in pork products. Proceeding on FAO/OIE Global Conference on foot and mouth disease control. Page 79 7. Yano,T., Suphavilai, C., Wongsathapornchai, K., Linchongsubongkoch,W., Aumpomma, D., Thongtha, P., Rojanasthien, S., Kankeaw, N. 2012. Humeral and cell- mediated immune response against national infection to foot and mouth disease virus in previously vaccinated dairy cattle. Proceedings on FAO/OIE Global Conference on foot and mouth disease control. Page 5. 8. Colling, A., Morrissy, C., Barr, J., Meehan, G., Wright, L., Goff, W., Gleeson, L.J., Golebiowski, B., Riddell, S., Yu, M., Eagles, D., Doughty, W., Khounsy, S., Thanlong, N., Vu, P. P., Phuong, N.T., Tung, N., Linchongsubongkoch, W., Hammond, J., Johnson, M., Unger, H., Crowther, J. 2012. Development and validation of 3ABC FMD antibody ELISA. New Zealand Vet. Journal. 9. Petvanichakul, S., Sripisuth,S., Boonsuya Seeyo, K., Linchongsubongkoch, W. Development of FMD type A/Lopburi/2012 new strain. on process of submission to publish in Thai Vet journal. 10. Linchongsubongkoch, W., Abila, R., Thongthga, P. Molecular epidemiology of foot and mouth Disease in Southeast Asia. on process of submission to publish in international journal.</p><p> b) International conferences 1. Linchongsubogkoch, W. was invited as speaker to give presentation in the The 37th ICVS 2012 IICAB, APHIS, FAO Joint Symposiums, Bangkok, Thailand , 29 Feb -1st March 2012, entitled Update antigenic variation of FMDV in Southeast Asia. </p><p>2. Linchongsubogkoch, W. was invited to participating in the Global FMD Research Alliance (GFRA) Workshop , Surveillance, Epidemiology, Vaccine and Control of Foot and Mouth Disease, at Kruger National Park, South Africa during 17-19 April 2012. And was invited to give two presentations on title (1) Vaccine matching in Southeast Asia and (2) Epidemiolgy of Foot and Mouth Disease in Southeast Asia. 3. Linchongsubogkoch, W. was invited to attend and give presentation on Vaccine matching </p><p>Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories, 2012 7 OIE RL for « Foot and mouth disease » – « Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch » – « Thailand »</p><p> strain characterization of FMDV in Southeast Asia, Thailand-Japan Joint Conference on Animal Health 2012: The 25th Year Anniversary of National Institute of Animal Health, Bangkok, Thailand,30-31 May 2012. 4. Boonsuya Seeyo, K. and Samanit, J. was invited to attend and give presentation on FMD antigenic profiling ELISA, Thailand-Joint Conference on Animal health 2012: The 25th Year Anniversary of National Institute of Animal Health, Bangkok, Thailand, 30-31 May 2012. 5. Linchongsubogkoch, W. was attending the second OIE/FAO Global Conference on foot and mouth disease control, Bangkok, Thailand, 27-29 June 2012. 6. Kamolsiripichaiporn, S, Udon, R. Thaongtha, P and Boonsuya Seeyo, K. was attending the second OIE/FAO Global Conference on foot and mouth disease control, Bangkok, Thailand, 27- 29 June 2012.</p><p> c) National conferences 1. Linchongsubogkoch, W. was invited as technical committee group of National Bureau of Agriculture Commodity and Food Standard (ACFS), Thailand to revision the national standard of diagnostic manual on foot and mouth disease, 6 February 2012 ToR: To provide scientific and technical training for personnel from OIE Member Countries</p><p>To recommend the prescribed and alternative tests or vaccines as OIE Standards</p><p>15. Did your laboratory provide scientific and technical training to laboratory personnel from other OIE Member Countries? </p><p> Yes No</p><p> a) Technical visits:...... 4 b) Seminars:...... N/A c) Hands-on training courses:...... 1 d) Internships (>1 month):...... N/A</p><p>Type of technical training Country of origin of the expert(s) No. participants from the provided (a, b,c or d) provided with training corresponding country</p><p> a Myanmar 5</p><p> a Korea 6</p><p> a Argentina 7</p><p> a National focal group in South East Asia 20</p><p> c Singapore 2</p><p>ToR: To maintain a system of quality assurance, biosafety and biosecurity relevant for the pathogen and the disease concerned</p><p>16. Does your laboratory have a Quality Management System certified according to an International Standard?</p><p> Yes No </p><p>Quality management system adopted</p><p>8 Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 OIE RL for « Foot and mouth disease » – « Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch » – « Thailand »</p><p>ISO 17025:2005</p><p>17. Is your laboratory accredited by an international accreditation body?</p><p> Yes No </p><p>Test for which your laboratory is accredited Accreditation body Antigen typing ELISA ILAC –MRA by Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standard, Dept. of Medical Science Liquid phase blocking ELISA (LP ELISA) ILAC -MRA by Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standard, Dept. of Medical Science 3ABC NSP blocking ELISA ILAC -MRA by Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standard, Dept. of Medical Science 3 B NSP indirect ELISA ILAC -MRA by Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standard, Dept. of Medical Science </p><p>18. Does your laboratory maintain a “biorisk management system” for the pathogen and the disease concerned? (See Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals 2012, Chapter 1.1.3 or Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals 2012, Chapter 1.1.1)</p><p> Yes No</p><p>ToR: To organise and participate in scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE</p><p>19. Did your laboratory organise scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE? </p><p>Yes No </p><p>20. Did your laboratory participate in scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE? </p><p> Yes No </p><p>Title of event Date Location Role (speaker, Title of the work presented (mm/y presenting poster, short y) communications)</p><p>1. International Conference 17-19 New Speaker South East Asia: Action on scientific developments Feb. Delhi, plans, Future directions and and technical challenges in 2012 India needs. the progressive control of Foot and Mouth Disease in South Asia</p><p>2. Workshop on Strategic 20-24 Melbour Participating Tools of strategic plans Planning for National Mar ne, Animal Health Laboratories 2012 Australia</p><p>Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories, 2012 9 OIE RL for « Foot and mouth disease » – « Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch » – « Thailand »</p><p>3.The 18th OIE Sub- Participating and 5-9 Lijiang, Update OIE Reference commission meeting for foot presenting Mar Laboratory in Pakchong, and mouth disease in South China East Asia and China 2012 Thailand (SEACFMD) 4 .The 15th SEACFMD 5-7 Manila, Presenting Progress report on OIE National coordinator Sep. Reference Laboratory meeting 2012 Philippin es 5.The 7th SEACFMD Participating and 15-17 Lanzhou, Interlaboratory comparison Laboratory network and presenting epidemiology network Oct. China trail _2011 and data analysis meeting 2012 6. The 4th Laboratory Nha Participating and Action plans, Future Oct. Directors’ forum Meeting Trang, Presenting directions and needs of 2012 Vietnam Laboratory in SouthEast Asia. 29-31 Jerez de la 7.EUFMD2012 meeting Participating ---- Oct. Frontera , 2012 Spain</p><p>8. The 8th OIE/FAO FMD Participating and 1-2 Nov. Jerez de la virus circulation and Reference Laboratory presenting Frontera , activities of lab in South East Network meeting 2012 Spain Asia</p><p>ToR: To establish and maintain a network with other OIE Reference Laboratories designated for the same pathogen or disease and organise regular inter-laboratory proficiency testing to ensure comparability of results</p><p>21. Did your laboratory exchange information with other OIE Reference Laboratories designated for the same pathogen or disease? </p><p> Yes No</p><p>22. Was your laboratory involved in maintaining a network with OIE Reference Laboratories designated for the same pathogen or disease by organising or participating in proficiency tests?</p><p> Yes No </p><p>Purpose of the proficiency tests: Role of your Reference Participating OIE (validation of a diagnostic protocol: Laboratory No. Ref. Labs/ specify the test; quality control of (organiser/participant) participants organising OIE Ref. vaccines: specify the vaccine type, etc.) Lab. 1. Proficientcy testing trial on Foot-and- participant OIE Reference Mouth Disease (FMD) and Swine Laboratory for FMD Vesicular Disease (SVD) Combined (WRL), Pirbright, UK Proficiency Testing Scheme 2012 for - FMD antigen capture ELISA - FMD serology test by LP ELISA and 3ABC NSP - Real time RT-PCR 2. Annual submission of FMDV samples participant OIE Reference to WRL, Pirbright , UK for confirmation Laboratory for FMD of diagnostic results and molecular </p><p>10 Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012 OIE RL for « Foot and mouth disease » – « Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch » – « Thailand »</p><p> epidemiological analysis, as the (WRL), Pirbright, UK mandated of OIE Reference Lab network 3. Interlaboratory Organizer, 14 FMD National comparison on FMD antigen typing now on process of Laboratories in and serology test_ 2012 organizing South East Asia and FMD laboratories within Thailand</p><p>23. Did your laboratory collaborate with other OIE Reference Laboratories for the same disease on scientific research projects for the diagnosis or control of the pathogen of interest? </p><p> Yes No</p><p>Name(s) of relevant OIE Title of the project or contact Scope Reference Laboratories</p><p>SEACFMD Control Campaign Laboratory capacity building for FMD OIE RL for FMD, Pirbright , UK, diagnosis to support the SEACFMD 2020 OIE RL for FMD, China, Roadmap to meet the objectives of OIE RL for FMD, Thailand Establishment of FMD free countries in the region and maintain FMD free countries under the OIE standard </p><p>ToR: To organise inter-laboratory proficiency testing with laboratories other than OIE Reference Laboratories for the same pathogens and diseases to ensure equivalence of results.</p><p>24. Did your laboratory organise or participate in inter-laboratory proficiency tests with laboratories other than OIE Reference Laboratories for the same disease? </p><p> Yes No </p><p>No. participating Participating OIE Member Purpose for inter-laboratory test comparisons1 laboratories Countries</p><p>- Harmonising existing test methods on FMD antigen typing test, Liquid phase blocking ELISA Cambodia, Lao PDR, and 3ABC non structure protein (3ABC NSP) Myanmar, Malaysia, Vietnam, 14 - Determine the laboratory capability in each lab Thailand and other 8 regional and solving of trouble shooting that faced to laboratories within Thailand the laboratory. </p><p>ToR: To place expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE</p><p>1</p><p>Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories, 2012 11 OIE RL for « Foot and mouth disease » – « Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch » – « Thailand »</p><p>25. Did your laboratory place expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE? </p><p> Yes No </p><p>Kind of consultancy Location Subject (facultative )</p><p>Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch was invited as Paris, France Revision of OIE Terrestrial Manual the OIE ad hoc Group working on Biosafety on chapter 1.1.1, 1.1.2. and 1.1.3 13-15 Feb. 2012, and Biosecurity in Veterinary Laboratories Chapter 1.1.1 : Collection and 17-19 July 2012 storage of diagnostic specimens, Chapter 1.1.2 : Transportation of Infectious substances , Chapter 1.13: Standard for managing biorisk in veterinary laboratories and animal facilities Bangkok, Dr. Wilai Linchongsubongkoch was invited as Review and advise on the content of Thailand the Technical Committee member of Second presentations and posters 27-29 Jun 2012 OIE/FAO Global Conference on FMD Control</p><p>12 Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012</p>
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