<p>http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_134081426655637&ap=1 CLICK THE LINK ABOVE TO JOIN TEAM RAGE ON FACEBOOK FOR DAILY SUPPORT, MOTIVATION, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR YOUR COACH BUSINESS – TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR UPLINE COACH TEAM! WE WILL ALL GROW STRONGER TOGETHER!</p><p>BEACHBODY CHALLENGE TOOLBOX!!! LEVERAGE THESE TOOLS AND TRAINING!!! http://www.youtube.com/tbbchallengebox</p><p>TEAM RAGE COACHING DISCUSSION 3/31/2012 10AM CENTRAL – [9:57:09 AM] Mike Nowak: TEAM RAGE Coaches!! HAPPY SATURDAY!! So this is a Group IM chat for the TEAM RAGE coaches, downline and coach prospects... I will be available here on Skype during the scheduled office hours that will appear next to my name under your contacts. This is time works best for me and many of the coach TEAM, so I apologize if this time does not work well with your schedule. Just stop in when time permits.</p><p>The purpose is to make myself available to you to help answer any questions, share stories, and help sort / sell the coaching opportunity! The stories from each one of you is invaluable as we grow this business... thank you in advance!</p><p>SO...TAKE ADVANTAGE of these office hours if possible!! This is a great way to let the TEAM help with your coach prospects. Please invite your downline coaches to this discussion as well. I have received excellent feedback from the sessions, in particular from the transcript summary. I know a lot of you have similar questions, but I need YOUR participation here to help me focus the discussion in order to provide YOU value. Thanks!!</p><p>OKAY... I HIGHLY recommend that all coaches go to your online backoffice at Team Beachbody and click "New and Training" then “Resources” and then “Meeting Resource Center” for some great ideas and customizable tools. Also, "News and Training" then “Events” then "Webinars and Conference Calls" then the "Webinar and Conference Call Archive" tab then click on the archived national coach calls. These are AWESOME... whether you are a new coach or veteran, you WILL get something out of these calls including motivation. I usually listen to the calls while I do coaching work online. Calls are usually about 45 minutes. BRING IT!!</p><p>The COACH TRAINING ACADEMY IS NOW ACTIVE IN YOUR BACKOFFICE, GREAT FOR YOUR NEW COACHES!</p><p>CONGRATS on a great week... several new coaches to the Team, welcome, and momentum is significant. </p><p>WE ARE PART OF “THE RIPPED REPUBLIC” – LINK TO RIPPED REPUBLIC TRAINING MANUAL BELOW!! http://rippedrepublic.com/opportunity/new-coach-of-the-ripped-republic/ Password = republic http://thesimplifiednetwork.com/newcoachtraining/</p><p>Check out these incredible training sessions from Beachbody consultant Craig Holiday: http://baesslerinc.com/craigholiday http://www.beachbodycoach.com/esuite/control/CCconferenceCalls</p><p>Stay Connected, Grow Your Business Here's where you can find us! 1 1. FACEBOOK: Team Beachbody Game Plan Challenge – Connect with the latest news, upcoming events, recognition, Q&A, training, and tools. The classic choice.</p><p>This was the FIRST Coach social media page and is probably the best place to get the latest announcements, view our corporate event calendar (and register!), and get Call recordings, photo albums, Webinar recordings, and promotions info. You can ask questions, contact Coaches, and voice your TBB wishlist here as well. We WILL hear you!</p><p>2. FACEBOOK: Coach Connections – Connect with other Coaches, share ideas and business tips, and find local events. In network marketing, connection is king.</p><p>If nothing else, get involved on our Coach Connections Facebook page. Facebook Fans of the Team Beachbody Coach Connections page expand their scope of business relationships, as well as nurture the ones they've already Developed. This is where the Discussion platform lives—a place Coaches can Weigh in with other Coaches and reach out to the coaching community for support. For many, it's become a Team Beachbody sounding board. Share ideas, tips, wisdom, and local events and parties. Get in on it!</p><p>3. TWITTER: TBBCoach411 – News, biz tips, inspiration, Q&A, fun facts, etc. Your go-to feed for breaking news, good reads, live event updates, inspiration, and Q&A.</p><p>Pretend you're not sick of hearing about Twitter for a minute. Seriously. This is where you can get everything you need. All the time, every day. Of course, you can choose to tune us out for the stuff you're not interested in, but there is always something important here—whether it's breaking news, tools and training that are HOT off the presses, inspiring quotes, tasty recipes, good reads, or live event updates. We'd also love to hear from you here. So tweet us your questions, concerns, ideas, business tips, etc. We'll get back to you. Plus, if you tweet us, we'll probably follow you, too! [9:58:12 AM] Mike Nowak: BEACHBODY CHALLENGE TOOLBOX!!! LEVERAGE THESE TOOLS AND TRAINING!!! http://www.youtube.com/tbbchallengebox</p><p>[9:59:26 AM] Ryan Casady: Morning Everyone!</p><p>[9:59:35 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Ryan how are you today?</p><p>[9:59:47 AM] Ryan Casady: Good. Just got back from the gym so I'm fired up</p><p>[9:59:53 AM] Tom Hordin: Morning all</p><p>[9:59:56 AM] Mike Nowak: Awesome. What workout did you do?</p><p>[10:00:06 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Tom! Good morning. How are you?</p><p>[10:00:26 AM] Ryan Casady: I did a heavy chest/tri routine with my buddy. Through in some medicine ball work to get ready for x2 tomorrow</p><p>[10:00:30 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Rick!!!</p><p>[10:00:34 AM] Richard Reeves: Good Morning! How is everyone?</p><p>[10:00:45 AM] Tom Hordin: Good , been training hard for an upcoming tourney but I need a break today my hip is sore.</p><p>2 [10:00:49 AM] Mike Nowak: Sounds intense Ryan. Is tomorrow Day X2?</p><p>[10:00:52 AM] Alvin Lopez: Checking in.</p><p>[10:00:53 AM] Alvin Lopez: Morning</p><p>[10:01:03 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Alvin what's up bud?</p><p>[10:01:07 AM] Ryan Casady: Yep. Can't wait</p><p>[10:01:22 AM] Mike Nowak: Cool. I finished X2 and loved it. So different than X1.</p><p>[10:01:43 AM] Mike Nowak: How is the business Ryan, Rick, Tom, Alvin?</p><p>[10:01:45 AM] Alvin Lopez: Wife just got a coach from the coach connection program I guess. He just told me he got Shakeology but is inactive...humm...do this coaches give us SC points??</p><p>[10:02:01 AM] Tom Hordin: X2 is cool I am going back to X1 after April 15th</p><p>[10:02:01 AM] Alvin Lopez: or TV?</p><p>[10:02:22 AM] Richard Reeves: Plugging away! Have a couple interested in Challenge group, but not sure if they'll commit to everything</p><p>[10:02:30 AM] Mike Nowak: Alvin - I don't think they give us SC points but that may be a call for coach relations.</p><p>[10:02:38 AM] Alvin Lopez: Thanks Mike.</p><p>[10:02:55 AM] Mike Nowak: Excellent Rick. How are you promoting your challenge groups? Keep up the good work!</p><p>[10:02:59 AM] Ryan Casady: Getting started is tough. Just a lot to go through. I am talking to people at work and some are interested. I'm trying to find the line of being sincere in helping people and not being too preachy/pushy</p><p>[10:03:12 AM] Mike Nowak: A New Fire in Town (feat. Chalene Johnson) National Coach Call | Monday, April 2nd 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET | 1 (832) 225-5055 </p><p>It's gettin' hot in here, Coaches. Feverishly hot.</p><p>That's because fitness innovator and motivational dynamo Chalene Johnson is about to turn this week's National Coach Call into a raging, all-out inferno.</p><p>You won't find anyone who can match Chalene's street cred. She's a serial entrepreneur, FitLife Coach, published author, and the first female to host two #1 infomercials. Basically, if this woman doesn't inspire you to get out there and crush it, then you probably have no pulse.</p><p>Chalene will be in the house to talk about three exciting new TurboFire® workouts that will help you connect even more people to their goals in 2012.</p><p>She'll give you the inside scoop on why these new workouts were created, how they complement the original program, and how you can leverage them to multiply your success.</p><p>Long story short, there's no reason under the sun to miss this call. So block out the time, psych yourself up, and get your butt on the call! ------What You'll Learn from Chalene . . .</p><p>3 •Why TurboFire can work for anyone—regardless of their coordination level or kickboxing history •How to heat up your summer with TurboFire Challenge Packs •Ways to talk about these new workouts with your customers and prospects ------DIAL-IN DEETS Call 1 (832) 225-5055 five minutes to 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET to join the call and participate in the pre-call Twitter® contest!</p><p>PLAYBACK LINE Hear the call all week long, on your watch! Simply dial 1 (832) 225-5065 any time after the call and through to next Monday's call.</p><p>TEXT REMINDERS Simply text in "CoachCall" to 35863 to be included in the weekly call reminders—15 minutes before every National Coach Call!</p><p>[10:03:17 AM] Joanna Cheng: Morning!</p><p>[10:03:30 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Joanna! How are you? Business?</p><p>[10:03:42 AM] Ted Dietz: Good morning TEAM</p><p>[10:03:48 AM] Richard Reeves: I've gone through my email/FB list and have moved onto creating a postcard with all the programs on it and my contact info for introducing it to whomever</p><p>[10:04:04 AM] Joanna Cheng: Doing well - getting organized for April</p><p>[10:04:08 AM] Mike Nowak: I am so excited for the national call Monday, hoping to get some insight when the new Turbo Fire workouts are coming out and the new infomercial. Can't wait to see if my wife and son made the cut!</p><p>[10:04:34 AM] Mike Nowak: Good morning Ted! How are you today my friend? By the way, I won $2 last night in the Mega Millions. Haha.</p><p>[10:04:46 AM] Ryan Casady: I need to go through the social media training today.</p><p>[10:04:46 AM] Richard Reeves: Morning Ted!</p><p>[10:04:47 AM] Ryan Casady: Morning Ted!</p><p>[10:04:49 AM] Tom Hordin: Ryan , it’s tough sometimes where to draw the line @ work. You don’t want to get MNGMT to think your soliciting too much.</p><p>[10:04:57 AM] Mike Nowak: Great work Rick. Love to see you back in full force!</p><p>[10:05:08 AM] Mike Nowak: Joanna - Fit club in April?</p><p>[10:05:20 AM] Richard Reeves: Ted, is ultra-inspiring!</p><p>[10:05:33 AM] Ted Dietz: Rick: It is great to see you back into the mix!</p><p>[10:05:35 AM] Joanna Cheng: Yep! My March group is rocking it!</p><p>[10:05:50 AM] Victoria Barclay: Hey all...did Jane G get in?</p><p>[10:05:51 AM] Richard Reeves: Mike/Ted: I had to work through my issue, I guess</p><p>[10:06:02 AM] Ryan Casady: I've got 4 friends of mine to join a 60 day challenge on my thread. So there is interest out there.</p><p>4 [10:06:09 AM] Joanna Cheng: I think I'm going to visit some local coach in Roswell's fit club that's closer to me</p><p>[10:06:17 AM] Ted Dietz: Rick: I understand! You know I do...</p><p>[10:06:18 AM] Cody Hickman: Whew! Took me a while to read through all that. ^^</p><p>[10:06:47 AM] Mike Nowak: So true Tom about work. I have been coaching for almost 3 years and never pushed product at my day job. I simply got results and told people how when they asked. I became the P90X expert at work and have since had a lot of sales just from word-of-mouth. They asked me to run a fit club and I have been doing that for over 7 weeks with great success. So, the key is to not push the opportunities but simply be a product of the product. People are watching.</p><p>[10:07:08 AM] Mike Nowak: I get tons of questions when I show up to meetings with Shakeology:)</p><p>[10:07:15 AM] Ted Dietz: Ryan: Nice work! I know it gets overwhelming but just try and take it one bite at a time.</p><p>[10:07:21 AM] Mike Nowak: Awesome Joanna! Keep it up!</p><p>[10:07:22 AM] Joanna Cheng: That's pretty awesome Mike!</p><p>[10:07:33 AM] Jeff Witt: Morning!</p><p>[10:07:37 AM] Mike Nowak: Don't see Jane yet Vic.</p><p>[10:07:49 AM] Richard Reeves: Morning Vic!</p><p>[10:07:51 AM] Mike Nowak: Rick - We all do man, we all do. Welcome back.</p><p>[10:07:57 AM] Joanna Cheng: Vic! :)</p><p>[10:08:01 AM] Tom Hordin: Mike , I just wear and share, if folks ask , I tell them otherwise let it go.</p><p>[10:08:03 AM] Ryan Casady: Mike - What do you mean show up with Shakeology. Do you have packets?</p><p>[10:08:06 AM] Mike Nowak: Ryan - Great start man that is excellent.</p><p>[10:08:07 AM] Cody Hickman: Ha ha, I'm gonna have to start taking Shakeology to all my classes.</p><p>[10:08:26 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Cody! Welcome new coach Cody to the chat! Woohoo!</p><p>[10:08:34 AM] Ryan Casady: Welcome Cody!</p><p>[10:08:37 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Jeff. How are you?</p><p>[10:08:39 AM] Ted Dietz: Ryan: The thread is so new, but is already taking off!</p><p>[10:08:41 AM] Richard Reeves: Hey Cody!</p><p>[10:08:47 AM] Joanna Cheng: Hi Cody!</p><p>[10:08:50 AM] Victoria Barclay: Hey! Trying to add her but it doesn't give me the option...wth?</p><p>[10:08:54 AM] Cody Hickman: Ha ha thanks. Literally brand new... Like as of two days ago.</p><p>[10:09:07 AM] Cody Hickman: Everything is so daunting... Figured participating in this chat would be helpful. :)</p><p>[10:09:18 AM] Ryan Casady: I just got to keep it going. Going to document my X2 journey. And my dog will be posting as well. :)</p><p>5 [10:09:21 AM] Ted Dietz: Welcome Cody!</p><p>[10:09:21 AM] Mike Nowak: Ryan - I have one of those 20-ounce Shakeology shaker cups and mix up my chocolate with water and show up to meetings. People wonder what it is and I say it is only available through Team Beachbody coaches. That leads to a whole discussion!</p><p>[10:09:29 AM] Tom Hordin: Welcome Cody!</p><p>[10:09:38 AM] Mike Nowak: Vic - have her friend me.</p><p>[10:09:46 AM] Ted Dietz: The basketball playing black dog?</p><p>[10:09:49 AM] Jeff Witt: Are those Big Shaker cups available again? I missed them the first time around.</p><p>[10:09:51 AM] Victoria Barclay: Contact received from Victoria Barclay</p><p>[10:10:11 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody - Like Ted said above to Ryan, who is also relatively new, one step at a time. Little by little and I/we are here to help man.</p><p>[10:10:16 AM] Ryan Casady: Yep. I have the yoga pose picture I posted on your thread. Plus a video of him on the treadmill I’m going to post</p><p>[10:10:39 AM] Joanna Cheng: Jeff - I see your activity on Pinterest, how's that going?</p><p>[10:10:40 AM] Mike Nowak: Jeff - Yes they should be in the shakeology items at TB. Did they take them off at one point?</p><p>[10:10:49 AM] Ted Dietz: Ryan: That is very clever.</p><p>[10:11:18 AM] Mike Nowak: Yeah - Jeff - Tell us some more about what Pinterest is and how to leverage.</p><p>[10:11:20 AM] Ryan Casady: Thought it would be funny to have a tip of the week from my dog</p><p>[10:11:54 AM] Cody Hickman: Mike - Yeah I know it's just finding the time in between everything else I have going on. And I need to start making up the cash I spent to become a coach fast. I'm still going through the "training academy" as of now.</p><p>[10:11:55 AM] Mike Nowak: Ryan - That is too funny, and original!</p><p>[10:12:03 AM] Cody Hickman: Oh yeah, Pinterest could be helpful I suppose.</p><p>[10:12:04 AM] JRJ: Morning Everyone!</p><p>[10:12:27 AM] Ryan Casady: My wife is on Pinterest. Maybe she can pin to my site?</p><p>[10:12:29 AM] Tom Hordin: Jeff, Thanks for the Web stuff, I started to get some interest so I think it just needs some finesse to getting looking right.</p><p>[10:12:37 AM] Richard Reeves: I'm also creating a Shakeology ingredient of the week and posting it on Google+ and then sending it to my customers every Thursday</p><p>[10:12:38 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody - Let's chat when you finish the academy like I said, I have some ideas. You should have some good opportunities there at college.</p><p>[10:12:56 AM] Mike Nowak: Cool Rick. Great idea.</p><p>[10:13:05 AM] Jeff Witt: I'm a little pissed with Pinterest today. Someone took my yoga pose pic and re-linked it to some crappy weight loss site. Lesson here is... Always watermark your photos!</p><p>6 [10:13:24 AM] Victoria Barclay: How do you watermark Jeff?</p><p>[10:13:28 AM] Cody Hickman: Ha Jeff's yoga is going to be world-famous</p><p>[10:13:38 AM] Ted Dietz: So now is the time to really take advantage of the customer lead program by getting to Emerald. The biz will slow as summer approaches. You never know who your next customer will be. I have been getting about 7-10 a week.</p><p>[10:13:45 AM] Cody Hickman: Mike - Okay that sounds great!</p><p>[10:14:20 AM] Jeff Witt: Yeah, I had over 60 repins of that one.</p><p>[10:14:44 AM] Tom Hordin: My customers have slowed a bit lately I am down to 2-3 a week , already .Last month I was getting 7- 10/week.</p><p>[10:14:48 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody and team - Jeff is the resident social media and website guru so friend him on Facebook</p><p>[10:14:50 AM] Victoria Barclay: I'm in day 5 of Tai Cheng...this program is interesting. Not much of a workout now,bcecause of the learning aspect...I have never seen such a technical programs.</p><p>[10:15:22 AM] Jeff Witt: technical?</p><p>[10:15:25 AM] Mike Nowak: So true Ted - The leads are really good now.</p><p>[10:15:49 AM] Cody Hickman: alright I requested Jeff already lol. Look forward to working with you sir :)</p><p>[10:15:56 AM] Victoria Barclay: Yes...perfect form, hand and feet placement...proper posture, breathing etc.</p><p>[10:15:58 AM] Ryan Casady: just did :)</p><p>[10:15:59 AM] Mike Nowak: Vic - So is Tai Cheng a good program?</p><p>[10:16:18 AM] Richard Reeves: just did too</p><p>[10:16:24 AM] Victoria Barclay: I like it..but I am bias because of my martial arts background.</p><p>[10:16:38 AM] Cody Hickman: Oh gosh I have a feeling I will need a laugh track if I ever try tai cheng out</p><p>[10:16:45 AM] Joanna Cheng: LOL..gotta trust a Cheng Vic!</p><p>[10:17:09 AM] Victoria Barclay: The function test was an eye opener..I tried it the day after PAP Lower...decided it wasn't a good day to try that...failed the first test!</p><p>[10:17:18 AM] Mike Nowak: yeah I am thinking Tai Cheng is gonna be a challenge for me. I am looking forward to body beast!</p><p>[10:17:18 AM] Victoria Barclay: I do I do Joanna!</p><p>[10:17:33 AM] JRJ: Hi! Can you see my post?</p><p>[10:17:39 AM] Ryan Casady: I still want to try this flier idea. I have downloaded the different logos and am working on printing some up to put at libraries, work, etc. with my website. There a couple of universities close by me that I think I could get a lot of business</p><p>[10:17:55 AM] Victoria Barclay: Yeah Mike..I can see a lot of people looking at this program and not thinking it's much...you must look below the surface grasshopper</p><p>[10:17:57 AM] Tom Hordin: My Tai Chang just arrived..... How Funny ((rofl))</p><p>[10:18:05 AM] Victoria Barclay: Hi Jane!!!</p><p>7 [10:18:12 AM] JRJ: Oh Yay! it's working!</p><p>[10:18:13 AM] Jeff Witt: Here... Try this! Go to Google and type in Tai Cheng Review. See who shows up in the #1 spot!!!</p><p>[10:18:24 AM] JRJ: Hi Vickie!</p><p>[10:18:30 AM] Mike Nowak: Get P90X® Certified | Webcast Recording</p><p>The energy and enthusiasm surrounding our forthcoming P90X® Certification program has been nothing short of incredible. Like . . . Incredible Hulk® incredible. We're pretty excited.</p><p>Now that the cat's out of the bag, spots are going like hot cakes and we're hearing tons of new questions every day—like, "What is it? When does it start? How much does it cost? What does it mean for my business?"</p><p>Check out this Webcast with our General Manager of Trainer Certification, Larry Green, and the fabulous Sandi Bouhadana for an all-inclusive look at P90X Certification—and discover the future of Beachbody® fitness.</p><p>Watch the recorded Webcast in the backoffice</p><p>Please note: You will not receive a registration confirmation. Simply save the date, time, and URL, then revisit the registration page on game day.</p><p>[10:18:30 AM] Ryan Casady: Anyone know why the P90X2 challenge pack doesn't give you an option to upgrade to any of the equipment? You just get the base pack</p><p>[10:18:50 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Jane! Welcome! How are you, the business?</p><p>[10:18:56 AM] Mike Nowak: Any questions TEAM RAGE?</p><p>[10:19:01 AM] Victoria Barclay: It's ok...I don't mind everyone NOT doing Tai Cheng..I will kick butt at Summit! LOL</p><p>[10:19:27 AM] Mike Nowak: I am getting ready to hang up my Shakeology door hangers soon. We will see how it goes?</p><p>[10:19:27 AM] Cody Hickman: P90X certified... Remind me to look into that later.</p><p>[10:19:39 AM] Richard Reeves: Mike...started reading Tribes. I don't get far because my mind starts racing! Good though</p><p>[10:19:44 AM] JRJ: It's slowly coming along. I have 2 military people that have an application but I don't really know how to push them.</p><p>[10:19:55 AM] *** Mike Nowak sent TEAM RAGE_Door Hanger_2011.pdf,... ***</p><p>[10:20:11 AM] Victoria Barclay: Don't push them Jane...encourage and answer their questions.</p><p>[10:20:12 AM] JRJ: They seem to be lagging. I talked to one of them and she said she's just lazy and the other forgets to fax it.</p><p>[10:20:17 AM] Mike Nowak: Vic - Ha. I will grasshopper:)</p><p>[10:20:23 AM] Victoria Barclay: LOL</p><p>[10:20:33 AM] Richard Reeves: My apartment complex said they'd put something in the welcome pack</p><p>[10:20:37 AM] Mike Nowak: Jeff you must be in the #1 spot given all the comments, haha.</p><p>[10:20:57 AM] Victoria Barclay: Jeff's my hero!</p><p>8 [10:20:59 AM] JRJ: Also, I started a group FB page. Excited about that.</p><p>[10:21:01 AM] Victoria Barclay: LOL</p><p>[10:21:08 AM] Tom Hordin: The foam roller is so small</p><p>[10:21:14 AM] Mike Nowak: Rick - yeah Tribes is a good, short audio or read. A lot of lessons there and he will be speaking at Summit!</p><p>[10:21:20 AM] Joanna Cheng: Its funny but true. One of my receptionist started asking me about what I do since I'm so fit</p><p>[10:21:31 AM] Victoria Barclay: Nice!</p><p>[10:21:45 AM] Joanna Cheng: I was thinking "doh!" need shakeology samples!</p><p>[10:21:49 AM] Mike Nowak: I believe X2 Challenge Pack is only base because of the additional cost of the equipment is significant. You can get the add-on upgrades though.</p><p>[10:22:05 AM] Victoria Barclay: Mike my X2 results are in...inches lost...strength through the roof...body fat down!</p><p>[10:22:06 AM] Mike Nowak: Jane - That is promising though so keep up the good work.</p><p>[10:22:19 AM] Cody Hickman: Congrats Vic!</p><p>[10:22:32 AM] Victoria Barclay: I'm surprised!</p><p>[10:22:40 AM] Victoria Barclay: I start round 2 tomorrow..</p><p>[10:22:54 AM] Joanna Cheng: Doing PAP Upper for fun and practice while resting my knee....it’s been KICKING MY BUTT</p><p>[10:22:54 AM] JRJ: that reminds me....People asks me about Shakeology and I think I get overly excited and overwhelm them with info. Then I think I scare them off</p><p>[10:22:54 AM] Jeff Witt: Mike. That was my project yesterday. Getting on the first page of Google. Had no idea I'd be #1. And... yes... the comments do help.</p><p>[10:23:25 AM] Victoria Barclay: Don't vomit info on them Jane..send them to your website for info...I also tell people to goggle it.</p><p>[10:23:32 AM] Victoria Barclay: google</p><p>[10:23:40 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody - I have been P90X Qualified and it's a pretty good option to promote the business after you get going with the business. The Cert will be more valuable when the gyms formerly recognize and all that gets figured out. Actually, I hear that BB is going to offer a joint NASM personal trainer cert and P90X cert. Agreement is pending. If that happens I will be getting my personal trainer cert and P90X cert this year or next!</p><p>[10:23:48 AM] JRJ: ooh ok</p><p>[10:24:06 AM] Victoria Barclay: Really Mike that is GREAT!</p><p>[10:24:13 AM] Ted Dietz: Ryan: I just got my balls at the local sporting goods store?</p><p>[10:24:18 AM] Mike Nowak: Vic - Congrats! Definitely promote your results with X2! You have been killin' it, keep up the good work.</p><p>[10:24:24 AM] Cody Hickman: woah nice Mike</p><p>[10:24:27 AM] Cody Hickman: So for my coaching site/blog, I was thinking of using the domain welcometoshredsville.com? What does everyone think about that? I'm also open to suggestions.</p><p>9 [10:24:29 AM] Victoria Barclay: Nice Ted... (facepalm)</p><p>[10:24:31 AM] Tom Hordin: ((rofl))</p><p>[10:24:53 AM] Mike Nowak: Jane - Sell them 3 packets for $15 to try. They need to try for themselves..</p><p>[10:25:01 AM] Ryan Casady: Yeah. They are just expensive. one 8 lb medicine ball is $35. Going to try to find a used sporting goods store today</p><p>[10:25:07 AM] Joanna Cheng: So that's where the boys are getting them...</p><p>[10:25:27 AM] Victoria Barclay: LOL...mine came from BB..</p><p>[10:25:32 AM] Ted Dietz: Well, I got the bigger stability ball and it all seemed to work out the same cost wise.</p><p>[10:25:35 AM] Mike Nowak: Nice work Jeff! Cody was asking about setting up a site yesterday and was interested in the impact the site has on business. How has it been for your BB business?</p><p>[10:25:36 AM] JRJ: I'm going to do that next week when I get back on Shakeology HD!</p><p>[10:25:40 AM] Tom Hordin: Check out play it again sports or Craig’s list</p><p>[10:25:42 AM] Victoria Barclay: I have the squishy ball tooLOL</p><p>[10:26:30 AM] Victoria Barclay: I noticed that all med balls are not created equal. I like the BB ones better...</p><p>[10:26:30 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody - I like it. What does everyone else think? Cody has a background in web development so I think he will rock it with the website!</p><p>[10:26:43 AM] Ted Dietz: Ryan/Rick: Any luck on sending out invites to be in a challenge group?</p><p>[10:26:56 AM] Jeff Witt: I like having the blog because it gives me somewhere to send people for more information on products.</p><p>[10:27:15 AM] Richard Reeves: Ted: not much. I've only got 2 that are interested, but not sure where it'll go</p><p>[10:27:19 AM] Ted Dietz: I have been using the 5 step process and it has generated a lot of interest.</p><p>[10:27:19 AM] JRJ: I like it Cody!</p><p>[10:27:20 AM] Mike Nowak: I have the med ball set by Cap from amazon that was like $140 or so for a whole set and rack. Of course I have the 8-lbers from X2 as well and I like those too.</p><p>[10:27:29 AM] Jeff Witt: If anyone needs a blog, I have a promo code that I can give you.</p><p>[10:27:36 AM] Richard Reeves: I'll keep asking though and be borderline annoying!</p><p>[10:27:38 AM] Ryan Casady: I have 4 of my friends to do a 60 day challenge. However, most are not using BB stuff at this time. Got them on my thread so that is a start</p><p>[10:27:40 AM] Jeff Witt: Tom, what was the final price after the promo code?</p><p>[10:27:45 AM] Victoria Barclay: Cody I am personally using my name to promote myself..</p><p>[10:27:56 AM] Mike Nowak: Vic - I also find that air pressure is important even in the med balls but definitely the stability ball for X2.</p><p>[10:28:07 AM] Cody Hickman: Ah Victoria, so you suggest something like codyhickman.com or along those lines?</p><p>10 [10:28:09 AM] Ted Dietz: Ryan: That is a great start!</p><p>[10:28:22 AM] Richard Reeves: The Colorado group suggested having everyone post their "Like" pages so we can all go and like them</p><p>[10:28:54 AM] Ted Dietz: Rick: I know what you are saying about the annoyance thing. I just keep looking for new prospects.</p><p>[10:29:00 AM] Ryan Casady: Ted: Like I was saying earlier. I need to sit down today and go through the social media training before I put something out so that I do it right the first time</p><p>[10:29:07 AM] Richard Reeves: I've been doing the 5 step thing too</p><p>[10:29:10 AM] Mike Nowak: New (and veteran) coaches, seriously spend some time at the link below to learn the fundamentals of the challenge groups. They really work well. So, build your prospect list, personalize your message using the process in the training and send out the invites! http://www.youtube.com/tbbchallengebox </p><p>[10:29:13 AM] Tom Hordin: Ted. 37.45</p><p>[10:29:28 AM] Tom Hordin: Thanks for that.</p><p>[10:29:35 AM] Joanna Cheng: Has anyone read Go for No?</p><p>[10:29:43 AM] Victoria Barclay: Cody it depends on what you want to promote using your name takes longer to get established but brands YOU as a commodity</p><p>[10:29:58 AM] JRJ: Joanna - No - is it a book?</p><p>[10:30:03 AM] Ryan Casady: Getting my haircut today. Going to talk to whoever is cutting my hair to practice a bit</p><p>[10:30:13 AM] Joanna Cheng: Yes, read about it on another BB Facebook post</p><p>[10:30:27 AM] Mike Nowak: I like having a personal website or blog too because there are not 70,000 of them the same since there are 70,000 active coaches. Then you can link back to your beachbody sites. I recommend a website when you are on your way with the fundamentals. Sites take time to build credibility on the search engines.</p><p>[10:30:30 AM] Richard Reeves: Joanna: Yep...very good</p><p>[10:30:35 AM] JRJ: No but it sounds interesting</p><p>[10:30:46 AM] Cody Hickman: aw that's a tough choice...</p><p>[10:30:47 AM] Victoria Barclay: Re:Med balls...some of the ones in stores are squishier and have more traction..so I think you are cheating yourself...by making it easy.</p><p>[10:31:05 AM] Tom Hordin: I need to get back on the challenge group bus. I got off it when I got one response and no traction after sending numerous e-mails.</p><p>[10:31:12 AM] Mike Nowak: Ryan - It is good to also have people that just post and provide motivation to the discussion. Does not always have to lead to sales from my perspective.</p><p>[10:31:42 AM] Joanna Cheng: Jane, Cody, other new coaches - I'm about 2 months "new" as well and def have been working the business with lots of "no's"</p><p>[10:31:46 AM] Victoria Barclay: I think Char read Go for No</p><p>[10:31:48 AM] Ryan Casady: Mike - you are right. I think just keep my thread active will help</p><p>11 [10:31:50 AM] JRJ: I have to go bring my girls to gymnastics. I wanted to stop by and read everyone’s post. Encouragement and more knowledge is what I need right now!</p><p>[10:31:55 AM] Jeff Witt: RE Challenge Groups. I have stopped trying to put groups of 5 together. Last week, I took all my groups and combined them into 1 private FB group. Much more interaction, and less work for me.</p><p>[10:32:02 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody, codyhickmanfitness would be a common domain idea</p><p>[10:32:14 AM] JRJ: Joanna - I’ve been getting a lot of No's and skeptical people but now I'm ok with it. I just move on and hope for a Yes someday.</p><p>[10:32:15 AM] Victoria Barclay: Yup better right Jeff?</p><p>[10:32:28 AM] Jeff Witt: Yes! Thanks for the great advice Vic!</p><p>[10:32:37 AM] Ryan Casady: How many med balls do you actually need for X2? Can I get away with a couple and use mini basketballs for stuff that I have to put my feet up?</p><p>[10:32:38 AM] Joanna Cheng: I'm thinking about throwing down the gauntlet and challenging us to seeing how many "no"s we can get this week - your thoughts?</p><p>[10:32:40 AM] Victoria Barclay: Anytime Partner</p><p>[10:32:46 AM] JRJ: Have a wonderful day everyone. Until next Saturday!</p><p>[10:32:55 AM] Ted Dietz: Ryan: So true about the thread. It provides a value. Many people lurk, as you know and helping people to get healthy is the main goal.</p><p>[10:32:56 AM] Mike Nowak: Joanna I have read GO FOR NO. SHORT read but good. My wife got it at the local library and it took me a hour or two to read.</p><p>[10:33:00 AM] Victoria Barclay: Bye Jane thanks for coming! We will talk soon..</p><p>[10:33:20 AM] Cody Hickman: Have a good day Jane!</p><p>[10:33:23 AM] Ryan Casady: You are right. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Ted's thread!</p><p>[10:33:32 AM] JRJ: Bye everyone!</p><p>[10:33:52 AM] Victoria Barclay: Sounds good Joanna...I will start right after this by asking my husband to workout with me..LOL</p><p>[10:33:56 AM] Mike Nowak: Ryan - That is awesome. Walk in with some shakeology in a cup and put it on the counter while they are cutting your hair. Bring a sample if you have and get their follow-up info.</p><p>[10:34:05 AM] Ted Dietz: Thanks Ryan! I would not be here if it wasn't for RAGE's thread!</p><p>[10:34:51 AM] Cody Hickman: I would not be here if Mike hadn't send me a seemingly random friend request and I was impressed by how shredded he is</p><p>[10:34:53 AM] Mike Nowak: Jeff - That is what I did. I have run small and large groups and find they both work though.</p><p>[10:35:00 AM] Richard Reeves: Going to "Garden of the Gods" with the family. Gotta get ready....Later</p><p>[10:35:06 AM] Joanna Cheng: LOL! Adam and I have been competing by doing things like...pushups using the corners of the kitchen counters and seeing who can hold Crane the longest...funny</p><p>[10:35:11 AM] Cody Hickman: Have fun Richard!</p><p>12 [10:35:22 AM] Mike Nowak: If they say no, you say next. They will come back when ready. You can't say the wrong thing to the right person.</p><p>[10:35:23 AM] Joanna Cheng: Bye Richard!</p><p>[10:35:41 AM] Tom Hordin: I like to practice approaching people about the business when I am at the store. I was getting my haircut yesterday and talked to the Hair dresser about it. She said wow that sounds cool , too bad I don’t have a computer or e-mail. Of course I didn’t believe her but it was a good out.</p><p>[10:35:50 AM] Mike Nowak: Ryan - 4 max but two works for most moves and you can modify when 3 or 4 are needed.</p><p>[10:35:50 AM] Richard Reeves: Ted...let’s talk soon!</p><p>[10:36:12 AM] Victoria Barclay: Rick...SUMMIT?</p><p>[10:36:36 AM] Richard Reeves: Vic: not sure right now...sorry</p><p>[10:36:46 AM] Victoria Barclay: That's a yes...LOL</p><p>[10:36:50 AM] Ted Dietz: In case it was not mentioned yet this AM.Wear those shirt’s, hats and jackets with the logo’s. I wear them almost daily and get A LOT of traffic. Just make SURE to get their info. Even if it does not bring a sale, it is making people aware that you are in this biz.</p><p>[10:37:14 AM] Cody Hickman: ha ha yeah I need to get some P90X gear at some point...</p><p>[10:37:18 AM] Ted Dietz: Rick: Yes, just text or call.</p><p>[10:37:23 AM] Tom Hordin: You will get approached.</p><p>[10:37:30 AM] Ryan Casady: My insanity "I earned it" t-shirt is going to get a lot of use.... :)</p><p>[10:37:40 AM] Tom Hordin: Nice Ryan</p><p>[10:38:18 AM] Mike Nowak: Later Jane! Keep up the good work!</p><p>[10:38:23 AM] Ted Dietz: Yes Ryan. That is just 1 shirt!</p><p>[10:38:41 AM] Ted Dietz: Has anyone had a home party?</p><p>[10:38:46 AM] Mike Nowak: I would not be here without my parents:)</p><p>[10:39:12 AM] Ted Dietz: Mike...I wondered how you got here :D</p><p>[10:39:21 AM] Ryan Casady: I was telling my buddy today about x2 at the gym. I could tell the guy next to us was listening in. just need to spark up the conversations</p><p>[10:39:22 AM] Victoria Barclay: Stork..</p><p>[10:39:33 AM] Mike Nowak: I like the P90X Coach hat that you can get at the Team Beachbody Mall. Always good for a conversation!</p><p>[10:39:41 AM] Ted Dietz: P90X tank top!</p><p>[10:39:44 AM] Cody Hickman: Mike, do you make a habit of sending friend requests to random people you see on the beachbody message boards?</p><p>[10:40:08 AM] Mike Nowak: I like using the P90X worksheets at the gym, get a ton of questions.</p><p>13 [10:40:11 AM] Ryan Casady: I think Mike is buddy's with everyone on TBB. My dog is sad though.</p><p>[10:40:18 AM] Joanna Cheng: I found my Yoga Booty Ballet which is what really started all this a few years ago...</p><p>[10:40:27 AM] Victoria Barclay: Me too Joanna!</p><p>[10:40:28 AM] Joanna Cheng: Ryan, why is your dog sad?</p><p>[10:40:32 AM] Victoria Barclay: WAY BACK!</p><p>[10:40:34 AM] Ryan Casady: not buddy's with rage</p><p>[10:40:37 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody - You have to be careful on the TB message boards. You can't post about being a coach, etc.</p><p>[10:40:39 AM] Tom Hordin: I always wanted a shirt to say "Ask me how I get paid to stay in shape" on the back and P90X on the front.</p><p>[10:40:45 AM] Ryan Casady: think he's the only one</p><p>[10:40:49 AM] Ryan Casady: :)</p><p>[10:40:54 AM] Joanna Cheng: Vic! Weird! I tried it, didn't love it...then Adam bought P90X</p><p>[10:40:59 AM] Ted Dietz: Ryan: Your dog will be posting in Mikes thread and switching coaches while you are sleeping :O</p><p>[10:41:09 AM] Victoria Barclay: I liked it ok...we do it at Fit Club...</p><p>[10:41:10 AM] Cody Hickman: Ah Mike so you just reach out to people you think might be good with friend requests</p><p>[10:41:16 AM] Ryan Casady: wouldn't doubt it.</p><p>[10:41:17 AM] Cody Hickman: And I didn't know that... Good to know</p><p>[10:41:26 AM] Victoria Barclay: Use your squishy ball for ARX</p><p>[10:41:28 AM] Joanna Cheng: the X is really what helped with my "booty" ;)</p><p>[10:41:33 AM] Mike Nowak: Ryan, haha! You have been around for a while my friend. I remember the old days before the switch to the current team beachbody website.</p><p>[10:41:42 AM] Mike Nowak: Ted - nice.</p><p>[10:41:50 AM] Ryan Casady: yep. that's why I am ryguy1 instead of ryguy</p><p>[10:42:05 AM] Victoria Barclay: Oh it's you Ryguy!!!</p><p>[10:42:15 AM] Ryan Casady: wish I would've started coaching back then!</p><p>[10:42:20 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody _ I get a lot of friend requests on team beachbody!</p><p>[10:42:20 AM] Ryan Casady: but I wasn't ready</p><p>[10:42:44 AM] Ted Dietz: Ryan: Your results are seriously INSANE!</p><p>[10:43:02 AM] Mike Nowak: Yeah Ryan - It takes time to commit but when you do, slow and steady works well. That is how I have worked the business in the time I have available.</p><p>14 [10:43:03 AM] Ryan Casady: thanks Ted. Who would've though diet and exercise work</p><p>[10:43:15 AM] Mike Nowak: The SLIGHT EDGE is a must read for those in this business.</p><p>[10:43:56 AM] Ted Dietz: Yes Mike, thanks for the reminder.Ryan,I need to get you the Slight Edge</p><p>[10:44:03 AM] Tom Hordin: What is in Sensa?</p><p>[10:44:04 AM] Cody Hickman: Ryan I just friend requested you on Facebook. I want to see your insane results ]:)</p><p>[10:44:11 AM] Joanna Cheng: Who wants my copy of THE SLIGHT EDGE? (gifted from Jeff :)) I'll send it...</p><p>[10:44:19 AM] Mike Nowak: Do something for your business every day, easy to do, easy not to do, but over time will compound to big success. I have been putting in 2 hours per day average for almost 3 years and it is works! The time spent should be focused.</p><p>[10:44:35 AM] Victoria Barclay: Yup little every day!</p><p>[10:44:38 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody - ted has some AWESOME results man.</p><p>[10:44:58 AM] Victoria Barclay: Joanna did you get a success partner?</p><p>[10:45:04 AM] Ryan Casady: Cody - I don't have anything up on FB yet. Check TBB my profile ryguy1.</p><p>[10:45:22 AM] Ted Dietz: Thanks Mike! You do as well as anyone my friend!</p><p>[10:45:43 AM] Cody Hickman: Ted, how would I go about seeing YOUR results?</p><p>[10:45:48 AM] Mike Nowak: Ted - Great progress this week by the way. Any tips for the new coaches?</p><p>[10:45:55 AM] Joanna Cheng: Still thinking about the suggestion...funny, my last one must have had his ears burning cause he sent me a message after our chat Vic</p><p>[10:46:04 AM] Victoria Barclay: LOL</p><p>[10:46:32 AM] Ted Dietz: Cody: My BB screen name is www.teambeachbody.com/fitandsoberted </p><p>[10:46:44 AM] Cody Hickman: Ryan NICE results bro. I feel like I have seen your results featured elsewhere as a success story too</p><p>[10:48:04 AM] Mike Nowak: Using Challenge Groups to Go Diamond and Beyond!</p><p>Overcoming Objections - How to Help People by Putting Them in Your Next Challenge Group! In this special One-Hour webinar the author of the best-selling book, "Double Your Contacts" will give you the tools to build relationships with your prospects and get them to join your challenge group.</p><p>In this webinar you'll learn:</p><p>Why prospects resist your approach - and how to fix it! Why sending Facebook inbox messages aren't working to fill up your Challenge groups. The "Critical Mistake" All prospectors make! Handling and Overcoming Objections to stuff like, "I don't have the money" and other stupid things that prospects say! Power Closing - Ways to get them to join a challenge even if they say "No!</p><p>When: Sunday, April 1st 8:30pm EDT (You must attend live - there is NO recording made of the webinar due to copyright restrictions.) </p><p>How to register: https://mjdurkin.ilinc.com/ register/vkbxhxy </p><p>15 Investment: Complimentary if you are a Team Beachbody Coach</p><p>Your Host: Jay Floyd, 3 Star Diamond Coach.</p><p>MJ Durkin is Network-Marketing's prospecting guru. The author of six books on prospecting he has helped thousands of Network- Marketing Professionals fill their calendars with appointments. Over 160,000 copies of his book, "Double Your Contacts" have been sold.</p><p>[10:48:27 AM] Ted Dietz: Mike: It has been a good week. I would say stay focused on the Game plan basics. Build relationships with your customers and show you really care. People can see through you if you are just going for the sale.</p><p>[10:48:29 AM] Mike Nowak: Yeah Ryan has done very well with the programs</p><p>[10:49:06 AM] Mike Nowak: Excellent Ted. There are many coaches that will not respond to emails and that is crazy. We are here to help and inspire!</p><p>[10:49:11 AM] Cody Hickman: Mike I have already registered for the webinar and punched it into my calendar as of yesterday.</p><p>[10:49:20 AM] Victoria Barclay: Also I might add is be present...</p><p>[10:49:28 AM] Ryan Casady: Alright. Everyone. Got to drop off. Thanks for all the info. Lots more to read today!</p><p>[10:49:31 AM] Mike Nowak: Awesome Cody. MJ is a great speaker and I think you will learn a lot.</p><p>[10:49:44 AM] Mike Nowak: Keep up the good work Ryan and have a great weekend!</p><p>[10:49:49 AM] Cody Hickman: See ya Ryan!</p><p>[10:49:55 AM] Ted Dietz: Ryan: Talk soon if you want.</p><p>[10:50:10 AM] Mike Nowak: Vic - Elaborate. Good point, I get it but what do you mean for the others to understand your comment...</p><p>[10:50:23 AM] Ted Dietz: I have to drop off as well. Have a great week TEAM.</p><p>[10:50:37 AM] Cody Hickman: Keep bringin' it Ted!</p><p>[10:50:57 AM] Victoria Barclay: If you have a fb group...be there! Answer questions, add random posts...if people message you get back to them in a timely fashion...</p><p>[10:51:05 AM] Mike Nowak: Have a good one Ted and keep up the good work!!! So inspirational....:)</p><p>[10:51:19 AM] Ted Dietz: Thanks Cody. You too. I responded to the FB request.</p><p>[10:51:21 AM] Victoria Barclay: Know what is going on in their lives...be a friend first..</p><p>[10:51:36 AM] Ted Dietz: Great point Vic.</p><p>[10:51:59 AM] Victoria Barclay: Truly care about them..I know I love my team...and I really care what is going on with them...</p><p>[10:52:21 AM] Mike Nowak: Right on Vic. ALSO, when you are in a conversation, BE PRESENT. Which means, whatever you are doing, to be committed and succeed, be there and not somewhere else. This is something I am working on with my family. I am constantly running around and thinking about this awesome business but you need to be present wherever you are..</p><p>[10:52:23 AM] Ted Dietz: Vic: It shows, it really does!</p><p>[10:52:24 AM] Victoria Barclay: Also be a good example..</p><p>16 [10:53:01 AM] Ted Dietz: LATER TEAM :)</p><p>[10:53:02 AM] Cody Hickman: ha ha yeah. my number one worry is that I won’t be able to be successful until people REALLY start noticing a difference. Considering I'm only on Day 11...</p><p>[10:53:04 AM] Mike Nowak: Vic - Your team loves you too. Especially Tom and Tommy!</p><p>[10:53:15 AM] Joanna Cheng: "It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." Napoleon Hill</p><p>[10:53:16 AM] Tom Hordin: ((h))</p><p>[10:53:17 AM] Victoria Barclay: I have been working on that as well Mike...you know how I multi task...but I try not to with family or when I am speaking to cutomers,coaches etc.</p><p>[10:53:26 AM] Victoria Barclay: LOL</p><p>[10:53:40 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody you are in a good spot because people will watch your results and ask what you are doing. Your results are on the right track.</p><p>[10:54:04 AM] Cody Hickman: ha ha yeah. I cannot WAIT for the end of phase 1 so I can actually get a tangible sense of results thus far</p><p>[10:54:21 AM] Mike Nowak: So true Vic. we are all working on that. Hard these days with iphones, computers, tvs and technology everywhere. Even when I was in Alaska!</p><p>[10:54:22 AM] Cody Hickman: it's too bad P90X has the most visible changes in the last phase lol</p><p>[10:54:48 AM] Victoria Barclay: Apparently this new guy asking for my help (and pictures,LOL) likes me too..OY!</p><p>[10:55:00 AM] Mike Nowak: Stay focused Cody and you will be successful. I am confident.</p><p>[10:55:12 AM] Mike Nowak: So any questions for those still on the chat?</p><p>[10:55:24 AM] Victoria Barclay: When I am on vacation I won't have good reception so I will be off the grid so to speak..</p><p>[10:55:43 AM] Mike Nowak: Good thing Vic..</p><p>[10:55:58 AM] Victoria Barclay: By then I will need it...</p><p>[10:56:27 AM] Cody Hickman: I have so many questions but they can wait until after I complete the "training academy".</p><p>[10:56:31 AM] Tom Hordin: Your business will grow while your away , isn’t that cool Vic.</p><p>[10:56:33 AM] Tom Hordin: ?</p><p>[10:56:49 AM] Mike Nowak: Okay Cody, keep writing them down and then let's chat!</p><p>[10:56:56 AM] Victoria Barclay: Yup..but I will still check in...and have backups..</p><p>[10:57:03 AM] Victoria Barclay: My team is so smart!</p><p>[10:57:05 AM] Tom Hordin: Nice</p><p>[10:57:26 AM] Mike Nowak: Tom - I couldn't believe that until it happened to me. I was in Alaska and did nothing for my business and came back to the biggest paycheck yet.</p><p>17 [10:57:44 AM] Mike Nowak: That is the importance of having such an awesome Team like we have!</p><p>[10:57:55 AM] Tom Hordin: I have to say , I am finally starting to see $$ almost every week.</p><p>[10:58:09 AM] Cody Hickman: Ah so we are paid weekly? Good to know LOL</p><p>[10:58:17 AM] Mike Nowak: Well done Tom. any advice for the new coaches?</p><p>[10:58:24 AM] Victoria Barclay: This is the time to ramp it up then Tom...don't get comfortable..</p><p>[10:59:07 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody - The business week runs Thursday to the next Wednesday. You get paid on the Thursday for the week before the one that ended. Also, the calendar month is a 35-day rolling schedule.</p><p>[10:59:13 AM] Tom Hordin: The only thing I can say is you have to stick with it and when things seem to be going south the work I put in 2 months ago start paying off.</p><p>[10:59:42 AM] Cody Hickman: what work was that sir</p><p>[10:59:49 AM] Tom Hordin: You almost cant plan it that way you just keep pluggin away at it.</p><p>[11:00:07 AM] Tom Hordin: Contacts , talking to folks about the business.</p><p>[11:00:10 AM] Cody Hickman: gotcha</p><p>[11:00:20 AM] Mike Nowak: Exactly Tom. Plant those seeds by sharing the product and business opportunities with people. Follow- up periodically but if you keep sharing with at least 2-5 new people each day your will build a large pipeline of prospects that will be interested when you least expect it from my experience, when THEY are ready not when YOU are ready.</p><p>[11:00:21 AM] Tom Hordin: It takes time</p><p>[11:01:04 AM] Cody Hickman: I am gonna have to save this whole chat and pick through it later, writing down all the super useful info here</p><p>[11:01:29 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Cody, sorry for scheduling this during your workout:) Ha, this has been the Skype chat time for over 2 years. Works for me and that is important so I can be consistent and set a good example. After the chat I send out the transcript so you will get that too.</p><p>[11:01:54 AM] Tom Hordin: The only thing I regret is not staying focused. I get so caught up in the NOW and want immediate results but it’s the same with your fitness., What you did 2 weeks ago is where you are now...</p><p>[11:01:59 AM] Cody Hickman: Yeah that's annoying! Jacked my whole day up bro! But I will work my schedule around this chat from now on.</p><p>[11:02:26 AM] Mike Nowak: hey Tom, you sounded like a woman I know that is now killin' the business, eh Vic?!</p><p>[11:02:27 AM] Victoria Barclay: Just have to prioritize!</p><p>[11:02:42 AM] Mike Nowak: Haha Cody.</p><p>[11:03:00 AM] Victoria Barclay: Hmm...sort of maybe..</p><p>[11:03:03 AM] Tom Hordin: LOL Thanks Mike</p><p>[11:03:13 AM] Cody Hickman: loll</p><p>[11:03:24 AM] Mike Nowak: So Cody, stay focused and committed and you will grow your business.</p><p>18 [11:03:39 AM] Victoria Barclay: Yu haven't seen anything yet Mike..I didn't even waste my money on a lotto ticket...why because BB is MY lotto jackpot..</p><p>[11:03:59 AM] Cody Hickman: I know ha ha... I am just so nervous about this whole thing! I wish I didn't have any other crap to do so I can place more attention on this</p><p>[11:04:10 AM] Mike Nowak: True. Well I won $2 last night in the lotto, so sad. Beachbody is my future too!</p><p>[11:04:18 AM] Victoria Barclay: LOL</p><p>[11:04:27 AM] Cody Hickman: bahaha... My dad called me yesterday JUST to tell me he bought 7 lotto tickets and I could quit school if he won... Gee thanks Dad</p><p>[11:04:30 AM] Victoria Barclay: Can I borrow .50$?</p><p>[11:04:42 AM] Mike Nowak: Cody - I feel that way too. I can’t wait until I make this my full-time business. I have so many things I want to do with it.</p><p>[11:04:55 AM] Tom Hordin: You’ll do fine Cody , you have a great team to help you.</p><p>[11:05:03 AM] Mike Nowak: Vic - Of course..</p><p>[11:05:08 AM] Victoria Barclay: LOL</p><p>[11:05:19 AM] Mike Nowak: So any more questions otherwise go have yourselves a great weekend!</p><p>[11:05:25 AM] Victoria Barclay: You can buy m an ice cube at Summit</p><p>[11:05:28 AM] Joanna Cheng: Bye Team!</p><p>[11:05:32 AM] Victoria Barclay: Nope I am good</p><p>[11:05:35 AM] Mike Nowak: I will Vic!</p><p>[11:05:50 AM] Victoria Barclay: Bye Joanna!</p><p>[11:05:53 AM] Mike Nowak: Later Joanna. Keep focused and thanks for your dedication to attend!</p><p>[11:05:58 AM] Cody Hickman: Good luck Jo!</p><p>[11:06:12 AM] Tom Hordin: Later Joanna</p><p>[11:06:26 AM] Victoria Barclay: Ok Bye all...talk to you all later!</p><p>[11:06:29 AM] Mike Nowak: Okay, see ya Cody, Vic, Tom, Joanna and any lurkers!</p><p>[11:06:38 AM] Tom Hordin: Chow</p><p>[11:06:43 AM] Joanna Cheng: Thanks guys! Focus is definitely key. I like that this team keeps you accountable. And of course Vic...best coach ever. ;)</p><p>[11:06:53 AM] Mike Nowak: ...ever!</p><p>[11:07:06 AM] Cody Hickman: Nope sorry that would be sir Michael over here...</p><p>[11:07:21 AM] Joanna Cheng: LOL...fight club. I wanna watch.</p><p>19 [11:07:23 AM] Mike Nowak: Haha. Have a good one Cody and let me know when you are ready!</p><p>[11:07:24 AM] Cody Hickman: But yeah I'm gonna see if I can fit in my workout before work... Otherwise I will be working out in the clubhouse again!</p><p>[11:07:44 AM] Mike Nowak: sounds like fun, go get 'em.</p><p>[11:07:52 AM] Cody Hickman: later ragers</p><p>[11:06:37 AM] Mike Nowak: TEAM RAGE, another great IM chat session. I will send out the transcript. My direct coach Team – please make sure you forward the transcript to your team. As always, please let me know how I can help and keep BRINGING IT!! Rage. http://www.howdoigetripped.com/ </p><p>MISC Announcements: Shakeology article!! http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/the-adventures-of-superfood-man-01262012.html</p><p>Updated manual on engaging prospects Updated Manual: http://rippedrepublic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/RRHowtoEngage.pdf</p><p>20</p>
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