AND AYARRANTS. rt8«>N STATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC DEBT AND OF THE CASH IN THE TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1912. Interest-bearing Debt. OUTSTANDING MARCH 31, 1912. WHEN INTEREST TITLE OF LOAN. AUTHORIZING ACT. RATE. WHEN REDEEMABLE. ISSUED. PAYABLE. Registered. Coupon. Total. mnsols of 1930 March 14, 1900 .. 2 per cent. 1900 After April 1, 1930 J., O., J., and A. $646, 250,150.00 $642,135, 750. 00 $4,114,400.00 $640, 250,150.00 £nof 1908-1918.... June 13, 1S98 .. 3 percent. 1898 After August 1, 1908.... A.,N.,F., andM. 198,792,660.00 43,948,500. 00 19,996,960.00 63,945, 460. 00 LoW1 *•*' l"-jt> January 14, 1875 4 per cent.; 1895-1896. After February 1, 1925. F.,M., A., andN. 162,315,400.00 99,918,700.00 18,571,200.00 118,489,900.00 Panama Canal Loan: Series 1906 June 28,1902, and Dec. 21,1905. 2-percent. 1906 After August 1, 1916....N.,F.,M.,and A. 54,631,980.00 54,606, 740. 00 25, 240. 00 54,631,980.00 Series 1908. June 28,1902, and Dec. 21,1905. 2 percent. 1908 After November 1,1918. F.,M.,A.,andN. 30,000,000. 00 29, 653, 820. 00 346,180. 00 30,000,000.00 p.,„ama Canal Loan: Aug. 5,1909-, Feb. 4, 1910, and Se^UM-- Mar.2, 1911 3 per cent.1 1911. Juno 1,1961 K.,D.,M.,and.T.. 50,000, 000.00 31, 070, 700. 00 18,929,300.00 50,000, 000.00 Postal SaWnss Bonds i June 25, 1910.. •2\ pei rent 1911. /Redeemable July 1,19121 Jan. and July 41, 900. 00 36, 880. 00 5, 020.00 41,900.00 Nll-SUrirolsmci). \ Payable July 1,1931/ Postal Saving bonds June 25, 1910.. •2] percent 1912. /Redeemable Jan.l, 19110 July and Jan 417,380.00 314,800.00 102,580.00 417, 380. 00 Hil'2-32 (SetonJ smi's). ) ' Aggregate of lnter- \ Payable Jan.l, 1932/ est-ivariiig Debt. 1,142,449,470.00 901, 685, 890.00 62,090, 880. 00 963, 776, 770.00 Debt on which Interest has Ceased since Maturity. Funded Loan of 1891, continued at 2 per cent, called for redemption May 18, 1900; interest ceased August 18, 1900 $7,000.00 Funded Loan of 1891, matured September 2, 1891 23, 650. 00 Loan of 1904, matured February 2,1904 13, 350.00 Funded Loan of 1907, matured July 2, 1907 '. __. 842, 550. 00 Refunding i'e it ideates, matured July 1, 1907 14, 360. 00 Old Debt matured at various dates prior to January 1, 1861, and other items of debt matured at various dates subsequent to January 1, 1861. 904, 330. 26 Aggregate of Debt on which interest has ceased since maturity 1,805, 240.26 Debt bearing no Interest. Onited States Notes ... February 25, 1862; Julv 11, 1862; March 3, 1863 '. $346,681,016.00 Old Demand Notes July 17, 1861; February 12, 1862.... __.. j 53,282.50 National Bank Notes: Redemption Account | Jul' 27,860,532.50y 14, 1S90 Fractional Currency July 17, 1S62; March 3, 1863: June 30, 1864; less $8,375,934 estimated as lost or destroyed, Act of June 21, 1879 6,856,639.90 Aggregate of Debt bearing no interest 381,451, 470. 90 Certificates and Notes Issued on Deposits of Coin and Silver Bullion. CLASSIFICATION. IN CIRCULATION. IN THE TREASURY. OUTSTANDING. Gold Certificates March 3, 1^3: Julv 12, 1S82; March 14, 1900 $947,137, 255. 00 m, 295,114. 00 81, 028, 432, 369. 00 Silver Certificates February 2x ls7- August 4, 1886; March 3, 1887; March 14, 1900 474,855, 376. 00 12, 307,624.00 487", 163, 000. 00 Treasur- Notes of 1S90 July 14, 1890: March 14, 1900 2,998, 996.00 11,004.00 3,010,000.00 Aggregate of Certificates and Treasury Notes, offset by cash in the Treasury 1,424,991,627.00 93, 613, 742. 00 1,518, 605,369.00 RECAPITULATION. CLASSIFICATION. MAR. 31, 1912. FEB. 29, 1912. INCREASE. DECREASE. Interest-bearinz Debt $963, 776, 770. 00 $963, 776, 770. 00 Debt on which interest has ceased since maturity. 1,805,240.26 1, 814, 750. 26 $9,510.00 Debt bearing no interest 381,451, 470.90 379, 305, 750. 90 $2,145, 720. 00 Aggregate of interest and noninterest bearing Debt 1,347,033,481.16 1,344,897,271.16 2,145,720. 00 9,510. 00 Certificates and Treasury Notes offset by an equal amount of cash in the Treasury. 1,518,605, 369.00 1,506, 682, 369.00 11,923, 000.00 Cash in the Treasury. Reserve Fund— Gold Certificates ,$1,028, 432, 369.00 Gold Coin and Bullion $150, 000, 000.00 Silver Certificates i 487,163,000.00 Treasury Notes of 1890 _ J 3,010, 000.00 I Trust Funds— $1,518,605,369.00 1 Gold Coin and Bullion $1, 028,432, .",69. National Bank 5 per cent Fund .. 24, 072, 788. 73 Silver Dollars 487,103,000. Outstanding Checks and Warrants. 9,901,551.09 Silver Dollars of 1890 ... \ 3,010,000. Disbursing Officers' Balances 75, 319, 487. 28 •1,518,605,369.00 Post-Office Department Account. -. 4, 968, 558.03 i General Fund— Miscellaneous Items 1,212,724.26 Certified Checks on Banks $1,039,102.42 115,535,109.39 Gold Coin 22,841,815.67 $1,634,140, 478.3 9 Gold Certificates 81,295,114.00 Reserve Fund 150,000,000.00 Silver Certificates 12,307,624.00 I5a,l:uiee in (ieiieri i,l Fund. 131,534,000.15 Silver Dollars . 7,577 904.00 2S1,534,096 15 Silver Bullion 1, 70:;, 877. 37 United States Notes .. 8,880,271.00 Treasury Notes of 1890 11, 004.00 National Bank Notes 34,887,270. 15 Subsidiary Silver Coin 24, 300, 074. 25 Fractional Currency -- 190.47 Minor Coin . _. ... 2, 3:;0, 083. 92 Bonds and Interest paid, awaiting reim­ bursement 4, 037. 50 197,184,380.75 '•> N'aiional Bank Depositaries— To Credit of Treasurer of United States.. 33, 830,839. 48 To Credit of United States Disbursing Officers .. 11,124, 171.33 44,901,010.81 'n Treasury of Philippine Islands— f" Credit of Treasurer of United States.. 1, 752, 678. 08 To Credit of United .States Disbursing Officers .'{, 171, 135.90 4, 923, 813. 98 247, 009, 205. 54 Total. 1,915,674,574.54 Total. 1,915,674,574. 54 lanoe in the Treasury February 29, 1912, exclusive of Reserve, and Trust funds $121,892,703.79 "ance in the Treasury March 31, 1912, exclusive of Reserve and Trust funds 131,534,096.15 Increase during the month 9,641,392. 36 MEMORANDUM Showing the amounts due the United Slates from Pacific Railroads on account of bonds Issued In aid of their construction. NAME OK ROAD. PRINCIPAL. INTEREST. TOTAL. Cftntral Branch Union Pacific $1,600,000.00 $2,041,052.19 $3,641,052.19 The foregoing is a correct statement of the Public Debt and of the cash in the Treasury at the close of business March 31, 1912. FRANKLIN MacVEAGH, TREASURY DEPARTMENT, April, 1, 1912. Secretary of the Treasury. .
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