<p> State of New Mexico Public Education Department</p><p>Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus Pilot Project Extended School Year Opportunity 2011-2012 REVISED Renewal Plan Application</p><p>DUE NO LATER THAN May 20, 2011 4:00 PM</p><p>Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education</p><p>New Mexico Public Education Department 300 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87501 TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>Introduction………………………………………………………………………….... 2</p><p>Assessment Requirements ……………………………………………….……….. 2</p><p>Funding Requirements...………………………………………………………….… 3</p><p>Use of Funds…………………………………………………………………………… 4</p><p>Evaluation and Reporting Requirements………………………………..………. 4</p><p>Required Forms………………………………………………………………………. 4</p><p>Requirements for Submitting the Renewal Application Plan….……………... 4</p><p>Review Process………………………………………………………………………. 5</p><p>Renewal Forms Title Page.....…..……………..…………………………………… 6</p><p>July-August 2011 District Cover Sheet…………………….……………….……. 7</p><p>July-August 2011 School Program Cover Sheet……..………………………… 8</p><p>July-August 2011 School Budget Form………..………………………………… 9</p><p>June 2012 District Cover Sheet…………………..………….……………….……. 10</p><p>June 2012 School Program Cover Sheet……..……………..…………………… 11</p><p>June 2012 School Budget Form………..…………………..…………………….. 12</p><p>Program Narrative……………….………………………………..…………………. 13</p><p>District/School Calendars..…………………..……………………………………. 14</p><p>District/School Assurances……………………………….………………………. 15</p><p>For an electronic version of this proposal packet go to www.ped.state.nm.us or contact Brenda Kofahl, with the New Mexico Public Education Department Early Childhood Education Bureau, at 505-827-6627 or [email protected] </p><p>1 Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus Pilot Project 2011-2012 Renewal Plan Application Introduction The K-3 Plus pilot project provides funding for approved full-day kindergarten and grades one through three to be extended by at least twenty-five days beginning up to two months prior to the start of the school year. To align with Governor Martinez’s education priorities, districts should put an increased emphasis and time on literacy instruction in the K-3 Plus Program for FY12. This program should be an integral part of your district/charter’s program to insure that all children read by third grade. It is important to prioritize data- driven literacy instruction and interventions to the lowest 25% of students in each grade level. </p><p>As an approved district, the following components are required:</p><p>ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS:</p><p>1. Students participating in K-3 Plus shall be evaluated at the beginning of K-3 Plus, and their progress shall be measured through standardized assessments as follows: a. In literacy, the state adopted assessment (DIBELS) in kindergarten and in grades one through three for at least progress monitoring and three benchmark dates</p><p> b. Numeric Evaluation in grades three and four with the New Mexico Standards DIBELS: Week 1 & 2 Week 3 Week 5 1st 10 Days 4th Week of K-3 Plus of K-3 Plus of K-3 Plus Of Regular School of Regular School Year Extended School Year: Year and Continuing Throughout the School Year </p><p>Progress Monitoring Progress Progress Beginning of Year Begin Progress Monitoring Measures: administer the Monitoring Monitoring for (BOY) Benchmark Cycle for all Intensive & same measures that appear for Intensive Intensive & for K-3 Plus students Strategic students to monitor on the Beginning of the Year students to Strategic students instructional success & (BOY) Benchmark with the monitor to monitor influence instruction. exception of Letter Naming instructional instructional Schedule: Every TWO weeks Fluency (LNF) in success & success & for Intensive students and Kindergarten in the 1 st five (5) influence influence every FOUR weeks for days of the K-3 Plus instruction instruction Strategic students Extended School Year & upload to Wireless Generation by 09/16/2011 Based Assessment (NMSBA).</p><p>2. Because the Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus Project is designed as a longitudinal study, assessment data is required for participating students. Consequently, a participating school must plan for the administration of the state adopted assessment, including the use of the progress monitoring tool, to all participating students as they progress through kindergarten, first, second, and third grades. Schools administering the state-approved assessment must contract with the PED approved vendor to gather and report the assessment data.</p><p>3. The daily schedule for each classroom must show more time devoted to literacy instruction for all students than during the regular school year. Kindergarten should have at least 90 minutes</p><p>2 and Grades 1 through 3 should have 120 minutes of instruction throughout the day using evidence-based programs and tools. This instruction should be developmentally appropriate and intentional using a balance of instructional strategies. The writing process should be included. Kindergarten activities should include time in learning centers. </p><p>4. Programs should use both the adopted core curriculum and evidence-based intervention programs. If an intervention program has been unsuccessful in increasing student achievement during the regular school year, implement another evidence-based program.</p><p>5. Tier II students must receive an additional 30 minutes of literacy instruction based on individual assessment data.</p><p>6. Tier III students must receive an additional 60 minutes of literacy instruction based on individual assessment data.</p><p>7. The schedule must include time for all students to practice independent reading.</p><p>8. Schools must comply with annual and interim reports as required by the Public Education Department for student and program assessments. This may require input of assessment data into the STARS system and/or a K-3 Plus database.</p><p>FUNDING REQUIREMENTS:</p><p>1. All funds will be awarded on a reimbursement basis. Services will be reimbursed once delivered and reimbursement is requested. Final requests for reimbursements for the summer, 2011 program should be entered by December 1, 2011. Final requests for reimbursements for the June 2012 program will be announced in April, 2012. 2. For FY12, programs will be funded on a “per student” basis. The anticipated funding level is $800 per student. Awards may be reduced based on the actual number of students completing at least 20 of the 25 days the K-3 Plus program. 3. Separate District and School Cover Sheets and Budget Forms must be completed for your July-August 2011 program and your June 2012 program if your district will begin the summer 2012 K-3 Plus program in June 2012. 4. Funding granted under this application will be available upon notification by award letter. FY12 funds may not be used prior to July 1, 2011. 5. “ Carryover” of K-3 Plus funds is not allowed. The funds awarded for FY12 must be “fully expended” by June 30, 2012. This has been required by law since the General Appropriation Act of 2004. 6. Districts may continue to receive annual funding to the end of the pilot program on June 30, 2013 pending availability of funds and compliance with project requirements. 7. The amount of funding in any subsequent award period will be subject to appropriation by the New Mexico State Legislature. 8. The expectation is that the school will make every effort to meet the same mandatory class size requirements as during the school year. 9. The school will make every effort to keep the classroom of students with the K-3 Plus teacher in the regular school year. K-3 PLUS classrooms that are not staffed by the same teacher during the regular school year must be identified and prior permission must be obtained in writing from the K- 3 PLUS Program Manager to be eligible for reimbursement.</p><p>Use of Funds</p><p>3 Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus Pilot Project funding may be used to support the following: a. Teacher salaries (including Instructional Coaches and Interventionists) paid at the same rate and under the same terms for Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus as for regular education programs; b. Educational assistant salaries paid at the same rate and under the same terms for Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus as for regular educational programs; c. Supplies and materials to support extending the instructional program including evidence-based intervention programs for reading and math; and, d. Transportation of students.</p><p>EVALUATION AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS</p><p>1. The Public Education Department will evaluate to determine the effectiveness of the Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus pilot program. All school sites receiving funding must agree to participate in all evaluation activities. 2. As part of the evaluation, a school-level Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus class roster file report may be requested by PED. 3. All K-3 PLUS students must be reported to PED on the 5th, 15th and 25th day of K-3 Plus and on the 40 day count through the STARS system. New fields will be required including assigned teacher and number of years participating. Assessment data may also be required to be entered into the STARS system or a K-3 Plus database. 4. Site visits by evaluators and/or the Public Education Department may also be conducted. 5. Assessment data from the state adopted assessment and NMSBA must be available to the department through a department approved process. 6. Assessment information will be required in report format to include demographic data. The state may request additional information regarding staffing, endorsements, and licensure levels; program elements; professional development activities; parent involvement activities; implementation challenges, obstacles, and suggested modifications.</p><p>REQUIRED FORMS</p><p>The following table indicates forms required. Forms are located on pages 5-11 of this document. </p><p>DISTRICT and SCHOOL SCHOOL PROGRAM NARRATIVE DISTRICT PROGRAM COVER SHEETS BUDGET REQUESTS and ASSURANCES SCHOOL (Separate forms for July-August (Separate forms for July-August (Separate forms for July-August CALENDARS 2011 and June 2012 if applicable) 2011 and June 2012 if 2011 and June 2012 if applicable) applicable)</p><p> </p><p>REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMITTING THE RENEWAL PLAN APPLICATION:</p><p>1. The grant renewal plan must be prepared in accordance with the requirements described in this document. 2. Submit one original and one copy of the plan. The original must bear the original signatures of the authorized officials of the School District. The copy may have photocopied signatures. Applications without all required signatures will be rejected.</p><p>4 3. All grant renewal plans submitted become the property of the Public Education Department and a part of the public domain.</p><p>4. The address for mailing or delivery is:</p><p>Brenda Kofahl, K-3 Plus Program Manager K-3 PLUS Extended School Year Program Early Childhood Education Bureau New Mexico Public Education Department Jerry Apodaca Education Building 300 Don Gaspar, Room 206 Santa Fe, NM 87501</p><p>Receipt of proposals in any PED office other than Room 206 described above will not be considered as meeting the proposal deadline and will be rejected. 5. Grant Renewal plans must be received by PED no later than Close of Business (COB) – 4:00 pm on May 20, 2011. Please submit one bound original and one bound copy of the application.</p><p>REVIEW PROCESS</p><p>The Public Education Department will review renewal plans as set forth in House Bill 198 of the Regular Session of 2007 detailing the program requirements for the Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus Pilot Project. Budgets will be negotiated to continue the delivery of the K-3 Plus program at each approved site. Districts will be notified of awards by May, 25, 2011.</p><p>5 State of New Mexico Public Education Department</p><p>Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus Pilot Project Extended School Year Opportunity</p><p>FY 2011-2012 REVISED RENEWAL PLAN FORMS</p><p>DUE NO LATER THAN 4:00 PM ON May 20, 2011</p><p>Hanna Skandera Secretary of Education</p><p>New Mexico Public Education Department 300 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87501</p><p>6 New Mexico Public Education Department Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus Pilot Project 2011-2012 Renewal Plan Application JULY-AUGUST 2011 DISTRICT COVER SHEET</p><p>Proposal Due: 4:00 PM May 20, 2011</p><p>District Name: Superintendent: District Contact Name: Name: Address: Position: Telephone: Fax: Telephone: Email: Email: Schools for which this School Number Begin Number Hours Number Number Salary/ Supply Other Transportation Total Funds district is applying: AYP of and of Days Per of of Benefit Costs* Costs* Costs* Requested Status Program End Per Day Students Class- Costs* (Wireless for this Days Dates Week/ # to be rooms Gen.) School of weeks Served</p><p>TOTALS: # # $ $ $ $ $</p><p>Total Amount of All District Funding requested $ (This figure must equal the number of students multiplied by $800 per student if you are requesting funding for July-August 2011 only. If requesting funds for June 2012, this amount plus the total amount on page 10 must equal the number of students x $800) Superintendent’s Signature: Date:</p><p>Please note that allocation may be adjusted to reflect actual student count (those attending 20 of the 25 days) by January 15, 2012. *Please use whole dollar amounts</p><p>7 2011-2012 KINDERGARTEN THROUGH THIRD GRADE PLUS PILOT PROJECT (MUST BE PROVIDED FOR EACH SCHOOL)</p><p>JULY- AUGUST 2011 SCHOOL PROGRAM COVER SHEET District Name: School Contact Person Name: School Name: Position: Telephone: School Address: Email: Fax:</p><p>Name of Principal Telephone Number:</p><p>Signature of Principal Date</p><p>School’s Percentage of Students on Free and Reduced School’s AYP Status: Lunch: Number of days of K-3 Plus: _____ Program Implementation Dates *This application should cover 25 instructional days. For some districts, this will include days in June 2012 to begin the SY2012-13 K-3 Plus program. Please Additional K-3 Plus Funded remember that the program cannot start more than 2 months prior to the start of Training/Prep days for Teachers: the regular school year. _____ (not to exceed 2) SY 2011-12 July ____, 2011 through ______, 2011 SY2012-13 June ____, 2012 through June 30, 2012* ESTIMATED PROGRAM NUMBERS</p><p>Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number List any Students to Classes Teachers in Educationa Days Per of Hours teachers by be Served K-3 Plus l Assistants Week Per Day name who will not continue with students for the regular school year KINDERGARTEN FIRST GRADE SECOND GRADE THIRD GRADE TOTALS:</p><p>Total Number of Students_____ Multiplied by $800 per Student = Total School Budget______(This figure must equal the number of students multiplied by $800 per student if you are requesting funding for July-August 2011 only. If requesting funds for June 2012, this amount plus the total amount on page 11 must equal the number of students x $800)</p><p>FY 2011-12 KINDERGARTEN THROUGH THIRD GRADE PLUS PILOT PROJECT JULY-AUGUST 2011 SCHOOL BUDGET REQUEST FORM (MUST BE PROVIDED FOR EACH SCHOOL) Provide a detailed account of all funds to support the implementation of the Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus pilot project for each school listed on the district cover sheet. PROJECTED EXPENDITURES</p><p>8 SALARIES Name and grade level # of Annual Benefits Daily # of Total (add lines as needed) students Salary (Do Not Rate for Days Include K-3 Plus (June ) Insurance) Teachers:</p><p>Educational Assistants:</p><p>Other (list)* TOTAL AMOUNT FOR SALARIES/BENEFITS $ MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Product/ Description Subject Units Amount Total Area @ Amount</p><p>TOTAL AMOUNT FOR MATERIALS & SUPPLIES OTHER COSTS – LIST ONLY NON YEAR AROUND SERVICES (do not supplant). Identify Justification Units Amount</p><p>TOTAL AMOUNT FOR OTHER COSTS $ Funding for transportation is not available through categorical funds and must be allocated by K-3 Plus funds – Please work with your district transportation to establish this budget projection. # of # of District # of Miles TOTAL AMOUNT FOR TRANSPORTATION Buses Students Mileage Rate TRANSPORTATION $ TOTAL BUDGET REQUEST FOR THIS SCHOOL $ (This figure must equal the number of students multiplied by $800 per student if you are requesting funding for July-August 2011 only. If requesting funds for June 2012, this amount plus the total amount on page 12 must equal the number of students x $800)</p><p>An adjusted Budget Form may be sent to districts/schools to provide actual budgets that correspond to the award letter. Administrators and support staff funded under K-3 Plus must be actively engaged with the K-3 Plus program. If the person is serving other programs, salaries and benefits must be cost allocated and the cost allocation plan must be included in the narrative of this application. Persons cannot be paid with K-3 Plus funds for days they are already under contract with the district.</p><p>Please note that allocation may be adjusted to reflect actual student count (those attending 20 of the 25 days) by January 15, 2012</p><p>9 New Mexico Public Education Department Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus Pilot Project 2011-2012 Renewal Plan Application JUNE 2012 DISTRICT COVER SHEET (if applicable)</p><p>District Name: Superintendent: District Contact Name: Name: Address: Position: Telephone: Fax: Telephone: Email: Email: Schools for which this School Number Begin Number Hours Number Number Salary/ Supply Other Transportation Total Funds district is applying: AYP of and of Days Per of of Benefit Costs* Costs* Costs* Requested Status Program End Per Day Students Class- Costs* (Wireless for this Days Dates Week/ # to be rooms Gen.) School of weeks Served</p><p>TOTALS: # # $ $ $ $ $</p><p>Total Amount of All District Funding requested $ (This figure must equal the number of students multiplied by $800 per student if you are requesting funding for July-August 2011 only. If requesting funds for June 2012, this amount plus the total amount on page 7 must equal the number of students x $800) Superintendent’s Signature: Date:</p><p>Please note that allocation may be adjusted to reflect actual student count (those attending 20 of the 25 days) by January 15, 2012. *Please use whole dollar amounts</p><p>10 2011-2012 KINDERGARTEN THROUGH THIRD GRADE PLUS PILOT PROJECT (MUST BE PROVIDED FOR EACH SCHOOL)</p><p>JUNE 2012 SCHOOL PROGRAM COVER SHEET (if applicable) District Name: School Contact Person Name: School Name: Position: Telephone: School Address: Email: Fax:</p><p>Name of Principal Telephone Number:</p><p>Signature of Principal Date</p><p>School’s Percentage of Students on Free and Reduced School’s AYP Status: Lunch: Number of days of K-3 Plus: _____ Program Implementation Dates *This application should cover 25 instructional days. For some districts, this will include days in June 2012 to begin the SY2012-13 K-3 Plus program. Please Additional K-3 Plus Funded remember that the program cannot start more than 2 months prior to the start of Training/Prep day for Teachers: the regular school year. _____ (not to exceed 1) SY 2011-12 July ____, 2011 through ______, 2011 SY2012-13 June ____, 2012 through June 30, 2012* ESTIMATED PROGRAM NUMBERS</p><p>Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number List any Students to Classes Teachers in Educationa Days Per of Hours teachers by be Served K-3 Plus l Assistants Week Per Day name who will not continue with students for the regular school year KINDERGARTEN FIRST GRADE SECOND GRADE THIRD GRADE TOTALS:</p><p>Total Number of Students_____ Multiplied by $800 per Student = Total School Budget______(This figure must equal the number of students multiplied by $800 per student if you are requesting funding for July-August 2011 only. If requesting funds for June 2012, this amount plus the total amount on page 8 must equal the number of students x $800)</p><p>FY 2011-12 KINDERGARTEN THROUGH THIRD GRADE PLUS PILOT PROJECT JUNE 2012 SCHOOL BUDGET REQUEST FORM (if applicable) (MUST BE PROVIDED FOR EACH SCHOOL)</p><p>11 Provide a detailed account of all funds to support the implementation of the Kindergarten through Third Grade Plus pilot project for each school listed on the district cover sheet. PROJECTED EXPENDITURES SALARIES Name and grade level # of Annual Benefits Daily # of Total (add lines as needed) students Salary (Do Not Rate for Days Include K-3 Plus (June ) Insurance) Teachers:</p><p>Educational Assistants:</p><p>Other (list)* TOTAL AMOUNT FOR SALARIES/BENEFITS $ MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Product/ Description Subject Units Amount Total Area @ Amount</p><p>TOTAL AMOUNT FOR MATERIALS & SUPPLIES OTHER COSTS – LIST ONLY NON YEAR AROUND SERVICES (do not supplant). Identify Justification Units Amount</p><p>TOTAL AMOUNT FOR OTHER COSTS $ Funding for transportation is not available through categorical funds and must be allocated by K-3 Plus funds – Please work with your district transportation to establish this budget projection. # of # of District # of Miles TOTAL AMOUNT FOR TRANSPORTATION Buses Students Mileage Rate TRANSPORTATION $ TOTAL BUDGET REQUEST FOR THIS SCHOOL $ (Must equal the number of students in the application multiplied by $800 per student) (This figure must equal the number of students multiplied by $800 per student if you are requesting funding for July-August 2011 only. If requesting funds for June 2012, this amount plus the total amount on page 9 must equal the number of students x $800)</p><p>An adjusted Budget Form may be sent to districts/schools to provide actual budgets that correspond to the award letter. Administrators and support staff funded under K-3 Plus must be actively engaged with the K-3 Plus program. If the person is serving other programs, salaries and benefits must be cost allocated and the cost allocation plan must be included in the narrative of this application. Persons cannot be paid with K-3 Plus funds for days they are already under contract with the district.</p><p>PROGRAM NARRATIVE</p><p>Please answer the following questions about your K-3 Plus Program: (Schools that received June 2011 funding may include information from that application.)</p><p>12 1. Describe your curricular approach for the K-3 Plus program, including core curriculum programs, supplemental and intervention programs. How will this program differ from the regular school year? If the intervention programs implemented during the regular school year have not resulted in gains in student achievement, what will you change?</p><p>2. Describe how you will implement the state-adopted assessment for literacy (DIBELS) in both the 25 days of K-3 Plus and the regular school year. Please describe how the assessment instrument will be implemented with fidelity, and how teachers will be trained and supported for the administration of the state adopted assessment, including those teachers who did not participate in the extended year program, but will have K-3 Plus students assigned to their classroom. Include a plan detailing how this data is used to drive reading instruction, particularly to increase the achievement for those students scoring in the lowest 25%. Please remember: Each K-3 Plus school is required to administer the state-adopted assessment in accordance with the State-adopted test schedule. This schedule will be posted on the PED website prior by June 1, 2011. The Progress Monitoring Tool must be administered within the first week of the K-3 Plus Extended School Year and again at the end of the (at least) 25 additional days of instruction. The Progress Monitoring Tool must be administered every 4 weeks for “strategic” students and every two weeks for “intensive” students throughout the 205 day school year. If your district/school uses any other assessment instruments in addition to DIBELS, please describe how that tool (or tools) will be used in the K-3 Plus program.</p><p>2. What is your plan to increase student achievement in math and reading during the K-3 Plus program? Describe any intervention services, especially highlighting plans for the lowest 25% of students. Who will provide the intervention services? What programs/materials will be used? Are these programs/materials different from what was used in the regular school year? Why? Are these services included in your EPSS?</p><p>3. The PED sponsored Professional Development in Literacy will be offered on-line through the NM Cyber-Academy. K-3 PLUS teachers are required to register through the website: www.recix.org and to complete the literacy module for the appropriate grade level (K-1 or 2-3). Please describe your plan to insure completion of these modules. Each teacher must register and sign in individually to document course completion. Any school or district that chooses to complete the training as a group must have an administrator sign in and provide REC IX with a copy of the agenda and sign-in sheets within 3 days of the training. Modules from summer 2010 are also available and it is recommended that teachers new to K-3 Plus also complete the appropriate courses for their grade level.</p><p>4. If any administrators or support staff are funded, please describe their duties. If these persons will also have other duties, please include a cost allocation plan. (Personnel who are already under contract for the days K-3 Plus is held may not be paid with K-3 Plus funds.)</p><p>5. How will parents be informed of their child’s progress?</p><p>District: ______School: ______Principal‘s Signature______Date: ______2011-12 KINDERGARTEN THROUGH THIRD GRADE PLUS PILOT PROJECT</p><p>13 DISTRICT/SCHOOL CALENDARS (MUST BE PROVIDED FOR EACH SCHOOL)</p><p>Please import a copy of your district and school calendars here, with K-3 Plus program dates clearly delineated. </p><p>FY12 K-3 Plus DISTRICT/SCHOOL ASSURANCES (MUST BE PROVIDED FOR EACH SCHOOL)</p><p>14 As the principal for this K-3 Plus school, please meet with your superintendent and business manager to review and certify the following district assurances with regard to the implementation of the K-3 Plus Extended School Year Program:</p><p>1. The district/school agrees to provide services with this grant of award for the K-3 Plus Pilot project to only approved sites. 2. The district/school agrees to start the core literacy and math programs at the beginning of the K-3 Plus Extended School year program offering at least 25 additional days of instruction in the core reading and math programs, thus conducting the classrooms in the K-3 Plus program as a 205-day school year. 3. The district/school agrees to provide intervention services in Reading and Mathematics during the K-3 Plus extended school year program for students who are not meeting grade level requirements and targeting the lowest 25% of students. Tier II students must receive 30 minutes of intervention daily and Tier III students must receive 60 minutes of intervention daily. 4. The district/school agrees to report on day 5, 15 and 25 of the K-3 Plus program, the number of students enrolled per classroom, the number of days each student attended, and the teacher assigned to each group of students for the K-3 Plus program and for the regular school year. 5. The district/school agrees that the funds are awarded on a “per student” basis and may be adjusted to reflect only students who attended at least 20 of the 25 days. 6. The district/school agrees to enter accurate K-3 Plus data into STARS, including teacher, enrollment and attendance. 7. The district/school agrees to comply with the Individual Education Plan (IEP) of any student enrolled in the K- 3 Plus program. Costs for implementing the IEP can be provided through Special Education funds. 8. The district/school agrees to request reimbursement for the July and August 2011 K-3 Plus program no later than December 1, 2011 unless an extension is granted in writing by the K-3 Plus Program Manager. 9. The district/school understands that all funds under the 2011-12 award letter must be fully expended by June 30, 2012. “Carryover” to the next fiscal year is not allowed. 10. This district/school agrees to use the state adopted assessment, including the progress monitoring tool, to evaluate the progress of all K-3 Plus students in early literacy as detailed in the School Assessment Plan, the State Assessment calendar and the K-3 Plus legislation . 11. The district/school agrees to participate in the state-wide network of K-3 Plus schools by conforming to the program requirements included in this re-award application and by insuring that all teachers complete the online professional development modules developed by REC IX. 12. The district/school agrees to participate in any external or internal evaluation process governed by a legislative appropriation or by as directed by the Public Education Department or any other Executive or Legislative Initiative. 13. The district/school agrees to make every effort to progress the entire classroom of students with the same teacher during the regular school year. 14. The district/school agrees to cost allocate the salaries and benefits of any person who is serving other programs during the K-3 Plus session and the cost allocation plan must be included in this application. Persons cannot be paid with K-3 Plus funds for days they are already under contract with the district. 15. The district/school agrees to include the K-3 Plus program in the district/school calendar and to expand advertising and recruitment of students throughout the school year. The program must be listed by name on the calendar and on the district/school website.</p><p>By signing this document each person below agrees to ensure that the K-3 Plus program is meeting the district and school assurances.</p><p>Signatures:</p><p>______Superintendent Date K-3 Plus District Administrator Date</p><p>______Business Manager Date K-3 Plus Principal Date</p><p>15</p>
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