<p> 5th Grade Fall Screener Next Step Guide</p><p>Screener CCSS Mathematical Activities and Lessons from Investigations Activities and Lessons from the Other Inquiry Based Activities Tier II AVMR Assessment item Standard Importance/ purple book/Red book Recommendation #missed Correlatio Teacher Notes Units and 10 Minute Games *These activities are not intended*To to be be a used for * To be used by n **Teachers Sessions Math *These activities are not intended comprehensive curriculum; rather,more it diagnostic AVMR trained should refer to all to be a comprehensive provides a fine-grained approach forinformation and Intervention Unit Overviews, curriculum; rather, it provides a improving instruction in mathematics.to inform Strategists Dialogue Boxes, fine-grained approach for teaching. and Teacher improving instruction in Notes…specific mathematics. pieces are mentioned below. ** #1 Mathemati Knowing the words we Grade 4- Grade 4- Unit 1A3.1 Count Around, pg.40 *Van De Walle Modify Grade 1- AVMR Count back cal say for numbers and Unit 5 5 session 2.5 1A3.3 Stand in Line, pg.41 Volume One- Unit 3 Number Words the numerals we write from 1012 Practice 7 for numbers is session 1.1 pg. 86 Close A3.3 Number Word Sequences by 1s, pg.36 page. 40 Up and Assessment: and Numerals (Backward and 8 important basic pg. 28 How to 1,000 pg. IA3.6 Disappearing Sequences, pg.41 Back Counting Counting Strips Assessment will Number number knowledge. much is M21 IA3.7 Bare Numeral Roll, pg.42 Activity 2.2, page. pg. 167 sample give levels for Word 4.4NBT.2 The rudimentary 1,000 Instructions IA3.8 Numeral Roll with Window or Multi-lid 41 Calculator Up student work pg. FNWS and BNWS Sequence) knowledge of NWSs and recording Screen, pg.43 and Back Activity 168 and numerals without a context of quantities Grade 4- sheet student IA3.9 Numeral Grid Sequences, pg.44 2.5, page. 58 *There is is an important Unit 5 activity book IA3.12 Lovely Lucy, pg.47 Grade 4- Unit 5 evidence that domain of students’ session 1.2 pg.31 or pg. session 1.5 pg. 53 students who developing number pg. 33 M22 Assessment: lack this knowledge, and it facility with requires explicit Finding Numbers to 1,000 number instruction (Hewitt Numbers pg. M19 and words and and Brown, 1998; to 1,000 assessment numerals Steffe and Cobb, 1988; checklist pg. M20 struggle to Wright et al., 2006a, Grade 4- progress with 2007). further Unit 5 Grade 4- Unit 5 arithmetic In the upper session 1.3 session 4.3 pg. knowledge. elementary school pg. 37 144 Assessment: years, instruction in Changing Numbers to number words and *Familiarity Places 10,000 with a range numerals often of numbers decreases. Yet there is establishes a much to learn in these Grade 4- basis for years, and many Unit 5 meaningful students have session 3.1 arithmetic difficulties. pg. 100 (Ellemor- NWSs to Making a Colllins and 1000 and Wright, 2007; beyond, 10,000 Hewitt and forwards Chart Brown, 1998; and Wigley, 1997; backwards Grade 4- Wright et al., The NWSs Unit 5 2007). of session 3.2 decuples, centuples pg. 107 and How Much thousands. is 10,000? NWSs by tens off Grade 4- the decuple, Unit 5 such as session 3.3 ’24, 34, Working 44…’ with the which 10,000 become useful in Chart developing jump strategies for addition and subtractio n. NWSs by 2s, 3s, 4s, and so on, which become central to developing strategies for multiplicat ion and division. Reading 5th Grade Fall Screener Next Step Guide</p><p> and writing numerals up to at least 5 #4 (numeral digits Grade 4- Grade 4- Grade 4- Unit *Arrow Cards pg. 43 (purple) Say It Press It Grade 4- Unit 5 AVMR ID) Unit 5 Ten-Minute 5 session 2.5 *Introducing Number Word Sequences Using Activity 5.14 and session 1.5 pg. 53 Number Words session 1.1 Math pg. 86 Close the Number Roll pg. 32 (red) 5.15 page 140, Assessment: and Numerals *Refer to Unit 5 pg. 28 How Practicing to 1,000 pg. A3.1 Numeral Identification, pg.35 Numbers to 1,000 Assessment will Digit Change (Fourth Grade) much is Place Value M21 A3.2 Writing Numerals, pg.35 pg. M19 and give a level for Dialogue box pg 1,000 pg. 26 Instructions IA3.1 Arrow Cards Draw for Numeral Activity 5.16 page assessment Numeral ID 199…Finding Implementi and recording Identification, pg.38 140 Teaching checklist pg. M20 Numbers on the Grade 4- ng Guide sheet student IA3.2 I Read, You Write, We Check, We Build, Student-Centered 10,000 Chart. Unit 5 provides activity book pg.39 Mathematics Grade 4- Unit 5 session 1.2 practice pg.31 or pg. IA3.3 Place Value Houses, pg.40 Grades K-3 session 4.3 pg. pg. 33 reading and M22 IA3.10 Numeral Ladder, pg.45 volume one, Van 144 Assessment: Finding writing Numbers to de Walle Numbers numerals 10,000 to 1,000 found in Arrow Card- Units 5, 6 drag the Grade 4- and 7 correct Unit 5 arrow session 1.3 pg. 37 cards into Changing the arrow Places box http://www.curricul Grade 4- umsupport.educati Unit 5 on.nsw.gov.au/coun session 3.1 tmein/children_arro pg. 100 w_card.html Making a 10,000 Chart </p><p>Grade 4- Unit 5 session 3.2 pg. 107 How Much is 10,000?</p><p>Grade 4- Unit 5 session 3.3 Working with the 10,000 Chart</p><p>#3 and #4, MP4, MP5, The topic of Grade 4- Grade 4- Grade 4- Unit A10.5 Multiplication and Division using Arrays, *Solon School Grade 4- Unit 1 AVMR (multiplicati MP7 multiplication and Unit 1 Unit 1 1 session 1.4 pg.164 session 1.5 pg. 50 Multiplication and division on one hand, District website on and -4.OA.1 builds on students’ session 1.1 session 2.1 pg. 44 Factor A10.7 Relational Thinking Using Bare Number “Multiplication Assessment: Division division) -4.OA.3 pg. 26 pg. 59 Pairs with Problems, pg.165 Representing 8x6 Assessment will knowledge of addition Activities” -4.OA.4 and subtraction, and Things That Introducing Array Cards IA10.1 Count Around Multiples, 167 pg. M31 and give a Construct in a similar vein to 4.NBT.5 Come in Quick IA10.8 Mini Multo, pg. 173 *Kathy Assessment for Multiplication addition and Arrays Images: Grade 4- Unit IA10.9 Four is a Winner, p174 Checklist pg. M32 and Division subtraction, is Richardson Book 3 Seeing 1 session 2.2 IA10.10 I have…Who has…, pg. 175 Arithmetical fundamental for – pg. 163 subsequent topics Grade 4- Numbers pg. 64 A7.7 Multiplication Basic Facts, pg. 159 Grade 4- Unit 1 Strategies such as mental and Unit 1 using array Practicing IA7.5 Array Bingo, pg. 167 Activities 2-11 session 2.5 pg. 80 written computation, session 1.2 to model with IA7.7 The Multiples Games, pg. 169 through 2-14 Assessment: and computational estimation. pg. 32 and multiplicatio Multiplication IA7.8 The Factoring Game, pg. 171 Multiplication Multiplication and 1.3 pg. 38 n situations Cards pg. *Chapter 3 pages Combinations pg. division provide Making 2.2 pg. 64, M35-M40 88-95 Teaching M51 foundational Arrays 2.3 pg. 68, Note CC Student-Centered knowledge for topics 2.4 pg. 76, Adaptation on Grade 4- Unit 3 such as fractions, ratio Mathematics Grade 4- 2.5 pg. 80, pg. CC2 session 3.4 pg. and proportion, and Grades 3-5, Van percentage, all of Unit 1 3.1 pg. 88 117 Assessment: de Walle and which are core and session 1.5 also found Grade 4- Unit Multiplication essential areas of pg. 47 in Units 3, 4 1 session 2.3 Lovin Combinations pg. mathematics learning Using and 7 pg. 68 and pg. M50 typically addressed in Arrays the elementary Arrays to M45-M49 grades. Multiply Grade 4- Multiple Turn http://www.curri Grade 5- Unit 1 culumsuppor Children’s work in Ten-Minute Over Note CC session 1.5 pg. 52 t.education.n multiplication and Grade 4- Math Adaptation on and pg. M29 5th Grade Fall Screener Next Step Guide division extends from Unit 1 Counting pg. CC2 sw.gov.au/c Assessment: the ideas of equal session 2.2 Around the ountmein/ch Multiplication groups and sharing, to ildren_arrays the development of pg. 64 Class pg. 23 Combinations 1 .html abstract composite Multiplicati Implementi Grade 5- Unit also NOTE student unit. Children should on Cards ng Guide 1 student Factor Trail Game activity book pg. develop sound pg. M35- provides activity book When students play 14 and 17 knowledge of the M40 also practice pg. 22 and 24 the Factor Trail game, Multiplication principles of commutatively and pg. 41 becoming Multiplication they have to identify Combinations 2 inverse operations blank familiar with Combinations the factors of a and 3 Multiplicati multiplic- 4 and 5, number to earn points. Grade 3- on Cards ation practice for a Built into this game is Grade 5- Unit 3 cooperative *Unit 5 patterns group of learning — students session 3.1 pg. 91 Multiplication Grade 4- found in combination check one another's Assessment: Cards (pg. 103) Unit 8 pg. units 1, 3 ns the student work before points are Division Facts pg. use throughout 77 Division and 8 needs to awarded. The score M18 unit. practice practice sheet used for this *Unit 5 Teacher student game provides a built- Note: Images of activity in assessment tool that Multiplication pg. book pg. teachers can use to check their students' 145-146, 30 understanding. Representing Multiplication Grade 5- http://illuminations.n with a Number Unit 1 ctm.org/Lesson Detail.aspx? Line pg. 147, The session 1.1 id=L719 Relationship pg. 28 Between Building Multiplication and and Using Division pg. 148, Arrays Patterns with Skip-Counting Grade 5- Charts pg. 152, Unit 1 Students’ session 1.4 Problems with pg. 48 Skip Counting pg. Multiplying 154, Representing with More Multiplication Than Two with Arrays pg. Numbers 157, Learning Multiplication Grade 5- Combinations pg. Unit 1 160, Two Kinds of session 3.1 Division pg. 163 pg. 114 Solving a Grade 4- Division *Unit 1 Teacher Problem(us Note: ing what Images of you know Multiplication pg. about 115, Representing multiplicati Multiplication on to help with Arrays pg. solve 117, Learning and division) Assessing Multiplication Combinations pg. 120</p><p>#5 and #6 3.OA.7 When students have Grade 4- Grade 4- Grade 4- Unit A10.7 Relational Thinking Using Bare Number Multiply and Grade 4- Unit 3 AVMR 30x4 and 4.OA.1 made good progress Unit 1 Ten-Minute 8 session 1.4 Problems, pg. 165 Conquer pg. 113 Student Multiplication and on multiplicative 29x4 reasoning with two 1- session Math pg. 46 Factor A7.8 Multiplication with Bare Numbers – 2-digit Students decompose Activity Book pg. Division (Relational digit factors and 1.6A pg. Today’s Bingo pg. X 1-digit, pg. 160 2-digit numbers, 47 Multiples of Assessment will Thinking) habituating the basic CC3 Number M14-M15 A7.10 Inverse Relationship of Multiplication and model area 10: Related give a Construct facts, the instructional Multiplicati Looking for Division, pg. 161 representations Problems see also for Multiplication focus can progress to ve Patterns A7.11 Commutative Principle, pg. 161 using the pg. 50 and Division mental computation involving Compariso Variation A7.12 Distributive Principle, pg. 161 distributive property Arithmetical multiplication and n pg. 34 IA7.6 Using the Empty Number Line to Model and partial product Grade 4- Unit 8 Strategies division. Thus Implementi Multiplicative Situations, pg. 169 arrays, and align pg. 51 Assessment multiplication now Grade 4- ng Guide paper-and-pencil Checklist pg. M18 focuses on 2-digit calculations with the multiplicands, first Unit 1 with products in the session 3.2 arrays. The lessons range to 100 and then and 3.3 pg. provide conceptual beyond. 97 and pg. understanding of 106 Factors what occurs in a 2- of the digit multiplication 5th Grade Fall Screener Next Step Guide</p><p>Multiples problem. Partial of 100 and product models Factors of serve as transitions Related to understanding the Numbers standard multiplication Grade 4- algorithm. Unit 3 http://illuminations. session 3.1 pg. 96 nctm.org/LessonDet Building ail.aspx?id=L858 Multiple Towers </p><p>Grade 4- Unit 3 session 3.2 pg. 105 Multiplying Groups of 10</p><p>Grade 4- Unit 3 session 3.3 pg. 111 Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers</p><p>Grade 4- Unit 3 session 4.1 pg. 124 Doubles and Halves (determini ng the effect on the product when a factor is doubles or halved) as well as session 4.3 pg. 136 </p><p>Grade 4- Unit 3 session 4.2 pg. 129 Multiplicati on Cluster Problems also see student activity book pg. 59</p><p>Grade 4- Unit 8 session 1.1 pg. 26 Making Estimates </p><p>Grade 4- Unit 8 session 1.2 pg. 32 Breaking 5th Grade Fall Screener Next Step Guide</p><p>Numbers Apart</p><p>Grade 4- Unit 8 session 2.1 pg. 62 Making an Easier Problem Student Activity Book pg. 20-22 #7 4.NBT.1 Attention is on Grade 4- Grade 3- A8.4 Incrementing and Decrementing by 10s on * Van De Walle Grade 4- Unit 5 AVMR Place Value “How structuring Unit 5 Unit 8 and off the Decade, pg. 128 Volume Two session 1.5A pg. Assessment numbers around session 1.1 session 1.1 A8.5 Incrementing Flexibly by 10s and Ones, pg. – page 72, C18 Comparing will give a many Construct for groups of dynamic pg. 28 How pg. 29-30 129 Expanded Numbers Lesson Place Value: 10 are in relationships of much is Counting IA8.8: Target Number, pg. 141 Base-Ten Close, Far, 132?” ones, tens and 1,000 Around the IA9.3: Counting by Tens, pg.152 Arithmetical and in (Place hundreds. The aim Class IA10.1: Count Around – Multiples, pg. 167 Strategies Between Value) is is to cultivate Grade 4- IA5.2 CPV Egg Contextual Investigation, pg. 91 strong mental Unit 5 Grade 4- strategies. session 1.2 Ten-Minute pg. 33 Math Finding Practicing Numbers Place Value to 1,000 How Many 10’s, 100’s Grade 4- and 1,000’s Unit 5 Variation session 3.1 pg. 27 pg. 100 Implementi Making a ng Guide 10,000 Chart Grade 4- Grade 4- Unit 5 Unit 5 session 1.5A session 3.1 pg. CC33 pg. 100 Comparing Making a Numbers 10,000 Using <,>, Chart and =pg. C18 Grade 4- Unit 5 session 3.3 Working with the 10,000 Chart #8 3.NBT.2 We want to challenge Grade 4- Grade 4- Grade 4- Unit IA8.1: Leap Frog, pg. 134 * Van De Walle Grade 3- Unit 1 AVMR Place Value 505 – 497 students with tasks Unit 5 Ten-Minute 5 session 1.3 IA8.6: Jump to 100, pg. 139 Volume Two – pg. 68 and pg. M3 Assessment involving larger (subtraction session 1.6 Math pg. 40 IA8.7: Jump from 100, pg. 140 page 72, Assessment will give a numbers. Some tasks Construct for ) involving 3- and 4-digit pg. 55 Today’s Changing IA9.7: Split the Subtrahend (multiples of 10), pg. Expanded Lesson Checklist Adding Place Value: numbers require little Adding and Number pg. Places cards 154 Close, Far, and in and Subtracting Base-Ten Facile mental extension in Subtracting 33 pg. M10 A5.8 One hundred More and One Hundred Less, Between 10s Arithmetical computation is knowledge from 2- to 1,000 Implementi recording pg. 88 Strategies not stepping digit addition and back and subtraction. For ng Guide sheet student IA5.5 Hopping and Leaping on the Empty Grade 3- Unit 3 AVMR Addition selecting from example, a student Grade 4- provides activity book Number Line, pg. 94 session 2.7 pg. 99 and a toolbox, so who can solve 17+65 Unit 5 computa- pg. 5 or M12 A6.8 3-Digit Addition and Subtraction, pg. 124 and pg. M42 Subtraction much as can solve 417+65, or session 4.2 tion practice instructions IA6.12 How Many More to Make 100, pg. 134 Assessment: Assessment indeed 9417+65. will give a noticing pg. 138 found pg. M15 Addition number Similarly, a student Construct for relationships who can solve 42-39 Strategies within Units Strategies Addition and and reasoning can probably solve for 2, 4 and 5 Grade 4- Unit Subtraction about 842-839. Subtraction 5 session 2.5 Grade 3- Unit 3 Arithmetical While it is essential relationships. Grade 4- pg. 86 Close session 4.6 pg. Strategies In our that all students learn assessment of to solve mentally any Grade 4- Ten-Minute to 1,000 pg. 188 and pg. M64- students’ addition or Unit 5 Math M21 M65 End-of-Unit mental subtraction task in the session 4.4 Closest Instructions Assessment strategies, we range to 100, solving pg. 150 Do Estimate pg. and recording mental tasks beyond try to observe I add or sheet student Grade 3- Unit 8 what that range may not 25 Subtract activity book pg. 58 and pg. 5th Grade Fall Screener Next Step Guide relationships seem essential but is Implementi pg.31 or pg. M23 Assessment: they are certainly useful. Grade 4- ng Guide M22 Problems About noticing and The incentives to use how they are insightful strategies Unit 5 provides Capture from 300 reasoning. and demands on session 4.5 practice to 600 and NOTE memory recall are pg. 155 calculating pg. M24 greater. Also, when Solving mentally Assessment more numbers are Addition found Checklist: Adding involved, there are more possible number and within Units and Subtracting relationships to find Subtraction 8 and 9 Multiples of 10 and use. Students may Problems and 100 discover that they Grade 4- tend to use different strategies in the Ten-Minute Grade 3- Unit 8 higher ranges than Math Pg. 94 and pg. they do in the range to Practicing M40 Assessment: 100. Students will Place Value Addition need to know how to pg. 26 Strategies interpret the place value of numbers as Implementi they operate with ng Guide Grade 4- Unit 5 them. provides session 1.5 pg. 53 So the aim is to practice Assessment: develop excellent facility with mental adding Numbers to 1,000 computation. Facile multiples of pg. M19 and computation is not 10 to and assessment stepping back and subtracting checklist pg. M20 selecting from a multiples of toolbox, so much as noticing number 10 from 3- relationships and and 4- digit reasoning about numbers relationships. found in Relational thinking relies on strong units 5, 6 foundational and 7 knowledge of ways to relate numbers, in Broken particular, ways to Calculator #9 (subtr- 3.NBT.2 combine and partition Grade 3- Grade 4- *Van De Walle Grade 3- Unit 3 AVMR Place Value action with 4.MD.2 numbers to form Unit 8 Ten-Minute Grade 4- Unit IA5.5 Hopping and Leaping on the Empty session 3.6 pg. Assessment other numbers. Volume Two – decimals or session 3.4 Math 5 session 2.5 Number Line (ENL), pg. 94 the ENL is an 141 Assessment: will give a page 198 Exact Construct for money) pg. 124- Practicing pg. 86 Close excellent tool for notating student thinking How far did they *Red Book – Chapter 6 Sums and Place Value: Addition and 126 How Place Value to 1,000 pg. IA5.7 Withdrawing Money from the Automated travel? NOTE: Differences also Base-Ten Subtraction to 100 Much Decimal M21 Teller Machine, pg. 96 observing Arithmetical (Facility with Mental Change Numbers Instructions A6.7: Two Digit Subtraction with Regrouping, look at checklist on pg. Strategies Addition and and Variation and recording p123 Computation with 142 when looking Subtraction) AVMR Addition Subtraction pg. 27 sheet student Decimals page at student work and Problems Implementi activity book 196 for teaching Subtraction About ng Guide pg.31 or pg. Grade 3- Unit 3 Assessment notes will give a Money M22 session 4.6 pg. Construct for Money Makers 188 and pg. M64- Addition and Grade 3- In this unit, students M65 End-of-Unit Subtraction Unit 8 become real Assessment Arithmetical session 3.5 business Strategies pg. 128 owners! In the Grade 3- Unit 8 Subtracting first lesson, pg. 58 and pg. Whole students M23 Assessment: collaborate to Dollars develop an Problems About enticing Capture from 300 NOTE: product and to 600 and NOTE Grade 3- are given pg. M24 Unit 8 pg. $1000 which Assessment 141 they must Checklist: Adding budget to Different- cover the cost and Subtracting iation of real estate, Multiples of 10 Interven- advertising, and 100 tion Idea and stocking their stores. In Grade 3- Unit 8 the second pg. 121 and pg. lesson, Grade 3- students M52 Assessment : Unit 8 participate in Subtraction session 3.8 "Selling Day!" Strategies Note: pg. 145 and try to Checklist pg. 122 Count Your make a profit Change, from their debit card Student 5th Grade Fall Screener Next Step Guide</p><p>Activity wielding Book pg. classmates 67 who are looking for the best deals. Grade 4- Students' Unit 5 number sense session 4.5 and problem pg. 155 solving Solving strategies are refined as Addition groups and compete for Subtraction the title Problems "Money (MONEY Makers!" Problems http://illuminations. 2B pg.157) nctm.org/Less onDetail.aspx? id=U194 Grade 4- Unit 6 Shopping Mall session 3.6 Math Comparing Students participate and in activities in Combining which they develop number sense in and Decimals around the shopping student mall. The first activity lesson in this unit is book pg. appropriate for 60 grades 3 - 5, and the second lesson is appropriate for grades 6 - 8. Both grade-level activities deal with size and space, estimation, measurement, and applications involving percent. This unit was adapted from an article entitled "Mathematics at the Mall," written by Francis Fennell, which appeared in Teaching Children Mathematics, January, 1998, vol.4, no.5, pp. 268 - 274. http://illuminations. nctm.org/Less onDetail.aspx? id=U99</p><p>#10 MP1, MP Coming to Grade 3- Grade 4- Unit Instructional Activities 11.1- 11.13 pgs. 234-246 Equivalent Grade 4- Unit 6 Refer to Chapter (fractions 2, MP8 understand Unit 7 6 session 2.3 support the suggested teaching sequence for Fractions (uses session 3.7 End- 10 in Red Book pg. with place -3.OA.9 fractions are session 3.2 pg. 78 Capture fractions number line): of-Unit 212 value) -3.NB.2 special forms of pg. 96 Fractions assessment Pg. -3.NF.1 numbers is a very Decimals pg.M20 http://illuminatio M31 Placing -3.NF.2 challenging part of on a ns.nctm.org/Activi Fractions on the mathematics Calculator Grade 4- Unit Fraction Line -3.NF.3 tyDetail.aspx? learning. A (identifying 6 session 3.2 ID=80 -4.NF.2 fraction should be equivalent pg. 114 understood as a fractions Decimal Fraction Tracks: relational number, and Compare pg. that is, a single decimals M27 cards pg. http://www.nctm. number that for values) M26 org/standards/co represents a ntent.aspx? multiplicative Grade 3- Grade 4- Unit id=26975 relationship Unit 7 6 session 3.3 between two session 3.3 pg. 116 Fill *Van De Walle quantities. Put pg. 103 Two pg. M28 Volume Two – simply, many Fractions identifying pgs. 146-157 students do not and decimal and Ordering and 5th Grade Fall Screener Next Step Guide realize that 11/12 Decimals fraction Equivalent is a number that is That are equivalents Fractions close to 1 or a Equal measure that is Grade 4- * Van De Walle close to the Unit 6 Volume Two – whole. session 2.1 page 186, To understand pg. 68 and Develop a fractions as 2.2 pg. 74 numbers rather Fraction conceptual than parts of Cards connection objects or between fractions collections, Grade 4- and decimal students need to Unit 6 notations recognize that session 2.4 extending to fractions are parts pg. 83 pages 188 activity of the number Comparing one, not parts of Fractions 7.4 and 7.5 as well pizzas. This to as page 189 transition from Landmarks activity 7.6 also fractions pg. T68 refer to page 191- represented by a 192 activities 7.9 relationship Grade 4- and 7.10 involving Unit 6 quantities of session 2.5 * Van De Walle length, area or pg. 88 Volume Two – groups of objects Fractions to fractions as on a page 202, numbers is a Number expanded lesson significant Line on friendly achievement. fractions to To help students Grade 4- decimals develop an Unit 6 understanding of session 3.1 A Meter of Candy fractions as pg. 104 In this series of numbers, and in Representi 3 hands-on particular ng activities, students numbers that Decimals develop and represent a Grade 4- reinforce their multiplicative Unit 6 understanding of relationship session 3.2 hundredths as between two pg. 111 fractions, decimals, quantities, we Comparing and percentages. must change our Decimals Students explore reliance on pre- using candy pieces partitioned shapes as they physically to introduce the make and connect a idea of fraction set/linear model to numbers. area models. http://illuminations. *Read pgs. 215-223 Key Ideas in nctm.org/LessonDet Understanding ail.aspx?id=L861 Fractions and pgs. 231-234 A Teaching Fraction Models Sequence (red book) Explore different representations for fractions including improper fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and percentages. Additionally, there are length, area, region, and set models. Adjust numerators and denominators to see how they alter the representations and models. Use the table to keep track of interesting fractions.</p><p> http://illuminations.nct m.org/ActivityDe tail.aspx?ID=11 5th Grade Fall Screener Next Step Guide</p>
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