<p> K. R. Suresh Nair, Ph.D a. IEEE Senior Member, SM 03757648 34/790B, AARUSHI, Beena Anjumana Road, Edapally, Kochi-682024, Kerala, INDIA Contact id: [email protected]; Cell: +91 9847545895/8086385385 b. Educational and Professional Information: Education Ph.D Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Professional History: Founder and Managing Director, Biophoton Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 2014-present Founder & Managing Director, Innobreeze Communication Technologies Pvt Ltd. 2010- present Chief Technology Officer SFO Technologies Pvt Ltd. 2008-present Director & Head NeST R&D Centre 2002- 2008 Deputy General Manager SFO Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 1999-2002 Scientific Officer (SC-SE) TIFR, SAMEER, Department of Information Technology, Government of India 1985-1999 c. Contributions/Accomplishments i. Well-accepted Technical Leader with 28+ years in research and product development experience: • Establishment of a Design and Engineering Centre in Integrated Optics (DECIO) at SAMEER (Govt. Research Lab) containing design CAD, Class 1000 clean room with Class 100 laminar benches, all photolithographic equipment including mask aligner, test equipment, metallization, and 12-axis precision alignment equipment for fiber pig tailing. This laboratory was adjudged as the first and best Integrated Optic laboratory in the country in 1990s. • Was honored with IETE CEOT award for outstanding contributions in the field of Optoelectronics i.b. Proven capability to lead teams to bring out commercial products from research concepts to international level • While at SFO Technologies Pvt. Ltd., (NeST Group) Suresh used his expertise in Photonics and established design and volume manufacturing facilities for both optical passives as well as active products. Suresh joined this private company in 1999, SFO Technologies was doing contract manufacturing of simple fiber optic couplers and patch cords. Remaining within budget constraints. • Suresh convinced the management on the future of Photonics and established full fledged optical active and passive facilities. A strong design group was formed. Took a not so popular company to the top and well known Photonics company in India and globally. The facilities established were Class 10,000 clean room, die bonding, wire bonding, precision alignment, laser welding, testing, etc. There are around 600 employees presently employed in Photonics division, with an annual turnover in Photonics products to the tune of 40 Million USD. The customers are all global. The success and demonstrated results by Suresh made the company management to shoulder Suresh with the responsibility of Chief Technology Officer of the Group. The manpower strength is 3600. • SFO Technologies has grown from 80 Million USD turnover in 1999 to around 200 Million USD in 2014, and the major reason for this growth can be attributed to the planning of Technology strategies. Suresh conceptualized a few more value added services which attracted global customers to NeST, even though low cost manufacturing is available in other Asian countries. Suresh is shown as the face of the company and all first customer presentations are done by him. http://www.photonics.com/Article.aspx?AID=40675 IETE awarded IETE BV Baliga Award for outstanding contribution in Electronics and Telecommunication. This award is given by IETE in recognition of distinguished contribution in the field of Electronics and Telecommunications with emphasis on R&D and Industrial development over a period of ten years. This award is presented annually to one person. ii. Innovation in blood: • Initiating a startup (www.innobreeaetech.com) at the age of 50, Suresh came up with the concept of providing affordable healthcare products. He spent all his personal earnings for this societal cause. • Led a fresh team and came up with the innovation on Non invasive Oral cancer detection device. • Held Rank 1 innovator position in India during 2014. • Was honoured with DST Lockheed Martin Award 2014 (http://www.thisweekdelhi.com/dst-lockheed-martin-india-innovation-growth- programme-announces-winners-for-2014/) as well as ‘Medicall 2014’ award. (http://medicall.in/medicall/innovation.php). http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2014-07-27/news/52088923_1_cancer- cells-oral-cancer-risk-regional-cancer-centre Video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsHLAbmjTOo iii. Enjoys taking technical challenges and a task master, gets executed in time: • Represented AM Networks, a NeST Group company based out of USA, in meetings held by Verizon to help NeST Group enter into the market on passive FTTH solutions specifically for Multi Dwelling Units. </p><p>• Led a team from scratch to complete a study on new standards within a month. The prototype was demonstrated to Verizon within 2 months. This exceeded the Verizon expectations, and was adjudged as the better Value product than those solutions offered by other giants from USA, UK and Japan. In this process, around 12 US patents emerged based on Suresh’s ideas</p><p>• Set up a manufacturing facility in India at SFO Technologies which was approved by Verizon after due inspection and audits. This is also TL9000 certified. Please refer Annexure 4: Brochure by AM Networks, and these products are the brain child of Dr. Suresh Nair from nothing. iv. A strong initiator and promoter of Industry-Academia-Research institute association: • Was instrumental in introducing one course on Industrial Photonics at International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology and volunteered to take one full semester course by faculty from own industry. Please refer http://www.thehindu.com/edu/2005/07/11/stories/2005071100300400.htm</p><p>• Built a strong academic-research institute-industry association with Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute(CGCRI) , CSIR, Government of India Laboratory. .The Fiber Optics group has been doing excellent work in special purpose Fiber designs, and joined with them to sign MOU and develop Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier. NeST developed the Electronics, mechanical and other product engineering, and CGCRI supplied specific Erbium doped fibers. This project of NeST with Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI) was adjudged as the best successful collaborative project under Government of India’s five year plan 2012. Please refer Annexure 6: CSIR News letter highlighting this association.</p><p>CSIR Technology Award for Most Significant CSIR Technology of the Five Year Plan Period -2012</p><p> v. Volunteering Leadership; Installation of IEEE E-Scientia: • Proposed an installation of E-Scientia, a lab model space lab, under IEEE Kerala Section. Despite budget constraints, Suresh, volunteered to formulate an innovative model to build the same in India within the budget. As Chair of IEEE Kochi Subsection under Kerala Section, Suresh took up the responsibility of getting the lab made as per the original design. This was a herculean task and even with the high demanding positions he had in his profession, Suresh took help of all Volunteers of IEEE Kochi subsection, and executed perfectly. This was inaugurated by Prof. Moshe Kam, Past President, IEEE. vi. Strong sense on futuristic products: experience in managing research oriented projects and delivering results under demanding budget/schedule • In 2004 itself, Suresh predicted the requirement of Intrusion Proof Systems for Fiber Optic networks in future .Initial research was initiated and a few prototypes were developed namely Fiber Sentinel System, also known as Intrusion Proof System. These systems can safeguard fiber optic communication channel from hacking attempts, eavesdropping and service outage (due to rupture). The device with its exclusive WaveSenseTM intrusion prevention technology provides continuous, real-time monitoring of a fiber connection, detects any physical intrusions, and instantly eliminates the intrusion by shutting down the transmission. Automatic optical bypass switching simultaneously diverts data to an alternate fiber path • . Now in 2014, this has found real deployment. This is now to be included in the nationwide FO network by Indian Defence, expecting around 400 systems to be deployed. Suresh’s vision on futuristic products and persistence and perseverance towards achieving it can be seen here. http://www.techonlineindia.com/edn_magazine/techonline/2013-Aug vii. Using challenge as an opportunity: Development of 1x4 Truly Fused Coupler for Japanese Market: • When start of FTTH waves in Japan, customer expressed requirement of 1x4 wideband coupler. Suresh took up this challenge, and led a team to come up with special structure and process to realize 1x4 splitters with very wide bandwidth. The other alternative for this device was to use Planar Integrated Circuits, but was expensive at that time, compared to fused couplers. Suresh used this challenge as an opportunity. This has successfully undergone all reliability trials as per Telcordia standards. Japanese customers did rigorous audits. Around 97,300 units were manufactured at SFO Technologies/NeST and sold to ACS, Japan. viii. Urge to gain more expertise in allied areas: Mesosphere, Stratosphere and Troposphere (MST) Radar exists in a few countries and in 1988 India also decided to install this at a place near Tirupati. The responsibility of design, development and installation was taken up by SAMEER, Government of India lab. A complete system design has to be done. While other fellow Engineers got settled with design and development of respective subsystem, Suresh, even though very young at profession, took the responsibility of simulating the whole Radar system, derived the specifications of various subsystems, studied the impact of variation in subsystem performance, etc. This was done with guidance from his guide Dr.YGK Patro. Many papers emerged during these studies. The Radar system was installed and commissioned successfully. The urge to understand the whole system and to gather more knowledge has made Suresh to take up such a complex challenge. Y. G. K. Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair, P. Balmuralidhar, Effect of signal path distortions on the decoding performance in a pulse compression radar system, Radio Science, Vol. 25, No.5, pp.1095-1100, Sept. ’90.</p><p> http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1029/RS025i005p01095/ ix. Continued to concentrate on futuristic products: Design and Development of Super Continuum Light Source and Confocal Microscopy: As a Senior Consultant to Vinvish Technologies Pvt Ltd (www.vinvish.com) , Suresh took technical leadership to collaborate with Central Glass And Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI) ,and to undertake a project from CSIR to design and develop country’s first Super Continuum Light Source and a Confocal Microscope excited with this SC source. This is designed with innovation to achieve low cost. This has brought in respect among technical fraternity in the country. A few systems are already sold. http://www.telegraphindia.com/1141010/jsp/nation/story_18911993.jsp#.VKJ_ppADY x. Recognised and reputed person in Photonics in India: Chairman and member of many national committees on Photonics: Recognising the expertise of Suresh, Government of India has nominated him in many committees. • Chairman: Project monitoring Committee, “Breast Cancer Detection”, project sponsored by DeitY, Government of India. This is rare recognition to Chair a monitoring committee by a persona from a private company, where the project is executed by government institute. • Chairman: Project Monitoring Committee, “Development of Fiber Laser”, project sponsored by DeitY, Government of India. This is rare recognition to Chair a monitoring committee by a persona from a private company and where the project is executed by government institute. • Member, Working Group as well as Steering Committee, for projects sponsored by Electronics materials and Photonics Division of Ministry of Information Technology, Govt. of India • Photonics Micro- Nano Systems • Photonics Switching, Multiplexing and Networking • Polymers in Photonics Dilute III-V materials for Mid Infra red Optoelectronics devices • Bio and Nano photonics • Was Member, Research Council of CGCRI, CSIR Lab, Govt. of India • Member, Syllabus Revision Committee, Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) • Was Member, Executive Council, Optical Society of India • Member, Review Committee, Journal of Optics. • Member Board of Governance, TEQUIP, IHRD Government Engineering College, Karunagapally, Govt of Kerala. • Member, Board of Studies, MES College of Management, Kochi. • Member Sectional Committee on Telecom by Bureau of Indian Standards, 2011. • Member of FICCI Defence SME Committee, 2011. • Review Committee Member, Molecules to Materials to devices”, CSIR, Govt of India.</p><p>Technical Publications: Harnessing Light, VPN Nampoori, P.Radhakrishnan, K.R.Suresh Nair, VM Nandakumaran, Selected Topics in Photonics, Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, 2004. Ed. Proceedings of Photonics 2004, International Conference. Ed. Proceedings of NICE 2001, National Conference.</p><p>Patents: • Method of building truly fused 1x4 couplers with wide band spectral performance, low polarisation sensitivity and high impact resistance couplers build therefore India Patent Number: 261028 Grant Date: 30th May 2014, India. Inventors: K. R. Suresh Nair, Samuel Varghese, Muhammed Iqbal, Yoshita Koshiba. A method for making truly fused lx4 coupler with ultra broadband spectral performance, and low polarization sensitivity, where only the primary fiber is pre- processed and four fibers are braided together to get a symmetric coupling from primary fiber to each secondary fiber and there is no mutual coupling between secondary fibers, is disclosed. Method of making the product impact resistant and thermally stable, for outdoor applications, is also claimed. lx4 Wavelength Independent Couplers are of particular interest. Suresh has led the team in an industry to convert a theoretical idea to a commercial product and could sell over 1 Million such devices that too around 100K in Japanese market for Fiber To The Home applications. Please see Annexure 9.</p><p>• System for an internal rotating storage spool combined with top and bottom cable access in a fiber distribution terminal US Patent number: 8437596 Type: Grant Issued: May 7, 2013 Inventors: K. R. Suresh Nair, Kizakkekuttu Parameswaran Chandran, Muhammed Iqbal, Biji Mathew, Mathew Anjilivelil Thomas, Aniz Muhammad Abstract: A fiber distribution terminal for use in an environmentally sealed enclosure can include a rotatable spool for housing input fiber cable. The spool is configured to be mounted in the environmentally sealed enclosure. The fiber distribution terminal can also include an adapter pack that secures the connections between fibers of the input fiber cable and fibers of the output fiber cable. The fiber distribution terminal can include an adapter plate that guides the routing of both the input and output fiber cables internal to the enclosure. The fiber distribution terminal can also include a spool lock that can direct the cable routing to a first side or a second side of the fiber distribution terminal. This invention has led to realise commercial product with better features and performance in global market while competing with giants. The products based on this invention are regularly manufactured at NeST facilities and supplied to Verizon and other service providers. Suresh made sure that continuous improvements are done, more features are added to remain in the market.</p><p>• Compact high density central office fiber distribution system US Patent number: 8081858 Type: Grant Issued: December 20, 2011 Inventors: K. R. Suresh Nair, Kizakkekuttu Parameswaran Chandran, Benoy Sarasan, Kapplingattu Narayanan Pradeep, Aniz Muhammad Abstract: A fiber distribution system having a rack mounted chassis and a fiber distribution rack to mount in the chassis. The system includes one or more splitter modules which are designed to be mounted in the fiber distribution rack. The splitter modules have a compact design and contain a plurality of fiber splitters. The fiber distribution system also contains a cable guide tray for supporting the fiber cables and the system includes a plurality of radius limiters to minimize cable bends. This is an improvement on one of the patent filed by Suresh and team. These continuous improvements helped remain in the industry.</p><p>• System for HYPERLINK "http://patents.justia.com/patent/8081857"rotating storage spool combined with top and bottom cable access in a fiber distribution terminal US Patent number: 8081857 Type: Grant Issued: December 20, 2011 Inventors: K. R. Suresh Nair, Kizakkekuttu Parameswaran Chandran, Muhammed Iqbal, Biji Mathew, Mathew Anjilivelil Thomas, Aniz Muhammad Abstract: A spool contained in an enclosure is a spool for housing input fiber cable. The spool is capable of rotation within the housing. An adapter pack insures that the connections between fibers of the input fiber cable and fibers of the output fiber cable are secure and organized. The fiber distribution terminal also includes a spool lock as part of the internal components of the enclosure. The spool lock is engaged to direct the cable routing to a first side or a second side of the fiber distribution terminal. This patent has enabled to come up with innovative fiber distribution terminal and thus acquiring good market in FTTH. With this, the company got introduction as Vendor to Verizon. Suresh’s ambition to compete in global market with very limited resources realised. The total revenue based out of this patent and subsequent improvements have brought in a revenue of more than 100 Million USD.</p><p>• Compact high density central office fiber distribution system US Patent number: 7889962 Type: Grant Issued: February 15, 2011 Inventors: K. R. Suresh Nair, Kizakkekuttu Parameswaran Chandran, Benoy Sarasan, Kapplingattu Narayanan Pradeep, Aniz Muhammad Abstract: The system includes one or more splitter modules which are designed to be mounted in the fiber distribution rack. The system also includes a plurality of spools, which are located on opposite sides on the rack mounted chassis, and used to support the routing of fibers. The spools are configured to equally share the fiber load coupled to a fiber distribution rack between a pair of spools. There were patents in this area and to come up with global commercial product, Suresh led a team to come up with alternate mechanism. The products out of this patent was supplied mainly to Telcel, Mexico. • Fiber Optic Collector and Terminal Assemblies US Patent Application number: 20130129295 Filed: November 21, 2011 Issued: May 23, 2013 Inventors: Biji Mathew Arakkakudy, Mukund Muraleedharan, Sudhakaran K. Sanith, Kizhakkekuttu Parameswaran Chandran, K. R. Suresh Nair Abstract: A fiber optic collector and terminal assembly (CTA) can include a multi- fiber optic cable having a tail portion and first and second multi-fiber branches optically coupled to the tail portion. The first and second multi-fiber optic branches each have fewer fibers than the tail portion. The CTA also includes a plurality of single-fiber optic jumpers optically coupled to the first multi-fiber optic branch. Additionally, the CTA includes an adapter for securing a connection between a fiber of one of the plurality of single-fiber optic jumpers and a fiber of a single-fiber optic drop. This invention is another step towards a subsystem in FTTH network. This product is having good commercial requirement. </p><p>• Cable Carrier Device US Patent Application number: 20130058615 Filed: September 2, 2011 Issued: March 7, 2013 Inventors: Ajilivelil Thomas MATHEW, Kizhakkekuttu Parameswaran Chandran, Biji Mathew Arakkakudy, Sudhakaran K. Sanith, K. R. Suresh Nair Abstract: A carrier device for advancing a fiber optic cable having a connector on one end of the fiber optic cable through a conduit includes a first carrier member and a second carrier member configured to be selectively coupled to the first carrier member. The first carrier member defines a first hollow portion with a first width and a second hollow portion with a second width. The first hollow portion is configured to receive a first portion of a connector on one end of a fiber optic cable. A connector seated in the first hollow portion is securely coupled to the carrier device. This invention is a result of a physical application during installation of FTTH network. This is being used a consumable during installation, and brings in good revenue.</p><p>• Compact High Density Central Office Fiber Distribution System US Patent Application number: 20120087627 Filed: December 19, 2011 Issued: April 12, 2012 Inventors: K. R. Suresh Nair, K.P Chandran, Benoy Sarasan, Pradeep K.N., Aniz Muhammad Abstract: A fiber distribution system having a rack mounted chassis and a fiber distribution rack to mount in the chassis. The system includes one or more splitter modules which are designed to be mounted in the fiber distribution rack. The splitter modules have a compact design and contain a plurality of fiber splitters. The fiber distribution system also contains a cable guide tray for supporting the fiber cables and the system includes a plurality of radius limiters to minimize cable bends. • Fiber Distribution Terminals US Patent Application number: 20120063735 Filed: November 21, 2011 Issued: March 15, 2012 Inventors: K. R. Suresh Nair, Kizakkekuttu Parameswaran Chandran, Muhammed Iqbal, Biji Mathew, Mathew Anjilivelil Thomas, Sudhakaran K. Sanith, Aniz Muhammad, Thanathalil Kumaran Subhash, Mukund Muraleedharan, Basheer A. Alikunju, Benoy Sarasan, Babu Adukalil Paily Abstract: A fiber distribution terminal (FDT) includes a base plate, a spool, and an adapter for securing a connection between a fiber of an input fiber cable and a fiber of an output fiber cable, and an adapter plate. The spool is rotatably mounted to the base plate. The spool houses the input fiber cable. The adapter plate has a cable guide defining a channel for routing the output fiber cable from the adapter. The FDT can be mounted within a pre-installed enclosure or directly to a wall. </p><p>• System For Storage Spool Combined With Top And Bottom Cable Access In A Fiber Distribution Terminal US patent Application number: 20110176784 Filed: March 30, 2011 Issued: July 21, 2011 Inventors: K. R. Suresh NAIR, K. P. Chandran, Muhammed Iqbal, Biji Mathew, Mathew A.T., Aniz Muhammad Abstract: A fiber distribution terminal for use in an environmentally sealed enclosure can include a rotatable spool for housing input fiber cable. The spool is configured to be mounted in the environmentally sealed enclosure. The fiber distribution terminal can also include an adapter pack that secures the connections between fibers of the input fiber cable and fibers of the output fiber cable. The fiber distribution terminal can include an adapter plate that guides the routing of both the input and output fiber cables internal to the enclosure. The fiber distribution terminal can also include a spool lock that can direct the cable routing to a first side or a second side of the fiber distribution terminal. </p><p>• High Density Central Office Fiber Distribution System US patent Application number: 20110142406 Filed: February 2, 2011 Issued: June 16, 2011 Inventors: K.R. Suresh NAIR, K.P. Chandran, Benoy Sarasan, Pradeep K.N., Aniz Muhammad Abstract: A fiber distribution system having a rack mounted chassis and a fiber distribution rack to mount in the chassis. The system includes one or more splitter modules which are designed to be mounted in the fiber distribution rack. The splitter modules have a compact design and contain a plurality of fiber splitters. The fiber distribution system also contains a cable guide tray for supporting the fiber cables and the system includes a plurality of radius limiters to minimize cable bends. </p><p>• CENTRAL OFFICE FIBER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM US Patent Application number: 20100166377 Filed: December 31, 2008 Issued: July 1, 2010 Inventors: K. R. Suresh NAIR, K.P. Chandran, Benoy Sarasan, Pradeep K.N., Aniz Muhammad Abstract: A fiber distribution system having a rack mounted chassis and a fiber distribution rack to mount in the chassis. The system includes one or more splitter modules which are designed to be mounted in the fiber distribution rack. The splitter modules have a compact design and contain a plurality of fiber splitters. The system also includes a plurality of spools, which are located on opposite sides on the rack mounted chassis, and used to support the routing of fibers. The spools are configured to equally share the fiber load coupled to a fiber distribution rack between a pair of spools. The fiber distribution system also contains a cable guide tray for supporting the fiber cables and the system includes a plurality of radius limiters to minimize cable bends. </p><p>• SYSTEM FOR T HYPERLINK "http://patents.justia.com/patent/20100166376"OP AND BOTTOM CABLE ACCESS IN A FIBER DISTRIBUTION TERMINAL Us Patent Application number: 20100166376 Filed: December 31, 2008 Issued: July 1, 2010 Inventors: K.R. Suresh NAIR, K.P. Chandran, Muhammed Iqbal, Biji Mathew, Mathew A.T., Aniz Muhammad Abstract: A fiber distribution terminal having an environmentally sealed enclosure. A spool contained in the enclosure is a spool for housing input fiber cable. The spool is capable of rotation within the housing. An adapter pack and an adapter plate are contained in the enclosure. The adapter pack insures that the connections between fibers of the input fiber cable and fibers of the output fiber cable are secure and organized. The adapter plate guides the routing of both the input and output fiber cables internal to the enclosure. The fiber distribution terminal also includes a spool lock as part of the internal components of the enclosure. The spool lock is engaged to direct the cable routing to a first side or a second side of the fiber distribution terminal. </p><p>• A diffuse Reflectance spectral ratio based optical biopsy system for clinical diagnostics. India Patent Application No. 3518/CHE/2014 Inventors: K.R.Suresh Nair, Neeba Abraham, Subhash Narayanan, Abhishek J Perekkat. This invention is on a compact design of light engine for diffused reflectance device. The product is now being developed, and this patent will support its commercial deployment. It is expected that within next 4 years, a business revenue of 25-30 Million USD shall be realised. • Fiber Distribution Hubs</p><p>US Patent Application No.: US2012/023509 /EP20120707958 Publication date: Aug 09, 2012 Filing Date: Feb 01, 2012.</p><p>Inventors: K. R.Suresh Nair, Chandran K. P.,Thomas Mathew, Biji Mathew, Benoy, Kiran Kumar, Reagen Randy.</p><p>Abstract: A fiber distribution hub (FDH) can include an enclosure defining an interior region and a frame body having a longitudinal axis. The frame body is rotatably mounted within the interior region of the enclosure such that the frame body can rotate about the longitudinal axis relative to the enclosure. The FDH further includes a plurality of splitters coupled to the frame body. Each splitter module has at least one splitter input and at least two splitter outputs. The FDH also includes a first plurality of adapters coupled to the frame body. The first plurality of adapters is configured to optically couple to splitter output cables. Additionally, the FDH can also include a storage retaining structure coupled to the frame body, the storage retaining structure being configured to selectively secure connectorized ends of splitter output cables. Refereed Publications:</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, Y. G. K. Patro, R. K. Shevgaonkar, Studies on design of Titanium indiffused Lithium Niobate Integrated optic channel waveguide and directional couplers, Journal of Optics, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp.121-17, July-Sept, 1998. Suresh is the researcher of this paper where the co-authors are the guides. A systematic design procedure has been devised for integrated optic channel waveguides by combining the theory of Titanium indiffusion, theory of dielectric waveguides and coupled mode theory. Various aspects like variation of ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices with diffusion parameters, variation of coupling length with physical fabrication parameters for both TE and TM cases are studied. This will serve as a reference for designers where the effect of fabrication parameters can be foreseen and compensated.</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, Bipin Singh, Y. G. K. Patro, R. K. Shevgaonkar, Mode Size measurement of integrated optic channel waveguide at 1310 nm wavelength, Communications in Instrumentation, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.25-33, Jan-March 1998. Suresh along with coauthors devised an easy method to measure the mode size of integrated optic channel waveguide. This method uses simple objective, fiber and power meter. The results using this method was compared with standard techniques and agrees so well. This helps researchers to estimate the mode field diameter with no expensive measurement equipment. • K. R. Suresh Nair, Y. G. K. Patro, R. K. Shevgaonkar, Mode size studies on polarization variation in titanium diffused Z-cut lithium niobate channel waveguides, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp.448-451, Dec.1998. Suresh is the researcher in this area and co-authors are the guides. An experimental set up is configured for mode size measurement of channel waveguides at different polarization excitations. The near field at 1310 nm is magnified and projected at a distance and profiling is done using single mode fiber. This simple set up eases the compalex mode size measurements. • K. R. Suresh Nair, Anuj Bhatnagar, Y. G. K. Patro, R. K. Shevgaonkar, Fiber attachment and packaging of Integrated optic directional coupler at 1300 nm wavelength, Journal of Optics, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.73-77, April-June 1997. An integrated optic directional coupler at 1310 nm is designed and fabricated. In this paper, subsequent pigtailing and packaging techniques developed are described. This includes design and fabrication of silicon V grooves, placement of fibers, polishing at angles, and 12 axis alignment technique. The method described is then followed by many in all packaging of integrated optic devices. • Anuj Bhatnagar, K. R. Suresh Nair, Rajender Kumar, K. Chalapati, Y. G. K. Patro, Study of cross coupling in transition bends using cascaded coupler segment method, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp.1004-1007, 1994. The integrated optic couplers are realized using straight and curved waveguides. During the transition period, these curved waveguides also act as a coupler. In this paper, this is analysed and a method derived to estimate equivalent coupling length due to such transition region. During design, this length has to be reduced from the straight coupler length to achieve better performance. • B. Lakshmi, K. R. Suresh Nair, Y. G. K. Patro, B. M. Arora, Analysis of thin film optical filters using transmission line models, Journal of Optics, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 39-43, Jan-March, 1994. This film optical filters are considered as small transmission lengths and the effect is calculated. This is a novel method of adapting microwave techniques in optical filters. • Y. G. K. Patro, R. K. Prasad, Anuj Bhatnagar, K. R. Suresh Nair, Spectrum Analysis of wideband signals through acousto-optic interactions, Journal of Optics, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp.97-103, Jul-Sep. ’94.</p><p>• K.R.Suresh Nair, Samuel Varghese, “New challenges in fiber optic network monitoring”, EDN Telecom magazine, August 2013. This is an article published which explains the various challenges in fiber optic network monitoring. Covers various factors such as intrusions, disruptions and the way to monitor various optical systems spread across the network </p><p>• Samuel Varghese, Suresh Nair, V.P.N.Nampoori and C.P.Girijavallabhan, “Monolithic fused 1x4 couplers with high uniformity”, J. Optics Communications, 282,pp 1312-1316,2009. • Samuel Varghese, Muhammed Iqbal, Suresh Nair, V.P.N.Nampoori and C.P.G.Vallabhan, “Fabrication and characterization of monolithically fused wavelength independent 1x4 couplers” Fiber and Integrated Optics, 26, pp.245-254, 2007. • Samuel Varghese, Peter Blixt, David Darby, and Suresh Nair, Integrated C-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier and dispersion compensation module with negligible pump power penalty, APPLIED OPTICS , 1 November 2009.</p><p>Suresh guided a team to come up with analysis of EDFA when dispersion compensation to be applied. • Rajesh Joseph, Samuel Varghese, Suresh Nair and SreejaM., Effect of ring parameters on wavelength characteristics of erbium fiber lasers, International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunication and Workshop, ICUMT09, St.Petersberg, 2009. Print ISBN:978-1-4244-3942-3 INSPEC Accession Number:11003423. </p><p>• Y. G. K. Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair, P. Balmuralidhar, Effect of signal path distortions on the decoding performance in a pulse compression radar system, Radio Science, Vol. 25, No.5, pp.1095-1100, Sept. ’90. Computer simulation studies have been conducted on the range side lobe performance of a pulse compression radar system which uses a complementary biphase-coded signal transmission. Such a coding scheme is widely used in mesosphere- stratosphere-troposphere (MST) radars expecting to achieve ideally zero range side lobes to ensure unambiguous detection of signals. However, system parameters, like overall system bandwidth, delay distortion, limiting, amplitude and phase droop within the pulse, can lead to spillover of a target return into adjacent range bins by raising the range side lobe level. The results of the study indicate that a goal of 20-dB range side lobe level can be achieved with matched filter bandwidth and reasonable levels of amplitude and phase distortions in the signal path. This paper serves as a fundamental paper while designing various subsystems of Indian MST Radar.</p><p>• Y. G. K. Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair, N. N. S. S. R. K. Prasad, Microprocessor controlled Bi-phase modulator with IEEE-488 interface, IETE Technical Review, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1989.</p><p>A new technique was devised to realize Biphase coding on RF signal, and this was implemented successfully in Indian MST Radar.</p><p>Conferences • K. R. Suresh Nair, Suvarna Dusane Suhas Bhandare, Alok Verma, Bipin Singh and Y. G. K. Patro, “Experimental studies on performance of Ti:LiNbO3 integrated optic optic 2x2 switch”, International Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics, IRDE, Dehradun, Dec. ’98.</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, Y. G. K. Patro and R. K. Shevgaonkar, “Polarization studies on mode field sizes of titanium indiffused lithium niobate waveguides at 1310nm” International Conference on Photonics, IIT Delhi, Dec. ’98.</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, Suhas Bhandare, Deepa Venkitesh, and Y. G. K. Patro, “Design studies on Ti:LiNbo3 high speed integrated optic modulator operating at 1310 nm and 1550 nm”, Internation Conference on Photonics, IIT, Delhi, Dec. ’98.</p><p>• Alok Verma, Suhas Bhandare, K. R. Suresh Nair and Y. G. K. Patro, “Fabrication & Characterization of 1xN power splitters / combiners at 1310 nm and 1550 nm”. International Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics, IRDE, Dehradun, Dec. ’98.</p><p>• Suhas Bhandare, Alok Verma, K. R. Suresh Nair, A. D. Shaligram and Y. G. K. Patro, “Study on the effect of varying the taper length on the 1X2 power splitter performance at 1310 and 1550 nm”. International Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics, IRDE, Dehradun, Dec. ’98.</p><p>• Alok Verma, Bipin Singh, Suhas Bhandare, K. R. Suresh Nair and Y. G. K. Patro, “Polarization dependence of 1xN power splitters / combiners at 1.31/1.55 um on the ion exchange parameters in BK-7 Glass” International Conference on Photonics, IIT, Delhi, Dec. ’98.</p><p>• Bipin Singh, K. R. Suresh Nair, Suhas Bhandare, Alok Verma, Suvarna Dusane, Deepa Venkitesh, Anuj Bhatnagar and Y. G. K. Patro, “Development of 4x4 Non- blocking integrated optic directional couplers and switches in lithium niobate” International Conference on Photonics, IIT, Delhi, Dec. ’98.</p><p>• Bipin Singh, Sushila Singh, K. R. Suresh Nair and Y. G. K. Patro, “An automated system for fiber alignment to integrated optic devices” International Conference on Photonics, ITT, Delhi, Dec. ’98.</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, Anuj Bhatnagar, Y. G. K. Patro, Design and fabrication of Integrated optic directional coupler at 1.3 um wavelength, presented and Proceedings of XXII OSI Symposium, CSIO Chandigarh, pp. C-A4, 1995.</p><p>• Anuj Bhatnagar, K. R. Suresh Nair, Y. G. K. Patro, Fiber pigtailing and packaging of integrated optic directional coupler at 1300 nm, Proceedings of National symposium on Recent Advances in Microwave and Lightwaves, Univ. of Delhi, pp. 618-621, 1995.</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, Y. G. K. Patro, R. K. Shevgaonkar, Analysis of velocity matched coplanar waveguide integrated optic modulator electrode structure, Proceedings of APSYM-CUSAT, Kochi, 17-19, 1994.</p><p>• Anuj Bhatnagar, K. R. Suresh Nair, Y. G. K. Patro, Butt coupling and optical testing of Integrated Optic directional coupler at 1.3 um, presented and Proceedings of XXII OSI Symposium, CSIO Chandigarh, pp. V-A5, 1997.</p><p>• Anuj Bharnagar, K. R. Suresh Nair, Y. G. K. Patro, Effect of transition S-bends on switching performance of Integrated Optic reversed delta beta coupler switch, Proceedings of APSYM-CUSAT, Kochi, 17-19, 1994.</p><p>• Anuj Bhatnagar, K. R. Suresh Nair, K Chalapati, Y. G. K. Patro, On the design of optimum transition bend for integrated optic directional couplers, Proceedings of CEOT, IISc, Bangalore, pp.333-335, 1994.</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, Anuj Bhatnagar, Suhas Bhandare, Y. G. K. Patro, Design and simulation of an integrated optic switch, presented in XXIV National Symposium of the Optical Society of India, Calcutta University, Calcutta, 1997.</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, Y. G. K. patro, R. K. Shevgaonkar, Characterisation of Ti:LiNbO3 integrated optic directional couplers, National Symposium on advances in Microwaves and lightwaves, University of Delhi, March 1998.</p><p>• Samuel Varghese, Biji Mathew, Muhammed Iqbal, Abraham Thomas, Suresh Nair, “Highly reliable planar splitters designed for FTTH application”, PHOTONICS 2006, Eighth International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Hyderabad, December 2006.</p><p>• Samuel Varghese, Anees P, Suresh Nair, “An edge filter interrogation scheme for distributed FBG sensing”, PHOTONICS 2006, Eighth International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Hyderabad, December 2006.</p><p>• Anees. P, Samuel Varghese K, Suresh Nair, “Interrogation System for FBG based Smart Sensors”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Optoelectronics and Laser Technology, NCOL, April, Thiruvananthapuram 2007.</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, K. Chalapati, Y. G. K. Patro, Integrated Optoelectronic circuits activities at SAMEER, presented in national symposium on Recent Advances in microwaves and lightwaves, New Delhi, Dec. 1995.</p><p>• Y. G. K. Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair, Coherent lightwave communication-Backbone of microwave fiber optics, presented in National Symposium on Recent Advances in microwaves and lightwaves, New Delhi, Dec. 1995. • Samuel Varghese, Muhammed Iqbal, Baiju C B, Hari K, Abraham Thomas, K. R. Suresh Nair, “Design Improvements of fused couplers for PON Applications”, PHOTONICS 2004, Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Cochin, Proceedings pg. 134,December 2004. • Samuel Varghese, Priyamvada, Majo Mary Mathew, Swarish and K. R. Suresh Nair, “A novel real time Remote Fiber Monitoring System”, Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Cochin, Proceedings pg.244, December 2004.</p><p>• Samuel Varghese, K.,R.Suresh Nair, VPN Nampoori, CPG Vallabhan, A novel system for performance monitoring in SONET systems”, Proceedings of Photonics 2004, pg 245, December ,2004.</p><p>• Samuel Varghese, Muhammed Iqbal, K. R. Suresh Nair “Studies on improvement of isolation in fused fiber wavelength division multiplexers”, PHOTONICS 2002, Sixth International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Mumbai, December 2002.</p><p>• Samuel Varghese, Muhammed Iqbal, Suresh Nair “Development of IEEE 802.3z compliant mode conditioning patchcord for Gigabit Ethernet LANs and its reliability studies”, PHOTONICS 2002, Sixth International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Mumbai, December 2002.</p><p>• Samuel Varghese, Suresh Nair, V.P.N. Nampoori, “Fabrication and performance analysis of Long Period Fiber Bragg Gratings based on Electric Arc technique”, DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, Thiruvananthapuram, November 2002.</p><p>• Samuel Varghese, Suresh Nair, “Design and fabrication of flat response interleaver for high channel count DWDM Applications”, OPTONICS-2001, Second International Conference and XXVII Annual convention of Optical Society of India, Thiruvananthapuram, 2001</p><p>• Priyamvada, P. Anguswamy, K. R. Suresh Nair “Optical Sensing and Signature Analysis of Fiber Intrusions”, PHOTONICS 2002, Sixth International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Mumbai, December 2002.</p><p>• Deepak M. K, Swarish, Mathew A. T, Suresh Nair, “Improvement of isolation in Fused fiber narrow spaced WDMs”, PHOTONICS 2004, Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Cochin, Proceedings pg.130,December 2004.</p><p>• AS Keizer, Suresh Nair K.R., Rajesh Kumar K, Optical network physical layer monitoring real time detection of faults, errors and security breeches, Photonics 2004, proceedings pg.225, Cochin, December 2004.</p><p>• Rajeswari Chathopadhyay, I.K.L.N.Murthy, K. R. Suresh Nair, 140 MHz Lumped Element 3dB hybrid, RF Expo 86, Proceedings pp.305-307, Colarado, 1986. This was published when Suresh was a student in Masters.</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, Y. G. K. Patro, Fortran program aids wideband coupler design, Iind Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Proceedings pp.337-338, Beijing, 1988.</p><p>• Y. G. K. Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair, Range sidelobe performance in a simulated pulse compression radar system using complementary bi-phase coded signal, Fourth MST Radar workshop, MAP Vol. 28, Kyoto, 1989.</p><p>• Y. G. K Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair, Design of a 48 MHz Phase Locked Oscillator and the effect of Local oscillator noise in atmospheric doppler radar, National conference on Electronic circuits and communication systems, Proceedings pp. 306-308, Roorkee, 1989.</p><p>• Y. G. K Patro, Anjali Bhatia, R. K. Prasad, Suresh Nair, Digital decoder for pulse compression radar systems, National conference on Electronic circuits and communication, Proceedings pp.430-432, Roorkee, 1989.</p><p>• Y. G. K Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair, P. Balamuralidhar, Computer simulation of coherent pulse compression radar for atmospheric studies, IIIrd Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Sept. 18-21, Tokyo, 1990.</p><p>• Y. G. K Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair, Electronic beam steering scheme in large antenna array for atmospheric radar applications, International symposium on Optical remote sensing of the atmospheric environment, Proceedings pp.108-111, 24-26 Oct. ’90, NPL, New Delhi, 1990.</p><p>• Y. G. K Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair, R. K. Prasad, P. Balamuralidhar, Online simulation scheme in Indian MST Radar, Fifth Workshop on Technical and Scientific aspects of MST Radar, 6-9th Aug., Aberystwyth, 1991.</p><p>• Y. G. K Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair, R. K. Prasad, P. Balamuralidhar, Signal Processing and control system in Indian MST Radar, Fifth Workshop on Technical and Scientific aspects of MST Radar, 6-9th Aug., Aberystwyth, 1991.</p><p>• S. H. Damle, Y. G. K. Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair et. al, Phase calibration scheme for phased array MST radar, Fifth Workshop on Technical and Scientific aspects of MST Radar, 6-9th Aug., Aberystwyth, 1991.</p><p>• Y. G. K Patro, K. R. Suresh Nair, Time domain distortion of modulated signals by a series fed phased array antenna, International symposium APSYM CUSAT-92, Kochi, 1992. • Y. G. K Patro, N.N.S.S.R.K. Prasad, K. R. Suresh Nair, Real time spectrum analysis of wideband signals through acousto-optic interaction, 20th OSI Symposium on Photonics and Integrated Optics-I, SAMEER, Bombay, April 1992.</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, P. Balamuralidhar, T. Chakravarti, Y. G. K. Patro, S. Karunakaran, Study of electromagnetic interferences on wind profiles obtained from Indian MST radar, presented in Second COST74 Wind profiler workshop, West Germany, 1993.</p><p>• K. R. Suresh Nair, Microwave software for efficient circuit designs, presented in Workshop of SAMEER-2000 and beyond, Oct., 1995.</p><p>• Ria Maria Geroge, Dinesh Kumar, Ahamed Ameen, Suresh Nair, “Integrated Spiral- shaped monopole Antenna for 2.4/2.5 GHz dual band operation”, IEEE International Conference AICERA:ICMiCR 2013.</p><p>• Ameen A, Noushad S, Ganesh Shankar, Sreeja S, P. Anguswamy, K. R. Suresh Nair, Design and Development of Cellphone based CATV Spectrum Analysis System, APSYM 2002, National Symposium on Antennas & Propagation, 9-11 Dec. 2002 ,CUSAT, Cochin. </p><p>• Ameen A, Noushad S, Suchitav K, K. R. Suresh Nair, P. K. Radhakrishnan, Development of low phase noise small footprint surface mount voltage controlled oscillator APSYM –2000, National Symposium on Antennas & Propagation -6-8 December 2000 ,CUSAT, Cochin.</p><p>• K.R.Suresh Nair, “How to enter into electronics export business”, Electronics Bazar, pg-56-57, June 2012,.</p><p>Key Note/ Plenary/Invited Speaker • K.R.Suresh Nair, Keynote Speaker on “Business Opportunities in Healthcare Manufacturing” TiECON Kerala,2012, 25th October,2012. • K.R. Suresh Nair, Inauguration and Key Note Speaker, “Recent Advances in RF & Microwave Technologies”, CARVE 2013, national Seminar on Current Advances in RF and VLSI Engineering, March 1st 2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Integrated Optics” CEP Course on “Photonics in Defence”, Institute of Armament Technology, Pune,1st to 5th Feb 1999. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Invited Talk on “ Fiber Optic sensors for Defence Applications” National Aerospace Laboratories, 22nd May, 2008. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “ Photonics for Better Life”, Annual Photonics Workshop 2013, National Workshop on Industrial and Medical Applications of Photonics” 27-28th Feb. 2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Invited Speaker, “EMS Business, Can India become a global hub for EMS” International Conference on EMS/Contract manufacturing: the Indian Perspective”, 13th Sept., 2011, New Delhi. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “ Fiber To The Home” , Recent Trends in Photonics, Stimulating Teachers through Advance Training Programme”, CUSAT, 27th to 1st Oct, Sept, 2010. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Invited Talk, “ FTTH for Multi Dwelling Units “ Frontiers in Optics and Photonics, XXXVI OSI Symposium, 3-5 Dec 2011. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Invited Talk, “Fiber Optic Sensing “ International Conference on Sensors and Related Networks, VIT University, 8-10 December, Proceedings pg. K32, 2009. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Invited Talk , “Recent trends in Communication Technologies”, Second national Conference on Recent trends in Communication, Computation and Signal Processing RTCSP2010, 26-27 March 2010, Amrita Viswa Vidhyapeeta, Coimbatore. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Nilouffer Shroff, “Current and Emerging Areas in Photonics”, OSA India Workshop, 2nd December, 2011, New Delhi • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Institute Industry Collaboration”, Diamond Jubilee celebrations, CGCRI, Kolkatta, 4th September, 2010. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Fiber To The Home”, Annual Photonics Workshop, International School of Photonics, 27th Feb 2011. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Popular lecture to Research Scholars from premier institutes around the country”, DSIR, 10th Feb 2011. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Indo Canada Interactive Workshop, only invitee from Industry in India, DRDO, 1st March 2011. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “ New Technologies and applications”, IEEE Continuing Education Congress, Toc-H Institute of Science and Technology, 2011. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “A few proposed applications of Photonic Crystal Fiber”, Indo Japan Conference, CGCRI, Kolkatta, 2011. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “FTTH In India”, Asia Pacific FTTH Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec 2012. • KR Suresh Nair, “Intellectual Property Rights: Some aspects”, Christ College, IPR Workshop, Irinjalakkuda, 5th Dec.2012. • KR Suresh Nair, “Conference on national Policy on Electronics”, EFY Expo, New Delhi, 22nd Feb 2013. • K.R. Suresh Nair, “Photonics Technologies for Defence and Security”, NPOL, 27th Feb 2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair,” Recent trends and Enabling Technologies in RF & Microwaves”, national Seminar on Current Advances in RF and VLSI Engineering, 1st march.2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Photonics for Better Life”, Annual Photonics Conference, ISP, CUSAT, 27th February,2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Mind to Market”, Rajagiri School of Science and Technology, 6th April,2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Medical Electronics”, Albertian Institute of Science and Technology, 6th May 2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Recent trends in RF & Microwaves’, Model Engineering College, 20th May 2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Intellectual property and concepts”, Amal Jyoti College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, 24th may, 2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Keynote address, “Latest innovations in RF & VLSI Engineering”, SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, 26th July 2013. • KR Suresh Nair, “IT and Applications” Rajagiri School of Engg and technology, 31st July, 2013. • K. R.Suresh Nair, “Recent advances in communication Technologies”, ToC H Institute of Science and technology, 12th Aug. 2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “ Advances in Communication”, Adi Sankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, 5th Sept 2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Mind to Market”, Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, 9th Oct 2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “ An update on new communication technologies’, St Joseph College of Engineering and Technology, Pala, 10th Oct 2013. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Strengthening the relation between academia-industry and research institute”, RSAS-14, IIT Bombay, 7th March 2014. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “ A few exciting technologies’, National level Techno cultural Festval Prayukthi-14, Jai Bharath College of management and Technology, 6th Feb 2014. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Insight into future technologies”, Plenary Speaker, Early faculty Development program, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, 28th January,2014. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Driodhack”, Ilahia College of Engineering Muvattupuzha, 3rd April,2014. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Recent trends and enablisng technologies in RF& Microwaves,” Invited talk, IEEE Seminar on Antennas and Microwaves, Madras Section, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore,9th May,2014.. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Advancements in Technologies’, CMET, Thrissur, on Technology Day, 13thMay, 2014. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Invited Speaker, “ Is fiber communication safe?”, 18th National Convention of Electronics & Telecom Engineers, 4th and 5th October,2002. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Invited Speaker, “Fiber Intrusion Systems”, Kochi, IEEE COMSEM 2005. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Latest technology trends”, Engineering Freshers day, RSET, 4th August, , 2014. • K.R.Suresh Nair, “Recent trends in Microwave Technology”, Faculty Development program, RSET, 9th Nov 2009. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Invited Talk,” Thinking Green: An Industry perspective”, National Symposium on Green Electronics, Amrita School of Engg and Technology, Coimbatore, 13th Dec. 2014. • K.R.Suresh Nair, Keynote Address, “ Fiber To The Home”, National Conference on Communication and Microelectronics 2014, SCMS School of Engg and Technology, Karukutty, 18th Dec.2014.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS • Senior Member, IEEE • Member IEEE EAB SERC • Member, Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) • Fellow, Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers • Fellow, Optical Society of India • Member, Photonics Society of India • Founder Vice Chair and now Chair of IEEE Kochi Subsection. • Member, Kerala Management Association. Organising Conferences:</p><p>1. Chair, Program Committee, IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference GHTC South Asia Satellite Conference, , 26-27 Sept 2014. 2. General Co-Chair, IEEE, INDICON 2012, Innovations in Social and Humanitarian Engineering, 7-9 December 2012, Kochi 2. Program Chair, Photonics 2004, Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Kochi, 9-11 December, 2004. 3. Chair, Technical programs, National Conference on Technology Convergence for Information, Communication and Entertainment, NICE 2001. 4. Advisor, National Conference on Information, Communication and Intelligent Systems, NCICIS 2011. 5. Advisor, National Conference on Intelligent and Energy Efficient LED Lighting Systems, NWIELS 2014, 13-14th Aug. 2014.</p><p>Ph.D Thesis Evaluation</p><p>• Was external examiner for 3 Ph.D theses, for Institutes like ISP CUSAT, Kochi, VIT Vellore and IITB. • Guided around 50 M. Tech students and 1 Ph. D. AWARDS • First Rank in Masters of Technology (M.Tech degree) • DST Lockheed Martin Innovation Award Rank 1 for IIGP-2014. Among all the innovations, there are prescreening followed by demonstration and presentation to the Jury. (http://www.spslandforces.com/news/?id=204&h=DST-Lockheed-Martin-India- Innovation-Growth-Programme-announces-winners-for-2014) • Also got selected at IIGP 2014 to visit Silicon Valley and present before expert panelists. • Awarded one among top 3 selected innovators, with innovation of excellent commercial potential at TiE-Silicon Valley, 2014. (https://backupsv.tie.org/event/innovators-india) • Awarded Top Golden Award for innovation on medical devices, Medicall-2014.( http://medicall.in/medicall/innovation.php) • IETE CEOT Award for outstanding contribution in Opto-electronics: This award is given by Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (www.iete.org) for outstanding contribution in the field of opto-electronics in the broadest sense, covering materials, devices, circuits, technologies, and systems applications. This award is given once in two years to one person (www.iete.org). • IETE BV Baliga Award for outstanding contribution in Electronics and Telecommunication. This award is given by Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, in recognition of distinguished contribution in the field of Electronics & Telecommunications with emphasis on R&D and Industrial Development over a period of ten years. This award is presented annually to one person.(www.iete.org) • Best Citizen of India Award by International Publishing House, New Delhi. </p>
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