

<p> TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE</p><p>Small Business STEP Export Assistance Program COMMISSIONER SID MILLER Participant Information</p><p>Section I – General Information A. PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Export Assistance Program seeks to increase the number of eligible small business concerns (ESBC) that export, as well as to increase the value of goods and services currently being exported by ESBCs. The program is funded through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s State Trade Expansion Program (STEP). The Export Stipend program will be used to reimburse eligible ESBCs for specific export-related expenses. Stipend awards will be based on funds available, the number of applications submitted, and the strength and completeness of the applications; late, weak or incomplete applications are ineligible for reimbursement. ESBCs must be either “new to export” or “market expansion” – that is, the event/activity must help them to enter a new market or segment, where they do not already have significant export sales. B. SUMMARY OF EXPORT STIPEND PROCESS  Company completes, signs and submits application via email to [email protected], at least 5 weeks in advance of international travel, or 3 weeks in advance for other activities. If you plan to use Stipend funds for airfare expenses, your application must be submitted at least 6 weeks in advance of the first day of travel. The sooner you submit your application, the better your chance of receiving funds.  TDA reviews application and 1) if no deficiencies or concerns are note during evaluation process, TDA provides official notice of decision by email (usually within 1-3 weeks); 2) if additional information is needed, TDA will contact applicant to resolve deficiencies.  Company completes paperwork requirements such as participant agreement and any other forms required by TDA to fully award/commit the funds.  Company executes proposed activity, and incurs expense within the timeline (term of award) provided by TDA on the Participant agreement.  Company submits receipts/required payment documentation and post-event survey within 30 days of activity, or by September 15, 2019 if activity occurs at the end of the program year.  TDA issues a reimbursement, assuming all criteria have been met.  Awarded stipends can only be used for the approved activity. Applicants must notify the STEP Program Manager if unable to complete the activity associated with the approved Export Stipend.  What documents are required to be submitted? i. Small Business STEP Export Stipend Participation Application ii. W-9 iii. Application for Texas Identification Number – required to set you up as a vendor in the payments system</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Texas STEP – September 2017 General Information – Page 1 Texas STEP - application iv. Direct Deposit – This form is optional, but will assist in getting your reimbursement faster.  All documents can be scanned and emailed to [email protected]. Please label your email STEP – 2017 Application.</p><p>C. ELIGIBLE EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES The Export Stipend program is designed to provide flexibility and encourage innovative use of funds to meet the specific export needs of Texas companies. Events/activities that are eligible and may qualify include, but are not limited to, the following:  Participation in foreign trade  Design of marketing media missions  Fees for services provided by the  Participation in export training U.S. Commercial Service* workshops  Foreign Trade Show Exhibitions  Participation in a reverse trade mission  Foreign Market Sales Trips  Procurement of consultancy services  Payment of website fees for  Other export initiatives (pre-approval translation, SEO, and localization required)</p><p>*Applicants wishing to use the stipend for “Fees for services provided by the U.S. Commercial Service (CS)” to utilize a customized (CS) program, (Gold Key Matching, International Partner Search, Initial Market Check, International Company Profile or Business Facilitation Service) should be in contact with them prior to completing this application. To qualify for U.S. Commercial Service fee based services, company must have at least 51% U.S. content on its products or services. D. PARTICIPANT ELIGIBILITY Qualifying Texas companies must:  Be organized or incorporated in the U.S.  Be operating in the U.S.  Meet a) the applicable industry-based small business size standard established under section 3 of the Small Business Act; or b) the alternate size standard applicable to the program, under section 7(a) of the Small Business Act and the loan program, under Title V of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 695 et seq.) The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) size standards are found at 13 C.F.R Part 121. Use the following sba.gov link for information on size standards for your business based on your NAICS code: https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/files/Size_Standards_Table.pdf  Be in good standing with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.  Have a Federal Identification Number tied to a Texas address.  Adhere to the following additional program criteria: a) have been in business for not less than the 1-year period at the time of application; b) demonstrate understanding of the costs associated with exporting and doing business with foreign purchasers, including the costs of freight forwarding, customs brokers, packing and shipping; c) have in effect a strategic plan for exporting; and, d) demonstrate export readiness. e) has a product/service manufactured, produced, processed or value-added in Texas  Agree to provide information on export sales data resulting from the Export Stipend funding, and respond to all subsequent TDA surveys on a timely basis. TDA will send surveys 30 days, 6 TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Texas STEP – September 2017 Instructions – Page 2</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration Texas STEP - application months, 12 months and 18 months. By applying for an export stipend, you are agreeing to respond to these surveys with information on export sales data.</p><p>E. FUNDING CRITERIA The major Export Stipend funding criteria include, but are not limited to, the following:  ESBCs must identify a specific event/activity on their export stipend application.  ESBCs must be either “new to export (NTE)” or “new to market (ME)” – that is, the event/activity must help them to enter a new market, where they do not already have significant export sales.  ESBCs are limited to one Export Stipend per program year (October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2019).  An Export Stipend reimbursement is limited to 75% of paid eligible expenses, not to exceed $7,500. ESBCs will be required to provide a minimum 25% cash match, or at least $2,500 for a full $7,500 Export Stipend. The total project would be $10,000, with 75% being reimbursed by the STEP program. The 25% company cash match cannot come from another federal government source.  The ESBC selections for Export Stipend awards are based on available funds and the qualifications of the applicants. An application submittal is no guarantee of an Export Stipend award. Export Stipend reimbursements will be reimbursed in full up to the awarded amount, unless the ESBC does not fulfill its obligations with regard to participating in the approved program or submitting required receipts and summaries.  TDA may award an ESBC with an Export Stipend of a lesser amount than requested in the application, based on strength of the application and number of applicants.  Program reimbursement ends when all funds have been disbursed, or when the program year ends, September 29, 2019.  All travel must be preapproved by SBA.  These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice based on funding availability and changes in federal and state procedures and laws. F. SELECTION CRITERIA Applications will be reviewed and funding decisions will be rendered based on all of the following:  A first-come, first-served basis. All applications will be accepted starting from the beginning of the program year, regardless of when the event/activity occurs over the course of the year.  A portion of funds will be reserved for applications received later in the program year so that late entrants will still have a chance of receiving funds.  Numerical evaluation ranking, based on the following scoring system. Applicants must receive a score of 80 or above to be considered for funding. Applicants scoring below an 80 will be referred to export training programs. o Company Description 20 points o Program Event / Activity Information 30 points o Program Impact 30 points o Program Budget 20 points  Preference will be given to the following ESBCs: o ESBCs taking advantage of other TDA export assistance programs. TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Texas STEP – September 2017 Instructions – Page 3</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration Texas STEP - application o ESBCs that focus on technology industries including aerospace, information communication & technology, life sciences, clean technology, advanced manufacturing. o ESBCs that are o Owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals; o Owned and controlled by women; o Owned and controlled by veterans and/or service-connected disabled veterans; and/or, o Rural small businesses. </p><p>G. PROJECT BUDGET - ELIGIBLE EXPENSES (See application for more information) Budget information must be completed to the best of the ESBCs knowledge for matching fund purposes. Funding received from other federal government source(s) cannot be used to satisfy company cash matching requirements. Reimbursable qualified expense categories are indicated below; other expenses may qualify but only upon Texas Department of Agriculture review and approval.</p><p>Eligible Expenses Ineligible Expenses  Travel, airfare (economy only on U.S. carriers),  Passport or visa fees; lodging  Immunizations;  Foreign market sales trips  Expenses related to entertaining current or  Trade Show fees, activity registration, booth prospective clients or government officials; fees, equipment rental, etc.  New product development or alteration of  Trade mission fees, activity registration, etc. existing products; and  Translation services: web, marketing material,  Cellphones and cellphone charges. etc.  Services of the U.S. Commercial Service Note: With the exception of entertainment expenses, ineligible expenses that may not be used with STEP  Export training programs funds may count toward the required company  Procurement of consultancy services matching contribution.  Reverse trade missions  Design of marketing media</p><p>General conditions associated with Export Stipend reimbursement:  An Export Stipend reimbursement is limited to 75% of paid eligible expenses, not to exceed $7,500. ESBCs will be required to provide a minimum 25% cash match, or at least $2,500 for a full $7,500 Export Stipend. The total project would be $10,000, with 75% being reimbursed by the STEP program. The 25% company cash match cannot come from another federal government source.  The Export Stipend Program cannot be used to reimburse travel expenses such as meals and in- country transportation, but these costs may be used as the 25% cash match.  It is anticipated that there will be high demand for these Export Stipends, which may result in awards to companies at less than their requested amount.  ESBCs may void their award or receive less than the full amount awarded if they do not fulfill their obligations with regard to participating in the approved program or submitting required receipts and summaries.</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Texas STEP – September 2017 Instructions – Page 4</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration Texas STEP - application H. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR AIRFARE The following requirements must be met in order to receive reimbursement for airfare:  Travelers must comply with the Fly America Act.  The traveler must use a US carrier when available, or a carrier from a country with a current Open Skies Agreement with the US.  Airfare must be economy class. Premium economy is not economy. If free upgrades are given, please notify the STEP Manager. If a traveler wishes to fly premium economy or business class, they can do so and pay the difference out of pocket if they send a screenshot (or an equivalent) of the cost of an economy class ticket on the same flight.  Any airfare purchased with frequent flyer miles is ineligible for reimbursement.  Boarding passes must be retained and submitted to TDA. If boarding passes are not available, a travel confirmation sent directly from the airline (requested and sent post trip) is acceptable as well.</p><p>Section II – Payment – Post Event Process  Export Stipend reimbursements will be mailed/direct deposited within 30 days of submission of receipts and required event summary documentation, assuming all other criteria have been met. Additional program criteria will be provided to successful applicants in their notification letters.  In order to be reimbursed, submitted receipts must be for expenses explicitly included in Export Stipend Application–otherwise prior approval is required.  Only receipts incurred for expenses during the program year (October 1, 2017 to September 29, 2019) are valid for reimbursement.  ESBCs must be registered in the federal CCR (Central Contractor Registration) database, provide a DUNS number and a Statewide Vendor Number in order to receive reimbursement. You may submit your application without these numbers if you do not have them, and provide them to TDA later along with receipts and event summary documentation. You will not receive payment for your reimbursable expenses until you submit a DUNS number and Statewide Vendor Number. To register in the CCR database and receive a DUNS number, visit the following website: http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform?source=fedgov. ______</p><p>Texas Export Assistance Acceptance Statement I, the below signed, have read, understood, and accepted the Program Guidelines above. I understand that failure to comply with the program guidelines may result in a reduction or revocation of my stipend award. I agree that if my company elects not to use the voucher award, I will let the STEP Program Manager know as soon as possible to allow the funds to be re-allocated to another ESBC. I understand that should I fail to submit all necessary documents to the STEP Program Manager within 30 days of the last travel date, the STEP Program Manager reserves the right to revoke my award.</p><p>______Authorized Official Printed Name Leagal Business Name (Company)</p><p>______Authorized Official Signature Date</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Texas STEP – September 2017 Instructions – Page 5</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Small Business STEP Export Stipend Participation Application COMMISSIONER SID MILLER Applicants are required to read the program guidelines prior to completing the application and provide detailed information to help TDA make a determination for an award. For questions or to submit a completed application, please contact the TDA’s Grants Office: Phone: (512) 463-2537 or Email: [email protected]. Section A. Company Information Full Legal Business Name:</p><p>DBA ‘Doing Business As’ Name (if applicable):</p><p>Company Website:</p><p>Mailing Address: Street Address TX County</p><p>City State Zip Code Physical Address: Street Address TX County</p><p>City State Zip Code Tax Identification Number: (must be nine (9) digits) ------DUNS number:</p><p>Section B. Contact Personnel (1) Name of Primary Business Contact </p><p>Mr. Dr. Ms. Full Name:</p><p>Other First Last Title/Position: Email Address: Phone: () - Ext. Alt:() - (2) Name of Authorized Official (This person is authorized to enter into legal agreements on behalf of the business. This person’s name will appear on the Agreement for signature.) Same As Above </p><p>Mr. Dr. Ms. Full Name:</p><p>Other First Last Title/Position: Email Address: Phone: () - Ext. Fax:() - </p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 6 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Small Business STEP Export Stipend Participation Application COMMISSIONER SID MILLER </p><p>Section C. Company Assessment Is Applicant delinquent on any federal debt? Yes No State of Incorporation: Enter state. How long have you been a registered business? Enter years. Are you registered to do business in Texas? Yes No NAICS Code: Look up here if not known Enter number. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) would like to give eligible small business concerns the opportunity to expand your knowledge and resources of other programs that are offered by the agency. Please check the appropriate box if you would like for your company’s name and contact information to be shared with other programs offered by SBA. Your choice to participate or not, will not change the status of your participation with STEP. SBA’s aim is strictly to Yes No share information about other opportunities with you. SBA small business size criteria can be found at https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/files/Size_Standards_Table.pdf. The size standard criteria apply to company plus all affiliates including parent or holding companies and all subsidiaries. If your company has affiliates, you must consider the size of all affiliates together when determining whether you meet SBA size standards. Please answer these questions to the best of your ability. If you indicated No in one of these questions, it does not automatically mean your company is ineligible for an award. This section is the first step in helping determine your level of export readiness. Does your company have a product or service that has been successfully sold in the Yes No domestic market? Does your company have or is your company preparing an international marketing plan Yes No with defined goals and strategies? Does your company have sufficient production capacity that can be committed to the Yes No export market? Does your company have the financial resources to actively support the marketing of Yes No your products in the targeted overseas markets? Is your company committed to developing export markets and willing and able to Yes No dedicate staff, time and resources to the process? Is your company committed to providing the same level of service given to your Yes No domestic customers? Does your company have adequate knowledge in modifying product packaging and Yes No ingredients to meet foreign import regulations and cultural preferences? Does your company have adequate knowledge in shipping its product overseas, such as Yes No identifying and selecting international freight forwarders and freight costing? </p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 7 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Small Business STEP Export Stipend Participation Application COMMISSIONER SID MILLER </p><p>Does your company have adequate knowledge of export payment mechanisms, such as Yes No developing and negotiating letters of credit? Do any of the following apply to your business? (check all that apply)</p><p>Minority-owned business Veteran-owned business Native American-owned business</p><p>Rural business Disabled Veteran-owned business </p><p>Woman-owned business Socially and economically disadvantaged</p><p>Company Activity (double click on each box that applies and select ‘checked’)</p><p>Manufacturer Service Company Management Company</p><p>Distributor Franchisor Other: (specify) Specify company activity.</p><p>Industry (double click on each box that applies and select ‘checked’)</p><p>Aerospace Information & Communication Technology Advanced Materials</p><p>Life Sciences Clean Technology Other: (specify) Specify industry association.</p><p>Describe your niche or sub-industry.</p><p>Enter information.</p><p>Provide a brief, non-technical description of the company’s products, services or applications.</p><p>Enter information.</p><p>Which of these products, services or applications do you export, or are considering exporting?</p><p>Enter information.</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 8 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Small Business STEP Export Stipend Participation Application COMMISSIONER SID MILLER </p><p>Provide information about where these products are made (TX, USA, overseas, etc.), who produces them, and details about the value added in Texas. </p><p>Enter information.</p><p>Does your company currently export? Yes No If yes, for how long has it exported? Enter years.</p><p>Total annual sales (2016, approx.): $ Annual export sales (2016, approx. USD): $</p><p>Employees in Texas: Enter number. Total employees worldwide: Enter number. Is the company affiliated? (eg. has a parent If the company is affiliated, list all affiliated company, subsidiary company, etc) Select yes or companies here: Enter companies. no. Are you currently represented in a foreign country? If yes, which country? How are you represented? (Eg. agent, distributor, sales office, etc.)</p><p>Enter information.</p><p>Have you received any export counseling assistance from other Texas, federal or nonprofit export promotion programs? This may include programs offered by the Southern United States Agricultural Trade Association (SUSTA), Texas Department of Agriculture, U.S. Commercial Services, Small Business Development Centers or other similar organizations. Please describe. </p><p>Enter information.</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 9 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Small Business STEP Export Stipend Participation Application COMMISSIONER SID MILLER </p><p>Do you propose to manufacture and export a product from Texas? If so, please describe your Texas operations, including the product or products in question, and how an award under this program will benefit your Texas export operations. Enter N/A, if not applicable.</p><p>Enter information.</p><p>Do you propose to export a product from Texas that is manufactured in another state? If so, please describe your Texas operations, including the product or products in question, the state of manufacture, and how an award under this program will benefit your Texas export operations. Enter N/A, if not applicable.</p><p>Enter information.</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 10 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Small Business STEP Export Stipend Participation Application COMMISSIONER SID MILLER </p><p>Do you propose to export a product from Texas that is manufactured in another country? If so, please describe your Texas operations, including the product or products in question, the country of manufacture, and how an award under this program will benefit your Texas export operations. Enter N/A, if not applicable.</p><p>Enter information.</p><p>Do you propose to export services from Texas? If so, please describe those services and how an award under this program will benefit your Texas export operations. Enter N/A, if not applicable.</p><p>Enter information.</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 11 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration Texas STEP-Application</p><p>Section D. STEP Export Activity Please select the activity(ies) for which your small business is requesting financial assistance. Amount of assistance will vary depending on activities selected. Activities and initiatives, subject to approval by TDA</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 12 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration Texas STEP-Application</p><p>Export Stipends (Stipends are available for a 75% of the activity unless a maximum is identified below.) U.S. Commercial Services Programs (Gold Key Matching, International Partner Search, Initial Market Check, International Company Profile or Business Facilitation Service) Compliance testing for an existing product for entry into an export market (reimbursement capped at </p><p>$2,000) Design of marketing media for foreign audience </p><p>Export counseling/training programs</p><p>Fees for shipping sample products (reimbursement capped at $2,000)</p><p>Non-state coordinated participation in trade missions, trade shows or sales trips (eligible costs </p><p> include registration fees, booth space, foreign language translation, airfare , ground transportation and lodging expenses) Subscription to Export Research tool (reimbursement capped at $1,000)</p><p>Website translation, search engine optimization, localization services (reimbursement capped at $3,000)</p><p>Domestics IBP (International Buyer Program) shows, or shows that have a significant amount of foreign participation. Discover Global Market events</p><p> State sponsored trade show participation (Turn-key exhibit space at the trade show and interpreters. Applicant will be responsible for foreign travel expenses. Each show has a separate deadline, for questions regarding the deadlines of each show please contact the respective agencies.) Texas Department of Agriculture Sponsored Expo Antad & Alimentaria (March 5 – 7, 2018) in Guadalajara, Mexico, is one of the largest trade shows for food and beverages. Ildex Vietnam 2018 (March 14 – 16, 2018) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, aims to support the development of livestock, dairy, meat processing and aquaculture businesses. SIAL Trade Show (May 16-18, 2018), in Shanghai, China is Asia’s largest food innovation exhibition and showcases domestic and international producers and manufacturers of food products, wine and spirits, and food service equipment. Texas Governor’s Office of Economic Development and Tourism Sponsored For more information visit: click on the blue hyperlink below or https://businessintexas.com/about/events Hannover Messe (April 23 -27, 2018), located in Hanover, Germany, showcases product from automotive, electronics & electrical goods, industrial products, tools, plant, machinery & equipment, manufacturing, fabrication, repair & maintenance industries.</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 13 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration Texas STEP-Application</p><p>Farnborough International Airshow (July 16 – 22, 2018), is an international aviation and aerospace exhibition located outside of London, England, highlighting the newest technologies of the aerospace industry and related equipment, such as aircraft engines, satellite navigation technology, aircraft cabins, seats and weapons systems will be presented at this show.  State sponsored trade mission (financial assistance will include meeting coordination, and interpreter. Applicant will be responsible for all other foreign travel expenses through the stipend process.) Beef Australia 2018 (May 6 – 12, 2018) Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia</p><p>Brangus show (June 1-7, 2018) Resistencia, Argentina</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 14 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration Texas STEP-Application</p><p>Section E. Principal Export Stipend Use If you are planning on traveling please provide the estimated dates and countries. If this section is not applicable, please enter N/A and answer STIPEND ACTIVITY DETAIL. All questions must have an answer. Estimated Dates of Travel or Date activity to be Destination Country or Countries completed</p><p>Ex: 11/14 to 11/20/2016</p><p>STIPEND ACTIVITY DETAIL Describe what you will be doing with the Export Stipend as it relates to the event/activity. Include all supplemental activities listed in your Program Budget. Be sure to include timelines are when the activity will start and finish.</p><p>If utilizing the U.S. Commercial Service for a customized program, (Gold Key Matching, International Partner Search, Initial Market Check, International Company Profile or Business Facilitation Service) indicate the name of the individual at U.S. Commercial Service you have been in contact with, or enter NA: If international travel is involved, please name traveler(s) here, or enter NA: 12-month sales forecast resulting from this event/activity, or enter NA: Has your company undertaken this event/activity in the past? If yes, how will this event/activity help your company enter a new export market or promote a new product/service? </p><p>How will this activity help generate additional export opportunities? As a condition of receiving an Export Stipend, you will be required to respond to TDA export success surveys.</p><p>How does this activity support the company’s overall growth and export strategies? </p><p>What is the specific new market being targeted by this activity (new region, country, distribution channel, or a new product, etc)?</p><p>What research / activity did you undertake that led you to choose this event/activity? </p><p>Once this event/activity has been undertaken, what specific steps will be taken that take advantage of your participation? </p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 15 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration Texas STEP-Application</p><p>Section F. Estimated Budget</p><p>COLUMN A COLUMN B</p><p>1,2,3,4,5,6 Expense Category Export Stipend Company Contribution List the expenses to be (List the expenses your covered by your export company will pay. Must be at Stipend least 25% of total expenses) Meals Not eligible In-country transportation to/from event/activity (excludes airfare Not eligible from the U.S.) Lodging Airfare5,6 (economy only), taxes Compliance testing (capped at $2,000) Design of marketing media Export compliance audits Export training programs Foreign market sales trip – other expenses, specify details Enter details. International certifications International credit reports Interpreter fees Procurement of consultancy services Services of the U.S. Commercial Service (ie,Gold Key or other) Shipping fees (capped at $2,000) Trade mission fees, activity registration, etc. Trade show fees, activity registration, booth fees, equipment rental, etc. Website translation, SEO, localization (capped $3,000) Other: (explain) Enter details. $$ $$ (Amount must be at least (Amount to be covered by Subtotals 25% ($2,500) of total voucher, up to max of estimated costs of export $7,500) activity) Total estimated cost of export activity (Columns A + B): $ 1) Export Vouchers can cover a maximum of 75% of the total program cost, up to $7,500. High demand for Export Vouchers may result in allocations to companies at less than their requested amount. 2) Export Stipend awards will be based on funds available, number of applications received and application quality. Companies showing strong export readiness, resource and financial commitment to export activity may receive higher value Export Stipends. 3) Limit one Export Stipend per company per program year (10/1/2017 – 9/30/2018). 4) Texas Department of Agriculture decisions regarding Export Stipend values are final. 5) An Export Stipend may be used to cover participation costs (including airfare) for two individuals. 6) Air travel covered by an Export Stipend must be on a U.S. carrier in accordance with the Fly America Act, except to locations in the European Union, Austria and Switzerland, and when other exceptions apply. See Fly America Act statute for more information.</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 16 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration Texas STEP-Application</p><p>International Events Involving Overseas Travel: Trade Missions, Trade Shows, Sales Trips All international events involving overseas travel must have a defined business component that consists of a minimum of 5 individual meetings with potential customers, buyers OR clients. Applicants must provide evidence of these business meetings, if requested, to receive reimbursement. Evidence includes business cards of the individuals met, a brief summary of the meeting and agreed-to next steps. This data must be submitted to TDA within 30 days of your return to the U.S.</p><p>Section G. Program Impact What type of internal resources (new staff, financial resources, specialized training, international certification, export audit, etc) will be deployed following this effort to leverage its success? These types of resources signify a company’s commitment to an export program.</p><p>What direct or indirect economic impact in your region will result from this program? For example, impact on other companies that support your international business: freight forwarders, custom house brokers, logistics providers, banks for export financing, etc.</p><p>Application Certifications By signing below, Applicant: (1) Certifies all information provided in connection with this application is true and correct to the best of Applicant’s knowledge; (2) Acknowledges any misrepresentation or false statement made by Applicant, or an authorized agent of Applicant, in connection with this application, whether intentional or not, will constitute grounds for denial of this application; (3) Acknowledges acceptance of funds in connection with this application acts as an acceptance of the authority of TDA and the State Auditor’s Office (SAO) or any successor agency to conduct an investigation in connection with those funds, and Applicant further agrees to cooperate fully with TDA and/or SAO or its successor in the conduct of the audit or investigation, including allowing TDA and/or SAO to inspect Applicant’s premises and providing all records requested; (4) Acknowledges this application and any payments owed to Applicant in connection with this application may be reduced or denied because of Applicant’s owing any debt to the State of Texas, and if Applicant is an individual, that this application and any payments owed to Applicant in connection with this application may be denied because of delinquency in payment of a guarantee student loan and for failure to pay child support; and (5) By submission of this application, Applicant acknowledges as a condition of receipt of funds under this program the Applicant will be required to execute an award agreement with the Texas Department of Agriculture, and further acknowledges that failure to timely execute the award agreement will result in withdrawal of any funds awarded, and those funds will be redistributed to other qualified applicants in accordance with state law and TDA rules.</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 17 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration Texas STEP-Application</p><p>Applicant further certifies that: (1) Applicant does not and will not knowingly employ an undocumented worker who, at the time of employment, is not lawfully admitted for permanent residence to the United States or authorized under law to be employed in that manner in the United States. Applicant understands that if, after receiving an award, Applicant is convicted of a violation under 8 U.S.C. Section 1324a(f), Applicant shall repay the amount of the award with interest, at the rate and according to the other terms provided by an agreement under Section 2264.053 of the Texas Government Code, not later than the 120th day after the date of the public agency, state or local taxing jurisdiction, or economic development corporation notifies Applicant of the violation; (2) Certifies that no state or federal tax liens have been filed against Applicant or Applicant’s property; and (3) Certifies that Applicant has not been convicted of any felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. (4) Acknowledges that pursuant to the 2 CFR 200 and the Texas Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS), if applicant fails to comply with any condition, provision, or term of an award made as a result of this application, applicant may have to make a partial or total repayment of such award. (5) Applicant authorizes TDA to review, verify and authenticate all information provided in this application. (6) Applicant understands TDA may request further documentation supporting this application, including contacting other agencies, organizations, facilities or third parties to verify data provided by an Applicant from the records of such agencies, organizations, facilities or third parties. Notice of Penalties: The penalty for knowingly making false statements or false entries, or attempts to secure money through fraudulent means, may include fines and/or incarceration and/or forfeiture of funds under applicable state law.</p><p>X // Authorized Official (electronic signatures will not be accepted) Date</p><p>THIS APPLICATION AND ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION MAY BE SUBJECT TO DISCLOSURE UNDER THE TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT (PIA). PLEASE IDENTIFY ON YOUR APPLICATION OR ATTACHMENTS ALL INFORMATION YOU CONTEND IS PROPRIETARY, CONFIDENTIAL, PRIVILEGED OR OTHERWISE EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER THE PIA. WITH FEW EXCEPTIONS, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUEST AND BE INFORMED ABOUT THE INFORMATION THAT THE STATE OF TEXAS COLLECTS ABOUT YOU. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE AND REVIEW THE INFORMATION UPON REQUEST. YOU ALSO HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK THE STATE AGENCY TO CORRECT ANY INFORMATION THAT IS DETERMINED TO BE INCORRECT. (REFERENCE: GOVERNMENT CODE, SECTIONS 552.021, 552.023, AND 559.004.)</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 18 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration U.S. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20416</p><p>SELF-REPRESENTATION AS AN ‘ELIGIBLE SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN’</p><p>The undersigned seeks services from a State grant recipient under the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (HR 644), which authorized the State Trade Expansion Program (STEP). </p><p>Section 503 of the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 defines the term ‘eligible small business concern,’ as a business concern that: </p><p>1. Is organized or incorporated in the United States; 2. Is operating in the United States; 3. Meets a. The applicable industry-based small business size standard established under section 3 of the Small Business Act; or b. The alternate size standard applicable to the program under section 7(a) of the Small Business Act and the loan programs under title V of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 695 et seq.); </p><p>The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) size standards are found at 13 C.F.R. Part 121. Use the following sba.gov link for information on size standards for your business (https://www.sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/contracting/contracting-officials//small- business-size-standards); 4. Has been in business for not less than 1 year, as of the date on which assistance using a grant under this subsection commences; and 5. Has access to sufficient resources to bear the costs associated with trade, including the costs of packing, shipping, freight forwarding, and customs brokers. </p><p>Submitting false information in order to obtain services from a STEP grant recipient is a violation of Federal law. If you submit false information the Government may seek criminal, civil, and/or administrative remedies against you, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §§ 1001, 1040; and 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729– 3733. The Government may elect to exclude you from further participation in certain Federal programs and contracts if you submit false information in connection with receiving services from a STEP grant recipient. </p><p>I hereby certify that the business I represent is seeking services from a STEP grant recipient and is an ‘eligible small business concern,’ pursuant to the above definition.</p><p>X Signature Date</p><p>Title Company Name</p><p>TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 19 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration TDA Trade & Business Development – Grants Office Application – Page 20 Texas STEP – September 2017</p><p>Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration</p>

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