<p>MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF TALGARTH TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER 2013, IN THE TOWN HALL, TALGARTH AT 7PM</p><p>PRESENT:– Cllr A Lord (Mayor) (In the Chair), Cllr A Bufton (Deputy Mayor), Cllr Z Argent, Cllr N Bally, Cllr M Dodds, Cllr G Jones, Cllr J Lilly, Cllr R Reid, Cllr Pip Turner, Cllr William Powell (Town & Powys County Councillor) – for latter part of the meeting.</p><p>APOLOGIES: Cllr J Hopkins, Cllr J Wilding, </p><p>IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Josephine Rumsey, Town Clerk PCSO Steffan Rees 8035 - For first item on the Agenda Susie Abson, Rural Housing Enabler – For second item on the Agenda</p><p>13/208 VISIT BY PCSO STEFFAN REES 8035 - Cllr A Lord, Mayor, welcomed PCSO Steffan Rees to the meeting. Steffan reported that the next PACT meeting would be held at 7pm 25th September in the Commit- tee Room, Town Hall. Clerk reported that the School Bus, parked in the Talgarth Car Park, has been broken into the pre- vious weekend and some items stolen. Steffan agreed to follow up this incident. Agreed to write to PCC to ask if the CCTV camera is working in this location.</p><p>13/209 VISIT BY SUSIE ABSON – RURAL HOUSING ENABLER – Cllr A Lord, Mayor, welcomed Susie Abson, Rural Housing Enabler to the meeting who has taken over from David James as the local Rural Housing Enabler. Susie reported that a meeting was held in Talgarth on the 6th September with representatives from Melin Homes, Town Councillor N Bally and Cllr William Powell AM to discuss the proposed acquisition of the Churchfields site in Talgarth to deliver affordable homes. On-site discussions were had about the layout, highways, aesthetics and the proposed mix on site, which is still to be decided, dependent on local need and completion of the viability on site. During the meeting it was also discussed about the possibility for Melin to also support the improvement of a local play park. Melin agreed to share their draft plans to the Town Council to start dialogue about the site and hopefully to arrange a meeting in the near future, this would also give the community an opportunity to learn more about the Trefecca Road site as well. She reported that the work with the Co-op is ongoing and Melin were also invited to look at this building when they met. Susie and David are trying to progress a meeting with the Co-op to discuss the town’s proposal and will inform the Town Council of any progress. Agreed that a meeting with Paul Wyatt, Melin Homes Development Officer and the Architect with Town Councillors be arranged as soon as possible. Cllr A Lord, Mayor thanked Susie for her update and for attending the meeting.</p><p>13/210 TO DECLARE MATTERS OF INTEREST – Declarations of Interest were made by Cllr A Lord, Mayor and Cllr A Bufton, Deputy Mayor, in respect of Planning Application 13/09765 – “Amendments to conditions 3 and 4 relating to parking and landscaping for application 13/09295/FUL - Address: Rock Cottage, Trefecca, Brecon, Powys LD3 0PW.</p><p>13/211 MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting held on 10 July and Burial Committee on 17 July, previous- ly circulated to all Councillors, Cllr A Lord, Mayor, sought their adoption. Proposed by Cllr R Reid and seconded by Cllr Z Argent, all in favour, that the Minutes of the meet- ing held on 10 July be signed as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr A Bufton and seconded by Cllr M Dodds, all in favour, that the Minutes of the Burial Committee meeting held on 17 July be signed as a correct record.</p><p>13/212 MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES OF THE 10 & 17 JULY – No matters arising.</p><p>13/213 CORRESPONDENCE FOR ACTION/UPDATE LIST – NOT ON THE AGENDA: BBNPA - Workshop on the future development of the Brecon Beacons Sustainable Destination Partnership to be held at 10am - 1pm on Wed 23rd October at the Visitor Centre – Note Cllr A Lord, Mayor is unable to attend but Cllr M Dodds may attend, on behalf of the Town Council. BBNPA - Views on the BBNPA’s Local Guidance for Validation Requirements on Major Devel- opments – Noted Town Council’s response forwarded by 31 Aug deadline. TWINNING TOWN PROJECT – A letter received from Eugenio Ciccarelli from London who was born in Pizzoferrato a small town in central Italy and is writing on behalf of his friend Palmerino Fagnilli, Mayor of Pizzoferrato. They noticed many similarities between Pizzoferrato and Talgarth: Around the same inhabitants Both towns inside important National Parks (Brecon Beacons National Park and Parco Nazionale della Majella Same rural economy with an important touristic vocation. Close to important Mountains. Black Mountain for Talgarth and Monti Pizzi for Pizzoferrato. They were thinking of a twinning between the two towns to promote cultural and commercial ties with mutual benefits and wished to know if the Town Council would be interested and to visit Tal- garth in the near future, to meet with the Mayor and Town Councillors. Agreed to respond stating that Cllr Andy Lord, Mayor was happy to meet Eugenio when he visits Talgarth together with any other available Town Councillors.</p><p>13/214 PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND PLANNING ISSUES – Planning Applications - (a) 13/09741/FUL - "Installation of a single micro wind turbine (12.03m Hub height, 4.05m rotor di- ameter, Tip height 14.32m) – Address: Wern Frank, Talgarth LD3 0EB – Town Council comments - The Town Council acknowledges that this site has limited options regarding an electricity supply but nonetheless had a number of concerns regarding this application. Firstly the visual impact of the pro- posal in such a sensitive area of Talgarth. Secondly, if it was approved, the Town Council is con- cerned about it setting a precedent for other applications. Noted – 3 Town Councillors were in favour of the Planning Application – Cllr J Lilly, Cllr R Reid and Cllr M Dodds and 4 Town Councillors were against the Planning Application – Cllr A Bufton, Cllr N Bally, Cllr Pip Turner and Cllr Z Argent. Noted Cllr A Lord, Cllr G Jones and Cllr W Powell abstained. (b) 13/09854/FUL – “Extension to dwelling”, Pentwyn Barn, Hospital Road, Talgarth - Town Council comments – Proposed by Cllr Pip Turner and seconded by Cllr R Reid, all in favour to sup- port this application. (c) 13/09765/FUL – “Amendments to conditions 3 and 4 relating to parking and landscaping for application 13/09295/FUL - Address: Rock Cottage, Trefecca, Brecon, Powys LD3 0PW – Town Council comments – Proposed by Cllr R Reid and seconded by Cllr Pip Turner, all in favour to support this application. Noted Declarations of Interest were made by Cllr A Lord, Mayor and Cllr A Bufton, Deputy Mayor, in respect of Planning Application and took no part in the decision making. To ratify decisions made in August 2013 on (d) and (e ) below - (d) 13/09808/FUL - "Full Planning Permission for redundant agricultural Barn to dwelling", Cefn Barn, Talgarth – Town Council comments – Agreed in August, due to time scale for response, to support application, but pointed out that the Town Council would like an emphasis put on lighting due to its elevated position. (e) 13/09850/LBC – “New wooden framed tourist orientation panel to front of Town Hall and re- move timber notice board on site elevation” – The Town Hall, Talgarth” - Town Council comments – Agreed and supported during August, due to time scale for response. (f) BBNPA - Local List Criteria – Update received from Rosie Burton on 4 Aug, stating that the List can be viewed on www.beacons-npa.gov.uk under the heritage section in planning. She stressed that to be aware that this designation is not statutory and does not bring with it any further planning restrictions. Update is that the Local List has been approved for Talgarth with the exception of the Mid Wales Hospital which the decision has been deferred until 30th September for a further study to be made about which buildings are suitable for nomination. Also if members of the Town Council or any other member of the public wishes to speak at the NPA meeting re the Mid Wales Hospital site and the importance or not of the buildings to the local heritage then all will be welcome. Alterna- tively if the local residents wish to make comment in writing or via email, regarding the buildings at Mid Wales Hospital site then they are welcome to send them in to me. (g) BBNPA LDP – Cllr N Bally gave update – The final LDP Hearing on Housing was on 5 September. The Inspector heard the final pieces of evidence before finalising her report on the 18th October. It is difficult to predict the exact details. The discussions were mainly focused on the Mid Wales Hospital and land above Talgarth Joinery for mixed use with some housing. There was an un- resolved issue with the Mid Wales Hospital about a proposed extension to the development area. This was contested by Cllr Bally as there was no map or plan presented to the inquiry and therefore the public had not been properly consulted. There was great concern about the Meadows in Hay which is proposed for 78 houses. The develop- er's traffic assessment had not been published for the site. Powys Highway authority had not consid- ered it and neither had any Hay residents seen it or anyone else involved in the public inquiry includ- ing the developer opposite. The Welsh Government representative proposed another consultation in the interest of transparency and to avert a potential exposure to a legal challenge. The Inspector set the consultation for two weeks ending September 20th. The Mid Wales Hospital met a similar situation to Hay Meadows with the agents traffic assess- ment suddenly appearing on the Inspectors desk. This too had not been available to the public on the website and appeared to be a late submission. So the final stage of the public hearings seems to have committed at least 3 procedural errors in terms of serious omissions on highway matters, presenting documents late or not at all, and not openly consulting with the public. In July Talgarth Town Council presented a paper for the hearing and also submitted a professional traffic review of the hospital and access routes. This was commissioned by local residents. It was probably the presence of this document that prompted the Inspector to ask the agents to supply a traf- fic assessment, or perhaps the agents did so on their own accord? What has surprised most people is how could this public inquiry, which had been focused for four months on finding extra suitable sites for development have gone so far without having thoroughly assessed the highways and access situa- tions on two of the largest and most important sites in the Park? It is all very questionable. The ex- amination is still open to the 18th October. Access is the "A" in the planning alphabet. Without access you have no development. With substan- dard access a development becomes highly constrained. The hospital roads are substandard and that has always been the case for why large scaled housing has never been proposed by any inspector over the last 15 years. The Inspector Rebecca Phillips BA(Hons) MSC DIPM MRTPI MCIM seems to have overlooked some basic evidence and considerations, but in the coming weeks she may well have to review the situation again, before finalising her report and deciding on numbers. The hospital is set for 93 houses, then maybe it is not? We will know by the beginning of November when the In- spector’s report is published. Permissions for Development – 1. 13/09715 – “Replacement of two small garage sheds with one new garage” (Full Application) at 45 Westfields, Talgarth. 2. 11/07975/FUL – “Demolish existing masonry outhouse, and replace with white UPVC full glazed conservatory on natural stone dwarf wall.” (Full Application) at Brenton Hall, Talgarth.</p><p>13/215 VERBAL REPORTS – COUNTY CLLR WILLIAM POWELL AM – PCC – Cllr W Powell reported that there had not been any PCC meetings due to the Summer break. Gwernyfed School Governors AGM - Cllr W Powell reported that he had earlier this evening, at- tended the AGM of Gwernyfed High School Governors, at which Rev Ian Charlesworth, had been elected Chairman of the Governors for the ensuing year, in succession to Mr Peter Starling. Cllr Powell reported that an Estyn Inspection was due to take place at the school later in the week. Cllr Powell reported that with the Neath Port Talbot College merger and Post 16 learners on the fu- ture Brecon campus, there is some concern, in the longer term, about future impacts on the 6 th form at Gwernyfed School. NAW contributions - Received Cllr W Powell’s Assembly contributions – July 2013. ONE VOICE WALES – OVW Conference and AGM – Sat 5th Oct at Builth Wells – Cllr A Lord, Mayor is to attend. Noted a motion had been forwarded to OVW, for debate – “To debate and review the present mechanism of the Welsh Government Health Service’s Consultation process”. OVW Brecknock & Radnor Committee meeting – Meeting Fri 26th July at Builth Wells – Noted Cllr A Lord, Mayor and Cllr M Dodds (Town Council reps) attended, reporting that the meeting was addressed by Cllr David Jones, Leader of PCC, who expressed concerns that if the current trends continue all PCC budgets will be expended on Social and Elderly Adult care by 2023. Also that Andrew Cottom, Ex Chief Executive has left the Powys Health Board and gone onto work at the Welsh Ambulance Service. Noted the next OVW Brecknock & Radnor Committee meeting is on Fri 18 th Oct and will be held in the Town Hall, Talgarth. Agreed to provide light refreshments and for Clerk to book Coronation Café to provide them. Noted dates of future OVW Brecknock & Radnor Committee meetings are 17th January 2014, 18th April 2014 and 4th July 2014. The venues for these will be determined at the "meeting before". TALGARTH PRIMARY SCHOOL – Melin Homes, Trefecca Road – Noted the 4 names chosen by Talgarth School children – Welsh for Flowers - Ty Daffodil, Ty Rhosyn, Ty Derw & Ty Ceirios. School Governors’ meeting – Next School Governors’ meeting is on 30 Sept at the School. Newsletter – Sept 2013 - on circulation. FESTIVAL, LIGHTS & TIRC–MONTHLY REPORT Festival Group – Unanimously agreed to send a letter of congratulations to Tony James, Chairman and all the Volunteers of the Festival Group on their recent success and to convey the grateful thanks of Talgarth Town Council, again this year, for the absolutely fantastic Festival of the Black Moun- tains, held on August Bank holiday weekend. Xmas Lights Group – Cllr R Reid reported that a safety check on all the mountains for the lights had taken place and results recorded. Noted that Martin Draper, Chair of the Lights Group has re- ceived a Quotation from the LITE Group, for replacement LED bulbs for the Square and part of Re- gent Street - cost to supply 137m with 137 globes and mixed coloured 0.6 watt ultra-bright lamps and 2 no. weatherproof transformers would be £1,246 total & 100m with 100 globes and mixed col- oured 0.6 watt ultra-bright lamps and 1 no. weatherproof transformer would be £875 total + Carriage £50 – total order value would be £2,171 + VAT £434.20 = £2,605.20. Cllr A Lord, Mayor, had prepared an Xmas Lights balance sheet based on our Precept figures over the last 5 years and expenditure showing a balance of £1,760.68 available in August 2013. Martin Draper, Chair of the Lights Group reported that the Lights Group would like to use ½ of this precepted amount and contribute ½ from its own funds to pay for this light order. Agreed to this purchase as above. Cllr W Powell thanked Cllr M Dodds for raising so much money from Social Events at the Castle Hotel during the year for the Xmas Lights Group. Agreed to Martin Draper’s request to purchase from Edmundson Electrical Ltd, Hereford, Xmas lights maintenance items – 1000 cable ties £18.66 and 25 watt x 200 Clear Bulbs £105 + VAT. Tourist Information & Resource Centre (TIRC) – It was reported that a couple of new volunteers had joined the TIRC and the Winter opening hours would commence in October. TOWN HALL UPDATES - 1. Minor works – Noted Cllr A Bufton and Cllr R Reid collating a list of minor works requiring at- tention, redecoration of the main hall etc. 2. Town Hall wall on the corner near The Mill lift and the repairs of same wall near ground level in Mill Yard – Noted Bruce Williams had brought to the attention of the Town Council, some cracks, holes etc in rear Wall of Town Hall. Cllr A Lord, Mayor, felt the large holes etc in should be filled in asap. Clerk to seek out information previously obtained quote in May 2011 from Protectahome for this matter and for a specification to be put together to go out to Tender. 3. Table Tennis Club – Monday evenings – Clerk reported that the Table Tennis Club had started this week on Mon 9th Sept. No finalised rate for a block booking was made at this stage. 4. PAT Testing – Noted the PAT testing had taken place by Mike Skryme Electrical £1.60 + 20% VAT per item and all items passed test. Awaiting invoice for payment. 5. Notice Board for official notices of Town Council. Noted matter in hand. 6 . Frames for official documents and for Chairmen names etc – Noted matter in hand. 7. Proposed rails at entrance - Sue Pascoe – Disability Dept. No new update. 8. Hard-standing for Blood Vehicles/Future Blood Donor Sessions in Talgarth – Noted this work had now been completed and the £1850 Tender sum had been paid to Alan Evans, Builder. Noted Blood Donor Sessions in 2013- 18th Sept 9am – 8.30pm & 19th Sept 9am – 6pm 2013 and in 2014 Wed 12 Mar & Thurs 13 Mar & Wed 17 Sept and Thurs 18 Sept, in Town Hall. 9. Handrier in Disabled Toilet – Noted Handrier has been fitted by Mike Skyrme, Electrical. Agreed to pay Tender sum of £309.95 + 20% VAT. 10. Store Cupboard on rt hand side of stage for Table Tennis equipment – Noted that the meas- urements received were not the true size of the Table Tennis tables when erected, so unfortu- nately, after T Bowen Builder completed the cupboard, he had to make the doorway wider and insert a larger door, only 2 of the 3 tables will fit in the cupboard. Noted there will be extra cost, on the Tender work, for this work. Awaiting final invoice from Builder. 11. Hiring Agreement – Noted both Cllr A Lord, Mayor and Cllr A Bufton, Deputy Mayor, have met with the Caretaker re the new Hiring Agreement and with Cynthia on behalf of the Lunch- eon Club, who has signed up the new Hiring Agreement. 12. Heating Options, Town Hall - Agreed Cllr J Lilly re-look again into heating options etc. 13. Water Rates - Town Hall Water Rates- 20/12/12 – 9/7/13 - £348.06. 14. Fire Alarm & Emergency Testing – Noted testing to take place on 13th Sept – Quotation sum £45 + £9 – Total £54. Town Hall – PCC Public Conveniences Provision Consultation – Letter 14th August received from PCC outlining proposals. Agreed that Cllr A Lord, Mayor, draft a response to PCC based on Town Councillors comments, for consideration at the 9th Oct meeting. Noted response to be submit- ted to PCC by 31st Oct. Letter dated 2 Sept received from Roger Williams MP and Kirsty Williams AM received regarding this issue and on circulation.</p><p>13/216 TOWN CLERK – NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS (NALC) - TOWN & COMMUNITY CLERKS PAY AWARD INCREASE FROM 1/4/2013 – Proposed by Cllr A Bufton and seconded by Cllr Pip Turner, all in favour, that the Town Clerk’s hourly rate be in- creased by 11p per hour x 16 hours per week backdated to 1/4/2013.</p><p>13/217 TOWN COUNCIL ACCOUNTS 01/04/2012 – 31/03/2013 – POST AUDIT APPROVAL AND CERTIFICATION – Josephine reported that the BDO External Audit for Town Council Ac- counts 01/04/2012 – 31/03/2013 has certified Section 3 and issued the Final audit certificate and opinion. Proposed by Cllr R Reid and seconded by Cllr W Powell, all in favour, that the Town Coun- cil approves and accepts these Accounts and advertise Notice of Conclusion of Audit etc on the Town’s Notice Board for required duration of 14 days and to pay BDO Audit invoice for Audit Fees 2012/2013 be paid - £310 + £62 VAT - £372</p><p>13/218 RURAL ALLIANCES - SIGNAGE FOR TALGARTH, INCLUDING BROWN SIGNAGE – Noted that James Turner from Hidden Britain returned to lead the Rural Alliance through the second workshop on Wed 7th Aug at 7pm in Town Hall. Carol Williams BBNPA confirmed that the final meeting with Hidden Britain to complete the sus- tainable tourism action plan and strategy will be held on Tues 1st Oct at 7pm in the Committee Room, Town Hall, to be Chaired by Cllr A Lord in Cllr J Hopkins’ absence.</p><p>13/219 WALKERS ARE WELCOME’ MEETING FOR TALGARTH – Noted 9th July minutes and the draft minutes of the 28th Aug on circulation. Next meeting - 2nd Oct in the Committee Room, Town Hall, to plan the Walking Festival for 2014.</p><p>13/220 EMERGENCY ACCESS/EGRESS LEASE FROM TOWN HALL BASEMENT ONTO THE MILL YARD – Noted both the Town Council and Bruce Williams, have signed up the Lease which is now with Woodland Davies Solicitor for registering.</p><p>13/221 TOWN HALL BASEMENT – Agreed that after Emergency Access/Egress has been completed, to look into getting the basement into a usable state and to seek means of grant funding. Cllr J Wilding agreed to look into any possible grant funding and had liaised again with Gavin Stephens PCC and arranged a meeting on 2 Oct, to seek a possible way forward.</p><p>13/222 PCC HIGHWAY/TRUNK ROAD AGENCY ISSUES – Bus Stop – Agreed to ask for update. Removal of Double Yellow Lines in Talgarth – Agreed to ask for update. Trees (3) & Seat to be donated by Black Mountains Lions Club to celebrate Queen’s Jubilee – Noted draft Lease has now been received from PCC and agreed as drawn up. Awaiting engrossed Lease for signature by Cllr A Lord, Mayor and the Town Clerk, Josephine Rumsey, in respect of the Town Council’s request to plant trees and place a seat on the highway verge, Hay Road, Talgarth. Noted PCC suggests that one of the following species of trees or a mixture of them both are planted: Prunus amanogawa, Prunus 'Spire' - these will not reach more than 10 metres in height and 4 metres spread, so they will be ideal in this situation. Clerk to notify the Medical Centre of the venue, out of courtesy and to inform the Black Mountains Lions Group re purchase of trees and seat. Speeding Bronllys Road & over new Pedestrian Crossing Trefecca Road – Response to Town Council’s letter of concern, received from Edwina Hart WAG stating “that it would be difficult to widen either the carriageway or the footway without taking land from adjacent plots or significantly imparting the River Enig. Although the speed surveys identified that traffic is generally travelling faster than the posted 30mph speed limit, there have been few collisions on the A479 since the con- struction of the Relief Road and none of those involved excessive speed. The Town Council may wish to ask the GoSafe Safety Camera Partnership to consider Talgarth as a Community Concern site for speed enforcement. The Relief Road scheme provided crossing points on the A479 to enable pedestrians to travel from Bronllys Road into the centre of the Talgarth without the need to cross the A4078 Hay Road at its junction with the A479. She is asking her officials to refer the issues we have noted regarding Hay Road to PCC for its consideration.” Noted Rev Richard Walker will articulate local concerns well when he attends WAG on 25th Sept with Cllr William Powell, who is co-organiser of the meeting with Edwina Hart, Kirsty Williams AM and transport dept officials, alongside a couple of residents from Cwmdu and Tretower. PCC - LED Streetlight Replacement Scheme – Cllr W Powell reported that Street TG46 in Re- gent Street (by old Powys Factors) has been put on from part night light to full night light. Noted Leigh Williams PCC has confirmed that TG101 light on Hay Road has been changed to LED and was put back on in September. Concrete Block Wall along the Top Path Nr The Rocks – Clare Jones, Enforcement Officer BBN- PA confirms that the Authority is already investigating the above matter. She stated that she has been allocated the matter to progress and currently negotiating with the landowner to resolve the matter and will contact us further when progress has been made. Clerk passed on this to Bruce Williams who also has concerns regarding this matter. Complaint re Noise - A request received from a resident in Penbont Road re the rules for Contrac- tors – time of work allowed as she has been disturbed by the noise of early morning vehicles. Noted Clerk has asked PCC for rules for Contractor working times. David Rowlands, Environmental Health Officer PCC responded stating a reasonable time for contractors would be a 07 30 start during the week with a 17 30 finish and on Saturdays a 08 00 start and 13 00 finish. If the work is in a residential area then we would recommend no working on a Sunday or Bank Holidays. These are not hard rules as much would depend on the type of construction work and location. Also with regard to the movement of waste then Natural Resources Wales may have an involvement regarding the matter of permitting. Clerk forwarded information from PCC to the complainant. Temporary Road Closures - Back Lane & (part) Hay Road, Talgarth – Resurfacing 5h– 9th Aug. Bus stop facilities at various locations along the Traws Cymru T4 route between Newtown and Merthyr Tydfil – Information received and on circulation. Talgarth Bowling Green – Cllr M Dodds reported that PCC has commenced some minor repairs to the Bowling Club building.</p><p>13/223 TALGARTH FLOOD ALLEVIATION SCHEME – No new update.</p><p>13/224 POWYS TEACHING HEALTH BOARD & BRECKNOCK RADNOR CHC Consultation period – South Wales Plan – Cllr J Wilding circulated to Town Councillors for com- ment, a draft letter to the Health Minister, Mark Drakeford, with some poignant questions in relation to the recent South Wales Programme Consultation. Response received and on circulation. Update received from Maggie Sims, League of Friends stating that the decision has been delayed – mentioning that the 53000 response, relates to the total number of responses received across all of South Powys. She also mentioned that there was a lot of publicity in the press and TV re the A470 being closed 3 times in 8 days due to accidents and a missing person in a reservoir. The third incident happened just after the dead line but the League of Friends did send the information in and asked it to be considered. She said they made sure the LHB and CHC received it too. Noted copy of Kirsty Williams AM and Roger Williams MP – joint response – on circulation. Brecknock & Radnor CHC AGM – Noted Meeting Mon 16th Sept at Brecon and Annual Report 2012-2013 received. Talgarth & Hay Health Focus Group meeting – No date for next meeting announced. Advice from Powys LHB for Hot weather to the public. Press release from Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan CHC following the Royal College of Sur- geons’ report about the University Hospital of Wales. NHS Wales online health advice service - NHS Direct Wales is a health advice and information service available 24 hours a day, every day. Members of the public can access health information on- line www.nhsdirect.wales.uk or if they are feeling ill and unsure what to do, they can speak to a Nurse or Health Information Adviser on 0845 46 47. Brecknock & Radnor CHC re Talk Care – Your experiences and expectations of the NHS – Event 26th Sept 1.30pm – 4.30pm at Llandrindod Wells. Recruitment of Members to Brecon & Radnor CHC & other CHCs – Noted Cllr Jacqui Wilding has applied to become a Member of Brecknock & Radnor CHC.</p><p>13/225 TALGARTH ISSUES Talgarth Together – One Web site – Clerk reported that the meeting, led by Cllr J Wilding, of local groups is to be held at 7pm on Wed 18th Sept in the Committee Room, Town Hall. Clerk reported that we have received the PCC’s grant of £500 for the development of a website. FYI website – Cllr W Powell explained that he has been instrumental in helping Talgarth secure its position as a trial area with the FYI network established in both Brecon and Neath. The site will hopefully become self promoting and self participating with the Town providing the content and stories. This is a not for profit organisation which is working on a brief from the Welsh Assembly to promote commerce and information sharing within the town. It is not run by any particular group, it is totally free to use and anyone can contribute both news, ads, photography and film. Ann Dierikx is working in the capacity of adviser and content gatherer and to help people get going logging on and adding content. This has full funding excellent technical help and a we will be soon be running some workshops for any group or business interested in participating. The Mill – No new update. Tennis Coaching – Note Tennis coaching finished for the season. Noted Invoice for coaching from Robin Skinner in the sum of £120 received and paid from the Tennis Club Fund. Tidy up Talgarth group – Noted the group are going to plant up Town Hall garden Spring 2014. Former Bethania United Reformed Church building and former graveyard/allotment area – Noted the Trustees only have directions to dispose of these premises and are not in a position to con- sider a lease whether that might be short term or longer term. They stated that their enquiry to the Town Council was to help them to gauge whether there was sufficient provision of accommodation in the town to meet the needs of the community. They were not able to help accommodate the youth club or play group. They mentioned their premises at Bethania would not be suitable for these groups either. Dangerous state of Old Post Office & Request by Business owner to use window of Old Post Office building as display window etc – Noted we forwarded Town Council’s concerns with photo- graphic evidence, regarding the dangerous and unsightly state of the Old Post Office property, High Street, Talgarth. Response received 23 July from Paul Griffiths, PCC Building Control stating that one of their Surveyors has inspected the property concerned, and confirms that the only action re- quired at this stage is to board up the window frame where the broken pane of glass is located. King George V Play Area CCTV/Possibility of Youth meeting at Pavilion – Response dated 20 Aug received from Steve Butcher stating that stating that the CCTV is now in working order. He confirmed that the work in the sports pavilion, even though the work is programmed, it still has not been completed, much to the frustration of himself and the H&S service and is trying to get an up- date from the lady in charge who is on sick leave until Sept. He will update us asap. Football Pitch and Pavilion update – Update received from Les Gwynne, Manager, Talgarth Foot- ball Club, stating that the CCTV is operational and working fine with good images. As for the rest of the work that was due to be carried out prior to start of youth club in September has not even started. He stated that Powys CC promised ground maintenance before start of the new football season that also has not happened. He said they have lost revenue as no pre season friendly matches were able to take place at home. Over the past 3 years he has had nothing but promises from PCC and in view of the ground rental they have paid totalling £2000. Seats around the Town – Noted Peter Edwards is now ready to continue with his voluntary work, painting the ironwork on the seats around the town and finishing painting outside the Town Hall. Noted when Peter has finished Clerk to contact the Probation Service to come back to complete the staining of the woodwork on the remaining seats. Woodlands Play area – No further response received since 4 July update. Clerk to chase matter. Woodlands Centre – Awaiting update from Steve Evens PCC. Clerk to chase matter. Police - E-mail received from Police Andy Reed confirming that he has changed role over the last couple of weeks and can confirm Insp Scrase has taken over responsibility for Breconshire. He said the move was rather sudden so please accept his apologies for not informing the TC sooner. He wished his appreciation passed onto the TC for their help and support over the past 18 months. Hertfordshire Scouts - Event in area 18th – 20th Oct - Noted Hertfordshire Scouts are planning a large events in our area over the weekend 18th – 20th October, anticipating having to use 8 or even 9 coaches to transport the members & leaders. They will be parking in Talgarth car park from Fri night & with the exception of one coach (which will be doing a day trip on the Saturday) all will be parked up until early afternoon on the Sunday. Peter Lewis PCC has agreed.</p><p>13/226 TREFECCA ISSUES – Proposed Footpath – Trefecca – Talgarth – Noted Cllr Lord awaiting a response from Ceri Bevan BBNPA , who is looking at sustainable development funding and mentioned if this was possible the drainage problem in Trefecca could also be sorted out..</p><p>13/227 BURIAL GROUND Realignment of the Boundary – Churchfields/Burial Ground – Agreed to contact Fiona Williams Solicitor when we know outcome from meeting with Melin Homes. Condition of Howell Harris Father Memorial Stone – Response received from Rev Dr Elwyn Richards, on 22 July, stating that he will raise this issue at the next meeting of the Historical Panel in the Autumn and keep us informed. Burial Committee – Noted Burial Committee minutes of 17 July on circulation. Tender for Overgrowth in Churchyard – Agreed to prepare a specification to go out for Tender in early Autumn. Request for Burial of Ashes - Request for Burial Ashes in St Gwendoline’s Churchyard of GGL dec’d in grave of BAM & CM – Fee £60. Request from Funeral Director for permanent Wooden Commemorative Cross to be put on grave in Churchyard - Clerk responded that many years ago the Town Council were faced with the problems created by wooden crosses. It was therefore agreed that Wooden Crosses must not be used as a permanent identification of a grave. We also agreed that a wooden cross to a specified dimen- sion must be used to identify a new grave/Internment until a Permanent Memorial stone is fitted (normally within 12 -18 mths from burial, unless otherwise stated).</p><p>13/228 MEETINGS ATTENDED DURING THE MONTH – NOT ON THE AGENDA – There were no meetings attended that were not on the Agenda.</p><p>13/229 CORRESPONDENCE/INFORMATION RECEIVED DURING THE MONTH (NOT ON AGENDA) & DISCUSSED – FOR ACTION/INFORMATION/ON CIRCULATION- WAG - Consultation on Designated Persons from the Local Government Measure 2011. PCC - Funding Opportunities Issue 32 – Aug 2013 BBNPA - Brecon Beacons Sustainable Destination Partnership - Invitation to a workshop on the future development of the Brecon Beacons Sustainable Destination Partnership to be held at 10am - 1pm on Wed 23rd October at the Visitor Centre. OVW - Older People's Commissioner for Wales OVW - Mid Wales Training Courses for September. OVW - Expert Group on Local Government Diversity – Call for Evidence – any comments to Del Morgan by 13th Sept. Noted there were no Town Councillors received. PAVO - Members e-briefing September 2013. PAVO - Internet Fundraising – a Seminar on 18th Sept 2013 (£35 per person). Ordnance Survey – July Newsletter PSMA Survey - Received e-mail from Jamie Clark, who is the Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA) Liaison Manager at the Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills (BIS). As we are a member of the PSMA he would like to draw your attention to the PSMA Census 2013/14. The survey is the main opportunity for the whole of the PSMA membership to provide their views on the PSMA, and what they want from it in the future. Note responses by 31st July. Requests for Financial Assistance – Received from Shelter Cymru, Brecon Advice Centre and Hafan Cymru. To be considered at Feb 2014 meeting with all other requests during year. Talgarth Gliding Club – Mike Williams, Chairman & Publicity Officer of the Talgarth Gliding Club has extended an invitation to Talgarth Town residents, or anyone who sees the Talgarth Town Council Newsletter to a discount until 30th Sept, for a trial lesson voucher £70 - a discount of £10 off the normal price. Play for Wales – Issue 40 Summer 2013 HM Revenue & Customs - VAT Refund 01 04 12 – 31 03 13 in the sum of £1,782.74 received. The Brecon Beacons Trust together with their Newsletter September 2013 13/230 AMOUNTS RECEIVED Hall Hire – Child’s Party AD £20.00 C C James – Burial Plot GMEG dec’d £100.00 C C James – Burial Ashes RAP dec’d £60.00 HM Revenue & Customs – VAT repayment – 1/3/2012 – 31/4/2013 £1,782.74 PCC – Grant towards ‘Talgarth Website’ £500.00</p><p>13/231 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT – B & A Dodds – Aug Salary - £187.50 less Tax £37.60 £149.90 J Rumsey, Clerk – Aug Salary £759.13 + Apr-July backpay £29.96 - Less £157.80 Tax = £631.29, Tel Rent £10.75, Broadband £18.00, Post £12.70, Photocopying £4.60, Home Office £35, Travel £12.15, 2 hard back books for key hire £1.98 £726.47 B & A Dodds – Sept Salary - £187.50 less Tax £37.60 £151.10 J Rumsey, Clerk – Sept Salary £759.13 - Less £151.80 Tax = £607.33, Tel Rent £10.75, Tel calls £3.31, Broadband £18.00, Home Office £35, Travel £5.85, Stationery/folder £1 £690.24 Toilet Rolls – Town Hall £9.00 A G Evans, Builder – Tender ‘Hard standing’ work Town Hall £1,850.00 Printerbase – 1 laser printer cartridge - £78.00 + £15.60 VAT £93.60 PCC – Eurobin Hire – 1/10/2013 – 31/3/2014 (Note Luncheon Club donates 50% of cost £110.37) £220.74 Brecon Fire & Security – Fire Alarm & Emergency Testing £45 + £9 VAT £54.00</p><p>13/232 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Current Account - £2,524.68 High Interest Account - £14,559.98</p><p>There was no further business and the meeting closed at 10pm.</p><p>SIGNED: ………………………….. </p><p>DATE: ……………………………..</p>
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