My Proposal, Which Builds on My M.S. Thesis, with Mention to the Continuous Way of My Thesis

My Proposal, Which Builds on My M.S. Thesis, with Mention to the Continuous Way of My Thesis

<p>1- Introduction My proposal, which builds on my M.S. thesis, with mention to the continuous way of my thesis in postgraduate level is covered by one offits in with the themes of Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University: violence & conflict. IBriefly in this my thesis, I concentrated on the interdisciplinary position of cultural studies and urban sociology. This position is, focusing on cultural patterns of youth people for in living with each other, such as their intimate relationshipscy, and urban unbalanced development that leads to ends to harsh struggle and conflict between uptown and downtown youth people and eventually in this position,. In this study I found a unique landscape that was about of problems of cultural discriminations withsuch as different aspects of inequity differences between youngth people as in like gender, race, economical class and… . Important point of my thesis was the ethnographical concept of lived experience. Usually without lived experiences and historical memories of urban inhabitants, finding the roots of conflict and violence isare very hard., thereupon mMost of the time these violence remainsare hidden until times that we see or hearlisten about obvious conflict and crime in the news. AEven after conflicts, people unfairly justify unfair against one side of a struggle, whilstbut most of the time two sides of the struggle are guilty. Wbut again without knowledge of lived experiences and historical memories of urban inhabitants, any solutions and finding of causes and solutions root finding areremain incomplete. So for understanding of roots and reasonsthe root causes of violence and after thatsubsequently the hidden forms of cultural discrimination (is this the right word, or do you mean distinction? Not clear what you mean by discrimination in this context)s between different youth classes of youth such as reflected by their life-style, their material culture (body(????), hairstyle, and the like…) and also levels of mandatorydifferent value systems(????) dependingent on family, religious beliefs and…etc, a focusing on intimacy is needed as one the most important elements of ethnographical observation and lived experiences, is necessary. Lack of intimacy was a critical indicatorpoint for probable further discriminations and conflicts. So by ethnographic techniques, my attitude in my M.S. thesis I intended was how I canto find and searchinvestigate memories and day to day stories of youngth peoplersons about common intimacies and hostilities of urban inhabitants, especially 1 in the context of their resorts????. I tried to find friendly spaces of middle and upper class youth in Tehran’s resorts that have been making since adolescence or even childhood period of youths what does this mean?. As an observation monitoring activity, I concentrated on a processes of everyday life and marginal or textual events (what are these???????) of it as annihilator ofthat destroy intimacy and solidarity that occurred in youth’s resorts. TheMain site of this study mainly took place wasin important shopping centers of Tehran uptown where youth groups have gathered in place-oriented resorts??? like ephemeral (for casual???? friendly meetings of known and unknown youth people with youngsters some of whom they know and others they don’t????. And at context ofthe resorts, I looked for thedeep roots of the harsh and fierce struggles between youth groups of text and margin????. This situation occurs when youth groups of downtown havingwith differentwidely different intentions from psychological revenge toill assimilation with “high class people”, offendse tothe morality sanctum of uptown and ruins lively moral associable??? relations between uptown youth social groups of uptown in the environment of shopping centers, for example by with disturbingance sexual and lovely relations between youngth local residents or by promotion of ng drug addiction. Then, for finding of information about the intensity of conflict or the closenessly of interaction between two groups, I initiated the creation of and with my motivation, dialogical space was made up by these groups and for resolving of their problems, buteven without successful results. At present Now, in my research is still in progress and inat PhD level, I want to researchscrutinize on supplementary methods and more detailed theoretical frameworks that are necessary for effective and satisfactory dialogues; dialogues that such as were mentioned above. In this way, in addition toof amy trip to Leidean and Amsterdam for evaluation ofinvestigating next steps for continuing myof study, ion March 2009 I delivered a had lecturespeech1 onabout this thesis during the conference of Ethics in Everyday Life in Salzburg, Austria, with organizeding byof Inter-Disciplinary.Net2. This that is a nont-for-profit network with anand its office is located in Oxford. For more detail I attached the textdraft of this lecturespeech for you. 1- programmes-abstracts-and-papers/session-1-ethics-and-asian-youths/ 2- 2 Effective and satisfactory dialogues with which takeconsider of abandoned intimacy and lived conflicting living experiences of urban residents due theresulting from unbalanced urban development into consideration, are the main topicextremely scope of this PhD proposal, in order to answer the question h for think about how to reduce the intensity of conflicts and cultural discriminations between youth groups and youth sub-cultures. So with this main objective, with regard toand following the guidelines for proposal submission of acceptable proposal in on the site of Leiieden University and also my approach that noticed above, briefly I will now briefly discuss the important key features of this PhD proposal.</p><p>2-Problem statement Repressions due to cultural cultural, sexual and racial discriminations, sexual or racial humility and economical or social depriavations what is social deprivation????????or lack of opportunities and abilities possibilities for identical and cooperative activities what are these???? of subaltern persons what does this mean?????, are the main problems subject of this proposal. Also, at higher level ?????these forms of depriavations and discriminations are observed to , conduce causeto obvious and harsh serious conflicts in of everyday life leading to like everyday crime (big or small), whichthat in their turn cause even some of them make more serious crises for society, for example crises broken out among/unleashed by were happen by Muslim immigrants, racial or religious minorities and or youthful subcultures (like the recentlate riots in of France); some may even have or even were occurred because of incompetence of at public administration (like the recentlate rubbish crisis in Italy) and the like… . So the problem firstlyA first problem therefore is weakness of solidarity especially amongfor younger generations that don't experience or don't believe in the idealsistic activities of their parents or intellectuals who are engaged in activities such as like anti-racial protests or demonstrations against capitalism. Secondly anotherA second problem is impossibility the collapse of traditional cooperative identities especially identities ofamong minorities or immigrants in the urban public spheres of more developed countries. Mainly with refer toIn the unbalanced development of urban environments, these problems strongly are stressed by exacerbated by????? individuality, egocentrism and selfishness as awhich from part of the mainstream life-styles of modern society. 3 3-Urgency of the Problem Basically deeper roots of cultural/social conflicts are not only (“not only” requires “but also” in the next sentence. This is lacking which makes the sentence unclear) .weakness ofweakened solidarity, intimacy and cooperative identities in urban public spheres. These deep roots as important factors directly or indirectly, which make conflicts and devitalize cooperative identities. This sentence seems to mean the same as the previous one, but I can’t make sense of it. So necessity of thisThis research aims to for rebuild of solidarity and intimacyies can move toward change of policy-making by advising on policies atin the following two problematic urgent fields that will followareas:</p><p>3-1-First problem areaUrgent: Unbalanced Urban Development Unbalanced urban development along and cultural/social discrimination, have consolidated reinforced each other or were they two sides of the same coin???? since the start of rational planning by western nation-states, and was and furthermore subsequently imitated ively other nation-states. Sso whereas some features of rational planning, have causedmade unbalanced development of urban environments, I think a reconsideration of some forgotten aspects of urban development can restart help outline new guidelines for better understanding or resolvinge of cultural/social conflicts. But in my opinion, what are the unbalanced aspects of development in urban environment (as an output of urban development)? This unbalance can be explained viaillustrated by two patterns that shows neglected activities and social spaces that are necessary for balanced urban development: 1) At the level of cultural development by governmental organizations, most of the time the public sphere as a social space is not considered. Public sphere is something like a space for gathering of equal and free citizens. In the public sphere, communally discussion about on public affairse and resolve the problem solvings of urban residents, are theoretically formed by communicative action, according to a theory that firstly has theorized has first been developed by Jurgen Habermas (1970). But realistically again, at the level of cultural planning by governmental organizations, this space does no't have a unique and legitimate position for 4 embarking on urban development. Sometimes resorts, coffeehouses and public locations have a semi-function oflike public spheres but they don't have the particularity and properties of the theoretical public sphere. So most of the historical traditions of enlightenment in western countries which were vitalized by communal free discussions, have shifted/are shifting to universities, artistic spaces and private gathering places of intellectuals.(What about the media????) Also in less developed countries, this shifting occurs from popular emotional rituals to aggressive underground activities, ideological government or socially unsuccessful movements. Linguistically OK I guess, but needs more explanation in my view. As a result of this unbalanced shift, the void urban environment hasve been formed without any realistic public sphere and full ofis filled with??? ordinary people which engaginge inwith full??? work, media-related leisure, and private life and have finally the potential abilities for cultural/social conflicts. So I believeIn my view effective dialogues couldan rebuild neglected public spheres and after that these dialogical public sphere may create a new landscape for???? the urban planner and governmental organizations. 2) At the level of social movements, NGO's activities, environmental protests and all thoseof things that refer to the activities of civil society ????, usually recreational voluntary activities???? of educated persons occur far meaning far removed???from the most of the everyday cultural/social conflicts Can’t understand the paragraph It means activities of civil society can't prevent from occurring of everyday life structures like gaining money as private profits, mandatory limitations ????of persons who need to earn a living by restricted dependency to family expectations, racial preferences, religious obligations and… . I have no idea what this paragraph means So with this tough distinction between civil life and everyday life, ???? like previous unbalanced shift?????, gradually historical traditions of civil society in everyday work such as syndicalism are abandoned and in consequence, urban movements for development of civil society lose their abilityies and power for changing their workspace????. Then with attention to power of market????, in the void unbalanced space of civil society, lived experiences of people don't go beyond ineffective temporary activities???? and demonstrations of civil society????. ,Therefore, in my view research is urgently needed into therefore I think urgency of this research is shift of 5 temporary activities of civil society to the dialogical activities of cooperative community???? against obligatory conflicting problems of everyday life or work???? by dialogues between urban victims of unbalanced development with different religious, racial and sexual beliefs.</p><p>3-2-Second UrgentProblem area: The tTheoretical Challenge posed by the of None-practical (empirical???) Aspect of Human Science Always, to separate break between theory with its such as theoretical concepts fromand practice with its like scientific empirical activities, is unwisenonsense. To do so would It means that the practice work of academic experts wouldmay be confinedlimited byto theoretical knowledge-basecognitive activities of the human scientist such as presented in written papers of conference papers, treatises, public speeches or scientific lectures. In this limitation that are formed byIf academic disciplines are thus limited, then experts are would be supposed to discusstalk, observe or understand humanistic phenomena of society and specify conceptual frameworks of research and their verities verification??? of them very inclear sentence in the real world. Vice versa creation of alternative human experiences of society that are noticed as abandoned items of urban development?????, remainsare restricted. Alternatives such as social movements, emancipation racial politics, welfare guidelines, environmental or rehabilitation approaches of NGO's and the like…,, and, also ironically, scientific explanations of existing alternative phenomena are repeated and improvementing or creation of effective alternatives is limited. Now with regard to break betweenWhen theory and practice are separated, How what is the difference between the human scientists as a theoretical observer and moreover supporter of critical theoryies ofon alternative experiences like critical theories (theory) and the social movements with their ordinary non-scientific but empirical practiceactivities of social movements as a social pragmatism (practice)? WOr what is's the role of social science and its methodologies and theories for filling ofbridging this gapbreak? In my view think results of this thesistreatise, may provide ancan answer to this question. An answer to this question is urgentcy because along routine and formal disciplines what does this mean??? of social science, answers may be known distilled as practical guidelines of scientific/practical knowledge, by which practitioners can 6 embark on new courses of actions and also new approaches for human science something like approaches of ethnography. Briefly theseSuch guidelines and actions via a set ofpackaged solutions, may help tocan recreate the forgotten but livedreal experiences of intimacy or repressed life- world in urban communities like neglected intimacies ofleft behind by the marginal classes in big cities that , in order tofor earn a living, emigrated from hearty cherished??? spaces of the motherland their former homes ????to the hedonistic contexts of economical life. These solutions will be discussed atIn the next part of thise proposal we will discuss the possible solutions.</p><p>4-Souluotions 4-1-IdentifyingFinding the Problems In order toFor reduce the intensity of conflicts and culturally and /socially repressiveble discriminations between racial groups, youth sub-cultures, Muslim immigrants etcand…, I mentioned raised the possibility of effective and satisfactory dialogues with based onf talking about the forgotten intimacyies of cultural communities and the lively experiences of urban inhabitants. But the agenda and content of these dialogues namely on conflicting experiences and lived intimacies may be retrieved by recording and observe of ing narratives and doing a widespread survey of conflicting place or time???, may be retrieved. Also in this survey, inclusion of historical and changeable???? events of specific urban environments should be considered, for example in like resorts relaxation areas inside shopping centers and their day to day processes showing the like weakness of solidarity among uptown youth groups, which I explored in my M.A. thesis. So these historical events can shed light on theilluminate main realistic problems of racial minoritiesy race, religious immigrants, youth subculture, majority uptown groups and… .the like. Because of my experience about everyday life, changeable modes of day to day life are available via an ethnographic framework of urban problems which are concentrated on conflicting place and time????. In this framework, narratives, memories and detailed events and processes of change can be recognized discerned by and their signsindicators such as the drudgery normalized life of earning a living without enthusiasmtic interest for theto work, the forgotten intimacyies of neighborhoods, everyday boredoming, aggressive resistance against everydayness, a 7 lot variety? multitude? of lived experiences about reflecting social indifference and cultural alienation and the like…, that may be reportedsaid by ethnical groups, women, youth groups, ordinary people and… .etc. In this wayThis, I have engaged withoutlined two research projects questionsthus I want to findinvestigate specific detailed problems of urban inhabitants. Principally, tThese recognized problems identified will be used as content and agenda for further dialogues between conflicting cultural/social groups, that is necessaryin order to for reduce the intensity of conflicts. BelNow I will discuss themy methodology I intend to use in in theses researches.: a) Home Business Studies: Development Strategies and Participation Patterns I have started this project since delivering of my proposed program for identificationy of active home businesses to the Strategic Office for Management of Human Resources which that is a subsidiary office of the Labor and Social affairs Ministry. As a pilot study, I designed 4 phases for identifying and, reactivatinge the capacity for marketing, training, and organizing and financially supporting of home business activities infor three provinces of Iran as a pilot study. This project wasere planned at two levels, i.e. of government and home business activities. Its and had main objectives such as was reductiong of conflicts between provincial offices and home businessmen caused bydue toto the absence of definite orderclear rules or legal awful guidelines for home business or bypreparing loans for them after set abased on confidential negotiations between government and businessmen. One of the most important tasks ofFirst and foremost, the project set out- along as one of the fourfour phases of project -– to gatherwas data gathering and analyzeing issuesof their activities such as financial problems, budget deficit and unproductive official interventions, as well as designing of using also quantitative parameters like socio-economical indicators. OIn the other hand, for identifyingfinding the specific problems of urban home business peoplemen, I will investigate the considered lived experiences and real events in the activities of at home business peoplemen activities and about their problems to such as satisfyaction of owners, employeers and consumers, regarding about their salary, their productivity and its quality, the intensity of conflicts between the neighborhoods and owners of businesses or the level of disobediencey between 8 parents and children who work for their parents, political and cultural approaches of ethnical minorities in creation of ethnical products and face to face feature ??? of home business activities and the like.… . Naturally, social science methods were chosenregarded for collecting information on of these the experiences of business personsreal events such as interviews, dialogues, and participant observationtion methods., collecting of lived experiences of businessmen and... b) Evaluation of Social and Cultural Potentials of Persian Gulf Islands: Hendorabi Island In this project, I concentrated on opportunities and threats that had challenged the traditional living of people of Hendorabi residents;.This One island, close to the near more developed island of Kish, that are is programming preparing itself for abroad foreign plans forof economical and commercial development, and specially attractionfocusing on of tourism due in order to exploit its attractive historical and natural sites. With making of dialogicalUsing different methods of dialogue, I tried to persuade different strata of rural residents such as youth groups, women and dean the mayor of the village to for scrutinizey variousover further opportunities of underway future development, such as like tourism activities, training onf new environmental and industrial skills such as land and water protection, and diving... . Also, with dialogical methods, by being in with each other’s company, intimacy and social solidarity were emphasized for the village inhabitants of village. Again, for finding the specific problems of rural residents, via dialogical methodby way of dialogue, ethnographical observation and data collection, historical and social changes from 100 years ago until now during the past 100 years, were recognized identified such as the loss oflosing their ancestral skills or jobs, the emigration to more developed places like Kish and Dubai, the worst crises of the island along period of study or potentially until now??? like disease and war, the main threats that have reduced the quality of life between inhabitants, for example the like gap between generations and the like... .</p><p>4-2-Solving the Problems </p><p>9 After collection of historical problem-oriented data, objective communities subjected toof research are presented with the analysis of informed about their current problems. T, after that they are then advised to rethink about itsthe origins of theirlike everyday conflicts, such as those occurring with among members of their community or with another cultural/social groups, and also to reevaluate alternative originss of their conflicts like their possibly neglected communal possible activities or neglected past traditions, for example when they work in the face-to-face in the home business or for the development of their village. Then theSo time may be proper for a next set of dialogues with persons and for identifying solutions of ving the problems. FBut for the next set of dialogues, the proposed theoretical framework and methodology of this proposal are discussed belowunderneath. In the theoretical framework, I will propose someshow roles of proposed theoretical concepts for solving the problems, while and in the methodologicaly sectionpart, I will show how employ these concepts will be employed for developmaking the second set of dialogues.</p><p>4-2-1-Theoretical Framework Above, I wrote about the lively social interactionsrelations of ethnical or youth communities, the warmhearty intimacyies betweenof local urban residents and the communal solidarity offor cooperation in sharede activities, also I described howwrote these relations are damaged and venare destroyedruined by different processes of unbalanced urban development, therefore and I concluded Ithat resulted lived experiences and memories of these social relations, are very important for reductione of hostility and conflict. Then I describedwrote about how I may identifyfind these problems and lived experiences during theat first set of dialogues. For better reductioning of conflicts and also solving the problems, everyday life as a critical process which sparksmake social/cultural conflicts, theoretically is a starting point for understandingfinding how people begin discriminative and violent actions against each other. Therefore, for better understanding of theseis ruined damaged or destroyed aspects of everyday life, with my regard towhile resorting/referring to analytic philosophy, my intention is to transformation theof opaque and incomprehensible perceptions of everyday life into elucidative and tangible meaning about explanation of??? everyday experiences of ordinary people such as everyday boredoming, the 10 normalization??? Of common indifference about theto social problems or distraction and causeless walking of stroller at everyday living people’s dayly distracted and aimless wandering????. AThen, at this pointway I must refer to Walter Benjamin(1939) because he outlined theone tangible realistic concept of: ‘Eerlebnis’ or ephemeral shock that occurs after the everyday experience of heartbreaking or painful actions of the deprived empoverishedpoverty mass or even with differently style, can occur after the confused distraction of an ordinary consumer in shopping centers(Highmore:eds.,2002:46). Potentially, this shake-style reaction may bring to has ability that reflexively remind the neglected modes and past intimacy ies of the closely face-to-face market wheren persons were not fierce and greedy for lay time ???to waste for consuming and not without nervously and distractedlyive wamderinglking through shopping centers., also this reaction has abilityIt may help to remember the morebetter protective and attentive??? situations of deprived and poor people in past times. But in the context of everyday life, only to consider the probable shock is not sufficient for recreation of the neglected intimacyies and solidarityies of past times, for example the intimate close and friendly spaces in whichof eimmigrants lived before emigration, or the moral spaces??? of the city without the shameful crimes of immigrants. At best condition, these shocks end up in to three reactions of normalizing the present or evading the reminder fromof the past reminded memories. (These are only 2 reactions, where is the third?) So, I think how to motivate and enrich the experience of ephemeral shock of everyday life for recreation of the hearty warm associable relations between social groups. To answer this question theTherefore theoretical features of Bakhtin’s ideas were usedmay be applied for solving the social/cultural conflicts. So, after an emotional shocks, precisely by collection of historical problematic situations which are specific for every objective community subjected to of research, their current problems such as attentive??? situations of poor racial minoritiesy racial people in past times, are discussed by the researcher and after that, maybe persons by individuals throughvia dialogues with each other: 1) Don't pay attention (who shouldn’t pay attention?) to protest of other persons against their intolerant ideas although they speak with these persons and defend their unfair claims, 11 2) AvoidEvade from (Who??)talking about discriminative tensional subjects and unequal situations of other people with justification of the unimportance and worthlessness of these discrimination and crises, and 3) Having light-hearted, playful, irony and ridiculous sympathies or even hostility with serious discriminative memories of other persons. ????Can’t understand what this means????? Now with help from three linguistic terms of Bakhtin (1922-24): 1)’I-for-myself’, 2)’I-for-the-other’, and 3)’other-for-me’ (Todorov, 1999:90),????? I create three antitheses against the three systematically distorted communications that is a specific term of Habermas (1970) and with different form were mentioned in three above actions. The eEquivalent of these antitheses are: 1) Being attentive, inattentive persons relate to the other persons via replying and defending their intolerant or inequity claims, 2) Being responsible persons, relate to the other persons via declaring, expressing, justifying or even ignoring their claims, 3) Being other persons????? to protest ironically against the customary restricted roles of everyday life such as everyday the obedient role of work, gender, race, class, political ideologies and…, via experiencing repressed otherness side????? of their identities like racial or gendered solidarity of white men with black or women persons in dialogues.</p><p>My humble person is unable to understand anything of this yellow section…. It needs to be completely rewritten, but I can’t make any suggestion.</p><p>4-2-2-Methodology ITherefore in this proposal, with help of these which? three conceptual antitheses, I will motivate urban residents (certainly, two sides of probable conflict like such as between immigrants and natives) to talk, protest or agree with claims of other persons that are participated in dialogues. ByAt this methodological approach, by my motivation these three personalities of persons are activated, two sides of conflicts can openly elucidate their experiences about repressed or neglected responsibilities (No.1), attentions (No.2) or unusual 12 identities (No.3).???? So without fear, participators in dialogues can clearly reevaluate their experiences and also defend or even ignore their experiences. Shifting from alienated ordinary types of actions (refer to p.10) or systematically distorted communications to three antitheses against them, also by a methodological point is probable especially when they are speaking about their problematic topics (such as discriminative actions against each other) and related three alienated types of them, I can suggest their critical alternatives or even other alienated types of these speech acts3. After that, rethinking and rememorizinge about their neglected experiences may be occurred by on two sides of the conflict. So these three proposed forms of acting and speaking, are theoretical and methodological ways that show three systematically distorted communications work as one of the main reasons of cultural/social conflicts and also how I can reduce these conflicts by their alternatives types of them. I can understand the words, but the not the meaning. Needs better explanation I think.</p><p>4-2-3-Practical Suggestions as a Best Solution But these challengingeable dialogues usually don't have a practical guaranty for reductioning of conflicts. Despite of these dialogues, participators can be persuaded to return tohink about their equity or inequity discriminative beliefs or neglected experiences of neglection???, for shift of these ideas???; for real change participators must start practically with practically must start new experiences or put their forgotten experiences in new order???. It means after the first step of rethinking about discriminative beliefs, neglected experiences???? or the change of unjust ideas and actions; as a in second step, primary suggestions can be declared such as the following first suggestions for action may be:: - Setting up/supporting nNew face to face home businesses of immigrants to solve the for problem of unemployment, -Rebuilding social networks for activities such as Networks of social activities like natureal conservation, secondary socialization of children and families (both of immigrants and natives) via additional training workshops or social movements for make upbuilding social responsibility and public opinionsensation against social 3-These alienated types renamed speech acts because close similarity with concept of speech act that firstly outlined by Austin & Searle in ordinary language philosophy especially in How to Do Things with Words by Austin (1975) and Speech Acts by Searle (1969). 13 discrimination, cultural or economical poverty, ethnical inequality, eliminating educational deprivation and the like… . -To rebuild up social care and forgotten intimacyies by reconstructionvia rebuild of the local relationships of urban residents vis a vis in opposition to existing relationships among the immigrants urban residents which are full of personal humiliationties and communal traumas. Beyond the official welfare policies of experts, governmental complexes ??? or ordinary tasks of family's members, these activities may be initiateddone such as protected community care??? or networks for prevention of from social/cultural conflicts by???? immigrant neighborhoods or natives in the immigrant urban residencies. -Cultural exchange with regard tobased on the cultural diversity concept and re- applying neglected cultural customs and alternatives life styles of other cultures as another proper ways of life where is the verb?????. So artistic exhibitions, documentary movies, combined???? music, novel reading, discussions onabout positive results and negative limitations of cultural traditions and life styles, making a programning for visiting the home motherland country of immigrants and the like…, may be organized for the specific aim of reducinge specific cultural/social conflicts of urban communities. Although these specific conflicts as described like case of my study in my M.S. thesis, are recognized after ethnographic observations, exploration of social sites, dialogues with several cultural groups, data collection about recent violence and conflict and… . where is the verb?????? So after first step One (identifyingfinding the problem) and second step Two (rethinking and changinge discriminative and inequity ideas and inequitable actions), urban residents of conflicting specific communities, may be ready for makingdoing practical suggestions and constructingmaking networks that arealong the lines mentioned above. I will write more about these steps of the research in the last section of my proposal with main about the theme of planning. But before this, briefly, I will decribemention similar studies thatliterature that is are close to my field of study.</p><p>5- Literature Review If I divide topics of the proposal in The two main parts of my proposal are on formal structure and thematic content., Iin the formal structure, I expand on the step by step progress of dialogue, the researcher as a facilitator of dialogues and the three 14 types of speech acts were noticed???. But in the thematic contents like case of my study are research objects that engaged with similar research methodology and theoretical framework of this proposal is used such as in research on the semi- conflicting space of carnival, resistance of the housewife with traditional cooking against everyday cooking???, nostalgic dialogical places of cafes and resorts, family discussions after watching the T.V., walking along the street for communal presence in opposition to atomistic spheres of everyday life and… . Not clear, is there existing research on these subjects? Therefore??? I will explain three sources of my study. Or: I will now describe the three main sources for my study??? Firstly as a formal structure what is a formal structure???, I found the main process of my problem-solving research, in "Action Research; A Handbook for Practitioners"(1996), which outlines step by step stages of activities such as workshops that haveare similarity to with the dialogical procgress inof this proposal: finding the problem identification, problem solving and practical suggestions. Also the role of researcher as a maker of dialogues and facilitator are decribed? observed? noticed in this book. Secondly, again as a formal structure, from an ethnographic point of view, the observational approach of James Spradley in "The Cultural Experience: Ethnography in Complex Society"(1972), is considered???. In this book, categorization is defined as categorized activities of observations that specify the differences and similarities between observational things entities? . LIt means like in my M.S. thesis, it means that beside attention to Totality4 as a basic concept of ethnography, categorization of the hearty warm??? or alienated social relations between groups in to three different types such as that mentioned above, can help me to specify not only defiance, disagreement, discrimination, emancipation, obedience and other various forms of differences but also specify common??? cooperation, lively memories, solidarity, coexistence narratives and can help me draw… as a similarity among an analogy with the network of social relations between conflicting identities of urban coexisting communitiesy. Don’t know if I understood this sentence properly Thirdly, regarding as a thematic content, media studies that belonged to the tradition of cultural studies in England, are near toresemble my dialogical approach. For example, in one of typical one'sa typical studt, David Morelli was trying to identifyfindthe interpretations of viewers that see one of athe famous BBC T.V. </p><p>43-For example, totality may means lived experiences of communities that have social/cultural conflicts 15 program of B.B.C. . By open-ended dialogues, he wanteds to know which social class prefered and selected the mainstream message of this T.V. program that wasis consumerism and individualism. After that, he understoodAccording to his analysis, the intimacyies(could closeness be a better word?) and traditional solidarity of Caribbean women, could lead tobuild up communal habits of caring support and racial attention what do you mean by this? relate towards other Caribbean women. So it could helpThis caused them not to to didn't accept the message of this program. So the prejudiced content of media as a resulting from of unbalanced urban development that I wrote about itdescribed above, may inspire or be included in ???? further investigations like the current is proposal thatwhich re searches the origins of social/cultural conflict. As well asBesides this research, other origins of social/cultural conflict have been under investigated byions of other researchers such as Henry Lefebvre and Michel de Certeau. In the theory of Lefebvre, a French sociologist and philosopher, some activities such as hedonistic leisurelyd camping at the end ofduring the weekend may lead to a decrease of creative exploration of other persons as an important feature of travel. So, indirectly this selfish self-indulging? phenomenon of everydaystyle of?? life can debilitateprevent the forming of new friendly relationships between persons such as occurs during the trips (people make friends on campings, don’t they????) and as a result can reinforce perpetuate? conflicting misunderstandings between different cultural communities. However, Lefebvre proposed practical suggestion ofsuggested carnival as an alternative choice instead ofto a selfish trip that can reverse the atomistic and egocentric spheres of everyday life. Mani, this doesn’t “ring” to me. I guess Lefrebvre had a very individualist type of camping in mind. Nowadays in Holland camping is indeed a highly social activity where people meet, indeed almost a carnival! The word carnival is a bit strange to me. Do you mean something like a party???? A somewhatlittle more individualistic solution againstof the indifferent alienated situation of everyday life was discussed by Michel de Certeau, a French scholar. He focused on different forms of consumption or cooking such as the like consumption of the own brand thingshome-made food,, the old-fashioned recipesthings, drinks fromof childhood or home countrymotherland, cooking of the traditional foods by the housewife in contrast to the usualnormal fast-food and the like… .</p><p>16 But, these individualistic experiences can transform to topics of discussion in the dialogues of thisese proposal and after that as a point of referencestandpoint for reductione of conflicts, and as such may became practical suggestions of thisese research. For example the idea of encouraging traditional foods byvia formmaking a widespread network ofby different cultural and social communities of women, can reinforce lively spaces of urban neighbourhoodsresidencies. Now, after this brief literature review, I deliver schedularwill outline the plan of my research belowin the next part.</p><p>6-Planning Conform to four years study, with ference toregard to the instructions of the honorable supervisor and probably co-supervisor,; I will outline the forecast four levels stages??? for this research.</p><p>6-1- First Level stage??? In the first six months of first year one, the theoretical framework and methodology will be completed with more elaborateaccurate and relevant literature reviews. As the focus of my study isAlso with focus on cultural/social conflicts they must tangibly feed into this problem area. at I will have been choosing for the study, problem and urgency of it must be touchable. So with refernceattention to the principal directions of this proposal, at first glance, I want to study the problems of immigrants in the Netherlands and especially religious and ethnical minorities such aslike Asian immigrants. Also, close friendship with Dutch activist friends in Leiden and Amsterdam and my Asian background can help me to find conflicting spaces of immigrants, like their neighbourhoodspublic residencies or resorts relaxation areas, record their lived experiences, narratives and conflicting pivotal events…., crucial conflicting events Then, in the second six months of first year one, I will engage withwork on complementary data collection, statistical analysis and other investigations such as official monitoring and more relevant quantitative and qualitative researches about on immigrants and their problems. Finally, doing these collecting activities, completeIn this way I will build up my information about theiron the lived experiences, their of these public??? and conflictingual urban residents and the existingprobable social/cultural supportive networks involved in that try to reduce conflict reductions 17 or construction of make aggressive identities for???of immigrants and also the other side of the struggle struggle which is the indigenousat are native community.</p><p>6-2-Second stageLevel In the second year of study, I will try to outline the way conflicts arise, bywith focusing on specific problems of conflictingual cultural/social groups and with attention toto the losse of the intimacyies out the and structural transformation of their lifevelihood style from a cooperative form to a more selfish style, the process of making the conflicts will be outlined. These processes must be precise to the point? and concrete like as in the case of my M.S. thesis that was on the rushy incursion of a downtown youth group to an up- town district, following due the unbalanced development of the city of Tehran. After that in the second year, the first set of dialogues separately will be started separately among the minority immigrants and also among the majority indigenous population respectively,natives for identification of find their problems. Also, ethnographical observations about of conflicting communities (by who??? If you, then change the sentence: Also I will consider the possibility of ethnographical etc), the relevance of integrationed relevance of social groups and their necessary needs ofto each other as a vital totality must be considered such as common jobs job relations, their family relationships and the like…, despitethough their conflicts with each other. In end of the second year, I must have supportive friends and social activist that belong to socially conflictingual groups. Also, I must be trustfulgain the confidence among the persons of social groups and have lively and friendly relationships with selectedive conflictingual groups onin both side of the struggle. This is vital, especially for So, further confidence between me and the body of social/cultural groups is necessary for my research aims and more important further the levels of researches that are 4-2-Solving the Problems and 4-2-3-Practical Suggestions as a Best Solution</p><p>6-3-Third and Fourth StageLevel In the third year three and third stage three level, with reference to the 4-2-1- theoretical framework (4-2-1), the second set of dialogues will be started and and making serious and challengingeable dialogues discussions about tangibleouchable existing problems between thebetween two sides of struggle will beare programmed. 18 Gradually by recognition of three speech acts and their antitheses among the persons, further dialogues will beare continued jointly or separately between youth groups, women, educated persons etcand… from twoon two sides of conflicts or among only one separate community. The mMain purpose of these combined or separate dialogues between two sides of struggle or one of them is identifyingfinding the best dialogical forms of integrity, harmony and solidarity in which I can understand who, why and how to accept the inequity of their discriminative ideas not clear, beliefs and action and how they may reduce conflicts and persuade each other to rethink about these ideas and actions. The bBest dialogical form maymeans sometimes imply that dialogues between different groups of women have a better result than dialogues between youth groups or even sometimes that only dialogues between immigrant groups can have more result. This evaluation and data analysis can lead to abring more precise assessment of the about second sets of dialogues. Because without any assessment of the confidential integrity, intimate solidarity and lively cooperation of two sides of conflict, any practical suggestion onlike social supportive networks and movements arewould make no sense nonsense. This assessment and analysis must show conformity agreement among two sides of the conflict about about the inequity of their discriminative ideas, beliefs and actions and also their common strong will for finding ways tohat can reduce conflicts Then, in the fourth year four and on level fourth level, dialogues on based onf agreementconformity between two sides of conflict, are proceededwill be initiated in order to organize social supportive networks, intercultural movements, anti-racial camping what’s that??? And other options... . The numberQuantity of these organizations is not important but relatively if only one of them would have a sustainable continuationnce, social prestige and ability for resolving further conflicting crises arising from conflict, then the evaluation re are proper criteria for evaluation of this PhD research would be met. Finally, with theseis criteria and also progress of these originations????, I can clarify theilluminate main question of this PhD research: Can practical, effective and satisfactory dialogues and after that social organizations, create a new landscape for the urban planner and government, solve the problem of the gap between theory and practice in social science and also can reduce conflict among social/cultural groups and persons or not? 19</p>

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