Science Text Reading Strategies:

Science Text Reading Strategies:

<p>Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2009) INTI University College, Malaysia</p><p>SCIENCE TEXT READING STRATEGIES: LEARNERS’S MODULE</p><p>Nurshamshida Md Shamsudin</p><p>Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia ([email protected])</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>This module is based on a research which focused on Science text reading strategies, bilingual strategies and manipulation of the Science reading model. The module provides specific strategies and approaches for a variety of Science learning in ESL (English as second language) context. In addition, the module is prepared to provide the best approach in reading and learning Science following three major reading activities namely; pre, while and post reading stage and three major learning strategies; cognitive, metacognitive and affective strategies. The main objective of providing the strategies for Science learning in this module is to provide and expose to the students at an early stage to be responsible for their own reading task and learning process. The students on the other hand can become aware of the strategies and their thought process, which in turn enables them to monitor their reading strategies. It is expected that this module could be as one of the important tools in Science classroom in the future.</p><p>KEYWORDS</p><p>Science text, Reading, Text, Strategies, Reading strategies, Learning</p><p>INTRODUCTION</p><p>The aim of the Science education curriculum and the implementation of teaching Science in English are to provide students with the basic language to understand and access materials on Science and Technology in English. The curriculum stresses that at the end of the lesson, students would be able to obtain information by reading and understanding different types of text in Science and Technology, viewing texts on Science and Technology from various sources, accessing and understanding information on the internet and other electronic media, presenting information on Science and Technology at an appropriate level, thinking critically and giving their points of views on issues pertaining to Science. Furthermore, the syllabus states that reading skills are given the main priority since they represent a set of skills that enable students to better understand the topic at hand. </p><p>1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM</p><p>The present study aims to identify the best strategies in reading and learning Science using English. Previous studies have shown that students’ performance can be improved by following certain strategies and that the appropriate use of strategies enables learners to learn effectively (O’Malley and Chamot, 1990). On the other hand, the Science text, unlike the familiar content and predictable story grammar in children's literature, contains unfamiliar content and text structures, heavy conceptual demands, and unique vocabulary. The purpose of the scientific text is to assist uninformed and misinformed readers construct meaning about specific science ideas using an expository approach, words (concept labels) with specific meanings, complex and interconnected sentences, and specific text structures (description, collection, compare/contrast, problem/solution, causation). Hence reading Science texts is not simply a unidimensional bottom-up or top-down process involving printed symbols. Rather, it is an interactive-constructive process that involves making meaning by negotiating understanding between the text and the reader's concurrent experiences and memories of the topic within a sociocultural context (Yore and Shymansky, 1991).</p><p>PURPOSE OF THE STUDY</p><p>The target sample group of this study is the Form four students who were high and low achievers in the Science subject in the PMR examination. The findings derived from the present study are expected to benefit stakeholders in the education system, namely the policy makers, teachers and students. As such, the main purpose of this study is to highlight the potential of Science reading strategies of Form four students who are low and high achievers. Based on the findings derived from the present study, learner’s module is developed.</p><p>RESEARCH OBJECTIVES</p><p>The objectives of this study are to examine the reading strategies applied when reading the Science text in ESL context by high and low achievers. Thus, the objective of the study is to: 1. propose or suggest the reading strategies applied when reading the Science text in English</p><p>THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK</p><p>Reading the Science text is a meaning-making process (Yore et al., 1991). Science texts contain unfamiliar content and text structures, heavy conceptual demands and unique vocabulary (Andrew, 2004). Basically the Science text reading model that is used to explain in the present study is the interactive-constructive model of science reading. The interactive- constructive model of Science reading is chosen because reading the Science text involves making meaning by negotiating the understanding between the text and the reader's concurrent experiences and memories of the topic (ibid).</p><p>2 INTERACTIVE CONSTRUCTIVE READING MODEL</p><p>The interactive-constructive model of reading postulates that reading comprehension is influenced by a list of factors, namely, the reader’s knowledge, linguistic knowledge, text pattern knowledge and metacognitive knowledge (Spence, 1995). These factors, in turn, guide the reader to create expectations. During the process, the reader adjusts his or her schema and comprehension of what he or she reads (Yore et al., 1998). A reader with linguistic knowledge uses the “cue system” to make sense and construct meaning and this will contribute to the successful comprehension of the text (ibid). According to Yore et al. (1998), the text structure contributes to the construction of meaning. Therefore, the reader uses this knowledge to adapt his or her reading strategies. When the reader successfully develops a sense of text organization, he or she will be able to understand the text well. Additionally, metacognitive knowledge, which is the reader’s awareness of how he or she makes meaning, will enable the reader to monitor his or her own understanding as he or she reads. In the present study, the interactive-constructive model of reading is selected to describe the reading process involving Science texts</p><p>SCIENCE TEXT READING PROCESS</p><p>Mallow (cited in Yore, 1999) depicts the process of reading a science text as, The scientist sits down with pencil and paper slowly works through the article, making notes along the way. Unclear points are pondered over, references are looked up and numerical calculations are checked. (p. 329 & 331) </p><p>In other words, it is a complex communication between the reader and the text. Yore et al. (1999) acknowledge that to be a successful reader in science text reading, the reader needs to combine effective text-based reading strategies and the process of making meanings.</p><p>According to Yore (1999), to gain knowledge in science, learners need to learn and read. He further posits that learning science is as an active process whereas reading science is a passive process. Learning science is an effort to construct meanings that involve both the mind and hands-on activities. Meanwhile, science reading is the process of getting input from the text or taking meanings.</p><p>According to Ruddle and Unrau (ibid), Knowledge use and control are at the heart of the knowledge-construction process through purpose setting, planning, organizing and constructing meaning in the form of text representation. (p.1022)</p><p>In order to make reading more meaningful so that the new information is constructed in the short term, there is a need to interact with the reader’s prior knowledge. Yore et al. (1999) suggest integrating new knowledge with the existing structures in order to accommodate new ideas to the science reader. This suggestion seems to support the interactive-constructive reading model whereby the success in reading science text requires the reader to understand</p><p>3 that it is the meaning-making process and not the meaning-taking process that is involved in science text reading.</p><p>SCIENCE TEXT READING STRATEGIES </p><p>Meena (2001) concurs by stating that reading strategies are processes that learners apply in order to improve their reading comprehension and problem-solving skills when they encounter difficulties in reading. Reading strategies are therefore, ways of processing information that will enhance comprehension learning and gain new information (O’Malley, 1990). In the light of second language reading strategies, there are distinctions between strategies to enhance learning and improve comprehension. Reading strategies that are applied to improve comprehension refer to how learners attempt to make meaning and what they do when they face difficulties (Meena, 2001; Faizah, 2004). For the purpose of the present study, the content area in reading strategies in the second language focuses on the strategies to enhance learning. McWhorter and Kathleen (2003) posit that science texts always deal with unfamiliar topics. He further explains that science text is detailed and technical, and involves new and extensive vocabulary (2003). Reading science text, according to McWhorter and Kathleen (2003) therefore, requires commitment and time planning. In addition, the reader needs to apply reading strategies to understand and strengthen the approach to science reading. Michael (2003) suggests more specific reading strategies that can be applied by the bilingual reader in reading science texts written in English. Similar to Laurie’s (2007), the strategies suggested by Michael (2003) involve the three steps that are pre, while, and post reading stage.</p><p>LEARNING STRATEGIES</p><p>From an extensive review in second language learning strategies, Weinstein and Mayer (1987) suggest the categorization of learning strategies into cognitive, metacognitive and affective strategies. Based on Anderson’s (1991) cognitive theory, cognitive operates directly on incoming information and it is used to improve learning task. Meanwhile, metacognitive is defined as skills that are involved in planning and monitoring the success of a learning task (Weistein and Mayer, 1987). Lastly, affective is defined as interactions made by learners with their peers and the environment.</p><p>RESEARCH METHODOLOGY</p><p>The study aims to investigate Science text reading strategies in English context amongst high and low achievers. Since the present study is process-oriented and requires an in-depth investigation, the researcher acknowledges the need to have a small number of participants and to treat the research as a case study. For the purpose of the present study, the researcher has decided to use the first type of triangulation, which is the data sources triangulation. Data for the present study was obtained from three types of instruments, namely; participants’ observations, student diaries and think-aloud protocol. The rationale for using multiple sources of data is the triangulation of evidence. Triangulation increases the reliability of the data and the process of gathering it (Yin, 1994).</p><p>4 DATA ANALYSIS</p><p>Data derived from student diaries, participant observations and think aloud protocol need to be analyzed using a systematic approach in order for data to be collated and presented in a more suitable form. The constant comparative method analyzes qualitative data in which information gathered is coded into categories (Bogdan and Biklen, 1998). As such, data could be presented systematically in accordance to the research questions addressed in the present study. Data collected from the field notes consisted of what was observed visually and the researcher’s comments. After going through the field notes, the events that were repeated were picked up. Each of the events was grouped into three main categories of strategies. The next initial step was the coding process. The relevant and repeating events were identified. As mentioned earlier, the coding process was done based on the categories that were constructed from the literature review. Once the coding was completed, two peer checkers conducted the Cohen Kappa’s Test of Agreement. Later on, the events extracted from the field notes were transferred into the collection of cards. The codes were then transferred into the three categories. The categories initiated were the pre-reading, while reading and post-reading strategies.</p><p>THE MODULE</p><p>Based on the findings from the study conducted, there are observable differences in the strategies applied between the high and low achievers. However, students should not regard reading as a tedious process in gaining knowledge. Instead, reading should be viewed as a process of meaning-making for meaningful learning. Taking this into account, Gee (1999) highlights that to become a good reader and learner, students have to practice enhancing their specific training of skill and strategies in reading. In other words, they should put more effort since their task in Science classroom is very important to ensure their academic success. This conception is also strongly agreed by Safiah and Goh (1987) as they posit that in order to become good learners, they have to frequently develop skills and strategies in reading.</p><p>STREAM is a reading module that is specifically developed for ESL Science learners. Basically the design of this module is an extension from the interactive-constructive Science reading model. However, the study provides a deeper conceptual understanding and summarize compactly for Science learners who are learning Science in second language. The basis of it’s development emerged from the theories of second language reading whereby issues such as reading process in Science subjects were explored. Whereas findings from other research on the content area reading strategies brought light to how a high achiever in Science subject approaches reading Science text in English. This module consists of a list of reading strategies that are suggested from the research conducted. Learners are advised to follow this module by following step by step starting from the fist stage of reading; pre- reading stage, follow with while reading stage and finally with post-reading stage. Each of the stage, the module highlights the learning strategies that are categorized under three groups namely; cognitive strategy, metacognitive strategy and affective strategy involved in every reading stage. This is to help learner to understand deeper on their reading process. On the other hand, the module is also to help teachers to plan instructional activities by teaching and training students in applying the strategies explicitly. This is to make sure that the teachers as well as students know the rationale of applying each of the reading strategies. </p><p>5 Table 1. Learner’s Module</p><p>COGNITIVE METACOGNITIVE AFFECTIVE STRATEGIES STRATEGIES STRATEGIES PRE READING 1. Actively 1. Find word meaning 1. Positive self talk participate 2. Access to prior 2. Acknowledge verbally and try to knowledge importance of text relate the topic and integrate keywords and concept. 2. Preview by predicting text. 3. Paying attention to text 4. Skimming WHILE READING 1. Rarely skip word 1. Summarize to 1. Emotionally 2. Read aloud review influences by 2. Summarize by Science text 3. Refer to others presentation source listing back 3. Questioning 2. Comfortable when 4. Rewrite specific no difficulties facts 4. Fix up 3. Positive self talk 5. Highlight word 5. Guess meaning 6. Translate 6. Find word meaning 7. Create own illustration 8. Agree with text 9. Paraphrase POST READING 1. Refer to other 1. Summarize to Emotionally sources review influenced by 2. Paraphrase in 2. Give opinion Science information Malay language 3. Discuss 3. Retell in Malay language</p><p>CONCLUSIONS</p><p>This study aims to investigate and identify the best reading strategies for Science learner in the ESL context. Findings from the study are developed as learner’s module.</p><p>6 REFERENCES</p><p>Anderson, N.J. (1991) ‘Individual Differences in Strategy Use in Second Language Reading and Testing’, Modern Language Journal, 75, 460-472.</p><p>Andrew, J.F. (2004) Reading Comprehension and Science Text. Project ACE. Retrieved February, 2007 from:</p><p>Bogdan, R.C. and Biklen, S.K. (2003) Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. </p><p>Faizah, A.M. (2004) Characteristics of Adult Learner and Their Academic Reading Strategies: A Case Study. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: Bangi.</p><p>Goh, H.S. and Fatimah, H. (2006) ‘Use of L1 in L2 Reading Comprehension Among Tertiary ESL Learners’, Reading in a Foreign Language, 18:1.</p><p>Laurie (2007) ‘Science Reading Strategies’. Retrieved: August 20th 2007 from:</p><p>Mcwhorter, T.K. (2003) Academic Reading. Pearson Education.</p><p>Meena Sighal (2001, April). ‘Reading Proficiency, Reading Strategies, Metacognitive Awareness and L2 Readers’ Reading Matrix, 1:1. Retrieved Sepetember 16th, 2007, from:</p><p>O’Malley, J.M. and Chamot, A.U. (1990) Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press.</p><p>Spence, D. (1995) Explicit Science Reading Instruction In Grade 7: Metacognitive Awareness, Metacognitive Self Management And Science Reading Comprehension.</p><p>Weinstein, C.E. and Mayer, R.F. (1985) ‘The Teaching of Learning Strategies’ In M.C. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Teaching (3rd ed., pp. 315-329). New York: Macmillan.</p><p>Yin, R.K. (1994) Case Study Research. Design and Methods. 2nd ed. Vol. 5, Sage.</p><p>Yore, L.D. and Shymansky, J.A. (1991) ‘Reading in Science: Developing an Operational Conception to Guide Instruction’ Journal of Science Teacher Education, 2, 29-36.</p><p>Yore, L.D., Craig, M.T. and Maguire, T.O. (1998) ‘Index of Science Reading Awareness: An Interactive-Constructive Model, Test Verification and Grade 4-8 Results’ Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 35, 27-51.</p><p>Yore, L.D., Holliday, W.G. and Alvermann, D.E. (Eds., 1994) ‘Special Issue: The Reading- Science Learning-Writing Connection’ Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 31, 873- 1073, New York: McGraw-Hill.</p><p>7</p>

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