<p>1.</p><p>RIS_PD161_CRIS_DICOM_Conformance_statement</p><p>© Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 1 of 24 Contents</p><p>© Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 2 of 24 1 Introduction</p><p>This DICOM conformance statement describes the DICOM functionality of the CRIS Radiological Information System. </p><p>CRIS acts as a Service Class Provider in order to supply work lists to a compatible Modality workstation operating as Service Class User.</p><p>CRIS now supports the MPPS DICOM service so acts as a Service Class User accepting MPPS messages from appropriate Service Class Providers, i.e. scanning modalities.</p><p>CRIS now supports the transmission of reports outbound on the DICOM interface.</p><p>This version of the specification applies to CRIS interface release 2.09.10k onwards.</p><p>1.1 Intended Audience This document is intended for system integrators third party suppliers and potential customers, the reader is assumed to be familiar with the DICOM standard.</p><p>1.2 Important considerations for the reader This conformance statement by itself is insufficient to guarantee successful connectivity between CRIS and software/equipment from other vendors. Readers should be aware of the following issues.</p><p> Integration of software and equipment from different vendors goes beyond the scope of the DICOM 3 standard and DICOM conformance statements. It is the responsibility of the user or user’s agent to assess the application requirements and design a solution that integrates software and equipment from different vendors. CRIS has been tested to ensure that the implementation corresponds with this conformance statement. When attempting to determine the compatibility of equipment from another vendor the first step would be to compare the DICOM conformance statement of the equipment under consideration with this document. If comparison of the two conformance statements suggests that the two systems should be compatible then additional tests should be carried out to ensure that the required functionality and performance if achievable. As the DICOM 3 standard evolves Healthcare Software Solutions LTD reserves the right to make changes to the CRIS DICOM functionality. The user or user’s agent should ensure that any equipment connected via DICOM also evolves with the DICOM standard. Failure to do so may result in loss of connectivity.</p><p>© Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 3 of 24 2 Acronyms and Abbreviations</p><p>The following acronyms and abbreviations are used in this document</p><p> DICOM Digital Communications and Imaging in Medicine SCP Service Class Provider SCU Service Class User SOP Service Object Pair UID Unique Identifier AE Application Entity TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol PDU Protocol Data Unit MPPS Modality Performed Procedure Step SC Secondary capture reporting</p><p>© Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 4 of 24 3 Implementation Model 3.1 Overview CRIS implements the DICOM Modality Work List Information Model FIND SOP class as an SCP in order to provide work lists to modality workstations. The DICOM Study Component Management SOP class is also implemented as SCP and may optionally be used by workstations to signal completion of work list items, thus triggering subsequent removal from the work list.</p><p>3.2 Application Data Flow The CRIS AE receives DICOM protocol requests over TCP/IP. In order to service these requests connections are made to the CRIS database to look up and update work lists. The CRIS AE is usually co located with the CRIS Database although this is not a requirement. </p><p>DICOM Interface</p><p>© Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 5 of 24 4 AE Specifications CRIS contains one Application Entity per TCP/IP listener (the default listener is on port 104, other listeners may be added). </p><p>4.1 Abstract syntax table CRIS accepts associations with the following presentation contexts. Please note that the report query and some storage functionality (shaded) is not supported in this version of CRIS.</p><p>Class Name UID Role of CRIS Verification 1.2.840.10008.1.1 SCP Modality Work list Information Model 1.2.840.10008. SCP FIND Study Component Management 1.2.840.10008. SCP Modality Performed Procedure Step 1.2.840.10008. SCP Report Query 1.2.840.113532.3500.8 SCP Computed Radiography Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP CT Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP MR Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP Nuclear Medicine Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP Positron Emission Tomography Image 1.2.840.10008. SCP Storage RT Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP Secondary Capture Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP Ultrasound Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP Ultrasound Multi Frame Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP Visible Light Endoscopic Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP Visible Light Microscopic Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP Visible Light Photographic Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP X-Ray angiographic Bi-Plane Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP X-Ray angiographic Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP X-Ray Radiographic Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. SCP 4.2 Transfer syntax table Each of the above SOP classes may be transferred using the following transfer syntaxes</p><p>Transfer Syntax Name UID Explicit VR Big Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.2 Explicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 Implicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2</p><p>© Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 6 of 24 4.3 Association Acceptance Policy 4.3.1 General From the 2.09.10e revision of CRIS, the connection handler on the DICOM interface initially examines the ‘DicomEquipment’ table to ensure a specific modality has been configured. If the modality has not been configured within this table, the association request will be rejected and the connection severed. This functionality applies to all DICOM services, i.e. modality work lists, MPPS and structured reporting (SR). Previous CRIS versions use the AE Title of the SCU to determine the work list filter to apply and any per workstation configuration customizations. 4.3.2 Maximum PDU Size Maximum PDU size is normally not specified; for SCU’s that require this it may be specified per client AE Title.</p><p>4.3.3 Number of Associations The number of concurrent associations supported is limited only by memory and networking capabilities of the operating system and for practical applications should not be an issue. </p><p>4.3.4 Implementation Identification Information The AE Title is configurable for each TCP/IP listener. The default is “CRIS”.</p><p>© Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 7 of 24 5 Association initiation policy 5.1 General</p><p>CRIS acts only as an SCP and as such does not initiate associations. 5.2 MPPS Specific Policy Even though MPPS specific associations are not initiated by CRIS, there are monitored for inactivity. A scenario could exist where a number of modalities have created associations but have not initiated any MPPS messages. In this case, CRIS will monitor this inactivity and close the association after a preconfigured delay. The delay is default to 5 minutes.</p><p>© Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 8 of 24 6 Description of Functionality 6.1 Verification The verification service allows a workstation to verify connectivity with the CRIS DICOM service. Upon receipt of a C-ECHO request CRIS will respond with an Echo response. 2. </p><p>© Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 9 of 24 1.1 Modality Work List Information Model</p><p>CRIS provides work list services to connected modality work stations. The work lists are generated using a pre- defined query configured for each individual work station. </p><p>Upon receipt of a C-FIND request, the configuration values for the specific AE Title are looked up and a suitable database query is executed in order to build the work list.</p><p>CRIS events and examinations are selected for inclusion in the work list based upon the following.</p><p>1. Radiographer details and examination start time have not been added to the exam (this data is normally added post processing) 2. The event is attended 3. The event is either for today, or (prior to nine am) yesterday. 4. Neither the event nor exam has been deleted.</p><p>Additional filtering can be configured on a per workstation basis in order to select certain modalities etc. Optionally filtering can be performed based upon the data supplied in the incoming query. </p><p>CRIS will send a response message containing DICOM objects with the relevant data for each work list entry. When all work list entries have been sent a terminating response with no data is sent.</p><p>CRIS will populate the response DICOM object as per the following table. Only attributes that are requested in the original C-FIND request will be populated. To accommodate work stations that require attributes not normally provided by CRIS the system may be configured to provide additional data on a per work station basis. Any attributes requested that are neither specified here or in the “per AE Title” configuration will be populated with the values received in the original C-FIND request. </p><p>Attribute Tag Type Note Study Date 0008,0020 DA Date of the examination Study Time 0008,0030 TM Booked Time of the examination Accession Number 0008,0050 SH Accession number Modality 0008,0060 CS Modality, this is populated with the value that Cris received in the original C-FIND request Referring Physicians 0008,0090 PN Name of the referring doctor Name Code Value 0008,0100 SH Examination procedure code Study Description 0008,1030 LO Description of the procedure Name of physicians 0008,1060 PN Identifier code for the intended radiologist reading study populated in the surname part of the field Patients Name 0010,0010 PN Patient Name Patient ID 0010,0020 LO Patient Identifier Patients Birth Date 0010,0030 DA Patients Date of Birth Patients Sex 0010,0040 CS Patient Sex Patients Age 0010,1010 AS Patients AGE Ethnic Group 0010,2160 SH Patients ethnic origin Study Instance UID 0020,000D UI This is populated with the examination key from CRIS, if a site identifier code has been configured a universally unique identifier is generated of the form © Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 10 of 24 1.2.826.0.1.2112370.siteID.examKey Requesting 0032,1032 PN Referring clinicians name populated in the Physician surname part of the field Requesting Service 0032,1033 LO Referral source Requested 0032,1060 LO Description of the procedure Procedure Description Requested 0032,1064 SQ Sequence Procedure Code Sequence Patients institutional 0038,0400 LO Referring ward/location residence Scheduled station 0040,0001 AE Returns the value supplied by the calling AE title workstation in the request Scheduled 0040,0002 DA Date of the examination Procedure Step Start Date Scheduled 0040,0003 TM Booked Time of the examination Procedure Step Start Time Scheduled 0040,0007 LO Procedure description Procedure Step Description Scheduled 0040,0100 SQ Sequence Procedure Step Sequence</p><p>© Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 11 of 24 6.2 Study Component Management</p><p>Study component management allows a work station to communicate completion of an examination to CRIS so as to update the work list. The SCU should send an N-CREATE request with a DICOM object containing the following attributes.</p><p>Attribute Tag Type Note Referenced Study 0008,1110 SQ Instance >Referenced SOP 0008,1155 UI CRIS will use the value of this attribute to identify Instance UID the work list entry that has been completed.</p><p>© Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 12 of 24 6.3 Modality Performed Procedure Step 6.3.1 Validation The validation is performed when the association is first established. The AE Title is verified against a value stored within the ‘Dicom Equipment’ configuration table. If this verification fails, no association is established.</p><p>6.3.2 Message Sequence The modality first sends CRIS an ‘N-CREATE’ message with a status of ‘IN PROGRESS’. The DICOM object sent to CRIS contains various pieces of information, some of which CRIS needs to store. The main piece of data is the ‘accession number’. With this number the required exam and associated event can be found. The table below shows all the attributes stored to CRIS.</p><p>Attribute Tag Type Note AccessionNumber (0008,0050) Short Used to find the exam and associated event. PPS Status (0040,0252) String Identifies message, IN PROGRESS Performed Location (0040,0244) Short Room where exam took place. If null, default value used from ‘Equipment’ configuration table. Procedure Start Time (0040,0245) StudyInstanceUID (0020,000D) Integer Store for future reference AffectedSOPinstanceUI (0008,1155) Integer Used to reference D other messages in sequence.</p><p>© Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 13 of 24 The modality could now send CRIS one of a possible two messages. </p><p>The ‘N-SET’ message with a status of ‘DISCONTINUED’ will indicate to CRIS that the previous ‘IN PROGRESS’ message was sent in error and can be ignored. If this message is received all the previously stored data is cleared.</p><p>The ‘N-SET’ message with a status of ‘COMPLETED’ will indicate to CRIS that the exam has been completed. The information sent to CRIS will contain, amongst other things, such data as projection information, dosage type and dosage amount. The table below shows all the attributes stored to CRIS.</p><p>Attribute Tag Type Note PPS End Time (0040,0251) End time of procedure step. PPS Status (0040,0252) String Identifies message, COMPLETED Total Number of (0040,0301) String Exposures Single Exposure Entrance Dose (0040,0302) String Multiple Exposures Exposure Dose (0040,030E) Sequence Holds data for each Sequence exposure. Dosage Type per Retrieved from exposure. procedure location (room) Projection Type per Hard-coded to exposure ‘MODX’ KVP (0018,0060) String KVP dosage.</p><p>© Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 14 of 24 6.3.3 Post Processing When CRIS receives the IN PROGRESS message from a modality, a lock is placed on the event. When another user tries to post-process this event, a warning is given indicating to the user that a modality has an interest on this event. Once the modality issues a COMPLETED message, the lock is removed. The post-processing screen can now be opened. The data received from the modality has been inserted appropriately. 6.4 Secondary Capture reporting The report is firstly converted into the appropriate ‘dicom’ data fields by code in the interface. Here, various CRIS data is copied into the relevant DICOM data fields. This data is then converted into a ‘pixel’ image and transmitted to the ‘PACS’. Here is a list of the CRIS -> DICOM data mappings:-</p><p>CRIS DICOM SR DICOM TAG Patient Module Patient’s Surname, Forenames, PatientName (0010,0010) and Title Patient ID PatientID (0010,0020) “TEXT” TypeOfPatientID (0010,0022) Patient’s date of birth PatientBirthDate (0010,0030) Patient’s sex PatientSex (0010,0040) If(hospitalNumber equals patient ID IssurerOfPatientID (0008,1120) Hospital’s site code Else OtherPatientIDsSequence (0010,1002) HospitalNumber.sitecode,hospit al number Other patient IDs OtherPatientID (0010,1000) Patient’s Ethnic group EthnicGroup (0010,2160) Patient’s consent comment PatientComments (0010,4000) “NO” PatientIdentifyRemoved (0012,0062)</p><p>General Study Module Study Instance UID StudyInstanceUID (0020,000D) Exam date StudyDate (0008,0020) Exam start time StudyTime (0008,0030) Referrer name ReferringPhysicianName (0008,0090) Exam key StudyID (0020,0010) Exam accession number AccessionNumber (0008,0050) Examination code, ProcedureCodeSequence (0008,1032) table(“99CRISEXAM”), examcode description</p><p>Patient Study Module Patient’s age(in years) PatientAge (0010,1010) Patient’s weight PatientWeight (0010,1030) Patient’s height PatientSize (0010,1020)</p><p>General Series Module © Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 15 of 24 “OT” Modality (0008,0060) SystemSettings.UID_PREFIX + SeriesInstanceUID (0020,000E) siteUID + “18.3423234”</p><p>“1” SeriesNumber (0020,0011)</p><p>General Equipment Module “Healthcare Software Solutions Manufacturer (0008,0070) LTD” “CRIS” ManufacturerModelName (0008,1090) Trust’s name InstitutionName (0008,0080)</p><p>SC Equipment Module “SD” ConversionType (0008,0064) “OT” Modality (0008,0060) WorkStation ID SecondaryCaptureDeviceID (0018,1010) “Healthcare Software Solutions SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturer (0018,1016) LTD” “CRIS” SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturer (0018,1018) ModelName “CRIS printed report” DigitalImageFormatAcquired (0018,1023)</p><p>General Image Module Exam key InstanceNumber (0020,0013) NULL PatientOrientation (0020,0020) Date ContentDate, ContentTime (0008,0023) (0008,0033) True, False ImageType = ORIGINAL\\SECONDARY (0008,0008) Exam key AcquisitionNumber (0020,0012) Date AcquisitionDate, AcquisitionTime (0008,0022) (0008,002A) 1 ImagesInAcquisition (0020,1002) “CRIS printed report ImageComments (0020,4000)</p><p>PopulateImagePixelModule Gets the images within the report and converts them into pixel data. This is done for each page of the report. The following Dicom data is configured during this process.</p><p>CRIS DATA DICOM DATA DICOM TAG Byte [] pixels PixelData (7FE0,0010 Samples per pixel in Raster SamplesPerPixel (0028,0002) “RGB” PhotometricInterpretation (0028,0004) Height Rows (0028,0010) Width Columns (0028,0011) “8” BitsAllocated (0028,0100) “8” BitsStored (0028,0101) “7” HighBit (0028,0102) “0” PixelRepresentation Pixel Representation “0” PlanarConfiguration Planar Configuration</p><p>© Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 16 of 24 PopulateSOPCommonModule Various UIDs are stored against the report, SOPClassUID, SOPInstanceUID. Everything has now been obtained and configured appropriately. The network association is now created, the report is sent and the association is closed down, all in one command.</p><p>See section below for further details.</p><p>© Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 17 of 24 6.4.1 Storage Details CRIS uses the printing subsystem to convert reports prior to sending them along the DICOM SC interface. The DICOM SC interface converts the report into raw pixels. A standard single page A4 report will appear on the PACS with a size of 1.4Mb, therefore if the report is over a number of pages then the total size will be 1.4Mb x number of pages. If the report is configured to print at A3, then the resulting size of each DICOM SC page will be 2.8M. If A5 then 0.7M and so on. 6.4.2 CRIS Configuration The only configuration needed within the CRIS application is within the ‘ExamsPerHospitalTable’. There is a ‘checkbox’ named ‘Send report via Dicom I/F’. This is configured on a per exam basis. If this is selected for a particular exam, the report for that examination will be sent to ‘PACS’ via the DICOM SC interface.</p><p>© Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 18 of 24 7 Configuration 7.1 Modality Worklists 7.1.1 Overview</p><p>Configuration of individual modality work list filtering and customised DICOM tag population is done through the CRIS tables’ setup system format editor.</p><p>For each workstation a format is created with a name of DICOM.AETITLE where AETITLE is the Application Entity title of the workstation.</p><p>The format should contain a list of properties that define the behaviour of the work list server when dealing with requests for that particular workstation.</p><p>© Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 19 of 24 7.1.2 Configuration Properties</p><p>Property Name Description Query SQL query clause to filter the work list for this workstation. </p><p>Example:</p><p>Query=EXAMCD_MODALITY=’X’ and PATIENT_SEX=’F’</p><p>Would select only female patients where the examination modality is “X” HospitalNumberSites Comma separated list of sites that may hold hospital numbers for patients. If this is set the BEST_HOSP_NO field becomes available for custom population of the result object. </p><p>Example:</p><p>HospitalNumberSites=RNZ02,RNZ05 PACSIdentifier The PACS that this workstation is connected to. This should ideally be set for each workstation as doing so ensures that the patient id sent in 0010,0020 will be the ID known on PACS and makes the PACSID table available for custom population of the result object.</p><p>Example:</p><p>PACSIdentifier=RNZ SiteID Used for population of the study UID sent in 0020,000D. This should be set to a number which is unique for each CRIS installation. </p><p>Example:</p><p>SiteID=999 Debug If set to Yes the work list server will write additional debugging info to its log whilst processing requests for this workstation.</p><p>Example:</p><p>Debug=Yes MaximumAge The number of Hours into the day that the work list server will still return entries for yesterday, defaults to 9 MaxPDUSize Specifies the maximum PDU size that CRIS will specify when negotiating an association. The default is for CRIS to not specify PDU size. ApplyWorkstationFilter Enables filtering based on the contents of the query received from the workstation.</p><p>Example: ApplyWorkstationFilter=Yes Dicom Tag To specify additional data to be sent in the results provide a </p><p>© Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 20 of 24 property name that matches the required DICOM tag.</p><p>Example 1: The workstation requires patients’ weight to be supplied, however CRIS does not have this data at the time of building the work list, so we need to provide a dummy value of 1.</p><p>0010,1030=1</p><p>Example 2: The workstation requires hospital number in the patient id field.</p><p>HospitalNumberSites=RNZ02 0010,0020={BEST_HOSP_NO}</p><p>Notice that BEST_HOSP_NO is in curly brackets to signify that it is a field to be taken from the database rather than a hard coded value</p><p>See the section on custom population of result objects below for further details.</p><p>© Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 21 of 24 7.1.3 Custom population of result objects</p><p>As mentioned above it is possible to specify custom population of result objects by providing additional properties that match specific DICOM tags. </p><p>The name of the property should be the DICOM tag that is to be populated</p><p>E.g. 0010,1001</p><p>DICOM fields may be populated with an arbitrary fixed value by simply specifying the required property value.</p><p>E.g. 0010,1080=COMMANDER Would populate 0010,1080 (military rank) with the value “COMMANDER”</p><p>Of less limited use is the ability to populate fields with data relating to the work list entry taken from the CRIS database. To do this place the database table and column name in curly brackets E.g. 0010,2154={PATIENT_TELEPHONE} Would populate 0010,2154 (patients telephone numbers) with the value of the telephone number column from the patient table on CRIS.</p><p>The following database tables are available PATIENT EXAMS EXAMCD EVENTS REFERER PACSID</p><p>If you wish to send the patients NHS number {PATIENT_NHS_NUMBER} you will note that it is sent in display format with embedded spaces. If you require it without spaces specify {NHSNUMBER}.</p><p>Fields may also be zero filled to a specific width like so {PATIENT_COMPUTER_NUMBER Z 10}</p><p>Translation of outbound data may be performed with the TRANSLATE command E.g. 0008,0060={TRANSLATE DICOM MODAL EXAMCD_MODALITY} Will populate 0008,0060 (Modality) with the modality for the examination translated using the translation table “MODAL” for system “DICOM” </p><p>© Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 22 of 24 7.2 Modality Performed Procedure Step This configuration applies to the DICOM interface only. The appropriate CRIS configuration is detailed in this document. Most of the user configuration is performed in CRIS. The only interface specific configuration is found in the ’30- dicom-service.xml’ file. In this file there are only two attributes (currently) that need setting up. The ‘Port’ number, which is the port over which all communication takes place, is set to 104 The ‘TimeOut’ attribute is used to monitor inactivity on connected associations. Should a particular association remain inactive for a period of ‘TimeOut, it is closed. The default value is 300000ms (5 minutes). 7.3 Report send as Secondary Capture Image This functionality involves a verified CRIS report being converted into a suitable format which allows it to be sent out via the DICOM interface to PACS. Most of the implementation is performed within CRIS but there are a couple of interface configuration files needed in order to send the report.</p><p>30-sc-service.xml This file configures the specific interface queue and all its associated attributes. The queue for this interface is named ‘SCFromCris’. Attributes include:</p><p>‘PACSAddress’ – IP address of connected PACS machine ‘PACSAETitle’ – The AE title of the connected PACS machine. PACSDicomPort – the port number which connects CRIS to the PACS machine.</p><p>25-hss-delayed-events-service.xml / 35-hss-delayed-events-service.xml This file will be configured to trap various triggers and send the appropriate messages down the appropriate ‘SCFromCris’ and PACS queues.</p><p>© Healthcare Software Solutions 2016 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – SJV 08/08/2016 HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 23 of 24 Document Control</p><p>Title RIS_PD161 CRIS DICOM Conformance Statement Owner Steven Verdon Date Created 08/08/2016 File Ref. RIS_PD161 CRIS DICOM Conformance Statement CRIS Version Change History Issue Date Author / Editor Details of Change 1.0 20/06/2006 Alan Shields First Draft 2.0 25/06/2010 Gary Glover MPPS changes 3.0 02/03/2011 Gary Glover SC Reporting 3.1 29/01/2012 Steven Verdon Storage details added (6.6) 3.2 28/02/2012 Gary Glover Data structure for SC Reporting added. 3.3 13/04/2013 Steven Verdon Document review 3.4 01/08/2014 Steven Verdon Document review 3.5 25/04/2016 Steven Verdon Document review 3.6 05/08/2016 Steven Verdon Section 1 amendment 3.7 08/08/2016 Steven Verdon New document template</p><p>Review Date August 2017</p><p>© Healthcare Software Systems 2013 All Rights Reserved Commercial In Confidence Effective Date – INITIALS DD/MM/YYYY HSS Doc ref: 0f455516f1905709a65c025030f1007a.docx Page 24 of 24</p>
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