<p> Viewing Text – Word as Image and Ornament in Medieval Inscriptions BIBLIOGRAPHY</p><p>1.Cultural Affiliation...... 2 Ancient Civilisations, Classical Greece and Rome, Early Christianity...... 2 Byzantium and Eastern Christianity...... 3 Islamic...... 4 Other...... 7 2. Language...... 7 Arabic...... 7 Armenian...... 9 Georgian...... 9 Greek...... 9 Latin...... 11 Multilingual...... 12 Numerical...... 12 Pseudo-lettering and Pseudo-Inscriptions...... 12 Architecture – Type of Monument...... 12 Funerary...... 13 Non architectural...... 13 Religious...... 13 Secular...... 15 Urbanism...... 15 Thematic Classification...... 17 Limits of Text: Aesthetics, Ornament and Legibility...... 17 Magic, Symbolism and Mysticism...... 17 Memory and Performativity...... 18 Monographs with hints into relevant aspects...... 20 Multilinguism, hierarchies of writing and graffiti...... 20 Surveys...... 21</p><p>1 1.Cultural Affiliation</p><p>The main advantage of working on a broadly defined “cultural affiliation” is its flexibility: it allows taking into account, simultaneously, linguistic, geographical and religious identities of inscriptions, and to weigh the “dominant cultural characterisation” in each case. The main disadvantage is that it is the most subjective among the possible parameters we have selected. Duplication of references, re-cited under different headings, allows us to partially correct the subjectivity of this parameter.</p><p>Ancient Civilisations, Classical Greece and Rome, Early Christianity. Testo E Immagine Nell'alto Medioevo : Settimana Di Studio : Papers, Discussions and Programme, (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1994), p. In 2 vols. George Ewart Bean, Journeys in Northern Lycia 1965-1967, Etc, (O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften. Bd. 104.)Wien; Graz, p. pp. 36: plates; illus. 30 cm. George Ewart Bean, Mitford, and Terence Bruce Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964-1968, Etc, (O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Phil-Hist. Klasse. Denkschriften. Bd. 102.)Graz, pp. pp. 277: plates; illus., maps. 30 cm. ———, Journeys in Rough Cilicia in 1962 and 1963, Etc, [O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse. Denkschriften. Bd. 85.]pp. 44. pl. XI. Hermann Bo\0308hlaus Nachf.: Wien, 1965), p. fol. Maria Pia Billanovich, "Falsi Epigrafici," Italia Medievale e Umanistica 10 (1967): 25-110. Ludwig Budde, Antike Mosaiken in Kilikien, (Beitra\0308ge Zur Kunst Des Christlichen Ostens. Bd. 5, 6.)Recklinghausen: Verlag Aurel Bongers, 1969), p. 2 Bd.; illus. 28 cm. C Carletti "Testimonianze Scritte Nelle Catacombe Romane," in Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina. Ideologia E Funzione. (Spoleto, 1995), pp. 197-222. Alison Cooley, The Afterlife of Inscriptions : Reusing, Rediscovering, Reinventing & Revitalizing Ancient Inscriptions, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (London: Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2000), pp. xiii, 203 p. Cyrus H. Gordon, "Riddles of the Wise," Berytus XXI (1972): 17-38. Michael Greenhalgh, The Survival of Roman Antiquities in the Middle Ages (London: Duckworth, 1989). Margherita Guarducci, Epigrafia Greca. [with Illustrations.]Roma, 1967), p. 8º. Andre Guillou, Recueil Des Inscriptions Grecques Medievales D'italie, Collection De L'ecole Française De Rome (Roma: Ecole française de Rome, 1996), pp. x,257p.,16p. of plates. William W. Hallo, and K. Lawson Younger, The Context of Scripture (Leiden: Brill, 2000), pp. xxvi, 438 p. Henry I. Mac Adam, "Epigraphy and Village Life in Southern Syria During the Roman and Early Byzantine Periods," Berytus XXXI (1983): 103-16.</p><p>2 M.C.A MacDonald, "Reflections on the Linguistic Map of Pre-Islamic Arabia," Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 11, no. 1 (2000): 28-79. Julian Obermann, "Inscribed Tiles from the Synagogue of Dura," Berytus VII, no. 2 (1942): 89- 138. Charlotte Roueche, and Joyce Reynolds, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity : The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions Including Texts from the Excavations at Aphrodisias Conducted by Kenan T. Erim (London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1989), pp. xxvii,371p.,48p. of plates. Ihor Sevcenko, "The Early Period of the Sinai Monastery in the Light of Its Inscriptions," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 20 (1966): 255-64. Adel Sidarus, "Plurilinguisme En Égypte Sous La Domination Gréco-Romaine," Journal of Coptic Studies 10 (2008): 183-202.</p><p>Byzantium and Eastern Christianity B. N. ABakfelyan, S. G. Barkhudaryan, and K. G. Ghafadaryan, Divan Hay Vimagrutyan, Corpus Inscriptionum Armenicarum. 8 vols. Vol. 1-8 Erevan 1960-. George Ewart Bean, Journeys in Northern Lycia 1965-1967, Etc, (O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften. Bd. 104.)Wien; Graz, p. pp. 36: plates; illus. 30 cm. George Ewart Bean, Mitford, and Terence Bruce Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964-1968, Etc, (O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Phil-Hist. Klasse. Denkschriften. Bd. 102.)Graz, pp. pp. 277: plates; illus., maps. 30 cm. ———, Journeys in Rough Cilicia in 1962 and 1963, Etc, [O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse. Denkschriften. Bd. 85.]pp. 44. pl. XI. Hermann Bo\0308hlaus Nachf.: Wien, 1965), p. fol. Antony Eastmond, "Narratives of the Fall: Structure and Meaning in the Genesis Frieze at Hagia Sophia, Trebizond," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53 (1999): 219-36. Richard Ettinghausen, "Kufesque in Byzantine Greece, the Latin West and the Muslim World," in Colloquium in Memory of George C. Miles. (New York, 1976). D Feissel, Recueil Des Inscriptions Chretiennes De Macedonie Du Iii Au Vi Siecle (Athens, 1983). Timothy Greenwood, "Armenian Epigraphy," (Edinburgh: University of St Andrews, ?). ———, "A Corpus of Early Medieval Armenian Inscriptions," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 58 (2004): 27-91. Sidney H. Griffith, "From Aramaic to Arabic: The Languages of the Monasteries of Palestine in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 51 (1997): 11-31. Jeremy Johns, and Nadia Jamil, "Signs of the Times: Arabic Signatures as a Measure of Acculturation in Norman Sicily’," Muqarnas 21 (2004): ?? C. Jolivet-Lévy, and N. Lemaigre Demesnil, "Saint-Serge De Matianè, Son Décor Sculpté Et Ses Inscriptions" Travaux et Memoires 15 (2005): 67-84.</p><p>3 Dickran Kouymjian, and George Carpenter Miles, Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy and History : Studies in Honor of George C. Miles ([Beirut]: American University of Beirut, 1974), pp. xxv,478p. Irving Lavin, World Art : Themes of Unity in Diversity : 26th International Congress of the History of Art : Papers. 3 Vols, (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1989). Henry I. Mac Adam, "Epigraphy and Village Life in Southern Syria During the Roman and Early Byzantine Periods," Berytus XXXI (1983): 103-16. M.C.A. MacDonald, "Reflections on the Linguistic Map of Pre-Islamic Arabia," Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 11, no. 1 (2000): 28-79. N.I. Marr, "'Nadpis Epifaniia, Katalikosa Gruzii (Iz Raskopok V Ani 1910 G.)', [Inscription of Epiphane, Catholicos of Georgia (from the Excavations at Ani in 19190)," Izvestiia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk 4 (1910): 1433-42. Orazio Marucchi, and John Armine Willis, Christian Epigraphy. An Elementary Treatise. With a Collection of Ancient Christian Inscriptions Mainly of Roman Origin ... Translated by J. Armine Willis. [with Thirty Plates.]pp. xii. 460. University Press: Cambridge, 1912), p. 8º. Ino Michaelidou Nicolaou, "Inscriptiones Cypriae Alphabeticae 1960-1961, I," Berytus XIV, no. II (1963): 129 - 41. P.M. Muradian, Gruzinskaia Epigrafika Armenii. Istochnikovedcheskoe Issledovanie, [Georgian Epigraphy in Armenia], (Erevan, 1977). Julian Obermann, "Inscribed Tiles from the Synagogue of Dura," Berytus VII, no. 2 (1942): 89- 138. A. Papalexandrou, "'Echoes of Orality in the Monumental Inscriptions of Byzantium'," in Art and Text in Byzantine Culture, ed. Liz James (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 139-60. ———, "'Text in Context: Eloquent Monuments and the Byzantine Beholder'," Word & Image 17, no. 3 (2001): 259- 83. Charlotte Roueche, and Joyce Reynolds, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity : The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions Including Texts from the Excavations at Aphrodisias Conducted by Kenan T. Erim (London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1989), pp. xxvii,371p.,48p. of plates. Ihor Sevcenko, "The Early Period of the Sinai Monastery in the Light of Its Inscriptions," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 20 (1966): 255-64. Alice-Mary Talbot, "Epigrams in Context: Metrical Inscriptions on Art and Architecture of the Palaiologan Era," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53 (1999): 75-90. R Thompson, "Architectural Symbolism in Classical Armenian Literature," Journal of Theological Studies 30 (1979). Alicia Walker, "Meaningful Mingling: Classicizing Imagery and Pseudo-Arabic Script in Medieval Byzantium," Art Bullettin (2008): 32-53.</p><p>Islamic Repertoire Chronologique D'epigraphie Arabe, (Cairo, 1931-37).</p><p>4 "The Wall Paintings and Inscriptions of Deir Musa Al-Habashi," Eastern Christian Art 4 (2007): 97-188. D Aanavi, "Devotional Writing: Pseudo-Inscriptions in Islamic Art," Bullettin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Series 26 (1968): 353-8. J Akbar, "Gates as Signs of Autonomy in Muslim Towns," Muqarnas 10 (1993): 141-47. H Al-Harithy, ""The Concept of Space in Mamluk Architecture" " Muqarnas 18 (2001): 73-93. D. Behrens-Abouseif, "The Facade of the Aqmar Mosque in the Context of Fatimid Ceremonial," Muqarnas 9 (1992): 29-38. Irene Bierman, "The Art of Public Text:Medieval Islamic Rule," in World Art: Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art. , ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 283-90. ———, "Inscribing the City: Fatimid Cairo," in Islamische Text, Kunst Des Mittelalters: Actuelle Probleme (Riggisberg, 1997), pp. 105-14. ———, ed., Text & Context in Islamic Societies (Reading: Ithaca, 2004). ———, Writing Signs: The Fatimid Public Text (L.A.: University of California Press, 1998). Sheila Blair, Islamic Inscriptions (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998), pp. xii,243p. ———, "Legibility Versus Decoration in Islamic Epigraphy: The Case of Interlacing," in World Art. Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art, ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 329-34. ———, The Monumental Inscriptions from Early Islamic Iran and Transoxiana (Leiden ; New York: E.J. Brill, 1992), pp. xv, 307 p. ———, "Sureveyor Versus Epigrapher," Muqarnas 8 (1991): 66-73. J.M. Bloom, "The Qarafa Mosque in Cairo," Muqarnas 4 (1987): 7-20. Tewfik Canaan, "The Decipherment of Arabic Talismans," Berytus IV: 69-110. ———, "The Decipherment of Arabic Talismans (2)," Berytus V, no. 1 (1938): 141-51. Erica Cruikshank Dodd, "The Image of the Word; Notes on the Religious Iconography of Islam," Berytus XVIII (1969): 35-80. Erica Cruikshank Dodd, and Shereen Khairallah, The Image of the Word : A Study of Quranic Verses in Islamic Architecture ([Beirut]: American University of Beirut, 1981), p. 2 v. Dwight M. Donaldson, "Significant Mihrabs in the Haram at Mashhad," Ars Islamica 2 (1935): 118-27. Richard Ettinghausen, "Arabic Epigraphy: Communication or Symbolic Affirmation," in Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy and History. Studies in Honour of George C. Miles. (Beirut, 1974), pp. 297-319. ———, "Kufesque in Byzantine Greece, the Latin West and the Muslim World," in Colloquium in Memory of George C. Miles. (New York, 1976). Richard Ettinghausen, and Priscilla Parsons Soucek, Content and Context of Visual Arts in the Islamic World : Papers from a Colloquium in Memory of Richard Ettinghausen, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 2-4 April 1980, Monographs on the Fine Arts </p><p>5 (University Park ; London: Published for the College Art Association of America by the Pennsylvania State University Press, 1988), pp. xxii,261p.,[16]p. of plates. L Fernandes, "The Foundation of Baybars Al-Jashankir: Its Waqf, History, and Architecture," Muqarnas 4 (1987): 21-42. Oleg Grabar, "Reflections on Mamluk Art," Muqarnas 2 (1984): 1-12. Sidney H. Griffith, "From Aramaic to Arabic: The Languages of the Monasteries of Palestine in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 51 (1997): 11-31. Adolf Grohmann, "The Origin and Early Development of Floriated Kufic," Ars Orientalis 2 (1957): 183 - 214. Jeremy Johns, "Die Arabischen Inschriften Der Normannenkönige Siziliens: Eine Neuinterpretation," in Nobiles Officinae: Die Königlichen Hofwerkstätten Zu Palermo Zur Zeit Der Normannen Und Staufer Im 12. Und 13. Jahrhundert ed. Seipel Wilfried (Milan, 2004). ———, The Painted Ceilings of the Cappella: Islamic Art, Supplement I (Genova and New York: The Bruschettini Foundation for Islamic and Asian Art and The East-West Foundation, 2005). Jeremy Johns, and Nadia Jamil, "Signs of the Times: Arabic Signatures as a Measure of Acculturation in Norman Sicily’," Muqarnas 21 (2004): ?? Dickran Kouymjian, and George Carpenter Miles, Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy and History : Studies in Honor of George C. Miles ([Beirut]: American University of Beirut, 1974), pp. xxv,478p. Irving Lavin, World Art : Themes of Unity in Diversity : 26th International Congress of the History of Art : Papers. 3 VolsPennsylvania State University Press, 1989). T Leisten, "Between Orthodoxy and Exegesis: Some Aspects of Attitudes in the Shariʿa toward Funerary Architecture " Muqarnas 7 (1990): 12-22. ———, "Mashhad Al-Nasr: War and Victory Monuments in Medieval Islamic Art," Muqarnas 13 (1996): 7-26. Mohammad Abdil Aziz Marzouk, "The Evolution of Inscriptions on Fatimid Textiles," Ars Islamica 10 (1943): 164-67. George C. Miles, "Epitaphs from an Isfahan Graveyard," Ars Islamica 6 (1939): 151 -57. Gulru Neci̇poÄŸlu-Kafadar, "The Suleymaniye Complex in Istanbul: An Interpretation," Muqarnas 3 (1985): 92-117. Laïla Nehmé, "Les Inscriptions Des Chambres Funéraires Nabatéennes Et La Question De L'anonymat Des Tombes," Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 44, no. 2 (2003): 203- 58. S. Redford, and G. Leiser, Victory Inscribed: The Seljuk Fetihnāme on the Citadel Walls of Antalya, Turkey. Vol. 7, Adalya Supplementary Series (7) (Antalya: Vehbi Koç Vakfı,, 2008). Franz Rosental, "Significant Uses of Arabic Writing," Ars Orientalis IV (1961): 15-24. Annemarie Schimmel, Calligraphy and Islamic Culture, Hagop Kevorkian Series on near Eastern Art and Civilization (New York ; London: New York University Press, 1984), pp. xiv,264p.,[12]p. of plates.</p><p>6 Priscilla Parsons Soucek, ed., Content and Context of Visual Arts in the Islamic World (London, 1988). Alicia Walker, "Meaningful Mingling: Classicizing Imagery and Pseudo-Arabic Script in Medieval Byzantium," Art Bullettin (2008): 32-53. Welch A., Keshani H., and A. Bain, "Epigraphs, Scripture, and Architecture in the Early Delhi Sultanate " Muqarnas 19 (2002): 12-43. M Yussuf Siddiq, "An Epigraphical Journey to an Eastern Islamic Land," Muqarnas 7 (1990): 83- 108.</p><p>Other Testo E Immagine Nell'alto Medioevo : Settimana Di Studio : Papers, Discussions and Programme, (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1994), p. In 2 vols. Maria Pia Billanovich, "Falsi Epigrafici," Italia Medievale e Umanistica 10 (1967): 25-110. Michael Camille, "The Devil's Writing: Diabolic Literacy in Medieval Art," in World Art. Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art, ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 355-60. S Riccioni, "Épiconographie De L’art Roman En France Et En Italie (Bourgogne/Latium). L’art Médiéval En Tant Que Discours Visuel Et La Naissance D’un Nouveau Langage " Bulletin du Centre d'études médiévales d'Auxerre 12 (2008). M. Stroll, Symbols as Power. The Papacy after the Investiture Contest (Leiden, 1991).</p><p>2. Language This parameter allows categorising and distinguishing among most bibliographical references, which are generally compiled following linguistic criteria. However, it is a highly traditional approach, and underplays the relevance of intercultural exchanges and of overlaps of languages over the same territory. Also, it does not enable to distinguish between the language of the inscription and the language spoken by the majority of its viewers.</p><p>Arabic Repertoire Chronologique D'epigraphie Arabe, (Cairo, 1931-37). "The Wall Paintings and Inscriptions of Deir Musa Al-Habashi," Eastern Christian Art 4 (2007): 97-188. J Akbar, "Gates as Signs of Autonomy in Muslim Towns," Muqarnas 10 (1993): 141-47. H Al-Harithy, ""The Concept of Space in Mamluk Architecture" " Muqarnas 18 (2001): 73-93. D. Behrens-Abouseif, "The Facade of the Aqmar Mosque in the Context of Fatimid Ceremonial," Muqarnas 9 (1992): 29-38. Irene Bierman, "The Art of Public Text:Medieval Islamic Rule," in World Art: Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art. , ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 283-90. ———, "Inscribing the City: Fatimid Cairo," in Islamische Text, Kunst Des Mittelalters: Actuelle Probleme (Riggisberg, 1997), pp. 105-14.</p><p>7 ———, ed., Text & Context in Islamic Societies (Reading: Ithaca, 2004). ———, Writing Signs: The Fatimid Public Text (L.A.: University of California Press, 1998). Sheila Blair, Islamic Inscriptions (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998), pp. xii,243p. ———, "Legibility Versus Decoration in Islamic Epigraphy: The Case of Interlacing," in World Art. Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art, ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 329-34. ———, The Monumental Inscriptions from Early Islamic Iran and Transoxiana (Leiden ; New York: E.J. Brill, 1992), pp. xv, 307 p. ———, "Sureveyor Versus Epigrapher," Muqarnas 8 (1991): 66-73. J.M. Bloom, "The Qarafa Mosque in Cairo," Muqarnas 4 (1987): 7-20. Tewfik Canaan, "The Decipherment of Arabic Talismans," Berytus IV: 69-110. ———, "The Decipherment of Arabic Talismans (2)," Berytus V, no. 1 (1938): 141-51. Erica Cruikshank Dodd, "The Image of the Word; Notes on the Religious Iconography of Islam," Berytus XVIII (1969): 35-80. Erica Cruikshank Dodd, and Shereen Khairallah, The Image of the Word : A Study of Quranic Verses in Islamic Architecture ([Beirut]: American University of Beirut, 1981), p. 2 v. Dwight M. Donaldson, "Significant Mihrabs in the Haram at Mashhad," Ars Islamica 2 (1935): 118-27. Richard Ettinghausen, "Arabic Epigraphy: Communication or Symbolic Affirmation," in Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy and History. Studies in Honour of George C. Miles. (Beirut, 1974), pp. 297-319. ———, "Kufesque in Byzantine Greece, the Latin West and the Muslim World," in Colloquium in Memory of George C. Miles. (New York, 1976). Richard Ettinghausen, and Priscilla Parsons Soucek, Content and Context of Visual Arts in the Islamic World : Papers from a Colloquium in Memory of Richard Ettinghausen, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 2-4 April 1980, Monographs on the Fine Arts (University Park ; London: Published for the College Art Association of America by the Pennsylvania State University Press, 1988), pp. xxii,261p.,[16]p. of plates. L Fernandes, "The Foundation of Baybars Al-Jashankir: Its Waqf, History, and Architecture," Muqarnas 4 (1987): 21-42. Sidney H. Griffith, "From Aramaic to Arabic: The Languages of the Monasteries of Palestine in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 51 (1997): 11-31. Adolf Grohmann, "The Origin and Early Development of Floriated Kufic," Ars Orientalis 2 (1957): 183 - 214. Jeremy Johns, "Die Arabischen Inschriften Der Normannenkönige Siziliens: Eine Neuinterpretation," in Nobiles Officinae: Die Königlichen Hofwerkstätten Zu Palermo Zur Zeit Der Normannen Und Staufer Im 12. Und 13. Jahrhundert ed. Seipel Wilfried (Milan, 2004). ———, The Painted Ceilings of the Cappella: Islamic Art, Supplement I (Genova and New York: The Bruschettini Foundation for Islamic and Asian Art and The East-West Foundation, 2005).</p><p>8 Jeremy Johns, and Nadia Jamil, "Signs of the Times: Arabic Signatures as a Measure of Acculturation in Norman Sicily’," Muqarnas 21 (2004): ?? T Leisten, "Mashhad Al-Nasr: War and Victory Monuments in Medieval Islamic Art," Muqarnas 13 (1996): 7-26. M.C.A MACDONALD, "Reflections on the Linguistic Map of Pre-Islamic Arabia," Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 11, no. 1 (2000): 28-79. Mohammad Abdil Aziz Marzouk, "The Evolution of Inscriptions on Fatimid Textiles," Ars Islamica 10 (1943): 164-67. George C. Miles, "Epitaphs from an Isfahan Graveyard," Ars Islamica 6 (1939): 151 -57. Laïla Nehmé, "Les Inscriptions Des Chambres Funéraires Nabatéennes Et La Question De L'anonymat Des Tombes," Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 44, no. 2 (2003): 203- 58. Franz Rosental, "Significant Uses of Arabic Writing," Ars Orientalis IV (1961): 15-24. Annemarie Schimmel, Calligraphy and Islamic Culture, Hagop Kevorkian Series on near Eastern Art and Civilization (New York ; London: New York University Press, 1984), pp. xiv,264p.,[12]p. of plates. Welch A., Keshani H., and A. Bain, "Epigraphs, Scripture, and Architecture in the Early Delhi Sultanate " Muqarnas 19 (2002): 12-43. M Yussuf Siddiq, "An Epigraphical Journey to an Eastern Islamic Land," Muqarnas 7 (1990): 83- 108.</p><p>Armenian B. N. Abakfelyan, S. G. Barkhudaryan, and K. G. Ghafadaryan, Divan Hay Vimagrutyan, Corpus Inscriptionum Armenicarum. 8 vols. Vol. 1-8 Erevan 1960-. Timothy Greenwood, "Armenian Epigraphy," (Edinburgh: University of St Andrews, ?). ———, "A Corpus of Early Medieval Armenian Inscriptions," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 58 (2004): 27-91. N.I. Marr, "'Nadpis Epifaniia, Katalikosa Gruzii (Iz Raskopok V Ani 1910 G.)', [Inscription of Epiphane, Catholicos of Georgia (from the Excavations at Ani in 19190)," Izvestiia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk 4 (1910): 1433-42. R Thompson, "Architectural Symbolism in Classical Armenian Literature," Journal of Theological Studies 30 (1979).</p><p>Georgian N.I. Marr, "'Nadpis Epifaniia, Katalikosa Gruzii (Iz Raskopok V Ani 1910 G.)', [Inscription of Epiphane, Catholicos of Georgia (from the Excavations at Ani in 19190)," Izvestiia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk 4 (1910): 1433-42. P.M. Muradian, Gruzinskaia Epigrafika Armenii. Istochnikovedcheskoe Issledovanie, [Georgian Epigraphy in Armenia] (Erevan, 1977).</p><p>9 Greek George Ewart Bean, Journeys in Northern Lycia 1965-1967, Etc, (O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften. Bd. 104.)Wien; Graz, p. pp. 36: plates; illus. 30 cm. George Ewart Bean, Mitford, and Terence Bruce Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964-1968, Etc, (O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Phil-Hist. Klasse. Denkschriften. Bd. 102.)Graz, pp. pp. 277: plates; illus., maps. 30 cm. ———, Journeys in Rough Cilicia in 1962 and 1963, Etc, [O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse. Denkschriften. Bd. 85.]pp. 44. pl. XI. Hermann Bo\0308hlaus Nachf.: Wien, 1965), p. fol. Maria Pia Billanovich, "Falsi Epigrafici," Italia Medievale e Umanistica 10 (1967): 25-110. Ludwig Budde, Antike Mosaiken in Kilikien, (Beitra\0308ge Zur Kunst Des Christlichen Ostens. Bd. 5, 6.)Recklinghausen: Verlag Aurel Bongers, 1969), p. 2 Bd.; illus. 28 cm. Guglielmo Cavallo, and F. Magistrale, "Mezzogiorno Normanno E Scritture Esposte," in Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina. Ideologia E Funzione. (Spoleto, 1995), pp. 293-329. Guglielmo Ed Cavallo, and Cyril Ed Mango, Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina : Ideologia E Funzione (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull altu Mediono, 1995). Alison Cooley, The Afterlife of Inscriptions : Reusing, Rediscovering, Reinventing & Revitalizing Ancient Inscriptions, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (London: Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2000), pp. xiii, 203 p. Antony Eastmond, "Narratives of the Fall: Structure and Meaning in the Genesis Frieze at Hagia Sophia, Trebizond," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53 (1999): 219-36. D Feissel, Recueil Des Inscriptions Chretiennes De Macedonie Du Iii Au Vi Siecle (Athens, 1983). Cyrus H. Gordon, "Riddles of the Wise," Berytus XXI (1972): 17-38. Margherita Guarducci, Epigrafia Greca. [with Illustrations.]Roma, 1967), p. 8º. Andre Guillou, Recueil Des Inscriptions Grecques Medievales D'italie, Collection De L'ecole Française De Rome (Roma: Ecole française de Rome, 1996), pp. x,257p.,16p. of plates. C. Jolivet-Lévy, and N. Lemaigre Demesnil, "Saint-Serge De Matianè, Son Décor Sculpté Et Ses Inscriptions" Travaux et Memoires 15 (2005): 67-84. Henry I. Mac Adam, "Epigraphy and Village Life in Southern Syria During the Roman and Early Byzantine Periods," Berytus XXXI (1983): 103-16. Ino Michaelidou Nicolaou, "Inscriptiones Cypriae Alphabeticae 1960-1961, I," Berytus XIV, no. II (1963): 129 - 41. A. Papalexandrou, "'Echoes of Orality in the Monumental Inscriptions of Byzantium'," in Art and Text in Byzantine Culture, ed. Liz James (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 139-60. ———, "'Text in Context: Eloquent Monuments and the Byzantine Beholder'," Word & Image 17, no. 3 (2001): 259- 83. Charlotte Roueche, and Joyce Reynolds, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity : The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions Including Texts from the Excavations at Aphrodisias Conducted </p><p>10 by Kenan T. Erim (London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1989), pp. xxvii,371p.,48p. of plates. Ihor Sevcenko, "The Early Period of the Sinai Monastery in the Light of Its Inscriptions," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 20 (1966): 255-64. Adel Sidarus, "Plurilinguisme En Égypte Sous La Domination Gréco-Romaine," Journal of Coptic Studies 10 (2008): 183-202. Alice-Mary Talbot, "Epigrams in Context: Metrical Inscriptions on Art and Architecture of the Palaiologan Era," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53 (1999): 75-90.</p><p>Latin George Ewart Bean, Journeys in Northern Lycia 1965-1967, Etc, (O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften. Bd. 104.)Wien; Graz, p. pp. 36: plates; illus. 30 cm. George Ewart Bean, Mitford, and Terence Bruce Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964-1968, Etc, (O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Phil-Hist. Klasse. Denkschriften. Bd. 102.)Graz, pp. pp. 277: plates; illus., maps. 30 cm. ———, Journeys in Rough Cilicia in 1962 and 1963, Etc, [O\0308sterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse. Denkschriften. Bd. 85.]pp. 44. pl. XI. Hermann Bo\0308hlaus Nachf.: Wien, 1965), p. fol. Maria Pia Billanovich, "Falsi Epigrafici," Italia Medievale e Umanistica 10 (1967): 25-110. Michael Camille, "The Devil's Writing: Diabolic Literacy in Medieval Art," in World Art. Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art, ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 355-60. C Carletti "Testimonianze Scritte Nelle Catacombe Romane," in Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina. Ideologia E Funzione. (Spoleto, 1995), pp. 197-222. Guglielmo Cavallo, and F. Magistrale, "Mezzogiorno Normanno E Scritture Esposte," in Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina. Ideologia E Funzione. (Spoleto, 1995), pp. 293-329. Guglielmo Ed Cavallo, and Cyril Ed Mango, Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina : Ideologia E Funzione (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull altu Mediono, 1995). Alison Cooley, The Afterlife of Inscriptions : Reusing, Rediscovering, Reinventing & Revitalizing Ancient Inscriptions, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (London: Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2000), pp. xiii, 203 p. D Feissel, Recueil Des Inscriptions Chretiennes De Macedonie Du Iii Au Vi Siecle (Athens, 1983). Michael Greenhalgh, The Survival of Roman Antiquities in the Middle Ages (London: Duckworth, 1989). Henry I. Mac Adam, "Epigraphy and Village Life in Southern Syria During the Roman and Early Byzantine Periods," Berytus XXXI (1983): 103-16.</p><p>11 Orazio Marucchi, and John Armine Willis, Christian Epigraphy. An Elementary Treatise. With a Collection of Ancient Christian Inscriptions Mainly of Roman Origin ... Translated by J. Armine Willis. [with Thirty Plates.]pp. xii. 460. University Press: Cambridge, 1912), p. 8º. J. Mitchell, "The Display of Script and the Uses of Painting in Longobard Italy," in Testo E Immagine Nell'alto Medioevo (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1994), pp. 887-951. S Riccioni, "Épiconographie De L’art Roman En France Et En Italie (Bourgogne/Latium). L’art Médiéval En Tant Que Discours Visuel Et La Naissance D’un Nouveau Langage " Bulletin du Centre d'études médiévales d'Auxerre 12 (2008). Charlotte Roueche, and Joyce Reynolds, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity : The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions Including Texts from the Excavations at Aphrodisias Conducted by Kenan T. Erim (London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1989), pp. xxvii,371p.,48p. of plates. Ihor Sevcenko, "The Early Period of the Sinai Monastery in the Light of Its Inscriptions," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 20 (1966): 255-64. Adel Sidarus, "Plurilinguisme En Égypte Sous La Domination Gréco-Romaine," Journal of Coptic Studies 10 (2008): 183-202.</p><p>Multilingual Guglielmo Cavallo, and F. Magistrale, "Mezzogiorno Normanno E Scritture Esposte," in Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina. Ideologia E Funzione. (Spoleto, 1995), pp. 293-329. N.I. Marr, "'Nadpis Epifaniia, Katalikosa Gruzii (Iz Raskopok V Ani 1910 G.)', [Inscription of Epiphane, Catholicos of Georgia (from the Excavations at Ani in 19190)," Izvestiia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk 4 (1910): 1433-42. Adel Sidarus, "Plurilinguisme En Égypte Sous La Domination Gréco-Romaine," Journal of Coptic Studies 10 (2008): 183-202.</p><p>Numerical Cyrus H. Gordon, "Riddles of the Wise," Berytus XXI (1972): 17-38.</p><p>Pseudo-lettering and Pseudo-Inscriptions D Aanavi, "Devotional Writing: Pseudo-Inscriptions in Islamic Art," Bullettin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Series 26 (1968): 353-8. Sheila Blair, "Legibility Versus Decoration in Islamic Epigraphy: The Case of Interlacing," in World Art. Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art, ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 329-34. Adolf Grohmann, "The Origin and Early Development of Floriated Kufic," Ars Orientalis 2 (1957): 183 - 214.</p><p>12 Annemarie Schimmel, Calligraphy and Islamic Culture, Hagop Kevorkian Series on near Eastern Art and Civilization (New York ; London: New York University Press, 1984), pp. xiv,264p.,[12]p. of plates. Alicia Walker, "Meaningful Mingling: Classicizing Imagery and Pseudo-Arabic Script in Medieval Byzantium," Art Bullettin (2008): 32-53.</p><p>Architecture – Type of Monument The main advantage of this criterion is that it allows comparisons between inscriptions found on monuments with a similar function (i.e. funerary, religious buildings, etc) across different geographical, linguistic and religious areas. However, many references are surveys, which refer to a range of different buildings, and therefore make the cluster ineffective.</p><p>Funerary T Leisten, "Between Orthodoxy and Exegesis: Some Aspects of Attitudes in the Shariʿa toward Funerary Architecture " Muqarnas 7 (1990): 12-22. George C. Miles, "Epitaphs from an Isfahan Graveyard," Ars Islamica 6 (1939): 151 -57. Laïla Nehmé, "Les Inscriptions Des Chambres Funéraires Nabatéennes Et La Question De L'anonymat Des Tombes," Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 44, no. 2 (2003): 203- 58.</p><p>Non architectural D Aanavi, "Devotional Writing: Pseudo-Inscriptions in Islamic Art," Bullettin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Series 26 (1968): 353-8. Tewfik Canaan, "The Decipherment of Arabic Talismans," Berytus IV: 69-110. ———, "The Decipherment of Arabic Talismans (2)," Berytus V, no. 1 (1938): 141-51. Mohammad Abdil Aziz Marzouk, "The Evolution of Inscriptions on Fatimid Textiles," Ars Islamica 10 (1943): 164-67. R Thompson, "Architectural Symbolism in Classical Armenian Literature," Journal of Theological Studies 30 (1979). Alicia Walker, "Meaningful Mingling: Classicizing Imagery and Pseudo-Arabic Script in Medieval Byzantium," Art Bullettin (2008): 32-53.</p><p>Religious B. N. Abakfelyan, S. G. Barkhudaryan, and K. G. Ghafadaryan, Divan Hay Vimagrutyan, Corpus Inscriptionum Armenicarum. 8 vols. Vol. 1-8 Erevan 1960-. D. Behrens-Abouseif, "The Facade of the Aqmar Mosque in the Context of Fatimid Ceremonial," Muqarnas 9 (1992): 29-38. Irene Bierman, ed., Text & Context in Islamic Societies (Reading: Ithaca, 2004).</p><p>13 Sheila Blair, Islamic Inscriptions (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998), pp. xii,243p. ———, The Monumental Inscriptions from Early Islamic Iran and Transoxiana (Leiden ; New York: E.J. Brill, 1992), pp. xv, 307 p. J.M. Bloom, "The Qarafa Mosque in Cairo," Muqarnas 4 (1987): 7-20. Ludwig Budde, Antike Mosaiken in Kilikien, (Beitra\0308ge Zur Kunst Des Christlichen Ostens. Bd. 5, 6.)Recklinghausen: Verlag Aurel Bongers, 1969), p. 2 Bd.; illus. 28 cm. C Carletti "Testimonianze Scritte Nelle Catacombe Romane," in Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina. Ideologia E Funzione. (Spoleto, 1995), pp. 197-222. Guglielmo Cavallo, and F. Magistrale, "Mezzogiorno Normanno E Scritture Esposte," in Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina. Ideologia E Funzione. (Spoleto, 1995), pp. 293-329. Alison Cooley, The Afterlife of Inscriptions : Reusing, Rediscovering, Reinventing & Revitalizing Ancient Inscriptions, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (London: Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2000), pp. xiii, 203 p. Dwight M. Donaldson, "Significant Mihrabs in the Haram at Mashhad," Ars Islamica 2 (1935): 118-27. Antony Eastmond, "Narratives of the Fall: Structure and Meaning in the Genesis Frieze at Hagia Sophia, Trebizond," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53 (1999): 219-36. Richard Ettinghausen, "Kufesque in Byzantine Greece, the Latin West and the Muslim World," in Colloquium in Memory of George C. Miles. (New York, 1976). Oleg Grabar, "Reflections on Mamluk Art," Muqarnas 2 (1984): 1-12. Sidney H. Griffith, "From Aramaic to Arabic: The Languages of the Monasteries of Palestine in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 51 (1997): 11-31. Jeremy Johns, "Die Arabischen Inschriften Der Normannenkönige Siziliens: Eine Neuinterpretation," in Nobiles Officinae: Die Königlichen Hofwerkstätten Zu Palermo Zur Zeit Der Normannen Und Staufer Im 12. Und 13. Jahrhundert ed. Seipel Wilfried (Milan, 2004). ———, The Painted Ceilings of the Cappella: Islamic Art, Supplement I (Genova and New York: The Bruschettini Foundation for Islamic and Asian Art and The East-West Foundation, 2005). C. Jolivet-Lévy, and N. Lemaigre Demesnil, "'Saint-Serge De Matianè, Son Décor Sculpté Et Ses Inscriptions'," Travaux et Memoires 15 (2005): 67-84. N.I. Marr, "'Nadpis Epifaniia, Katalikosa Gruzii (Iz Raskopok V Ani 1910 G.)', [Inscription of Epiphane, Catholicos of Georgia (from the Excavations at Ani in 19190)," Izvestiia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk 4 (1910): 1433-42. J. Mitchell, "The Display of Script and the Uses of Painting in Longobard Italy," in Testo E Immagine Nell'alto Medioevo (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1994), pp. 887-951. Julian Obermann, "Inscribed Tiles from the Synagogue of Dura," Berytus VII, no. 2 (1942): 89- 138.</p><p>14 S Riccioni, "Épiconographie De L’art Roman En France Et En Italie (Bourgogne/Latium). L’art Médiéval En Tant Que Discours Visuel Et La Naissance D’un Nouveau Langage " Bulletin du Centre d'études médiévales d'Auxerre 12 (2008). Ihor Sevcenko, "The Early Period of the Sinai Monastery in the Light of Its Inscriptions," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 20 (1966): 255-64. M. Stroll, Symbols as Power. The Papacy after the Investiture Contest (Leiden, 1991). Welch A., Keshani H., and A. Bain, "Epigraphs, Scripture, and Architecture in the Early Delhi Sultanate " Muqarnas 19 (2002): 12-43.</p><p>Secular B. N. Abakfelyan, S. G. Barkhudaryan, and K. G. Ghafadaryan, Divan Hay Vimagrutyan, Corpus Inscriptionum Armenicarum. 8 vols. Vol. 1-8 Erevan 1960-. Irene Bierman, "The Art of Public Text:Medieval Islamic Rule," in World Art: Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art. , ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 283-90. ———, ed., Text & Context in Islamic Societies (Reading: Ithaca, 2004). ———, Writing Signs: The Fatimid Public Text (L.A.: University of California Press, 1998). Sheila Blair, Islamic Inscriptions (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998), pp. xii,243p. Ludwig Budde, Antike Mosaiken in Kilikien, (Beitra\0308ge Zur Kunst Des Christlichen Ostens. Bd. 5, 6.)Recklinghausen: Verlag Aurel Bongers, 1969), p. 2 Bd.; illus. 28 cm. Guglielmo Cavallo, and F. Magistrale, "Mezzogiorno Normanno E Scritture Esposte," in Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina. Ideologia E Funzione. (Spoleto, 1995), pp. 293-329. Alison Cooley, The Afterlife of Inscriptions : Reusing, Rediscovering, Reinventing & Revitalizing Ancient Inscriptions, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (London: Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2000), pp. xiii, 203 p. Oleg Grabar, "Reflections on Mamluk Art," Muqarnas 2 (1984): 1-12. Jeremy Johns, "Die Arabischen Inschriften Der Normannenkönige Siziliens: Eine Neuinterpretation," in Nobiles Officinae: Die Königlichen Hofwerkstätten Zu Palermo Zur Zeit Der Normannen Und Staufer Im 12. Und 13. Jahrhundert ed. Seipel Wilfried (Milan, 2004). ———, The Painted Ceilings of the Cappella: Islamic Art, Supplement I (Genova and New York: The Bruschettini Foundation for Islamic and Asian Art and The East-West Foundation, 2005). T Leisten, "Mashhad Al-Nasr: War and Victory Monuments in Medieval Islamic Art," Muqarnas 13 (1996): 7-26. J. Mitchell, "The Display of Script and the Uses of Painting in Longobard Italy," in Testo E Immagine Nell'alto Medioevo (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1994), pp. 887-951.</p><p>15 S. Redford, and G. Leiser, Victory Inscribed: The Seljuk Fetihnāme on the Citadel Walls of Antalya, Turkey. Vol. 7, Adalya Supplementary Series (7) (Antalya: Vehbi Koç Vakfı,, 2008).</p><p>Urbanism J Akbar, "Gates as Signs of Autonomy in Muslim Towns," Muqarnas 10 (1993): 141-47. H Al-Harithy, ""The Concept of Space in Mamluk Architecture" " Muqarnas 18 (2001): 73-93. Irene Bierman, "The Art of Public Text:Medieval Islamic Rule," in World Art: Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art. , ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 283-90. ———, "Inscribing the City: Fatimid Cairo," in Islamische Text, Kunst Des Mittelalters: Actuelle Probleme (Riggisberg, 1997), pp. 105-14. ———, ed., Text & Context in Islamic Societies (Reading: Ithaca, 2004). ———, Writing Signs: The Fatimid Public Text (L.A.: University of California Press, 1998). Michael Greenhalgh, The Survival of Roman Antiquities in the Middle Ages (London: Duckworth, 1989). Henry I. Mac Adam, "Epigraphy and Village Life in Southern Syria During the Roman and Early Byzantine Periods," Berytus XXXI (1983): 103-16. S. Redford, and G. Leiser, Victory Inscribed: The Seljuk Fetihnāme on the Citadel Walls of Antalya, Turkey. Vol. 7, Adalya Supplementary Series (7) (Antalya: Vehbi Koç Vakfı,, 2008).</p><p>16 Thematic Classification This classification organises available bibliography following the themes and issues covered by the three workshops of our Beyond Text project. </p><p>Limits of Text: Aesthetics, Ornament and Legibility Sheila Blair, Islamic Inscriptions (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998), pp. xii,243p. ———, "Legibility Versus Decoration in Islamic Epigraphy: The Case of Interlacing," in World Art. Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art, ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 329-34. Erica Cruikshank Dodd, "The Image of the Word; Notes on the Religious Iconography of Islam," Berytus XVIII (1969): 35-80. Richard Ettinghausen, and Priscilla Parsons Soucek, Content and Context of Visual Arts in the Islamic World : Papers from a Colloquium in Memory of Richard Ettinghausen, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 2-4 April 1980, Monographs on the Fine Arts (University Park ; London: Published for the College Art Association of America by the Pennsylvania State University Press, 1988), pp. xxii,261p.,[16]p. of plates. Adolf Grohmann, "The Origin and Early Development of Floriated Kufic," Ars Orientalis 2 (1957): 183 - 214. Franz Rosental, "Significant Uses of Arabic Writing," Ars Orientalis IV (1961): 15-24. Annemarie Schimmel, Calligraphy and Islamic Culture, Hagop Kevorkian Series on near Eastern Art and Civilization (New York ; London: New York University Press, 1984), pp. xiv,264p.,[12]p. of plates.</p><p>Magic, Symbolism and Mysticism D Aanavi, "Devotional Writing: Pseudo-Inscriptions in Islamic Art," Bullettin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Series 26 (1968): 353-8. Sheila Blair, Islamic Inscriptions (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998), pp. xii,243p. Michael Camille, "The Devil's Writing: Diabolic Literacy in Medieval Art," in World Art. Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art, ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 355-60. Tewfik Canaan, "The Decipherment of Arabic Talismans," Berytus IV: 69-110. ———, "The Decipherment of Arabic Talismans (2)," Berytus V, no. 1 (1938): 141-51. Erica Cruikshank Dodd, "The Image of the Word; Notes on the Religious Iconography of Islam," Berytus XVIII (1969): 35-80. Richard Ettinghausen, "Arabic Epigraphy: Communication or Symbolic Affirmation," in Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy and History. Studies in Honour of George C. Miles. (Beirut, 1974), pp. 297-319. Cyrus H. Gordon, "Riddles of the Wise," Berytus XXI (1972): 17-38. C. Jolivet-Lévy, and N. Lemaigre Demesnil, "'Saint-Serge De Matianè, Son Décor Sculpté Et Ses Inscriptions'," Travaux et Memoires 15 (2005): 67-84. Franz Rosental, "Significant Uses of Arabic Writing," Ars Orientalis IV (1961): 15-24.</p><p>17 Annemarie Schimmel, Calligraphy and Islamic Culture, Hagop Kevorkian Series on near Eastern Art and Civilization (New York ; London: New York University Press, 1984), pp. xiv,264p.,[12]p. of plates. R Thompson, "Architectural Symbolism in Classical Armenian Literature," Journal of Theological Studies 30 (1979). Alicia Walker, "Meaningful Mingling: Classicizing Imagery and Pseudo-Arabic Script in Medieval Byzantium," Art Bullettin (2008): 32-53.</p><p>Memory and Performativity J Akbar, "Gates as Signs of Autonomy in Muslim Towns," Muqarnas 10 (1993): 141-47. H Al-Harithy, ""The Concept of Space in Mamluk Architecture" " Muqarnas 18 (2001): 73-93. D. Behrens-Abouseif, "The Facade of the Aqmar Mosque in the Context of Fatimid Ceremonial," Muqarnas 9 (1992): 29-38. Irene Bierman, "The Art of Public Text:Medieval Islamic Rule," in World Art: Themes of Unity and Diversity. Acts of the Xxvi International Congress of the History of Art. , ed. Irving Lavin (London, 1989), pp. 283-90. ———, "Inscribing the City: Fatimid Cairo," in Islamische Text, Kunst Des Mittelalters: Actuelle Probleme (Riggisberg, 1997), pp. 105-14. ———, ed., Text & Context in Islamic Societies (Reading: Ithaca, 2004). ———, Writing Signs: The Fatimid Public Text (L.A.: University of California Press, 1998). Sheila Blair, Islamic Inscriptions (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998), pp. xii,243p. ———, "Sureveyor Versus Epigrapher," Muqarnas 8 (1991): 66-73. J.M. Bloom, "The Qarafa Mosque in Cairo," Muqarnas 4 (1987): 7-20. C Carletti "Testimonianze Scritte Nelle Catacombe Romane," in Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina. Ideologia E Funzione. (Spoleto, 1995), pp. 197-222. Guglielmo Cavallo, and F. Magistrale, "Mezzogiorno Normanno E Scritture Esposte," in Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina. Ideologia E Funzione. (Spoleto, 1995), pp. 293-329. Guglielmo Ed Cavallo, and Cyril Ed Mango, Epigrafia Medievale Greca E Latina : Ideologia E Funzione (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull altu Mediono, 1995). Alison Cooley, The Afterlife of Inscriptions : Reusing, Rediscovering, Reinventing & Revitalizing Ancient Inscriptions, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (London: Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2000), pp. xiii, 203 p. Erica Cruikshank Dodd, "The Image of the Word; Notes on the Religious Iconography of Islam," Berytus XVIII (1969): 35-80. Antony Eastmond, "Narratives of the Fall: Structure and Meaning in the Genesis Frieze at Hagia Sophia, Trebizond," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53 (1999): 219-36. Richard Ettinghausen, "Arabic Epigraphy: Communication or Symbolic Affirmation," in Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy and History. Studies in Honour of George C. Miles. (Beirut, 1974), pp. 297-319.</p><p>18 ———, "Kufesque in Byzantine Greece, the Latin West and the Muslim World," in Colloquium in Memory of George C. Miles. (New York, 1976). Richard Ettinghausen, and Priscilla Parsons Soucek, Content and Context of Visual Arts in the Islamic World : Papers from a Colloquium in Memory of Richard Ettinghausen, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 2-4 April 1980, Monographs on the Fine Arts (University Park ; London: Published for the College Art Association of America by the Pennsylvania State University Press, 1988), pp. xxii,261p.,[16]p. of plates. Oleg Grabar, "Reflections on Mamluk Art," Muqarnas 2 (1984): 1-12. Michael Greenhalgh, The Survival of Roman Antiquities in the Middle Ages (London: Duckworth, 1989). Jeremy Johns, "Die Arabischen Inschriften Der Normannenkönige Siziliens: Eine Neuinterpretation," in Nobiles Officinae: Die Königlichen Hofwerkstätten Zu Palermo Zur Zeit Der Normannen Und Staufer Im 12. Und 13. Jahrhundert ed. Seipel Wilfried (Milan, 2004). ———, The Painted Ceilings of the Cappella: Islamic Art, Supplement I (Genova and New York: The Bruschettini Foundation for Islamic and Asian Art and The East-West Foundation, 2005). T Leisten, "Between Orthodoxy and Exegesis: Some Aspects of Attitudes in the Shariʿa toward Funerary Architecture " Muqarnas 7 (1990): 12-22. ———, "Mashhad Al-Nasr: War and Victory Monuments in Medieval Islamic Art," Muqarnas 13 (1996): 7-26. Henry I. Mac Adam, "Epigraphy and Village Life in Southern Syria During the Roman and Early Byzantine Periods," Berytus XXXI (1983): 103-16. Mohammad Abdil Aziz Marzouk, "The Evolution of Inscriptions on Fatimid Textiles," Ars Islamica 10 (1943): 164-67. George C. Miles, "Epitaphs from an Isfahan Graveyard," Ars Islamica 6 (1939): 151 -57. J. Mitchell, "The Display of Script and the Uses of Painting in Longobard Italy," in Testo E Immagine Nell'alto Medioevo (Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1994), pp. 887-951. Laïla Nehmé, "Les Inscriptions Des Chambres Funéraires Nabatéennes Et La Question De L'anonymat Des Tombes," Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 44, no. 2 (2003): 203- 58. Julian Obermann, "Inscribed Tiles from the Synagogue of Dura," Berytus VII, no. 2 (1942): 89- 138. A. Papalexandrou, "'Echoes of Orality in the Monumental Inscriptions of Byzantium'," in Art and Text in Byzantine Culture, ed. Liz James (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 139-60. ———, "'Text in Context: Eloquent Monuments and the Byzantine Beholder'," Word & Image 17, no. 3 (2001): 259- 83. S. Redford, and G. Leiser, Victory Inscribed: The Seljuk Fetihnāme on the Citadel Walls of Antalya, Turkey. Vol. 7, Adalya Supplementary Series (7) (Antalya: Vehbi Koç Vakfı,, 2008).</p><p>19 S Riccioni, "Épiconographie De L’art Roman En France Et En Italie (Bourgogne/Latium). L’art Médiéval En Tant Que Discours Visuel Et La Naissance D’un Nouveau Langage " Bulletin du Centre d'études médiévales d'Auxerre 12 (2008). Franz Rosental, "Significant Uses of Arabic Writing," Ars Orientalis IV (1961): 15-24. Ihor Sevcenko, "The Early Period of the Sinai Monastery in the Light of Its Inscriptions," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 20 (1966): 255-64. M. Stroll, Symbols as Power. The Papacy after the Investiture Contest (Leiden, 1991). Alice-Mary Talbot, "Epigrams in Context: Metrical Inscriptions on Art and Architecture of the Palaiologan Era," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53 (1999): 75-90. R Thompson, "Architectural Symbolism in Classical Armenian Literature," Journal of Theological Studies 30 (1979). Alicia Walker, "Meaningful Mingling: Classicizing Imagery and Pseudo-Arabic Script in Medieval Byzantium," Art Bullettin (2008): 32-53. Welch A., Keshani H., and A. Bain, "Epigraphs, Scripture, and Architecture in the Early Delhi Sultanate " Muqarnas 19 (2002): 12-43.</p><p>Monographs with hints into relevant aspects "The Wall Paintings and Inscriptions of Deir Musa Al-Habashi," Eastern Christian Art 4 (2007): 97-188. Dwight M. Donaldson, "Significant Mihrabs in the Haram at Mashhad," Ars Islamica 2 (1935): 118-27. Antony Eastmond, "Narratives of the Fall: Structure and Meaning in the Genesis Frieze at Hagia Sophia, Trebizond," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53 (1999): 219-36. L Fernandes, "The Foundation of Baybars Al-Jashankir: Its Waqf, History, and Architecture," Muqarnas 4 (1987): 21-42. Cyrus H. Gordon, "Riddles of the Wise," Berytus XXI (1972): 17-38. Jeremy Johns, The Painted Ceilings of the Cappella: Islamic Art, Supplement I (Genova and New York: The Bruschettini Foundation for Islamic and Asian Art and The East-West Foundation, 2005). T Leisten, "Between Orthodoxy and Exegesis: Some Aspects of Attitudes in the Shariʿa toward Funerary Architecture " Muqarnas 7 (1990): 12-22. Welch A., Keshani H., and A. Bain, "Epigraphs, Scripture, and Architecture in the Early Delhi Sultanate " Muqarnas 19 (2002): 12-43.</p><p>Multilinguism, hierarchies of writing and graffiti</p><p>Sheila Blair, Islamic Inscriptions, Edinburgh, 1998), pp. xii, 243p. Sidney H. Griffith, "From Aramaic to Arabic: The Languages of the Monasteries of Palestine in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 51 (1997): 11-31.</p><p>20 Jeremy Johns, and Nadia Jamil, "Signs of the Times: Arabic Signatures as a Measure of Acculturation in Norman Sicily’," Muqarnas 21 (2004): ?? N.I. 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