PLATE MPA Marine Protected Area (MPA): Any area of intertidal or subtidal terrain, together with Zonal demarcations in the Channel 02 P[Z V]LYSH`PUN ^H[LY HUK HZZVJPH[LK MH\UH ÅVYH OPZ[VYPJHS HUK J\S[\YHS MLH[\YLZ which has been reserved by law or other effective means to protect part or all of the enclosed environment. Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs): Marine Conservation Operational limits and special reserve areas Zones (MCZs) are a new type of Marine Protected Area (MPA) brought in under the UK Marine Act. Marine Conservation Zones will form a key part of the UK MPA network. European Regional Development Fund The European Union, investing in your future Channel Arc Manche integrated strategy Natura 2000 network Fonds européen de développement régional L’Union européenne investit dans votre avenir Natura 2000 is the EU-wide network of protected sites established under the Birds Directive (SPA) and the Habitats Directive (SAC) Reference points Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Location of RAMSAR sites (ZP[LKLZPNUH[PVUZWLJPÄLKPU[OL/HIP[H[Z+PYLJ[P]L,HJOZP[LPZKLZPNUH[LKMVYVUL 26 6 or mores of the habitats and species listed in the Directive. The Directive requires RAMSAR sites )LUÅLL[ :V\[OLUK *OLZPS)LHJO ;OL-SLL[ ;OHUL[*VHZ[ :HUK^PJO United Kingdom 9 8 27 10 7 a management plan to be prepared and implemented for each SAC to ensure the Marshes (Essex) (Dorset) bay (Kent) 21 24 1 - Golfe du Morbihan 25 30 23 favourable conservation status of the habitats or species for which it was designated. 20 22 (Brittany) 8 - Blackwater Estuary (Essex) 16 - Dorset heathlands (Dorset) ;OL:^HSL2LU[ 19 12 14 16 11 5 Special Protection Area (SPA) 9 - Lee Valley (Essex) 17 - Exe Estuary (Devon) 25 - Thursley and Ockley Bog 17 15 29 2 - Baie du Mont Saint-Michel 28 13 (Lower-Normandie) 10 - Thames Estuary and 18 - Isles of Scilly (Cornwall (Surrey) 4 A site of European Community importance designated under the Wild Birds Directive. 5H[\YHSOHIP[H[HZKLÄULKI`[OL/HIP[H[Z+PYLJ[P]L 3 - Marais du Cotentin et du Marshes (Essex) and Isles of Scilly) 26 - Walmore Common 18 English Channel Bessin, Baie de 11 - Arun Valley (West Sussex) 19 - Solent and Southampton (Gloucestershire) Ramsar Convention 3 Veys (Lower-Normandie) *OPJOLZ[LY 3HUNZ[VUL Water (Hamsphire) 27 - South West London Ramsar Convention was adopted on 02 February 1971 in Ramsar (Iran). It is an )HPLKL:VTTL7PJHYK` Harbours (West Sussex) 20 - The New Forest Waterbodies (London) France international treaty for the conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands in 2 5 - Le marais audomarois 13 - Pagham Harbour (West (Hamsphire) 28 - Poole Harbour (Poole UA) order to stem the progressive encroachment on and loss of wetlands now and in (North Pas-de-Calais) Sussex) 21 - Somerset Levels and 29 - Portsmouth Harbour (UA) the future, recognising the fundamental ecological functions of wetlands and their Moors (Somerset) LJVUVTPJJ\S[\YHSZJPLU[PÄJHUKYLJYLH[PVUHS]HS\L 6 - Abberton reservoir (Essex) 7L]LUZL`3L]LSZ,HZ[ 4LK^H`,Z[\HY` 0 40 km Sussex) 22 - Stodmarsh (Kent) Marshes (Medway UA) 1 © F. Turbout, UCBN, 2012. 0 ° North Sea The multiplication of activities has progressively led to their being assigned boundaries Netherlands HUK ZWLJPHSS` YLZLY]LK aVULZ 0UKLLK OPZ[VYPJHSS` P[ PZ PU [OL *OHUULS [OH[ [OL ÄYZ[ legally established boundaries based on international law (Bay of Granville Convention United Kingdom DST ^LYLPU[YVK\JLK Pas-de-Calais As such the sea component of the Channel has become increasingly viewed in territorial terms. Internally, it is therefore organised with reference to marine area use plans. By identifying the zonal boundaries, the areas of jurisdiction and those parts Dover YLZLY]LKMVYZWLJPÄJHJ[P]P[PLZ[OL*OHUULSPZHZWPYPUN[VILJVTLHM\SS`THUHNLK 7F MRCC developed as well as protected space. Solent Belgium (IV]LHSS[OL^OVSLHYLHPZKLÄULKI`[OLTHUHNLTLU[SPTP[ZPUX\LZ[PVU[OLÄYZ[VM MRCC which are the territorial sea limits within which French and British sovereignty reigns, Portland PUJS\KPUN[OVZLZWLJPÄJ[V[OL*OHUULS0ZSHUKZ DST MRCC CROSS Protected bio-diversity reserves: Brixham Gris-Nez :\WLYPTWVZLKVU[OPZÄYZ[SL]LSHYL[OVZLHKKP[PVUHSHYLHZVMTHYPULYLZWVUZPIPSP[` Scilly Islands MRCC RAMSAR Convention, Special Protected Falmouth Area, Special Area of Conservation, KLÄUPUN^OLYL-YLUJOHUK)YP[PZOH\[OVYP[PLZHYLHSSV^LKPU[LY]LULPU[OLL]LU[VMHU 50° MRCC Natura 2000 Network, Marine Protected accident. These areas of responsibility are between those covered by sea rescue and DST Area surveillance centres in France (CROSS: Regional Operational Centre of Surveillance Casquets and Sea Rescue ) and in England (MRCC: Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre). Zones reserved for o"shore wind farm n e l development (existing and projected) ;OLSH[[LYHYL[HZRLK^P[ORLLWPUNHUL`LVUTHYP[PTL[YHMÄJHUKJHYY`PUNV\[YLZJ\L h a n h C missions in the event of accidents or shipwreck. g l i s Marine aggregation dredging zone E n ;OLTHYP[PTL\ZLWSHUHKKP[PVUHSS`[HRLZHJJV\U[VMaVULZYLZLY]LKMVYHU`ZWLJPÄJ Alderney 7D (existing and projected) 7E CROSS resource development. Fishing zones established by the International Council for 7D Fishing zones ICES Channel Area Sark Jobourg the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) cover the whole of the Channel. These allow for a YLN\SHYJLUZ\ZVM[OLYLZV\YJLÄZOLKI`[OL]HYPV\ZTHYP[PTLWYVMLZZPVUHSZ;OLZL Tra#c separation zone Guernsey IYVHKS`KLÄULKaVULZLUJVTWHZZTVYLYLZ[YPJ[LKHYLHZYLZLY]LKMVY[OLL_[YHJ[PVUVM HNNYLNH[LZZOLSSÄZOMHYTPUNHUKVWLYH[PVUVMVMMZOVYL^PUKMHYTZ DST MRCC/ CROSS: Maritime rescue Ushant Jersey Co-ordination centre Finally, it should be emphasised that this system of the superimposition of boundaries Limits of zone of competence of the HUKaVULZKLÄULKV]LYKLJHKLZPZP[ZLSMM\Y[OLYZ\IQLJ[[VH^PKLHYYH`VMYLN\SH[PVUZ CROSS and MRCC categorising the parts of the area to be set aside for protecting biodiversity. Protected Demarcated zones of responsibility marine areas belong to this category, as do RAMSAR zones, special protection and CROSS at sea conservation zones as well as the Natura 2000 network. Territorial water limits Corsen France The schema produced by this series of boundaries – albeit invisible to the naked eye Channel Islands territorial water limits – underpins the overall Channel marine use management plan. Sources: PREMAR English Channel-North Sea, IFREMER, AAMP, Ministry of Sustainable Development (France), DEFRA Crown Estate, Natural England, Join Nature Conservation Committee, Cross-Channel Atlas-Channel Spaces, 2012. Atlantic Ocean km 0 Projection50 Lambert100 I Nord © F. Turbout, UCBN, 2012. mi 5 ° w 0 ° 0 50 © Frédérique Turbout, University of Caen Lower-Normandy. All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this publication, even partially, is prohibited without prior written authorization from the author..
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