Message from the Chair Danny O ’Neal All W e Nee d Is A “F ew G oo d Memb ers ” Volume 2 6, N umber 3 Summer 2010 Hello to every one and “Happy Summer”! I h ope y ou are a ll havin g a wo nd erful sum mer, tho ugh in th e South tha t p retty much me ans he at, humi dity a nd, depend ing on w here y ou Message fr om th e C hair - 1 live, the v ariou s f orces of nat ure. I won ’t m ention the m for Current SC/MLA Officers - 2 fear of invoking their presence. I’ll just wish that we all stay safe from any adverse weather phenomena. Around th e S outh Alabama - 3 For all of you who were not able to atte nd MLA 2010, I do want to sa y that it w as a n exceptional meeting. Whenever I attend a conference I always return to work Florida - 4 pumpe d up and full of ne w ideas to try on pa trons an d col leagues. This year w as no G e o rgia - 1 0 different but as I attended many sessions, speakers, CE’s, and other events my ex - perience was tempered by comparing the scope and quality of MLA against our up - Mississippi - 1 1 coming chapt er meetin g in Novem ber. The re is no thing like participating in a South C arolina - 1 1 process to fully apprec iate the creat ivity, logistic s, time , and energy required to put it together and make it work. When you take into account that it is all done by Tennessee - 1 4 volu nteer s it b eco mes a truly amazin g acc om plishment . SC/MLA - 1 6 In anticipation of this year’s 60 th annual meeting, November 12-16, you should have An no unceme nts - 1 8 already subm itted your paper or poster p resentation an d packed yo u r sung lasses Job Oppo rtuni ties - 2 1 and fl ip f lops. G et read y to “ Reflect, Rene w, and R echarge” as you relax, recuper - ate, a nd reinvig orate in St. Pet ersbu rg. Pat Clark, confe renc e chair, and Rut h Riley , prog ra m chair, have develo ped a n excell ent sl ate of CE’s, spea k ers, and events . The hotel is beautiful, the weather will be spectacular, and you will want to spend extra days to see and do all of the sights. See the link on the chapter home page . This issue’ s Mess age from th e Chai r w as originally g o ing to be c alled , “See p age 2 ”, referring to the l ist of t his year’ s Ch apter com m ittee chairs fo und on page 2. It’s a n interes ting pe rspec tive, se rving as Chair, in that for the 10 years t hat I have b een a part of the board I didn’t have the level of direct involvement and the opportunity Next Reporting D eadline: Septembe r 15 , 2010 to observe everything that is going on, as I do now. It’s an incredible amount of Next P ublication D ate: work that is undertaken all year long by a small group of your colleagues. Ideas are October 15, 2010 discuss ed, g oals a re s et, and tho u g h not everyth ing is acc om plish ed as quick ly as planned, the wor k gets done, the g oals of the Chapter and MLA are met and often exceeded, and it is all done by volunteers. After reading the April, 2010, mid-year committee reports I was impressed by how much acti v ity is under taken by s o many newly elect ed or appointe d co mmitte e mem - bers. Ot her t han Ch apter Coun cil, all o f the officers were ne w, 11 of the 12 st anding committ ee ch airs were n ew , and thoug h onl y 4 of 11 app ointed posi tions were n ew, those 4 ar e the Co-edito rs of Southern E xpressions and Co- Administ rators for the Chapter Web Site. The annual meeting and the time to form new committees is not far away. Contact one of the committee chairs to get involved and volunteer. continue d on p g. 3 ELECTED OFFICIALS Chair Membership Database Manager Hospital Libraries Danny O’Neal Sandra Bandy Marilyn Teolis University of South Florida College of Medicine Medical College of Georgia Baptist Hospital Tampa, FL Augusta, GA Nashville, TN [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Chair-Elect/Program Chair Parliamentarian/Historian Membership Ruth Riley Richard Nollan Charles Segui-Caballero University of South Carolina University of Tennessee Health Science Center University of Puerto Rico Columbia, SC Memphis, TN San Juan, PR [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Southern Expressions Co-Editors Professional Development Nakia Carter Jan Haley & Lin Wu Martha Earl East Tennessee State University (see below) University of Tennessee Johnson City, TN Knoxville, TN [email protected] SoChap-L Moderator [email protected] Nelle Williams Past Chair/Nominating/Strategic Planning University of Alabama Health Sciences Library Roland Welmaker Pat Higginbottom Tuscaloosa, AL Morehouse School of Medicine University of Alabama at Birmingham [email protected] Atlanta, GA Birmingham, AL [email protected] [email protected] Website Coordinators Neal Smith Program MLA Nominating Committee Candidate Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences Ruth Riley Nancy Clemons Orlando, FL (see above) UAB Professor Emerita [email protected] Birmingham, AL Public Relations [email protected] Scott Denlinger Susan Smith Magnolia Coastlands AHEC Georgia State University MLA Chapter Council Representative Statesboro, GA Atlanta, GA Jane Bridges [email protected] [email protected] Memorial Health University Medical Center Savannah, GA COMMITTEE CHAIRS [email protected] Research Randall Watts Medical University of South Carolina MLA Chapter Council Alternate Benchmarking Charleston, SC Sylvia McAphee Jan Haley [email protected] University of Alabama at Birmingham (see above) Birmingham, AL [email protected] Bylaws Edie Lacy Piedmont Hospital APPOINTED OFFICIALS Atlanta, GA Southern Expressions [email protected] Archivists Published quarterly by the Southern Lisa A. Ennis & Nicole Mitchell Communications Chapter of the Medical Library University of Alabama at Birmingham Michael S. Fitts Association (SC/MLA). Send contributions to: University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL Jan Haley [email protected] & [email protected] Birmingham, AL fi[email protected] St. Thomas Hospital Nashville, TN MLA Chapter Benchmarking Liaison Voice: 615-222-6658 Jan Haley Governmental Relations Fax: 615-222-6765 (see below) Briget Livingston [email protected] University of South Carolina Bookkeeper Columbia, SC Lin Wu Pam Neumann [email protected] University of Tennessee Health Science University of Florida Center Jacksonville, FL History of Southern Chapter Memphis, TN pneumann@ufl.edu Lindsey Blake Voice: 901-448-1667 Medical College of Georgia Fax: 901-448-7235 MLA Credentialing Liaison Augusta, GA [email protected] Cynthia Henderson [email protected] Content policy: Morehouse School of Medicine Library Statements and opinions expressed in Atlanta, GA Honors & Awards Southern Expressions do not necessarily [email protected] Helvi McCall Price represent the official position of its co-editors University of Mississippi Medical Center or SC/MLA. Contributionsmay be edited for Jackson, MS brevity, clarity, or conformity to style. Final [email protected] decision on content shall be left to the discre - tion of the co-editors with the advice of the Communications Committee of SC/MLA. 2 Souther n Expression s vol . 26 , no. 3 Message from the Chair (continued from pg. 1) Distribution of Memphis Meeting Surplus Funds The distribution of the surplus funds from the Memphis 2009 annual meeting was discussed by the SC/MLA Executive Board. A major goal of the Chapter conference and program committees is to minimize the cost for the members to at - tend while controlling the Chapter’s expenses to host the event, and to break even, financially. Membership dues cover only 62% of the Chapter’s expenses, so even slight profits help us to balance our budget each year. Some Chapter meetings lose money, some make a profit. More often than not the meetings generate small positive revenue, but the Memphis 2009 meeting was an extraordinary circumstance. It was by far the largest single meeting surplus the Chapter has ever realized. A motion was made and a vote taken. The result was the Board voted unani - mously to distribute the $30,509.00 among three separate accounts. The largest portion, $20,000.00 will go into the scholarship fund to move it closer to becoming endowed. It takes $4,250.00 per year to cover Chapter’s 5 scholarships, the research awards for posters and papers, and the research project grant. Not all awards and scholarships are given each year, but it happens often enough. Historically, the scholarship funding has come from donations and fund-raisers. When the Chapter first considered endowing the fund, the general thought was that it would take $100,000.00. The economics of that figure have changed in the recent years so it is uncertain what the magic number is, but the $20k will be a giant step toward that goal. The second portion of the distribution, $5,000.00, will go to subsidizing this year’s conference in St. Petersburg.
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