<p> Publicly available document to be published periodically Compulsory use for all grant contracts</p><p>GRANT CONTRACTS AWARDED DURING October – November 2007 </p><p>FINANCING SOURCE: BG 2005/017-353.10.04</p><p>1. Grants awarded under Call for Proposals BG 2005/ESC/G/GSC-2 / EuropeAid/124995/M/ACT/BG published on 29.12.2006</p><p>Beneficiary: Action title Action Action Grant Percentage Name & Address location duration amount of total No (Months) (EUR) eligible action costs (%)</p><p>TUGI LTD, 27 Oralitza str., Increasing the competitiveness of “Tugi” 001 SOFIA 11 49 999.20 40.16% Benkovski district, 1778 Sofia Ltd.</p><p>Improvement of the competitiveness of ECOFOL JSC, Industrial zone, Ecofol JSC through the modernization of the 002 P.O. Box 142, 7700 Targoviste, production and implementation and TARGOVISTE 11 38 902.50 65.00% Bulgaria certification of a system for occupational safety and health</p><p>NIKOLINA ALENDAROVA ST PLANT DIBSI, 6000 Stara Zagora, Purchasing of innovative technological 003 STARA ZAGORA 12 38 127.55 65.00% kv. Industrialen equipment Fabrica “DIBSI” P.O. Box 320</p><p>ALEXANDRIS ENGINEERING “Alexandris Engineering Ltd.” on the way to 004 LTD, City of Plovdiv 4004, the EU market – ISO 9001:2000 PLOVDIV 12 49 619.20 64.00% Kuklensko shousse Str. 28, P.B. 93 implementation and equipment purchase</p><p>ROLLPLAST EOOD, Sofia, 1 Rollplast BPMS (business process 005 SOFIA 12 47 840.00 65.00% Kukush Str. management system)</p><p>2006 1 TORGOTERM JSCo, Kystendil, 1 TORGOTERM – HIGH QUALITY 006 KYUSTENDIL 12 42 575.00 65.00% Ovoshtarska Str. EQUIPMENT PRODUCER</p><p>BACARA LTD, Varna “Tzar “Boosting competitiveness of “BACARA” 007 Asen” 33 Str. Entrance 1 Ltd through QMS and high technology offset VARNA 11 50 000.00 39.42% Apartment 5 machine ” </p><p>DYAYAN LTD, Varna, 7 Radko 008 MODERNIZATION OF DYAYAN Ltd VARNA 11 50 000.00 60.98% Dimitriev Str., fl. 1, app. 2</p><p>Increasing the competitiveness of Unipharm Jsc. through introduction of a dual channel gas chromatographic system complete with UNIPHARM JSC, 3, Traiko 009 FID auto-injector, Headspace, H2, N2 and SOFIA 9 47 911.15 60.48% Stanoev Str 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria Zero air generator used for testing and analysis of chemical substances in the post- production phase. </p><p>Improvement of the competitiveness of ZSK BORUY AD, 6000 Stara 010 Bulgarian SME ZSK Boruy AD, Stara STARA ZAGORA 12 50 000.00 59.45% Zagora, 1 Industrialna str. Zagora </p><p>Increasing the competitiveness of “ELCOM- MD” SMLLC due buying and adoption of ELKOM - MD SMLLC, Bulgaria, equipment,improvement of the quality and 011 Varna, q.”Chaika”, bl. 52, ent.А the competitiveness of the goods and VARNA 10 49 997.45 64.73% fl.11 Development, implementation and certification of „Systems for Sanitary and Safety Working Conditions“</p><p>BULGED LTD, 1504, Av. Janko Bulged Ltd. - competitive leader in digital 012 SOFIA 12 46 150.00 65.00% Sakazov 4 printing </p><p>METALSTROI LTD, Bulgaria, Increasing the competitiveness of 013 Bourgas, “Slavejkov” district, BOURGAS 11 49 500.00 55.00% “Metalstroi” Ltd. bl.69, ent.2, fl.3</p><p>OPTIMA - VKR LTD, 7015 Ruse, Increasing the competitiveness of “OPTIMA 014 RUSE 12 40 995.00 65.00% 1 Hristo Botev Blvrd. – VKR” LTD </p><p>BULJAC JSC, 8000 , town of Equipment of microbiological laboratory to 015 BURGAS 7 31 830.50 65.00% Burgas , 3,“ Industrialna “ street department for fish freezing </p><p>2006 2 MONI PETROV OOD, 2500 ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System 016 Kjustendil, ul. Konstantin Nikolov Certification and Technological Renovation KJUSTENDIL 12 35 262.50 65.00% 4 of „MONI PETROV” OOD</p><p>SPARTAK AD, 3 Odrin str, CE Mark Consultation and Investment in 017 BURGAS 8 49 422.19 51.36% Burgas 8000 Manufacturing Equipment in Spartak AD</p><p>VIP 77 EOOD, Municipality of Improvement of competitiveness in textile 018 Kardzhali, town of Ardino, industry through CAD/CAM systems cuts ARDINO 12 44 883.95 58.03% 3, Drava Str out and laser cutting. </p><p>ET KOKO -DIMITAR Increasing the competitiveness of Bulgarian 019 PACHEDJIEV, Sofia city Region, SME for meat processing ET “KOKO – SOFIA 12 50 000.00 60.43% village Goren Lozen, 49 Dab Str. Dimitar Pachedjiev” </p><p>WEISS PROFIL LTD, Sofia 1220, 020 MICROTEST - 3 SOFIA 11 50 000.00 52.63% 8 Iliensko shoes str.</p><p>“Improvement of the Competitiveness of OMEGA LTD, Sofia 1000 “OMEGA”OOD on the EU Market and 021 24, William Gladstone St., 5th SOFIA 12 30 530.00 65.00% Compliance with the EU Environmental floor standards”</p><p>KANSER LTD, Rousse, Str. 022 Upgrading the competitiveness of Kanser ltd RUSE 12 50 000.00 62.50% Mayor At. Uzunov 1A</p><p>Sustainable increase of the competitiveness BULGARIAN ROSE AD, 4300 of „Bulgarian rose" AD on the national and 023 Karlovo, Plovdiv District, international markets of natural cosmetic PLOVDIV 12 44 005.00 65.00% Industrialna zona products by implementing one grant element "Investment support alone" </p><p>KRON 2000 LTD, 1202 Sofia, Better quality and higher productivity in 024 SOFIA 12 49 597.16 58.99% N8, “Tsvetan Minkov” Str. “KRON 2000” Ltd.</p><p>INTRODUCTION OF HI-TECH MODUS AD, 6300 Haskovo, 025 EQUIPMENT IN THE PRODUCTION HASKOVO 11 43 782.70 65.00% “Okolovrastno schose” Str. PROCESS</p><p>Increased competitiveness of Zhivas Ltd. - ZHIVAS LTD, 1000 Sofia, 36 026 Sofia through new technological equipment SOFIA 11 49 260.00 60.00% Dondukov Blvd. and CE certification of its products</p><p>2006 3 Improvement of the competitiveness of DJEBEL-96 OOD, Edinstvo str., “Djebel-96” OOD through investment in new 027 №2, 6850 Town of Djebel, technology equipment and by development DJEBEL 12 49 969.04 61.92% Kardzhali district and certification of an Occupational Health and Safety Assurance System 18 001:2002</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF NEW LABORATORY AND TECHNOLOGICAL EMIL ILIEV LTD, Varna 9009, 028 EQUIPMENT AND BUSINESS VARNA 12 44 031.65 65.00% Postal Box 20 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION</p><p>MEBEL STILL LTD, Industrial 029 zone “Mebel Still” – New Way of Management TARGOVISHTE 11 48 772.38 63.28% 7700 Targovishte</p><p>PROFILINK EOOD, 31 Tzar Boris Investment support for high quality in PVC 030 PLOVDIV 10 49 799.39 64.30% III Obedinitel Blvd, Plovdiv 4003 profiles production</p><p>“Improving the competitiveness of “Dimitar Madjarov 2” Ltd. through the optimization of DIMITAR MADJAROV 2 LTD, the technological and management processes. 031 PLOVDIV 12 48 555.00 65.00% 4003 Plovdiv, 3 “Ilyo voyvoda” str Introduction of new high-tech equipment and certification of the company under the ISO 9001:2000 standard.”</p><p>ATAMAR LTD, 54 Hr. Botev Str, ATAMAR Ltd. – Symbol of European VILLAGE OF 032 3044 village of Pavolche 11 40 482.00 65.00% Quality and Comfort PAVOLCHE Vratsa Municipality</p><p>Increasing four of the competitive advantages TOPFASHION LTD, 5180 Polski of "Topfashion" Ltd through investment in POLSKI 033 Trambesh, 5 Industrialna Str., new contemporary equipment – a base for 11 43 821.00 65.00% TRAMBESH Veliko Tarnovo District, Bulgaria sustainable enhancement of "Topfashion" Ltd's competitiveness </p><p>“Improving the competitiveness of “Rubella RUBELLA BEAUTY JSC, 3 034 Beauty” JSC after the accession of Bulgaria RUDOZEM 12 43 840.00 64.00% Osvobozhdenie St., Rudozem 4960 to the European Union”</p><p>“Increasing the competitiveness and BIOMASHINOSTROENE JSC, promotion of long-term sustainable 035 160 “Vasil Aprilov” Blvd. development of Biomashinostroene JSC” PLOVDIV 12 49 280.00 64.00% 4003 Plovdiv</p><p>2006 4 MAUER LOCKING SYSTEMS Support to the competitive development of 036 LTD, 10, Petko Staynov str. VARNA 10 49 635.00 65.00% Mauer Locking Systems Ltd Varna 9009</p><p>POLYGRAPHIC PUBLISHING Growth in competitiveness of “Abagar” JSC COMPLEX “ABAGAR” JSC, VELIKO 037 through investment support and certification 8 47 068.50 40.06% 5002 Veliko Turnovo, 98 “Nikola TURNOVO of QMS on ISO 9001 Garbovski” Str. </p><p>VIPERA CHEMICAL LTD, 6400, Consultations and Investment support for 038 Dimitrovgrad, Himik Str., block 2, “Vipera Chemical” Ltd. aiming at improving DIMITROVGRAD 12 49 926.00 62.80% ent. A, fl.5, app. 14 its competitiveness</p><p>Raise the competitiveness of Polymermetal POLYMERMETAL LTD, 6300 Ltd. through investment in new machines and 039 HASKOVO 12 49 687.50 62.50% Haskovo, 4 Vassil Levski Blvd technologies and certification on the European standards</p><p>MASHCOMPLEKT LTD, 6000, Increasing the competitiveness and readiness 040 Stara Zagora, 64“Tzar Sishman” STARA ZAGORA 12 20 161.70 65.00% for the EU Market of Mashcomplekt Ltd Street</p><p>SOLE TRADER VASIL “Combined support for sustainable 041 BOJINOV, Bulgaria, Svishtov, competitiveness growth of ST “Vasil SVISHTOV 12 45 101.81 64.49% 2, A. VELESHKI Str. Bojinov” </p><p>“Improvement of “Bul It Glass” Ltd. competitiveness through optimizing BUL IT GLASS LTD, 9154 042 technological and managerial processes. AXAKOVO 12 45 110.00 65.00% Axakovo, South industrial area Introduction of QMS and innovative high technological equipment.”</p><p>Modernization and adaptation of the ELYTEX LTD, 7004, Rousse, Alei 043 management system and equipment to ROUSSE 12 45 565.00 65.00% Vazragdane 36 ELYTEX needs</p><p>Introduction of innovative technologies and pre-press preparation, final quality control BAGRA LTD, city of Plovdiv, 72 044 for printed products and environment PLOVDIV 12 29 900.00 65.00% Knyaginya Maria Luisa Blvd management system in compliance with ISO 14001:2004</p><p>2006 5 “Investment Support for equipment of refrigerating cameras in order to increase the production capacity, establishment of JAM & JAM LTD, 164 “Dimitar European standards in production of fruit- 045 PLOVDIV 11 49 729.00 54.00% Talev” street, Plovdiv sugar foods and implementation of OHSAS System 18001:2002 for Health and Safety Occupational Conditions in “Jam&Jam” Ltd. Plovdiv”</p><p>ALAEDDIN INVESTMENT LTD, 046 72/3/9 Gen. Gurko Str., 6000 Stara ELITE: the new face of the globalize market STARA ZAGORA 11 46 579.00 65.00% Zagora, BULGARIA</p><p>047 BONIK LTD, Ruse 7012, P.B. 39 Better perspectives on European market RUSE 12 50 000.00 58.50%</p><p>CARTEL - VALENTIN YANEV EUROPEAN COMPETITIVENESS – A 048 LTD, Varna, Vazrazhdane, bl 156, VARNA 12 48 149.25 64.50% WAY FORWARD entrance 1, fl.5, ap. 39</p><p>Improvement of the competitiveness of LALOV & VACHEV LTD, "Lalov I Vachev" Ltd. Through prolongation 049 Vratza, Hranitelno-vkusova zona of durability of products and development of VRATZA 11 48 324.32 58.12% PO 253 business system meeting the international standarts OHSAS 18000</p><p>SOLE TRADER ARIES - CERTIFICATION OF QMS SYSTEM EKATERINA NEDEVA, Varna 050 UNDER ISO 9001 AND PURCHASING VARNA 12 50 000.00 64.84% 9009, West Industrial Zone, bul. NEW TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Republica № 24</p><p>CHEH PLAST LTD, Bulgaria, Strengthening competitiveness of Cheh Plast 3000 Vratsa, section 5, P.O. box 33 051 Ltd through consultation and investment VRATZA 10 49 329.00 65.00% support East Industrial Zone</p><p>2006 6 KERAMIK GT JSC, 9500 General Raising the Competitiveness and Improving GENERAL 052 Toshevo, Dobrich region, 37 Labour Conditions in “Keramik GT” JSC 11 50 000.00 63.11% TOSHEVO Opalchenska Str</p><p>FIL - CO EOOD, SOPOT, 26 A Investment support for INCREASING THE 053 “Christo botev” str, plovdiv COMPETITIVE MARKET PRESENCE OF SOPOT 12 50 000.00 58.27% dISTRICT, BULGARIA Fil-co eood</p><p>METAL JSC, 9700 Shumen, 34 Introduction of polish coating system and 054 SHUMEN 12 47 377.28 64.00% Industrialna Str., p.b. 107 ISO 14001 in Metal JSC</p><p>"Increasing the Competitiveness of Bullex BULLEX LTD, “Orfey” quarter, Ltd. through Modern Equipment and OHSAS 055 16 block, C entrance, 10 floor, 18001:2002 Implementation" HASKOVO 12 24 960.00 64.00% 6300 Haskovo</p><p>Fostering the competitiveness of “Iskra” Ltd., through development and implementation of ISKRA LTD, 62 “Stefan Occupational Health and Safety System 056 Stambolov” street, Parvomai OHSAS 18001 and implementation of new PARVOMAI 12 49 823.00 47.20% Post code: 4270 technologies for letter flex printing on textile tapes and for cutting and folding woven labels.</p><p>“Improving the competitiveness of INTERMED 1 LTD, Sofia , str. INTERMED 1 Ltd. through increasing 057 SOFIA 12 36 995.80 65.00% “Angel Kanchev” 15, app. 10 quality and achieving better satisfaction of the customers’ needs”</p><p>SIRMA PRISTA PLC, Veliko Increasing the competitiveness of “Sirma VELIKO 058 11 49 519.59 56.08% Tarnovo, 33 Kliment Ohridski Str. Prista” Plc. TARNOVO</p><p>APIMEL LTD, 4150 Rakovski, 19 AIDA: Apimel`s Idea for Development and 059 RAKOVSKI 11 49 472.65 59.04% Rodopi str. Action </p><p>INVESTMENT SUPPORT AND PLANT FOR OPTICS JSC, 4500 CERTIFICATION OF OHSAS 18001:2000 060 city Panagurishte, region Pazardjik, SOFIA 9 49 985.00 65.00% TO THE COMPETITIVE DEVELOPMENT Industrial park ОЕ OF PLANT FOR OPTICS JSC</p><p>061 </p><p>2006 7 EKOTERMAL OOD, Bulgaria, the 062 town of Bourgas 8000, 47 Slivnitza “Heat makes home – we the heat” BOURGAS 12 48 910.21 64.60% St.</p><p>A I D COMMERCIAL LTD, 4225 The competitive and successful company A i 063 Town of Perushtica, 26 Ivan Panov PERUSHTICA 11 31 265.50 65.00% D Commercial Ltd. on the market str.</p><p>BISTRA TODOROVA 99 LTD, European Labelling (CE or VDE) and line 064 Sofia 1784, Zarigradsko Shausee 7- SOFIA 12 29 185.00 65.00% for vacuum impregnation of transformers th km, ZIT ,1 corpus</p><p>VI&RUS LTD, “Grozdov Pazar” ,,VI&RUS” Ltd, a company of European 065 sq., No 2, floor 3 PLOVDIV 12 49 400.00 65.00% level 4000 Plovdiv</p><p>ET DEYAN MADZHAROV Competitiveness through high tech 066 -MADLOK, 7018 Rousse, ROUSSE 12 32 927.91 65.00% equipment and OHS certification Sv.Dimitar Basarbovski str. 12</p><p>Enhancement of 6 competitive advantages ACRYL LTD, 1618 Sofia, 1 067 under 1 grant element SOFIA 11 44 310.50 65.00% Koloman Str., Ovcha kupel Quarter</p><p>SOFI LTD, 14, Veslets str., Vratsa Investment and consultation support to the 068 VRATSA 11 48 890.00 65.00% 3000, Bulgaria competitive development of SOFI Ltd.</p><p>DINA KOMERS LTD, “Developing new products in “Dina Komers” 069 Assenovgrad-4232, Industrial zone ASSENOVGRAD 12 49 894.96 52.52% Ltd.” “SEVER”</p><p>BULGARA LTD, Kaloyanovo 070 European quality from “Bulgara” Ltd PLOVDIV 10 39 065.00 65.00% village, Plovdiv district</p><p>2006 8 TEXTILE TRADE LTD, 7km Tzarigradsko Shosse, ZIT "Raising the Competitiveness of Textile 071 SOFIA 12 48 524.80 64.00% Building 2, fl. 4, "Mladost" Trade Ltd. in the European Union" municipality, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria</p><p>LACTOCOM LTDSilistra Town, “Improving the competitiveness of 072 Production Zone South, post box “Lactocom” Ltd. through investment SOFIA 12 43 264.00 64.00% 21 development and OSHS implementation”</p><p>RALOMEX JSC, P.O. Box 7330 ISO 14001:2004 Certification and 073 Zavet, Razgrad Region 3, Technological Modernization of RALOMEX RAZGRAD 12 49 200.00 60.00% Osvobozhdenie St. JSC </p><p>ENHANCEMENT OF THE STORM LTD, 17B, COMPETITIVENESS OF “STORM” LTD. 074 KAIMAKCHALAN, 7200 PLEVEN 7 49 380.50 65.00% THROUGH INTRODUCTION OF NEW RAZGRAD, BULGARIA MODERN EQUIPMENT</p><p>Improving the Competative levels of TEKOM JSC, BULGARIA, Sofia- TEKOM JSC true introducing system for 075 1836, Boul.”Vladimir Vazov”402- SOFIA 8 50 000.00 63.56% mananaging natural environment /SMNE/ ІІ and improving production capacity </p><p>“Improving the competitiveness of REMONT SERVIZ LTD, 28 REMONT SERVIZ Ltd through certification 076 KARNOBAT 12 50 000.00 64.75% Moskva Str., the town of Karnobat under OSHS standards and modernization of the production process”</p><p>Production process and quality improvement KENDY LTD, Bulgaria, Sofia, 077 of a leading Bulgarian Producer of dietary SOFIA 12 46 800.00 65.00% Bankya, “Sofia” str. No 101 supplements</p><p>078 </p><p>PLAST GLASS LTD, 5300 New equipment and QMS certification in 079 GABROVO 11 30 732.00 65.00% Gabrovo, 13 Ivaylo Str, app. 2 Plast Glass ltd Gabrovo</p><p>METAKOM SLZ AD, 6 METAKOM in EU – Competitive, 080 “Grivishko Shose”Str., Pleven PLEVEN 11 50 000.00 26.32% Responsible, Profitable 5800</p><p>2006 9 BARCEFF LTD, 8, Lukashov Str., Sustainable competitive advantage for 081 VRATSA 8 32 830.20 65.00% 2nd floor, 3000 Vratsa Barceff Ltd</p><p>“Improvement of the competitiveness of DIMANA JSC, the town of DIMANA JSC by certification under ISO 082 HARMANLI 12 49 675.32 64.94% Harmanly, 9 Bulgaria Blvd 9001:2000 and modernization of the production process”</p><p>Increasing the competitiveness of “Family G” Ltd. through investment support for FAMILY G LTD, 51 purchase of new technological equipment 083 “Tzarigradsko shose”, Plovdiv, PLOVDIV 12 42 536.00 65.00% and consultancy services for development Bulgaria, Post code: 4000 and implementation of Occupational Health and Safety System.</p><p>PRIM AD, 67,Saedinenie Increasing the effectiveness and 084 HASKOVO 12 34 480.59 64.69% Boulevard, Haskovo 6300 competitiveness of PRIM AD</p><p>Enhancement and determination of 4 PERLA AD, 8900 Nova Zagora, competitive advantages of “Perla” AD 085 Sliven District, Industrialen NOVA ZAGORA 12 32 513.00 65.00% through implementation of 3 investment Quarter, p.box 69 objects</p><p>Investment in new equipment and Occupational Safety and Health Standards NIDEX LTD, 2 Vassil Levski Str., (OSHS) – strengthening the competitiveness GOTZE 086 Gotze Deltchev, Blagoevgrad 12 50 000.00 56.18% of Nidex Ltd, manufacturer of plastic DELTCHEV Region products for the construction industry, based in City of Gotze Deltchev</p><p>CONFECTION GROUP LTD, "Higher Competitiveness – New 087 PLEVEN 12 11 712.00 64.00% 5800 Pleven, 9 “Vit” Str Opportunities for Confection Group Ltd."</p><p>ALUMINA ELIT 2003 LTD, „Cholakovci” Quarter; “Dalga VELIKO 088 Investing in Competitiveness 11 49 738.82 61.18% Laka” Area; 5000 Veliko Tarnovo, TARNOVO Bulgaria</p><p>CHERNEV LTD, Shumen region, Project for Promotion of CHERNEV Ltd. 089 SHUMEN 12 49 993.20 46.29% 9863 Khan Krum, “Preslav” str. 15 Competitiveness</p><p>2006 10 ST METALPAST - DIMO NAYDENOV, 3, “Georgi Kirkov” ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 090 BURGAS 12 49 270.00 65.00% Str., 3rd fl., ap. 10, Burgas, THROUGH ENERGY EFFICIENCY Bulgaria</p><p>YAKI - 91 LTD, Tsar Osvoboditel Enhancing the sustainable development of 091 SOFIA 12 49 920.00 64.00% str.No 25,1504 Sofia Yaki-91 Ltd.</p><p>Project for buying and implementation for PRK 2002 LTD, 5th floor, 66 092 Installation for application of protective and DOBRICH 9 50 000.00 60.02% Kaliakra Str., Dobrich decorative coatings</p><p>PERILIS TRADING LTD, 31 “Investment in new technologies in Perilis 093 VARNA 12 41 450.24 64.00% Voden St., floor 1, Varna 9000 Traiding Ltd.”</p><p>Building on the achieved results of previous FULMAX - 21 AD, 5300 Gabrovo, projects through investments in innovative 094 Gabrovo District, 4 Aleksandar production equipment – a base for GABROVO 11 49 920.00 65.00% Stamboliiski Str. sustainable increase of the competitiveness of "Fulmax-21" AD </p><p>DONIDO MASHINE INDUSTRY “INTRODUCTION OF ADVANCED AD, Haskovo 6300, South 095 EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGIES IN HASKOVO 12 49 945.26 60.83% Industrial Zone, Production facility MACHINE-BUILDING FOR DAIRIES” Donido</p><p>GUYTEK-OLIVA LTD, 69 Tsar Increased competitiveness of Guytek-Oliva 096 Simeon Veliki, STARA ZAGORA 10 24 576.00 64.00% through Eco-briquette production 6000 Stara Zagora</p><p>INNOVATIONS THROUGH BUL ART EOOD, 5300 Gabrovo, INVESTMENTS – A RECIPE FOR GABROVO 097 Gabrovo District, 101 Nikola SUSTAINABLE INCREASE OF THE 12 50 000.00 64.57% Voynovski Str COMPETITIVENESS OF "BUL ART" EOOD </p><p>2006 11 ST SAND - SPAS AHILEEV, Expansion of production variety and 098 Postal Code 1220, Sofia, No8 improvement of quality in ST “SAND – Spas SOFIA 12 36 672.00 64.00% “Iljansko Shose” Str. Ahileev”</p><p>IMPROVING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF MEBEL STYLE LTD. THROUGH MEBEL STYLE LTD, 9300 099 PURCHASE OF SANDING ZONE AND DOBRICH 12 38 808.00 65.00% Dobrich, 3 Bulgaria str. SPRAYING AND LACQUERING INSTALLATION</p><p>BIO EM DI LTD, District of Consultations and Investment support for 100 Montana, Town of Berkovitza, 95 increasing the competitiveness of “BIO EM BERKOVITZA 12 49 140.00 63.00% Nikolaevska Street DI” Ltd.</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION AND APEX POOL LTD, 7 000 Ruse, 7, CERTIFICATION UNDER ISO 9001 AND 101 RUSE 10 38 857.00 65.00% Tetovo str., Entr.1, P.o.Box 2 PROCUREMENT OF NEW TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT</p><p>INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS KONSTANTINA PETROVA - OF KONSTANTINA PETKOVA-KOSI, ET 102 KOSI ET, 6000 STARA STARA ZAGORA 11 34 780.00 65.00% COMPANY THROUGH INVESTMENT IN ZAGORA, 19, ALABIN STR. CONSULTANCY AND EQUIPMENT</p><p>PASSAT BULGARIA AD, Tsarevo 8260 Purchasing of innovative technological 103 Tsarevo 12 49 548.88 56.76% Burgas region equipment South Industrial District</p><p>ANZHELA LAZOVA - VISOTA 104 ST, Sofia, 1421, Lozenez, 4-6 “Poly – competitiveness with Polyurethane” Blagoevgrad 10 49 432.50 65.00% Liubata str.</p><p>Investment Support for Rising the BG MEBEL COMPANY LTD, 105 Competitiveness of BG Mebel Company Sofia 10 49 757.00 65.00% Sofia, “Ljulin”, 707 Str. № 1</p><p>DEDRAX LTD, NDK, 1, Bulgaria Establishing an unit for production of cards 106 Sofia 10 49 998.00 43.18% sq., 1463 Sofia with variable PIN code and scratch-off field</p><p>MILIA JOE LTD, 2700 Increasing the competitiveness of MILIA 107 Blagoevgrad, 28 “Peyo Yavorov” JOE through investment in modern Blagoevgrad 12 49 914.00 59.00% Str. equipment and introduction of QMS </p><p>2006 12 Improving the competitiveness of Teletek TELETEK ELECTRONICS JSC, 108 Electronics – Purchase of high-technology Sofia 12 50 000.00 45.87% 1407 Sofia, Srebarna str. 14 A and innovative equipment.</p><p>BUKS BUL LTD, 7071 Project for Increasing the competitiveness of 109 Basarbovo, 1 St. St. Kiril & Basarbovo 12 27 345.00 65.00% “BUKS-BUL” LTD Metodij Str.</p><p>Improvement of the Competitiveness of UNIBET LTD, Dragalevska str. Unibet Ltd, through optimization of its 110 bl. 23-29 ent. D, ap. 69 Sofia 12 49 335.65 65.00% working process, and bettering the working Sofia 1407 environment.</p><p>„Introducing „СЕ” marking and investment POLITERM LTD, 38, Madara support for purchasing technological 111 blvd., town of Shumen 9700, Shumen 12 49 812.62 62.46% equipment, computer application and P.O.Box 27 equipment.”</p><p>SOLE TRADER PRINCE 91 Upgrading the Production Capacity and 112 -SERGEY GILIN, GABROVO Competitiveness of the Sole Trader “Prince – GABROVO 11 44 698.63 64.65% 5300 16 Juri Venelin str., entr. B 91 Sergey Gilin”</p><p>OSENY LTD, Sofia, 1172, Oseny – increasing competitiveness through 113 Str.Krum Kuliakow, bl.64, vh. Б, SOFIA 12 49 500.00 60.00% gaining independence app.22</p><p>IMPROVING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF JULISTERA LTD. THROUGH JULISTERA EOOD, Topolovgrad, ESTABLISHMENT OF QMS, 114 Postal code 6560, region Haskovo, MODERNIZATION OF THA Topolovgrad 12 27 702.00 64.80% 8 Vasil Aprilov Str. PRODUCTION PROCESS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES</p><p>Increasing competitiveness through KMM - 68 AD, 38 Madara Blvd., 115 modernizing the production capacity and Shumen 12 47 570.03 64.99% 9700 Shumen, Bulgaria improving occupational health and safety </p><p>BODA STYLE LTD, Dupnitsa, str. Increasing the competitiveness of BODA 116 Dupnitsa 12 49 875.00 57.00% Pop Hariton 11 LTD</p><p>2006 13 YUPITER 05 LTD, 4000 Plovdiv, CE marking and Investment Support for 117 Plovdiv 12 49 288.00 61.00% 52 “Kichevo” Str., floor 5, app.12 Better Competitiveness</p><p>Improvement of the competitive power of RIVA - 21 AD, Petritch -2850 RIVA -21 AD through technological 118 Petritch 12 49 973.00 64.90% 15, Kotcho Mavrodiev St. renovation and adoption of ISO 9001:2000 international standard</p><p>BOIL EOOD, 5, Turnovo St., In order to successfully continue to walk 119 Petritch 12 49 973.00 64.90% Petritch 2850 ahead</p><p>METRON S.A, 2228, village of Metron –staying leader in the production of 120 village of Prolesha 12 49 660.30 38.00% Prolesha, Former farmyard kitchens </p><p>EVROPA TRICO JSC, Sevlievo, 4 “Improving the production capacity of 121 Sevlievo 12 50 000.00 49.75% “Stoyan bachvarov” Str. “Europe Tricot” AD” </p><p>Increasing competitiveness in SD SD UNITECH -HRISTEV & CO, “UNITECH-HRISTEV & CO” by 122 6600 Kardjali, kv. Vazrozdenci, bl Kardjali 12 41 665.00 65.00% Investment Support and Introduction of CE 23, ap.34 mark</p><p>Investment Support for Sustainable INOKS LTD, 5 Dobrovska Str. 123 Competitive Development of Inoks Ltd, Razgrad 12 45 266.00 65.00% 7200 Razgrad Razgrad </p><p>Purchase of laboratory equipment for STROITELNI MATERIALI AD, furnishing of on site laboratory and 124 Bourgas 12 50 000.00 64.94% Bourgas, min.s. Vurli bryag introducing Quality management system in compliance whit ISO 9001:2000 </p><p>HIDCOM JSC, District of Vratsa HIDCOM Jsc. – QUALITY WITHOUT 125 Town of Oriahovo 3300 Oriahovo 12 49 549.50 65.00% BORDERS 4 "Leskovsko shose"</p><p>RASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF WELGA LTDIN THE FIELD OF WELGA LTD, Lovech, 5500 MANIFACTURING UPHOLSTERED 126 North industrial zone FURNITURE THROUGH A Lovech 12 49 497.22 46.38% boulevard "Mizia" 10 COMBINATION OF INVESTMENT SUPPORT AND CONSULTATIVE SERVICES. </p><p>PURCHASING AND INSTALLATION OF BOGDAN MEBEL JSCo, Plovdiv MODERN TECHNOLOGICAL 127 district, Town of Klisura, 1 “20th Klisura 9 49 400.00 65.00% EQUIPMENT – ROBOT FOR April “ Str. LACQUERING AND FINE POLISHING</p><p>2006 14 Investment support for the purchase and SPORTKOM LTD, 20 “Alexander installation of new production equipment 128 Batenberg” Str. combined with consultation and certification Plovdiv 12 50 000.00 64.94% Plovdiv 4000 services for the implementation and certification of ISO 9001:2000. </p><p>Support for New Technology and CHUKUROVI& CO, 37 KHAN Introduction of Quality Management 129 TERVEL STREET, SAMARA 3 STARA ZAGORA 11 49 936.51 63.49% Systems in CHUKUROVI&CO, Stara WARD, 6000 STARA ZAGORA Zagora</p><p>NOVE - PETKOV LTD, 130 Svishtov,108, 33-rd Svishtovski Financial Subsidy for”NOVE-Petkov” Ltd. Svishtov 12 49 600.00 54.75% Polk Str.</p><p>TARGETED ENHANCEMENT OF 4 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAHES BY HEM AD, 5864 Pleven, Pleven 131 MEANS OF INVESTMENT IN 2 METAL- Pleven 12 50 000.00 61.27% District, Nova Plama CUTTING MACHINES</p><p>M-STROY LTD, 14 Tsar Samuil Increasing the competitiveness of M-story 132 str, the village of Ezerovo, Varna Ezerovo 5 38 653.00 65.00% LTD region</p><p>VSV LTD, Sofia 1784, Modernization of the production equipment 133 Tsarigradsko Shousse Blvd, 7th and introduction of new technology in VSV Sofia 11 39 390.00 65.00% km., ATM Centre, office 410 Ltd. </p><p>ACCENT 96 LTD, Bulgaria, 1505 Investment in technological equipment and 134 Sofia 12 49 684.50 61.00% Sofia, 3 Ekaterina Simitchiiska str. ISO 9001:2000 certification </p><p>LINEX LTD, Bulgaria, 8001 12 months Increase in the efficiency and 135 Bourgas 12 32 760.00 65.00% Bourgas, Lazur, Str. Aboba 13 effectiveness of LINEX LTD </p><p>ET BENECO -VLADIMIR ET “BENECO” – competitive producer of 136 Sofia 12 46 475.00 65.00% BENEV, 16 Yantra str., Sofia drying installations and technology</p><p>INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS SAM - KINTI SOLE LTD, 8, Tzar OF “SAM – KINTI” Sole Ltd. THROUGH 137 Pazardjik 7 49 865.47 44.84% Kaloyan str., Pazardjik 4400 TECHNOLOGICAL UPGRADE AND ISO 9001:2000 CERTIFICATION</p><p>2006 15 Enhanced competitiveness of “Milanov MILANOV POPOV LTD, 37 Popov” Ltd. through introduction of new 138 Klokotniza Str., Kalchevo village, Kalchevo village 12 49 907.75 61.50% production equipment and ISO 9001:2000 Yambol district certification </p><p>Investments in new equipment and USTRA BETON EOOD, Airport certification for compliance with 139 Industrial Area, Kardzhali 12 35 000.00 60.87% ISO14001:2004 in Ustra Beton EOOD - Kardzhali 6600 bridge to improved competitiveness</p><p>IRIDA - MS OOD, 14, “Efrem Investment and consultancy support for 140 Karanfilov” str., PO Box 1387, increased competitiveness of “Irida – MS” Sofia 11 49 396.10 65.00% Sofia OOD</p><p>BAKHUS - 4 OOD, Sofia, Region Project for increase of the competitiveness of 141 “Slatina” Okolchitza str. 3, Sofia 12 49 471.81 61.42% “BAKHUS-4” OOD ent.B,app.28</p><p>ET RUMIANA BOGDANOVA, “Growth and competitiveness in ET Rumiana 28 “Madara” blvd, entrance B, ap. 142 Bogdanova factors for development and Shumen 12 48 902.14 64.50% 34, success” 9 700 Shumen</p><p>DIAL R LTD, Sofia, district 143 „Ovcha Kupel”, parcel 1183 Improving the competitiveness of Dial R Ltd Sofia 12 42 575.00 65.00% „Obikolna” str. (in front of bl. 525)</p><p>INCREASE OF THE PRODUCTION CAPACITY OF LARGE LTD THROUGH LARGE LTD, Plovdiv, 30, 144 IMPLEMENTATION OF A HIGH-TECH Plovdiv 8 44 752.50 65.00% N.Shileva Str SPREADING MACHINE AND NEW SOFTWARE. Increasing of the competitiveness of the HEROS LTD, 9 Hristo Botev Str., 145 “Heros” Ltd. Company through technical Ruse 12 49 465.00 65.00% Ruse 7000 investment </p><p>INDUSTRIALTECHNIC AD, Improving the competitiveness of the 146 6150 Shipka, 1,Shipchensko shoes Bulgarian SME Industrialtechnic AD, Shipka Shipka 12 39 032.50 65.00% str.</p><p>CVS LTD, 5000 Veliko Tarnovo, Increasing the competitiveness of “CVS” 147 Veliko Tarnovo 11 36 542.44 65.00% 31 “A” Kliment Ohrodski Str Ltd.</p><p>Introduction of new equipment and ISO 9001 EDA STYLE ltd, Kazanlak 6100 , 148 in the enterprise of EDA STYLE Ltd. Kazanlak 12 50 000.00 64.18% Tzar Assen str. #3</p><p>2006 16 Improvement of the competitiveness of Lesilmach 98 AD, Silistra based on state-of- LESILMACH 98 AD, P.O.Box 149 the-art foundry and laboratory equipment and Silistra 10 50 000.00 61.10% 200 7500 Silistra, Bulgaria certification in Environment Management Systems</p><p>Investment support for purchasing of AVIUS-2003 LTD, 7 Todor Hrulev machinery and equipment for production of 150 Sadovo 10 50 000.00 55.74% str., Plovdiv, Bulgaria clean 96% spirit needed for the production of cherry pulp</p><p>ST “Vesselin Stoitchkov – VESCO” Raises ST VESSELIN STOICHKOV - its Competitiveness by the Launch of Three 151 VESCO, Sofia, 18 “Prof. Tzvetan Sofia 12 12 793.60 64.00% New Models of Protective Clothes in Lazarov” Str. Conformity With European CE Mark.</p><p>NEW PRODUCTION CAPACITIES FOR ET BADJO – VENKO INSULATING GLASS UNITS AT ET BADZHAROV, BULGARIA, 152 “BADJO” ACQUISITION OF COMBINED Gabrovo 10 48 050.00 62.00% Gabrovo 5300, 58 Bryanska str., CERTIFICATION ISO 9001:2000 AND apt. 11 EMS ISO 14001:2004</p><p>Increasing the competitiveness of the TIS LTD, 7700 Targovoshte company “TIS” Ltd. through a combination 153 Targovoshte 12 49 073.06 60.74% Industrial Zone grant from investment support and consulting service</p><p>ENHANCEMENT OF THE OVERALL KANAK LTD, Gorna Oriahovitsa, COMPETITIVENESS OF KANAK Ltd BY 154 Gorna Oriahovitsa 8 36 887.07 65.00% 2, Ivan Momchilov Str MEANS OF TECHNOLOGICAL RENOVATION </p><p>Improving the technological process and RAIS LTD, 58, D.Debelianov 155 conditions of control at the working sphere in Pazardjik 12 50 000.00 59.00% Str.4400 Pazardjik, Bulgaria RAIS Ltd. </p><p>Increasing the competitiveness of Noble NOBLE HOUSE LTD, 47 Cherni 156 House Ltd through improvement of the Sofia 12 49 105.00 61.00% vrah, Sofia design and production process</p><p>KALEBO EOOD, Bulgaria, Sofia “Improvement of the competitiveness of 157 1421, 20 B Cherni Vrah blvd., Sofia 11 31 613.00 65.00% “KALEBO” EOOD” ground level</p><p>Purchase of a new machine for precisely packaging of vegetable and flower sort seeds BULMEK LTD, Sofia, blvd. in colour paper bag as well as through 158 “General Danail Nikolaev” No.1, packing of already packaged seeds put in Sofia 11 50 000.00 61.12% Bulgaria neutral paper bag in other market oriented colour package (i.e. the so called “hobby package”)</p><p>2006 17 The introduction of the new technology and equipment – a metal detector, a transportation conveyor, and a calibrator for ABT LTD, 1784 Sofia, PO Box 61, 159 round fruits, along with introduction and Sofia 11 50 000.00 57.74% Bulgaria implementation of a Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) practices and certification</p><p>SP PETAR TONOVSKI - VIOLA, Purchase of modern technological and 160 Town of KoynareRegion professional production and laboratory Koynare 9 38 675.00 65.00% PlevenStr. Hristo Botev 14 equipment used in the dairy industry</p><p>NEDEV LTD, 2, Hristina Morfova Introduction of eco briquettes production in 161 Street, entr. B, apt. 2, Nedev Ltd, Stara Zagora – the necessary step Stara Zagora 9 48 403.34 65.00% Stara Zagora 6000 in our development</p><p>“Fostering the competitiveness of Kompakt KOMPAKT LTD, 14 Tundja Str., Ltd. by introduction of QMS (ISO 9001:2000 162 Montana 12 49 812.03 62.66% 3400 Montana standard) and acquisition of advanced production equipment”</p><p>LUBOMIR MIROLESKOV - LM Improvement of production capacity and TRADE ST, Bread-making plant 163 adoption of quality management system ISO Yambol 12 32 935.10 64.90% “Viljuif”, 9001:2000 50 Milin Kamak Str., 8600 Yambol</p><p>SIRENA STYLE LTD, 2 Konstantin Fotinov Str., entr.B, COMPETITIVE EUROPEAN FUTURE 164 Vratsa 12 24 550.50 65.00% apart.8, FOR THE APPAREL SECTOR 3000 town of Vratsa</p><p>Investments in new equipment and BUTER EOOD, 20 Trapezitsa certification for compliance with OHSAS 165 Street, bl. 15, ap. 14, Kardzhali 12 29 968.63 62.74% 18025 in Buter EOOD – bridge to improved Kardzhali 6600 competitiveness</p><p>ZAPRYANOV 66 LTD, “Increasing the production capacity and 166 Parvomay, 4270, “Petar Beron” competitiveness trough investment in new Parvomay 12 43 251.00 64.00% Str. 11 technologies in Zapryanov 66 Ltd.”</p><p>AVA - M LTD, 1220 Sofia, 8 Technology renewal and modernization of 167 Iliensko shose Str. Sofia 10 50 000.00 21.74% AVA-M Ltd (on the territory of ZMM)</p><p>2006 18 MARTEX 2 LTD, 1000 Sofia, 44 “Martex 2” – competitive apparel 168 Sofia 12 48 570.00 60.00% 6-ti Septemvri Str., ap.2 manufacturer</p><p>JANET 45 LTD, 9, Aleksandar Improving the competitiveness of Janet 45 169 Stambolijski Boulevard, Plovdiv Plovdiv 12 50 000.00 64.94% Ltd, Plovdiv 4004</p><p>ENERKEMIKAL LTD, City of Improvement of the competitiveness of 170 Belene, p.k.5930, str.”Dobrudga” Pleven 11 49 144.80 64.25% “Enerkemikal” LTD N 6</p><p>IMPLEMENTING QMS (QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) UNDER ISO INDUSTRIAL CENTER TRAKIA 9001 AND NEW TECHNOLOGY LINE 171 AD, 53 blvd. “TZARIGRADSKO Plovdiv 12 45 142.50 65.00% FOR THE PRODUCTION OD DRY SHOSE”, PLOVDIV MORTAR AT “INDUSTRIAL CENTER TRAKIA” AD</p><p>TOP EXPRESS EOOD, Sofia1680, Increase of competitiveness through new 172 Beli Brezi, 1-3 Zvanika Street, ap. technologies and safe and healthy work Sofia 12 48 750.00 65.00% 4 conditions</p><p>Support and increase of the competitiveness AGRO -INDUSTRIAL ET, Sofia, of company AGRO INDUSTRIAL ET in 173 Sofia 11 43 485.50 65.00% district Izgrae,30 ELEMAG str Sofia Region, trough investment support and implementation of international standards</p><p>Fostering the competitiveness of Stimex STIMEX OOD, 18, Odrin Street, 174 OOD by investment support and CE mark Haskovo 10 50 000.00 52.74% vh. A, ap. 196300 Haskovo certification.</p><p>Optimizing of the production process by purchasing of machines complementing the STOEV -GARANT - DIMITAR existing production line for the production of 175 STOEV SP, Town of Sandanski, 3 soft drinks and certifying of the implemented Sandanski 12 35 100.00 65.00% Samuil St Quality management system according to standard ISO 9001:2000 in the company STOEV-GARANT-DIMITAR STOEV SP. </p><p>TECHNOLOGICAL RENOVATION and ET STANKO MILEV, 17 Levski IMPLEMENTATION OF QUALITY 176 Str. 9900 Novi Pazar, Municipality MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in „Workshop Novi Pazar 11 46 247.50 65.00% of Novi Pazar, Shumen District for production of dry construction mixes and adhesives”, Novi Pazar, Shumen District</p><p>2006 19 BULCO COMMERCE LTD, “Investment in support of the sustainable 177 Sofia 12 42 400.00 64.00% Sofia, Mladost 1, bl.66, ap.70 development of “Bulco Commerce Ltd.”</p><p>IMPROVEMENT OF THE PRODUCTION DSP BIMEX LTD, Sofia 1505, 178 PROCESS AND ISO 9001 Sofia 11 49 930.00 61.07% Plachkovski Manastir Str., 7 CERTIFICATION AT DSP BIMEX LTD.</p><p>OPTIMIZING THE OPERATIONAL STS ELECTRONICS LTD, 41 CAPACITY OF STS ELECTRONICS Ltd 179 Industrial Str., 4th Flr, 5300 THROUGH TECHNOLOGY Gabrovo 11 47 014.50 65.00% Gabrovo INVESTMENTS AND QMS RECERTIFICATION</p><p>Investment in new equipment and integration of OHSAS 18001 – strengthening the MEBEX LTD, 4 Opalchenska Str., competitiveness of Mebex Ltd, manufacturer 180 Plovdiv 9 50 000.00 55.62% 4000 Plovdiv of furniture - preparing, producing and finishing processes for products of massive wood and panels, based in City of Dryanovo.</p><p>181 </p><p>ARGOFRUKT LTD, Bulgaria, Implementation of modern technology and a 182 Stara Zagora, Okolovrusten put, highly productive machines – two de-stoning Stara Zagora 11 50 000.00 59.52% kv. Kolio Ganchev machines for drupaceous fruit</p><p>“In the European Union with high qualitative ALUMIN IMPEKS LTD, 3000 183 materials, modern equipment and Vratza 10 46 930.00 65.00% Vratza, 9 “Shipka” str professionalism”</p><p>ALVIK 1 LTD, 31 Goce Delchev “Increasing the competitiveness of ALVIK 1 Blvd., Bl. 76, through combining investments in most 184 Sofia 11 48 132.50 65.00% 1680 Sofia modern BULGARIA equipment and certification of a QMS”</p><p>Improving of competitiveness of the furniture HARMONIA -TM JSC, Teteven, 185 production through investment in ERP Teteven 12 47 383.78 64.86% 30, Varshets Street system </p><p>TEDA- MM LTD, P.Evtimii Str. “Improved competitiveness through 186 Botevgrad 11 45 295.40 64.00% 28, Botevgrad-2140 innovations in Teda-MM Ltd. Botevgrad “</p><p>Increasing the competitiveness of Mebeli MEBELI IVVEKS LTD, 2, Ivveks Ltd. through introduction of modern 187 Capitan Petko Voyvoda St, Stara Stara Zagora 8 47 825.49 45.06% equipment for a drilling and milling facility Zagora used for the production of furniture.</p><p>2006 20 Improved competitiveness in milk processing RODOPCHANKA LTD, Village industry through investments, introduction of of Byal Izvor 6770 Village of Byal 188 occupational health and safety management 12 44 013.41 58.03% Municipality of Ardino Izvor system and certification for compliance with District of Kardzhali OHSAS18001</p><p>Project for increase of the competitiveness of PINUS - LM EOOD, 66-68 Burel Pinus-LM LTD through buying of new 189 Sofia 12 47 662.55 65.00% Str., Sofia 1408 production machinery for interior and entrance doors of MDF </p><p>COMPETITIVE FUTURE IN NEW WAY - DJELA - N.D. LTD, Bulgaria, MANAGEMENT OF INTERNAL AND 190 6000 Stara Zagora, Jeleznik area, EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT OF DJELA Stara Zagora 12 49 546.25 60.02% 1st Venera street – N.D. TROUGH NEW EQUIPMENT AND NEW STANDARTS INTRODUCTION</p><p>MODIMA LTD, ”Strelbisthe” “Increasing competitiveness of Modima Ltd. 191 District, Block 53,Floor 2, Flat Sofia 12 49 691.36 61.73% trough investment support” 4,Sofia 1404</p><p>MAGTRADE - ABV LTD, Consultancy (QMS) and investment (edge- Bulgaria, Sofia-City District, 1797 banding machine) – a winning combination 192 Sofia, Darvenitza quarter, Sofia 12 48 902.26 65.00% for enhancement of the competitive Technical University, block 7, advantages of Magtrade-ABV Ltd entrance 4</p><p>Improving the competitiveness of Lazarov LAZAROV LTD, Razgrad, 193 Ltd through introduction of new production Razgrad 8 47 874.66 61.81% “Maritsa” Str. N7 equipment</p><p>NETKOM OOD, 4000 Plovdiv, “Improving the competitiveness of 194 Plovdiv 12 47 770.01 64.99% ”Trakya” No.240 “NETCOM” Ltd.”</p><p>POLIDAY-2 LTD, Karlovo, Yane Increasing the competitiveness of “Poliday 195 Karlovo 11 49 802.35 65.00% Sandanski str.8, Bulgaria. 2” Ltd.</p><p>2006 21 ORINOKO LTD, 5, Nikola 196 Vaptsarov Street, Rakovski, Modernization of joinery production Rakovski 12 46 105.00 64.00% District of Plovdiv</p><p>Increasing the competitiveness of “KRISTAN” LTD through investment KRISTAN LTD, Bulgaria, Sofia, support for equipment, improvement of the 197 Galichitza str. Block 46, entrance quality and the competitiveness of the goods Sofia 10 50 000.00 39.81% A, floor, apart 1-3 and Development, implementation and certification of „Systems for Safety and Healthy Labour Conditions“</p><p>PROJECT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF SARTEN BULGARIA LTD, 5800 198 “BUSINESS MANAGEMENT” SYSTEM Pleven 12 45 878.02 59.85% Pleven, “Georgi Kochev” str. 91 FOR SARTEN BULGARIA Ltd</p><p>KOKOIMPEX LTD, 4700 Project for the increase of the 199 Smolyan 12 47 212.31 64.65% Smolyan,..”Izvorna” 2 str. competitiveness of Kokoimpex LTD </p><p>NAKMASH - 97 LTD, Region of Sofia, Botevgrad, Post Code 2140, Let the new challenges become new 200 Botevgrad 12 50 000.00 59.92% Industrial Zone Microelectronics, possibilities Post Box 107</p><p>HAPPY DREAMS LLC, Sofia, 90 Improvement of the production process in 201 Sofia 12 31 850.00 65.00% Nikola Gabrovski Str. Happy Dreams LLC</p><p>STYLE-90 LTD, №29,”Maksim CERTIFICATION OF QMS - ISO 202 Raykovich”, Lyaskovets, 9001:2000 AND INVESTMENT SUPPORT Lyaskovets 12 26 650.00 65.00% V.Tarnovo district IN STYLE-90 LTD</p><p>Improved competitiveness through investments, introduction of occupational ET GARS-GAVRAIL health and safety management system and 203 GAVRAILOV, 61 Rodopi Street, Kardzhali 12 25 000.00 58.19% certification for compliance with Kardzhali 6600 OHSAS18001 in ET “Gars-Gavrail Gavrailov”</p><p>DOBRUDZHA KIT JSC, 82, Enhanced competitiveness of Dobrudzha Kit 204 “Ahinora” str., 7400 town of JSC, town of Isperih through production Isperih 11 49 984.00 64.00% Isperih, district of Razgrad processes modernization</p><p>2006 22 Quality Management System MEBELINA 99 LTD, Sofia 1408, implementation, ISO 9001:2000 certification 205 Strelbishte residential area, 19 and supplying of a high speed panel saw - Sofia 11 50 000.00 32.13% Dede Agach str., 5th floor, ap. 13 source for competitive boost of MEBELINA 99 LTD</p><p>Implementing a Quality Management System SOFITEX LTD, Sofia – 1220, 25 in accordance with ISO 9001:2000, and 206 Sofia 12 48 576.45 65.00% Rozhen blvd. technical modernization for increasing the competitiveness of SOFITEX LTD..”</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION AND R-DEXA TRADING LTD, 6884 CERTIFICATION UNDER ISO 9001 AND 207 Kirkovo village, Kurdjali district Plovdiv 12 31 785.00 65.00% PROCUREMENT OF NEW 23, “Dimitar Blagoev” Str. TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT</p><p>Increase of competitiveness of “Kristian KRISTIAN -ALBERT Albert Andonov – Todorka Andonova” SP ANDONOV - TODORKA through investment support, consultations 208 ANDONDOVA SP, 2 Perun and vocational training of the staff Sandanski 12 40 095.05 64.98% Street , Sandanski, 2800, Blagoevgrad</p><p>FORGING PRESS PLANT PLC, Project for Increasing the competitiveness of 209 Ruse 12 34 385.50 65.00% 7000 Ruse, POBox. 278 the FORGING PRESS PLANT PLC</p><p>Consulting and certification services for ISO JAR LTD, Bulgaria, Varna, “Tzar 9001:2000 quality management system and 210 Varna 12 47 710.00 65.00% Simeon I” street, 27 procurement of equipment for “JAR” OOD , Varna</p><p>MODERNIZATION OF DEKOM LTD. DEKOM LTD, 12, Ivan Susanin, 211 MEAT PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING Sofia 10 49 914.00 59.00% str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria ENTERPRISE</p><p>“Upgrading the Capacities of “ITALTEH” ITALTEH LTD, 8600 Yambol, Ltd. for Manufacturing Metal-Working 212 Bulgaria Yambol 12 49 859.05 54.70% Details and Introduction of CE Marking – 32 Yambolen str. Product Trade Passport for EU Market”</p><p>2006 23 EKIP LTD, 5000 Veliko Tarnovo, ISO 9001 certification and technological 213 34 Nezavisimost Str., Veliko Veliko Tarnovo 11 34 835.18 64.82% modernization of “EKIP” Ltd. Tarnovo District, Bulgaria</p><p>GEANA LTD, Bulgaria7000 Introduction of modern technical equipment 214 Ruse 8 49 082.92 62.00% Ruse2A Tsar Kaloian Str in “Geana” Ltd., Ruse </p><p>JUPITER METAL LTD, 4000 Certification and Investment – New Business 215 Plovdiv, 52 “Kichevo” Str., floor 5, Plovdiv 12 41 340.00 65.00% Opportunities app.12</p><p>JOSI LTD, 1510 Sofia, 9 PROCUREMENT OF INNOVATIVE 216 Sofia 12 50 000.00 63.93% Rezbarska Str. TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT</p><p>Improve the competitiveness and business ATE PLAST LTD, Bulgaria, Stara 217 performance of “Ate Plast” OOD through Stara Zagora 8 36 400.00 65.00% Zagora, 6000, p.o.box 124 implementation of ERP system.</p><p>TOP LIFT LTD, Sofia, 3 Poruchik Increasing the competitiveness of Top lift 218 Sofia 11 42 802.00 64.50% Bonchev Str. Iskar Station 1528 Ltd.</p><p>Increasing the competitiveness of CORAL CORAL SPEKTAR LTD, 4230 SPEKTAR trough combining investments in 219 Assenovgrad, Bulgaria8 Polk. new manufacturing equipment and Assenovgrad 12 46 020.00 65.00% Drangov str. preparation and certification of a Quality Management System (QMS)</p><p>ALPI COMERS LTD, 4230- “Construction of an automatic dosing system 220 Assenovgrad; 2, Kozanovsko for dry and liquid components Assenovgrad 12 42 835.00 65.00% Shosse Str. in Candy factory “ALPI”</p><p>MATEV LTD, 21 “Tzar “Enhancing the competitiveness of the 221 Plovdiv 11 49 265.00 59.00% Osvoboditel” str, apt 4 Haskovo production of water heaters “Matev”</p><p>PROFIL LTD, Plovdiv 4000, 6th 222 Increase of the competitiveness of Profil Ltd Plovdiv 12 49 200.00 64.10% km. “Pazardjishko shose” str</p><p>2006 24 BIOSIM LTD, Bulgaria, Yambol T.i.p.s – “Technical improvements for 223 municipality, 8600 Yambol town Yambol 9 30 744.00 60.00% progressive sales” “Zlaten Rog” compl. 169</p><p>Application for Assistance for Introduction DINATSTROI LTD, Blagoevgrad and Implementation of Quality Management 224 Blagoevgrad 12 44 363.22 65.00% 45 Todor Aleksandrov str., floor 2 System and Investment Support for “Dinatstroi” Ltd.</p><p>PULSLIGHT LTD, Sofia, 72, The future of the Bulgarian laser products 225 Sofia 10 15 567.00 65.00% Tzarigradsko shosse Blvd. and systems "PULSLIGHT" on EU market.</p><p>PLAN-IMPEX LTD, Ruse, 80, Promoting the competitiveness of PLAN- 226 Ruse 10 47 034.00 65.00% Aleksandrovska Str. IMPEX Ltd.</p><p>Improving the competitiveness of DIMSON DIMSON LTD, Sofia, 32, "3020" 227 LTD throught consultancy and invesment Sofia 12 49 559.10 63.71% Str. support</p><p>VALIYAN LTD., Bulgaria, Sofia, Productivity improvement of a leading 228 Sofia 12 50 000.00 50.00% “Rozhen” Blvd. No 22 Bulgarian High Quality Furniture Producer</p><p>Project Raising the State of Competitiveness UZO Ltd, № 8 “Bratiya of UZO Ltd by Means of an Investment 229 Miladinovi” Blvd, office 3, Made in Technological Equipment and Sliven 10 16 607.00 65.00% Sliven introduction of the International OSH Standards</p><p>“Increase of quality and productiveness at “SAAV” Ltd, 1113, Sofia, 6, 230 production of garage doors and protective Lozen 12 45 638.91 65.00% Alexander Zhendov Str. roll-shutters” </p><p>YUGOPLOD JSC, Sofia, Graf DEVELOPMENT OF THE MARKET 231 Haskovo 12 50 000.00 59.67% Ignatiev str. No1 POTENTIAL OF YUGOPLOD JSC.</p><p>“Improvement of “Meriam 90” PLC competitiveness through optimizing “MERIAM 90” S.A, Sofia, technological and managing processes within 232 Katuntzi 12 33 824.00 56.00% Iliensko shose blv. N 8 the company. Introduction of new high technological equipment and company’s certification due to ISO 9001:2000 standard”</p><p>2006 25 Investment in new equipment, implementation of quality management Interpred Partner Ltd., 5 Hristo system in compliance with the standard ISO 233 Matov str., PO Box 1, 2900 Gotze 9001:2000 and vocational training – Gotze Deltchev 9 50 000.00 29.94% Deltchev strengthening the competitiveness of Interpred Partner Ltd, producer of sanitary products</p><p>“European Model for Improved Getex Ltd., 16, Morava St., appt. 4, 234 Competitiveness of Getex LTD – Pleven Pleven 10 41 933.77 61.50% 5800 Pleven 2007”</p><p>2. Grants awarded without a Call for Proposals – Not Applicable</p><p>2006 26</p>
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