<p> RUTH SALVAGGIO</p><p>Department of English and Comparative Literature Department of American Studies University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill [email protected]</p><p>Professional Employment:</p><p>2005- Professor of English and University of North Carolina Comparative Literature Chapel Hill Adjunct Professor of American Studies</p><p>2002-05 Professor of English Purdue University and Director of Women’s Studies</p><p>2001-02 Professor of English SUNY Binghamton </p><p>1995-01 Professor of American Studies University of New Mexico</p><p>1991-95 Associate Professor of American Studies University of New Mexico</p><p>1984-90 Associate Professor of English Virginia Tech </p><p>1987-89 Coordinator of Women’s Studies Virginia Tech</p><p>1984-85 Visiting Assistant Professor University of Oregon</p><p>1979-84 Assistant Professor of English Virginia Tech</p><p>Education:</p><p>1979 PhD Rice University English Department</p><p>1975 MA Oklahoma State University English Department</p><p>1973 BA Oklahoma State University English Department</p><p>1969-72 University of New Orleans Undergraduate Study</p><p>Publications:</p><p>1 Authored Books:</p><p>Hearing Sappho in New Orleans (completed and under consideration, 290 mss. pp.) </p><p>The Sounds of Feminist Theory. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999. 151 pp.</p><p>Enlightened Absence: Neoclassical Configurations of the Feminine. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988. 160 pp.</p><p>Dryden's Dualities, English Literary Studies Series. Victoria: University of Victoria, 1983. 106 pp.</p><p>Edited Works:</p><p>Women Critics, 1660 - 1820, co-ed. Folger Collective on Early Women Writers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995. 340 pp.</p><p>Congo Square and Creole Songs: New Orleans and the Poetry of the Early Atlantic World (project in progress).</p><p>Monographs:</p><p>A Report On Women and Science. University of Mexico and Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1992. 193 pp.</p><p>Octavia Butler, in A Reader’s Guide to Charnas, Butler, and Vinge. Washington: Starmont Press, 1985. 154 pp.</p><p>Refereed Articles and Book Chapters: </p><p>“The Burning Question of Poetic Form,” Special Issue of Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory on “Ecopoetics and the Eco-Narrative,” 10, 2 (Spring 2009), 33-42.</p><p>“Hearing Sappho in New Orleans,” in Louisiana Culture from the Colonial Era to Katrina, ed. John Lowe (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2008), 294-310.</p><p>“Forgetting New Orleans,” Southern Literary Journal, 40, 2 (Spring 2008), pp. 305-16. “Connecting Metamorphoses: Italo Calvino and Octavia Butler,” in Afro-Future Females: Black Writers Chart Science Fiction’s Newest Wave Territory, ed. Marleen Barr (Columbus: Ohio State Univ. Press), 2008.</p><p>2 “Feminism and Time,” reader and commentary for a Special Issue of Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, 21, 1 (2002), pp. 8-12.</p><p>"Carolyn Kizer's Politics: Poetry and Feminism," rpt. in Carolyn Kizer: Perspectives on her Life and Work, ed. Annie Finch, Johanna Keller, and Candace McClelland. (NY: CavanKerry Press, 2001), pp. 55-70. </p><p>"Octavia Butler and the Black Science-Fiction Heroine," rpt. in Contemporary Women Writers. Detroit: Gale Research, 2001.</p><p>"Ann Finch Placed and Displaced," rpt. in Early Women Writers, 1600-1720, ed. Anita Pacheco. Longman Critical Readers. London: Longman, 1998. pp. 242-65.</p><p>"Skin Deep: Lesbian Interventions in Language," in Cross Purposes: Lesbian Studies, Feminist Studies, and the Limits Alliance, ed. Dana Heller. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997. pp. 49-63.</p><p>"Thinking Regionally," Concerns, 24, 1 (1994), pp. 2-5.</p><p>"Oral Infusions in Women's Language," Proceedings of the 1994 Women and Language Conference, University of California at Berkeley, 1994.</p><p>"Aphra Behn's Love," in Rereading Aphra Behn, ed. Heidi Hutner (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1993), pp. 253-70.</p><p>"Carolyn Kizer's Politics: Poetry and Feminism," in An Answering Music: The Poetry of Carolyn Kizer, ed. David Rigsbee, American Poets in Profile, Vol. 6 (Boston: Ford, Brown, & Co., 1989), pp. 67-81.</p><p>"Psychoanalysis and Deconstruction and Woman," in Psychoanalysis And ... ed. H. Sussman and R. Feldstein (London: Routledge, 1989), pp. 151-60.</p><p>"The Case of Two Cultures: Psychoanalytic Theories of Literature and Science," in Discontented Discourses: Feminism/Textual Intervention/Psychoanalysis, ed. M. Barr and R. Feldstein (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988), pp. 54-65.</p><p>"Theory and Space, Space and Woman," Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 7, 2 (Fall 1988), 261-82.</p><p>"Swift and Psychoanalysis, Language and Woman," Women's Studies, 15, 4 (1988), 417-34.</p><p>"Verses on the Death of Mr. Dryden," Journal of Popular Culture, 21 1 (Summer 1987), 75-91.</p><p>"Shakespeare in the Wilderness; Or, Deconstruction in the Classroom," Demarcating the Disciplines: Philosophy, Literature, Art. Glyph Textual Studies 1 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986), 95-102.</p><p>3 "Octavia Butler and the Black Science-Fiction Heroine," Black American Literature Forum, 18 (1984), 78-81.</p><p>"Time, Space, and the Couplet," Philological Quarterly, 62 (1983), 93-106.</p><p>"Interpreting the MLA Bibliography," Scholarly Publishing, 14 (1983), 363-68.</p><p>"Some Current Publications," Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660 - 1700, 6 (1982), 105-120.</p><p>"Syntax and Response in Dryden's Couplet Verse," Concerning Poetry, 15 (1982), 17-31.</p><p>"Twain's Later Phase Reconsidered: Duality and the Mind," American Literary Realism, l2 (l979), 322-29.</p><p>"Dryden's Ambiguous Syntax," Forum, 16 (1978), 7-11.</p><p>Book Reviews and Encyclopedia Essays:</p><p>Literature After Feminism, by Rita Felski (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2003), in Modern Fiction Studies, 50, 3 (Fall 2004), 785-86.</p><p>Feminist Messages: Coding in Women's Folk Culture, ed. Joan Radner (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1993), in American Anthropologist, 96, 2 (June 1994), 465-66.</p><p>The Spectral Mother: Freud, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis, by Madelon Sprengnether (Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1989), in Kritikon Litterarum, 18 (Jahrgang 1991), 93-95.</p><p>The Wellesley Manuscript Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea, ed. Jean Ellis D'Alessandro (Florence, 1988), in The Scriblerian, 33, 2 (1991), 250-51.</p><p>Engendering the Word: Feminist Essays in Psychosexual Poetics, ed. T. Berg, A. Elfenbein, J. Larson, and E. Sparks (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1989), in The Hollins Critic, 27, 1 (1990). 13-14.</p><p>A Mirror to Nature: Transformations in Drama and Aesthetics, 1660 - 1732, by Rose A. Zimbardo, in The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography (1989), 246. </p><p>Darwin and the Novelists: Patterns of Science in Victorian Fiction, by George Levine (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988), in Nineteenth - Century Prose, 16, 2 (1989), 82-85.</p><p>Controversy in Victorian Geology: The Cambrian - Silurian Dispute, by James A. Secord (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986), in The Arnoldian: A Review of Mid - Victorian Culture, 14, 2 (1987), 51-53.</p><p>4 "Susannah Dobson" and "Lady Elizabeth Foster," co-authored with Janet Todd, A Dictionary of British and American Women Writers, 1660 - 1800, ed. Todd (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld, 1985), pp. 104, 129-30.</p><p>Reading Deconstruction/Deconstructive Readings, by G. Douglas Atkins (Lexington: Univ. Press of Kentucky, 1983), in Eighteenth - Century Studies, 19 (1985), 127-29.</p><p>"John Oldham," Critical Survey of Poetry, Vol. 5, ed. Frank Magill (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Salem Press, 1983), 2130-35.</p><p>"Mary Murfree," Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 12, ed. D. Pizer (Detroit: Gale Research, 1982), 373-78.</p><p>Professional Presentations:</p><p>International:</p><p>"On Gardens, Poetic Language, and Cultural Regimes," Uncommon Senses: An International Conference on the Senses in Art and Literature, Montreal, Canada, April 2000.</p><p>"Odd Genders and Queer Relations," Division of American Literature, American Literature Conference, Mexico, 1996.</p><p>"Infusions of Orality in Women's Narrative Prose," International Conference on Narrative Literature, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1994.</p><p>"Models of Cross-Disciplinarity: Women's Studies/Literary and Scientific Studies," International Congress on the History and Philosophy of Science, Hamburg and Munich, Germany, 1989.</p><p>"The Feminisms of Literature and Science," Third International Interdisciplinary Conference on Women, Dublin, Ireland, 1987.</p><p>"Gender Distinctions in Newton's 'Hard' and 'Soft' Theories," VIIth International Congress on the Enlightenment, Budapest, Hungary, 1987.</p><p>"Time and Space in Post-Structuralist Theory," University of Ottawa Conference on Post-Structuralism, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1984.</p><p>National and Regional:</p><p>“The Song of Zizi: Poetry of the Early Americas,” American Literature Association, San Francisco, 2010.</p><p>5 “The Poetic Work of Slave Songs—Charleston and New Orleans,” Society for the Study of Southern Literature, New Orleans, 2010.</p><p>“Sappho, Joy Harjo, and the Burning Question of Poetic Form,” American Literature Association, San Francisco, 2008.</p><p>“Forgetting New Orleans,” Society for the Study of Southern Literature, Williamsburg, Virginia, 2008.</p><p>“Eros, Poesis, and Traditions of Female Eroticism,” American Society for 18th-Century Studies, Atlanta, 2007.</p><p>“Hearing Sappho in New Orleans,” Newcomb Center of Tulane University, New Orleans, 2007. (invited lecture)</p><p>“Hearing Sappho in New Orleans,” National Women in Theatre conference, New Orleans, 2007. (invited Keynote Address)</p><p>“Early Women Poets and the Politics of Voice,” Northeast Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, 2005.</p><p>“Gardens, Rhizomes, and Regimes: Jamaica Kincaid’s My Garden (Book),” Conference on Narrative, University of Calfiornia, Berkeley, 2003.</p><p>"Theory, Sound, and Aesthetics," Modern Language Association, New Orleans, 2001.</p><p>"Queer Theory and Early Texts," Group for the Study of Modern Culture, University of Dallas, 1995.</p><p>"Critical Significations in Early 'Lesbian' Writing," American Society for 18th-Century Studies, Tucson, 1995.</p><p>"Feminist and Lesbian Professional Concerns," Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Colorado Springs, 1994. (invited Keynote Presentation for the Women's Caucus)</p><p>"Tracing the O: Infusions of Orality in Women's Writing," Berkeley Women and Language Conference, University of California, Berkeley, 1994.</p><p>"Cynthia Enloe and Postmodern Networks," Western Political Science Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1994.</p><p>"Gender, Science, and Women Scientists," Conference of Women in Science and Engineering, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1994. (invited lecture)</p><p>"Gender and Science," Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, 1992. (invited lecture)</p><p>"About Early Women Critics," Aphra Behn Society Conference, New Orleans, 1992.</p><p>6 "Aphra Behn's Love," Aphra Behn Society Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1991.</p><p>"Feminism and Enlightenment," Arizona State University, Tempe, 1991. (invited lecture)</p><p>"Women's Studies and Crossing (Out) the Disciplines," Modern Language Association, Chicago, 1990.</p><p>"Aphra Behn and the Erotics of Writing," Harvard University, Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, Cambridge, 1990. (invited lecture)</p><p>"Teaching Difference," College English Association, Orlando, Florida, 1989.</p><p>"Woman's Body and the Shaping of Discourse," Conference of the Society for Literature and Science, Albany, New York, 1988.</p><p>"`Brazil' and the End of Patriarchy." Crosscurrents: Conference on Literary and Cinematic Representations, Florida State University, 1987.</p><p>"The Feminizing of Literary and Scientific Theory," Conference of the Society for Literature and Science, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1987.</p><p>"Are Feminism and Professional Ethics Compatible? A Case of Tenure and Promotion," Modern Language Association, San Francisco, 1987.</p><p>"Gender, Theory, Time and Space," Conference on Gender: Literary and Cinematic Representations, Florida State University, 1986.</p><p>"Gender, Literature, and Science," Southeast Women's Studies Association, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, 1986.</p><p>"Psychoanalysis, Deconstruction, and the Anglo-American Feminist Movement," Conference on Feminism and Psychoanalysis, Illinois State University, 1986.</p><p>"Anne Finch's Shades of Darkness," Modern Language Association, New York, 1986.</p><p>"Against Orthodoxy: Inventing and Reproducing Feminist Criticism," Modern Language Association, New York, 1986.</p><p>"Gender Relations Between Newtonian Physics and 18th-Century Poetry," American Society for 18th-Century Studies, Toronto, 1985.</p><p>"A Psychoanalytic Theory of Science and Literature," Modern Language Association, Chicago, 1985.</p><p>"Shakespeare in the Wilderness; Or, Deconstruction in the Classroom," South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, 1982.</p><p>7 "Sequential and Spatial Patterns in Couplet Verse: Shakespeare, Dryden, Pope," American Society for 18th-Century Studies, Houston, 1982.</p><p>"Pope, Art, and Women," South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, l980.</p><p>"Syntax and Response in Dryden's Couplet Verse," American Society for l8th-Century Studies, San Francisco, 1980.</p><p>"The Rhetoric of Response: Dryden's Prologues and Epilogues," South Central Society for 18th-Century Studies, Univ. of Oklahoma, 1979.</p><p>"The Politics of Language in Absalom and Achitophel, South Central Society for 18th-Century Studies, Univ. of Oklahoma, 1979.</p><p>"The Syntax of Dryden's Verse," South Central Modern Language Association, Houston, l978.</p><p>Sessions Organized and Chaired at Professional Meetings:</p><p>"American/Beauty: Politics and Aesthetics," American Studies Association, Washington, DC, 2001.</p><p>"Equipment for Survival I: Getting a Job," Women’s Caucus Session, Modern Language Association, Toronto, 1993.</p><p>"Equipment for Survival II: On the Job" Women’s Caucus Session, Modern Language Association, Toronto, 1993.</p><p>"Woman's Body in Literature and Science," Conference of the Society for Literature and Science, Albany, 1988.</p><p>"Gender Distinctions in 18th-Century Literature," South Central Modern Language Association, New Orleans, October, 1986.</p><p>"Attack and Counter-Attack in Restoration Literature," American Society for 18th-Century Studies Convention, Houston, March, 1982.</p><p>"The Development of the Couplet in the Eighteenth Century," South Central Society for 18th-Century Studies Convention, Bethany College, West Virginia, October, 1982.</p><p>Seminars:</p><p>Folger Institute Seminar, "Early Women Writers," monthly meetings, September-April, 1989-90.</p><p>Folger Institute Seminar, "Theories of Genre," weekly meetings, January-March, 1983.</p><p>8 Film Consultant:</p><p>Critical Mass: Women in Science (1993), winner of a Rocky Mountain Emmy Award from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, distributed nationally on the Classroom Channel and on Public Broadcasting System stations.</p><p>National Conference Chair and Organizer:</p><p>“Trans/Positions: A Conference on Feminist Inquiry in Transit,” an international conference featuring five keynote speakers, among them Rey Chow, Inderpal Grewal, and Ruth Vanita, and over 30 sessions featuring participants from the United States and abroad. Women’s Studies Program, Purdue University, 2005.</p><p>Teaching:</p><p>Graduate Courses:</p><p>Seminars: Critical and Literary Theory, Feminist Theory, 18th-Century Literature, 18th-Century Transatlantic Studies, Cultural Studies, Queer Theory, Postmodern and Postcolonial Theory, Contemporary Theories of Language, Gender and Aesthetics, Ecofeminism, Theories of the Self from Modernity to Postmodernity, Introduction to Graduate Studies in American Studies.</p><p>Undergraduate Courses:</p><p>Feminist Theory, History of Criticism and Theory, 18th-Centure Transatlantic Studies, 18th-Century British Literature, The Essay, British and American Literature, Women Writers and World Literature, Cultural Studies, Studies in Lyric Poetry, Poetry and Ecology, Introduction to Women Studies, Introduction to Poetry, Honors Seminars and Senior Seminars in varied literary and cultural studies topics.</p><p>Special Seminar: </p><p>Burch Seminar in New Orleans, a special seminar offered in post-Katrina New Orleans, focusing on the history and literary culture of the city and offered in conjunction with Tulane University, Spring semester 2009.</p><p>Dissertation Committees:</p><p>Dissertation Committee Member at Univeristy of North Carolina:</p><p>9 Department of English (currently serving on 7 dissertation committees)</p><p>Dissertation Committee Member at Purdue University:</p><p>Department of English (4), English and Women’s Studies (2), Philosophy and Women’s Studies (1)</p><p>Dissertation Committee Member at the University of New Mexico:</p><p>Department of American Studies (14), English (11), Anthropology (4), Sociology (2), Communications (3), Fine Arts (2), Political Science (1), Spanish (2), French (1), Education (4) </p><p>Dissertations Directed at the University of New Mexico:</p><p>Simona Fojtova, "Feminist Epistemologies and Questions of the Body," 2007. (Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies at Transylvania University)</p><p>Hank Messinger, "Understanding Law: Early Modern Theories of Cosmology, Order, and Regulation,” 2005. (Lawyer)</p><p>Maura Daly, "Bodies and Selves in Cyberspace: Discourses and Narratives of Electronic Culture," 2003. (Adjunct Faculty at the University of California, Berkeley and Santa Cruz)</p><p>Dan Shoemaker, "A Politics of Regard: Metaphor and the Rehabilitation of Democracy in Multicultural Discourse,” 2003. (Faculty Member at Bowling Green State University)</p><p>Kathy Freise, "Reverberating Disputes: Memory and Public Art," 2003. (Art Critic)</p><p>Monica Torres, "Cracking the Commensurable: The Collapse of Confidence in Epistemological Certainty," 2002. (Chair of the English Department at New Mexico State University)</p><p>Julia Foster, "'Oh, I had a good home,': Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Displacement in the Construction of Modern Cherokee Identities," 2001. (Associate Professor of Native American Studies at the University of California, Davis)</p><p>Constance Shortlidge, "Enfolding Bodies: A New Visual Space," PhD, Univ. of New Mexico, 1995.</p><p>Denise Stephenson, "Academic Writing and Conforming Conventions," PhD, Univ. of New Mexico, 1994. (Faculty Member at Eastern Michigan State University) </p><p>Professional Service:</p><p>National:</p><p>10 President, First Vice-President, and Second Vice-President, Women's Caucus of the Modern Language Association.</p><p>Evaluator, National Endowment for the Humanities, Division of Fellowships.</p><p>Review Panelist, School of American Research Resident Scholar Program, Santa Fe, New Mexico.</p><p>Manuscript Referee: University of Illinois Press, University of Pennsylvania Press, SUNY Press, University of Nebraska Press.</p><p>Tenure and Promotion Referee: University of Wyoming, Carnegie Mellon University, Old Dominion University, Otterbein College, University of Oklahoma, University of Massachusetts, University of Oregon.</p><p>Steering Committee, Aphra Behn Society National Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.</p><p>Steering Committee, Southeast Women’s Studies Association Conference, Roanoke College.</p><p>Department, College, and University:</p><p>University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill</p><p>Chair, Provost’s Committee for LGBTQ Life, 2006-2009</p><p>English Department Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2008-2009</p><p>English Department Post-Tenure Review Committee, 2008</p><p>Sexuality Studies Committee, 2005-2009</p><p>English Department Faculty Search Committee, 2008</p><p>Chair, English Dept. ad hoc Tenure and Promotion Document Review Committee, 2006-2007</p><p>English Department Internal Review Committee, 2005-2006</p><p>Other Universities:</p><p>Schools of Liberal Arts Council of Department Heads</p><p>College of Arts and Sciences Tenure and Promotion Committee</p><p>Women’s Studies Committees</p><p>11 English Dept. Tenure and Promotion Committee</p><p>English Dept. Executive Committee</p><p>English Dept. Graduate Committee</p><p>English Dept. Recruitment Committee</p><p>English Dept. Creative Writing Committee</p><p>American Studies Committee</p><p>Cultural Studies Committee</p><p>Media Studies Recruitment Committee</p><p>College of A&S Grant Review Committees</p><p>Advisory Committee for Women's Research Institute</p><p>Advisory Committee for Curriculum Transformation Project</p><p>Search Committee for Women's Studies Coordinator</p><p>Commission on Undergraduate Studies</p><p>Black History Month Steering Committee</p><p>National Speakers Forum </p><p>Faculty Senate</p><p>Awards, Fellowships, and Professional Recognition:</p><p>Senior Professor Outstanding Teacher Award, one of three university-wide teaching awards granted that year, University of New Mexico, 1997.</p><p>President, Women’s Caucus of the Modern Language Association, 1994-95. (First and Second Vice-President, 1992-93, 1993-94)</p><p>Los Alamos National Laboratory, $12,000 Grant for the Project on Women and Science, 1991-1992.</p><p>National Endowment for the Humanities Travel Grant, 1989. </p><p>Fellow, Center for Programs in the Humanities, Virginia Tech, Summer 1988.</p><p>12 William Andrews Clark Library Resident Fellowship, 1985.</p><p>Fellow, Folger Institute and American Society for 18th-Century Studies, 1983.</p><p>Research Projects Grants, Virginia Tech, 1982, 1984, 1985.</p><p>Graduate Fellow, Rice University, 1975-79.</p><p>Rice University Presidential Fellow, 1975-76.</p><p>Administration:</p><p>Director of the Women’s Studies Program and Member of the Council of Department Heads, Purdue University, 2002-05.</p><p>Director of Graduate Studies, Department of American Studies, University of New Mexico (1994-95, 1997-2001)</p><p>Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of American Studies, University of New Mexico (1992-93, 1995-96)</p><p>Coordinator of the Women’s Studies Program, Virginia Tech (1987-1989)</p><p>13</p>
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