<p> MINUTES MISSOURI LIONS COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS Saturday, January 26, 2013 Holiday Inn SE Hotel, Kansas City, MO</p><p>The third meeting of the 2012-2013 Missouri Lions Council of Governors was called to order by Council Chairperson John Yount at 10:30 a.m.</p><p>DG Darlene Jost gave the Invocation.</p><p>The Pledge of Allegiance was led by DG Casey Morris.</p><p>DG Gina Boettcher led in the singing of the 1st verse of “America”.</p><p>Protocol was established by PDG Ann Anderson.</p><p>ATTENDANCE - Those in attendance were:</p><p>District Governor 1 st Vice District Governors 2 nd Vice District Governors 26-M1 Casey Morris Larry Kimbrow 26-M2 Gina Boettcher Sharyn Scheidt Missy Carr 26-M3 Lisa Alexander Sandy McCann John Clark 26-M4 George Spengler Roger Unruh Richard Warner 26-M5 Kenneth Goetz Ellen Upchurch Gary Curtis 26-M6 Walter Hamer Nick Paulin Peter Frantzen 26-M7 Darlene Jost Jeff Hilke Emery Smola</p><p>Council Chairperson IPDG John Yount, M2 International Director Donal Knipp, M7 Past International Directors Leland Kolkmeyer, M5, and Dr. Dwayne Garrett, M3 Acting Parliamentarian PDG Lyn Porterfield, M3 Council Secretary-Treasurer/State Office Administrator Lion Brenda Weider, M7</p><p>M1: PDG Tom Steinbach, Lion Charlotte Williams M2: Lion Joe Foster, Lion Michelle Foster, Lion Toni Mahoney, PDG Eugene Taylor, IPCC Kimberly Taylor M3: PDG Freda McKee, PCC Don Noland, Lion Betty Noland M4: PDG Ann Anderson, PCC John Anderson, Lion Ron Campbell, Lion Peggy Campbell, PDG Harley Morlock M5: Lion Julie Goetz M6: PDG Bill Botzow, PDG Zana Botzow, Lion Jennie Mosher, PDG Debbie Whittlesey M7: PDG Nan Blakemore, PCC Jesse Hathcock, Lion Lou Ann Hathcock, PDG Ron Jordan, Lion Penny Jost, Lion Wayne Weider</p><p>APPOINTMENT OF TAIL TWISTER & DESIGNATION OF FUNDS - Motion by DG Spengler to designate the Tail Twister funds to the MOLATE Project in Joplin, and to nominate PDG Debbie Whittlesey as Tail Twister. Seconded by DG Boettcher. Motion carried.</p><p>MINUTES OF OCTOBER 27, 2012 COUNCIL MEETING – Motion by DG Goetz, seconded by DG Spengler, to approve the minutes of the October 27, 2012, Council Meeting. Motion passed.</p><p>1 CARDS SIGNED – Council Chair Yount passed around get well cards for Lion Alice Wise and PDG Tom Duke for everyone to sign.</p><p>FINANCIAL REPORT – DG Spengler gave the six month year-to-date financial report, showing Administrative Council income of $39,749.65 and expenses of $39,092.72, with a net income of $656.93, and remaining cash of $89,211.52. There being no questions, a motion was made by DG Boettcher and seconded by DG Morris to approve the report. Motion carried.</p><p>INTERNATIONAL UPDATE – International Director Knipp reported on the November International Board Meeting. ID Knipp serves on the International Convention Committee and has enjoyed getting to know the other board members from around the world. Some of the actions taken by the board were: DGE training in Hamburg in 2013 and Toronto in 2014 will consist of 3 days at the convention. All DGEs will have 1 day of training in their own area along with electronic training while they are serving as 1st VDG. Authorization of the formation of an ad hoc committee on board representation for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 fiscal years. President Madden and the executive officers are to appoint a chairperson and up to 7 additional members of the committee with at least one member from each constitutional area. Their objective is to review the composition of the International Board of Directors and make any recommendations for change they feel necessary. Approved putting on the ballot in Hamburg a by-laws change raising the one-time fee for Life Members to $650.00. Continue the Reading Action Program for another 10 years after this fiscal year ends. ID Knipp proudly announced that through the One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative, we helped to vaccinate 157 million children in 2012. The next International Board Meeting will be held in April in Marbella, Spain.</p><p>GREAT PLAINS LIONS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE - DG Gina Boettcher reported for PDG Debbie Blumenberg, who could not be in attendance. The Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute will be held July 26-28, 2013, at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, MO. She had emailed the registration form to all Governors, Vice District Governors and District GLT Chairs. Also included in this year’s information is a power point presentation that you can present at all upcoming district meetings to promote the Institute. For individual Lions, this Institute is an excellent opportunity to develop their leadership skills not only in Lionism but in their workforce and everyday lives. Any Lion, Lioness or Leo who has attained majority and who has not yet served as District Governor as of the date of this Institute is eligible to attend. No previous attendee is eligible without prior approval of the Institute Coordinator, PID Leland Kolkmeyer.</p><p>LCIF REPORT – PID Dr. Dwayne Garrett first took a minute to thank everyone for their cards and concern during Lion Jeanette’s health issue. She is now doing fine. Contributions to LCIF during 2011-12 totaled $104,357, which was down from previous years. The goal for 2012-13, with one district not turning in any goal, was $87,000. To date all districts have contributed $45,894.00. LCIF contributions this past year to Joplin alone were approximately $140,000, and District M5 was approved for a $75,000 grant for the visually impaired. This totals $215,000 coming into MD 26 the past year. Many clubs and members ask why we always send LCIF money out of the USA when, in fact, we don’t. When you go back over many years of donations you find we usually receive more than we give. LCIF leads all service organizations in humanitarian relief and it deserves our strongest financial support. Please go back to your clubs and talk with your District LCIF Coordinator about supporting our foundation.</p><p>MISSOURI LIONS EYE RESEARCH FOUNDATION REPORT – VDG Jeff Hilke gave the report for Lion Dr. Ron Walkenbach. The Heartland Lions Eye Bank has had a very strong year so far, providing sight to 2 1,105 people worldwide as of November 30. Closer to home, the eye bank has already provided the gift of sight to at least 20 people in each of our Missouri Lions districts. The Heartland Lions Eye Bank continues to be a leader on the national stage. It is a member of Vision Share, a consortium of 17 major eye banks in the US. Vision Share recently decided to cease operating its own cornea distribution system and chose our eye bank to run theirs for them, under contract, demonstrating an amazing amount of confidence in our eye bank. Children’s Vision Screening is also off to a good start with 20,760 screened and 2,084 kids referred. Both the schools and referral medical professionals are very complimentary of the new computerized testing equipment. The Healthy (Adult) Screening activity is down significantly from last year, in part due to increased emphasis on children’s programs. This program now not only screens for glaucoma, but also for age-related macular degeneration. Please ask clubs to consider inviting MLERF out for a Healthy Vision Screening to their next fundraiser. MLERF recently lowered its payments by 30% to eye care sites and professionals for surgeries, etc., in hopes of treating more patients with the same amount of money. MLERF continues to collect and sort used eyeglasses to provide them to various groups for redistribution to third-world countries. An area of concern at MLERF is that as of November 30, Lions donations were running behind last year’s pace in 6 of the 7 districts, 30% overall. MLERF plans to have a large presence at this year’s USA/Canada Forum in the KC area. The MLERF Board will be holding a Strategic Planning Meeting in February to assure that it will maintain its successful programming over the next 5-10 years. Lion Dr. Walkenbach will be retiring on March 15, 2014, after 36 years at MLERF. President PCC Al Blumenberg has formed a Search Committee that is working with Lion Dr. Ron to ensure a smooth transition of executive leadership in the Spring of 2014.</p><p>LIONS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE MISSOURI BLIND REPORT – Written report only</p><p>MID SOUTH SIGHT & HEARING REPORT - DG Gina Boettcher began by thanking each individual, your clubs, and your districts for your service and donations to Mid South. As of November, 2012, they had a waiting list of 201 patients, and are up from last year by 50% in patient care. However, the club contributions are down this year by 20%. As of January 4, 2013, Districts in Missouri have donated $24,523.03, thirty-five patients have been seen from Missouri, and they received $11,792.00 in services from Mid South. The next quarterly meeting will be March 8-9, Memphis Marriott East, Memphis, Tennessee. Mark your calendars for Lions Leaders Weekend, which will be held April 19-20, 2013, in Memphis. This meeting is open to any Lion, and all Vice District Governors should attend before becoming Governor.</p><p>WORLD SERVICES FOR THE BLIND REPORT – No report</p><p>LEADER DOG REPORT – No report</p><p>CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS COMMITTEE REPORT – IPCC Kimberly Taylor reported that the Committee has reviewed and screened the proposition, which reflects an amendment to the By-Laws of the Missouri Lions MD-26 and will be submitted to the voting delegates at the Multiple District Convention on April 27, 2013. There will be only one issue on the ballot this year, which is a resolution to increase the Multiple District dues effective with fiscal year 2013-2014. After much discussion a motion was made by DG Goetz, seconded by DG Hamer, to add wording to invoke the International Candidate rule when we have an endorsed candidate for International Director. Motion passed. The corrected version of the proposition to be placed on the ballot reads as follows:</p><p>Missouri Lions MD-26 2013 Proposed Changes to By-Laws PROPOSITION NO. 1</p><p>3 A RESOLUTION TO INCREASE MULTIPLE DISTRICT DUES EFFECTIVE WITH FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014. A MODEST DUES INCREASE WILL ALLOW THE ASSOCIATION TO CONTINUE TO SERVE THE MEMBERSHIP BY MAINTAINING EXISTING PROGRAMS AND SERVICES.</p><p>SHALL THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED? </p><p>BE IT RESOLVED, that effective July 1, 2013, Article III, Section 1(a) and Section 2(a) of the Multiple District 26 By-Laws be amended to read as follows: Section 1. (a) To provide necessary revenues for the State Lions activities, there shall be levied upon each Lion in each District an annual per capita tax of $9.00 $10.50; except in years during which Multiple District 26 has an endorsed candidate for International Director or International Vice President or has a sitting International Vice President, President, or Immediate Past President the annual per capita tax shall be $10.50 $12.00 commencing with the first billing following said endorsement and continuing until said condition no longer exists.</p><p>Section 2. (a) $9.00 $10.50 ($10.50 $12.00 if the exception in Section 1(a) has been invoked) per member of the annual per capita tax shall be forwarded by the District Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer in semi-annual installments to the State Council Secretary-Treasurer and shall be divided in the following proportions and placed in the following funds by the State Council Secretary- Treasurer: $0.70 per year in the International Convention Fund; $7.40 $8.70 per year in the State Administrative Fund; $0.70 per year in the Missouri Lions All-State Band Fund; and $0.20 $0.40 per year in the International Candidates’ Election Fund except when the condition in Section 1(a) is invoked the International Candidates’ Election Fund will receive $1.70 $1.90 per year. </p><p>IPCC Taylor added that the official wording would be forwarded to the “Missouri Lion” editor for inclusion in the next newsletter, and the District Governors would have electronic copies to forward or print out. She had also prepared and printed the credential sheets, delegate and alternate cards to pass out to the District Secretaries.</p><p>ATHLETIC COMMITTEE REPORT – PCC John Anderson reported on the Committee’s recent meeting. The All-Star Game will be played on July 20, 2013 in Warrensburg. They covered many things that day and made some good head way on this project. Names for Haywood Snipes Awards were nominated and voted on Bids for the program were approved The UCM contract was reviewed and approved, pending the Council’s approval before signing Ad prices will remain the same as last year Working on getting a guest speaker, possibly Grant or Chance Wistrom Discussion on selling the old helmets Voted to let any youth football player in free with paid admission of an adult (must wear jersey) Will be asking the PR Committee to promote the game Will use same trainer as last year 2nd VDG Gary Curtis working on getting a photographer Coaches for 2013 game are: Blue – Coach Mark Barousse from Poplar Bluff High School Gold – Coach Matt Webb from Maryville High School Players were drafted – 35 for each team. Letters have been sent to the players and alternates. Waiting for completed applications to be sent into State Office. Fundraising has begun. 4 BAND COMMITTEE REPORT – PDG Ron Jordan reported for PDG Ron Koppelmann, who could not be in attendance. The Missouri Lions Band is again under the direction of Lion Steve Eubanks. Plans are underway to go to New Orleans and return by going through Memphis. The cost per student is $900. Band camp will again be held at Fort Leonard Wood. Concerts are planned at Joplin and different veterans homes on the way to and from New Orleans. A stop is also planned at the Clinton Library in Arkansas. Band applications have been mailed to the high school band directors, as well as students who have been in the band for the last two years. Our band has been promoted at marching band festivals around the state and at the Missouri Music Educators Conference. The goal this year is to have over 100 in our band. He urged everyone to support this great program, and to contact their District Band Chair with any questions.</p><p>PIN TRADERS REPORT – PDG Ron Jordan reported for Lion Craig Lehman, who could not be there. Any Lion can submit a drawing for the state pin for 2014 prior to the State Convention in Kansas City. If at all possible, get it to PDG Nan Blakemore right away and they will get a professional layout for the incoming 1st Vice District Governors to consider.</p><p>STATE OFFICE COMMITTEE REPORT – PDG Ron Jordan reported on recent changes and problems at the State Office. Since switching the phone service to Mediacom to save approximately $1,000 a year, we’ve learned that the old postage machine needed to be replaced to one that would work with the updated phone lines, resulting in a rental increase of about $20 per month. The computers had been working on and off lately, and Lion Mike Jordan and his colleague Rich from RB Consulting had been working on them. Then the week before the main hard drive crashed. It seems it was defective all along and was still under warranty, so the company overnighted a replacement, and within two days Lion Mike and Rich had everything transferred over and up and running smoothly again. Then Lion Brenda’s phone developed a problem, and Lion Vern Towner of the Office Committee came and fixed it at no charge (the problem was user error). Lion Irene retired at the end of December, and he and the staff took her to lunch one day and presented her with all of the cards that so many Lions had sent for her. He thanked everyone who did so and said that Lion Irene really enjoyed reading all of them. The new part-time employee, Jean Hemmel, has been in working on football and learning other new projects. Lion Irene continues to volunteer her time to train Jean as needed. He asked for a round of applause for Lion Wayne Weider for all of his help at the State Office and at Council meetings.</p><p>HEARING COMMITTEE REPORT – Lion Ron Campbell reported on the Committee’s recent meeting. All districts had received their sweepstakes tickets and distributed them to their clubs. Money and tickets are beginning to be returned as well as some donations. At that time approximately $4,500 had been received. Also at that time, four applications for hearing aids had been received and approved. Three more applications had been received recently. Two portable screeners are in for checks due to malfunctions. The vans and screeners are being scheduled for use at events throughout the state for this quarter, including from new clubs and clubs who have never used them.</p><p>LIONS OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH REPORT – Lion Toni Mahoney reported for Lion Patrick Mills, who could not be in attendance. She thanked everyone who participated in the Peace Poster Contest this year. The Missouri Lions Youth Camp will be July 5 – August 2 this year. Host families will be needed in the St. Louis area from arrival until Saturday, July 14. After that date they will travel to the second host families until Monday, July 22, when they will travel to Camp Brimshire in St. James. After the camp they will return to their first host families on July 28 until they depart for home. The camp fee will remain at $200; additional funds are anticipated through the C. Wayne Henderson Awards.</p><p>SIGHT CONSERVATION REPORT – No report</p><p>5 STATE & INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION COMMITTEE REPORT – PDG Bill Botzow announced that the committee would be meeting after the Council Meeting that day. They would be discussing the 2013 State Convention survey, updating the State Convention Guidelines, Convention Inventories, Convention Sales, Updates on 2013, 2014, & 2015 State Conventions, and 2013 International Convention. As of January 26, 2013, 23 were registered for the International Convention.</p><p>GLOBAL LEADERSHIP TEAM REPORT - PDG Eugene Taylor reported that PDG Pat Horner (M7) has resigned from the team. He went over the details for the upcoming Mid Winter Forum at the Grand Plaza Hotel in Branson. There would again be hospitality room on Friday evening. Lion Joe Foster from M2 was once again coordinating “bus” transportation to the event. Two professional speakers were slated for the program. He urged everyone in the room to encourage Lions from their areas and clubs to attend this learning, socializing and networking opportunity. As the GLT MD Coordinator he met with the VDGs earlier that day. His primary concern is how to identify, develop and mentor our emerging leaders. He invited the VDGS to the Committee meeting or to meet with him later so he could answer more questions they may have.</p><p>GLOBAL MEMBERSHIP TEAM REPORT – PDG Zana Botzow asked everyone to pay close attention to the number in her report – 9,977. That is the number of total members in MD 26, below 10,000. The Committee met immediately following the Council Meeting in October, when they discussed budgets for each district and continuation of goals by the 1st and 2nd VDGs. It was decided then to have the next meeting be a conference call before the January Council meeting. However, there was only one actual GMT District Coordinator on the conference call. She announced that the GMT Coordinators for M5 and M6 have resigned and replacements need to be named. She would be making a presentation on GMT at the Mid Winter Forum.</p><p>DGE SEMINAR REPORT – PID Leland Kolkmeyer reported that Seminars for the District Governors- Elect, 1st Vice District Governors-Elect, 2nd Vice District Governors-Elect, and Secretary-Treasurers would all be conducted on Friday of the State Convention. PDG Eugene Taylor will have the District Governors- Elect, IPCC Kimberly Taylor will have the Secretary-Treasurers, and PCC Pat Porterfield will have the 1 st and 2nd Vice District Governors. It will be a long and intense day of training.</p><p>USA/CANADA FORUM – International Director Donal Knipp distributed flyers for the event to be held in Kansas. Missouri will be host of the Midwest Breakfast.</p><p>PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT – PDG Freda McKee reported on two meetings of the Committee. In October the committee met to elect a chairperson. They discussed the previous year’s activities and aspirations of how best to serve the Multiple District this year. They also discussed the creation of a resource document of public relations materials available from LCI. A second meeting was held in December because of the lack of a quorum at the October meeting. The issue was discussed and resolved by calling for a new election, in which PDG McKee was elected. The committee members received a 2012-13 Public Relations Reference with an accompanying digital data file. It will need to be updated annually to insure all publications meet LCI specifications.</p><p>(LUNCH BREAK)</p><p>MISSOURI LION BULLETIN REPORT – Lion Jennie Mosher reported that Issue #5 exceeded its electronic boundary and required the publication be split into two parts. The February issue will be the</p><p>6 only hard copy for the 2012-13 year and is limited to 20 pages. It is possible a special edition will be coming out shortly after the February issue on the different District Conventions, as well as a follow up on other GLT events, such as Great Plains Leadership Institute and other similar sessions.</p><p>INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY REPORT – PDG Eugene Taylor reported that the webpage continues to be maintained as changes become available. He challenged the Governors to evaluate how the performance is meeting the expectations of the leadership team, as well as the Lions of Missouri in general. He provided questions in hard copy and would be sending them electronically as well, and asked the Governors to return their responses to him. He spoke about a concern he has with the fact that only 1/3 of the Lions of Missouri are accessible via email. Many Lions who have email are not on the list. The problem is not the list; the problem is a lack of willingness and desire to be included on the list. He went on to say that our leaders must “sell” our organization each and every day with excitement. He also suggested that state information is not always being passed down to the clubs. He was amazed that at a club meeting he actually spoke with members who did not know that we have had an all-star football game for 36 years! 1st VDG Jeff Hilke asked PDG Taylor about outdated information still on the website. PDG Taylor replied that he had been busy and it had only been brought to his attention two days prior to that. He added that he would appreciate being contacted if someone notices something that needs updating. PID Dr. Garrett asked PDG Taylor if he could set up some type of chronological guide of when things need to be updated. PDG Taylor also pointed out that the link section is the biggest part of the webpage now.</p><p>LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT – No report</p><p>ALERT COMMITTEE REPORT – PDG Debbie Whittlesey reported on the MOLATE Program. A flyer was mailed to every club in the state. The target completion date of Irving Elementary School is December, 2013. Tree planting will take place in late fall. With a goal of $15,000, donations totaled $6,600 after only one month!</p><p>UNFINISHED BUSINESS</p><p>QUALITY LION AWARD NOMINATIONS M1 – 0 M2 – 0 M3 – 0 M4 – 0 M5 – 2 M6 – 0 M7 – 0</p><p>NEW BUSINESS</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL PHOTO AND PEACE POSTER CONTESTS – CC Yount asked for any photos to be turned in, and asked if this Photo Contest is being promoted, because he has received one from only one district. He announced that the Peace Poster winner was Joanni Kim from M6, Carl Junction R-I School. </p><p>RENEWAL OF OFFICE LEASE – Motion by DG Boettcher, seconded by DG Morris to authorize Lion Brenda to send letter to landlord renewing the office lease. Motion passed.</p><p>APPOINTMENT OF STATE CONVENTION PARLIAMENTARIAN – Due to the fact that Parliamentarian PCC Steve Wise may not be able to attend State Convention, motion was made by DG Boettcher, seconded by DG Morris to appoint PDG Lyn Porterfield as Convention Parliamentarian. Passed.</p><p>7 NOMINATIONS FOR 2013-14 COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON – CC Yount announced that he has received three letters of intent to run – DG Lisa Alexander (M3), DG Gina Boettcher (M2), DG Kenny Goetz (M5). PID Kolkmeyer asked if CC Yount actually received letters. CC Yount replied that he had, one by mail and two by email.</p><p>2013 STATE CONVENTION COMMITTEE REPORT – PDG Tom Rayfield gave a belated welcome to Kansas City and Holiday Inn CoCo Key Hotel. He explained that the job of the Host Committee is to give the Lions of Missouri the best Convention possible. He asked everyone to let the Committee know if the weekend met their expectations, or if there is anything that needs to be improved upon for the State Convention.</p><p>APPROVAL OF UCM CONTRACT FOR ALL-STAR FOOTBALL CAMP/GAME – Motion by DG Goetz, seconded by DG Morris to approve the UCM contract for the football camp and game. Motion passed.</p><p>RECEIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS – Motion by DG Hamer, seconded by DG Boettcher to receive committee reports. Motion passed.</p><p>TAIL TWISTER – After her lost Tail Twister pitcher was found by Lion Marcia Kolkmeyer and guarded for her, PDG Debbie Whittlesey asked Lion Kolkmeyer to be her assistant. Together they collected $161 for the MOLATE Project. </p><p>ADJOURNMENT – 2:15 p.m.</p><p>Respectfully Submitted: Lion Brenda Weider Lion Brenda Weider, State Office Administrator</p><p>8</p>
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