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<p> NATIONAL PARLIAMENT OF SOLOMON ISLANDS 8TH PARLIAMENT – 1ST SESSION – 4TH MEETING DAILY HANSARD</p><p>WEDNESDAY 22 ND AUGUST 2007</p><p>(Draft Copy – Subject to Changes upon revision)</p><p>The Speaker, Rt Hon Sir Peter Kenilorea took MINISTERIAL STATEMENT the chair at 9.30 a.m. The Status of Health in Solomon Prayers. Islands </p><p>ATTENDANCE Hon SOALAOI: Mr Speaker, thank you for the opportunity to present to At prayers, all were present with Parliament the statement on the health the exception of the Ministers status in Solomon Islands. for Home Affairs, National My presentation will be based Reconciliation & Peace, on the following areas: Fisheries & Marine Resources, 1. Introductory information about Foreign Affairs, Mines & the Ministry; Energy, Communication, 2. Health demographic Aviation & Meteorology, information; Provincial Government & 3. Traditional diseases and trend; Regional Development and 4. Emerging diseases of concern; Members for West Guadalcanal, and Central Kwara’ae, 5. Other health related issues Ranogga/Simbo, East Are Are, North Malaita, Maringe/Kokota, Sir, I wish to provide the North Guadalcanal and South following general information to New Georgia/Rendova. Parliament. Solomon Islands has a total population of almost half a million and PRESENTATION OF REPORTS 323 Primary Health Care Clinics scattered strategically around the  Report of the Bills and country. Mr Speaker, we have a total of Legislation Committee on its 10 hospitals and a few of the clinics are Examination of the Correctional co-supported by Faith Based Services Bill 2007 (National Organizations and the Government. Parliament Paper No. 41 of Three of these 10 clinics are supported 2007) by the Government by way of monthly grants even though they are run by  Report of the Bills and Churches. Legislation Committee on its Mr Speaker, the Government Examination of the Prescription continues to support these three of Ministers (Amendment) Bill hospitals, not only with grants but also 2007 (National Parliament with manpower. At this juncture, Mr Paper No. 42 of 2007) Speaker, I wish to acknowledge AUSAID for its continued support especially its budgetary support to the Mr Speaker, our crude birthrate Health Sector trust fund. is 23 per 1,000 population and the crude Mr Speaker, despite the wide death rate is only 7 per 1,000 coverage of clinics and hospitals, the population. This means we have more Ministry is conscious of the need to people being born into this country than review the current distribution of health people dying. I guess what I am saying facilities and there are indications from here is that we all need to plan our the Health Information System that a families. number of clinics require upgrading, Mr Speaker, more challenges while others with low case loads need to are ahead of us. In relation to Maternal do more integrated outreach programs to and Child deaths, we are among the the villages. highest death rates in the region. In Mr Speaker, the clinic 2005 we had a maternal mortality rate of infrastructures have deteriorated over 236 per 100,000 live births. We the years and the Ministry is working on recorded maternal mortality rate at 152 a maintenance and repair plan. During per 100,000 live births in 2006. The the recent tsunami, Mr Speaker, there 1999 census recorded our infant are 52 clinics or health centres that were mortality rate of 66 per 1,000 live births. affected. Unfortunately, we also lost 52 Mr Speaker, the Health Institutional lives during that recent tsunami in the Strengthening Project review of the Choiseul and Western Provinces. Infant Mortality Rate in 2005 recorded Sir, work is underway to have 23 deaths per 1,000 live births. available funds from our donors to kick Sir, in terms of life expectancy, start the rehabilitation status of our it has improved from the fifties to the clinics in Western and Choiseul sixty mark. As I previously mentioned Provinces. Having enough manpower in Parliament in a previous sitting, life available at the clinics remains a great expectancy was 61 for females and 60 challenge. One of the most important for males. We have improved on that reasons is the lack of availability of staff and our female counterparts have a housing not only here in Honiara but longer life expectancy of 64 years and also in the provinces. The Provincial males we are only expected to live up to Health Services, the Headquarters and 62 years on average. communities are working continuously On water supplies and sanitation in partnership to address this need. coverage, we continue to face Mr Speaker, at this point in challenges. About 65% of our rural time, I would like to share with you population has access to piped water and some demographic calculations. Like I only 18% have proper sanitation have already mentioned we have a facilities. This is an area that we need to population of approximately half a address. million, 49% of which are under the age Sir, In the past 10 years, various of 14 and 3% over the age of 65. We strategies have been tried out, with the have pyramidal population distribution help of our development partners to that indicates a very young population. combat various health issues. We have Sir, with a very young been monitoring the progress through population there are specific social the Health Information System. These needs and requirements. The health outcomes are a result of the combined issues and needs specific for young effort in an attempt to improve our people are ongoing challenges that we health status. need to be conscious of at all times in Mr Speaker, on the other hand our planning. Acute Respiratory Infections have increased in incidence in the last three years. Acute Respiratory Infections at the early stage or we still have people with accounts for the third most common diabetes who are not aware of their health status. cause to seek health care. The clinics Mr Speaker, there are increasing are seeing more ear problems in the last complications of diabetes which I wish to three years. That is not a surprise as the inform Parliament about. The dangers of respiratory tract and the nose have a diabetes begin from a person’s head to a tube connecting each other. The other person’s toes. Sir, if we have somebody standup concern is that Sexually Transmitted in order for us to describe properly what Infections have doubled in the past 10 diabetes can do, it affects a person’s brain, years. which means if you suffer from diabetes the first As I am speaking, a World thing you will come across is stroke. If you are Health Organization expert on STI is lucky enough not to have stroke, you become currently in the Ministry assisting us to blind. If you are lucky enough not to be blind draw up a national STI strategy and you will experience heart attacks. If you miss action plan which will be discussed with heart attack you will have kidney failure or stakeholders next week. kidney problem. Further down, Mr Speaker if Sir, in relation to Clinic you don’t have any kidney problems but you Outreach Activities, village meetings live with diabetes you will eventually end up have increased. On the other hand with limbs being amputated. satellite clinics and school visits have Mr Speaker, what I am saying is one of declined. The National Referral our health concerns nowadays is diabetes and Hospital, however, has increased its this is a disease that we really need to do provincial specialist visits to Provincial something about. I also wish to take this Hospitals. opportunity to advise Parliament and also our I would like to sum up by people to improve on their diet and physical saying that we have progressed slowly activities. in the control of infectious diseases but Mr Speaker, a survey found that 57% of only to face up with new challenges a private firm and 44% of government workers posed by emerging diseases. in Honiara are smokers. With that I would like On bon communicable diseases to turn your attention to the proposed Tobacco emerging, it has been well documented on Control Bill which I would also like to announce literature that as the country progresses that it is being deferred to the November Sitting. economically, infectious diseases tend to Mr Speaker, the proposed Tobacco Bill decrease and NCD increases. This is called the is being deferred after careful consideration of ‘epidemiological trend’. The Solomon Islands is its content and implications after it becomes a at the cross road of this changing disease law. There are several reasons as to why we pattern. have decided to defer the Bill: Mr Speaker, the key causes of concern are tobacco use and other related drugs. From (1) to allow for more consultation between the data I have, Mr Speaker, I will brief you on the Ministry of Health, the responsible the first three. Cancer in general is the leading draftsman, the Attorney General’s cause of death in Solomon Islands as reflected in Chambers and other stakeholders. the 2005 Health Report. Mr Speaker, this figure continues to be true today. Diabetes has (2) the Bill needs to be widely circulated to increased dramatically with an accumulative rate stakeholders and even to public of 6 per 1000 population. customers, to say the least, the smokers. Mr Speaker, to have 6 people per 1000 population with diabetes is quite alarming. This (3) The Ministry of Health’s Department of only includes diabetics at a late stage. That Health Promotion needs to scale up its means we still have a lot of people with diabetes awareness programs regarding the proposed Tobacco Control Bill 2007. Sir, at the National Referral Hospital, (4) We want the Tobacco Control Bill to be 56% of patients with chronic lung diseases are a thoroughly done piece of legislation smokers, 97% of lung cancers are smokers at the that does not interfere with other National Referral Hospital. What I am saying is existing functions legislated for under that if a patient is reported with pneumonia, we other Ministries, especially the Ministry usually find that 69% of those patients are of Finance and the Ministry of smokers. Also infants presented to the National Provincial Government. Referral Hospital with cases of pneumonia usually have parents who are smokers. (5) to give the Bills and Legislation The Ministry of Health has placed extra Committee ample time to look at the effort in the prevention and control of non Bill. communication diseases. Like I have said based on a survey that was carried out on a private We have only three more months, if I firm and a ministry in the government, we found am correct if we are to sit in November, before out that 57% of workers in that private firm are the Bill comes to Parliament. The assurance for smokers and 44% of government workers in the our health conscious people is that the Bill Ministry are smokers. should be the first bill in our next sitting of Mr Speaker, as leaders of this country the Parliament. I know the Clerk will gladly accept challenge for us is, are we going to sit down and it. watch our fellow citizens and voters die from Mr Speaker, the Grand Coalition for these preventable diseases? Sir, I would like to Change Government through the Ministry of stress the word ‘preventable; and as leaders we Health remains fully committed to tabling this are obliged to do our part in ensuring that what Bill on behalf of the people of Solomon Islands is preventable can be prevented by us leaders. in the November Sitting of Parliament. The There is a NCD Operational Plan by the only assurance I can give us today is that our Prevention Unit of the Disease Prevention and commitment is to have a population that is Control. It focuses on the following key health conscious and also a parliament with strategic areas: Members that are also health conscious. I can only assure you that we remain fully committed (1) to develop integrated programs which in tabling this Bill when we sit again at the end will increase public knowledge of of this year. all diabetes, the risk factor, method Mr Speaker, I would like to thank the of reducing risk, symptoms and the following for the work done so far on the Bill: need to seek early treatment. The Ministry of Health, especially the Health and Promotion Department for the work it has (2) improve clinical management and started and is still continuing to do today and treatment of diabetes in the next five also others who are involved in one way or the years. other. I also would like to thank the Cabinet for its support and the AG’s Chambers for (3) human resource development, and continuous guidance on the Bill. Sir, tobacco related disease have also (4) strengthen monitoring and supervision. increased. Our local evidence indicates that 69 percent of patients admitted to the National Sir, I would like to take this opportunity Referral Hospital with pneumonia are smokers. also to put forward some issues for Sir, other evidence also indicates that children consideration as lessons learned in our country. with pneumonia tend to have parents who are These are important issues for our consideration. smokers. A few Pacific Island countries including Sir, I am not presenting the tobacco bill but I Solomon Islands are still behind in developing a am on the tobacco part of my statement. comprehensive and practical policy direction towards addressing the NCD problems partly the moment it has been vertical, like I have due to the following reasons: mentioned earlier. Individual disease programs such as  There is a limited public health skill on Malaria Control Program, notify and response NCD prevention and control strategies separately from other programs. There has been and activities. very little integration. The national surveillance  NCD prevention and control measures system (health information system) are not need more integration and collaboration reliable and timely enough to effectively alarm among and across communities and the or predict any warning. Communication government sectors. difficulties are also hindering the systems, staff  The level of evidence of facts on NCDs and health workers are not properly trained and at the local level is either non existence no preparedness plans and responses have been or limited in scope and depth. in place.  There is limited supporting environment Mr Speaker, Institionalized Emergency to the health staff, Preparedness and  The public health acts are outdated and Response Unit in the Ministry of Health has a do not work effectively and responsive plan for staffing, training, funding and also for to the needs of today. further work on the terms of reference.  There are limitations within the health Mr Speaker may I now come to institution authorities, for example, HIV/Aids Programs. All partners continue to Ministry of Health to implement public implement HIV prevention and treatment health measures. programs. Sir, before I go on further, I wish to once again report to Parliament that we still  Unequal resource allocation in maintain our eight (8) confirmed HIV cases. managing NCDs than preventing it. As of June 2007 we have established 30 VCCT centres and councilors. Our records Sir, there is over emphasis on treatment show that more than 900 clients came forward to and care than prevention measures. Even if have a voluntary HIV counseling. This is due to resources are made available for prevention the VCCT Promotion Advertisement in the One measures, it is often not utilized effectively or News. I hope all of us have seen our lacks cost benefit measures. advertisement in the One News TV. The Mr Speaker, there are sometimes HIV/AIDS program is scaling up its awareness professional obsessions on clinical and public programs and also plans to establish VCCT health measures that may not have the greatest Centres in areas that are far away from Honiara. impact in reducing the disease burden we have Mr Speaker, partnership in health today. Sir, public health measures lack development continued to be the yardstick in community participation. This Government has health management and service delivery of a policy in reaching out to the rural areas by health. The proposed health sector support establishing health promotional centres in our program utilizing the Sector Wide Approach has communities. Often public health measures been the new initiative developed and led by the lacks community and group interest Ministry of Health with all partners including participation. AUSAID, WHO, World Bank, UNICEF, In conclusion, Mr Speaker, I wish to UNFDA and SPC. emphasize there are challenges ahead of us and I Before I conclude, Mr Speaker, I would hope I am not too negative but this is an like to acknowledge the following for their opportunity to share these issues as a challenge continuous support and assistance to the and a platform for us to do better. MHMS: AUSAID for budgetary support and Emergency preparedness and response project funding, ROC for continuous funding has been flagged as an important function for the towards the National Referral Hospital Project, health sector to be effective and responsive. At Japan for continue funding of our rural clinics and provincial hospitals, World Bank for contribution towards the Sector Wide Approach, Mr BOYERS: Thank you Mr Speaker, for WHO, UNICEF, UNFDA and SPC for allowing me to make a statement under Matters continuous advice and technical assistance to the of Privilege. It is a privilege to clear the air on Ministry of Health, and of course, the Solomon this matter of concern. My statement is related Islands Government for continuing to support to the statement made by the Member for East the Ministry in delivering the much needed Honiara on the letter that was circulated in service to our people. Parliament. Finally for the last time, I wish to assure Mr Speaker, the letter that was the House that with the challenges we are facing, distributed by the MP for East Honiara shows those challenges will only give us better ideas on that an MP who has been unable to attend how to plan and develop better strategies in Parliament is seeking knowledge on events order for us to implement our plans to improve surrounding the 2000 coup from ex-militants. If health services in the country. With that, Mr that is the case, Mr Speaker, then I find nothing Speaker, I am confident that with more support wrong with it. This is the question of all from our aid donors and the Solomon Islands Solomon Islanders. Government, the Ministry will be able to We all know that former ex-militants implement its plans and strategies for the have been talking to the Government and betterment of our peoples’ health. Opposition MPs. That is the truth. From what I Our motto continues to be that our have heard there is a lot of discontentment and peoples’ health is our passion. I continue to ask realization of how they have been used in the our doctors and our nurses to continue to be past and they want to set the records straight. professionals while delivering this much needed If they have grievances, Mr Speaker, service to the people of this country. that is their business. And we as the Opposition With that, Mr Speaker, I hope I have do not want to see the mistakes of the past being given you some information that will help us repeated and have advised them that neither we leaders know what we can contribute to the want to be used nor do we want to use or abuse health of our people. them. These former ex-militants have done Mr Speaker, I also have a copy of the some rough things and they know that. But they 2006 report with me which will be reproduced have just as much right to voice their concerns and distributed to the pigeonholes of Members as any other citizens in this country. of Parliament. With that, Mr Speaker, I thank Whatever they have done in 2000 up you for the opportunity. until the signing of the TPA and a closer of amnesty, they are protected. They have been Mr Haomae: Mr Speaker, I would like to ask victims just as much as a lot of us here have your indulgence if I can ask two questions to the been victims Mr Speaker. I am sure they want Honorable Minister under Order 24(2). to see true reconciliation for this country just like everyone else. Mr Speaker: We have already disposed off Mr Speaker, as I have said to all those that. I think that has been properly concluded. whom I have met whoever they are, if they are May be you can ask your questions through genuine to work with and under the law and substantive questions some time. So that we do only tell the truth. Because, Mr Speaker, it is not go back to the same things we have already only the truth that empower, it is only the truth disposed, I suggest that you raise your questions that can cleanse, it is only the truth that can free, in some other ways. and it is only the truth that can unite and reconcile. STATEMENT OF GOVERNMENT Mr Speaker, both the Government and BUSINESS the Opposition will agree that if we have nothing (further statement read by the Prime Minister) to hide in our past and we have nothing to fear and therefore no one to use to cover or hide the MATTER OF PRIVILEGE past. Governments and Oppositions come and Speaker, we even went as far as trying to go but the truth always prevails and the law remove you from your Chair. I think this is a must be followed. I am sure we all agree that sign of maturity and at the same time it is also a we need to be careful on how we treat these sign of interference, Mr Speaker. Thank you for young men who are scared with the past and we your firmness and the manner in which you all need to encourage them to follow the truth, conducted and dispose off these ups and downs, the path of truth and the path of law. Mr Speaker. Similarly, Mr Speaker, I would Thank you Mr Speaker. like to acknowledge the Clerk’s Office and the staff for looking after government programs of BILLS the day, for your hospitality to Members of Parliament, for the arrangement of allowances Bills – First Reading so that MPs are strong to attend the daily The Prescription of Parliamentary Privileges, meetings of Parliament. Immunities and Powers Bill 2007 In fact I can notice that attendance is much improved than what it was before, which MOTIONS means there are many committed Members of Parliament this time, and I wish them to Mr Speaker: Honorable House I have been continue on with this. One thing I do not want advised that Motions No.3 & 4 have been to do, Mr Speaker, is to hang around in town withdrawn from the Order Paper of today. when parliament is in session because my voters will question me if I do not attend parliament Motions No.3 & 4 withdrawn sittings and that will be a judgment after four years. So there is improvement, and I think you Debate on the Sine Motion continues might have noticed this yourself, Sir. The Prime Minister must be also Sir KEMAKEZA: Mr Speaker, yesterday I thanked and acknowledged for preparation of presided over Parliament and I gave time to Government Business together with the Members to speak to this motion, but no one Ministers, Backbenchers and their Permanent wanted to talk and so we adjourned the sitting. Secretaries except for the SPM whom I have just Now that I have the opportunity, allow me, Sir, seen in parliament for the first time this to talk on the motion and allow others to talk morning. later on. Mr Speaker, the Chief Accountants and Mr Speaker, I would like to associate all staff in the Ministries and Departments must myself with this very, very important motion. also be acknowledged for their input into This is a customary motion moved by the government business for Parliament’s Honorable Prime Minister yesterday. In doing deliberation. I also thank the political so, Mr Speaker, I would like to thank the appointees, quite a lot of them in the Prime Honorable Prime Minister for moving this Minister’s Office for their input as well. I must important motion to adjourn Parliament. also thank the Attorney General, the Auditor This motion is customary according to General and all government officers. Standing Order 8. It is a time for us to thank I also acknowledge the Leader of the each other, especially the Government, the Opposition’s Office for the stewardship and the contribution of the Opposition, the hospitality officers who have been also doing research to given by your officers and the Clerk and to follow up on the government’s performance, as thank the public servants and those who have a watch dog group. I thank colleagues for their contributed to the deliberations of Parliament. contribution during this Meeting of Parliament. I must thank yourself first of all, Sir, for The Police and RAMSI must be also the manner in which you have conducted this acknowledged, Sir, for providing security for Meeting. Although we sometimes question your Members of Parliament. I thank the public as decision, Sir, but as stipulated in the Standing well, especially those who take the time to come Orders your decision is final and conclusive. Mr and listen to parliament sittings daily. I also thank the legal profession for Sometimes we become superstitious on certain receiving a bit of assistance during this time, things. especially the government for putting up court Lest I forget, Mr Speaker, I must thank case after court case, Mr Speaker, especially my people of Savo/Russells for their against you and some members of the understandings and tolerance during these Opposition side. difficult times. Mr Speaker, the provincial governments Mr Speaker, in the 2001 General with their Premiers must also be acknowledged Election the Peoples Alliance Party (PAP) has a for their understanding and tolerance during this slogan that says if you vote for this party, we trying time. I also thank the head of Churches will serve this nation. And so it happened, Mr as the Prime Minister rightly said for their Speaker, and this Party served this nation. Then continuous prayers. I am sure Members of in 2006 there was another slogan that if you vote Parliament go to worship and they mean it too for PAP we are going to rebuild this nation. So when they go to worship because many are we are rebuilding. called but few are chosen. Not everyone who The point I am trying to drive at for all says unto me Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of us in here, for the whole nation and for those of Heaven. Let me warn you of this, and so we who come and live with us here is that this is a must mean it when we talk along that line. country that has gone through the ethnic tension. There are quite a lot of hypocrites on This country has gone through trouble from this floor of Parliament who are saying 1998 until 2000. It has gone through one trouble something but doing the wrong things. So I called the ethnic tension or fighting between two must thank the Churches, traditional leaders in groups of people who are fighting, not with our various places in our diverse cultures and hands but with guns, many people were killed traditions throughout Solomon Islands. and the country went bankrupt. That is the first I also thank the private sector for picture every sensible leader in this nation must continuing to pump in most needed resources for first know that this is a country that has been the continuous operation of our country, destroyed. And then through the efforts of all of especially the state of Solomon Islands. us we started to rebuild our country to get it to Mr Speaker, the NGOs must also be where we used to be, as you are a founder, Mr thanked for their participation. Although they Speaker, you are a founding father, except some get critical comments from the Prime Minister of us leaders think otherwise and wanted to yesterday they are doing their job. The civil remove you from your chair, which is a society and the general public are also doing shameful thing. It is a shameful thing for any their job because it is their government, it is leaders on this floor of Parliament to try and their parliament and they have all the right to remove you from that chair as the founding say something. Sometimes we learn to accept father of this nation. Where is the due respect what they are saying and not try to be very here? You easily forget. Why so proud? Do we defensive. Sometimes we become so defensive think that we can run the show ourselves? that we start to jump and up and down from our seat as if there is a needle on our chair. This is Hon Sogavare: Point of order. I have like the point raised by the Minister of appropriately apologized to the Chair yesterday Provincial Government last time when he said Mr Speaker, and there is no need for the MP for one finger is pointing away from you but four Savo/Russells to continue to raise matters that fingers are pointing back at you. In fact he is have been laid to rest. right. Mr Speaker, if someone starts to jump Sir Kemakeza: Thank you, Mr Speaker, even if up and down it only means four fingers are the Prime Minister raised a point of order he pointing back at you. This is like a dog that was cannot rule off my point that you are the shot at during the night. When the stone hits the founding father. Human as we are, we make dog it makes a lot of noise. But if the stone does mistakes. The Prime Minister makes mistakes, not hit the dog, it does not make any noise. the MP for Savo/Russells makes mistakes, and yourself too, Sir. But let us draw compromise that was put in place by someone else because somewhere, somehow. That is what I mean. this is a rebuilding process of this nation. Where What I mean here, Mr Speaker, is that you might see as not appropriate or applicable you and many of us including the Prime can be removed. Remove the rope and put in the Minister who was a Permanent Secretary before, nail instead. But for you to destroy the whole he was a Commissioner of Income Tax, he was structure is not right. Every one of us sitting my Commissioner when I was Minister of down on this floor of Parliament on behalf of Income Tax, all of us have been building this our people and the country all have the same country up. The Deputy Prime Minister who is thinking, and that is we want a better Solomon laughing there was also the SPM. I said all of us Islands. It is no more no less. Nobody would including the SPM who is a very good advisor to like to live in a country that has problems. the SIDT. What happens is that we build this We want peace and prosperity. We country until it becomes a much better. But just want harmony. We want our economy to go up. within a few months this country went back to We want law and order. We want to move zero, rock bottom. That is what the Governor of freely around. We want to interact. We want to the Central Bank said, which is true. There was respect our inter-marriages. We want to travel no money, no law and order, everything in the from one island to another. We want to enjoy country was in a chaotic situation. So we are the transparency of our country and to bring the rebuilding our country back again this time. name the ‘happy isles’ and ‘long live Solomon And it will take us another 20, 30, 40 or even 50 Islands’. That is what we all want. years before we can once again realize the But now you are starting to talk about prosperity we are all looking for. That is the foreigners and foreign interference. Goodness situation in the country at this time. sake? Prime Minister, if you talk about Having that situation in place let us foreigners interfering or foreigners influences come back to the beginning of this Parliament. I then you too are working for a foreigner. Mr am not talking about the beginning of this Prime Minister just look at your right side. The government but the beginning or day one of this Attorney General is a foreigner. The Attorney Parliament. When we formed the government in General according to law is a foreigner. So a 2006 there was riot in just the first day of the foreigner is also influencing the Prime Minister formation of this new government. After six or and his Government. You do not have to look seven days a motion of no confidence came up. far but just at the tip of your finger before you Because of that the Prime Minister cannot jump talk because it will certainly come back to you. up and down and say why is that motion after Are you not ashamed to talk about other motion comes up in every sitting of parliament. foreigners when a foreigner is just at your right You too moved a motion of no confidence hand, sitting close to you, handpicked against the other side just after seven days. appointment, controversial appointment. My What sort of way is that? Why do you not allow goodness, you do not have to look far. No need the MP for Marovo to lead us in one or two to look far. Stop criticizing foreigners when you years like you too, which we are going to give to yourself are the main culprit. You are the you? Do not start complaining when you are offender, let alone your SPM. eating back your own vomit because that is the Sir, do not talk too much about work of the opposition. Here you are, Mr foreigner. Who are we trying to confuse. Who Speaker, starting to interfere into the legislature. are we trying to confuse? Who are we trying to But I will take up that point later on. Let me go blind? Are we going to blind the general back to my point. public? Are we going to blind Solomon Islands The structure is there, Mr Speaker, the people, but Solomon Islands people are not blind structure we left behind for your group, the and that is why they are reacting against the young and talented, well educated, people with state. But here you are jumping up and down high cream, people with vision and wisdom, saying our doors are open. But why don’t you build upon the structure we laid. You build discuss those issues with them when you wanted upon this structure. Do not destroy this structure to appoint or handpick your Commissioner of Police? Why don’t you follow the procedures Minister for Public Service. In fact you were the Mr Speaker? Why? one who promoted them so keep those Mr Speaker, where are the high ranking Permanent Secretaries, except that you and top people in the government? They should appointed some of them who are not working be assisting the Prime Minister. The SPM, the and so you need to assist them, Deputy Prime Minister for Fisheries, the Minister for Minister because they need your guidance and Education, the Minister of Police, the Minister right direction. for Provincial Government, all very high Thank you for maintaining the Auluta powered people, help the PM because he needs Basin, Minister for Agriculture and Livestock. your help. I helped him before. I was his But I am surprised that the project is delayed Deputy Prime Minister during that time like the very much. Last time there was a MP for Mbaegu/Asifola now. He gave me work groundbreaking ceremony held over there by the to do and we achieved the Townsville Peace DPM and then it stopped and we have not heard Agreement. He knows this. That is how I anything about it until now. That was about helped the PM. eight or nine months ago. You must look into I also helped him and we achieved the this because my former Minister, the Member Marau Peace Agreement. That is how I do work for East Kwaio and now the Member for North for the Prime Minister, my friend. He is my West Malaita were doing a very good work friend and I worked for him. In fact that was the during our time. I ask you to continue pursue best government ever that I serve. That is true, that project. I and do you know why? Three quarters of his I thank you for your continuous help of Ministers are not working. But I will come back Gold Ridge. The current Minister of Mines was to that point later on. Three quarters of his the former Minister of Mines during our time. I Ministers are not working and that is why the thank the PM for keeping the same Minister in Government’s programs are not moving. Mr that Ministry. He did a very good job during our Prime Minister, check your list and start check time, which led to the opening up of the Gold your work. That is what a leader should be Ridge. doing. Look at your Ministers. The only The former SIPL, Minister of hardworking Ministers so far I have in my Agriculture, needs more land. Do not stop there records here are three Ministers. They are the because I know it stopped from where we left Minister for Police, the Minister for Finance and off during our time. They need more help. the Minister for Planning. Only these three The capacity building program, I thank Ministers are still working. But the other the Minister of Finance for continuing with this Ministers including the DPM are not doing program. The constitutional reform program, enough work. thank you PM for carrying it on. In fact, when I That is why I want to thank the discussed with the Western Leaders Summit of government for continuing to maintain the my time we came up with this name ‘provincial programs put in place by the last administration. congress.’ I thank you for doing that except you It is very important that you maintain them. appointed some members of this committee, That is all you have been doing. Let me give which I have a bit of reservation on them. But you the list of programs put in place by the last that is all right. The RCDF. The third USP administration. I thank you for maintaining the Campus, and where is the Minister of Education. same Ministries. Last time when the new Those are good programs I put in place and so government came into power, the Minister for all you need to do is to move it. The Soltai Finance said that they will change the ministries Arrangement, Minister of Finance, go ahead after the budget is passed. But there were no with it. RAMSI, law and order. Those are good ministries they changed. And I thank you for programs we put in place. That is the structure I keeping those ministries because it will be too meant. Therefore, for anyone to jump up and much paper work if you change them. You still down saying we have done this and that, I fail to keep the ministries, you still keep most of the see that yet. Permanent Secretaries, which is very good In fact you are still sleeping on many of for that respect. I am not saying those are bad the old programs. Up to now old programs, old things otherwise you might take me wrong activities, continuation of old programs, which is because there are some bad and good things that very good but where is any one project you put you are doing. If I say it is a bad thing then you in place so that you can talk very proudly, can criticize me. But you are doing a good Minister of Finance. thing. Where is the economic growth? Do you Appoint more political appointees, easily forget that we left it at 5.6% and then you increase the salaries of Members of Parliament, just come and take it up from there? Where are interfere in the judiciary, interfere in the your fiscal and monetary policies? Which one legislature, interfere on operational issues, trying and where is it? The only institutional to review himself, and there is discussion now to strengthening or capacity we put in place for this remove the Governor General. The Governor revenue to flow so that you come and enjoy it. I General, if you are listening, this administration think you should congratulate us for taking it wants to remove you. I heard this from the from zero to 5.6%. You took over from us in horse’s mouth because they touched you good times and you move it up, congratulations, already, Sir, and sooner or later it will be the I applaud you for that. Thank you Minister of Governor General. I am not surprised if he is Finance. But for you to say it is because of the not reelected next time. Grand Coalition for Change Government and you dance up and down, I want to tell you that Hon Lilo: Point of order Mr Speaker. I am just you cannot and will never ever blind our people curious to know which horse’s mouth is the MP with those flawed statements that you are doing for Savo/Russell referring to. Can he inform this in a miraculous way. No, not at all. Parliament? He said that he received that Nobody is blind in this country. Here you are, a information from the horse’s mouth, which one? bunch of you thinking that you have performed a miracle. Sir Kemakeza: Thank you, Mr Speaker. From The only good and bad thing I can ever the horse’s mouth is the man whom they wanted think about, whether it is good or not, and then I to appoint as the next GG if he drops the case. will come to the point why the state is reacting That is the man who told me. If he is telling me for the removal of the Attorney General. I mean a story that is not true then that is his business. these are the actions I can ever think of that you The Chairman of the Public Service have done. You expel diplomats, you want to Commission was taken for lunch, made him to rearm the Police Force, you removed the sit down. Commissioner of Police, you handpicked the Sir, if this happens what will the Attorney General, you handpicked the opposition do? What is the opposition going to Commissioner of Police, more political do? You have to check the preamble of the appointees, Ministers have more than one constitution, and I thank the Member for East vehicle – some Ministers have 2, 3 & 4 vehicles. Are Are for reading the preamble of the I am surprised Mr Speaker, because at whose constitution that power and the resources of the expense are we living on. state belongs to the people of Solomon Islands I will feel ashamed if I have three and those of us in here are only exercising that vehicles outside my house as a Minister because power on their behalf. So when anomalies I am entitled to only one vehicle except for the happen in the state of the people of Solomon Prime Minister who is entitled to four vehicles. Islands, Mr Speaker, do you think the opposition But some Ministers this time almost have five side will just sit down quietly and allow you to vehicles. This is true, Mr Speaker. I was only go ahead? No. As a responsible opposition we given one vehicle as my entitlement as your must direct you to do the right thing. Do not get deputy, Mr Speaker. Thank you, Minister for angry with us because we are just doing our job. giving me one vehicle because I am a statesman You have the number to pass laws, you too. I do not want to be seen in a tiny vehicle have the number to go ahead and do things, but when you are riding in hiluxes. So thank you it is our job to put this administration on the right track. We do not want to take over the to be categorically made in this House, Mr government. I have had enough of four years. Speaker, and I want him to withdraw the You go ahead and try it. But the only thing I am statement. asking you to do is to do the right thing and make a difference. That is all I am expecting Sir Kemakeza: Thank you, Mr Speaker and from you. thank you Prime Minister. The letter you wrote Mr Speaker, this is your turn, my to the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea is colleagues. It is your turn my leaders. But what I meant. You are Melanesian brothers, I when you behave in the way that I have already respect that but these are two sovereignties and listed earlier on today whether they are good or that cannot be ruled off. I maintain my position bad things, the opposition must talk. I think it is on this. for that very reason why the public is coming up This Parliament Meeting is a very too. It is your responsibility to explain to them interesting meeting. You have done a very good the reasons why you went and took someone job Mr Prime Minister, a very nice Parliament from Fiji to be the Commissioner of Police. Fiji Meeting. You brought in a lot of bills. I thank has its own problems but this person, even if he the Minister of Police for doing a great job. I cannot fix the problems in Fiji can come and fix applaud you. I thank the Minister of Finance for Solomon Islands. Try and explain that to them. the Supplementary Appropriation Bill. I told the Fiji is still in trouble now but you went Minister of Finance in the beginning of the 2007 and took this person from there. Any normal Budget and he was saying that the Member for human being will say ‘he should first of all fix Savo/Russells is just talking. No, I am a man of Fiji before he can come and fix Solomon vision. Sometimes I believe what I say. I am Islands. Mr Speaker, is that right? That is the sorry, I withdraw that I am not a man of vision sensible way. but I told him already that he is going to need There are many problems in Fiji. That some more money. Six months later he came up is the question. I am not personalizing but that with this supplementary. I told him at that time is what I am saying. So you went and took the that he has $87 million deficit budget and it will Commissioner of Police from Fiji and another happen. Yes, you are starting to cover up. The six will be coming later. figures that have not come out will come out at Mr Speaker, that is why people started the end of the year. to question it. They are not saying you are But I have every respect for the doing the wrong thing. They are questioning the supplementary because unforeseen can happen way you handle those issues. That is why the in our country. Last time we had a man made Prime Minister mentioned yesterday that the disaster and now we had a natural disaster. On Civil Society, the NGOs, the Unions, SICA, the behalf of my people of Savo/Russells, I am very women, some other provinces, the Opposition, saddened of what has happened to Western and other members of the public have the right to Choiseul Provinces. say something and it is your responsibility to Mr Speaker, I never go to the air to talk. explain to them. Because of this, this and this I In the first week I tried to find out if there are handpicked the Attorney General and flew him any citizens of Savo/Russells in those two from Papua New Guinea to Solomon Islands provinces. I set up a committee down there and contravening the aviation rule. This is why I when I found out how many people of handpicked the Commissioner of Police, and Savo/Russells were there, I assisted them first. this is why I expel diplomats. After that I told each church in Savo/Russells to give $500 each, and this is an order from the Hon Sogavare: Point of order Mr Speaker. It is boss. They brought it and they collected about not right for the Member for Savo/Russells to $20,000 and I gave mine on top of this amount make very sweeping statements here that he is and we gave it to them. I did not go to the radio unable to prove. The Solomon Islands to talk about this. But we started to work on day Government was not involved in flying the one for the very purpose that I had great Attorney General to Solomon Islands. That has sympathy for the people of Western and I know that an able Minister looks after Choiseul Provinces. that Ministry because he was my Minister Likewise, Mr Speaker, we in Savo are before, but I think he was afraid of giving also sitting on a volcano just like in Simbo and directives otherwise the Prime Minister might Marovo. The Member for Marovo is not here sack him. So it was all distorted from day one. but Savo too has a volcano. May be one day we The Magistrates’ Courts Bill and the will go through this, and so we must work. We Correctional Services Bill are very good bills. are not asking our Member of Parliament to do Thank you Minister. They are very good bills. it. My own people must do it to show that may The State Owned Enterprises Bill is not going to be one day we will need your help. That is for work, in my view. It is not going to work. I will the information of the house on what we have tell you why. You are only taking out some bad done. human beings and you are putting in bad human The supplementary bill carries my full beings. Therefore, the only way to go is what support because of the tsunami except that when you did before, Sir, which is privatization and we collected those big monies, and that is what I commercialization of enterprises. Only then said in my debate, where have all the monies will it work because everybody’s business is gone to. The Premier of the Western Province nobody’s business. Everybody’s business is said that they received only less than $3 million nobody’s business in this planet. They are going and people are still living as they used to be. to spoil it because they do not care. If it is my But all kinds of millions and millions of dollars business I will be worried but since it is not were given, assistances came, warships came, mine, just go ahead. If it is bankrupt the war planes came, ships after ships were government will come in to assist with funds. I chartered, many tourists went and visit, a lot of heard the Minister saying that he does not want people too went including politicians. But what to put in more funds because it must work did the politicians go there for? Just for shaking profitability. That is a very good intention but of hands? But the leaders are starting to you are putting the same human beings with the complain. I can only guess one thing, Mr same intention and so it will end up the same. Speaker. It would be mismanagement and Only two State Owned Enterprises mishandling of this issue. Because when we owned by the government that are making start to panic we lose sight of our right senses money since independence are Our Telekom and and so we do not plan what we are going to do Kolombangara. These are the only government next. owned enterprises that are making money. Last If you face the ethnic tension that we time it was the SIPL. The rest of them, just came through with guns, I think you would have forget about them. But better to try it out. fallen flat. I must congratulate you, Mr Speaker, The other thing I notice about this that you were also the major player in this. But meeting, Mr Speaker, is that a lot of questions this is a natural disaster where every plan and by Members of Parliament were not included in program was supposed to be put in place. the order paper. For whatever reasons would When I sat down in my island at Savo have to be looked into. Otherwise this is a very listening in, it was all distorted. That is not how good meeting. We have exchanged words you handle a situation of this nature. So do not during our debates but thank you for forgiving be surprised if all the monies were gone because each other. I also forgive you all, and please too many bosses spoil the soup. accept my apologies if it is a slip off tongue. The government wants to lead, the But I always maintain my way of debate by province too wants to lead, people in the having a bit of humor, a little bit hard and a bit provinces want to lead, outside assistances of questions. wants to lead and they set up offices here and Mr Speaker, one thing I would like to there and so they were stepping on each others ask the Prime Minister before I stop is that last toes and it was all in a mess. There was no time the Socred Party said that if it wins the proper coordination and supervision. election and its party forms the government, the price of goods in the shops will go down. If my party comes into power you pay $10.00 and you and the things that were already in place, and will get $40,000. This is true. That is the that is why we are starting to question them. policy. My people are still waiting for this, Mr Forgive me, Mr Speaker, for anything Speaker, because the leader of Socred is now the wrong I might have said, take it from me in Prime Minister, and so my people are still good heart. I respect the government. I will be waiting for this promise of prices of goods to go working with you for the sake of my down. When I went home they told me when I constituency and I also offer my services too if was Prime Minister the price of goods were very you need my help. Not going to the high, but the price of rice at that time was government. I am not like the Leader of the $70.00, but this time I believe when I go back PAP who is already with the government. As a home it will be $150.00 for one bag of rice. I veteran leader of the PAP I will consider your told them that I will tell any Socred candidate position. Give him one ministerial portfolio when they come around about this. The price of because one of my members was already given a goods is what I am questioning as it is very high. ministerial portfolio on the other side. There is Also many members of the Charity no hard and fuss about that. Because what is Funds who claimed that it was the Kemakeza happening with the party basis in here is that the Government that hid their money in the bank head is gone and only the tail is on the other and stopped it from being paid, to all of you side. members listening outside now or listening from the Arts Gallery this time or anywhere (laughter) throughout our islands, the Minister of Finance told me last week when I asked him about it that That is what is actually happening. Give one this government has nothing to do with charity. portfolio to the Member for North West Thank you, Mr Speaker, and I thank the Minister Choiseul. I have every due respect for him as he of Finance for telling members of the charity can help this country. He is my leader and I fund that there is no money. That is what the have every respect for him. But that is it, the Minister of Finance is saying. The Prime head is there and the tail is on the other side. Minister must also endorse this when he replies With the National Party only the tail is there but to this motion. There is no charity money with the head is gone. With Liberal the head is gone the government. If anyone continues to give and the tail is gone. PAP, the head is here and you false information, do not listen to them. the tail has gone there already. That is how this This Government does not have any money for Parliament is at the moment. Therefore, if the you, even the last government too. That is what head is cut off then you know straightaway that I want to say. the tail has no direction. There is no direction so To the ex-militants, if any government everyone is just confused. No wonder there are promised you any dues there is nothing. That no set policies for this administration. must also be cleared. To the people of Savo/Russells, the (laughter) price of goods will not be going down but instead it will go up. There is also no $40,000 But I trust that they can make a difference. for this $10.00 you paid. There is no money for With that Mr Speaker, I support the that. Go and get back your $10.00 from motion. whoever collected it from you, from the Socred Party. Mr HUNIEHU: Thank you Mr Speaker, for Mr Speaker, the women’s bank is later allowing me to contribute to this motion of sine on and so I do not want to talk on it because I die. In so doing, I wish to sincerely thank the think it will come. We are still expecting that to Prime Minister for moving this honourable come and it is good for us. I do not want to put motion in this honourable Parliament. My more fuel on this controversial issue. What I am contribution to this motion will be on three talking about are things that were already done parts. First, I will briefly comment on the main issues that were discussed during this meeting. And then I will touch base on issues that were Parliament with us. That is my first submission. headlined in the media throughout the year; and In saying this I have to qualify and quantify my thirdly I will be commenting very briefly on the statement because some of the dishonorable sine die motion itself. activities that happened, which all of us know Mr Speaker, on day one of our meeting the are quite obvious. Leader of the Opposition raised a constitutional The first one was the secret flight from question on the eligibility of the Attorney PNG in to Munda. Secondly, the Attorney General’s attendance in Parliament. His General took refuge in our Solomon submission was premised on the fact that whilst Islands/PNG Embassy in PNG, and thirdly he is there is a court case hanging over the yet to clear his name from the sex scandals in constitutionality of his appointment, he sought the PNG Courts and the Australian Courts. your ruling on whether he should be permitted to I make reference to these because the attend Parliament meetings. At the same time Prime Minister assured this House that the case he revealed that the Public Service Commission in relation to this sex scandal have been did not recognize the appointment of the dismissed in the Vanuatu Courts. But new Attorney General to the post he is holding. revelations indicate that these cases are very I respect your decision, Mr Speaker, because much alive in the Supreme Court of Vanuatu the high court case is still pending and therefore and the Courts in Australia. Can I ask your the Attorney General is permitted to attend indulgence to prove what I am saying? This is proceedings of the Parliament. That is the first an honorable house and I do not want to be issue that came out during the first day of accused of accusing anyone without proof. This Parliament meeting. is from the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Mr Speaker, I am not concern about the Vanuatu acknowledging and responding to a constitutionality of the appointment of the letter written to them by the Commission of Attorney General. Since the matter will be Inquiry in PNG (the military one) and I quote, judged by a court of law, I am not concern at “We acknowledge receipt of your personal this stage about the constitutionality of the message on Friday 16th February 2007, appointment of the Attorney General. However, requesting copies of the Supreme Court of I do care and so I raise concern about the Vanuatu records for purposes of the Defense honorability, respectability, dignity and integrity Board of Inquiry. While we assure your honor, of this Parliament. our willingness to assist, it is our view that it All of us are honorable Members, we will be improper to vouch records of the are all respected men by our constituents and Supreme Courts of Vanuatu in this instance as that is why we are here. And whatever we do in the criminal matter of PP v. Julian Moti is still this Parliament must be seen as honorable. That pending before the Supreme Court of Vanuatu is why one of us is not sitting with us because he for the hearing and determination of an has a court judgment and so he has been relieved application in the matter, therefore, making sub of his duties until the court makes its decision judice. The pending application before the otherwise. Supreme Court was filed by the Public Mr Speaker, given that as a case in point Prosecutor of the Republic of Vanuatu on the 8th I think the Attorney General is not fit to attend September 1999. It is a notice of exparte this Parliament and to be sitting right next to the application for leave to apply for the order of Prime Minister because he has yet to clear sex Territorial to remove from the Magistrates scandals in Vanuatu and in the Australian Courts Courts in the Supreme Court and quash the of Law. It is my conviction that since this is an decision of the Senior Magistrate Courts dated honorable Parliament, all of us must behave 23rd August 1999 in dismissing charges against honorably and clear our backyard. Mr Moti and not committing him for trial upon I submit, Mr Speaker, that in my view, information. The notice of application was any Attorney General or any one working for accompanied by Affidavits in support. The Parliament has court cases hanging over their application is pending because the defendant in shoulders are not fit to be sitting in this the matter had not returned to Vanuatu jurisdiction and therefore unavailable to be extradition case he is facing with the heard by the Supreme Court of Vanuatu and the Australian Government in Port Public Prosecutor had not applied for the Moresby. I request your personal withdrawal of the application which is therefore assistance in according these two pending hearing and determination by the gentlemen all the assistance they need Supreme Court of Vanuatu and therefore, sub to carry out their assignment’. judice”. This letter is very clear, Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, the secret diplomatic letter from evidences available it is absolutely clear continues as follows, ‘As the founding country that the Supreme Courts in Vanuatu is still of the Melanesian Spearhead group and our pursuing this issue awaiting our Attorney Region’s largest nation that has pioneered the General to return to Vanuatu jurisdiction. establishment of a capable and independent Moreover the argument that this case had been Melanesian identity, the Solomon Islands dismissed by the Vanuatu Magistrate is Government now seeks to secure your fundamentally flawed as the case is still very understanding and cooperation in our efforts to much alive. resolve the existing impasse: Mr Speaker, this only means to say that 1. to advise the Head of State to direct the the Prime Minister was intentionally telling lies Public Prosecutor to immediately in this parliament and misleading the public withdraw and discontinue pending about our AG’s case in Vanuatu. This is proceedings against the Attorney something …….. General pursuant to the provisions of Section 176(3) and (b) of the PNG Mr Speaker: Could you re-phrase the word, Constitution. Alternatively, upon the ‘lies’ may be ‘false’? understanding of the Solomon Islands Government and the Attorney General, Mr Huniehu: I would use ‘untrue’. This is which are hereby given, the Attorney be something very disgraceful of a leader to do, Mr allowed to travel to Honiara forthwith Speaker. From these correspondences it is very to assume his official duties on the obvious that our AG is also avoiding visits to condition that he will be returned to Vanuatu and so now he has the duty to clear his Papua New Guinea for the purpose of name in Vanuatu, Australia and PNG. attending future judicial proceedings. Furthermore, the Prime Minister had a secret Facilitate the continued pursuit of diplomatic note to his Papua New Guinea pending proceedings in a manner which counterpart in an attempt to smuggle our is conducive to the preservation of Attorney General out of PNG, whilst he is mutual respect for our institutions and facing court summons on matters related to the sovereign goodwill. The Solomon sex scandal in Vanuatu and charges made in the Islands Government requests to the Australian Courts. And may I quote, Mr PNG Government to assign a senior Speaker: legal practitioner from its public ‘ My dear Prime Minister, Messrs solicitor’s office to handle our Attorney Robson Tanabose, the Director of General’s legal representation Policy Implementation and Evaluation henceforth. The Papua New Guinea in the Prime Minister’s Office and Government is earnestly requested to Christopher Hapa, the Legal Counsel exercise its good offices in negotiating engaged by the Solomon Islands with the Public Prosecutor 4(a) this Government in Mr Moti’s case will official consent for dispensation of the deliver this letter personally to you. I Attorney General’s personal attendance am sending these two gentlemen as in the present proceedings to enable representatives of the Solomon Islands him to travel to Honiara immediately to Government to provide personal take on his official duty. His agreement assistance to Mr Moti in the not to oppose the Attorney General’s application for a stay of execution of Islands Government constitutes a blatant breach any warrants or arrest of the Attorney of the Solomon Islands airspace and Civil General pending the hearing and the Aviation rules. These actions also constitute a determination of appellate and judicial violation of Solomon Islands territorial integrity review proceedings. Immediately and political independence’. release and delivery of the Attorney Mr Speaker, I believe that even the General’s possessions which were Cabinet of Solomon Islands was unaware of impounded by the Transnational Crime these letters and secret arrangements. It is now Branch of Papua New Guinea Police obvious that this was the reason for not Force September 29, 2006. The accepting the request for the PNG Commission Attorney General be permitted to pursue of Inquiry into the Attorney’s escape to Munda. his constitutional and statutory rights of Is this being transparent and appeal and judicial review of the legally accountable, may I ask? The fabricated untrue flawed process for his mutual right of statement and misinformation about the status of appeal and judicial review arrest and our Attorney General’s sex scandal case in subsequent detention in PNG by its Vanuatu by the Prime Minister is a total Police and Prosecution Officers’. mockery on his leadership and a public confession of a leader who must tell untrue Mr Speaker, this secret diplomatic note statements to win. does not seem to me to be written by our Sir, I strongly detest that this is not a Foreign Affairs Minister. It must be written by Solomon Islands character. The someone in the Utopian Society, because it is constitutionality of swearing in the Attorney requesting the Papua New Authority to break its General had been raised, only to be told by the own laws for the sake of our learned Attorney Prime Minister that doubters can take the matter General. to court. I wish to further submit to this Sir, I am not arguing here of the Parliament that the report revealed that our constitutionality of the appointment of the territorial integrity has been abused as well, and Attorney General but rather I am bringing into I quote, ‘By conducting an illegal and an this Parliament the relevance of all of us elected authorised flight into the territory of Solomon Members including your chair, the Clerk to Islands, PNG through its Defense Force has Parliament, the Deputy Clerk, the sweepers, the breached its international law obligation to cleaners to have respect for the honorability of respect the territorial integrity and political this Parliament. That is the issue I am raising independence of Solomon Islands. The duty to here, and I hope that this message is loud and respect the territorial integrity and political clear. independence of another state is one of the We must defend the honorability and fundamental principles enshrined in the charters integrity of this parliament. Since independence of the United Nations Article 2 which requires Mr Speaker, we always have Attorney Generals all states to act in faith in their international with no criminal records. Attorney Generals obligations while Article 4 places a duty upon who are capable with integrity should give us members state to refrain in the international the wise counsel for this Parliament. We have relation from the threat or use of force against a Speakers of honorability, Clerks of honorability territorial integrity or political independence of and I want to maintain the integrity of this any state. These principles have been further Parliament the same all through in the future. elaborated under the declaration of the Mr Speaker, another issue that came out international law concerning friendly relations during our meeting was the vote of no and cooperation amongst states in accordance confidence, in which none other than the speaker with the United Nations charter. The action of on the floor of Parliament now was going to the PNG Military officials in conducting the move. Mr Speaker, I looked at the Hansard and unauthorized secret flight to Munda without I would like to thank the Prime Minister for the authorization and approval from the Solomon statements he made and I quote, ‘I think it would be remiss of me, sir, and I must take this of Parliament that he will not respond to the opportunity to thank the Member for East Are motion instead he will sing a song. Are for making the right decision in You know the Deputy Prime Minister withdrawing this motion. In fact it takes a man cannot sing in this Parliament. He lost his good to back down on a position. He deserves the voice. When he was young he sings very well respect of his people. but now no. Mr Speaker, did I back down? Did I Mr Speaker, I also understand that the back away, back side ways or back in front? Prime Minister was asking the Speaker to leave No, Mr Speaker. And that is the reason why I the Chair, and I thank him for apologizing am raising this issue as pertinent to my reason. publicly yesterday. But I wish to raise this as The reason why I have decided to withdraw the part of the reason why I could not move the motion is as follows: motion. He asked the Speaker to leave his I tabled the motion I think one month before the Chair, an elected chair. He was not appointed meeting of parliament opens, and I thought there by the Government, and not only that the was enough time for the Attorney General and Speaker stood unopposed meaning there is no the Speaker of Parliament to consult each other one else to carry the Chair. Furthermore, Mr on the legality and constitutionality of that Speaker, I heard rumors that there was going to motion to be moved. That is what the Attorney be a vote of no confidence on the Speaker General is there for. He checks motions in himself. What is that for? consultation with the Clerk or the Speaker or The Government got rid of a Malaita whoever to ensure that Members of Parliament man, the former Attorney General. He did not are not deprived of the business they have to want to appoint another Malaita man to the raise on behalf of their people. Unfortunately, Ombudsman using excuses, and now the list of Mr Speaker, my simple motion of no confidence causalities goes on targeting only one people. Is was used in this Parliament to prove a point. that leadership Mr Speaker? There is no such One month, and I thought these legal issues leadership like that. would have been cleared so that the motion of I also considered the fact that some no confidence is de-flawed from the floor of Government MPs were using the vote of no parliament before the meeting starts. confidence to make money by asking for The Attorney General plea to the Speaker that projects to be funded during this situation. I said the motion is not in order as there is a High in Parliament that I for one I am not interested in Court summons against you yourself and moving votes of no confidence. I never moved myself. Furthermore, Mr Speaker, your one but I was going to move this one. But if I response to the Attorney General is well was asked to move a motion to dissolve respected. I respect your decision and I should Parliament I would be the first one because I do have moved the motion but then again the not think we are worth what we are. All of us interactions during the day the motion was must go so that new ones can come in and take supposed to be moved makes me feel sorry for control of the government and the management myself. I have a genuine issue to raise in of this country. Parliament, the Prime Minister is unwilling to We are causing chaos Mr Speaker? Are debate the motion in Parliament, he suggested we not ashamed of ourselves? We are that if I move the motion he will call a choir baldheaded, gray hair but we still play like little from the Government side to sing a chorus and children. In fact if there was another vote of no not to debate the motion. No, Mr Speaker, this confidence some Members of Parliament will be Parliament is not for singing. This Parliament is trying their best to make use of it. We should to be used to debate motions and to debate bills. grow out of this nappy type of politics. Enough Why should I move a motion that would is enough, Mr Speaker. not be responded to? If the Prime Minister used I have justified myself now that these this as a political strategy, this is an Honorable are the reasons that made me to withdraw the House and I will listen to him. Even if he was motion although I could understand that the going to debate the motion he said it on the floor gallery is packed, there were about 5 or 10 television cameras here to focus on one man moment we do the opposite it hurts my feeling moving a motion of no confidence to unseat his because I can see the weakness and the financial friend, I made the decision not to move it and I difficulties this will bring. The Solomon thank the Prime Minister for acknowledging Airlines will be requiring the government to that. Anyway that is the story. issue a contingencies warrant of some $20 to If this underpins the kind of leadership $30billion to refloat it. What is that for? Had it we have to endure for the remaining part of been a private entity it can look for financial these four years, Mr Speaker, then I feel sorry assistance from the bank. But since it is a for this country. We must respect each other Mr government entity we have no choice. If we Speaker. Your good self, the father of the have to maintain our credibility and pride it will nation, a Prime Minister, you have all the titles be costing taxpayers’ money for the and yet Members of Parliament would like to mismanagement of the enterprise. ask you to leave your chair. In fact this is not I will now come to judiciary because our House. This house belongs to the Speaker. judiciary is an important arm of the government. Do we not know that? He can chase us away. Mr Speaker, over the last year myself and the This is not our house and so I have to be very, public are convicted and convinced that this very strong and particular on this motion government has been interfering with the role of because whatever we do here can divide the the judiciary. Allow the judiciary to be fair to nation. everybody. Whatever happens, and I do not As a Minister you have to be watchful want to go into detail on the deportation or the about what you say and the statements you suspension or the removal of the DPP, the unleash on the floor of Parliament against former Attorney General, the Legal Draftsman another one is even worse when the Prime and many lawyers are resigning, and I hope it Minister demonstrates willfully that he can issue ends there. We have to rebuild the confidence statements to divide the nation. of the judiciary so that it can be seen as People around Honiara were already effectively carrying out its duty. mobilizing themselves. If the vote of no I heard, Mr Speaker, that attempts are confidence on the Speaker were to be made, I being made to even remove some of our well strongly believe that would be the end of the respected judges. If it can happen to four or five government. There is no need for us to behave legal officers there then I can also believe this. like that, Mr Speaker. No, let us allow the judiciary to function We have an attitudinal problem, independently from the executive because this is behavioral problem, character problem and that the only way we can guarantee good democratic is what is causing all these nonsense. In a governance for this nation. volatile political situation, if we cannot behave Mr Speaker, I would like to comment on rationally then we will be opening the eye the economy. Three post coup governments deeper for further problems to come. That is my have taught us good lessons. I quite agree with simple belief. the previous speaker, the MP for Savo/Russells During the course of this meeting as that the first SIAC Government has a policy of well, Mr Speaker, we have passed four or five economic reform. In that government is the legislations. I congratulate the Ministers who process of degovernization, cutting costs, brought in those legislations, in particular the reducing ministries were the emphasis of that Minister responsible for Police and Justice and government. The idea then was for the Finance. We passed the Correctional Bill, the government to save as much money as possible Magistrate Court Bill, and I hope that the to reinvest in the rural economy. That Magistrates Court Bill and the Correctional government has to do that in order to reinvest in Services Bill are implemented as soon as the rural economy, and it has been talking about possible. That is my comment. the bottom up approach at that time already. I am a bit doubtful about the Public Do you know what BUA means? It is Enterprises Bill. I am a firm believer of not the bottom up approach. It is Bartholomew privatization, commercialization and the very Ulufa’alu Abau. That is his name. He designed this program to be a milestone in his economic automatically from $200million up to rationale and theories based on good $600million - a 60% or 70% increase. The governance, credibility and based on building up records are there, Mr Speaker. Why should we a strong economy in all the constituencies in the opt to look at another course when it was proven Solomon Islands. beyond every reasonable doubt that the way to The focus at that time was mainly on go was economic reform, focusing on the key degovernization, improvement on investment, areas of investment? and so forth. The Deputy Prime Minister knows The Investment Act was carefully very well that it was endless meetings and designed during that time with the advice of meetings he had with the then Prime Minister RAMSI to induce people to invest here. They and the present Prime Minister was his Finance did not recommend over governization but they Minister. recommend that the Foreign Investment Act Mr Speaker, after the coup after which must be reviewed so that more investors will came the first Sogavare Government, the focus come so that the economy can grow and provide was all right except for the fact that because this us with a broad sector growth, and not the one country’s law and order was broken down by the the Minister of Finance talks so much about – effects of the ethnic tension, the focus was the 6% and 15% of that is logging and it is different. The focus then was law and order, unsustainable. compensation of people because without What we need in terms of the economy compensation there would be no peace and there is political stability. That is what we need. would be no reconciliation, and reconciliation Without political stability we can plan for all and reconstruction. Following that, Mr Speaker, these economic activities, all these plans and the government then after pursued the same structures it will not because we will spend most policies of law and order, economic reform, of our times arguing in each other with the good tax compliance and those things. numbers game, with who rules, with who rules. The difference that government made You are the ones who ruined it. That side of the was the introduction of RAMSI, and that is the House ruined the political structure, the best thing that has ever happened to our country machinery, the mechanism in this Parliament. - the introduction of RAMSI. I was sitting at the The Prime Minister Mr Speaker assured back here and the only person whose speech was me in my motion that before the year ends there quite interesting at that time when there was will be an integrity bill presented to this House. total unanimity was the current Prime Minister Did that happen? Look back at the Hansard, Mr himself. He made an interesting speech when he Speaker, it didn’t happen. Instead he used a new was Prime Minister and he requested Australia political order to dismantle all the political to intervene but when they came he did not like parties within the government to allow him to them. No wonder he is still pursuing that rule by decree. rhetoric now. The leader of the National Party was Economic recovery cannot be sustained thrown out and only the members were left. The without the introduction of RAMSI here. Of leader of the Rural Advance Party was out, only course, this country was declared a failed state the lieutenants were left, and Liberal Party the already. Many people did not agree with that same. This is to allow him have full control but we have been a failed state. We cannot over the mostly newly elected Members of afford bread and butter in the evening, we Parliament. No, this is cheating, Mr Speaker, cannot afford to pay our school fees and the you should not be doing that to your loyal government was depending on budgetary supporters. You are dismantling the party support from our donor partners to pump in system in this country and asking them to join money into the recurrent budget because we the Socred Party so that when the Socred Party were not collecting money. has the commanding number, the integrity bill I can remember we were only collecting comes, and you are home and dry but you did $200million during those days soon after not win those people in the elections, it was RAMSI arrived. Revenue collection jumped different people. You only return one, which is compliance rules are adhered to and these yourself and the MP for Temotu VATTU. revenues are coming out of squeezing the The new political order must be based existing businesses. We need to expand growth on the political party machinery. It must be by expanding the private sector base to enhance effective so that consultations between the more revenue growth. Government, the Prime Minister and the I wish to touch on the issue of the ex- political parties are maintained. At the moment militants because the issue of ex-militants is even if party leaders who are members of the what I would say ‘one of the rough edges’ of the Coalition go and see the Prime Minister he does social ethnic tension. With the Townsville not need them because they have no vote. He Peace Agreement there was amnesty provided only concentrates on the MPs with valid votes. and there was an Amnesty Clause that was This is total destruction of the political party extended a couple of times already, and I think it system in this country. is time that this Parliament or this Government We are moving to two party states like seriously looks into doing something about this. Zimbabwe, and we know what is happening in I wrote to the Prime Minister one year Zimbabwe. The inflation rate is now climbing ago about the need to look critically at this issue up to 4,000 percent. This is dangerous. If you because it will continue to create instability for have the same behavior it will be happening our political stability. And my suggestion then here. I warn you because the way you are was for a forgiveness act based on the broad spending public money is exorbitant that policy of reconstruction, rehabilitation, anything can happen. repentance and forgiveness. These policies have I can predict a gloomy picture. I can been highlighted in the relevant Ministry as the prescribe it too. I can prescribe and I can see a way of going forward. I still believe it, Mr gloomy picture for the 2007 Appropriation Bill Speaker, and therefore this issue, which I call 2008. rough edges, must be addressed within the You know you cannot create miracles context of this broad policy. out of nothing. Revenue must come out from All in all these ex-militants are Solomon business houses, revenue must come out from Islanders. About 90% of them were caught in donor partners. At the moment without donor this crisis, which is not of their own making but partners nothing is happening. was of the making of the government itself. I just read in the tertiary education Previous governments have failed to address the report, and the Minister of Education may be bona fide demands of the Guadalcanal people, laughing but the number of students going to the which is the reason for the uprising. universities has gone down. This is true. Why? You cannot point fingers at me because Because there is not enough money. Why? May in 1997 I was the then Leader of the Opposition, be because some donor partners who were and I have been pointing out in this Parliament committed to sending some of our students have that the way the Guadalcanal people have been held back their assistance until the process of marginalized in the Gold Ridge Project, in the good governance, democratic governance is Mamara Tasifarongo Project and the SIPL will maintained. be the breeding ground to launch an attack That is what is happening and that is against the government. It is in Hansard, look at why some of us are starting to raise questions it. I said it with words of wisdom. Three men about the genuineness of this government to lead from the East are wise, and one of them is the in the economic service. MP for East Are Are. If you look at Hansard, I Yes, people are applying but to what said those words. I even went as far as taking extent are they investing? Without political the Speaker of Parliament, not this one but the stability in this country and with issues of this previous one, to court to prove my point that if nature destroying investor confidence, it will we do not address the issue of more priorities to affect our budget. the Guadalcanal people and address the bona Mark my word, Sir, although there is fide demands, it will happen, and it has increase in revenue it is only because tax happened as you have seen. Sir, the ex-militants issue is very real. allowed RAMSI to take on these investigations, And it is not only ex-militants from Malaita but and it must be this Parliament alone that will from Guadalcanal, from the West and from all stop RAMSI from doing it. Why accuse them of over the country. Some of them were caught in anti-Malaitan? There is nothing like that. the tension by circumstances. So these are the I come down to the issue of corruption. people we should look at. There are three ways a man can be corrupted and No wonder because the majority of an institution can be corrupted. One is by these people are Malaitans, there is a perception money, second is by legislation - abuse of the in Malaita and within the Government that constitution, and thirdly a man can be corrupted Australia and RAMSI are anti-Malaita. No, Mr by telling lies he has $18 or $20 million in the Speaker. About 70% of people living in bank account whereas there is nothing there. It Honiara are Malaitans anyway, and if most of will only be the process of good democratic those crimes were created during the ethnic governance, accountability, transparency that tension days, then it must be them. That is why can eradicate this sort of problem in this this anti-RAMSI, anti-Australia policy came into Parliament. being, not realizing that Australia provided $1.7 We have to make legislation, anti- billion worth of non cash and cash contribution corruption legislation as immediately as possible to our budget and yet we still see them as anti- to address corruption issues. We cannot totally Malaita, anti-Solomon Islands and anti- eradicate corruption issues but at least we have Government. No Mr Speaker. to be seen as addressing issues of corruption in Sir, I ask you to come up with this this country. I hope that my simple advice does forgiveness act so that we forgive them, we pray not fall on deaf ears but taking it up and together and that is finished instead of asking systematically addressing it. people to come and pray in this Parliament Mr Speaker, some of us in this casting out devils. What sort of devil is this? Parliament believes that we are an island, we are There is no devil in here. They came to pray a country in the sky and so we can do whatever here and they saw a woman walking around in we like and so we must not entertain foreigners here. Vision, why is that? Is that reflective of in this country. I am talking about foreign the fact that we Members of Parliament are relations, Mr Speaker. having 01, 02 and 03? They came to cast out Foreign relations is one of the here and they saw a woman running around. fundamental issues that we must massage and That is what I heard, Sir. harness properly. The friendship that we create Mr Speaker, this forgiveness is based on and develop with our foreign partners is the fundamental broad policy of reconciliation important because this is where we source our and rehabilitation of these people. It is taking assistance. It is revealed in the budget that we too long. I have never been a Prime Minister. only raised $900 million in the budget and our No. I have only been working for your foreign friends provided the rest. That is the government. So do not point fingers at each reason why we must maintain good healthy other. When you point fingers at us, the MP for relationship with our foreign partners, our close Savo said it that four fingers are pointing back at neighbors like Papua New Guinea, Fiji, you. That is the crux of the matter, and I Vanuatu, Australia and New Zealand. respectfully submit, Mr Speaker, please attend to Someone said that you can decide who this because they are caught up by your friends can be but you will never, never circumstances. There are three, four or five decide who your neighbors must be. Neighbors hundred cases are to be investigated. I can will be there all the way. We share common assure you that by the time RAMSI finishes with resources and common borders. We are in the these investigations it will be after the next 20 to same region so why destroy our relationship. 30 years. Why wait and why unnecessarily For example, the more we on this side of the accuse RAMSI? house talk about our partnership with Australia, It is the law of this House. It is the 2003 the more we are being accused of too pro Facilitation Act passed by this Parliament that Australia and the more we have been accused of provided with information from the Australian there for the next year or the next 10 years. But Government to accuse and target the here it is different. The first reading is done Government. No, Mr Speaker, commonsense today and second reading in the afternoon. My tells us that they are one of the major goodness! Is that efficiency? This is not contributors to our national budget, not only in efficiency, Mr Speaker. No. The first reading is the last two years but the last 100 years. done today and second reading tomorrow. I We trade with them and they invest in hope the Standing Orders of Parliament, when here. I believe the total worth of Australian reviewed take this into account or the motion by investment in this country is more than $5 the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the conduct billion. This is the reason why we must and privileges of Members of Parliament. These maintain cordial relations, the same with the things must be taken on board so that when we United States of America and New Zealand. argue and debate on bills, we take into Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea are becoming consideration the recommendations of the Bills more and more interested in investing in and Legislation Committee. Sometimes we Solomon Islands. It is very important that we would like to suggest amendments but how can maintain credible relationship with these you do that when the bill is already in its second countries who are bordering our borders. reading. There is no time for consultation. Mr Speaker, I need not bore this I would like to thank the churches for Parliament any longer, but I hope that my praying for the National Parliament of Solomon message this morning will be taken to heart. I Islands. Without your prayers and intercession, did not mean to discredit anyone un- this Parliament would not be what it is now. proportionately. No, I was only providing When you pray for Parliament, pray for our information. dignity, integrity and honorability. I said in the radio that the motion I was I would like to thank all our aid donors going to move was about planting the seeds of for the positive support they have in building truth in this Parliament and providing Solomon Islands with the citizens of this information for the people of Solomon Islands, country. Without their support, Mr Speaker, a asking the Prime Minister to explain on the floor lot of things that are happening could not have of Parliament what people perceive as unpopular happened. policies over the last year or so. That is what Mr Speaker, RAMSI built five clinics in that motion was all about, Mr Speaker. my constituency over the last years. There are a In conclusion, I would like to thank the lot of water projects and schools. That is why it Honorable Speaker and staff for making this gives me good reason to defend their staying meeting of Parliament a success. Although the here in Solomon Islands. Of course, they Bills and Legislation Committee has protested promised to build in one year. They built over a that it has not been given ample time to period of time. scrutinize the bills presented in Parliament, our Mr Speaker, with those I beg to support submissions have been ignored by the the motion of sine die. Thank you. Government for the simple fact the government has the number. Sitting suspended for lunch break Why worry about the consultation processes with the parliamentary standing (Parliament resumes) committees charged with the responsibility of auditing and carrying out acid tests on those (Debate on the sine die motion continues) bills. No, it is an attitudinal problem and that is why most of our reports were late. The bills Mr GUKUNA: Thank you, Mr Speaker, for were already passed and the reports came after. allowing me to contribute to this sine die This is not healthy democratic practice. This is motion, a motion that brings to end this meeting a sign of dictatorship, and it must stop. of Parliament that had come with everything. In many democracies in the world, bills Before I make my brief contribution to are not tabled in the first reading. They stay this motion, allow me, Sir, to first thank your good self for guiding this House in the past three the opportunity and the resources to develop my weeks. I know that the past three weeks had people. And these plans, and these other presented a few challenging moments for you, interests are my interests too, Mr Speaker, and Sir. But I can assure you that in those moments so I have not intention of opposing them. I saw statesmanship rose in this house and took In fact, Mr Speaker, what appears to be control of this Parliament just like you did 29 opposition to government plans outside this years ago when you rose to the occasion and parliament are the direct results of our people took delivery of this same Parliament on our not being happy with uncompromising stance Independence Day as our first Prime Minister. I that the government, the Prime Minister must thank you, Sir. especially had continued to take on some of the Of course, Mr Speaker, I must thank the national issues confronting us. Honorable Prime Minister for introducing this Mr Speaker, I do not need to remind you motion of sine die yesterday because this will of these issues because I know you are well now end this meeting and allow us to leave this versed with them. But I will remind the Prime honorable House early and attend to our Minister that it takes a man to back down, and constituencies, instead of spending time here yes, a true man will always back down, may be positioning ourselves and glorifying our not always but sometimes. development plans while our people are waiting Mr Speaker, if the Prime Minister could on us to explain to them why we could not be so moved by the single action of the Member deliver on the promises we made to them early of Parliament for East Are Are, then he should this year. imagine the number of people he would move, I must also thank the Honorable Prime the number of hearts he will win and the Minister, Mr Speaker, for recognizing in his enormous support he will generate by simply introduction yesterday the hard working doing what the Member of East Are Are had honorable Member for East Are Are when he done. If he can do this, Mr Speaker, the Prime told the MP for East Are Are that it takes a man Minister will simply melt what it seems to be to back down, referring to the MPs’ decision to opposition to his plans. He will silence his withdraw the motion of no confidence that he critics. He will simply prove to us that he is a was supposed to move on the morning of Friday, real man and he can look forward to be our August the 10th. Prime Minister for many more years. Mr Speaker, this was a good Mr Speaker, backing down is not defeat, commendation and it was nice to hear our Prime it is not weakness, but it is logical thinking, it is Minister making such a lovely gesture to listening, it is conciliatory, it is accommodating, someone who was intending to overthrow him. things that real men do all the time. This is Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with what the Prime strong leadership. This is a leadership style that Minister had said that it takes a man to back we need this time Mr Speaker. down. You will remember, Mr Speaker, that Mr Speaker, while it was pleasing to the Member for East Are Are backed down after hear these commending words from the Prime the incident on Friday morning, August the 10th Minister, I was actually shocked. I was shocked where the Prime Minister and the Attorney that these words came from our Prime Minister. General threatened to move a motion to remove I was amazed that someone who does not you from the chair. believe that it takes a man to back down would Half of my contribution to this motion actually say these words. was meant to condemn what they have done to Mr Speaker, the opposing stand I had your good self that morning, Mr Speaker. But I taken in the last few months on issues of have decided not to do this, as the Prime national interests may have made it appear that I Minister had done the honorable thing by oppose the government’s planned approaches to apologizing to you on this floor. I can say this rural development. I must make it clear here however, Mr Speaker, that even though they that I fully support these plans, and I will always have not been men enough to carry out their support them because these plans will give me threat, I am glad that they have backed-down this government had recruited to implement because it takes more from a man to apologize. community policing in this country. Mr Speaker, during these meetings, I He seems like a good man. What scares had the chance to meet for the first time our new me about this new Police Commissioner is that Attorney General. Mr Speaker, he seems like a some grassroots people who are in this same very nice guy and I was wondering whether this meeting told me that this same Police is really the man we have been belting in the Commissioner had also told the meeting that media. I can tell that he is a lawyer because he there were only two people born during is very meticulous about legal matters and he Christmas, and that is himself and Prophet has this incredible ability to impress people. He Mohammed. appears to have the quality. He had a very Mr Speaker, this Commissioner needs to highly paid job elsewhere in the world. be reminded that he is here as a Police I was saying to myself, why would this Commissioner, not as a lay preacher for man, our new Attorney General want to be Mohammed. Also let me remind Mr Attorney General of this poor third world Commissioner that this country is largely a country? I was saying what is it in his head that Christian country. makes him so insensitive to all the abuses that Mr Speaker, this Meeting has allowed us we have thrown at him and all the bad languages to deal with a lot of issues, some we will deal that people have been saying about him. with them as they come up in our next meetings. I guess time will give me the answers New issues have come up like globalization and and I will have to wait and see. If he turns out to climate change, as pointed out in this motion. be a good Attorney General may be we will keep We will continue to make changes to take him but if he is not a good Attorney General we account changing time and situations in the will kick him out. And if he is a good Attorney future. General then maybe it is regrettable that the I must say, Mr Speaker, that I enjoyed Prime Minister did not make his appointment in this Parliament meeting because this meeting a more sustainable manner, legal his gave me the opportunity to make some progress appointment may have been. in fulfilling my job description to actively Mr Speaker, I did not get to meet our represent my people in Parliament. new Commissioner of Police during these Mr Speaker, I enjoyed myself during meetings. I will hopefully do this sometime this Meeting until the Prime Minister again may be, but I have heard some of the things he accused this side of the House yesterday that we has been up to in the past weeks. I also saw are being agents of outsiders. He said this many some of his media statements talking like a times before and he said this again yesterday. politician. The other day he was challenging us Mr Speaker, I am tired of being labeled an agent that ‘if you are not happy with my appointment of outsiders by the Prime Minister. I will say it take me to court’. That is exactly what our now that I am not an agent of outsiders in this political leaders have been saying. He was also House. I am an agent for the people of Rennell saying in the media that there will be no more and Bellona. guns for the police, which is exactly what the Prime Minister had told this house before. I (hear, hear) want to remind Mr Commissioner that we want the Prime Minister to tell us this, not you. I am here as their agent. Mr Speaker, I have also received Mr Speaker, I do not know why the information that the Police Commissioner had Prime Minister has seen it fit to continue to told a meeting he held outside town last week demean us by continuing to label us as agents of that the community policing in Fiji had failed to foreigners. I know when he talks about reduce crimes in their communities. Mr foreigners he meant Australia. Speaker, these are not so confident words from But Mr Speaker, I noted also that every our new Police Commissioner, the man whom time he labels us as agents he will always says “we are not stupid” or “I am not stupid”, we know what we are doing. I just say to myself we us, overcome those difficult times. Right now never say that you are stupid. Never, no-one in we are looking forward to the rehabilitation this house ever said that they are stupid so where program that the government is now embarking did the Prime Minister got his stupid on. I am sure we will now be able to move impressions from, Mr Speaker? forward with this rehabilitation program, Mr Mr Speaker, do you know the Speaker. drunkards? If you go to the pub and everybody Mr Speaker, this country has come a is drunk, do you know what they say? We are long way, and I really appreciate some of the not drunk, I am not drunk. Every one is drunk comments being made in this House. But I but that is what they say. I will leave it to you to would like to say that this country did not infer what I am trying to get at. Drunkards happen in the time of the SINURP Government always say we are not drunk. And of course it is or it happened during the time when the MP for very hard to talk to drunkards and spend your Savo/Russells was Prime Minister in this time because you will not come out with country that we started this country. I hope we anything good. will forget those kinds of talks because this But we have to move on and do country, as you know, you being one of the something else Mr Speaker. founding fathers of this nation, came a long way, Mr Speaker, this is my short and that every one of us contributes towards the contribution and with that said, I wish to thank way this nation is built over time to what it is you again, and your good staff for looking after today. us in the past three weeks. I wish my colleagues During the time of this government, we and my Prime Minister well. Go and tell your have seen some good improvements and these people the truth. Do not tell them lies again. improvements we are seeing right now shows May you all leave this House with no hard the good things the government is trying to put feelings as we are just doing our job. With in. these comments I want to thank you and I I would like to concentrate my talk on resume my seat. this sine die motion on the good improvements that this country has been able to have in terms Hon LILO: Mr Speaker, I thank you for the of economic improvements we have this time. opportunity to also contribute to this motion. I would like to say that I am really proud Mr Speaker, let me also join other to be part of a government that has been able to speakers in congratulating the Honorable Prime see through the good management of the Minister for his statement yesterday in economy over the past 12 months that has delivering this motion to this House. enabled us to see good changes, good Firstly, Mr Speaker, I would like to improvements and a good growth of this thank your good self for your leadership, the country. Clerk and staff of Parliament for excellent Sir, one thing I believe we should start facilitation of this meeting. Mr Speaker, let me to move forward to look into, which is one thing also thank the Opposition Group for its very this government will be introducing in the next active engagement during this meeting in the budget is to look into what will be the medium various business brought into this house by the term fiscal strategy of this country. And I would Government. like to use this opportunity to present that to this Mr Speaker, at this stage I would like, House. on behalf of my people of Gizo/Kolombangara, Mr Speaker, this strategy will help to extend our appreciation to the kind words of explain where the economy is today, the encouragement and support given by people of challenges that will be in future years and how this country to my people that have been totally this government will confront these challenges. devastated by the 2nd of April tsunami. I would Most importantly, this strategy will reveal that like, through all the honorable colleagues, thank there are critical challenges in our future that we all the people of this nation for your help and must prepare for today Mr Speaker. prayers during those times, which have enabled As I have said, today this government is responsible in the way it makes decisions and overseeing some good improvements. I decisions that make good effective contributions continue to rely on figures provided to us by the in the short run too. Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund I would like to mention some of these on the growth of the Solomon Islands economy. efforts that have been made in the short run Towards the end of 2006 we have been able to which I have mentioned in previous occasions. see real GDP growth of around 6.1% in the first We have lowered the high tariffs on imports, we half of 2007, and we are hoping that it will have reduced granting of tax holidays, we have continue to the end of 2007 of a growth around expanded financial services to our rural people. 6%. All these, Mr Speaker, is good work that is I am also pleased to see that pointing towards helping the people. Good employment continues to grow. You do not work pointing towards making good results in need to look far to tell whether or not the short run. employment has actually grown. Figures in the Sir, we have continued, and this Inland Revenue Division have shown a good government will continue to build these strong growth on personal income tax. That in itself partnerships with doors and with international shows employment has started to grow and is financial institutions like the IMF, the World continuing to grow. Bank and the Asian Development Bank so that Government revenue has also grown. we can move forward in the way we manage this But in spite of all these good improvements, it is country. quite right that there has been some complaints, Mr Speaker, this strong and solid and those complaints have been quite rightly performance and record of the reforms that we stated too. With all these improvements we still are now preparing, we can now wisely prepare have inflation. Of course, we have said that for tomorrow’s challenges. There is one key inflation has continued to compromise some of challenge that we now will have to face, and that these growths but it is not unique to this country. is the challenge of transforming from a few But I am pleased to say that up to June commodities based economy to a broad based inflation has dropped. It has dropped from a economy. double digit to now a single figure. And it is fair Mr Speaker, we need to meet these to say that Solomon Islands is therefore going challenges, because if we do not our economy through some good changes and changes that we will decline and our well being will diminish. all should be content with, changes that we That is why this Government is committed to should all look forward to, as showing good make the changes that are necessary to keep the prospects for us into the future. Solomon Islands economy growing. That is One thing that we should all understand why we have prepared a medium term or we are is that in spite of all the criticisms, in spite of all now planning to make preparations for the critical comments that have been made about medium term fiscal strategy. It explains the what is going on right now, this strong challenges that our economy will face and it performance is no accident. It is a result of good explains how we will handle these challenges. work that we all have contributed towards, work Before I outline this strategy, Mr that has been contributed by governments since Speaker, I wish to provide some further independence and more so the previous background on why we have had such a strong government too. For that we should thank the economic growth over the last few years. I government that was led by the MP for thank the previous government for its good Savo/Russells. He deserves good vision in working and enacting this new Foreign commendation too for all the good work they Investment Act that has been implemented. This have made. Act now has reduced the processing time for But for this particular time, Mr Speaker, approving new foreign investment from several reports have also made some good qualifications months now. They have also begun to in terms of this strong growth. For that I would modernize the tax system. This has seen a like to say that this government has been very dramatic reduction in the granting of tax holidays and exemptions, reducing corruptions, But many more have found jobs and income or resulting in the overall tax burden being shared business opportunities in industries that serve more fairly and we have seen a good increase in the logging industries and those that work in it. revenue in the current year. We believe these The logging industry has been a strong improvements will continue into the future. base on which this economy has been able to We have also seen some good changes grow over the last few years. But, Sir, our logs in terms of tariff too, Mr Speaker. Virtually all are now running out very fast. In about seven of our goods are now down to only about 10% in years we would expect the logging industry as duty and this has significantly reduced the cost no longer existing as we know it today. of importing some of the critical inputs to Only if our people have the capabilities production such as those in the transport and the to take up new opportunities will we construction sector. successfully meet this challenge. Our people Mr Speaker, the first phase of the must be in a position to take up new Government’s Rural Development Program opportunities to succeed in a new flexible broad which has been co financed by the World Bank, based economy. the European Union and the AusAid will also Mr Speaker, this is why we are commence later this year. developing this medium term fiscal strategy. There is rural development program will This strategy projects economic growth and the focus on the delivery of rural public goods budget position over the next five years and infrastructure and innovation in agriculture. The beyond. We see in these projections the decline program will begin in three provinces - Temotu, of the logging sector from 2009, and the effect Choiseul, Western and Malaita and will expand this has on the economy. But we can only see a to other provinces later. period of potentially very strong economic Mr Speaker, I also mentioned previously growth before the decline in the logging sector. about financial services to our rural people. In It is in these years that we must prepare for the partnership with the ANZ Bank the Government challenges that will confront us. We must shift is helping to support the introduction of rural towards a flexible broad based economy so that banking to our people. We have the support of we can endure and withstand the difficulties and the government in terms of providing new small challenges we will face in the country. business finance scheme which is now being Mr Speaker, our thinking on the medium operated and managed by the Central Bank and term fiscal strategy is that it will guide our supported by all the Commercial Banks. This approach to this challenge. It will inform our scheme will support also business projects from decisions on expenditure so that we are rural areas considered viable by the Commercial investing in the capabilities of our people and Banks. the framework of our economy so that we are All these reforms will and have able to see where resources are needed today for contributed to building a flexible economy that the sustainability of our economy tomorrow. people have confidence in investing it and Donors too will be informed by this working in. strategy. We will see that their investments are This Government is also modernizing consistent with our goal of rapidly moving the economy from the bottom up and this shows towards a broad-base economy. We will advise our aggregate statistics. As you can see our them on investments that we see as essential so growth of around 6% is amongst the highest in that we can be able to mitigate the risks the region. It is higher than Fiji, Vanuatu, Papua associated with economic transition. New Guinea and higher then even some of the Ultimately, Mr Speaker, we must wisely fastest growing economies within the region. use the resources from today’s economic mini But this strong and stable growth will face a boom to meet tomorrow’s challenges. We must critical challenge in a few years. Our economy build enough flexibility into our economy to has flourished on investment and employment in absorb the gale of change. If we do not do this the logging sector. Many of our people have and if we squander what we have today, we will found jobs and income working in the industry. fall into economic decline and our peoples’ in the economy, the palm oil has been going on wellbeing will demise. and foreign investment has also started to flow That is why this Government is in, in other areas. Foreign capital investments committed to the next wave of economic reform have been attracted into the reopening of the in the country - the wave of reform that has two mining as well. primary objectives which are both embedded in What I am saying here, Mr Speaker is our bottom up approach. The first objective is to that central to the 2008 budget will be this improve the economy as a whole by making Medium Term Fiscal Strategy that will help us Solomon Islands an easy and reliable place to do to guide the way the reform will forward into the business. The second objective is to reform our future. vital industries to ensure they contribute to the I thought I should share this with us today so long term growth potential of our country. that it will put us into focus of how the 2008 These objectives of economic reform are Budget will look like so that we can all be well linked together in our bottom up approach, prepared for what will be in front of us when the which puts the focus of this government time comes for us to discus the 2008 Budget. squarely on economic development for all But for now, Mr Speaker, I though it is Solomon Islanders. B meeting these two important to share with us in the debate of this objectives, this government will foster the motion. I do not want to touch on other political creation of business, employment and income and diplomatic issues that have been raised in opportunities across the country including our the various debates that have been shared in this provincial and rural areas. We will see to it that House. All I want share is what I feel looking all Solomon Islanders have the opportunity to forward into 2008 and what we need to focus on succeed in this country no matter where they in terms of putting our Medium Term Fiscal live. Strategy to help this country move forward. It is for this very reason, Mr Speaker, With those contributions, Mr Speaker, I we have continued to make our commitments support the motion. towards the reform we are taking so that we can build a strong and solid foundation for us to Mr MANETOALI: Thank you, Mr Speaker, move forward so that we can be able to see good for allowing me to join the others in contributing results into the future. to this sine die motion. From the outset Mr We cannot afford for our economy to Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to ever again depend so heavily on one industry. thank you for the well conduct of the We must create a broad-base of industries for parliamentary session from the start until today. our economy. Fisheries, tourism, palm oil and I would also like to thank the Honorable Prime mining are some of the industries that could Minister for the Sine Die motion delivered flourish in this country if we get the conditions yesterday. I would also like to thank the and environment right. This will see that all Government for the Bills that have before this Solomon Islanders have the opportunity and Parliament. Congratulations, that most of which capability to succeed in a diverse range of have been passed. Mr Speaker I would also like industry. to extend my greetings to my people of As we all know, Mr Speaker, Solomon Gao/Bugotu Constituency. Islands has an abundant fisheries resource, yet Mr Speaker, I wish to start my returns to the economy, the government and the contribution to this motion on customary land people are a fraction of what they should be. issue. The Government should emphasize more With this in mind, the government has on facilitating to resolving of customary land commissioned a study to look into the Solomon issues. This is important in areas where Islands fisheries sector which aims to ensure development would likely to take place. An returns are maximized and sustainable. The example Mr Speaker is San George and Takata study will investigate all aspects of the fisheries in Gao/Bugotu Constituency where a number of sector from industrial fisheries to community companies are interested in doing nickel fisheries and the government’s role. Elsewhere prospecting. If land issue, Sir, is not resolved then reminded of the two principles and find out for economic development would not take place. I ourselves the deep meaning attached to them. trust that the budget for the local courts and the Sir, when we look further into the relevant courts are in place, and hopefully land preamble of the constitution it tells us that the issues may be resolved soon. people of Solomon Islands have given their By the same token, Sir, the Government power to the legislature, the executive and the should put more emphasis on customary land judiciary. The power of the people cannot be recording. If we look at San George and Takata under estimated. It must be exercised with due nickel deposits, Sir, the Minerals Board had care and diligent. given letter of intent to some companies. This is The legislature is the Parliament, the like putting the cart before the horse. executive is the Cabinet and the judiciary is the The land issue has not been resolved as courts, hence as parliamentarians we are the yet so how could the company successfully legislature, we are mandated by the people to carry out prospecting when land issues have not legislate laws and make policies for the country. been resolved. Hence, Mr Speaker, resolving Sir the legislature, the executive and the land issues should be a matter of priority for the judiciary are three separate arms of the government and resource owners. government. The legislature makes laws and Mr Speaker, on mining issues, now that policies, the executive looks after the day to day the Government had gone through various administration of government business and the amendments to the legislations during this judiciary interprets the laws. parliamentary session, I hope and trust the Mr Speaker, the separation of three arms government can come up with amendment to the of government must be respected and given Mines and Minerals Act so that the government highest consideration, as it is the foundation of and resource owners should fairly share the our democratic state of Solomon Islands. benefits of the mineral. Let the three arms of government to Even though it is spelt out in the Mines freely carry out their duties and functions and Minerals legislations that all minerals without interference from each other. Sir, I refer belong to the people and government of to the 666 questions put to the Director of Public Solomon Islands, there is no formula as to how Prosecutions of Australia. Those questions the resource owners and the government should mostly are legal questions and are matters for share the benefits arising out of the mineral the law and the courts and they are not for us exploration. politicians. Mr Speaker, prior to the amendment of Do not be surprised, Sir, if the Mines and Minerals legislation, only the six parliamentarians become judges and magistrates feet down from the surface belongs to the land as well as politicians as well. owner and from the six feet thereof down Mr Speaker, I would like to touch on belongs to the state. foreign influence argument. I wish to talk Sir, after the amendment all minerals briefly on foreign influence argument that has belong to the Government and people of been floating around this Honorable House. Sir, Solomon Islands, hence it is important that the foreign influence can be good or bad. said legislation should set out the formula in Foreign influence started way back which resource owners and the government when Christianity and the colonizers arrived on share the benefits of the mineral resources. our shores. When Christianity arrived they Mr Speaker, on separation of powers, come with the Holy Bible and Prayer Books. this nation Solomon Islands laid its foundation Sir, our people accepted Christianity because it on the wisdom and worthy customs of our is good foreign influence, and that is why the ancestors. Also the nation is guided by the hand Minister of Planning is a prayer warrior, and that of God. These two principles are the very words is why the Minister of Finance always prays on enunciated in the preamble to the constitution of Sundays and that is why all of us pray. We Solomon Islands. Mr Speaker, let us all be accept Christianity because it is a good thing. Mr Speaker, when the colonizers arrived support. Those divisions are very important for they come with the governing system as well the advancement of rural development. They and we accepted it, we were colonized by are very important for the bottom up approach. Britain and hence our Constitution was made They must be fully equipped and assisted. possible by the Independence Order of 1978. Mr Speaker, the provincial medical and Her Majesty made the Order present to the UK health services must continue to be supported Jurisdiction Act 1890. That same legislation and be assured of consistent supply of medicines granted power to the Commonwealth of for our rural population. The bottom up Australia to become a nation of its own as well. approach should start to generate now. What the Mr Speaker, we cannot deny foreign rural people already do and have must be influence in our country, however, it is for us improved on, for example fishing, agriculture, leaders to choose and select what is good for our small business, copra, cocoa and transportation. nation. Mr Speaker, our governing system Markets must be opened up for the rural people originates from the Westminster System. Our so that they could easily sell their produce. governing system is more or less influenced by Mr Speaker, at this juncture I wish to the Westminster System because our system is acknowledge the development partners in my derived from there. We cannot rule out that we constituency of Gao/Bugotu. I would especially are foreign influenced. like to thank the Isabel Company Limited for the Sir, my point here is that foreign shipping services, the UNDP for the capacity influences can be good and can be unsuitable. building program, the ROC for the Rice Farm, However, we must exercise the wisdom of our CSP for the general development programs, ancestor with the help of the guiding hand of Isabel Provincial Government and other God as enshrined in the preamble to the National organizations who assist in developing my Constitution to make wise judgments as to what constituency one way or the other. foreign influences are good and what foreign Lastly, Mr Speaker, I thank you and influences are not palatable for this nation. your staff for your tireless in ensuring that the Mr Speaker, as I have said, foreign business of Parliament has been smoothly influence started way back when we were conducted. I again thank the Prime Minister and discovered by the discoverers, since when Cabinet for the bills, which came to parliament missionaries arrived in our islands, since when and were passed, especially the respective colonizers arrived, since when formal education Ministers and their staff for the hard work in started in our islands, since we attain preparing the bills. A job well done. independence and even up until today. Sir, with those contributions to the Sine Sir, we must remember that we are part Die, I beg to take my seat and thank you. of the international community. We are members of the United Nations, the Hon NUAIASI: Mr Speaker, thank you for Commonwealth, the South Pacific Forum, the giving me this opportunity to briefly speak on Melanesian Spearhead and the list goes on. Sir, this important motion of sine die. Before I do how do we define foreign influence? Why do so, I would like to thank you for a well done job. we throw around the word ‘foreign influence’ I thank the Clerk to Parliament, the staff of when at the end of the day we are part of the Parliament and all of us, the 50 Members, the international community. Nobody can deny that government and especially the Prime Minister he/she is foreign influenced. for leading the government up until now. Mr Speaker, on the bottom up approach. Mr Speaker, as I have said I rise to The emphasis here is no rural development. I participate in this motion of sine die moved by call on the government to put more emphasis on the honorable Prime Minister, and I will be more the agricultural division, business division and or less concentrating on what will be happening fisheries division in our provinces. These within my Ministry and what my Ministry will divisions are no longer functioning, but if be carrying out in relation to government policy somehow some do function then they do not in relation to this motion of sine die. function fully. They need more government Indeed, Mr Speaker, it was a memorable In terms of employment, Mr Speaker, session marked by the tabling of a motion of no there are about 2,500 workers employed by the confidence. The legal challenges, while that was company on Guadalcanal Plains and the benefits put away now, those challenges raised us to get from this project to the landowners around those here, that is the need for the government to areas are enormous. My Ministry is working pursue its rural development policies and I ask hard to assist the current projects at Vangunu Oil every leader to cooperate with the government Palm, one at Choiseul, one is proposed to be at of the day to implement plans to move this Waisisi and the current ones we are working on country forward. to soon get started. My Ministry believes in There is need to well define rural and establishing of this project for our economic village development as far as my Ministry is growth and for the betterment of this nation. concern, we have been assigned development The Vangunu Oil Palm to pick up from policies to set our goals to pursue agriculture where, and if there are reasons to believe that the development that will contribute to economic projects will continue to be slow in growth and rural development. implementing its development plan, I will be My Ministry is also mandated to ensure obliged to advise the government to ensure that that our agriculture potentials are maximized to the project at Vangunu, Western Province is boost our macro economic projects like palm oil, rehabilitated and to pursue to assist the coconut, cocoa. We are also well aware to community surrounding the areas within which ensure that the agriculture sector provides food the growers scheme is established. security and meets the nutritional needs of the Mr Speaker, he work on the East growing population that we are experiencing. Malaita Oil Palm project at the Auluta Basin and Mr Speaker, of all the activities going East Fataleka is going on very well. Much of on in the rural areas, nearly 80 to 90% of our the land mobilization is completed. The legal villages are agricultural related and that is process of land acquisition is progressing well catering and producing food, involving in and by September some 3,000 hectares of land cottage industries such as handicrafts. This is would have been acquired and registered under making the villages to continue function and perpetual title from now on. move forward. Mr Speaker, from the above statements, Mr Speaker, the government’s bottom it is clear that once we have three oil palms up approach is the best policy initiative to established and operating to full capacity, our address the needs of our people in the rural export of the product would be three times areas, especially when it comes to agriculture production of one plantation. This would mean development. Mr Speaker, in order to push this that well over 15,000 tons of oil palm export and development, we need the vehicle to deliver the well over 7,500 workers would be employed. goods and services needed by the people in the Mr Speaker, I see then some positive rural areas. pictures of copra industry. From 1998 to 1999 Mr Speaker, in terms of agriculture copra production was 24,939 tons with an contribution to the national economy, let me income of $17.845million, and in terms of inform this House that our small export income per household it has a significant commodities such as copra, cocoa, and palm oil contribution to provinces, especially Choiseul, have the potential to cushion an economic slump Western and Isabel with cash of $400 to $570 and may be a possible future will depend on the per household. As for the whole country, the world market price for these commodities. copra income per household averaged at $310 or The 2006 Central Bank Report shows about 57 or 102 households. It is therefore that palm oil production which started in mid recommendable to pursue the copra industry to 2006, and by the end of the year production was ensure copra dollar is felt in every household. In 5,427 tons of palm oil and a further 1,236 tons fact our goal is to increase this household of kernel. This is expected to double at the end income from copra to a much higher value of this year. added commodity. The copra rehabilitation program will do processing which can produce into finalized just that. In 2006 the production of copra was products such as oil. just under 22,000 tons of copra. The challenges There is more opportunity now available faced by the industry are lack of copra driers, to the community to participate in this regard insufficient funds to purchase copra, and and hopefully addresses the need for import unreliable transportation, which continues to substitution. constrain copra production. We are aware of The need for agriculture sector to that and are looking forward to address these provide food security and to meet the nutritional hindrances. needs of the population in the country cannot be Mr Speaker, I wish to reiterate the need over emphasized. There is a need to encourage for dialogue between those responsible for the our rural people to continue the traditional food management of the Yandina plantation and production for family consumption and also the RIPEL. I say this with the hope that production ownership of good sovereignty. of copra and cocoa can go ahead again. That Mr Speaker, the value of traditional food plantation holds major copra and cocoa to be consumed is in millions. This traditional plantations, which my Ministry is keen to assist food includes the yam, taro, cassava, banana, in the new management established and the onus including green leaf vegetables which are to get production going again. It is the resources abundant in many of our rural villages and areas. of the country and we cannot let it be idol for so It is the policy of the government to continue long. with traditional food farming. The Ministry is We can only see improvement in export working hard to teach the farmers the best way figures of these two commodities - copra and possible to keep local productions. Apart from cocoa, important productions in these islands local traditional food security development, the started again. I am confident that it would not government had also ventured to assist be long before production can start again. landowners to grow rice at semi commercial What I have alluded to, Mr Speaker, is level. the fact that agriculture commodity base is now Sir, I am pleased to inform the House very narrow. There is only copra, cocoa and that some 100 hectares of land under semi palm oil. These three commodities are grown commercial policy have been assisted, and that by smallholders in their villages. There is a is very encouraging. When these farms are in need for the Government to continue support the full swing in rice production some 800 tons of rehabilitation and new planting of this in future, local rice would be produced. which my Ministry is taking seriously on board. Sir, I wish to acknowledge the technical Because of this, the government, under assistance between the SI Government and the this year’s budget has allocated some $3million Government of the Republic of China for the for the rehabilitation of coconut and copra. technical assistance provided to establish the They are available to five provinces namely rice industry in the country. Mr Speaker, we Malaita, Makira, Isabel, Guadalcanal and the have the land, the people and a suitable Central Islands Provinces. The Ministry has environment to enable us produce rice to meet completed the process of administering our food security needs. A technical agreement government grants, and as soon as these is due to be reviewed and we expect to expand processes are fully completed, farmers will get this agreement to have this service available to assistance any time from now. many communities in Solomon Islands. Mr Speaker, the agriculture potentials in The purpose of the Government’s the country must be maximized for profit agriculture policy must always aim at investment and employment opportunity. In the sustainable utilization of land resources for micro projects I have described about the copra, agriculture development. As population cocoa and palm oil, we need to maximize the increases there is heavy burden on land to potentials we have in addressing these support food production. The frequent use of commodities. Not only do we produce this for the same plot of land causes land infertility and export but more so to encourage downstream the Ministry is addressing to support farmers people of a variety of cash crops to us either for who are faced with this problem. food or for cash income activity. Mr Speaker, my Ministry has therefore Mr Speaker, this project will also established the Land Use Unit to address land address the high import bill for agriculture use and environment issues. We help farmers to products by locally producing those products overcome land use problems. The Ministry has that we can farm here. Sir, I cannot a pilot project - the development sustainable overemphasize the need for our people to plant agriculture project. It is a farm-based training and use our local food and crops and plants program which encourages participation of the including green leafy vegetables. These farmers in finding solutions to their problems. projects, will for sure, would be encouraged to Mr Speaker, finding new farming continue. The need for new planting materials techniques and methods especially those with to provide variety for local farmers will also be improved food crops is the core advisory encouraged. activity of the Ministry to assist rural people Talking about food, Mr Speaker, I improve food production. would like also to mention that under the Pure The sustainable utilization of land Foods Act, it is advisable that our people resources for agriculture development is also produce and eat local food for nutritional value. important. In some communities soil infertility In this day and age Fast Food Bars are is a problem due to over farming of land for the orders of the day but the food we eat may many years. not be nutritional in value we need for our Mr Speaker, our people have the bodies. It is the task of the Ministry of resources and the relevant experience to pursue Agriculture and Livestock Development to agriculture development. What the Ministry of promote and develop regulatory framework to Agriculture and Lands is doing is to encourage increase food production and ensure they are rural people to participate in agriculture nutritional. We are also mandated to create a partnership development. sustainable increase of food supply and The process here is that the government availability of food production and other identifies interested parties can enter into long indigenous trees, fruits and livestock. term arrangement to assist the farmers to start Mr Speaker, under the 2007 this project on their land. Such a project has Development Budget the Ministry of better chances to survive because farmers Agriculture and Livestock Development has become owners of the project. In this way, the substantial donor partner assistance for palm oil, government is making sure that resource owners national cattle, provincial slaughter houses, have a fair share and benefit from large-scale national coffee, support to rehabilitation of agriculture development in their own soil and copra and cocoa. For these, I must thank once land. again the Government and the Republic of China Mr Speaker, the Ministry of Agriculture for its assistance. & Lands and Livestock Development has Mr Speaker, for copra and rehabilitation developed strategies that has always been to Parliament has allocated this to five provinces. enhance food security and alleviate rural They are Malaita, Makira, Isabel, Guadalcanal poverty. We are lucky as a nation that we do not and Central Islands Province. Mr Speaker, the have poverty per se but we are beginning to see process of identifying the value component of severe malnutrition signs especially in the semi- these commodities has been completed and urban centres. This is because of lack of project applications are with the Chief Field adequate food with nutritional value. Officer for final endorsement for payment made Mr Speaker, as a country with a growing to farmers this month. population, we have to produce enough feed for Mr Speaker, over the last few weeks my our people. Here, Mr Speaker I am glad to Ministry was under pressure from farmers. inform the House that my Ministry is pursuing Whilst we appreciate the genuine interest the development of exotic and indigenous crops. shown, my officials will have to double check This project will address the need for the rural on the process and procedures to make sure these grants are saved for purposes and With these, Mr Speaker, I support the intentions approved by Parliament. motion of sine die. I can assure you, Mr Speaker, that the process has been completed and it will be a Mr KOLI: Mr Speaker, I would like to thank matter of time to make these funds available to the honorable Prime Minister for moving the our farmers in the five provinces. sine die motion on Tuesday 21st August, which With regards to the national cattle is yesterday. project, the project is for revitalizing of the Sir, I would like to thank you also for cattle industry that some 700 cattle will be the manner in which you control the proceedings imported from overseas to Solomon Islands in of parliament day to day. Mr Speaker, I would November this year. Under the partnership also like to thank the Clerk and her officials for arrangement some eight (8) farmers have been preparing the day to day business. Sir, I would identified at Guadalcanal and Malaita to host be very brief in my contribution towards this these cattle. From these eight farmers more sine die motion. breeding programs will continue to assist the Sir, all of us would like to see stability farmers. This process of importing these cattle in Government so that we can participate in will continue for several years in order to enable economic activities, live in peace and progress us rebuild our breeding herd. in our endeavors. The future of our country lies Mr Speaker, on other government rural on us leaders. It is us who will shape and mould development programs, I am pleased to inform the future destiny of our country. the House that under World Bank project of Mr Speaker, I would like to thank the Agriculture Rural development Strategies, my Government for employing the 50 Constituency ministry has been included as one of the four Development Officers. I do hope that more components of the project. funds will be allocated to the constituencies and Mr Speaker, under agriculture, which is the whole country. Component 2, an allocation of US$6.42 million Sir, these Constituency Development was made for improving agriculture services. officers will bring relief to me to all of us Under this component, the strategy is to build Members of Parliament. They will work side by the capacity of services provided including the side with us to identify constituency Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. Improve development programs and budget to implement the linkages with the other donors program, to our people down there in the rural areas. improve services in the provincial level and Mr Speaker, I would like to touch on address capacity building aspect of the Ministry agriculture and fisheries officers working of Agriculture and Livestock and also administer together with the constituency development and manage the program. The details of these officers in the province. Sir, I would like to urge will be available as soon as the projects start. the Ministry of Agriculture Field Officers in Here, Mr Speaker I wish to thank donor Guadalcanal Province and the Ministry to partners in supporting developments in the closely work together with the Highlands people agriculture sector. I thank the Government of of my Constituency. My people have now the Republic of China, the Government of ventured into Highland Arabic Coffee farming Australia, the European Union Community, the but they lack the knowledge on how to farm this World Bank and various Non Government cash crop. Organizations who are involved in this sector. Mr Speaker, during my constituency Mr Speaker, I would like to conclude to tour in late July to early August this year, my salute and to state once more that the backbone people were so concerned about reconciliation. of this nation must be built upon the Agriculture They expressed that the Government can talk Industry. We have the land resources, the about development but if it is without climate and the environment which are reconciliation we would not achieve our conducive to better agriculture productivity. I aspirations. Reconciliation must come first do know we are faced with challenges but what between the conflicting parties so as to bring is life without challenges. back peace and normalcy amongst the people Marau to Kuma road. Sir, I hope that this road who are in conflict. is under the post-conflict road rehabilitation Mr Speaker, I would like to thank the program of the Government. Can the Minister Government for a certain portion of money that of Infrastructure and Development inform us of was budgeted for East Guadalcanal Constituency this AUSAID Survey and Findings carried out in for reconciliation in the 2007 Supplementary 2006? Mr Speaker, I would like to thank Appropriation Bill 2007. This is now easy for AUSAID officials for the survey that was my chiefs and officials within the Ministry of carried out. Peace and Reconciliation to mediate with the Sir, I would like also to thank the conflicting parties. European Union (EU), World Vision, the Mr Speaker, on behalf of my people I Republic of China (ROC) and other donors for would like to thank the Government for the tithe their funding and presence which can be felt money given down to my constituency. I have down in the rural areas especially in my shared the money to the different local Churches constituency. of different denominations in my constituency Mr Speaker, we have just passed some during my tour. audit reports with recommendations made by the Mr Speaker, the Correctional Services Auditor General. Sir, I would like to thank him Bill 2007 of Solomon Islands is in order to and his officials for producing these historical combat our young people who have committed transactions before Parliament. Sir, all of these crimes because they have not committed reports revealed the management behavior of the themselves into productive activities. Mr ministries and the statutory bodies. It is now the Speaker, the Government’s Bottom up Approach Ministries responsibility to rectify and bring to policy must be encouraged and implemented so right footing the recommendations made therein. that they can be viable within their communities Mr Speaker, I have not seen any of the and society. Their lack of control in marijuana nine provinces audit report come before in the rural areas is because of no employment Parliament. I do hope that in future Parliament opportunity and they cannot be self-employed to should have some of these Provinces’ audit develop their potentials. Mr Speaker, each one reports to be presented in Parliament. of us, our own personal viability can be viable if Mr Speaker, we talked so much about our capabilities, abilities and availabilities can foreigners harvesting our natural forests and be explored. bringing in substantial revenue to the country. Sir, I support the Correctional Services Sir, my concern here is on reforestation. Is there Bill 2007 as it is to rehabilitate and re-integrate any financial assistance from the Ministry of offenders rather than punishing them. Mr Forestry to small growers in the provinces? Speaker, so often prison inmates and disable Some tree growers are not encouraged when people are forgotten in our society. They also there is no financial assistance from the need comfort and encouragement from the wider Government. Mr Speaker, the species that the sector of our community and society. Sir, it is tree growers do farm are teak, mahogany, etc. only right and proper that we rehabilitate and Mr Speaker, I would like to find out treat them fairly. from the Ministry of Fisheries and the Minister Mr Speaker, I will like to quote a letter himself concerning the Rural Fishery Centres. from one of the inmates in Rove who has written Could the Ministry update us on these? People me a letter dated August 8th 2007. It is how they in the rural areas are looking forward for the feel in the prison in Rove. “We regard ourselves upgrading of their dormant fisheries centres due as forgotten sons of East Guadalcanal, locked up to the ethnic tension. without any means to support our families and Mr Speaker, with these few comments I ourselves,” end of quote. support the motion. Mr Speaker, the people of South Guadalcanal Constituency and East Guadalcanal Hon SOFU: Thank you, Mr Speaker, for giving Constituency would like to know about the me this opportunity to contribute very briefly on AUSAID Survey Finding and Report on the this very important motion moved by the test is whether all the words we have spoken Honorable Prime Minister yesterday afternoon. have built or have destroyed, encouraged or Mr Speaker, before I briefly contribute, discouraged, help advance or help rescind, I first of all wish to thank the Almighty God, our constructive or destructive. Leadership is not an Lord Jesus Christ for His Grace that is sufficient easy task and since we are all in this together, for us, for His strength is perfect and our may our constructive efforts help build humility weaknesses. Also to you, Sir, for giving me this where none exist and stand fast for the common opportunity to do so. good of our own people. Mr Speaker, I wish to take this Mr Speaker, I wish to take this opportunity to thank the following: The opportunity also to thank the various aid donors Honorable Prime Minister for his able leadership for the great support to some of the of the Grand Coalition for Change Government government’s development projects. and Ministers of the Crown for their hard work Mr Speaker, the Ministry of in the various Ministries. I do not forget Infrastructure Development is entrusted with the Members of Parliament for the leadership role responsibility of developing a cost effective and provided in their various constituencies. a well maintained transport network systems and Mr Speaker, I wish to take this infrastructures. These are the vehicles for opportunity not to forget our Provincial growth in attracting investment and increase Premiers, Provincial Executives and Provincial participation in economic activities both by Members of our provinces for the good work in foreign and local investors. serving our people. The National Transport Plan of 2006 Mr Speaker, I wish also to take this therefore reflects the next 20 years the opportunity to thank the chiefs and people of Ministry’s oversight on the possible Solomon Islands especially the people of East development that could make a difference in our Kwaio constituency for your untiring support to nation’s existence. the government in the hardship of politics. Sir, in today’s paper, this National To the Churches, Mr Speaker, I wish to Transport Plan is being published for the thank the Pastors. the Bishops, the Clergies and information of our people. We believe that a the various Church congregations. Your prayers well informed public is important for our are incomparable. They continue to avail much planning and review hence pardon me to explain for your government and for your nation. We briefly some issues published regarding the can only thank God for you. National Transport Plan. Mr Speaker, I wish to thank all the The list of wharves reflected in the hardworking public officers for your paper today are new wharves priority listings, commitment and unified efforts put into your which the Ministry sees as important work. Please continue the good work for the developments for the immediate future. This sake of your family and your nation. must not be ready as a replacement for existing Mr Speaker, to all hardworking RAMSI wharf program under Phase 2 of the Ministry of personnel, please continue to do the good work Infrastructure Development marine projects, you have started. The nation has adopted you as which I am pleased to announce in this a family and despite of everything else we are honorable chamber that the following wharves still proud of you. are being built. Onevia in Makira Province has Mr Speaker, to the Civil Society and all been completed. Kala Bay and Nangu in of you who have continue to bear with us, you Temotu Province have been completed. The have been orderly representatives and the best contractor is now mobilizing from Nangu to we can be is to work together in building our Bita’ama in Malaita Province. After Bita’ama own nation, and not someone else’s. will be Su’u and Atoifi in Malaita Province. To the Opposition – when all else is said After Atoifi the contractor will move back to and done life still goes on. Building a nation is a Makira to do the Namuga wharf. These are the cooperative effort and therefore your continued seven wharves under the current program which efforts are as important as your presence. The has not changed. On roads, the ongoing projects include approved funding from the ADB and EU with a the post conflict emergency rehabilitation total of US$8.8million. project, which is now 85% complete and should In conclusion, Mr Speaker Sir, Solomon be fully completed in October this year. The Islands is ready to excel with the concerted will Solomon Islands Road Improvement Project, in and effort of this Honorable House working short SIRIP, a project management team is now together for the common good of Solomon contracted and is in place for the implementation Islands. It could only be further than now. program which should start soon as a civil works Differences must be valued and personal contract is tendered and signed. interests must be buried if joy, peace, progress There are contracts already engaged on and prosperity are to reign within our innermost roads between Honiara and Berande in the east beings whereby our loving Solomon Islands will and Doma to the west. Other maintenance naturally follow. contracts include Gwaunaru’u Airfield and the Finally, Mr Speaker, I wish to thank you road to Auki. most sincerely for your effective and efficient In Honiara, the following feeder roads control over this House during this Meeting. I are scheduled for inclusion in this year’s wish also to thank the Clerk and the staff of maintenance program of the Ministry. They are National Parliament for providing the support in Panatina/Jackson Ridge and all the way to Naha, every sitting. Very often they have to work Mbua Valley, Tanuli, Tuvaruhu, Mbokonavera, tirelessly into the late hours in preparation for Mbokona and Independence valley. the next day. With the website now in place Mr Speaker, under the JICA program, how can we ask for more? With these few brief three bridges are now being constructed in East remarks, Mr Speaker, I support the motion and I Guadalcanal. These include the two Tenaru resume my seat. Thank you. Bridges and the Ngalimbiu Bridge. Honorable Speaker, I would like to Mr LONAMEI: Thank you, Mr Speaker, for make an appeal here to honorable Members of allowing the MP for Maringe/Kokota the floor Parliament, especially those who host national of this House to continue briefly to the motion infrastructure projects of my Ministry, we are of sine die moved by the Honorable Prime experiencing over and over again land problems Minister. thus slowing down work programs of our Firstly, Mr Speaker, I want to thank projects. With international contracted projects yourself, your Deputy Speaker, for the time is an important component and therefore, it professionalism, neutralism and fair guidance of could cost us dollars. We have so far informed parliament meetings this session. I thank the Members concerned of the problems of land. Clerk and the staff of this Parliament for their For example, the Ngalimbiu Bridge where land continual support given to all Members of is a risk factor. I believe if Members can only Parliament. Thank you very much, Mr Speaker. bear their constituents together to discuss these Secondly, I want to thank the Prime important projects, we can be sure of our Minister and the Government Ministers for the people’s cooperation. Bills brought before this Parliament for approval At this juncture honorable Speaker, I and for improving the lives of Solomon would like to congratulate the honorable MP for Islanders. Central Kwara’ae who has assisted the Ministry Mr Speaker, at this juncture I want to in making sure that our contractor continues to thank the Minister of Forestry for the sawmill have access to gravel when they were doing the and chainsaw he promised to give my south road on Malaita Province. We are sure he constituency of Maringe/Kokota. I would like to had explained the importance of these projects thank him for that assistance. That is the bottom to his people and hence making sure their up approach all of us had wanted. I thank the cooperation was secured. Minister for assuring us that you are going to Mr Speaker, part of infrastructure give us a sawmill and a chainsaw. I know this rehabilitation in the Western and Choiseul will really help a lot for us in the rural areas, and Provinces are now ready to progress through an that is the approach we want. Mr Speaker, I also would like to thank do their work so that people in the villages will the Minister of Forestry for including me in the see its effect. delegation to the Environment and Conservation Likewise, Mr Speaker, I would like to Meeting in Taiwan. Thank you Minister for that thank the Minister for Fisheries for the support invitation extended to the MP for in pursuing the fisheries project at Ghojoruru. I Maringe/Kokota. thank the Minister for his support for the project, I also would like to thank the Minister which is now in operation. I also want the for Communication and Aviation for according Minister to look into the situation of the small Isabel Province the use of mobile phone fishermen operating there so that he gives them services. Now those of us in Isabel will have the the same support. services of mobile phones. Wherever we might Sir, I want to thank the Minister for be in Isabel, whether in the bush or the garden, Police for tabling the Magistrates Bill and the we can use mobile phones. I thank the Minister Correction Services Bill. But there is one thing for that. some people are concerned about and that is I would like to thank the Provincial they are still waiting for payment to be made to Government for willingly providing land to them for the guns they surrendered. I believe telecommunication so that it can build its tower this is on the pipeline or may be it is now being so that we can use mobile phones to ring addressed. But they want payment to be made anywhere throughout Solomon Islands. I think quickly to them so that they are happy. Isabel Province is the first province to have Mr Speaker, I would also like to thank mobile phones. the Minister for Provincial Government for But Mr Speaker I would also like to say to the reviewing the salaries and conditions of service Minister of Aviation, and I support what the of provincial members. For the first now I think premier of Choiseul said that flights are that members in the provinces are being paid the cancelled every time in Choiseul, which is level of salary they deserve to get. When I was affecting the sick people and important visitors a provincial ordinary member before, my salary in Choiseul. Mr Speaker, we in Isabel also have was $375.00 per fortnight. But the Assembly that same concern. The Fera airfield is always Clerk’s salary at that time was more than wet and not safe for landing because it is always members’ salaries. I think it is now they will raining in Isabel. Mr Speaker, I call on the receive the level of pay that they are supposed to Minister of Aviation how far is he going with get. The Premier, the Deputy Premier and his his program of fixing airports starting from the Executive Members are now very happy with east. I think we in Isabel also have the same their new salary structure. problem. There was no flight to Isabel for the Lastly Mr Speaker, before I resume my whole of last week. We are asking for some seat, I want to thank my people of money to put gravel and tarseal the airfield so Maringe/Kokota for their support and for that even though it rains or there is bad weather everything that they have done for me. I left we can still use the airfield. home for about one month and one week now Mr Speaker, we know that agriculture is but it seems as if I had left home for one year the backbone of this country. I am very happy now. Do not worry my people, I will come back that the Minister for Agriculture highlighted the tomorrow to live and work with you. oil palm at Auluta. We too, in Isabel have a lot With these short remarks, Mr Speaker, I of alienated land. If the province wants to go support the motion and I resume my seat. into oil palm, we have land available, if you could include that in the project. We have Debate on the sine die motion adjourned already forwarded many projects and I want the Minister to approve them so that the bottom up Motion of Adjournment approach will be felt in the rural areas so that we can make use of our Constituency Development Hon Sogavare: Mr Speaker, I beg to move that Officers who have been appointed so that they this House do now adjourn. The House adjourned at 4.00 p.m.</p>

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