<p> SUNDAY WORSHIP T HE LORD ’S PRAYER (“Our Father” in Unison) </p><p>(* Please stand, if you are able.) SCRIPTURE READINGS Cathie McCloskey Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17 ORGAN PRELUDE Barbara Commodari Hebrews 9:24-28 LIGHTING Marie Hurd HYMN Lord, You Come to the Lakeshore UMH #344 WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENT Susan Lentz *PSALTER Psalm42 UMH #777 *PASSING THE PEACE (R part will be sung by a can- tor) CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. *GOSPEL READING Mark 12:38-44 People: And also with you. Reader: This is the Word of God. People: Thanks be to God. Leader: Come to worship in simplicity and sincerity. People: We vow to serve God in our daily life as we say *THE WORLD METHODIST SOCIAL AFFIRMATION UMH#886 our prayers in this company. C HILDREN ’S TIME Gail Stallings HYMN Moring Has Broken UMH#145 SPECIAL MUSIC Choir</p><p>S HARING OF JOYS AND CONCERNS (in Unison, after sharing prayer requests) S ERMON "A Mite-y Hope" Rev. Cheryl Jensen UMH#482 HYMN Here I Am, Lord UMH #593 Lord, Have Mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord, have mercy. OFFERING Tithes and Offerings Ushers PRAYER OF CONFESSION *D0XOLOGY UMH#99 Divine Provider, we confess that we sometimes doubt your provision for us. When we start scraping the bottom of the * H YMN Pass It On UMH #572 barrel, we cut back our sharing with others who have al- ready run out and are hungry or in need. Forgive selfish- * B ENEDICTION Rev. Cheryl Jensen ness and independence that prevents interdependence and working together to solve distribution problems in the use * C HORAL DISMISSAL Go Now in Peace UMH# 665 of the resources of your good earth, through your compas- sionate Son, Jesus Christ. Amen Go now in peace, go now in peace, may the love of God surround you PRAYER OF SILENCE every where, everywhere you may go.</p><p>PASTORAL PRAYER Rev. Cheryl Jensen FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON (All are welcome!) Today’s lunch is provided by Mary Alice Wilkinson. Flowers on the pulpit are offered by Eileen Johnson in memory of Last Sunday Attendance (children) Offering ($) Leroy Hastings Nov. 1 32 (1) 1101 ANNOUNCEMENT TH Thank you ALL for making our Christmas Bazaar successful! 24 SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Nov. 10: Tuesday Bible study (Believe) at 10:30 a.m. November 8, 2015 Nov. 11 & 18: New Members’ Class at 5:30 p.m. 10:31 a.m. Nov. 11: Choir practice at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 15: Church Conference after potluck luncheon A separate account is ready for our church building reparation. Checks can be made to the “Mt. Salem Church Matching Fund.” Sign Up for Coffee Corner at Tower Treasures! Committee on Lay Leadership (Nominations Committee) presents the lay leadership for 2016 (bulletin board). Please see and contact pastor SunAe for any necessary suggestion.</p><p>UPCOMING EVENT Nov. 29: 1st Sunday of Advent/United Methodist Student Day Dec. 13: Blue Rock Concert at 3 p.m. Dec. 20: Christmas Party Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 6:30 p.m.</p><p>SCRIPTURE LESSONS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 1Samuel 1:4-20 Psalm 113 (UMH 834) Hebrews 10:11-25 Mark 13:1-8 Mt. Salem United Methodist Church THE MT. SALEM CALENDAR in Rockford Park *Sunday Morning Worship Sunday 10:31 a.m. (Founded in 1847) *Sunday School for Adults Sunday 1:00 p.m. *Fellowship Hour (Benson Hall) Sunday after service Stepping Stones Group (Benson Hall) Sunday 6:30 p.m. 2629 West Nineteenth Street The Simplicity Group (Benson Hall) Monday 7:30 p.m. Wilmington, Delaware 19806-1116 *Bible Study (Benson Hall) Tuesday 10:30 a.m. www.mtsalemumc.org Blue Rock Chorus (Benson Hall) Wednesday 9:30 a.m. *Choir Practice (Benson Hall) Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Contact at (302) 658-1807 or [email protected] Upper Room Group (Benson Hall) Thursday 7:00 p.m. *Prayer Meeting (Benson Hall) Saturday 9:30 a.m. Rev. SunAe Lee-Koo, Pastor *Tower Treasures (Lower Level) Wed.-Sat. 11a.m.-3p.m. Organist and Choir Director: Mrs. Barbara Commodari Church Council Chair: Mrs. Barbara Bolza Mt. Salem Cemetery (302) 658-1807</p><p>11/08</p><p>PRAYER CONCERNS Newborn baby: Elisha Sage The family of Sam Clanton Rodney Letnz George Lentz Jim Orth Fay & Dave Parramore The Castagna family Diane Cooks Janet Spencer John Smiley Tom & Barbara Taylor Austin Edison Michael Commodari Bill McCloskey Allie Carr Coffee Corner Ministry SunAe’s uncle Katie and Chris Duffy The family of Kourtney: her husband and two children The family of Barry Coger Adam Gibbs & Family Vickie’s Aunt Lula White Gloria’s niece, Betty People in Oregon Eileen Johnson Refugees in Europe Sue Ann Fortney Curtis Simpson Steven Wright Emma Walz Tommy Wilkinson Walter Crystal Kyren Bland Kiante Zachary Daub Mary Anne Blum June Ruby Phyllis Balance Mary & Kurt Kaiser Eileen Chubbs Steve Wilkinson</p>
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