<p> POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p>Design Technology and Creative Arts ( Visual Arts ) Year 8</p><p>Pop Art Scale Drawing POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p>Pop Art – Painting and Drawing</p><p>Demonstration of the Pop Art scale drawing must be clearly shown</p><p>Investigate Planning Produce Evaluate</p><p>Skills development and enhancement will be shown via the following processes. </p><p>1 Investigation/Research 6 Drawing and Painting applications 2 Mock-up scale drawing 7 Timeline management 3 Planning 8 Presentation 4 Measurement 9 Evaluation 5 Medium selection (oil pastel/acrylic)</p><p>Design Brief: You are to create a scale drawing, apply primary colours and bold outline in the Pop Art genre of a selected portrait/image. </p><p>Conditions: The scale drawing is to fit in an A3 size cartridge paper The selected portrait/image should be reduced to a simple line drawing Choice of Oil Pastel or Acrylic paint to be applied on the drawing The colour application or painting of the scale drawing should be in block primary colours The painting/drawing of the Pop Art portrait/image must be completed with clean, clear and bold black outline </p><p>Considerations: Clear image (portrait) Cropping image to even measurement (e.g: no 2.3cm, 5.7cm etc.) Enlarging the portrait/image accordingly to cover an A3 cartridge paper Colour testing of Oil Pastel and Acrylic paint Choice of permanent marker or indian ink for outlining portrait/image Neat, clean and mounted completed Pop Art work </p><p>Project requirements: Each student will need to create a piece of Pop Art work that demonstrates an understanding of each of the steps in the design process. The information may be presented in a poster, Power Point, written report or may be negotiated with your teacher. POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p>All projects must contain evidence of</p><p>1 Investigation 5 Annotation 2 Scale drawing steps 6 Glossary terms 3 Mock-up scale drawing 7 Picture of completed Pop Art work 4 Colour testing 8 Evaluation 9 10 11 12Definition: 13 14 Pop Art is a modern art movement, started in the 1950s, which uses the imagery, styles, and themes of advertising, mass media, and popular culture. Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol are among the best known Pop artists. 15 16 Inspiration and ideas for Pop Art paintings were drawn from the commercial and consumer aspects of everyday life, particularly in American culture. 17</p><p>.</p><p>. Tick the boxes when you have complete each task</p><p>. Task 1 : Investigation</p><p>18 We will be learning about Pop Art Genre. Research the meaning of Pop Art and create a glossary terms about the art work including (modern art, art movement, imagery, mass media, popular culture, commercial, consumer) 19 20 Task 2 : Design Process</p><p>21 At least two selected portraits/images and one mock-up drawing for your initial ideas 22 (with annotation) 23 Step by step explanation of the process 24 25 Task 3 : Final artwork / Preferred Option 26 Final art work to scale with measurements (with annotation) 27 And validation as to why you chose this image and the medium 28 29 Task 4 : Artist Biography and artwork (Facebook format) 30 Create and biography of a selected artist (Roy Lichtenstein or Andy Warhol) 31 Select and write the description of two artworks by the artist (e.g. wall posting) 32 Final research must be presented on a separate sheet of paper (see next page for format) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p>40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 (insert one artwork by the selected artist here) 55 56 Artist name: 57 (insert artist’s 58 photo here) My education: 59 60 When I was born: 61 62 Where I was born: 63 64 Where I lived: 65 66 Relationship: 67 68 What was I famous for: 69 70 71 72 73 74 (insert artwork I by the artist) 75 76 77 Title: 78 79 Year: 80 81 Background: 82 83 Medium: 84 85 Comments: 86 87 88 89 POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p>90 (insert artwork I by the artist) 91 92 93 94 Title: 95 96 Year: 97 98 Background: 99 100 Medium: 101 102 Comments: 103 104 105 Task 5: Tools, Mediums and Uses 106 107 Present this in a way that demonstrates an understanding of the tools and mediums you used and their possible uses. 108 109 Task 6: Self-Evaluation 110 111 Self-Evaluation 1</p><p>112 Student’s name ______Class______113 114 Task ______Date______115</p><p>1. Rate how much you enjoyed this activity</p><p>116 Very High High Medium Low Very Low 117</p><p>2. What new skills or techniques did you learn to use?</p><p>118</p><p>119 ______120 121 ______122 123 ______124 3. What do you think worked best in your finished art work? POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p>125</p><p>126 ______127 128 ______129 130 ______131 132 4. What problems did you face in creating this work and how did you solve them?</p><p>133</p><p>134 ______135 136 ______137 138 ______139 140 5. How do you rate the quality of your finished work?</p><p>141 Very High High Medium Low Very Low 142 143 144 Self-Evaluation 2 145 146 Visual 147 Score ( 1 =low, 5 = High) Diary 148 1 1 15 15 15 154 Explain Your Score 4 5 1 2 3 9 0 3 4 5 1 2 155 Desig 1 1 158 15 16 161 n (Develop 5 5 9 0 ideas/ 6 7 Research 162 Recor 1 1 165 16 16 168 d of 6 6 6 7 Definition 3 4 and Glossary 169 Self- 1 1 172 17 17 175 evaluation 7 7 3 4 0 1 176 Layou 1 1 179 18 18 182 POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p> t and Organisation (should be read as a book) 183 Total 1 1 186 18 18 189 Final Grade Score 8 8 7 8 4 5 190 191 Final 192 Score ( 1 =low, 5 = High) Piece 193 1 19 19 19 19 199 Explain Your Score 9 5 6 7 8 4 2 3 4 5 1 200 Achie 2 20 20 20 20 206 vements/ 0 2 3 4 5 interpretation 1 s of aims 207 Appro 2 20 21 21 21 213 priate use of 0 9 0 1 2 scale drawing 8 technique and composition 214 Appro 2 21 21 21 21 220 priate use of 1 6 7 8 9 scale drawing, 5 colour placement, bold outline techniques and processes 221 Level 2 22 22 22 22 227 of 2 3 4 5 6 imagination/c 2 reativity in final piece 228 Total 2 23 23 23 23 234 Final Grade Score 2 0 1 2 3 9 235 236 Organ 237 Score ( 1 =low, 5 = High) isational Skills 238 2 24 24 24 24 244 Explain Your Score 3 0 1 2 3 9 2 3 4 5 1 245 Respo 2 24 24 24 25 251 nsible 4 7 8 9 0 POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p> management of class time 252 Contri 2 25 25 25 25 258 bution to 5 4 5 6 7 maintenance 3 of a clean and safe Art room 259 Total 2 26 26 26 26 265 Final Grade Score 6 1 2 3 4 0 266 267 Comments (How do you feel about your work?) 268 269 ______270 271 ______272 273 ______274 Rubric Evaluation of Project 275 Name ______Project______276 A 277 278 279 280 4 281 5 2 ttribute 1-Well 2-Below 3-Meets -Above -Well 8 Below Expect Expect Expecta Above 2 Expect ations ations tions Expecta S ations tions 283 E 284 285 286 287 288 2 xploring 8 and 9 Respon ding 290 E 291 292 293 294 C 295 C 2 videnc Some Complete Complete omplet omplet 9 e of trial trial scale e scale e scale 6 drawin attem attem drawi drawin drawin g pt for pt for ng g, g, proces scale scale and colour colour ses and drawi drawi annot testing testing, develo ng ng ation and annota pment s annota tions tions and mounti ng 297 R 298 299 300 301 C 302 A 3 ecord Unclear General Clear lear ll 0 of under under under unders definiti 3 POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p> glossar stand stand stand tandin ons are y and ing of ing of ing of g of clear termin mean mean mean meani and in ology ing of ing of ng of concise ing of Pop Pop Pop manne Art Art Pop Art r with Genre genre Art genre referen genre with ce to referen person ce to al person artwor al k artwor k 304 S 305 306 307 308 A 309 A 3 elf- Not Attempte Adequate dequat dequat 1 Evalua Atte d but ly ely ely 0 tion mpte not comp comple comple Visual d comp leted ted ted Diary lete with with explan explan ations ations of of answer answer s s and releva nt comme nts 311 S 312 313 314 315 A 316 A 3 elf- Not Attempte Adequate dequat dequat 1 Evalua Atte d but ly ely ely 7 tion mpte not comp comple comple Organi d comp leted ted ted sationa lete with with l Skills explan explan ations ations of of answer answer s s and releva nt comme nts 318 S 319 320 321 322 A 323 A 3 elf- Not Attempte Adequate dequat dequat 2 Evalua Atte d but ly ely ely 4 tion mpte not comp comple comple Final d comp leted ted ted POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p>Piece lete with with explan explan ations ations of of answer answer s s and releva nt comme nts 325 C 326 327 328 329 330 3 reatin 3 g and 1 makin g 332 R 339 340 341 342 P 343 P 3 espons Project Project Project roject roject 4 ible unfini finish finish finishe finishe 4 manag shed ed ed d with d with ement or with with hard maxim of class comp mini some work um time leted mum effort, and effort 333 with effort, met effort and 334 little met the and went 335 effort mini requi met well 336 and mum reme above beyond 337 const requi nts the expect 338 ant reme with require ations super nts some ments with vision with effort minim only some and al teache super limite teache r vision d r consult super assista ation vision nce 345 C 347 348 349 350 S 352 S 3 ontrib Student Student Student tudent tudent 5 ution show did work worke worke 4 346 o ed no the ed d d f Art effort bare well 351 e enthus class to mini and nthusi iastical room contri mum occas asticall ly to bute and ionall y and achiev to little y assiste e classr contri assist d with group oom butio with prepar goals, respo n to classr ation helpin nsibil classr oom and g ities oom respo clean others POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p> respo nsibil up and nsibil ities clean ities up 353 355 F 358 359 360 361 A 362 A 3 inal Little Some Some clear clean 6 design applic applic applic applica and 3 of ation ation ation tion of neat display of of of scale applica produc scale scale scale drawin tion of t drawi drawi drawi g, scale 356 ng ng ng colour drawin 357 A techn techn and placem g, ssessm ique ique colou ent colour ent 1 and and r and placem colou colou place bold ent, r r ment outline bold place place are are outline ment ment some visibly and what seen mounti evide and ng of nt well final and presen work accep ted are table well presen ted 364 F 367 368 369 370 A 371 A 3 inal Research Some Some clear very 7 researc of resea resea researc clear 2 h of select rch of rch of h of researc artist ed select select selecte h of and artist ed ed d artist selecte artwor and artist artist and d artist k artwo and and artwor and 365 rk are artwo artwo k are artwor 366 A not rk are rk are neatly k and ssessm evide some evide organi very ent 2 nt what nt sed neatly nor evide and and organi attem nt accep well sed pted and tably presen and attem attem ted well pted pted presen ted 373 M 374 375 376 377 378 3 anage 7 persona 9 l learning POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p>380 D 381 384 387 391 M 396 M 4 ocumen Maintain Maintain Maintain aintain aintain 0 tation of record accura accura accurat accurat 1 Persona s of te te and e and e and l 382 record compr compre compre Learnin PLP s ehensi hensive hensive g 383 385 ve records records Expected of all PLP record of of learnin 386 s of all 392 397 g Expected 388 PLP, PLP, Reflect learnin PLP Expecte Expecte ions g and 389 d d Reflec Expected learning learning tions learnin and and g and Reflecti Reflecti Reflec ons. ons. tions 393 398 390 394 S 399 A how cknowle links to dges persona persona l growth l growth 395 400 402 A 403 404 405 406 V 407 E 4 bility to Needs Acceptabl Good ery xcellent 0 complet attenti e Good 8 e set on tasks to the required standar d 409 F 414 415 416 417 V 418 E 4 ollow-up Needs Acceptabl Good ery xcellent 1 learning attenti e Good 9 410 H on ome work 411 W ork conduct ed outside class time 412 S eeing teacher outside class time 413 420 B 421 422 423 424 425 4 ehaviou 2 r 6</p><p>427 W 431 432 433 434 V 435 E 4 POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p> orking Needs Acceptabl Good ery xcellent with attenti e Good others on 428 C o- operatio n in group and team settings 429 R espect shown for differen ces in others 430 M anaging conflict 437 O 441 442 443 444 V 445 E 4 rderly Needs Acceptabl Good ery xcellent 4 behavio attenti e Good 6 ur on 438 F ollows teacher’ s instructi ons 439 A dhering to rules 440 R espect shown for learning environ ment 447 448 451 452 454 456 458 1 453 To 455 457 A 459 Teacher 449 pic Assessme ssessmen comment 30/01/ nt t Task 13 Task Due 450 460 46 464 467 468 469 2 3 465 Intro to 461 1 design Process and 4/02/1 ILP 3 466 462 470 47 474 477 481 482 3 POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p>471 2 475 Im 478 B 11/02/ age egin 13 selected select 472 and scale ed drawing artist process and 476 artwo rk resear ch 479 (h omew ork) 480 483 48 487 490 492 493 4 6 488 Sca 491 484 3 le drawing 18/02/ process 13 489 485 494 49 498 501 504 505 5 7 499 Co 502 495 4 mplete 503 25/02/ scale 13 drawing 496 and begin colour testing 500 506 50 510 513 515 517 6 9 511 Co 514 516 S 507 5 mplete Check off ubmit 04/03/ scale compl design 13 drawing eted process 508 and begin scale presentati colour drawi on placement ng 512 518 52 522 527 529 532 7 1 523 Co 528 530 S 519 6 ntinue to Check off ubmit 11/03/ complete compl complete 13 scale eted d 520 drawing, colour selected colour testin artist and placement g artwork and bold research outline 531 (A 524 ssessment 525 Be 2) gin POP ART Scale Drawing</p><p>Evaluations 526</p><p>533 53 537 541 543 546 8 6 538 Fin 542 544 S 534 7 al Lesson ubmit 18/03/ for complete 13 Assessmen d Pop Art 535 t 1 and work 539 Eva (Assessm luations ent 1 and 540 evaluatio ns) 545 547 55 551 557 558 559 9 0 552 Ext 548 8 ended task 25/03/ – Mounting 13 of 549 553 Po p Art work 554 555 Po p Art puzzles 556 560</p><p>561 Glossary 562 Ter 563 Definition 564 Sketch minology 565 566 567</p><p>568 569 570</p><p>571 572 573 POP ART Scale Drawing 574 575 576</p><p>577 578 579</p><p>580 581 582</p><p>583 584 585</p><p>586 587 588</p><p>589 590 591</p><p>592 593 594</p><p>595 596 597 POP ART Scale Drawing 598 599 600</p><p>601 602 603</p><p>604 605 606</p><p>607 608 609</p><p>610 611 612</p><p>613 614 615</p><p>616 617 618</p><p>619 620 621 POP ART Scale Drawing 622 623 624</p><p>625 626 627</p><p>628 629 630</p><p>631 632 633</p><p>634 635 636</p><p>637 638 639</p><p>640 641 642</p><p>643 644 645 POP ART Scale Drawing 646 647 648</p><p>649 650</p>
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