<p>Helen Bond - State Registered Dietitian BSc. SRD*</p><p>Consultant Nutritionist and Public Relations Adviser</p><p>Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic - To book an appointment – 01332 864023/ 07775756369</p><p>Helen’s Philosophy</p><p>Helen, like the 19th century German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach, truly believes that “You are what you eat”. Helen is passionate about food, home cooking (especially on her beloved Aga!), and the impact it can have on peoples' health. There's so much confusion in today’s society about what constitutes a healthy diet and the media fuels this uncertainty by bombarding us on a daily basis with conflicting messages about nutrition - it is difficult to know exactly what we can eat? </p><p>It is important to remember that there are no good or bad foods only good or bad diets! Take care of your health and enhance it by enjoying all of the many delicious, seasonal and locally produced foods that are on offer, packed full of vitamins and minerals which will help protect, strengthen, and improve your body by feeding it from the inside out!</p><p>Helen takes pride in making nutrition accessible to all populations through her clear, accurate and straightforward recommendations, easy-to-follow explanations, and sensitive, caring, personable manner. </p><p>* What Helen's letters mean:</p><p>State Registered Dietitian (SRD) - a qualification gained following completion of a 4 year BSc. (Bachelor of Science) degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. State Registration is a protected title in the UK and provides your guarantee of a competent, qualified nutrition advisor. A State Registered Dietitian's unique skill is the translation of the science of nutrition into everyday information about food, health and disease. State Registered Dietitians work within a strict ethical code of conduct to provide accurate, independent and up to date information about nutrition and food. </p><p>About Helen Bond - Helen Bond is one of the leading Nutritionists in the UK. Helen graduated in 1996 with a 2:1 BSc. Honours degree in Dietetics from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, having incorporated six months studying dietetics and applied biology at the Université des Science et Technologies in Lille, France. </p><p>She was awarded the Abbott Laboratories Prize for the student presenting the dissertation of the highest standard in the final year of the Bachelor of Science course. Helen’s undergraduate research was published in the much respected journal ‘Nutrition and Food Science’, in addition to its presentation at the 1997 European Congress of Obesity, Dublin. This was a pilot study researching the effects of deliberately inserting snacks between meals on nutrient and calorie intake at mealtimes. </p><p>Born and brought up in Lancashire, Helen went back to her roots to train as a Basic Grade Dietitian at Royal Preston Hospital, where she gained widespread experience in many aspects of nutrition and its relationship to health.</p><p>In 1997 Helen went on to become the resident in-house nutritionist at Hill and Knowlton Public Relations Consultancy in London for 3 years, providing nutritional expertise for a number of food clients. During this time, she undertook several editorial responsibilities, ranging from Editor of the health professional journal ‘European Update’, organiser of media briefings and nutritional seminars both in the UK and across Europe, delivering talks and presentations to various healthcare professional disciplines and drafting consumer and healthcare professional leaflets and materials.</p><p>Where does Helen work now?</p><p>Since the birth of Helen’s first daughter in May 2000, she started her own business and took on the position of Consultant Nutritionist. She currently provides assistance for several food companies, Public Relations (PR) consultancies and marketing agencies, is the nutrition voice for BBC Radio Derby, a spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association and is regularly quoted in the national, consumer and health professional press. </p><p>Helen’s Private clinic - ‘Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic’</p><p>Helen’s therapeutic practice ‘Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic’ is located at her home in the quaint market town of Melbourne, Derbyshire and her clinical specialities include general healthy eating, weight management, pre-conception health, diabetes, heart health & cholesterol lowering, gastrointestinal issues, bone health, nutrition for immunity, hypertension, thyroid dysfunction, women's/men’s health etc.</p><p>Professional Positions & Memberships Held</p><p>She is fully registered with the British Dietetic Association, the Freelance Dietitians Group and the Health Professions Council. </p><p>Work undertaken By Helen </p><p> Helen has acted as the Nutritional Consultant to the Benecol® range of cholesterol lowering foods for the past eleven years from 1999 to 2010. Her role has been to increase awareness and understanding of cholesterol in the UK and its role in heart health, and to communicate the science of Plant Stanol Esters, the unique cholesterol lowering ingredient in the Benecol® range of foods to lay, professional and media audiences. She regularly appears as an expert nutritionist on Company Exhibition stands at conferences and shows including Nursing in Practice, Primary Care, Diabetes UK Annual Conference, Nutrition and Health Conference, BDA Annual Conference Helen has staffed a consumer Careline for Kellogg’s as part of National Breakfast Week. She has conducted various media briefings (sometimes alongside a practicing GP & nurses, psychologists or research scientists) at the National Magazine House and IPC magazines. This has included one to one consultations with the health editors. Such personalized targeting has resulted in a range of media coverage. This has, at times, been supplemented with expert Q & A advertorials to promote the brand, diet plans for magazines, radio interviews or quotes in the national press.</p><p>Broadcasting / Media Experience</p><p>Helen has conducted many radio interviews at various broadcasting houses, namely:</p><p> Radio interviews with Gloria Hunniford to promote Cholesterol Awareness Day. Radio interviews with celebrity chef Anthony Worrall Thompson to promote SPLENDA® Low Calorie Sweetener. Radio interviews with Britain's Best Dish judge Ed Baines to help launch the new Benecol ‘Dairy Free’ Fruit & Soya Drinks. Radio interviews on Aleena Naylor's Morning Show, BBC Radio Derby to discuss topical issues including, the importance of breakfast, new years dieting resolutions, eating out the healthy way, dangers of too much salt and sugar in the diet etc. Worked alongside The BBC’s Breakfast Programme Doctor, Dr Rosemary Leonard on ‘Waiting Room Educational Videos’ to discuss the importance of maintaining healthy cholesterol levels for heart heath. </p><p>Other Work Projects:</p><p> Lectured the Women’s Institute on ‘Eating to maintain a healthy heart’ as well as teaching basic cookery techniques at Denman Residential Adult Education College near Oxford. Advised food manufacturers on new angles for existing brands including trying to forecast future food trends. Participated in two “Expert Panels” (Splenda UK Advisory Board and the Benecol Cholesterol & Dietary Advice Communications Advisory Board) as a nutrition consultant helping the future direction of two leading brands. Given various talks at Dawn Rudd Moncrieff Lifestyle Workshops at The Old Vicarage, in Shirley. Worked alongside Dr Rosemary Leonard, GP, Diana Morgan Fitness Expert and Red Door Communications PR agency to produce the Winter Ways to Healthier Days Guide to a Healthier and Happier New Year 2010. Worked alongside , model and TV presenter, Rachel Hunter, Dr. Rosemary Leonard and one of the UK's foremost fitness experts Nicki Waterman as part of the Benecol® C-Panel (See Helen in the media) Helped in the development and promotion of the the Kellogg’s Kick Start two week challenge to drop a dress/jean size. Worked as an ambassador for ‘Sonicare Elite’ toothbrushes, whilst championing the importance of nutrition for good oral health. Acted as a nutrition consultant to Pantene on their ‘Give yourself more to play with’ campaign. Lectured at ‘Primary Care’, NEC Birmingham on the importance of incorporating fibre into the UK diet. Presented at The Institute of Trichologists on the importance of nutrition in maintaining a healthy head of hair and scalp. </p><p>Helen in the Media</p><p>(TBC) Insert pictures</p><p>How can Helen help you?</p><p>Public Relations </p><p>. New product launches</p><p>. New pitches – Assisting with and drafting proposals.</p><p>. Crisis management – statements, Q & A’s. </p><p>. Press Releases, Editorials & Advertorials.</p><p>. Professional conferences – support on exhibition stands, delivering talks and presentations to consumers, press and various healthcare professional disciplines.</p><p>. Participation in brainstorming sessions. . Organising press briefings and seminars. </p><p>. Liaison with key opinion formers, national, consumer and professional press.</p><p>. One-to-one meetings with journalists.</p><p>. Co-ordinating public and media enquiries through the press office.</p><p>Corporate </p><p> Development of consumer and health care professional education materials e.g. leaflets, web sites, etc.</p><p>. Managing responses to ‘Ask the Nutritionist’ via live webchats.</p><p>. Radio & TV broadcasting</p><p>. Article research and writing for consumer and professionals magazines. . Development of training materials or courses and organisation/running of educational events. . Healthy eating talks to company staff, informal talks to parents and children at local schools, etc. . Confidential Individualised dietary advice for employees. . Supermarket Shopping Tours</p><p>One to one consultations at her Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic</p><p>A confidential professional dietary consultation. </p><p>Focus Areas include: </p><p>- Adult and Child weight management (weight loss, gain and maintenance) - Diabetes - High cholesterol - High blood pressure/ hypertension - Heart Disease - Gastrointestinal disorders - Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, coeliac disease etc - Emotional eating ( anorexia, bulimia, binge eating) - Food allergies - Food intolerances - Nutrition counselling and education</p><p>. Body composition testing - Using the latest (Class III Medically Approved) Tanita Bio-Electric Impedance Analysis (BIA) Technology to measure your weight, body mass index (BMI), % body fat, % muscle mass, % total body water, basal metabolic rate BMR (the rate at which the body burns up calories), bone mineral mass. visceral fat (fat that surrounds the vital organs on the trunk / stomach area) indication and metabolic age (the age level the user's BMR is currently rated at).</p><p>. Food intolerance and allergy testing - As a registered practitioner with YorkTest Laboratories, (Europe’s leading food intolerance and allergy testing company, endorsed by Allergy UK), Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic can offer an extensive portfolio of finger prick blood tests including food intolerance testing, allergy testing, liver function testing, homocysteine testing, stool testing and gut health testing. Find out more below:</p><p>- First Step Food Intolerance Test - £45 including an half an hour consultation appointment with Helen. This is the first step to finding out if the food you eat may be making you ill. Clinically validated and endorsed by Allergy (UK) it will confirm if you have food intolerance through a positive or negative test result. To pinpoint precisely which foods you have food sensitivity towards and should exclude from your diet, you should upgrade to the The YorkTest Foodscan 113 (see below)</p><p>- Second Step Food Intolerance Test - The YorkTest Foodscan 113 - £265 - The Foodscan 113 Food Intolerance Test is perfect if you don’t have the time to collate a food diary and go through the painstaking process of eliminating foods from your diet to find out which foods you are specifically intolerant to. </p><p>This comprehensive food intolerance test analyses 113 individual foods from the following food groups: fish, vegetables, meat, fruit, herbs/spices, nuts and grains. Your results are presented in a colour coded, easy to read format, indicating the strength of your body’s reaction (raised IgG antibodies) on a scale of 0-4 on what you can or can’t eat. Green is safe to eat freely, amber is a borderline reaction and consumption should be limited. Red is a clear reaction and the food should be eliminated from your diet. </p><p>Two 30 minute nutritional consultations will be included in the price to advise you on any queries you may have before and after receiving your test results. </p><p>- Homocysteine Test - £100- The Homocysteine Test is suitable for anyone that is concerned about their heart health. Research is emerging that people who have raised homocysteine levels have a much greater risk of heart attack, DVT or stroke than those with average levels - YorkTest can measure homocysteine levels from a few droplets of blood.</p><p>One 30 minute nutritional consultation will be included in the price to advise you on any queries you may have after receiving your test results.</p><p>- LiverCheck tests - £125 - specifically for damage to liver cells by testing for two enzymes – ALT and AST. These enzymes are usually present inside liver cells, however damage to the liver can cause more ALT and AST to leak into the blood. LiverCheck can therefore be an important indicator of liver damage.</p><p>One 30 minute nutritional consultation will be included in the price to advise you on any queries you may have after receiving your test results.</p><p>- Gut Health Test - £220 - is a service that helps check and monitor the status of your gut health and provides detailed information to help optimise your digestive health. The test is a stool test and will test for different bacteria, yeast and moulds to see whether your gut ecology is in balance. </p><p>One 30 minute nutritional consultation will be included in the price to advise you on any queries you may have after receiving your test results.</p><p>Contact Me </p><p>For a home visit or a consultation appointment at Helen’s Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic, please contact Helen Bond on 01332 864023/ 07775756369 or email Helen at [email protected]. </p><p>If you would like Helen’s corporate or PR expertise please send Helen an email at [email protected] outlining details of your business and the services that you require from a freelance dietitian.</p><p>Directions</p><p> Situated 8 miles south of Derby. Easily Accessible from M42 exit 13 or 14, A50 Derby South exit and M1 exit 23a or 24 signposted East Midlands Airport and then following signs for Melbourne. Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic is located in the centre of the village of Melbourne. You can locate Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic at 65 Castle Street, just down from the main market place and opposite the vet and Melbourne Fire Station. Green Door with my plaque on the wall. Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic Postcode for Satnav: is DE73 8DY.</p><p>Consultation Pricing Guide</p><p>Consultations are generally carried out on a one-to-one basis. The number of appointments that you may need is completely individual and will be tailored to suit your needs. After your first appointment, a follow up session would normally be booked between one and four weeks later.</p><p>Self Referral Form and Food Diary </p><p>If you decide that you would like to go ahead with an initial consultation Helen will ask you to complete a Self Referral Form and keep a Food Diary for 4 to 7 days. Please remember to bring these with you to your first consultation!</p><p>How much will a dietetic consultation cost?</p><p>First Consultation - 1 Hour £50.00 </p><p> Your first consultation will last approximately 60 minutes. During your first visit, Helen will take your medical history (past and present), your diet and lifestyle and any medication you may be taking. Aims and goals can be established based upon your individual needs. Measurements will be taken such your weight, body mass index (BMI), % body fat, % muscle mass, % total body water, basal metabolic rate, bone mineral mass. visceral fat indication and metabolic age. </p><p> A plan will then be set for you to follow, emailed or posted to your home address. Follow-up Consultation 1 - 30 minutes £25.00 </p><p> During your follow up appointment you can expect Helen to assess your progress to date. Make alterations to your dietary plan where appropriate. Repeat measurements can be recorded to help you monitor your own achievements.</p><p>Follow-up Consultations - 15 minutes £12.50 </p><p> These short follow up appointments are quick, convenient and can help you stay on track to reach your goals. They are a great opportunity to get advice and support from your dietitian regarding any dietetic issues that you may be experiencing or simply to get your body composition analysed to see if your diet and lifestyle changes are getting the results you want. </p><p>Private Health Insurance (TBC)</p><p>We are recognised by all medical insurance companies HAS/AXA/PPP/Bupa/Norwich Union and most (not all) will cover a dietetic consultation.</p><p>We do ask that you settle your account with the clinic at the time of your appointment and then claim from your insurers. Please let me know during your consultation and I can advise. </p><p>It is recommended that you contact your medical insurer prior to treatment to ensure that you follow their procedures for claiming back costs as each insurance policy is different. </p><p>Terms & Conditions</p><p> The Agreement - The Agreement between yourself and Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic will commence when you make an appointment and shall terminate upon delivery of the services. The Service - I will provide you with a dietetic consultation service, which may include without limit; the provision of one to one advice/nutrition counselling sessions, food diary examination, body composition analysis, food intolerance/allergy/diagnostic testing by YorkTest Laboratories. Times and dates and your personal targeted action plan will be specifically defined and confirmed in your ‘Booking Confirmation Form’. I will also provide you with the relevant fact and diet sheets following your consultation. As a patient you will be responsible for: Being on time to any appointments. Making any payments due to myself in a timely manner. As a State Registered Dietitian, I will be responsible for: Delivering the services with all reasonable skill and care, and in full compliance of the professional code of conduct for dietitians, as outlined by the Health Professions Council (the HPC ensures that dietitians have the appropriate knowledge and skills and remain competent to practice) and the British Dietetic Association.</p><p> Insurance - as a State Registered Dietitian and working within the Statement of Conduct, I am covered with Professional indemnity insurance in professional practices, as well as public liability insurance. </p><p> Confidentiality - all patient information I hold, will be kept confidential in line with the Data Protection Act. Where your appointment has been arranged through a referring agent such as your GP, I will be required to share information back to your referring agent, (if applicable) and any other medical professionals whose details you or your referring agent has shared with me for the purposes of this service.</p><p>Where you have arranged your appointment with me directly and I require confirmation of medical details from your GP/consultant/other health professional, I will ask your permission before making any contact. </p><p> Continuing professional development (CPD) is maintained by me to ensure up to date knowledge on all aspects of dietetic practice that is appropriate to the dietitain's work. </p><p> Fees are based in line with The British Dietetic Association 2010 recommendations and all appointments include additional preparation time by Helen. </p><p> Cancellations – please inform Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic within 3 working days of your scheduled appointment, then there will be no charge accrued and the appointment can be re arranged at a more suitable time. Where you give less than 3 days notice, I will make a cancellation charge of 50% of the booking fee. Cancellation requests may be made by email, phone, fax or in writing.</p><p> However, due to unforeseen circumstances including sickness, Castle Inn Dietetic Clinic may cancel appointment with in 24hrs. A new appointment will be made as soon as possible and at your earliest convenience. Specialist - if appropriate you may be referred on to a specialist State Registered Dietitian or Consultant. Sometimes laboratory tests may be necessary. Some of these can be carried out by a sympathetic GP, the others Helen can try and arrange for you.</p><p>Useful Links</p><p>Please find below a list and links to some of the useful health and nutrition websites currently available on the World Wide Web. </p><p>British Dietetic Association www.bda.uk.com British Heart Foundation www.bhf.org.uk Diabetes UK www.diabetes.org.uk Freelance Dietitians Group www.dietitiansunlimited.co.uk Food Standards Agency www.food.gov.uk Health Professions Council www.hpc-uk.org National Osteoporosis Society www.nos.org.uk Nutrition Society www.nutritionsociety.org British Diabetic Association www.diabetes.org.uk Health Development Agency www.hda-online.org.uk Food Standards Agency www. food .gov.uk Heart UK www. heartuk .org. uk British Heart Foundation www.bhf.org. uk British Nutrition Foundation www. nutrition .org.uk Alpro Soya www. alpro soya.co.uk Kellogg’s www. kelloggs .co.uk Benecol www. benecol .co.uk Health Net www.healthy.net</p>
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